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(Updated upto September, 2016)

Committee for Updating the Guidelines

Mohd. Humayun Kabir, GM, DBI-3- Convener

Md. Rezaul Islam, DGM, BRPD-Member

Md. Obaidul Hoque, DGM, DBI-4-Member

Jiban Krishno Roy, DGM, DBI-4-Member

Dipankar Bhattacharjee, DGM, DBI-1-Member Secretary

Md. Mahbubul Haque, DGM, DBI-3-Member

Mirza Abdul Mannan, Joint Director, DBI-2-Member

Md. Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan, DMD, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd-Member

Md. Hafizur Rahman, DGM, Agrani Bank Ltd-Member

Gautam Prosad Das, SEVP, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd-Member

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List of Acronyms
BB- Bangladesh Bank

BRPD- Banking Regulation & Policy Department

BIS - Bank for International Settlement

FRSB- Financial Reporting Standards Boards

IAS- International Accounting Standards

BAS- Bangladesh Accounting Standards

AAOIFI - Auditing and Accounting Organization for Islamic Financial Institution

IFSB - Islamic Financial Services Board

MIS - Management Information System

BoD- Board of Directors

CEO- Chief Executive Officer

MD- Managing Director

DMD- Deputy Managing Director

SMT- Senior Management Team

ACB- Audit Committee of the Board

DCFCL- Departmental Control Function Check List

LDCL -Loan Documentation Check list

QOR- Quarterly Operations Report

ICCD- Internal Control & Compliance Department

AD- Authorized Dealer

A&IT -Audit & Inspection Team

IT/IS - Information technology/ Information System

ICT- Information & Communication Technology

ADP - Automated Data Processing, EDP - Electronic Data Processing

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1. Internal Control & Compliance 06

1.1 Overview 06
1.2 Definition 06
1.3 Internal Control Environment 07
1.4 Objectives of Internal Control 07
1.5 Control Activities and Segregation of Duties 09
2. Policy Guidelines for Internal Control 11
2.1 Policies & Procedures 11
2.2 Responsibilities of Board of Directors 11
2.3 Responsibilities of the Audit Committee of the Board 12
2.4 Responsibilities of the Management 15
2.5 Management Information System 16
2.6 Role of External Auditors in Evaluating Internal Control System 16
3. Control Risk Assessment 17
3.1 Assessing business and control risk 17
3.2 Construction of risk model 17
3.3 Risk Recognition and Assessment 18
3.4 Risk Analysis of Control Functions 18
3.5 Branch Audit Rating 20
4. ICCD Related Issues 21
4.1 Organization Structure/ Organogram of ICCD 21
4.2 Departmental Charter of ICC 22
4.3 Standards of Best Professional Practices 23
4.4 Head of ICCD 23
4.5 Role and Responsibilities of Internal Auditors 24
4.6 Auditors' Ethics & Qualifications 25
4.7 Appraisal of ICC Officials 25
4.8 Mandatory leave 25
4.9 Job rotation 26
4.10 Training & Development 26
5. Audit 28
5.1 Development of audit plan 28
5.2 Audit Planning Process 28
5.3 Formation of Audit Team 29
5.4 Audit Procedure 29
5.5 Reporting 32
5.6 Annual ICC Report on the health of the Bank 33
5.6.1 Annual Health Report 33
5.6.2 Objectives of Annual Health Report 33
5.6.3 Methodology of Assessing Health 33
5.6.4 Frequency of Health Analysis 34
5.6.5 Reporting Line and its Approval Process 34
6. Compliance 35
6.1 Regulatory Compliance 35
6.2 Compliance process 35
6.2.1 Independence of Compliance Function 35
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6.2.2 Responsibilities of BOD for compliance 36
6.2.3 Responsibilities of Senior Management 36
6.2.4 Head of Compliance 36
6.3 File Settlement/ Closing 37
6.3.1 Settlement of Minor Irregularities and File Close 37
6.3.2 Settlement of Major Irregularities and File Close 37
6.3.3 Settlement of Serious Lapses and File Close 37
6.3.4 Commercial Audit Objection Settlement and File Close 38
6.3.5 BB Inspection Objection Settlement and File Close 39
7. Monitoring & Control 40
7.1 Monitoring Activities & Corrective Measures 40
7.2 Internal Control Process 40
7.2.1 Departmental Control Function Checklist 40
7.2.2 Loan Documentation Checklist 40
7.2.3 Quarterly Operations Report 40
7.2.4 Objectives of Monitoring Department 41
8. Shari`ah Audit 42
8.1 Introduction 42
8.2 Risks & Implications related to Shari`ah Violation 42
8.3 Objectives of Shari`ah Inspection 43
8.4 Area of Shari`ah Inspection 43
8.5 Shari`ah Non-compliance Risk Rating 43
8.6 Shari`ah Audit Process 44
8.7 Measures against Shari`ah Violation 45
8.8 Monitoring & Follow-up 45
9. Information System(IS) Audit 46
10. Miscellaneous 48
10.1 Inspection Concluding Meeting 48
10.2 Special Board Meeting on Compliance of Annual Inspection Report of BB 48
10.3 Liaison meeting. 48
10.4 Antifraud internal controls & Self assessment of the bank 48
11. Annexure 49
12. Enclosure: Note of Approval of Guidelines on ICC in Banks-February-2016 150

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Internal Control & Compliance

1.1 Overview
Banking is a diversified and multifarious financial activity which involves different risks. So the
issues of an effective internal control system, good governance, transparency of all financial
activities, and accountability towards its stakeholders and regulators have become momentous to
ensure smooth performance of the banking industry. An effective internal control and
compliance system has become essential in order to underpin effective risk management
practices and to ensure smooth performance of the banking industry. In general, internal control
is identified with internal audit; but the scope of internal control is not limited to audit work.
Internal control by its own merit identifies the risks associated with the process and adopts
measures to mitigate or eliminate these risks. Internal Audit, on the other hand, reinforces the
control system through regular review of the effectiveness of the controls.

The responsibility of implementing internal controls starts with the business lines, which are the
“first lines of defense” against breaches that could cause the bank not to fulfill its objectives, not
to report properly, or not to comply with laws and regulations. Beyond that, in any bank, the
three important “control functions” are risk management, compliance, and internal audit. This
triumvirate of key functions is underpinned by, and in turn implements and reinforces, the
system of internal controls. The first two of these control functions constitute the “second lines
of defense” against mishaps. The final, or “third line of defense” is the internal audit function.

An effective internal control system requires that there are reliable information systems in place
that cover all significant activities of the bank. A system of strong internal controls can help
ensure that the goals and objectives of a banking organization will be met, that the bank will
achieve long-term profitability targets, and maintain reliable financial and managerial reporting.

Internal controls form particularly a crucial backdrop of the risk management program. An
essential part of the internal control framework is periodic testing to determine how well the
framework is operating, so that any required remedial actions can be taken. The frequency of
testing should be risk-based and should involve as appropriate sample transaction testing, with
the sample size being determined by volume and the degree of risk of the activity.

1.2 Definition

Internal control is a process, effected by a bank’s board of directors, management, and other
personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives
relating to operations, reporting and compliance.

Internal control is a process, rather than a structure. It is not a separate activity disconnected from
the rest of business activities, rather is an integral part of those activities. It is a dynamic,
continuing series of activities planned, implemented and monitored by the board of directors and
management at all levels within an organization. Only part, not all, of internal control consists of
policies and procedures. Policies are board or management statements about what should be
done, and may even be unwritten and implied by management’s actions. Procedures are the
actions that implement a policy, or how it should be done. Internal control provides only

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reasonable assurance, not absolute assurance, with regard to achievement of the organization’s
objectives. External events can interfere with achievement of objectives, no matter how good is
the system of internal control.

1.3 Internal Control Environment

The control environment reflects the overall attitude, awareness and actions of the board and
management concerning the importance of internal control. It is the framework under which
internal controls are developed, implemented and monitored. It consists of the mechanisms and
arrangements that ensure internal and external risks to which the bank company is exposed to.
Control environment factors include integrity, ethical values and competence of the employee',
management’s philosophy and operating style, the way management assigns authority and
responsibility and how it organizes and develops its human resources.

The appropriate and effective internal controls are developed and implemented to soundly and
prudently manage these risks; reliable and comprehensive systems are to be put in place to
appropriately monitor the effectiveness of these controls. The factors which together comprise
the control environment are:
● A board of directors that is actively concerned with sound corporate governance and that
understands and diligently discharges its responsibilities by ensuring that the company is
appropriately and effectively managed and controlled;
● A management that actively manages and operates the company in a sound and prudent
● Organizational and procedural controls supported by an effective management information
system to soundly and prudently manage the company's exposure to risk; and
● An independent audit mechanism to monitor the effectiveness of the organizational and
procedural controls.

1.4 Objectives of Internal Control

The primary objectives of internal control system in a bank are to help the bank perform better
through the use of its resources, to communicate better internally and with external stakeholders,
and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. The main objectives of internal control are
as follows:

• Operations Objectives: achievement of a bank’s basic mission and vision.

• Reporting Objectives: timely, accurate, and comprehensive reporting, financial and
non-financial, internal and external.
• Compliance Objectives: conducting activities and taking specific actions in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations.

The operations objectives of internal control are critical to the long-term survival of the bank and
distinguish it from its competitors. For example, the bank’s mission and vision can translate into
operations objectives such as financial performance (the size, profitability, liquidity, and capital
adequacy of the bank); productivity (minimizing operating expenses); customer and employee
satisfaction, achievement of social goals (corporate social responsibility, financial inclusion);
safeguarding of assets (preventing unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition); and others.
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Operations objectives also include compliance with with a bank’s internal policies and

The reporting objectives of internal control ensure that all the necessary information, but only
the necessary information, flow within the bank, into the bank, and out of the bank. Reporting
objectives can be subdivided into four categories:

• External financial reporting is perhaps the most important variety of reporting to be

guarded by capable internal controls. (In fact, it is so important that it is given a separate
set of documents in the COSO Framework.) External financial reporting includes
supervisory reporting to BB, as well as the unaudited and audited financial statements
submitted by banks to BB and the BSEC, plus other required financial disclosures such
as intent to issue shares.
• External non-financial reporting also requires internal control. One example is the
submission of Board minutes to BB. Another example are the public statements issued
by banks on their new products and services, CSR initiatives, etc.
• Internal financial reporting forms the core of “management information systems” or
MIS, and is essential for good corporate governance and proper management of the bank.
It is also a concern of BB. MIS need to be complete and accurate, with internal control
over such essential reporting as reports to the Board on liquidity, asset quality,
profitability, capital adequacy, etc., reports on profitability by line of business or by
customer, and reports on major expenditures that require approval of the Board.
• Internal non-financial reporting includes communication between and among senior
management and staff on policies and procedures, HR-related communications on
compensation and benefits, internal transfers and promotions, etc. Internal non-financial
reporting also includes the very important category of corporate codes of ethics and
conduct, which must be communicated to management and staff, with violations reported
back to the Board.

The compliance objectives of internal control refer to ensure that the bank stays in compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations, not only those specifically pertaining to banks, but also
those laws and regulations (such as labor laws and environmental protection laws) applying to
corporations in general. Laws and regulations establish minimum standards of conduct expected
by BB as the regulatory authority. Some banks may elect to conform to stricter standards of
conduct (such as higher capital requirements) than those required by law or regulation.
(Compliance objectives do not include compliance with a bank’s internal policies and
procedures, as these are part of operational objectives.)

These three objectives – operations, reporting, and compliance – are supported by five
components of internal control. Underlying these five components is a set of 17 principles,
organized in the following manner:

Control Environment:
1. The bank demonstrates a commitment to integrity and ethical values.
2. The board of directors demonstrates independence from management and exercises
oversight of the development and performance of internal control.
3. Management establishes, with board oversight, structures, reporting lines, and
appropriate authorities and responsibilities the pursuit of objectives.
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4. The bank demonstrates a commitment to attract, develop, and retain competent
individuals in alignment with objectives.
5. The bank holds individuals accountable for their internal control responsibilities in
pursuit of objectives.
Risk Assessment:
6. The bank specifies objectives with sufficient clarity to enable the identification and
assessment of risks relating to objectives.
7. The bank identifies risks to the achievement of its objectives across the bank and
analyzes risks as a basis for determining how the risks should be managed.
8. The bank considers the potential for fraud in assessing risks to the achievement of
9. The bank identifies and assesses changes that could significantly impact the system of
internal control.

Control Activities:

10. The bank selects and develops control activities that contribute to the mitigation of risks
to the achievement of objectives to acceptable levels.
11. The bank selects and develops general control activities over technology to support the
achievement of objectives.
12. The bank deploys control activities through policies that establish what is expected and
procedures that put policies into action.

Information and Communication:

13. The bank obtains or generates and uses relevant, quality information to support the
functioning of internal control.
14. The bank internally communicates information, including objectives and responsibilities
for internal control, necessary to support the functioning of internal control.
15. The bank communicates with external parties regarding matters affecting the functioning
of internal control.

Monitoring Activities:

16. The bank selects, develops, and performs ongoing and/or separate evaluations to
ascertain whether the components of internal control are present and functioning.
17. The bank evaluates and communicates internal control deficiencies in a timely manner to
those parties responsible for taking corrective action, including senior management and
the Board of Directors, as appropriate.

1.5 Control Activities and Segregation of duties

Control activities(Principles 10, 11, and 12) are the most tangible internal controls that the
Internal Audit function will concentrate on to a large degree. The auditor will be concerned with
understanding whether a control prevents an error or detects and corrects an error. Control
activities may be manual or, if relevant, where processes are computerized then they may also
have specific IT control activities.
• Αn effective internal control system requires that an appropriate control structure be set up
with control activities defined at every business level, i.e. top level review; appropriate activity
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controls for different departments or divisions; physical controls; checks for compliance with
exposure limits and follow-up on non-compliance; a system for approvals and authorizations;
and system verification and reconciliation.
• Control activities involve two steps: (1) the establishment of control policies and procedures
and (2) verification that the control policies and procedures are being complied with.
• Senior management should ensure that adequate control activities are integral parts of the daily
functions of all relevant personnel; this enables quick response to changing conditions and
avoids unnecessary costs. Control activities are most effective when they are viewed by
management and all other personnel as an integral part of daily activities rather than an addition
to it.
• One of the most important aspects of an internal control system is an appropriate segregation
of duties and personnel who are not assigned conflicting responsibilities.
• Furthermore, employees must also be provided with necessary authority, and they should be
held accountable for their actions in compliance with delegated authority. Exceeding their
authority or failing to exercise their rightful authority should both be sanctioned.
• For employees to carry out their responsibilities properly, each employee should have an
appropriate job description.
• Areas of potential conflicts of interest should be identified, minimized, and subject to careful
independent monitoring.

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Policy Guidelines for Internal Control
2.1 Policies and Procedures – internal to the bank and externally mandated

In addition to any existing relevant legislation, the following statements of policies and
procedures relevant to internal control are to be meticulously implemented by the bank, and
adherence to which is reviewed by the Internal Audit and Compliance functions:
1 Credit Policy Manual
2 Operation Manual
3 Finance and Accounting Manual
4 Treasury Manual
5 HR Policy Manual
6 Internal Control Manual
7 IT Audit Manual
8 Payment System Manual
9 Anti Money Laundering Guidelines
10 Agent Banking Manual
11 Green Banking Manual
12 Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions
13 Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision
14 International/Bangladesh Accounting Standard (IASB)/IAS/BAS
15 Guidelines of Auditing and Accounting Organization for Islamic Financial Institution
16 Manual of Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)
17 BB Guidelines on Islamic Banking
18 Bank Company Act-1991(amended to 2013)

2.2 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors(BOD)

The responsibility of the Board of Directors in respect of implementing a modern, scientific and
acceptable Internal Control and Compliance Process in a Bank has been described in Banking
Companies Act, 1991 Rule 15 (Kha) and exclusively in section 15 (Ga). The responsibility of
BOD can be summarized as follows:

• The board shall be observant on the internal control system of the bank in order to
accomplish a satisfactory standard of its portfolio. The board will form an Audit
Committee with such directors who are not the members of Executive Committee of
BOD and a Risk Management Committee from its members.
• The board will also establish such an internal control system so that the whole internal
audit process can work independently from the management which will report to the
Audit Committee.
• The BOD shall review the reports submitted by its audit committee on quarterly basis
regarding compliance of recommendations made in internal and external audit reports
and as well as Bangladesh Bank inspection reports.
In addition to the above the following responsibilities will also be observed by the BOD:

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• They should set up an organizational structure of Internal Control and Compliance
Division in such a way that, it should have no conflict of interest with the regular
management of the bank and fulfill the requirements as directed in the Rule 15 (Ga) (1)
of BCA 1991 for establishing and maintaining effective internal control and risk
management having regard to the complexity of the activities of the bank, its size, scope
of operations and risk profile;
• The board of directors should, at least annually, conduct a review meeting about the
effectiveness of internal control process and report to the shareholders accordingly;
• The board of directors should hold meetings in suitable intervals with interested parties
such as senior management, internal auditors, external auditors and the audit committee
in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control system.
• ensuring that internal audit reports are provided to the board (if asked for)
without management filtering and that the internal auditors have direct access to the
board’s audit committee as and when required.
• requiring timely and effective correction of audit issues by senior management.

2.3 Structure and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee of the Board.( BRPD Circular-11
dated 27/10/2013)
The board will approve the objectives, strategies and overall business plans of the bank and the
audit committee will assist the board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. The committee
will review the financial reporting process, the system of internal control and management of
financial risks, the audit process, and the bank's process for monitoring compliance with laws
and regulations and its own code of business conduct.
a) Organizational structure:
i. Members of the committee will be nominated by the board of directors from the directors;
ii. The audit committee will comprise of maximum 05 (five) members, with minimum 2 (two)
independent director;
iii. Audit committee will comprise with directors who are not executive committee members;
iv. Members may be appointed for a 03 (three) year term of office;
v. Company secretary of the bank will be the secretary of the audit committee.

b) Qualification of the Members of the Audit Committee:

i. Integrity, dedication, and opportunity to spare time in the functions of committee will
have to be considered while nominating a director to the committee ;
ii. Each member should be capable of making valuable and effective contributions in the
functioning of the committee;

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iii. To perform his or her role effectively each committee member should have adequate
understanding of the detailed responsibilities of the committee membership as well as the bank's
business, operations and its risks.
iv. Professionally Experienced persons in banking/financial institutions specially having
educational qualification in Finance, Banking, Management, Economics, Accounting will get
preference in forming the committee.

c) Roles and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee

(i) Internal Control:
1. Evaluate whether management is setting an appropriate compliance culture by
communicating the importance of internal control and the management of risk and ensuring that
all employees have clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities;
2. Review management’s actions in computerization of the bank and its
applications and Management Information System (MIS) of the bank.
3. Consider whether internal control strategies recommended by internal and external
auditors have been implemented by the management;
4. Consider reports relating to fraud, forgery, deficiencies in internal control or other
similar issues detected by internal and external auditors and inspectors of the regulatory
authority and place it before the board after reviewing whether necessary corrective measures
have been taken by the management.
5. With governance & guidance from the Board of Directors the ACB will put in place
policies and procedures to identify, measure, monitor and control risks.

6. As the roles and responsibilities of the Board, Executive Committee, Credit Committee
and Management Committee are of high impact and high frequency, ICC needs to take special
care in order to identify lapses specially in (i) sanction and rescheduling of loans & advances,
interest waiver, write-off of loans, Director's loans, large loans, etc. (ii) presenting financial and
non-financial position of the bank, (iii) allowing perks, benefits, incentives etc (iv) procurement
and disposal of assets/services/materials,(v) managing risks and uncertainties in the bank. So
ICC should meticulously examine the minutes and memos of Board/Executive Committee/Credit
Committee/Management Committee meeting to assess the fact that memos were presented with
proper and adequate information and decisions in minutes were carried accordingly.

(ii) Financial Reporting:

1. Audit committee will check whether the financial statements reflect the complete and
concrete information and determine whether the statements are prepared according to existing
rules & regulations and standards enforced in the country and as per relevant prescribed
accounting standards set by Bangladesh Bank;
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2. Discuss with management and the external auditors to review the financial statements
before its finalization.
(iii) Internal Audit:
1. Audit committee will monitor whether internal audit is working independently from
the management.
2. Review the activities and the organizational structure of the internal audit and ensure
that no unjustified restriction or limitation hinders the internal audit process;
3. Examine the efficiency and effectiveness of internal audit function;
4. Examine whether the findings and recommendations made by the internal auditors are
duly considered by the management or not.
(iv) External Audit
1. Review the performance of the external auditors and their audit reports;
2. Examine whether the findings and recommendations made by the external auditors are
duly considered by the management or not.
3. Make recommendations to the board regarding the appointment of the external
(v) Compliance with existing laws and Regulations:
Review whether the laws and regulations framed by the regulatory authorities (central
bank and other bodies) and internal regulations approved by the board are being complied with.
(vi) Other Responsibilities:
1. Submit compliance report to the board on quarterly basis on regularization of the
omission, fraud and forgeries and other irregularities detected by the internal and external
auditors and inspectors of regulatory authorities;
2. External and internal auditors will submit their related assessment report, if the
committee solicits;
3. Perform other oversight functions as desired by the Board of Directors and evaluate
the committee's own performance on a regular basis.
d) Meetings:
1. The audit committee should hold at least four meetings in a year and it can sit any
time as it may deem fit;
2. The committee may invite Chief Executive Officer, Head of internal audit or any other
Officer to its meetings, if it deems necessary;

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3. To ensure active participation and contribution by the members, a detailed
memorandum should be distributed to committee members well in advance(at least three days)
before each meeting;
4. All decisions/observations of the committee should be noted in minutes.
2.4 Responsibilities of the Management

In setting out a strong control framework within the organization the role of Managing Director/
CEO is very important. The board of directors of the bank/organisation will define/form Senior
Management Team(SMT) that should include the MD/CEO and the Chief Financial Officer. Any
officer that perform a policy making function or is in charge of a principal business unit/function
may be member of SMT. However, any executive of ICC audit should not be member of SMT.
The bank/organization should report the composition of the ECM(and update thereto) to Banking
Regulation and Policy Department of Bangladesh Bank.

2.4.1 Functions of Senior Management Team(SMT)

Responsibilities of the SMT should include monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of the
Internal Control System based on the bank’s established policy and procedure.

The SMT will review on a yearly basis the overall effectiveness of the control system of the
organization and provide a certification on a yearly basis to the Board of Directors on the
effectiveness of Internal Control policy, practice and procedure.

The management will enrich audit teams with adequate skilled manpower and proper IT support
as per requisition of the ACB for purposeful and effective audit. The management will ensure
compliance of all laws and regulations that are circulated by various regulatory authorities such
as, Bangladesh Bank, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission,

During the audit period, if the present audit team finds any lapse or irregularity which was not
detected or identified by the previous auditor, then that will be reported to the Audit Committee.

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2.5 Management Information Systems (MIS)

● An effective internal control system requires that there is an efficient reporting system of
information that is relevant to decision making. The information should be reliable, timely
accessible and provided in a consistent format.
● Information would have to include external market information about events and conditions
that are relevant to decision making. Internal information should include financial, operational
and compliance data.
● There should be appropriate committees within the organization which would evaluate data
received through various information systems. This will ensure supply of correct and accurate
information to the management.
● Internal information must cover all significant activities of the bank. Electronic data must be
secured, monitored independently and supported by contingency arrangements.
● Most importantly the channels of communication must ensure that all staff fully understand
and adhere to policies and procedures effecting their duties and responsibilities and that other
relevant information are reaching the appropriate personnel.

2.6 Role of External Auditors in Evaluating the Internal Control System

• The external auditors, by dint of their independence from the management of the bank, must
provide recommendations on the strengths and weaknesses of the internal control system of the
bank and submit their findings in the management report.

• They should examine the records, transactions of the bank and evaluate its accounting policy,
disclosure policy and methods of financial estimation made by the bank; they will cooperate the
Board and the Management to have an independent overview on the overall control system of the

2.7 Dispute Settlement

Any unresolved issue between SMT and ICCD to be referred to the Board of Directors through
ECB and ACB respectively and then to Bangladesh Bank(if needed).

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Control risk assessment
3.1 Assessing business and control risk.

Risk is the net negative impact of the exercise of vulnerability, considering both the probability
and the impact of occurrence. Effective risk assessment must identify and consider both internal
and external factors.

3.1.1 Internal factors :

(i) Complexity of the organization structure,
(ii) The nature of the Bank’s activities,
(iii) The quality of personnel,
(iv) Organizational changes and
(v) Employee turnover.

3.1.2 External factors :

(i) Fluctuating economic conditions,
(ii) Changes in the Industry,
(iii) Socio-political realities
(iv) Technological advancement, and
(v) Changes in rules and regulations

3.2 Construction of risk model.

Audit risk arises when the auditor gives an inappropriate audit opinion and the financial
statements are materially misstated. Audit risk has three components:

a. Control risk:

This risk occurs when a material misstatement would not be prevented, detected or corrected by
the accounting and internal systems such that there are some practices in the banking operations
which are not backed by the law or established procedures.

b. Detection risk:

Detection risk is the risk that an auditor’s substantive procedures will not detect, and a
misstatement exists in an account balance or class of transactions that could be material
individually or when aggregated with misstatement in other balances or classes.

c. Inherent risk:

Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an account balance or class of transactions arising out of
misstatement that could be material individually or when aggregated with misstatement in other
balances or classes, assuming that there were no related internal controls.
Audit risk = Risk of material misstatement + Detection risk
Risk of material misstatement = Inherent risk + Control risk
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3.3 Risk Recognition and Assessment

• An effective internal control system continually recognizes and assesses all of the material
risks that could adversely affect the achievement of the bank’s goals.
• Effective risk assessment must identify and consider both internal and external factors.
Internal factors include the complexity of the organization structure, the nature of the Bank’s
activities, the quality of personnel, organizational changes, and employee turnover. External
factors include fluctuating economic conditions, changes in the industry, socio-political realities
and technological advances.
• Risk assessment by Internal Audit differs from the business risk management process which
typically focuses more on the review of business strategies developed to maximize the
risk/reward trade-off within different areas of the bank. The risk assessment by Internal Audit
focuses on all risk areas especially on compliance with regulatory requirements, social, ethical
and environmental risks those affect the banking industry.

3.4 Risk Analysis of Control Functions

Individual items in the Departmental Control Function Checklist(DCFCL) need to be assigned a

risk rating in terms of the following dimensions:
a) Impact: Before taking into account any mitigation (such as insurance), what is the impact of
the lapse/omission?
b) Probability: After taking into account the mitigation, what is the likelihood of the event
To assist in this task, the following matrix (Table 1) can be used. However some banks may
consider customization of this matrix to suit their own risk profile. Where appropriate, additional
details (e.g. financial values) can be added. The key principle is that all banks should be able to
differentiate between different levels of risk in their own area of activity and then ensure
appropriate controls are established. Scores should be plotted on the following table to determine
a category of high, medium and low:

Assessed Risk Level

3 High High High

Probability 2 Medium Medium High

1 Low Medium High

1 2 3


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Risk Assessment Matrix
To arrive at the decision of what constitutes a high, medium or low risk, the following template
can be used:

Risk Score Probability (after taking into Impact (before taking into account
account of risk mitigation) of mitigation)

3 • High probability or almost • Catastrophic/major impact on the

certainty bank
• High/frequently recurring • Potential loss in excess of BDT
• Governed by widely anticipated 1Million.
external factors/frequency of • Serious regulatory implications
management review not (Revocation of license,
established imprisonment)/sanctions.
• New area of risk with no policy & • Potential/actual damage to
procedure to deal with the matter reputation
• Probability uncertain • Major corporate governance
• Complex, requires specialized skills failure
to mitigate
2 • Evidence of increasing trends • Significant impact on the bank.
• Management reviews largely to • Potential loss in excess of BDT
manage exceptions 1,00,000
• Policies exists but compliance is • Possibility of fines/penalties from
complex regulators
• External factors have medium • Medium financial loss with some
bearing on ability to follow potential for recovery
established standards • Medium level of reputation risk
• Process requires moderate degree • Exposure due to control weakness
of supervision
1 • Unlikely • Potential or actual loss less than
• Isolated incident/Not likely to be BDT 1,00,000
repeated • Low impact on business or
• Frequent management review/ reputation
well documented • Exposure on regulatory sanctions
• Clear policy exists low
• External factors have low impact • Customer service issues are within
on ability follow established expected levels
standards • Impact on local business unit level
• Process simple

The above checklist is not specific to any individual bank, and the terms of reference may not be
generalized in some cases. This should be replaced by a comprehensible list based on business
and control parameters, which are quantifiable, and then should be commonly available for all
Risk Score Probability (after taking into account risk mitigation)
Impact (before taking into account mitigation)

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The risk assessment matrix must consist of business and control risk. However, the matrix by
itself will not serve the purpose. The business and control risk must have different
factors/parameters which must be quantifiable, and eventually risk assessment will give a picture
of the risk associated with the units/branches/functions upon which the annual audit plan will be
drawn up. Based on the risk assessment matrix, the audit plan will be as follows:

Risk Rating Frequency Sample Volume

Risk Rating Frequency

High Quarterly

Medium Half Yearly

Low Yearly

Risk Rating will be determined by business and control risk of a particular branch.

3.5 Branch Audit Rating

The branch audit rating has to be done on the basis of the scoring arrangement stipulated in
Annexure-B. The risk assessment by Internal Audit focuses more on compliance with regulatory
requirements; controls over implementation of management policies, procedures and decisions
related to the risks which were communicated and asked to enforce along with all other risks at
branch level.

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ICCD Related Issues
4.0 Introduction
All departments, and all business lines, are responsible for developing, implementing, and
making sure that the controls are observed and not breached. Individual departments or business
lines will be vigilant and will participate fully in the internal control regime where ICC should
act as internal watchdog of the organisation. The main issue of ICC is to look after whether bank
machineries are acting as vanguards of its assets, reputation and Depositors' interests. ICC will
oversee whether bank is following regulatory guidelines, institutional policies and procedures set
by/and approved by the BoD covering related Laws of land and whether there is any deficiency
in internal policy and procedure.

4.1 Organization Structure/ Organogram of ICCD:

For smooth functioning of internal control and compliance, the department will be comprised of
three major Divisions/units (Annexure-A), Which are as follows-

a. Audit Division/Unit
b. Compliance Division /Unit
c. Monitoring Division /Unit

For convenient way of action and effective administration according to the nature of the bank,
Volume of work, No. of Branches, (Rural, Urban, AD, Corporate), Assets involvement,
Concentration of assets, Risk involvement etc. Audit Division and compliance division may be
further divided in to the following divisions/ units-

1. Audit Division-1: To carryout audit on All AD, Corp. Br. Circle, Zonal Office, Subsidiaries
& H/O(divisions/dept).

2. Audit Division-2: To carryout audit on Branch offices(Non-AD & SME/Agri. branches).

3. Audit Division-3: To carry out specialized(IT/IS) and vigilance audit.

4. External Audit Compliance Division : To monitor compliance activities of branch and office
under internal audit.

5. Internal Audit Compliance Division: To monitor compliance activities of branch, Office and
sub-divisions under external audit (Bangladesh Bank Audit/Inspection, Commercial Audit,
External Audit /statutory audit and other regulatory authorities).

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Monitoring Division: (i) To verify the internal control system & Operational activities by
Implementing of DCFCL, QOR, LDCL( Loan Documentation Checklist) at Branch level (ii) To
ensure timely and effective audit including ICT Audit by Internal Control Team (iii) To Assist
Audit-1 in Risked Based Internal Audit by assessing department wise risk (Off sight Analysis)
with grading of all branches (iv) To prepare and Submit Self-Assessment of Anti-Fraud Internal
Controls report and Bank’s Health report to Bangladesh Bank.

There will be a Head of ICC secretariat with requisite number of staff.

Audit staff will be the combination of business, Professional and IT knowledge based personnel.
Number of audit staff will depend upon the number of branches to be audited, frequency of audit,
efficiency of the auditors (depending upon the past experience) etc. There will be need of extra
staff strength for concurrent audit.

4 .2 Departmental Charter of ICCD:

The mission of the ICCD is to provide independent objective assurance and advice designed to
add value and improve the banks' operations. It will help the bank to accomplish its objectives by
bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
management, control and transparent governance processes.

The scope of work of the Department is to determine whether the Bank's network of risk
management, control and governance processes, as designed and represented by management, is
adequate and functioning in a manner to ensure:

 Adequacy and effectiveness of risk management system

 Need-based interaction with the various governance groups
 Significant financial, managerial and operational information in accurate, reliable and
timely manner.
 Employees' actions in compliance with policies, standards, procedures, laws and
 Use of acquired resources economically, efficiently and adequately.
 Achievement of programs, plans and objectives.
 Fostering the quality and continuous improvement in the bank's control process.
 Appropriate recognition and addressing of legislative and regulatory issues impacting the

Officers of ICCD are authorized to:

 Have unrestricted access to all functions, records, property and personnel.
 The Head of Audit Division has full and free access to the Audit Committee.
 Set frequencies, select subjects, determine scopes of work and apply the techniques
required to accomplish audit objectives.

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 Obtain the necessary assistance of personnel in all departments of the bank where they
perform audits/inspection as well as other specialized services from within or outside the
Officers of the ICCD are not authorized to-

 Initiate or approve accounting transactions other than those of the Internal Audit
 Direct the activities of any Bank officer not employed in the Internal Audit Department
except to the extent such officers have been appropriately assigned to auditing/inspecting
teams or to otherwise assist the officers of the Department.
 Audit their own works performed in their previous Departments/Offices.


In line with Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission(COSO) and

Bank for International Settlement(BIS), the following, but not limited to, standards should be

• The internal audit function’s control risk assessment, audit plans, and audit programs are
appropriate for the bank’s activities.
• The internal audit activities have been adjusted for significant changes in the bank’s
environment, structure, activities, risk exposures, or systems.
• The internal audit activities are consistent with the long-range goals and strategic
direction of the bank and are responsive to its internal control needs.
• The Audit Committee of the Board promotes the Chief Audit Executive’s(CAF's)
impartiality and independence by having the CAE directly report audit findings to it.
• The CAE is placed in the management structure in such a way that the independence of
the function is not impaired.
• The bank has promptly responded to significant identified internal control weaknesses.
• The internal audit function is adequately managed to ensure that audit plans are met,
programs are carried out, and results of audits are promptly communicated to senior
management and members of the Audit Committee and full Board.
• Workpapers adequately document the internal audit work performed and support the
audit reports.
• The Audit Committee periodically assesses the performance of internal audit.
• The internal audit function provides high-quality advice and counsel to management and
the Board on current developments in the bank’s internal control policies and procedure,
and in the performance of the other control functions of the bank (Risk Management and

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As mentioned in the Charter, Internal Audit should be committed to meet the standards of best
professional practices.

Internal audit activities should be performed in diverse legal and cultural environments, within
organizations that vary in purpose, size, and structure; and by persons within or outside the
organization. These differences may have impact on the practice of internal auditing in each
environment. However, the compliance with standards for the professional practice of Internal
Auditing standards is essential.

The purposes of the standards are:

1. Delineate basic principles that represent the practice of internal auditing as it should be.
2. Provide a framework for performing and promoting a broad range of value-added
internal audit activities.
3. Establish the basis for the measurement of internal audit performance.
4. Foster improved organizational processes and operations.

The Standards consist of Attribute Standards, Performance Standards, and Implementation

Standards. The Attribute Standards address the characteristics of organizations and individuals
performing internal audit activities and provide quality criteria against which the performance of
these services can be measured. The Attribute and Performance Standards apply to internal audit
services in general. The Implementation Standards apply the Attribute and Performance
standards to specific types of engagements (for example, a compliance audit, a fraud
investigation, or a self-assessment project).

4.4 Head of ICCD:

Head of ICC will be responsible for total administration of Internal Control and Compliance
(ICC) of the bank. The rank of the Head of ICC must not be lower than two steps immediate
below the CEO.

The Head of ICC will report his/her activities and findings to the Senior Management. However,
the Head of Audit, although being a part of ICC administratively, shall report directly to ACB
and will be responsible to the ACB.

Bangladesh Bank may arrange conference of ICC head of all banks once a year to share their
problems and experiences in discharging their responsibilities without undue influence of others.

4.5 Role and Responsibilities of Internal Auditors

Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the
effectiveness of risk Management, control and governance processes.

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The purpose, authority and responsibility of the internal audit activity should be formally defined
in a charter, consistent with the Auditing standards, approved by the ACB and the Board.

Internal Audit Charter of the bank defines the purpose, authority and responsibility of the
Internal Audit Department. The internal audit activity should be independent and objective

4.6 Auditors' Ethics & Qualifications :

4.6.1 Internal Auditors' Ethics:

Internal auditors should have to be bold, honest and truthful. These qualifications will be
the basis for trust on the internal auditor's professional judgment. Internal auditors should keep
strict confidentiality of information found during audit. They should not use such information for
personal gain or malicious action and should be responsible for protection of such information.
The Head of the internal audit and all internal auditors should avoid conflicts of interest. Internal
auditors should abide by the bank’s code of ethics. A code of ethics should address the principles
of objectivity, competence, confidentiality and integrity.

4.6.2 Qualification of Auditors

a) Persons punished for major offence and persons under disciplinary proceedings must not be
posted in ICCD. Track record of officers to be checked and maintained before posting them in

b) ICCD people should have thorough professional knowledge and banking experience with
good academic background.

4.7 Appraisal of ICC Officials

The Head of ICCD will be appraised by the Senior Management. The Head of Compliance and
Monitoring units to be appraised by the Head of ICCD primarily and by the Senior Management
finally. The Head of Audit will be appraised by the Chairman of the Audit Committee solely.

4.8 Mandatory leave

In compliance with the essence of Anti Money Laundering and Fraud forgery prevention, unit
heads under ICC should prepare a confidential mandatory annual (15 days per year) leave plan
for employees working under her/him with the consent of the Head of ICC and it should be
implemented accordingly. The Heads of three units will also be under same compulsion planned
by the Head of ICC and head of ICC by the Chairman of Audit Committee. Following terms
should be considered for mandatory leave:

1. This leave will be sanctioned by the management at any time as required, no time bound
will be applicable in this case.
2. This leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right
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3. Sanctioned leave can only be changed by the management, employee cannot claim for
4. There will be no extra monetary benefit for such leave.

4.9 Job rotation

The instructions contained in the Letter No-Malaprobi(bishesh) 267/2004-3918-3966 dated

19/10/2004 of Anti Money Laundering Department will be applicable for ICC officials including
the Head of ICCD.
The Head of the ICC will effect rotation among the employees of the three units (Audit and
Inspection Unit, Monitoring Unit and Compliance Unit).

4.10 Training and Development

Training is a proven and effective instrument for human resources development. It plays a key
role in developing knowledge, and to acquire skills to keep pace with the changes taking place
all around the globe. For this purpose all members/staff of the ICC should be provided with
appropriate and advance training.

The training on policies, procedures and associated controls is a component of compliance-risk

management that should not be ignored. The supervisors will determine whether the banking
organization's training programs ensure that compliance policies, procedures and controls are
well understood and appropriately communicated throughout the organization. While the depth
and breadth of training that an employee receives depends on that employee's role and
responsibilities, the supervisors generally assess whether staff at all levels understand the
organization's compliance culture, general compliance-risk issues, and high-level compliance
policies and procedures.

4.10.1 Home Training:

HR Training, Research & Development Division of the bank should conduct various training
programs for the Executives/Officers/Staff to develop their efficiency so that they can apply their
knowledge and experience in the bank regularly.

4.10.2 Outreach Training on:

1. Internal Audit Compliance
2. Internal Control Audit in Bank
3. Agri Financing & Recovery
4. Credit Risk Grading
5. Compliance of Bangladesh Bank Inspection
6. Compliance of Commercial Audit objections
7. Accounting & Auditing Standards
8. IT Auditing

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4.10.3 Abroad Training:
To keep pace with the changes taking place all around the globe and ever developing technology,
Executives and Officers should be sent abroad to attend various training courses, workshops,
seminars, conferences and symposia to acquire updated knowledge of modern banking.

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5.0 Introduction
As per Section 15GA of the Bank Company Act-1991, the Audit Division should be
independent, and free from other units of the bank. It will act independently without influence of

5.1 Development of audit plan

a) Each Year the Head of Audit Division will set out an Audit plan for the year. This would be a
high level plan which will be approved by the Audit Committee of the Board (ACB).
b) This will be a risk based plan where sensitive areas will be given priority.
c) The deficiencies identified during the audits should be notified to the appropriate level
and significant audit findings should be reported to the ACB.

5.2 Audit Planning Process

Like any other activity, planning is the prerequisite of internal auditing. It is necessary to make a
plan in advance what is to be done in future to ensure that we are auditing the right areas and
undertaking the right level of coverage with the right resources.

Audit planning should be based on an assessment of risk and exposures that may affect the
organization, and should be done at least annually in order to reflect the most current strategies
and directions of the organization. The best way to add value to an organization is to make sure
that the risk assessment and the plan developed from the assessment reflect the overall objectives
of the organization. Risk assessments also need to include input from management and the

Audit Division will evaluate, at least annually every department/office/branch/subsidiary

/foundation within the organization to analyze the degree of risk. The major function for an
internal auditor is to assist in determining priorities of internal audit activity consistent with the
organization's goals.

The internal auditor’s work involves identifying areas where internal controls are not in place or
where there is a risk of failure of control. All risks are not necessarily the result of internal
control weaknesses. Only those risks which continue to exist are truly viewed as weaknesses.

Thus, the basic audit planning process consists of two phases: the assessment of business and
control risk for the development of the annual plan. The first phase, assessing business focuses

● Defining auditable units

● Defining the risk criteria
● Construction the risk model
● Ranking the auditable units
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The second phase, assessing control risk focuses on the following incidents:

● Income recognition by accounting jugglery in violation of BRPD Circular-15/2012

● Declaring dividend by debiting retained earnings

● Showing presence in office by punching ID for two persons or more by one person or
representing one person by other persons

● Single person using/operating two password (for checker & maker) for illegal purpose.

● Fund shown as borrowed and reported as other asset ( but practically was in placement)

The annual audit plan can then be developed as the reflection of the results of the risk assessment
model and the selection policy. The risk assessment model and the selection policy will enable
the internal audit activity to define, indentify and to set priorities for audit risk annually or more
frequently as business conditions dictate.

The Head of Audit Division should communicate the internal audit plans and resource
requirements, including significant interim changes, to the Audit Committee of the Board for
review and approval. The Head of Audit Division should also communicate the impact of
resource limitations to the ACB.

5.3 Formation of Audit team

In forming an audit team consideration should be given to the level of risk, nature of operations,
volume of exposure and complexity of operations of the unit to be audited. As for example, for
auditing corporate/authorized dealer branches dedicated team should be formed consisting of
members having professional knowledge on international trade, IT expert, financial reporting
expert, credit expert and experienced general bankers. In case of other branches team should be
formed with persons considering risk exposure and growth rate of risky exposures. It should be
borne in mind that all auditors should have high moral ethics and integrity.

Needed number of extra staff strength to be arranged for concurrent audit to look into whether
the bank is following the guidelines of regulatory bodies, institutional policies and procedures set
by/ approved by the BoD and Laws of land.

A surprise check of audit work procedure can be made by the high officials during audit program
of large units.

5.4 Audit Procedure

Audit is event to event detailed scrutiny of all aspects under the coverage of section 39 of Bank
Company Act-1991 and section 210 of Companies Act-1994

i. Selecting Unit to be Audited

To accomplish an audit, the unit should be selected as part of audit plan implementation or on
technical need or assessment.
ii. Types of Lapses Raised in Audit findings (to help in designing audit program)

Page # 29

Lapses arise out of any kind of irregularities, misstatements, non-compliance with existing
policies and procedures of the bank, or failure to observe laws of the land, by which the bank
may incur financial losses.
Moreover, sometimes non-compliance of existing policies and procedures may not cause any
financial loss with an immediate effect, but they can result in an erosion of reputation. At the
same time, any malpractice in banking, misuse misappropriation of the bank's funds can be
defined as lapses.

Types of Lapses:
Based on the gravity of the irregularities, lapses can be classified in 4(four) groups as follows:

a) Minor Irregularities
b) Major Lapses
c) Deemed to be Serious Lapses
d) Serious Lapses

Punishment for lapses

Punishment is an action to be taken by the management of the bank against employees for
committing lapses/offences. Punishable offences are activities, for which higher management
thinks administrative action must be taken. Auditors should detect the level or quantum of
lapses/ offence and report to higher management.

iii. Determining the Items/Areas of the Unit to be Audited and Period Under Coverage
After selection of the audit unit, functional areas of the unit to be audited should be analyzed to
assess the areas/items to be audited. Time and scope of audit should be selected. Discussion with
the management team audit area may be under taken to identify any other areas that may be
included in the scope of the audit.

iv. Preparatory Work

a) Engagement letter, which is sent to management of the audit area up to two weeks before the
commencement of the audit and includes details of subject, objectives, scope, staffing and timing
of the audit
b) The entrance meeting is normally held prior to the commencement of the audit and details the
scope of the audit and discusses any major issues and seeks management’s input of any areas of
concern. The entrance meeting will also identify any particular requirements of audit or the
business unit.
c) Gathering and review of written information (this can be requested at any of the above points).
The gathering and review of data allows the auditor to review the operations of the department
and also for use during future stages of the audit. The type of information that may be collected
could include:
- Goals and objectives
- Policies and procedures
Page # 30
- Job descriptions
- Organization chart
- Budgets
- Financial statements
- Flowcharts
- Departmental reports
- Statistical data

v. Field Work
Fieldwork is the undertaking of the audit program that has been prepared for the area being
audited. During fieldwork, the auditor gathers evidence in order to determine the status of
operations and controls within a particular area. This evidence is the basis for the auditor’s
conclusions about a particular assignment.

Audit evidence consists of physical documentation, analytical reviews and comments from staff
and outsiders. Audit evidence is anything that provides a basis for the auditor’s beliefs.
Fieldwork is the compiling of evidence to substantiate the auditor’s findings in relation to the
area being audited.

When undertaking fieldwork, the auditor should ensure that they have gathered sufficient
evidence to meet the audit objectives and to complete the audit program. The level of fieldwork
undertaken and the amount of evidence gathered will depend on the auditor's judgment and the
reason for the audit. If the auditor is investigating a fraud, then the level of detail and evidence
will need to be sufficient to ensure that the case can proven.

vi. Documentation or Working Papers

Professional standards require proper documentation of audit work. The working papers should
record the information obtained and include sufficient information to support the basis for
findings and recommendations. Audit working papers generally serve to:
-Provide principal support for the audit report
-Document whether audit objectives were achieved
-Facilitate third party reviews
-Aid in advance of internal audit staff

The organization, design and content of the working papers will depend on the nature of the
audit. However, the working papers should document the following aspects of the audit process.
- Collecting, filing and indexing documents
- Auditing procedures performed, informed obtained and conclusions reached

The active working papers should include the following documents:

-Audit programs
-Engagement letter
-Documents obtained during gathering of information
-Memos of interviews with management
-Details of any reviews of financial information
-Papers relating to completion of the audit programs
-Audit findings and recommendations
Page # 31
- Supporting evidence for findings or fieldwork

vii. Reporting/ Findings

Findings are pertinent statements of fact uncovered during the course of an audit. These findings
need to be reported. Prior to reporting these findings, the auditor needs to ensure that he has
verified all the facts and the findings has been substantiated with appropriate evidence. If the
auditor believes that there have been fraud or criminal actions involved, the findings should be
discussed with the team leader and chief audit executive to determine the appropriate action.

The item to be included in the report should include the following information:
- A statement of what was expected
- The factual evidence of what the auditor found
- The reason for the difference
- The risk or exposure the difference has on the organization and the financial statements (if
- Recommendation to resolve the issue
- Management comment including action to be taken and a date by which the issue will be
resolved ( following discussion with management)

All findings should be reviewed by the Team Leader and Chief Audit Executive prior to the final
audit report being issued.

5.5 Reporting
The Banks will design a reporting structure for ICCD depending upon their size and complexity
of business. However the following reporting structure can be used as a benchmark for the
● The Audit Division will prepare report on individual inspection/Audit programs within 15 days
(except for items that needs to be escalated immediately) and submit the same to the branch/
business unit for rectification with a copy to line management.
● For low and medium risk items findings will be reported to the MD/CEO.
● For high-risk items findings will be reported to the MD/CEO and the Audit Committee of the
● ICCD will prepare an annual integrated report on the health of the Bank to be submitted to the
Board of Directors for onward submission to Bangladesh Bank.
• At the end of the year there should be a summary report on the audit findings and corrective
actions taken which should be forwarded to the Audit Committee of the board and the Managing
Director simultaneously.
• Based on the review of monitoring reports the audit team should also conduct surprise check
on the branches where regular gaps are identified.

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5.6 Annual ICC Report on the health of the Bank

5.6.1 Annual Integrated Health Report

As stipulated in Para 5.5 of this Section all banks will have to prepare a report on its own health
annually, for onward submission to the Audit Committee of the Board, Bangladesh Bank,
Inspection Team and other regulatory bodies. For this purpose, ICC will collect Financial Health
Score, ICC Health Score, and Image & Reputation Health Score from the ECB, the ACB, and
External Auditor(EA) respectively.

5.6.2 Objectives of Annual Health Report

The assessment of the soundness of a bank that reflects overall position of the bank's
performance is not only important for the bank itself, but also for all stakeholders of the bank.

The “Annual Integrated Health” Report reflects the financial, reputational and sustainability
position of a bank, based on the most recent data of the bank itself. The purpose of the report is
to provide stakeholders with a basic overview of the general health of the bank.

5.6.3 Methodology of Assessing Health

The health of a bank may be judged from different points of view, but emphasis has to be given
to the feasibility of the aspects considered for health analysis and its quantification. Taking these
two conditions into consideration, the health of the bank is assessed from a three dimensional
view points, viz. Financial Health, Internal Control & Compliance Health and Image &
Reputation Health. Depending on the nature of business, the Board of Directors will decide on
the weight of the sectors, and inform the same to Bangladesh Bank before preparing report. The
Health Sectors and allocated maximum attainable score are shown below:

The bank will determine weight of the sectors based on their portfolio nature with the approval
of the Board and shall determine 'Health Score' using following model:

Health Sector Sectoral Score Sectoral Achieved Weighted

Range Weight Sectoral Score Score

Financial Health 0-100 w1 g1 w1g1

ICC Health 0-100 w2 g2 w2g2

Image & 0-100 w3 g3 w3g3

Reputation Health

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Integrated Health Score = w1g1+ w2g2+ w3g3

a. If the health score is 90% and above, it will be marked ‘Excellent’,

b. If the health score is 80% and above but below 90%, it will be marked as Very Good,
c. If the health score is 70% and above but below 80%, it will be marked as Good,
d. If the health score is 60% and above but below 70%, it will be marked as Satisfactory
e. If the health score is below 60%, it will be treated as marginal.

(Detail in Annexure-D & D1)

5.6.4 Frequency of Health Analysis

The health analysis of the bank to be done on yearly basis as a regulatory compliance, and
analysis should be made immediately after completing an accounting year.

5.6.5 Reporting Line and its Approval Process

The yearly integrated health report of the bank is to be submitted to the Board of Directors for
approval and review.

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6.1 Regulatory Compliance

Compliance refers to operating the bank in conformance with applicable laws, regulations,
policies, standards, guidelines, etc. applicable to all institutions in its category, and responding
fully and in a timely manner to supervisory criticism and orders to take corrective action issued
by applicable regulatory authorities or law enforcement bodies. In this context, compliance also
refers to preventive actions taken to mitigate compliance risk, which is the risk of legal or
regulatory sanctions, material financial loss, or loss to reputation as a result of failure to comply
with applicable rules.


• For the banks, Bangladesh Bank is the primary regulator which governs their activities. In
addition, National Board of Revenue, Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh
Securities and Exchange Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of
Environment, Ministry of Home Affairs, etc. are different types of regulatory bodies whose
directives have a significant impact on any bank’s business.
• The internal control system should always take into account the bank’s internal processes to
meet regulatory requirements before conducting any operation.
• The internal control system of the bank must be designed in a manner that the compliance with
regulatory requirements is recognized in each activity of the bank. The bank must obtain regular
information on regulatory changes and distribute among the concerned departments, so that they
can take the necessary action to adapt to such changes.

6.2.1 Independence of Compliance Functions

The status of the compliance unit should be ensuring the appropriate authority and independence.
For independence the following issues to be considered:
• The compliance unit should have a separate status within the bank.
• This may be described in the bank’s compliance policy.
• The document should be communicated to all the staff of the bank.
• The role and responsibilities of the unit should have to be specified.
• The independence of the unit should be ensured.
• The relationship with other risk management units and with the internal audit function
should have to be clearly defined.
• In cases where compliance requirements carried out by staff of other departments, in such
circumstances their responsibilities should have to be clearly allocated.
• The unit should have rights of access to information necessary and all staff should co-
operate in supplying information.
• If any breaches of the compliance policy are found, the unit should have the power to
suggest necessary action to the senior management.

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• The unit must exercise its right to express and disclose its findings freely to the Audit
Committee of the Board and if necessary, to the full Board of Directors.

6.2.2 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors for compliance

The bank’s Board of Directors(BOD) is responsible for supervising the total process of
the bank’s compliance work. All banks should have a compliance policy of their own approved
by the BOD, which will be a formal document, for establishing a permanent and effective
compliance function. At least once a year, the Board or audit committee of the Board should
review the scope of compliance policy whether it is working effectively or not. A bank’s
compliance policy will not be effective unless the Board of Directors promotes the values of
honesty and integrity throughout the institution. They should also act proactively for
implementing the policy, ensuring that the compliance issues are resolved effectively and
expeditiously by senior management within the expected timeframe. The board may delegate
these tasks to its audit committee, if necessary.

6.2.3 Responsibilities of senior management for compliance

The bank’s senior management is responsible for establishing a compliance policy to be
approved by the BOD, which contains the basic principles to be followed and explains the main
processes through which compliance risks are to be identified and managed through all levels of
the institution. Transparency should be promoted by making a distinction between general
standards for all employees and rules that only apply to specific groups. The duty of senior
management is to ensure that the compliance policy is observed for ensuring appropriate,
corrective and disciplinary action has taken in the event that breaches are identified.
Senior management should have plans how to address any shortfalls in policy,
procedures, implementation or execution, and to see how effectively existing compliance risks
have been managed, as well as, identify the need for any additional policies or procedures to deal
with new compliance risks identified as a result of compliance risk assessment any time in a
financial year. A report to the Board of Directors or Audit Committee of the Board may be
required concerning the management of compliance risk. In case of any significant material non-
compliance, the Executive Committee should report immediately to the Board of Directors or
Audit Committee if there is a significant risk of legal or regulatory sanctions or fines, financial
loss, or loss to reputation.

6.2.4 Head of Compliance

Each bank should have an executive with overall responsibility for coordinating the
recognition and supervision of the bank’s compliance risk and for supervising the activities of
other compliance officers. The nature of the reporting line or other functional relationship
between officers exercising compliance responsibilities and the Head of Compliance will depend
on how the bank has chosen to organise its compliance functions. Compliance officers placed in
business units or in subsidiaries may have a reporting line to operating business unit management
or local management. It is also mentionable that such officers may have a reporting line to the
Head of Compliance as regards their support units (e.g. legal, financial control, risk
Page # 36
management). However, these units may work closely with the Head of Compliance to ensure
that staff can perform their responsibilities effectively.
As the Head of Compliance has no direct business line responsibilities, the MD/CEO of the bank
should inform the regulatory authority, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and the
board of directors when the head of compliance takes up or leaves that position and, if the Head
of Compliance is leaving the position, the reasons for his or her departure.

6.3 File settlement/ Closing

6.3.1 Settlement of Minor Irregularities and File close:

Minor irregularities are identified by auditors and mentioned in reports. A Branch Office will
prepare compliance/response within 15 calendar days from the date of the receipt using the
format and send it to the concerned Zonal Office/Head Office. The Zonal Office/Head Office
will verify the Branch Office’s responses. After verification, the response together with the
Zonal Office's/Head Office's comments will have to be sent to the Audit compliance unit within
the above mentioned 15 calendar days. The Compliance Unit will raise the issue to line
management i.e., Head of ICC, MD/ CEO for settlement of the objections.

6.3.2 Settlement of Major Lapses and File close:

a) For settlement of administrative objections, the Compliance Unit will raise the issue to
Head of ICCD and ultimately to the Audit Committee of the Board, if required.
b) When corrective action is taken by the branch regarding major lapses, the Compliance
Unit will decide whether or not there is settlement of the objections.
c) When unsettled objections or irregularities are reported in the present audit report, then
previous objections are considered as transferred to the present report and subsequently
the previous file is closed.
d) However, if any objections/major lapses are reflected in the next audit report two times
consecutively, or it is found the major lapses are not settled in a reasonable time, then this
type of major lapses will be deemed to be serious lapses. Auditors must always be careful
to identify this type of lapses. Any mistake or failure to recognize the major lapses will
be considered as an audit fail. Common punitive action is suggested for serious lapses
and those deemed to be serious lapses.

6.3.3 Settlement of Serious Lapses and File close:

a) For settlement of administrative objections, the Audit and Inspection Division will raise
the issue to Head of ICCD, and the Audit Committee will give the decision. If required
the matter will be raised to the full Board of the bank.
b) When corrective action is taken by a branch regarding serious lapses, the Compliance
Unit will decide whether or not there is settlement of the objections.

Page # 37
c) When unsettled objections or irregularities are reported in the present audit report, then
any previous objections are considered as transferred to the present report, and
subsequently the previous file is closed.

6.3.4 Commercial audit objections(for govt. banks) settlement and file close:

a) Spot rectification: During audit some irregularities can be rectified on the spot. The
audit team must insist on rectification of errors or omissions on the spot, when possible,
and report accordingly.
b) Discussion meeting: At the closing day of the audit there must be a meeting between the
head of the branch and the audit team members. As a result of this discussion, some
irregularities may be mitigated.
c) After audit settlement: Audit objections are being classified into two categories:

● Ordinary Objections (Nominal Objections)

● Advance Objections (Serious Objections)
Ordinary Objections:
i) Are settled when the Bank gives written evidence of corrective action within a certain time,
with supporting/logical documents to the auditor.

ii) When the auditor is not convinced by the corrective action taken by the branch, then a bi-
party meeting will be arranged for the settlement of the objections raised. The Bank will remain
present in the meeting with supporting documents for onward settlement of the objections in

Following the above procedures, if the auditors are convinced, then they will issue an office
order regarding the settlement of the audit objections.

Advance objections:

i) The concerned branch is to provide a written confirmation of corrective action with related
supporting documents, viz., photocopies of vouchers, A/c Statements, certificate of compliance,
etc. and the auditors, if convinced by these, will issue a circular letter regarding the settlement of
the audit objections.

ii) When the stipulated time has expired and the auditor is not convinced by the corrective action
taken, then a tri-party meeting will be arranged for the settlement. The Bank will remain present
in the meeting with supporting documents for onward settlement of the objections in question.

After following the above procedures subject to the full satisfaction of the auditors, they will
issue an office order regarding the settlement of the audit objections.

Page # 38
6.3.5 Bangladesh Bank Inspection objections settlement and file close:

a) For the settlement of objections, corrective action taken by the branch, evidenced with
proper documents, is required. On receipt, of the compliance certificate from the branch
manager with the zonal Head's and Circle Heads' counter signature(as the case may be),
the Compliance Unit will give a decision as to the final settlement of the objections.
b) When unsettled objections/irregularities are found and reported in the present inspection
report, with due note in the report of Bangladesh Bank then automatically the previous
objections are transferred and considered as file closed.
c) For the settlement of long outstanding objections, the Compliance Unit will arrange a
meeting with Bangladesh Bank and the bank's top management. During discussion some
objections are settled and others are reviewed. If Bangladesh Bank is not convinced,
Bangladesh Bank will issue a re-notice for unsettled objections. The Audit Compliance
Division will inform the concerned branch regarding the settled objections.
d) A quarterly meeting with BB to review the status of required corrective action will also
be held. (Reference: DBI-2 Circular No-1 Dated-27/12/2010)

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Monitoring & Control
7.1 Monitoring Activities and Corrective Measures:
• The effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control should be monitored on an ongoing basis.
Key/high risk items should be identified and monitored as part of daily activities.
• Internal control deficiencies, whether identified by business lines, internal auditors, or other
control personnel should be reported in a timely and prompt manner to the appropriate
management level and addressed immediately.
• Τhe ICC will report material control deficiencies to the audit committee of the BOD with
specific recommendations.
• The Monitoring Unit will review the Quarterly Operations Report and Exceptions report (if
any); in addition to the line management the Monitoring Unit will instruct the branch/unit to
rectify the exception and report the same. If deemed necessary, the ICCD will instruct the Audit
& Inspection Team (A&IT) to carry out an audit on the specific deviation.
• Depending upon the gravity of the deviation the ICC will report the matter to the ACB with a
copy to the MD for necessary action and rectification.
• A copy of the Loan Documentation Checklist must be sent by each branch/unit to the
Monitoring Unit, which will review the same. On a quarterly basis ICCD will submit a report to
the MD and ACB on the type/nature of the discrepancies in credit documentation.
• In addition to the above the ICCD will depute the A&IT routinely, but also on surprise dates, to
branches/departments to carry out sample checks on the items mentioned in the DCFCL.

7.2 Internal Control Process

7.2.1 Departmental Control Function Checklist (DCFCL) {Annexure-E}

a) This guideline/procedure deals with matters relating to review/verifications of departmental
functions to ensure that prescribed procedures are being followed by each department.
b) All departments are required to check that prescribed controls are being observed and
mandated procedures are not overlooked or relaxed.
c) Departmental Managers, Line Managers, and Branch Managers will review the DCFCL to
ensure that control functions are performed and documented in the control sheets (Annexure 1) at
the prescribed frequencies; i.e., daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly.
d) The DCFCL Checklist should be retained with the branch/departments for future inspection
by Internal Audit and any representative from senior management.

7.2.2 Loan Documentation Check list(LDCL) {Annexure-F}

The checklist deals with matters relating to security document action for sanctioning and
downsizing credit facilities to ensure that prescribed documentation is being obtained to safe
guard the bank’s legal rights.

7.2.3 Quarterly Operations Report(QOR) {Annexure-G}

a) This guideline/procedure relates to reporting of operational functions of each branch/centre
under the following headings on the enclosed format:
i. Policies, Procedures and Controls
ii. Protection of Valuables
Page # 40
iii. Proofs/Verifications and Internal Checks
iv. Personnel and Supervision
v. Premises Management
vi. Confirmation on Regulatory Compliance
b) A report on a quarterly basis will be prepared in duplicate copies by each branch/centre in the
prescribed format; one copy is to be dispatched to the Line Management and another copy to the
Internal Control Team by 10th of the following month after each quarter i.e. 10th April, July,
October and January of each year.
c) The items which are not applicable for an individual branch or department should be marked
as N/A and no signature is required against the items marked as N/A.
d) Any deviation in the quarterly operations report must be reported in a separate exception
d) All concerned are advised to adhere to the requirements as outlined in each of the above
headings for review by the Line Management quarterly and by Internal Audit as and when they
visit the branch/centre.

7.2.4 Objectives of Monitoring Department

 To conduct effective monitoring on the proper implementation of various control tools

(DCFCL, QOR, LDCL and Self Assessment Anti-Fraud Internal Control Checklist) in all
branches and divisions/departments at head office of the bank to strengthen internal
check and internal control system of the bank;
 To conduct effective monitoring for timely submission of regulatory returns as per the
calendar of returns to avoid regulatory imposition;
 To prepare the risk grading of bank branches based on the two broad risk parameters, i.e.,
control risk and business risk parameters;
 To prepare a risk based internal audit plan for the bank at the end of each year on the
basis of risk grading of the branches, along with audit frequency.
 To prepare Annual Health Report of the bank as a regulatory compliance;
 To prepare the summary report on the Loan Documentation Checklist (LDCL) on a
quarterly basis for onward submission to the Head of ICC Division.
 To review the Quarterly Operations Report and Exception Report;
 To monitor the effectiveness of the bank’s internal control system;
 To report to the Head of ICCD about major deviations, if any.
 To update various control tools (DCFCL, QOR, LDCL and Self Assessment Anti-Fraud
Internal Control Checklist, etc.) as and when required by Bangladesh Bank.
 To identify, assess and control the risks involved in manifold operational activities of the
bank and prepare the Self-Assessment Anti-Fraud Internal Control Checklist for signature
by the MD and CEO and counter signature by the Chairman of the Audit Committee of
the Board for submission of the same to the Department of Offsite Supervision of
Bangladesh Bank.

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Shari`ah Audit

8.1 Introduction

Islamic banking is operated in Bangladesh as per instructions/guidelines contained in the

Banking Companies Act, 1991 (amended to 2013) and BRPD Circular No-15 dated 09.11.2009,
on Islamic banking. Shari`ah based banks/windows/units are to be evaluated/supervised, as to
whether they are following the Shari`ah guidelines/principles accordingly in addition to general
banking guidelines/principles. Accordingly, ICC in respect to Shari`ah compliance in
banks/windows of banks operating based on Islamic Shari`ah needs to be ensured separately
through Shari`ah audit. In this context, these guidelines provide necessary provisions as guiding
principles for ICC in Islamic Shari`ah based banks/banking windows operating in Bangladesh in
line with Shari`ah and informed decisions(usually taken by Shari`ah Council/Shari`ah
Supervisory Committee or SSC)

8..2 Risks and Consequences related to Shari`ah Violation :

8.2.1 Risks
The Risk Management Guidelines (December 2014) of IFSB for Islamic Banking Institutions
(except Insurance), stipulate that “The Shari'ah Compliance Risk refers to the risk that arises
from the bank's failure to comply with the Shari'ah rules and principles determined by the
relevant Shari`ah regulatory councils”.
Besides this, Section 2 (A/2) of Islamic Bank Guideline 2009 of Bangladesh Bank, mandates that
“All the Financial Transactions of the Banking Company shall be conducted based on the
principles of Islamic Shari'ah”
Both of the above mentioned promulgations put major emphasis on Shari`ah compliance.

8.2.2 Implications
Adverse consequences that may arise due to non-compliance with any Shari`ah principle may be
summarized as follows:
1. Direct violation of the commands of Allah (swt) and His prophet (sm).
2. Impede the bank and the workforce from the Blessing or Barakah of Allah (swt) which
will make the banking activities meaningless (not become ‘ibādah before Allah).
3. Contravene the provisions of Bangladesh Bank`s `Guidelines for Islamic Banks 2009’
which may bring adverse consequences.
4. Jeopardize or affect the bank’s reputation as an Islamic bank.
5. With regard to “Agreement and its Execution” would render the contract between the
bank and Customer null and void under the perspective of Shari`ah . Therefore, any profit
gained from this contract would be considered as non-halāl.
6. Income generated from a Shari`ah non-compliant transaction is not recognized as the
Bank’s regular and halal incomes. In the event where the bank receives non-halāl income
unintentionally, the amount is to be channeled to the bank’s CSR activities as advised by
Page # 42
the Shari`ah Supervisory Committee.

8.3 Objectives of Shari`ah Inspection :

Shari`ah inspection should be conducted based on the Shari`ah non-compliance risk rating to
mitigate the above Shari`ah non-compliance risk. Shari`ah inspection to be conducted for
achieving the following objectives:
1. To increase monitoring and mentoring the Shari`ah violating branches.
2. To conduct frequent Shari`ah inspection in the violating branches.
3. To bring maximum investment under Shari`ah inspection and to cover maximum areas
Shari`ah compliance.
4. To maximize the utilization of working hour of the Muraquibs of the Shari`ah Secretariat.
5. To introduce Shari`ah rating of the branches.

8.4 Areas of Shari`ah Inspection:

The area of Shari`ah Inspection presently covers the following activities of the bank branches :
1. All Contract, Transaction, Policy, Product, Memorandum and Articles of
Association, Other Manuals, Financial Statement and Circulars issued by Head
Office from time to time.
2. Investment activities of the branches.
3. Foreign Exchange activities of the branches.
4. General Banking activities of the branches.
5. Personnel Management.
6. All investment invested by the Head Office directly.
7. Others.

8.5 Shari`ah non-Compliance Risk Rating :

To determine the individual branch’s Shari`ah non-compliance risk position based on
operational performance, 100 marks may be allotted as per the categories mentioned in
annexure-2. On the basis of the score obtained on the method mentioned in Annexure-2, the
branches may be divided into the following three categories in every year:
1. High Shari`ah non-compliance risk bearing branches;
2. Medium Shari`ah non-compliance risk bearing branches ; and
3. Low Shari`ah non-compliance risk bearing branches.

Primarily the branches which obtained a score of 30 or above, may be treated as High Risk
Branch, the branches which obtained a score from 15-29.99 may be treated as Medium Risk
Branch, and the branches which obtained a score from 0.00-14.99 may be treated as Low Risk
Branch. It is mentionable here that, these risk indicator slabs of considering a branch as

Page # 43
High/Medium/Low shari`ah non-compliance risk bearing may be changed from time to time,
if necessary.
The ICCD of the banks may conduct a Shari`ah audit as per the following frequency on the basis
of their calculated score as High/ Medium/ Low risk:

Sl. No. Risk Rating Frequency of inspection

01 High Twice in a year

02 Medium At least once a year

03 Low As decided by Shari`ah Board/ SSC/ICC

8.6 Shari`ah Audit Process

At the end of each year, the Head of the Shari`ah Supervisory Committee's' (SSC)/ICC
secretariat will set out a Shari`ah audit plan for the next year. This would be a high level
Shari`ah audit plan, which will be approved by the member-secretary, SSC and should have
concurrence of the SSC.

This will be a risk based plan where sensitive areas, including a higher percentage of Shari`ah
violations, will be given priority.

The deficiencies identified during the Shari`ah audit should be notified to the appropriate level
and also be reported to the member-secretary of SSC, and to the ACB, with a copy to the

At the end of each quarter, there should be a summary report on the Shari`ah audit findings and
corrective actions taken, which should be forwarded to the SSC, ACB, Board of Directors and

Based on the review of monitoring reports the Shari`ah audit team should also conduct surprise
checks on the branches/windows where regular deficiencies are identified.

Depending on the gravity of deviation from Shari`ah compliance, the member-secretary of SSC
will categorize the branches/windows into high, medium and low risk categories, and the
frequency of Shari`ah audit shall be as under:-

Risk Category Frequency of Shari`ah audit

High Half-yearly

Medium At least once a year

Low As decided by Shari`ah Board/ SSC

Page # 44
A Shari`ah Risk Rating guideline is included in Annexure ‘C’. The Shari`ah audit should check
at least a percentage of the Income of the Bank/windows as decided by the Shari`ah Board/ SSC.
An adequate number of personnel, having thorough knowledge in Islamic Banking operations
and ICT literacy, are to be posted as Shari`ah auditors.

8.7 Measures Against Shari`ah Violation

The Shari`ah lapses are to be categorized in two categories; viz. major violations and minor
violations. (Annexure-C)

All the violators (especially those with major violations) must be sanctioned appropriately,
which will help the bank to become more Shari`ah compliant.

Repeat offenders are to be dealt with severely to stop recurrences of Shari`ah violations.

8.8 Monitoring and follow up

Taking into consideration the concerned sections of BCA-1991, BB’s guideline for Islamic
Banking, AAOIFI’s Standard, IFSB’s guiding principles, etc., each bank will prepare a check list
with regard to Shari`ah compliance for both the branch level and Head Office level and submit
the findings of the same to the SSC, ACB, Board and MD/CEO on a quarterly basis for further
corrective measures.

Page # 45
Information Systems (IS) Audit
Information system is the heart of banking business and major fuel for the inclusion of
competitive, complex and constantly changing business innovation in today’s highly cyber
threatened environment.

Now-a-days most of the working activities are driven by computer systems and thereby paper
based manual workings are minimized through automated Information Technologies(IT). In the
present day situation, information is treated as the most valuable as well as vulnerable asset.

Most of the information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers and
transmitted across networks to other computers in this increasingly interconnected business
environment which invites the threats and vulnerabilities inherently.

In-addition, banks amass a great deal of confidential information about their customers,
employees, products, services, research and financial status and IS audit which also known as
Automated Data Processing(ADP) audit/Electronic Data Processing (EDP) audit is of no

Therefore, efficient IT alignment to the business and information &related technological

governance, risk & security controls are inevitably required to ensure sustainable business
continuity, minimize business risk, maximize return on investments and can help business to
gain a competitive edge and opportunities.

IS or IT Audit is “the process of collecting and evaluating evidence to determine whether a

computer system safeguards assets, maintains data integrity, allows organizational goals to be
achieved effectively and uses resources efficiently”(Definition: Legendary Ron Weber).

Primary goal of the IS audit department of a bank is to determine information & related
technological security loopholes and recommend feasible solution.

IS Audit is all about examining whether the IT processes and IT Resources combine together to
fulfill the intended objectives of the organization to ensure Effectiveness, Efficiency and
Economy in its operations while complying with the extant rules.

Information system auditors should develop and implement a risk-based IS audit strategy in
compliance with IS audit standards, regulatory guidelines and internal policies to ensure that key
areas are included.IS auditors should evaluate the effectiveness of the IT governance structure to
determine whether IT decisions, directions & performance support bank’s strategies &
objectives. IS auditors also evaluate risk management practices to determine whether the bank’s
Page # 46
IS-related risks are properly managed. IS auditors should conduct audit on overall information &
related technological security aspects covering the followings:

a. IT Asset Management
b. IT Service & Facility Management
c. Physical (client/server interface, telecommunication, server, data storage, intranet, internet)
& Environmental Security
d. User & Access Management
e. Database Access & Network Security Management
f. Data Center Security
g. Change & Patch Management
h. Problem & Incident Management
i. IT Strategies, IT budget
j. Audit trails &Data Privacy Protection Management
k. IT Service Contract & Agreements and Vendor Management
l. IT Risk Management
m. Data Integrity &Transaction control
n. Data Retention & Disposal
o. System Acquisition, Development Management
p. Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

The spectrum of IS/IT/ADP Audit should also cover the issues mentioned in the Board approved
ICT guidelines of the bank in line with ICT guidelines issued and updated by Bangladesh Bank.
Circulars and other instructions issued in this regard will also come under purview of IS/IT Audit
to ensure data security. However IS/IT Audit at least cover the following areas for overall data

i. System Design

ii. Application/Software Security

iii. Information Processing Facilities

iv. System Development Facilities

v. Network Security

vi. IT System(server, data storage, intranet, internet) Access control/Security

vii. Data Disposal and Copyright(if any)

viii. Overall Management

Page # 47

10.1 Inspection Concluding meeting (Account finalization)- finalization of quick summary

report/annual accounts

In line with section 38 and section 40 of BCA-1991(revised up to 2013) banks prepare their
annual account statements, have them audited by an external auditor, and submit them to
Bangladesh Bank no later than two months after the end of the financial year. Furthermore, in
compliance with the Governor's order dated 29/07/2012, a BB inspection team has to finalize its
observations far enough in advance to reflect them on the concurrent financial statements of the
bank that are in the process of being reviewed by the external auditor. To impel the external
auditor to reflect the issue(s) in alignment with the inspection observations, there should be a
meeting between the external auditor and management of the bank in presence of the BB
inspection team.

10.2 Special Board Meeting on compliance with findings annual inspection report of
Bangladesh Bank
To bring the BB inspection observations and compliance with findings thereof to the knowledge
of the Board of Directors, banks are advised to arrange a board meeting in the presence of the
BB inspection officials and management of the bank as per instruction contained in DBI-2
circular no-01 dated 12/03/2009. In such meeting the external auditor should remain present.

10.3 Liaison meeting

To ensure continuous compliance with inspection findings, BB inspection departments may ask
to participate in and explain their position on the relevant issues, such as timely compliance with
inspection findings and material changes in operational and portfolio issues, quarterly in line
with instructions contained in DBI-2 Circular Letter No- BaPawBI-2/ubi-1/Circular No-01 dated
27th December, 2010.

10.4 Anti-fraud internal controls and self-assessment of the bank

All scheduled banks in Bangladesh have been asked to assess the effectiveness of their internal
control and compliance system, general banking and operation system, loan and advances
administration, and information and communication technology using a prescribed format to
avoid fraud and forgery. Using the format, banks have to assess their system/administration and
report to BB quarterly as per DOS circular letter No-17 dated 07 November, 2012. The reliability
of the bank self assessment depends on the correctness of the responses to questions raised in the
format. To mitigate the risk of an inappropriate assessment arising out of dubious responses to
questions, the correctness of the responses should be checked by the internal audit function, and
the entire system of anti fraud internal controls will be reviewed during on-site inspections.

Page # 48

The Organogram & Structure of Internal Control & Compliance Department (ICCD)

Board of Directors

Audit Committee

Managing Director &


Head of ICCD

Chief Auditor* Chief of Compliance & Monitoring

1 2 3 4 5
Monitoring Concurrent Staff
Compliance Audit
Audit Unit/Division Unit/ position for
Division) Secretariat

Internal External
Audit -1
All AD, Corp. Audit -2 Audit Audit
Branch Audit -3
Br. Circle, Compliance Compliance
Zonal Office, offices(Non- N/A Unit/ Unit/ N/A
and Vigilance N/A
Subsidiaries AD & Division Division
& SME/Agri.
H/O(divisions branches)

Executives Executives Executives Executives

(Equivalent (Equivalent (Equivalent (Equivalent
Executives (Equivalent to (Equivalent to
to AGM to AGM to AGM to AGM N/A
Rank of Rank of Rank of Rank of
Rank of SOBs)



Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer N/A

Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

This is a model organogram for ICCD. All banks are advised to design their own ICCD Organogram according to their
availability of same level of executives. Officers in ICCD will be for office work.
* The Head of ICC will report his/her activities and findings to the Senior Management. However, the Head of Audit, although
being a part of ICC administratively, shall report directly to ACB and will be responsible to the ACB.
Page # 49

Branch Audit Rating

Sl Physical cash (opening/closing) verification with Allotted Score
statements of affairs Score obtained
1 Detected (short)/excess 10
Detected (short) but cheque of the same found in safe 5 0
Found as per statements of affairs 0
Sl Physical verification of stamps in hand with Allotted Score
Score obtained
statements of affairs
2 Detected (short)/excess 10
Detected (short)/excess due to non passing of voucher 5 0
Found as per statements of affairs 0
Sl Physical verification of prize bond with statements of Allotted Score
Score obtained
3 Detected (short)/excess 10
Found as per statements of affairs but register not 5
Found as per statements of affairs 0
Sl Holding of excess cash over safe limit Allotted Score
Score obtained
4 Exceed 50% & above of days 10
Exceed 30%-< 50% of days 8
Exceed 10%-< 30% of days 6 0
Exceed 0%-< 10% of days 4
Not exceed 0
Sl Holding of mutilated/torned notes in safe Allotted Score
Score obtained
5 Holding 5% or more out of total cash 10
Holding 3%-<5 out of total cash 8
Holding 1%-<3 out of total cash 5
Found nil 0
Sl Checking and preservation of prize bond draw result Allotted Score
sheet Score obtained
6 Checking and preservation not done by the branch 10
Partially checked and preserved by the branch 5 0
Found checked and preserve by the branch 0

Page # 50
Sl Allotted Score
Deposit scheme exceeding expiry date/ prematured Score obtained
encashment of deposit scheme but not marked as
7 More than ten cases 10
Up to ten cases 5 0
In no cases 0
Sl FDR/ Deposit account & products rate/tenor Allotted Score
variance with approved rate sheet. Score obtained
8 More than five cases 10
Up to five cases 6 0
In no cases 0
Sl Allotted Score
Excise duty/ service charge/other Score obtained
charges/fees/commission/rent/security deposit
including VAT (where applicable)not deducted from
deposit/loan account
9 More than five cases 10
Up to five cases 6 0
In no cases 0
Sl Allotted Score
Voucher stitching Score obtained
10 Pending more than 15 days 10
Pending more than 05 days but less than 15 days 7
Pending more than 01 day & upto 05 days 5
Found not pending 0
Sl Allotted Score
Audit Trail prints Score obtained
11 Found not checked and signed by branch DM/BM 10
Found partially checked and signed by branch DM/BM 5 0
Found checked and signed by branch DM/BM 0
Sl Allotted Score
Daily mandatory output ( supplementary Score obtained
sheet/statements of affairs/clean cash
book/vouchers /etc.)
12 Found not checked and signed by branch DM/BM 10
Found partially checked and signed by branch DM/BM 7 0
Found checked and signed by branch DM/BM 0
Sl Payment made against advance dated or against Allotted Score
stale cheque Score obtained
13 More than five cases 10
Up to five cases 7 0
In no cases 0

Page # 51
Sl Allotted Score
Reversal of contra entries Score obtained
14 Expired contra entries found not reversed more than five 10
Expired contra entries found not reversed upto five cases 8
Expired contra entries found reversed 0
Sl Balance confirmation letter Allotted Score
Score obtained
15 Preceding half yearly B C not sent by the branch 10
BC sent by the branch but not in all cases (partialy sent) 5 0
BC regularly sent by the branch 0
Sl Thanks letter Allotted Score
Score obtained
16 Thanks letter not sent by the branch 10
Thanks letter sent by the branch but not in all cases 5 0
Branch is in practice of sending thanks letter 0
Sl Officials in the branch working in the branch more Allotted Score
than 3 years. Score obtained
1 100% cases 10
7 80% - <100% cases 8
30%-< 80% 5 0
Less than 30% 3
No such instances 0
Sl User shut down his work station ,power off the Allotted Score
printer and UPS at the end of the day Score obtained
1 No ( for any instances and any single cases) 10
8 0
Yes 0
Sl Loan disbursed but accepted sanction advice not Allotted Score
obtained Score obtained
19 More than 10 cases 10
06 to 10 cases 8
Up to 05 cases 5
No such case found 0
Sl Sanction advice was not prepared according to CHO Allotted Score
approval. Score obtained
20 More than 10 cases 10
06 to 10 cases 5
Up to 05 cases 4
No such case found 0

Page # 52
Sl Charge document not obtained / found blank/ Allotted Score
without stamp Score obtained
21 More than 10 cases 10
06 to 10 cases 5
Up to 05 cases 4
No such case found 0
Sl Lien of security instruments Allotted Score
Score obtained
22 Pending any instances 10
Done in all applicable cases 0
Sl Execution of Registered Mortgage and IGPA AllottedScor Score
e obtained
23 Pending any instance 10
Done in all applicable cases 0
Sl Obtainment of original title deed/certified true copy Allotted Score
along with SRO token/deed ticket for registered Score obtained
mortgaged property.
24 Pending any instance 10
Done in all applicable cases 0
Sl Obtainment of land related documents/chain AllottedScor Score
documents e obtained
25 Pending more than 15 cases 10
Pending up to 15 cases 8
Pending up to 05 cases 5
No such case found 0
Sl Monthly basis stock report as per CHO sanction Allotted Score
Score obtained
26 Pending more than 15 cases 10
Pending up to 15 cases 8
Pending up to 05 cases 5
No such case found 0
Sl Insurance coverage not taken properly/policy Allotted Score
expired/ insurance policy not found Score obtained
27 More than 10 cases 10
06 to 10 cases 8
Up to 05 cases 5
No such cases found 0
Sl Non-Preservation of LDCL in respective loan file Allotted Score
Score obtained
28 More than 10 cases 10
06 to 10 cases 8
Page # 53
Up to 05 cases 5
No such cases found 0
Sl Maintenance of safe-in and safe-out register Allotted Score
Score obtained
29 Not maintained 10
Maintained but not up to date 5 0
Maintained properly and found up to date 0
Sl Comments of Bangladesh Bank Audit team Allotted Score
regarding core risk areas (CRM,AML,ICT & ICC) Score obtained
30 Not satisfactory 10
Partial satisfactory 5
Satisfactory 0
(If not audited by Bangladesh Bank score will be zero)
Total 300 0
Percentage (%) -
Branch Rating

Page # 54
Shari`ah non-Compliance Risk Rating :

Sl No Category of Risk Factor Allocated Marks

1 2 3
1 For 2 types Major Violations (16x2/2)=16

2 For 5 types other Major Violations (6x5)=30

3 For 18 types Minor Violations (2x18)=36

4 For 2 types (Employee+Client)lacking of (3x2)=6

motivational activities

5 For 2 types lacking of other activities related (2x3)=6

to Shari'ah

6 For 6 types lacking of other activities (1x6)=6

Total 100

1) Score 16 (8x2) @ 8 for each kind of non compliance of 2 types Major Shari'ah violations (See

structure 1 for scoring ) :

Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for Allocated Marks as Allocated Marks as per Score
Compliance violation per doubtful income volume of violation
Score out of 16 Score out of 16 Score out of 16 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Page # 55
1 Cash Facility Provided in
Bai Murabaha and Bai-
Muajjal. [Except Buying

2 Old investment liability

adjusted by creating new
investment A/C. [Including


2) Score 30 (5x6) @ 6 for each kind of non compliance of 5 types others Major Shari'ah violations (See

structure 2 for scoring ) :

Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for Allocated Marks as Allocated Marks as per Score
Compliance violation per doubtful income volume of violation
Score out of 6 Score out of 6 Score out of 6 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Cash memo obtained in the
name of the investment

2 Existence of the supplier not


3 Investment given on the

Shari`ah prohibited item

4 Charging of rent on the asset

before it becomes usable/

5 Amount of cash memo is

less than the investment


3) Score 36 (18x2) @ 2 for each kind of non compliance of 18 types Minor Shari'ah violations (See

structure 3 for scoring ) :

Page # 56
Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for Allocated Marks as Allocated Marks as per Score
Compliance violation per doubtful income volume of violation
Score out of 2 Score out of 2 Score out of 2 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Client received the goods
instead of the Branch from
the sellers directly

2 No record of possession of
goods by the branch

3 Cash memo/Bill/Challan/
Transport receipt not found

4 Letter of Authority not taken

in case of MPI

5 Letter of Authority not taken

in case of dealership

6 Post purchase inspection

report by the Branch not

7 Delivery of asset was not

made to the client in case of

8 Charging of profit at
agreement stage in case of
Bai Salam

9 Selling of Bai Salam goods

through the client without
engaging him as selling

10 Amount of cash memo

exceeds the investment

11 Agreement kept blank

12 Post dated cash memo


13 Investment Client himself is

applicant of TT/DD/PO

Page # 57
14 Engagement of buying agent
in Bank's unapproved item

15 Investment made to the

client without engagement of
buying agent

16 Engagement of buying agent

in case of local and single

17 Cash memo not taken from

actual seller or supplier

18 Back dated cash memo



4) Score 6 (3x2) @ 3 for each kind of non compliance of 2 types of lacking in motivational activities

(Employee+Client) (See structure 4 for scoring ) :

Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for Allocated Marks as Allocated Marks as per Obtained
Compliance violation per number of attendee of program score
Score out of 3 Score out of 3 Score out of 3 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Lacking in Shari`ah
motivational program for the

2 Lacking in Shari`ah
motivational program for
the clients


5) Score 6 (2x3) @ 2 for each kind of non compliance of 2 types of other Shari'ah activities

(Seestructure 5 for scoring ) :

Page # 58
Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for violation Allocated Marks as per measure Obtained
Compliance of violation score
Score out of 2 Score out of 2 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 5 6
1 Lacking in Offer and
Acceptance with the

2 Lacking in sending officials

to the spot (outside of the
branch) to receive/inspect (in
case of buying agency) the
goods and handover to the

3 Lacking in collecting Cash

Memos directly by the
branch from the suppliers


6) Score 6 (1x6) @ 1 for each kind of non compliance of 6 types of other activities (See structure 5 for

scoring ) :

Sl.No. Types of Shari'ah non- Allocated Marks for violation Allocated Marks as per measure Obtained
Compliance of violation score
Score out of 1 Score out of 1 Average
(always gets full marks)
1 2 3 5 6
1 Lacking in giving or/and
taking Inter-branch co-

2 Lacking in establishing
separate queue or counter for
the Woman Clients

3 Lacking in establishing an
effective and efficient
purchase cell in the branch

4 Lacking in conducting dars


Page # 59
5 Lacking in housekeeping &

6 Lacking in performing salat

in congregation timely


Calculation of Risk related to non-Compliance of Shari'ah:

Structure :1

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 2 types major Shari'ah principles (Sl No 1):

Sl.No. Amount of doubtful income Score Number of Shari'ah violation Score

(Investment A/c Number )
1 2 3 4 5
1 Tk 1-50,000 2 1-3 2
2 Tk 50,001-100,000 4 4-6 4
3 Tk 100,001-300,000 6 7-9 6
4 Tk 300,001-500,000 8 10-12 8
5 Tk 500,000-1,000,000 10 13-15 10
6 Tk 1,000,001-1,500,000 12 16-18 12
7 Tk 1,500,001- 2,000,000 14 19-21 14
8 Tk 2,000,001 and above 16 22 and above 16

Structure : 2

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 5 types other major Shari'ah principles
(SL.NO -2) :

Sl.No. Amount of doubtful income Score Number of Shari'ah violation Score

(Investment A/c Number )
1 2 3 4 5
Page # 60
1 Tk 1-50,000 2 1-5 2
2 Tk 50,001-100,000 4 6-10 4
3 Tk 100,001 and above 6 11 and above 6

Structure : 3

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 18 types minor Shari'ah principles (SL.NO
-3) :

Sl.No. Amount of doubtful income Score Number of Shari'ah violation Score

(Investment A/c Number )
1 2 3 4 5
1 Tk 1-50,000 1 1-5 1

2 Tk 50,001-100,000 1.5 6-10 1.5

3 Tk 100,001 and above 2 11 and above 2

Structure : 4

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 2 types of lacking in motivational activities
(SL.NO -4) :

Sl.No. Number of the program Score volume of Shari`ah Score


1 2 3 4 5
1 0 (zero) 3 1-49% 3

2 1 2 50-80% 2

3 2-3 1 81-95% 1

Page # 61
Structure : 5

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 2 types of other Shari'ah principles (SL.NO
-5) :

Sl.No. Percentage of Shari'ah violation Score

1 2 3
1 50% and above 2
2 1-49% 1

Structure :6

Score will be calculated as below in case of non-Compliance of 2 types of other activities (SL.NO -6) :

Sl.No. Percentage of Shari'ah violation Score

1 2 3
1 50% and above 1
2 1-49% 0.5

Page # 62

In accordance with the Bangladesh Bank Guidelines of “Managing Core Risk in Banks on
Internal Control and Compliance Risk”, Internal Control and Compliance Division is required to
prepare annual report on the health of the Bank which is to be submitted to Audit Committee of
the BOD and a Circulation Copy to the Managing Director for perusal and further onward
submission to the Board of Directors of the Bank as a regulatory compliance.

To comply with the above guidelines, this health report on the Bank overall activities for the
year 20 ---- has been prepared, as well. While assessing the health of the Bank, emphasis
has been given on the progress of achievement of the Bank long range visions set by the
In order to built up necessary infrastructure. In the year 20 , the Bank has added nos. of
branches to its ever expanding network, making presence of nos. of branches across the
country. In the meantime, The Bank has become a group by expanding its business into nos.
of wholly owned subsidiaries ( Securities Limited, Capital Limited and Exchange Limited). Thus,
the volume of business of the Bank has increased considerably. Bank has diversified its
activities beyond traditional corporate banking and trade financing into Primary Dealership,
OBU, Retail Banking, SME Banking, Internet Banking etc., which has made the Bank as one of
the largest banking company in terms of products and services in the country.

The health of a bank may be judged from different points of view, but emphasis has been
given to the feasibility of aspect and quantification. Taking these two conditions into
consideration, Health of the Bank has been assessed from the view point of three dimensions,
viz. Financial Health, Internal Control & Compliance Health and Image & Reputation Health. The
hunch behind the segregation of health of the Bank into the above points of view is that these
areas will ultimately cover the overall health sectors of the Bank. If the overall health is found
sound then it may be assumed that the bank will achieve its long term goal with sustainable

While analyzing financial health, emphasis has been given to the dynamism of the bank’s
performance in different areas of operational activities, which have been highlighted in various
financial statements of the bank.

In assessing Internal Control and Compliance Health of the Bank, emphasis has been given
to internal control structure of the Bank and its effectiveness, while compliance health is
assessed considering the compliance culture of the Bank and its achievements.

In evaluating compliance health, attention has been given to the issues like, whether the
bank is able to meet regulatory requirements and the compliance and non-compliance status of
inspection reports submitted by regulatory bodies.

In assessing Image and Reputation health, attention has been given to the eminence of
Board and Management of the Bank, expansionary mode of brand image and CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility) Activities.

Page # 63
In preparation of this health report, both the quantitative and qualitative aspects have been
taken into consideration. The evaluation of major components of Health of the Bank is based
upon four categories of ranking like Excellent, Very Good, Good and Satisfactory and the Bank
has received a status of “ ” ranking in the health assessment for the year of 20 .

The Health of the Bank has been assessed from the view point of Financial health, Internal
Control and Compliance health and Image and Reputation health. To assess the overall health
position of these three health sectors, ICC Division has worked out a Health Grading Score
sheet based on quantification of certain parameters of each health sector. In our analysis, the
average score “90-100” means Excellent, “80-89” means Very Good, “70-79” means Good and
“60-69” means Satisfactory. In the assessment, the overall health position of the Bank for the
year 20 has been assessed “ ”. Detailed break-up of the Health assessment is furnished
as under:


Health Sector Score Obtained Remarks

Financial Health 81 out of 100 Very Good

Internal Control & Compliance Health 96 out of 100 Excellent

Image & Reputation Health 93 out of 100 Excellent

Overall Health 270 out of 300 Very Good

Average 90 out of 100 Excellent

A. Financial Health: (Prepared under supervision of Chief Financial Officer and approved
by ECB)

In analyzing the Financial Health, several parameters like Earnings, Liquidity, Solvency, Asset
Quality, Deposits and Loans and Advances have been considered. The Bank has received an
overall Financial Health score of out of 100, which means the financial health of the Bank is
“ ”. Hence, we are depicting below the parameter-wise financial health position of the Bank
for the year ended December 31, 20 . The detailed of these scores are also followed by
enclosed health grading Score sheet.

Name of Parameter Score Obtained Remarks

Earnings 21 out of 30 Good

Liquidity Health 4 out of 5 Good

Capital Adequacy & Solvency 9 out of 10 Excellent

Deposit Health 19 out of 25 Good

Page # 64
Loans and Advances Health 28 out of 30 Excellent

Total out of 100

a. Earnings:
Healthy Banks are generally profitable, and earn money. To assess the relative
profitability of the bank, we have considered five earning criteria, namely- Operating
Profit Growth, Net Interest Income Growth, Non-Interest Income Growth, Return on
Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). These indicators measure how profitable the
bank is for its size, and a bank with higher trend in these areas tend to be a healthier
bank. In our analysis, 00% weight has been allocated to Earning history of the Bank and
the Bank has received a score of 21 out of 30, which means earning health of the Bank
is “ ”.

1. Operating Profit Growth:

The operating profit of the Bank from 20 to 20 (three years back) was BDT ,
BDT , BDT respectively. The Operating Profit growth from the year 20 to 20
was negative (+/- 00%), from the year 20 to 20 . it was +/- 00% and from the year
2000 to 2000 it was +/-00%, while the growth from the year 20 to 20 was %. In
our analysis, a score of 10 has been allocated for 25% & above growth and 3 for below
15% growth and thus the bank has scored for its 00% growth in the year 20 (year
under review).

(Add graphical presentation if needed)

2. Net Interest Income (NII) Growth:

Interest Income is the main source of Income of a bank, which solely depends upon the
volume of standard loans and advances. Net Interest Income is derived by deducting
Interest expenses from Interest Income. The larger the volume of Net Interest Income,
the healthier will be the operating income. Net Interest Income Growth for the year 20
was 00%, while for the years 20 and 20 it recorded negative growth of (00%) and
(00%) respectively. However, since 20 Net Interest Income (NII) growth of the bank
has been showing a positive trend (in 20 it was 00% and in 20 00%). In Financial
health grading sheet, we have given 5 score to Net Interest Income Growth of 20% &
above and 2 score for below 10% growth. Bank has achieved a score of 5 for 78.53%
growth in Net Interest Income in the year 20 .

(Add graphical presentation if needed)

3. Non Interest Income (Non-II) Growth:

Non-Interest Income is the ancillary source of Income of the Bank. Non-Interest Income
generally stems from the sources, namely: Income from fees, commission, charges,
exchange gain, brokerage and other operating Income. The Growth of Non Interest
Income for the year 20 to 20 was 00%, 00% and 00% respectively. In Health grading
score, assigned 2 score to the growth of “below 20%” and 5 score for 40% and above.
Page # 65
The Bank receives the score of 00 out of 00 for achieving the growth of 00 % for the year
20 .

(Add any grapical presentation if needed)

4. Return on Assets (ROA):

We have used the statistics of ‘Return on Average Asset’ which is equal to the earnings
of the bank, divided by its assets. A higher ROA trend indicates a healthier bank. Return
on assets of the bank from the year 20 to 20 was 00%, 00% and 00% respectively. In
the Financial health grading sheet, we have assigned 5 score to ROA of 00%-00% and
the Bank scored 1 for having ROA of 0.88% in the year 20 .

(Add grapical presentation if needed)

5. Return on Equity (ROE):

‘Return on Equity’ is equal to the earnings of the bank, divided by its average Equity
Capital. A higher ROE indicates healthier signs. Return on Equity of the bank for the
year 20 to 20 was 00%, 00% and 00% respectively. Assigned 5 score to ROE of
25% and above and the Bank scored 00 for having ROE of 00% in the year 20 .

b. Liquidity:

Bank’s liquidity policy is designed to ensure that it can meet its obligations all times as
they fall due. The liquidity management within the Bank focuses on overall balance
sheet structure and the control, within prudent limits, of risk arising from the mismatch of
maturities of the balance sheet and from exposure to un-drawn commitments and other
contingent obligations. The management of liquidity risk within the Bank is undertaken
within limits and other policy parameters set by ALCO. The compliance is monitored and
co-ordinate by Bank’s treasury, both in respect of internal policy and regulatory

Liquidity analysis in a Bank examines whether the bank is maintaining adequate CRR
and SLR, whether Loan-Deposit Ratio at required level, dependency on inter-bank
borrowing at a tolerable level and overall un-drawn commitments within reasonable
range etc. or not. Distributed 5 score for Liquidity position for the year 20 (year under
review) and the Bank has received 00 score, which means that the bank has been
maintaining very good A–D ratio. However, excess SLR was maintained in 20 (year
under review) due to operation in the Primary Dealership (PD) market, which made the
bank’s dependency on money market higher, in order to maintain adequate liquidity.

1. CRR & SLR:

Bank had been maintaining Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) & Statutory Liquidity Reserve
(SLR) as per regulatory requirements. In the year 20 (year under review), CRR was
00% against mandatory limit of 6.50% and Statutory Liquidity Ratio was 00% against
19.50%. In analysis a score of 3 can been allotted to CRR & SLR position of the Bank
and the Bank received a score of 00, out of 3 which indicates that the bank maintained

Page # 66
excess SLR in the year 20 (year under review). Bank’s borrowing from inter-bank call
money market is high due to participation in the government bills/bonds.

2. Advance-Deposit Ratio (A-D ratio):

A-D ratio is the indicator that entails what should be the Bank’s ideal level of loans and
advances against its deposit, and to what extent the bank will be exposed to money
market dependency. A-D ratios of the Bank in the year 20 to 20 were 00%, 00 and
00% respectively. In analysis the A-D ratio in the year 20 (year under review) is
_______ (00%), though the bank is a (primary dealer) of the government securities and
participation in auction of the govt. bills/bonds is mandatory. For the purpose of
analysis, a score of 2 has been allocated for an ideal A– D ratio 80%-85% and the Bank
received a score of , out of 2 for maintaining A-D ratio of 00% in the year 20 (year
under review).

(Add graphic presentation if needed)

c. Capital Adequacy/Solvency:
A measure of a bank's financial health is its capital/asset ratio, which is required to be
above a prescribed minimum. In assessing solvency health, three parameters, namely
Core Capital to RWA ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio (as per Basel-II/III regime) and
Capital Growth have been considered, and the Bank has received a score of out of
10, which means the Capital Adequacy position of the Bank was “ ” as on the
assessment period.

1. Capital Growth:
Capital requirement is a bank’s regulation which sets a framework on how banks must
handle its capital. The categorization of assets and capital is highly standardized so that
it can be risk weighted and weights are defined by risk-sensitivity ratios, whose
calculation is dictated under the relevant Capital Accord. The growths of capital of the
Bank over the years 20 to 20 were 00%, 00% and 00% respectively. For the purpose
of analysis a score of 2 has been allotted to Capital growth of 20% and above and the
Bank scored out of 2 for capital growth of % in the year 20 .(year under review)

(Add graphic presentation if needed)

2. Core Capital (Tier-I) to RWA ratio:

As per existing regulation of Bangladesh Bank (Basel-II), the Bank(please write the
name of the bank) is required to maintain Core Capital (Tier-I) ratio of 5% against Risk
Weighted Assets (RWA). The Bank has been maintaining Core Capital (Tier-I) in
accordance with the regulatory requirements. In the year 20 , the risk-weighted assets
were BDT lac against which the requirement was BDT lac (5.00% of RWA). The
Bank maintained 00% (BDT lac) of the risk-weighted assets against the mandatory
requirement of 5.00%. In the analysis a score of 5 has been assigned to core capital
(Tier-I) ratio of 10% and above and the bank has received the score of 00 for
maintaining Core Capital (Tier-I) at % in the year 20 .(year under review)
Page # 67
3. Basel-II Requirement:
In line with the contents of BRPD Circular # 35 dated December 29, 2010 issued by
Bangladesh Bank (BB), the bank (please write the name of the bank) is required to
compute Minimum Capital immediately after completion of each quarter. During the year
20 , the bank computed and reported capital on the basis of Basel II regime. Under this
capital accord, the minimum total Capital Adequacy Ratio has to be 10.00% of Risk
Weighted Assets (RWA) and the Bank maintained 00% as on the same date. For the
purpose analysis a score of 3 has been assigned to maintain capital adequacy ratio of
above 10% (as per Basel-II) and the Bank has received the score of 00 for maintaining
Capital Adequacy Ratio of 00% in the year 20 .

d. Deposit:

Deposit is considered as the life blood of banking operation and a weapon for making
maximum profit by deploying it in a high yielding investment and mixing it up in a cost
effective mode. So, deposit management is, therefore, important. Effective deposit
management entails optimum deposit mixture that leads to minimize cost of fund and
optimize spread. In assessing deposit health, four parameters namely Deposit Growth,
Deposit Mix, Cost of Fund and the ratio of core Deposit to Total Deposit have been
considered, and MTB has received a score of 00 out of 25 in 20 , which means the
Deposit health of the Bank is “ ”.

1. Deposit Growth: Deposits, representing the largest portion of total liabilities, account for
00%, showing an increase/decrease of 00%, or BDT 00.00 lac from the year 20 . Over
the past three years, the bank(please indicate your bank name) was able to increase its
deposit portfolio more than (00%) from BDT 00.00 lac in the year 20 to BDT 00.00 lac
in the year 20 (year under review). It is apparent that deposit growth of the Bank is in
increasing/decreasing trend (on an average basis) over the last three years. For the
purpose of analysis distributed 5 score for deposit growth of 25% and above and 2 for
less than 15% growth and the bank scored for deposit growth of 00.00% in the year
20 .(year under review)

(Add graphic representation if required)

2. Deposit mix: While reviewing deposit mix of the Bank from the year 20 to 20 , it is
observed that the high cost deposit mix (FDR) is 00%, 00% and 00% respectively to
total deposit. For the purpose of analysis distributed 5 score for an Ideal high cost
deposit mix of 31% - 55% and the bank has scored for the deposit mix of 00.00% in
the year 20 . (year under review)

(Add graphic representation if required)

3. Cost of fund: Cost of fund is one of the most important indicators to measure the
soundness of the fund management. Lower cost of fund will enlarge the spread and thus
maximize profit. In the years 20 to 20 , Cost of Fund of the bank was 00.00%, 00.00%
and 00.00% respectively. It has been observed that there is a significant improvement in
reduction/increase of Cost of Fund in 20 (year under review), compared to 20 . The
scenario can further improve by increasing more low cost deposit in the deposit mix. For

Page # 68
the purpose of analysis a score of 10 can be distributed for an ideal cost of fund
ranging 6% - 8% and the bank has received for having 00.00 % as cost of fund in the
year 20 (year under review).

(Add graphic representation if required)

4. Core Deposit to Total Deposit: While reviewing deposit mix of the bank for the year 20
to 20 , it is observed that the Core deposits are 00.00%, 00.00% and 00.00%
respectively to total deposits. For the purpose of analysis a score of 5 has been
allocated for an ideal ratio of core deposit ranging 81%-100% and the bank has received
5 for having 00.00% as Core Deposit to Total Deposit.
(Add graphic representation if needed)

e. Loans and Advances:

Financial Health of the Bank largely depends upon the volume, diversification and
portfolio quality of loans and advances, which have been disbursed by deploying
customers’ deposits. In assessing loans and advances health of the bank, five
parameters, namely - Loans and Advances Growth, Segment-wise concentration,
Sector-wise concentration, Large Loan concentration and Asset Quality have been
considered. For the purpose of the analysis 30 score for Loans and Advances Health of
the Bank and the Bank has scored , which means Loans and Advances health of the
Bank is “ ”.

1. Loans & Advances Growth: In the years 20 to 20 , the amount of loans & advances
of the Bank was at BDT 00.00 lac, BDT 00.00 lac, and BDT 00.00 lac respectively, and
the growth rates were 00.00%, 00.00% and 00.00% respectively. For the purpose of the
analysis a score of 5 has been allotted for an ideal growth ranging 25% - 30% and the
bank has scored for achieving the growth of 00.00% in the year 20 (year under

(Add graphic representation if required)

2. Segment-wise Concentration of Loans and Advances: According to its nature, all

kind of post-import finance is highly risky now a days , because of weak control of the
Bank over the business movement of the client/importer. During the year 20 , Bank’s
investment in post-import finance (LTR+PAD) was 00.00% of total loans & advances,
while the same was 00.00% in the year 20 . For the purpose of the analysis a score of
5 has been allotted for an ideal segment-wise concentration below 15% and the bank
has received for having segment-wise concentration of 00.00% in the year 20 .

3. Sector-wise Concentration of Loan and Advances: Bank’s Loans and Advances to

Sector (please indicate the highest investment sector) is around BDT 00.00 lac, which is
00.00% of total Loans and Advances. More specifically, Loans and advances to(please
indicate the specific types such RMG/Ship Building etc.) industries is BDT 00.00, which
is 00.00% of Total Loans and Advances. Bank’s concentration in a particular sector in
this respect is at satisfactory/unsatisfactory level. For the purpose of the analysis a
score of 5 has been allotted for an ideal sector-wise concentration ranging 20% - 30%
and the bank has received score for having sector-wise concentration within 00%, in
the year 20 .

Page # 69
4. Large Loan Concentration: Bank sanctioned & disbursed large loan (10% or more of
total capital, as defined under BRPD circular # 05, dated 2005) of BDT 00.00 lac
(including non-funded loans), which is 00.00% of total loans and advances against BB’s
set limit of 56%, which is quite satisfactory/unsatisfactory. However, this concentration in
the last year (20 ) was 52.73%. In our analysis a score of 5 has been allotted for an
ideal Large Loan concentration below/high 00% and the bank has received 4 score for
having Large Loan concentration of % in the year 20 .

5. Asset Quality (NPL Management): At the end of year 20 , the Bank’s total loans and
advances were up by 00.00% over 20 (preceding year) , showing an
increase/decrease of BDT 00.00 lac. Despite this growth, loans classified as
“substandard and below” was below 00.00%, i.e 00.00(actual rate)%, which is at
satisfactory level and 00.00% less/higher than that of previous year. The NPL of 20
was 00.00%. For the purpose of the analysis a score of 10 has been allotted for an ideal
NPL ratio of below 3% and the bank has received score for having NPL ratio of
00.00% in the year 20 .

(Add graphic representation if required)

Page # 70
B. Internal Control and Compliance Health:( Prepared under supervision of Head of Audit
and approved by ACB)

Bank’s internal control system is designed to facilitate effective and efficient operations and to
ensure the quality of internal and external reporting and compliance with applicable laws and
regulations. In devising internal controls, the Bank has taken into account the nature and extent
of the risk, the likelihood of its occurring and the cost of controls. A system of internal control is
designed to manage, but not eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and
provide a reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against the risk of material misstatement,
fraud or losses.

Analyzing Internal Control and Compliance health of the Bank encompasses the level of
compliance of Board and Audit Committee decisions, Management Committees decisions,
applicable laws, regulations and internal policies and regulatory requirements. The Bank has
received an overall Internal Control and Compliance Health score of out of 100, which means
that the Internal control and compliance health of the Bank was " " as on December 31, 20 .
The details of scores are followed by the enclosed health grading Score sheet.

a) Internal Control Health:

In analyzing Internal Control health, five following parameters have been considered and
the Bank received out of 50 which indicate that the Internal Control system of the
Bank is Excellent. Detailed score is as under:

Name of Parameter Score Obtained Remarks

Implementation Status of Board of Directors' decision

Implementation status of Audit Committee's decision

Implementation Status of MANCOM decision

% of Audit conducted to estimated Plan during the year

Implementation Status of ALCO decision

Implementation Status of WCM decision


Board and Audit Committee’s Roles in the Bank:

The effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control system is reviewed by the Board and the
Audit Committee. The Executive Committee or Board of Directors receives regular
reports on significant risks facing the Bank and how they are being controlled. In
addition, Bank’s independent auditors present reports to the Audit Committee that
include details of significant internal control matters, which they have identified.

Page # 71
The Board of Directors of the Bank approves and reviews the overall business strategies
and policies of the Bank. The Board of Directors of the Bank has formed Audit
Committee, and the Audit Committee performs its roles in accordance with applicable
rules and regulations.

Implementation status of Board’s Instruction: During the year 20 Board meetings

were held times and decisions were taken by the Board of Directors, out of which
were implemented and the implementation status is %.

Implementation status of Audit Committee’s Decisions: During the year 20 ,

Audit Committee met 00 times and took 00 decisions, out of which 00 decisions were
fully complied with. The percentage of compliance is 00%.

Management Committee:

The Bank has established SMT, the meetings of which are presided over by Managing
director of the Bank. SMT reviews and recommends all policies and strategies, which
are forwarded to the Board for approval/ratification. The Senior Management will review
the reports of Internal & External Audit, reports of regulatory bodies and take appropriate
steps in compliance process to remove the irregularities.

Implementation status of SMT Decisions: During the year 20 , SMT arranged 00 (

in words ) meetings and took decisions out of which are fully complied with and
decision related to of the bank is under process of implementation. The percentage of
compliance is 00.00%.

Implementation status of Asset-Liability Committee Decision:

Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) regularly meets to address factors, such as the

change in interest rate, market conditions and carries out liability maturity gap analysis
and re-pricing of products. During the year 20 , ALCO meetings were held times.
The committee took a total of decisions, out of which decisions were fully
complied with. The percentage of compliance is 00.00%.

Implementation Status of WCM Decisions:

In order to bring effectiveness in the process of Management Information System
(MIS) and Internal Control System of the bank on the activities of various
Divisions/Departments of Corporate Head Office (CHO) as well as the branches, CHO
arranges meetings on weekly basis, which are attended by heads of different
Divisions/ Departments of CHO and managers of different branches (as guest
attendees). Under the chair of Managing Director & CEO, regular Weekly
Communication Meeting (WCM) is held at CHO to review the progress of
Divisional/Departmental activities/ implementation of action points/decisions taken by
the management, and the future course of action is taken.

During the year 20 , the weekly communication meeting was held times taking 00
decisions, out of which 00 decisions were fully implemented, and the remaining 00

Page # 72
decisions are under process of implementation. Percentage of Implementation status is

Internal Audit and its rectification status: The audit program/schedule is developed
and duly approved by the competent authority at the very beginning of the year, and
audits are conducted accordingly. In the year 20 , audit of 00 branches of the bank (out
of 00 branches) has been completed, and the percentage of audited branches is
00.00%. The audit of the remaining 00 branches has been completed this year(year of
report preparing). During this period, the audit team raised 00 objections, and 00
objections were rectified. The percentage of rectification is 00.00%. Apart from it,
special audit on different Department/Divisions of Head office and different risk areas
were conducted as per Management instructions and requirements, in 20 (year under
review) .

b). Compliance Health:

In assessing compliance health, the Bank has emphasized on the compliance status of
all regulatory observations and time management. For the purpose of the analysis the
following 5 indicators have been considered to assess compliance health of the Bank
and the Bank has received a score of 00 out of 50, which means Compliance health
position of the Bank is “ ”.

Name of Parameter Score Obtained Remarks

Implementation of Core risk Guidelines

Basel-II Implementation Status

External Audit Compliance

Bangladesh Bank Audits Compliance

Internal Audit Compliance

Good Governance


Implementation Status of BB’s Core Risk Guideline:

Bangladesh Bank’s Inspection teams conducted inspection on 05 Core Risk areas of the
Bank out of 06 Core Risk areas and raised 50 observations/ suggestions, out of which
00 have already been complied with. The percentage of rectification is 00.00%, which is
satisfactory. The concerned divisions have been advised to rectify the remaining

Basel-II compliance status:

Page # 73
As per new capital accord, the Bank is required to maintain a regulatory capital of 10%
of RWA, against which the Bank is maintaining 00.00%.

Bangladesh Bank’s inspection and its compliance position:

Bangladesh Bank submitted 00 reports on the branches of the Bank during the year 20 .
As per BB’s report, the number of objections was 00 out of which 00 objections were
rectified as on 31.12.20 and the percentage of Compliance is about %.

External Auditor’s report and its compliance position:

In the year 20 , External auditors made 00 observations on the bank’s activities for the
year 20 , which have been complied.

Internal Audit & inspections & its Compliance:

During the year 20 , the internal Audit team detected 00 objections, out of which 00
objections were rectified and 00 objections are yet to be rectified. Percentage of
rectification is 00%. Close persuasion is going on to rectify all the pending Audit

Good Governance:

The Bank has meticulously followed and complied with all regulatory instructions issued
time to time by Securities and Exchange Commission as well as Bangladesh Bank, vide
different notifications and circulars regarding ensuring good governance in the
institutions, in the year 20 .

From the above analysis, it is evident that the Internal Control and Compliance health
of the Bank is .

Page # 74
C. Image & Reputation Health:(Prepared by External Auditor)

Better image and reputation increase the confidence of the stake holders, which ultimately
increases market Value of the Bank. The valuation of image and reputation is difficult but not
totally impossible. We have tried to assess ‘Image and Reputation health’ of the Bank by
quantifying following parameters and the Bank has received a score of 00 out of 100, which
indicates “ ” Image and Reputation Health. Detailed analysis of Image and Reputation
health is followed by attached score sheet.

Name of Parameter Score Obtained Remarks

Board Image

Management Image


Corporate Social Responsibilities Activities

Service to Customer

Suits filed by the counterparties

Imposition of Penalties by the regulatory bodies


For the purpose of the analysis, we have considered Board Image, Management Image,
Branding, CSR Activity, suit filed against the Bank and Imposition of Fine by Regulatory
bodies(such as Bangladesh Bank, SEC, The Honorable Court etc.) as the measures of Image
and reputation health, where negative score has been allocated for suit filed against the bank
and imposition of fine by the regulatory bodies.

Board Image:

Bank Limited is sponsored and directed by renowned and respected business

personalities in the country, who are also the owners of some leading conglomerate of the
country and have become iconic and legendary in their own business arena, and thus the image
of the Board has upgraded the image of the Bank also. The Board of Directors of the Bank is
always supportive for the Bank Management and providing continuous guidance towards
achievement of . Apart from this, the Board has also ensured good governance in all respect of
the Bank. In our analysis a score of 20 has been assigned to Board Image and the Bank has
received the score of 00 out of 20.

Management Image:

The senior Management of the bank has also outstanding image in the banking sector. The
Bank has employed CEO who is held in high esteem in the banking arena. The senior
Page # 75
management in the core management team, has also enhanced the image and reputation
health of the Bank. The Bank is managed professionally in all respect by ensuring good
corporate governance, better customer services and compliance of regulatory requirements
over the years. The rights of all stakeholders are duly protected. The disclosure of information is
duly made as per regulatory requirements, and also for the valued shareholders. The Bank has
received a score of 00 out of 20 for strong Management Image.


Unique Branding is one of the finest ways to reach the mass people. The branding activities of
the Bank are increasing gradually, and to this effect the Bank has set up bill-board and signage
in commercially important places with a view to be ‘the bank of choice’ of the people. The
people of the country are familiar with the brand of , yet a lot of things need to be done to
enhance its brand value. In our analysis it is found that the Brand Value of the Bank is “ ”
and has received a score of 00 out of 20.

Corporate Social Responsibilities:

is imbued with the spirit of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and has contributed to
education, sports, art and culture, charitable, educational and healthcare institutions across the
country in the form of donation and sponsorship. had always been by the side of the
common and less advantaged people of the society in natural catastrophes; like flood, cyclone,
cold waves or any other national crisis. has launched loan products for the poor farmers
and SME customers and planned to introduce more banking products and CSR programs for
the poor of the society. The Bank has received a score of 00 out of 10 in CSR Activities.
Services to Customer:

Bank Limited is committed to provide best customer services. In addition to providing

customer services from the branches (over the counter) the bank is rendering manifold
personalized and prompt services to the customers, which include ATM services, KIOSK, Card
services, POS, internet banking, SMS banking etc. According to our observations, the
customers of Bank Limited are satisfied at the services provided to them. Bank
employees are also “ ” to that cause, nevertheless, there is always room for
development. For the purpose of the analysis, the Bank has received a score of 00 out of 10
for customer service.
Suits filed by the counterparties:

In quantifying Image and Reputation health we have also considered the position of suits filed
against the Bank, and assigned 10 score for maximum 4 suits, and no score for 20 or more suits
filed against the Bank, by the counterparties. During the year 2014, 10 suits were filed by the
counterparties, and the bank has received a score of 00 out of 10.

Imposition of Penalties by the regulatory bodies:

In our analysis we have considered whether any sort of penalty has been imposed on the bank
by the regulatory bodies or not and assigned a zero (0) score for imposition of any penalty/fine.
During the year 20 the bank did not have any imposition of penalty by the regulatory bodies,
and it has received a score of 00 out of 10.

It appears from the above that the Image and Reputation Health of the Bank is “ ”.
Page # 76
D. Conclusion:

The analysis as made above shows that the financial health of the bank is “ ”; internal control
& Compliance Health of the bank is “ ” and image and reputation health is “ ”.

To bring more sustainability and soundness in the overall health of the Bank, it is required to
exert utmost efforts to improve the financial health of the Bank, by utilizing the infrastructure,
brand image and reputation of the Bank.

Following observations/ suggestions are made to sustain the overall health of the bank at
excellent level: -

• Cost of fund should be reduced by introducing wide range of low cost liability products in
order to increase NIM.
• Dependency on inter-bank money market to be reduced by mobilizing more deposits.
• Sources of low cost deposit to be increased, instead of concentrating on a limited
number of persons/organizations to minimize the risk of withdrawal of big chunk of
deposit by them at any time.
• High cost deposit to be deployed in high yielding asset portfolio for matching cost with
the revenue.
• Quality of Front desk service of the Bank should be improved for Image building and
business growth.
• Core Risk Guidelines of CRM should be implemented properly in order to maintain Asset
quality at desired level. Special attention to be made for improvement of Treasury
Management in order to reduce ALM risk.
• Operational risk of the Bank may be reduced by employing skilled manpower as well as
by imparting need based training.

(This is a pro-forma Annual Health Report. All the banks are advised to customized this report
according to their business volume and operation technique except grading calculation.)

Page # 77
Health Grading Score Sheet
As on December 31, 20

90 & Above Excellent

80-89 Very Good
70-79 Good
Financial Health 60-69 Satisfactory
Below 60 Marginal

Total Score Obtained 80

Result Very Good

i) Earning Success Parameter Range Assigned Value Score Obtained
25% & Above 10
20%-25% 8
Operating Profit Growth
15%-20% 6
Below 15% 3
20% & Above 5
15%-19% 4
Net Interest Income Growth
10%-14% 3
Below 10% 2
40% & Above 5
30%-39% 4
Non-Interest Income Growth 0
20%-29% 3
Below 20% 2
2%-3% 5
Return on Asset (ROA) 1%-2% 4 0
Less than 1% 1
25% & Above 5
20%-24% 4
Return on Average Equity (ROAE) 0
15%-19% 3
Below 15% 1
Total Earning Success Score (out of 30) 0
II) Liquidity Health
Above 19% 2
CRR and SLR 19% 3 0
Bellow 19% 0
Above 85% 0
A-D Ratio and Interbank 80%-85% 2
Dependency 70%-79% 1.5
Below 70% 1
Total Liquidity Score (Out of 5) 0
III) Solvency
Above 10% 5
Core Capital to RWA ratio 7%-10% 4
(As per Basel-II) 4.5%-7% 3
Bellow 4.5% 0
Above 10% 3
Capital Adequacy Ratio 8%-10% 2
(As per Basel-II) 6%-8% 1
4%-6% 0
20% & Above 2
Growth of Capital/Shareholders'
10%-20% 1 0
Bellow 10% 0
Total Solvency Score (Out of 10) 0

Page # 78
IV) Deposit Health Parameter Range Assigned Value Score Obtained
25%-30% 5
20%-24% 4
Deposit Growth 0
15%-19% 3
Less than 15% 2
100%-86% 1
Deposit Mix (% of High Cost 85%-71% 3
Deposit) 70%-56% 4
55%-31% 5
12%-14% 4
10%-12% 6
Cost of Fund 0
8%-10% 8
6%-8% 10
81%-100% 5
Core Deposit to Total Deposit 71%-80% 3 0
60%-70% 1
Total Deposit Score ( Out of 25) 0
V) Loans & Advances Health
25%-30% 5
20%-24% 4
Loans and Advance Growth 15%-19% 3
10%-14% 2
5%-<10% 1
Segment-wise Concentration 10%-15% 5
16%-20% 4
(% of concentration (LTR+PAD) to 0
21%-25% 3
total Loans and Advances)
Above 25% 2
Sectoral Diversification 25%-34% 5
( As a % of 35%-44% 4
45%-54% 3 0
Industraial/Manufacturing Loan to
Total Loans & Advances) Above 54% 2
Concentration of Loans Above 60% 2
56-60% 3
(Large Loan to Total Loans and #REF!
50-55% 4
Below 50% 5
Asset Quality 5% & Above 2
3%-5% 6 0
(NPL Management)
0%-3% 10
Total Loans & Advances Score (Out of 30) #REF!

Total Score #REF!

Page # 79
Health Grading Score Sheet
As on December 31, 20

90 & Above Excellent

80-89 Very Good
70-79 Good
Internal Control & Compliance Health 60-69 Satisfactory
Below 60 Marginal

Total Score Obtained 0

Result Satisfactory

i) Internal Control Health Parameter Range
Assigned Value Score Obtained

90%-100% 100% 10
Implementation Status of Board of 70%-90% 8
Directors' decision 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 100% 10
Implementation status of Audit 70%-90% 8
Committee's decision 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 99% 10
Implementation Status of MANCOM 70%-90% 8
Decision 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 95% 10
Internal Audit
70%-90% 8
( % of Audit conducted to Estimated
Plan during the year) 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 97% 5
ALCO Meeting 70%-90% 4
(Action point Implementation status ) 50%-70% 3
Bellow 50% 2
90%-100% 98% 5
Weekly communication Meeting 70%-90% 4
(Action point Implementation status ) 50%-70% 3
Bellow 50% 2
Total Internal Control Health Score (Out of 50) 0
ii) Compliance Health Parameter Range
Assigned Value Score Obtained

90%-100% 10
70%-90% 8
Implementation of Core risk Guideline
50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
Above 10% 10
Basel-II Implementation Status
9%-10% 8
( % Eligible Capital to Risk weighted 0
Asset) 8%-9% 6
7%-8% 4
90%-100% 10
External Audit Compliance
70%-90% 8
( as a % of objections raised to 0
Compliance) 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 10
Bangladesh Bank Audits Compliance
70%-90% 8
(As a % of Objections raised to 0
Compliance) 50%-70% 6
Bellow 50% 4
90%-100% 5
Internal Audit Compliance 70%-90% 4
( % of objections raised to Compliance) 50%-70% 3
Bellow 50% 2
Strong 5
Medium 4
Good Governance 0
Partial 3
Poor 2
Total Compliance Health Score (Out of 50)

Total Score

Page # 80
Health Grading Score Sheet
As on December 31, 20

90 & Above Excellent

80-89 Very Good
70-79 Good
Image & Reputation Health 60-69 Satisfactory
Below 60 Marginal

Total Score Obtained 0

Result Excellent

Image & ReputationHealth Parameter Range Achievement Assigned Value Score Achieved
High 20
Board Image Average 16 0
Satisfactory 10
High 20
Management Image Average 16 0
Satisfactory 10
Excellent 20
Very Good 16
Good 14
Satisfactory 12
BDT 20 million 10
CSR Activity
BDT 10-20 million 4
( Amount of Subscription and Donation)
Bellow BDT 10 million 2
Strongly Committed 10
Better Services to Customer Committed 9
No Stipulation 6
20 or more 0
11 to 19 5
Suits Filed by the Couterparties
5 to 10 8
0-4 10
Imposition of Penalties by Regulatory Yes 0
Bodies No 10
Total Image & Reputational Health Score (Out of 100) 0

Total Score 0

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General Banking Activities:

Ensure proper In-charge of all
Overall cleanliness of department
Cleanliness the branch
of the branch premises as
Branch Manager
premises per CHO
Ensure timely In-charge of all
attendance of department
of the branch
all employees
employees Branch Manager
of the branch.
Ensure 24
hours duty of
security guard.
Ensure duty of
Gun man
during office
Ensure CC TV
Safety ,
coverage for
Security Manager Branch
24 hours.
measures Operation
adequate Fire
Extinguisher in
generator back
up during office
Testing of
security alarm
of the branch.
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smoke detector
in branch
checking of
electrical wires
of the branch
by qualified
Checking of
duty of security
guard by the
branch officials
during holiday.
contact number
i.e. Police
station, Fire
station, RAB,
Hospital etc.
are available in
Ensure full Branch
compliance of Manager/
MTB Dress Manager Branch
of CHO
code for the Operation
employees of
the bank.

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Ensure full
compliance of
Ensure full
compliance of
MTB Winning
(Etiquette and
guideline for
Ensure full
compliance of
MTB Code of
Ensure full
compliance of
Ensure full
compliance of
MTB Anti
Compliance Checking the Branch
of validity of Manager/
Regulatory Bank’s Manager Branch
Instructions License. operation

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Checking the
validity of all
policy of the
Compliance of
Bank, Internal
and External
Audit and
receiving and
exchanging of
torn & soiled
forged notes.
Display notice
cheque returns
for insufficient
Display leaflets
containing the
salient points
of AML and

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Display up -to
date financial
with highlights.
Display bank’s
interest rates
on various
deposit and
complaint box
in a visible
Display up to
date schedule
of charges of
the bank.
Daily cash Dealing officer/s
received and Name & Design
payment made
including online
Cash In-
payment by
Cash in charge/DM
following CHO
hand Local instructions
Currency Review teller's
cash sheet with GB In-
evidence & charge/DM
Physical cash Cash In-charge

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balance to be
with daily cash
balance book,
GB In-
and tally with
Ensure cash Cash In-charge
transaction and
cash holding of
the branch
within insured
limit of Cash in GB In-
Safe, Cash on charge/DM
Counter and
Cash in Transit
of the
Mutilated notes
separately kept
and recorded Cash In-charge
in the separate
Fly leaf of the
branch is used
each and every Cash In-charge
bundle of
currency notes
Cash in Selling and Dealing officer/s
hand Buying of Name & Design

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Foreign Foreign
Currency Currency and
recording in the
register under
dual control.
Physical cash Dealing officer/s
balance to be Name & Design
with daily cash
balance book,
vault GB In-
register/vault charge/DM
and tally with
Loading of Dealing officer/s
cash in ATM Name & Design
after accessing
GB In-
Maintenance of Dealing officer/s
corporate Name & Design
intranet based
GB In-
Passing Dealing officer/s
necessary Name & Design
entries soon
GB In-
after loading
and unloading.
Prize Bond Prize bonds Dealing officer/s
are recorded Name & Design

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mentioning the
GB In-
number in the
Checking of Dealing officer/s
physical stock Name & Design
with GL and
GB In-
prize bond
Ensure Dealing officer/s
preparation of Name & Design
statement by
mentioning the
serial number
of unsold prize
bond by a
GB In-
Officer other
than the In-
charge of prize
bond before
and after end
of each draw
Purchase and
on of stamps
Stamps in are recorded Dealing officer/s
and denomination Name & Design
wise in the
register under
dual control

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and register is
checked by the GB In-
authorized charge/DM
Physical Dealing officer/s
verification of Name & Design
stamps in hand
GB In-
with GL and
Receiving and Dealing officer/s
recording of SP Name & Design
block from
GB In-
Selling of Dealing officer/s
Sanchaypatra Name & Design
GB In-
encashment of
Claiming Dealing officer/s
reimbursement Name & Design
GB In-
SP in time.
Physical Dealing officer/s
verification of Name & Design
SP block with
SP stock
register and GB In-
validation of charge/DM
Account Opening of Dealing officer/s
opening various deposit Name & Design
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activities accounts by
rules and
preserving the
same and GB In-
loading charge/DM/BM
information in
Flora System
with due
approval of
Contact Point Dealing officer/s
Verification Name & Design
(CPV) to be
done as per GB In-
CHO charge/DM/BM
Sending thanks Dealing officer/s
letter at time of Name & Design
opening new
account and
sending Half
Yearly Balance
GB In-
Certificate as
per BRPD
circular of

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Supply of Dealing officer/s

leaflets Name & Design
containing the
salient points
of Anti Money
GB In-
and Combating
Financing of
Terrorism ACT
to the
Holding of Dealing officer/s
BAMLCO Name & Design
Monitoring and Dealing officer/s
review of TP Name & Design
and KYC GB In-
regularly charge/DM/BM
of Anti
Monitoring of Dealing officer/s
High Risk Name & Design
Client as per GB In-
KYC charge/DM/BM
Review and Dealing officer/s
reporting of Name & Design
GB In-
hard copy
there of.
Cheque Requisition of Dealing officer/s
Books cheque books Name & Design

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to CHO under
dual control,
receiving &
recording the
same in the
system under
GB In-
dual control
and delivery to
the respective
account holder
with due
Physical Dealing officer/s
verification of Name & Design
cheque books GB In-
is to be done charge/DM/BM
by dually.
Requisition of Dealing officer/s
printing and Name & Design
stationery to
CHO under
dual control,
and Security GB In-
stationery charge/DM/BM
tion of the
same is duly
recorded in the
register under
dual control.
Physical Dealing officer/s
verification of Name & Design
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stock with GL
and register to
GB In-
be done dually
at the end of
Maintaining of Dealing officer/s
locker register Name & Design
and attendance
GB In-
register under
dual control.
Maintaining of Dealing officer/s
Master keys of Name & Design
locker under
GB In-
Locker dual
Account custodians.
Realization of Dealing officer/s
security Name & Design
deposit, locker
rent and
insurance GB In-
premium as charge/DM/BM
per CHO
Standing/ Maintenance of Dealing officer/s
Stop standing Name & Design
Payment instructions file
instructions and recording
GB In-
the same in the
register under
dual control.
Marking / Dealing officer/s
loading the Name & Design

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information in
the Flora GB In-
system under charge/DM/BM
dual control
Receiving of Dealing officer/s
application for Name & Design
issuance of
Card from the
client and
GB In-
forwarded to
Card Division,
CHO for
Debit Card approval.
and Credit Receiving and Dealing officer/s
Card recording of Name & Design
(fresh and cards and
renewal) distribute to the
GB In-
under dual
Maintaining of Dealing officer/s
undelivered Name & Design
card and Pin
GB In-
by separate
Bangladesh Scanning
Automated image of Dealing officer/s
Clearing received Name & Design
House instruments.

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(BACH) Posting of
cheque series,
Outward routing
number and
amount of the
Marking of
BACH in High
value and
regular value.
reprocess to
position of
Inform returned
information to
the client.
Validation of
GB In-
above activities
by Supervisor

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(receiving and
Scrutiny of
(checking of
cheque series,
Bangladesh transaction
Automated number,
Clearing amount of the
House instruments, Dealing officer/s
(BACH) manual and Name & Design
Inward: endorsement
of both high
value and
regular value
Accepting of
Debit customer
account upon
getting positive
advice from the
customer in
case of need.

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Validation of
GB In-
above activities
by Supervisor
Receiving of
recording in the
register and
sending of
instruments for
under dual
Dealing officer/s
Outward bill Name & Design
lodgment and
for collection
reversal of
contra entries
in the system.
Inform return
information of
instruments (if
any) to the
Validation of
GB In-
above activities
by Supervisor
Receiving and
Inward bill
recording in the Dealing officer/s
for collection
register under Name & Design
dual control.

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Scrutiny and
payment the
same under
dual control
relevant policy
and procedure
of the bank.
Validation of
GB In-
above activities
by Supervisor.
Issuance and
encashment of
Pay Order, Pay
Slip and
Demand Draft
relevant policy
and procedure Dealing officer/s
of the bank and Name & Design
Bills and
recording the
same in the
register under
dual control.
Balancing the
leaf of security
blocks on
regularly basis.
Validation of
GB In-
above activities
by Supervisor.

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Reconciliation Dealing officer/s

of online GL Name & Design
with other
branches and
CHO has been
GB In-
done upon
Reconciliatio relevant policy
n and procedure
of the bank.
Reconciliation Dealing officer/s
of balance of Name & Design
GB In-
with other
Closing of daily
Dealing officer/s
Activities of transactions/D
Name & Design
Accounts ay ending.
Department Printout out Dealing officer/s
and checking Name & Design

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of all the
outputs of daily
(Statement of
In-charge all
Affairs, Back
page of affairs,
Audit trail
ary sheet etc.)
Balancing of Dealing officer/s
ledgers and Name & Design
books of In-charge all
accounts department
regularly. /DM/BM
Charging of Dealing officer/s
interest, Name & Design
service charge
GB In-
Realization of Dealing officer/s
VAT and AIT Name & Design
as per
instructions of
GB In-
Interest paid to Dealing officer/s
deposit Name & Design
account. GB In-

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Monthly Dealing officer/s

provision made Name & Design
against GB In-
expenses. charge/DM/BM
Debit all office Dealing officer/s
account Name & Design
creditors’ a/c,
sundry debtors’
a/c, advance
employee a/c,
against GB In-
suppliers a/c, charge/DM/BM
suspense a/c
etc.) with the
approval of
manager and
reviewing the
Review and Dealing officer/s
reversal of Name & Design
contra entries. GB In-
Checking and Dealing officer/s
review of Name & Design
interest product GB In-
sheet. charge/DM/BM
Preparation, Dealing officer/s
checking and Name & Design
preservation of GB In-
daily vouchers. charge/DM/BM
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Listing of Dealing officer/s

Dormant Name & Design
account and
GB In-
maintaining the
Checking and Dealing officer/s
preservation of Name & Design
Audit Trail GB In-
Report. charge/DM/BM
Reports/ Ensure Dealing officer/s
Returns submission of Name & Design
/Statements daily/weekly/m
reports to CHO
GB In-
and Regulatory
bodies and
preserved in
the file.
Credit Department Activities:

Preparation of Dealing officer/s

loan proposal Name & Design
and sending to
CHO for
approval upon
Credit In-
Credit charge/DM/BM
relevant policy
and procedure
of the bank.
Prepare CRG Dealing officer/s
/up to date Name & Design
CRG of the Credit In-
client. charge/DM/BM

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Obtaining CIB Dealing officer/s

report / up to Name & Design
date clean CIB
Credit In-
report/ CIB
Receiving CHO Dealing officer/s
sanction letter Name & Design
accordingly Credit In-
advice to the charge/DM/BM
Execution Dealing officer/s
required Name & Design
papers and
documents as Credit In-
per CHO charge/DM/BM
Prepare LDCL Dealing officer/s
and sending to Name & Design
CHO for
obtaining the
Authority for Credit In-
Disbursement charge/DM/BM
and disburse
the loan.
Maintain safe- Dealing officer/s
in and safe-out Name & Design
register under Credit In-
dual control. charge/DM/BM
Maintain due Dealing officer/s
date diary for Name & Design
insurance and
Credit In-
SRO token of
the branch.
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Prepare loan Dealing officer/s

sanction Name & Design
checklist Credit In-
Follow up and Dealing officer/s
supervision of Name & Design
credit exposure
of the branch
regularly for
Credit In-
keeping loans
ts as standard.
Follow up the Dealing officer/s
overdue and Name & Design
NPL loans Credit In-
Monitoring, regularly. charge/DM/BM
follow up Monitoring, Dealing officer/s
and supervision Name & Design
supervision and follow up
Credit In-
of all court
cases (if any).
Ensure timely Dealing officer/s
renewal of Name & Design
loans. Credit In-
Rescheduling Dealing officer/s
of classified Name & Design
loan accounts
(if any) as per Credit In-
BRPD circular charge/DM/BM
of BB.

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Prepare of CL Dealing officer/s

Statements as Name & Design
per BRPD
circular of BB. Credit In-
periodic returns
as per CHO
and B. Bank
guidelines i.e.
monthly &
Quarterly CIB,
Returns ,
statements Dealing officer/s
Industrial Term
and Name & Design
quarterly SME
quarterly Agro
based Industry
statement, CL
returns, MCR
under BASEL
II, Half Yearly
Statement etc.
Credit In-
Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange Transactions:

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Credit Obtaining
approvals for credit
trade approvals for
Dealing officer/s
transactions trade
Name & Design
transactions by

Manager (RM)
Loan Opening loan Dealing officer/s
account account and Name & Design
opening and loading of loan
limit loading limit after
Manager (RM)
proper LDCL
Receiving Transaction Dealing officer/s
Transaction request of Name & Design
request of a customers
customer forwarded to
the respective
MITS Centre Relationship
through Manager (RM)
system or

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Payment of Obtaining post

accepted facto approvals
bills within (for demand
the maturity loan creating
date for insufficient Dealing officer/s
fund in Name & Design
account or
account) form
of the bank as Relationship
well as BB (if Manager (RM)
Timely Timely Dealing officer/s
recovery of recovery of Name & Design
loan outstanding Relationship
loan. Manager (RM)
Day End at Exception (if Dealing officer/s
Branch level any) Name & Design

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with concern
centre well
ahead of time.

(Given the Relationship

standard Manager (RM)
business hours
of 10.00 a.m.
to 6.00 p.m., it
is expected to
have the day
end, anytime
after 6.30 p.m.)
Cash Realizing Dealing officer/s
Transactions commission Name & Design
on behalf of and charges
MITS (e.g. advising
charges) in
cash from non
Manager (RM)
[Branch MTB
Gulshan /
Issuance Issuing PO or Dealing officer/s
and FDD (after the Name & Design

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realization of fund for their

Pay issuance have
orders/FDDs been credited
on behalf of to the
MITS respective Relationship
heads of Manager (RM)
per e-mail
request from
Clearing and Dealing officer/s
collection of Name & Design
Pay order (PO)
or FDD.
[Branch MTB Relationship
Gulshan / Manager (RM)
Releasing Dealing officer/s
stamps to Name & Design
MITS at the
end of the day
after the
value of the
Stamps in
stamps are
Hand Relationship
credited to
Manager (RM)
Stamps in
Hand account.
[Branch MTB
Gulshan /

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Collecting all Dealing officer/s

Bill of Entries Name & Design
within 15
(fifteen) days
from the date
of release of
imported Relationship
consignment Manager (RM)
Collecting for onward
Bill of reporting to BB
Entries and within the due
EXP forms time.
from Collecting all
respective EXP forms
customers within 10 (ten)
days from the Dealing officer/s
shipment date Name & Design
of the export
for onward
reporting to BB
within the due Relationship
time. Manager (RM)
Storage of Notifying Dealing officer/s
Files and updated Name & Design

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Register information of
the file and
provides with a
copy of the
documents to Relationship
MITS centre Manager (RM)
/sub centre.
[Master file of
the customer
maintained at
branch level]
Claiming Cash Dealing officer/s
Incentive to BB Name & Design
through CHO
and paid to
client by
following all
Manager (RM)
rules and
Cash Ensure Dealing officer/s
Incentive accurate cash Name & Design
and Duty incentive
Draw back calculation
Manager (RM)
Collecting PRC Dealing officer/s
and other Name & Design
certificates/doc Relationship
uments from Manager (RM)
Ensuring Dealing officer/s
timely Name & Design
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submission of Relationship
reporting. Manager (RM)
Central Submission of Dealing officer/s
Payment Payment Name & Design
Unit(CPU) Instructions
(PI) and
Reimbursemen Relationship
t Manager (RM)
Statement Timely Dealing officer/s
/Return submission of Name & Design
/Reporting all statement &
returns to
Manager (RM)
bank &
Head office
Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange Transactions at Branch Level:

Opening of LC Dealing officer/s

by obtaining Name & Design
Import LC commission Dealing officer/s
/charge Name & Design
realized FEX In-
properly. charge/DM/BM
LC opened with Dealing officer/s
valid IRC/other Name & Design
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related papers
Compliance of Dealing officer/s
other terms and Name & Design
conditions as
stipulated in FEX In-
CHO sanction charge/DM/BM
L/C opened by Dealing officer/s
obtaining Name & Design
s’ credit report FEX In-
(where charge/DM/BM
Importer’s Dealing officer/s
signature Name & Design
verified by the
branch officials
of the branch in FEX In-
Pro-forma charge/DM/BM
Invoice /Indent
/ LC application
form etc.
Original Dealing officer/s
shipping Name & Design
documents FEX In-
keeping until charge/DM/BM

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Readable copy Dealing officer/s

of LC and 3rd & Name & Design
4th copy of
LCAF sent to FEX In-
CCI&E in due charge/DM/BM
PAD register Dealing officer/s
and other Name & Design
register relating
to Import,
maintained by
the branch.
Collect Bill of Dealing officer/s
Entry/Custom Name & Design
certified invoice
from the client
and Matching
of Bill of FEX In-
Entry/Custom charge/DM/BM
certified invoice
done with IMP
in due time.
EXP issued by Dealing officer/s
the branch with Name & Design
valid ERC/
other related FEX In-
papers and charge/DM/BM
Exp register Dealing officer/s
properly filled Name & Design
by the branch. FEX In-

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Clean export Dealing officer/s

documents Name & Design
purchased. FEX In-
Submission of Dealing officer/s
2nd copy of Name & Design
EXP form to
bank within 14
days from the
date of
shipment /
submission of
3rd copy of Exp
form to
Bank within the
month of
realized against
Reporting to Dealing officer/s
Bangladesh Name & Design
Bank against
Proceeds over
than 120 days.
Compliance of Dealing officer/s
other terms and Name & Design
conditions as
stipulated in FEX In-
CHO sanction charge/DM/BM
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Foreign Dealing officer/s

remittance Name & Design
realized and
credited to the
account under
dual control
upon complying
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.
Make payment Dealing officer/s
all Foreign Name & Design
with F.C
Remittance In-charge/
account by
complying all
applicable rules
and regulations
of the bank.
Encashment Dealing officer/s
Certificate Name & Design
issued against
remittance as
per client
request upon
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.

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Issue Dealing officer/s

miscellaneous Name & Design
under dual
control upon In-charge/
complying DM/BM
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.
Correspondent Dealing officer/s
via SWIFT with Name & Design
e for
Open & Dealing officer/s
maintain Name & Design
Currency A/c &
ERQ A/c upon
Others In-charge/
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.
Settle Dealing officer/s
International Name & Design
Credit Card Bill
in due time
upon complying In-charge/
relevant rules DM/BM
and regulation
of the bank.
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Cash Dollar Dealing officer/s

endorsement & Name & Design
prepare TM
form to report
BB under dual
control upon In-charge/
complying DM/BM
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.
Open and Dealing officer/s
maintain Name & Design
student file
upon complying
relevant rules
and regulation
of the bank.
Prepare L/C Dealing officer/s
Operational Name & Design
Check List (if
any open)

Note: According to the nature of activities of the branches and offices of the bank the DCFCLs may be customized.

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Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st WEEK 2nd WEEK 3rd WEEK 4th WEEK 5th WEEK
Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
Overall Ensure proper cleanliness of the
Cleanliness of branch premises as per CHO
Branch Manager
the branch instructions.
Attendance of Ensure timely attendance of all
the branch employees of the branch. Branch Manager
Ensure 24 hours duty of security
Ensure duty of Gun man during
office hour.
Ensure CC TV coverage for 24
Ensure adequate Fire
Extinguisher in branch premises.
Ensure generator back up during
Safety , office hour.
Security Testing of security alarm of the
Manager Branch
measures and branch.
premises Ensure adequate smoke
protection detector in branch premises.
Quarterly checking of electrical
wires of the branch by qualified
Checking of duty of security
guard by the branch officials
during holiday.
Emergency contact number i.e.
Police station, Fire station, RAB,
Hospital etc. are available in
Compliance of Ensure full compliance of MTB Branch
CHO Dress code for the employees of Manager/
Instructions the bank. Manager Branch

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Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st WEEK 2nd WEEK 3rd WEEK 4th WEEK 5th WEEK
Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
Ensure full compliance of MTB Operation
Compliance Manual.
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Winning (Etiquette and Service
Excellence guideline for
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Code of Conduct.
Ensure full compliance of
Customer Acceptance Policy.
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Anti Harassment Policy.
Checking the validity of Bank’s
Checking the validity of all
insurance policy of the branch.
Compliance of Bangladesh
Bank, Internal and External Audit
and Inspection Report.
Notice regarding receiving and
exchanging of torn & soiled
Compliance of Notice regarding forged notes. Manager/
Display notice regarding cheque Manager Branch
returns for insufficient fund. operation
Display leaflets containing the
salient points of AML and CFT.
Display up -to date financial
statements with highlights.
Display bank’s interest rates on
various deposit and lending
Maintain complaint box in a
visible place

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Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st WEEK 2nd WEEK 3rd WEEK 4th WEEK 5th WEEK
Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
Display up to date schedule of
charges of the bank.
Opening of various deposit
accounts by following applicable
rules and regulations,
preserving the same and loading Branch Manager
Account information in Flora System with
opening due approval of Branch
activities Manager.
Contact Point Verification (CPV)
to be done as per CHO Branch Manager
Locker Account Realization of security deposit, GB In-
locker rent and insurance charge/DM/BM
premium as per CHO
Bills and Balancing the leaf of security GB In-
Remittance blocks on regularly basis. charge/DM/BM
Reconciliation Reconciliation of online GL
transaction with other branches
GB In-
and CHO has been done upon
complying relevant policy and
procedure of the bank.
Reconciliation of balance of
GB In-
deposit account maintained with
other bank.
Outward bill for Inform return information of
GB In-
collection instruments (if any) to the client.
Reports/ Ensure submission of weekly
Returns reports to CHO and regulatory Branch Manager
/Statements bodies and preserved in the file.

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Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st WEEK 2nd WEEK 3rd WEEK 4th WEEK 5th WEEK
Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
Credit 1.CIB reporting
Operations 2. Execution required papers
and documents as per CHO
3. Maintain safe-in and safe-out Branch Manager
register under dual control.
4. Maintain due date diary for
insurance and SRO token of the
Monitoring, 1. Follow up the overdue and
follow up and NPL loans regularly.
supervision 2. Monitoring, supervision and
follow up of all court cases (if
3. Ensure timely renewal of Branch Manager
4. Rescheduling of classified
loan accounts (if any) as per
BRPD circular of BB.
5. Prepare of CL Statements as
per BRPD circular of BB.
Returns , Prepare weekly returns as per Credit In-charge
statements and CHO and B. Bank guidelines. /BM

Note: According to the nature of activities of the branches and offices of the bank the DCFCLs may be customized.

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................ BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
Date of
PROCESS FUNCTIONS Responsibility Initial
Overall Cleanliness Ensure proper cleanliness of the branch
of the branch premises as per CHO instructions. Branch Manager
Attendance of the Ensure timely attendance of all
employees of the branch. Branch Manager
branch employees
Ensure 24 hours duty of security guard.
Ensure duty of Gun man during office
Ensure CC TV coverage for 24 hours.

Ensure adequate Fire Extinguisher in

branch premises.
Ensure generator back up during office Branch Manager/
Safety , Security hour. Manager Branch
measures and Testing of security alarm of the branch. Operation
premises protection
Ensure adequate smoke detector in
branch premises.
Quarterly checking of electrical wires of
the branch by qualified electrician.
Checking of duty of security guard by
the branch officials during holiday.
Emergency contact number i.e. Police
station, Fire station, RAB, Hospital etc.
are available in branch.
Ensure full compliance of MTB Dress
code for the employees of the bank.
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Compliance Manual.
Ensure full compliance of MTB Winning Branch Manager/
(Etiquette and Service Excellence Manager Branch
Compliance of
guideline for employees). Operation
CHO Instructions
Ensure full compliance of MTB Code of
Ensure full compliance of Customer
Acceptance Policy.
Ensure full compliance of MTB Anti
Harassment Policy.
Checking the validity of Bank’s License.
Checking the validity of all insurance
policy of the branch.
Compliance of Bangladesh Bank,
Internal and External Audit and
Inspection Report.
Notice regarding receiving and
Compliance of exchanging of torn & soiled notes. Branch Manager/
Regulatory Notice regarding forged notes. Manager Branch
Instructions operation
Display notice regarding cheque returns
for insufficient fund.
Display leaflets containing the salient
points of AML and CFT.
Display up -to date financial statements
with highlights.
Display bank’s interest rates on various
deposit and lending products.
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Branch Name:.........................................................................
Date of
PROCESS FUNCTIONS Responsibility Initial
Maintain complaint box in a visible
Display up to date schedule of charges
of the bank.
Opening of various deposit accounts by
following applicable rules and
regulations, preserving the same and Branch Manager
Account opening loading information in Flora System with
activities due approval of Branch Manager.
Contact Point Verification (CPV) to be
done as per CHO instructions. Branch Manager

Holding of BAMLCO meeting regularly

Compliance of Anti BAMLCO
Money Laundering
activities Review and reporting of CTR & STR GB In-
and maintaining hard copy there of. charge/DM/BM
Cheque Books, Physical verification of undelivered
Printing stationery cheque books and printing and security GB In-
and Security stationery is to be done by dually. charge/DM/BM
Locker Account Realization of security deposit, locker GB In-
rent and insurance premium as per charge/DM/BM
CHO instructions.
Bills and Balancing the leaf of security blocks on GB In-
Remittance regularly basis. charge/DM/BM
Reconciliation Reconciliation of online GL transaction
with other branches and CHO has been GB In-
done upon complying relevant policy charge/DM/BM
and procedure of the bank.
Reconciliation of balance of deposit GB In-
account maintained with other bank. charge/DM/BM
1.Balancing of ledgers and books of
accounts regularly.
2.Charging of interest, service charge
and depreciation.
3.Realization of VAT and AIT as per
Activities of instructions of concerned Government
Branch Manager
Accounts office.
Department 4.Interest paid to deposit account.
5.Monthly provision made against
6.Review and reversal of contra entries.
7.Checking and review of interest
product sheet.
Reports/ Ensure submission of monthly reports
Branch Manager
Returns to CHO and regulatory bodies and
/Statements preserved in the file.
Credit Operations 1.CIB reporting
2.Execution required papers and
documents as per CHO sanction.
Branch Manager
3.Maintain safe-in and safe-out register
under dual control.
4.Maintain due date diary for insurance
and SRO token of the branch.

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................ BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
Date of
PROCESS FUNCTIONS Responsibility Initial
Monitoring, follow 1.Follow up the overdue and NPL loans
up and supervision regularly.
2. Monitoring, supervision and follow up
of all court cases (if any).
3. Ensure timely renewal of loans. Branch Manager
4. Rescheduling of classified loan
accounts (if any) as per BRPD circular
of BB.
5. Prepare of CL Statements as per
BRPD circular of BB.
1. Upload ISS Reporting Format from
Bangladesh Bank’s Web Portal
2. Collect the relevant information for
ISS Reporting and correctly fill up
the fields of ISS Reporting
Concerned ISS
Integrated 3. Get the report checked by the
Supervision concerned officials
System (ISS) 4. Submit the same to the Manager for
Reporting confirmation and upload in the
Bangladesh Bank’s Web Portal on
or before 10 of the following
1. Check the Integrated Supervision
System (ISS) of the branch.
2. Deficiency, if detected report to
concerned division/department of CHO.
Branch Manager
3. Upload the Integrated Supervision
System (ISS) Report to Bangladesh
Bank’s Web Portal and submit back-up
copy (Excel Sheet) to Group ICC within
10 of the following month.
Returns , Prepare monthly returns as per CHO Credit In-charge
statements and and B. Bank guidelines. /BM

Note: According to the nature of activities of the branches and offices of the bank the DCFCLs may be customized.

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...................... BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial
Overall Ensure proper cleanliness of the
Cleanliness of branch premises as per CHO
Branch Manager
the branch instructions.
Attendance of Ensure timely attendance of all
the branch employees of the branch. Branch Manager
Ensure 24 hours duty of security
Ensure duty of Gun man during
office hour.
Ensure CC TV coverage for 24
Ensure adequate Fire
Extinguisher in branch premises.
Ensure generator back up during
Safety , office hour.
Security Testing of security alarm of the
Manager Branch
measures and branch.
premises Ensure adequate smoke
protection detector in branch premises.
Quarterly checking of electrical
wires of the branch by qualified
Checking of duty of security
guard by the branch officials
during holiday.
Emergency contact number i.e.
Police station, Fire station, RAB,
Hospital etc. are available in
Compliance of Ensure full compliance of MTB Branch
CHO Dress code for the employees of Manager/
Instructions the bank. Manager Branch

Page # 127
...................... BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial
Ensure full compliance of MTB Operation
Compliance Manual.
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Winning (Etiquette and Service
Excellence guideline for
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Code of Conduct.
Ensure full compliance of
Customer Acceptance Policy.
Ensure full compliance of MTB
Anti Harassment Policy.
Checking the validity of Bank’s
Checking the validity of all
insurance policy of the branch.
Compliance of Bangladesh
Bank, Internal and External Audit
and Inspection Report.
Notice regarding receiving and
exchanging of torn & soiled
Compliance of Notice regarding forged notes.
Instructions Display notice regarding cheque Manager Branch
returns for insufficient fund. operation
Display leaflets containing the
salient points of AML and CFT.
Display up -to date financial
statements with highlights.
Display bank’s interest rates on
various deposit and lending
Maintain complaint box in a
visible place

Page # 128
...................... BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial
Display up to date schedule of
charges of the bank.
Account Opening of various deposit Branch Manager
opening accounts by following applicable
activities rules and regulations,
preserving the same and loading
information in Flora System with
due approval of Branch
Contact Point Verification (CPV) Branch Manager
to be done as per CHO

Reconciliation of online GL
transaction with other branches
GB In-
and CHO has been done upon
complying relevant policy and
procedure of the bank.
Reconciliation of balance of
GB In-
deposit account maintained with
other bank.
Reports/ Ensure submission of quarterly
Returns reports to CHO and Regulatory Branch Manager
/Statements bodies and preserved in the file.

Credit 1.CIB reporting

Operations 2.Execution required papers and
documents as per CHO
3.Maintain safe-in and safe-out Branch Manager
register under dual control.
4.Maintain due date diary for
insurance and SRO token of the

Page # 129
...................... BANK LIMITED Annexure-E
Branch Name:.........................................................................
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial
Monitoring, 1.Follow up the overdue and
follow up and NPL loans regularly.
supervision 2.Monitoring, supervision and
follow up of all court cases (if
3.Ensure timely renewal of Branch Manager
4.Rescheduling of classified loan
accounts (if any) as per BRPD
circular of BB.
5.Prepare of CL Statements as
per BRPD circular of BB.
Self 1. Check the internal control
Assessment of system of the branch.
Anti- Fraud 2. Deficiency, if detected report
Internal Control to concerned
division/department of CHO. Branch Manager
3. Submit Self Assessment of
Anti-Fraud Internal Control
Report to Group ICC within 10
of the months of the quarter
Prepare periodic returns as per
CHO and B. Bank guidelines i.e.
Quarterly CIB, CL & CIB
Returns ,
reconciliation, Industrial Term Credit In-charge
statements and
Loan Statement, quarterly SME /BM
statement, quarterly Agro based
Industry statement, CL returns,
MCR under BASEL II, etc.

Note: According to the nature of activities of the branches and offices of the bank the DCFCLs may be customized.

Page # 130
Quarterly Operations Report
For the quarter ended on ……………

REF. :
FROM : Branch Manager
TO : The Head of Operations.
COPY : Head of Internal Control & Compliance


1. Regulatory Compliance:

1.1 Bangladesh Bank Inspection:

The Branch was last inspected by the Bangladesh Bank on …………………..

We confirm that adequate corrective actions have been initiated to remove the deficiencies other than the
following papers of their Inspection Report.

Audit Paras Target Date of Rectification Revised Target Date

Number (If applicable)

1.2 Other than BB:

We confirm that regulatory requirements as outlined by other than BB have been complied with except
the following(s):

Audit Paras Target Date of Rectification Revised Target Date

Number (If applicable)

2. Internal Control:

The Branch’s operational functions were also last audited by the Audit & Inspection Team of Internal
Control & Compliance Unit on………….. We confirm that adequate corrective actions have been initiated
to remove the deficiencies other than the following paras of the report.

Audit Paras Target Date of Rectification Revised Target Date

Number (If applicable)

3. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV): ( This para will be used if branches are having CCTV’s at their

We confirm that operations and recording of day’s activities in CCTV installed in the branches and ATM’s
where applicable have been checked regularly. The recorded cassettes are being controlled as per
instructions from the HO office.

Page # 131
4. Computer Access: ( if available)

a. We confirm that a full review of “Access Levels” is made to ensure that no conflicts exist and no
official is holding both IDs to input transactions and Authorise such transactions.

b. We also confirm that Administrator Passwords are held in dual custody and the both custodians
review the Administrator Journal Report and the Audit Trail Report (which reports all user access
maintenance) and investigate all activities on a daily basis.

5. Customer Services Standards:

The Customer Services Standards of all departments have been checked and documented as per
guidelines from Head Office. The shortfalls detected during the last quarter have been/will be removed
within the target set.

6. Departmental Control Functions Check Lists:

a. The DCFCLs were completed and documented as per Head Office Guidelines by the concerned
departments which are being/have been verified by the designated independent officials on

b. We confirm that no shortfalls have been identified by the Independent Reviewer and/or the
shortfalls identified by him/her are being rectified and will be completed by __________________
under advice to Head of Compliance.

7. Internal Checks:

We confirm that all Internal Checks as per Head Office Guidelines applicable to us are being undertaken
by the Independent officials designated in writing. All papers and the reviewer’s certificates are retained
under the control of the Unit Head/Branch Manager/Designated official for future review by the
Bangladesh Bank Inspection Team/ Internal Control Team.

8. Loan Security Documentations:

We confirm that a copy of the “Loan Documentation Checklist” for all Loans/Advances is being sent to the
Internal Control Team, Head office for review. Exceptions/discrepancies in documentations are being
regularized within targets dates provided in the Checklist.

9. Treasury/ID Operations:

We confirm that all required processes related to Treasury Operations/ID (e.g. LC Opening, Export-
Import Documentation, Foreign Remittance Documentation etc.) have been duly completed by the
designated officer(s). All papers/documents are retained under the control of the Unit Head/Branch
Manager/Designated official for future review by the Bangladesh Bank Inspection Team/ Internal Control

10. Complaints:

We confirm that complaint letters received from Customers were dealt with in terms of Head office
guidelines. All complaints in the form of statement including pending complaints of previous quarter have
been forwarded to Complaint Cell at Head Office for their review.

11. Recovery of Costs:

We confirm that the costs of telex/swift/telegrams/telephone/fax and other charges have been recovered
from the Customers/Correspondents where applicable and credited to the appropriate Recoveries
Accounts under Expenses Head.

Page # 132
11. Frauds, Forgeries & Operating Losses:

Following transaction(s) involving Frauds/Forgeries/Other Operating Losses has/have been detected

during the quarter ended on ___________ and reported to Head Office / Bangladesh Bank / Internal
Control unit.

12. Returns:

We confirm that returns to Head Office / Bangladesh Bank including those under Calendar of Returns
have been submitted within the schedule dates except the following:

Title of Return Due Date Reasons for Delay Sent on

13. Legal:

We confirm that legal matters are being monitored by us as per Head Office / Internal Control Units.
Return for this quarter has been submitted to Internal Control department on …………………….

14. Communications:

Following meetings were held during this quarter to improve communication among the members of
Officer/Staff. We enclose a copy of the minutes of the meetings held for information and record.

Date & Time Subject of discussions or Suggestions/Outcome/

Agenda in brief Recommendations

15. Fixed Assets:

We confirm that:

a. All items of Fixed Assets deployed to the branch have been included in the respective
departmental lists and physical check of all departmental Fixed Assets has been undertaken and
verified with the departmental inventories.

b. The entries passed through Profit and Loss A/c in respect of sale of Fixed Assets for the half
year ended ………………… have been reviewed to ensure that no entry is outstanding in the
books .

c. Returns as on ……………………… showing the Fixed Assets sold during the quarter have been
prepared & reviewed for tax purposes.

d. Fixed Assets of the Branch as on ……………………….have been physically checked by the

independent officers designated by Internal Control Division.


1. Change of Keys:

We confirm that the Key Register is being maintained as per prescribed procedure and keys were lastly
changed with the duplicates on _________________

2. Safe Custody:

Page # 133
We confirm that Safe Custody items are being maintained under dual custody and the last complete
independent physical verification of Safe Custody items as per Head Office instruction was undertaken
on __________. We enclose a copy of the certificate received from the designated reviewer(s).

___________ ________________________________ CUSTODIAN(S)

3. Safe Deposit Lockers: (Applicable to the branches where lockers are installed)

We confirm that keys to unrented lockers are kept in sealed envelopes under dual control and spare
locks and surrendered keys pending change of locks and keys are controlled by two independent
custodians who have no access to locker custodian’s key(s)

We also confirm that Semi-Annual and Annual Internal Checks are conducted at the prescribed
frequencies and by the independent designated officials.

_____________ _____________

4. Controlled/Security Stationery:

All Controlled Stationery are being kept under dual custody and Bulk/Working Stocks are being verified
as per instructions from Head Office.

5. Test Keys:

TEST KEYS/ CODE BOOKS are being maintained as per requirements.

6. Signature Books:

All signature books of branches & correspondent banks are being maintained as per requirements.


Cash(LC & FC)/TCs/Prize Bonds / Foreign Monies / Sanchaya Patras / Wage Earners’ Development
Bonds are being dealt with as per requirements – Physical verifications also being carried out at the
frequencies prescribed.


1. Computers: Physically checked and found in order. If there is anything to report should be prescribed.

2. Software Maintenance: Checked through system for any deviation.

3. Computer Logs and others: Checked as described in the ICT Guideline of the Bank.


1. All accounts in GL/ Subsidiary ledger were proved and verified during the quarter except the following

Title of GL/ GSL Difference Date Last Target Date/

Account Amount Reconciled Date Reconciled

We confirm that all outstanding entries in General Suspense (Assets & Liabilities) are being followed up
for early liquidation. We enclose the statements of General Suspense Accounts as
on…………………….. for your perusal.
Page # 134
2. Difference Accounts:

We enclose a summary showing the outstanding in Difference Accounts. The entries relating to
differences are being investigated. All unresolved entries will be adjusted in terms of approval of Head


1. Following transfers/movements were affected during the quarter (both Officers and Non-officers).

Name From Period worked Transferred W.E.F.

____ (Dept.) In this department To (Dept.). (Date)


1. Officers/staff are being granted leave as per annual leave programme. (Exception are given below):

Name Category of Staff Numbers of days accumulated

2. Arrangements have been made to allow all employees including Management Staff to avail of 15 days
uninterrupted leave or half of annual leave entitlement, whichever is the lesser in terms of service rules.


Following Officers / staff are undergoing training / have undergone training during the quarter

Name of Name of Training Duration of Course Course

Participant Course Conducted by


1. Fire/Safety Standards:

a) Following items have been checked during the quarter ended March/June/September/December

Fire/Safety Procedure Ref: Standard Achieved/Shortfalls detected





b. Half-yearly Self Audit of Fire/Safety Standards was undertaken and the return submitted to you
for the period ended …………………. by a separate letter on ……….

c. We confirm that:

Page # 135
i) Fire Drill was carried out half-yearly on ……….. and ……… in terms of Emergency
Evacuation Standards of Fire / Safety procedures.

ii) Security Drill was carried out regarding Audible Tellers Counter Alarm Protective System
and documented.

iii) Recording of the arrival and departure time of all personnel occupying the premises
outside working hours and after banking hours are being documented/reviewed on the
Registers maintained for these purposes.

a. All electric wiring were checked by M/s ………………………………….. on …………………… and

certificates obtained and kept in file for future audit / inspection. We enclose a copy of the
certificate for our record.

b. The premises were inspected on holidays by the officers on rotation. Immediate action was
taken on shortfalls detected through the checklist maintained which is retained after taking
appropriate action as applicable for future audit/inspection.

Confirmation on Regulatory Compliance

1. Regulatory Compliance:

We confirm that regulatory requirements in Bangladesh as outlined by Bangladesh Bank / other Govt
Body have been complied with except the following:

Sl. Subject of Regulatory Legislation Reasons for Non- Compliance Remarks

No Compliance Compliance Risk

Existing IT System Security

IT System Utilization and Operation Capacity

Payment System Security Monitoring (ATM & Mobile Banking)

Inclusion Banking Monitoring (SME, Female Entrepreneurship and Green Banking related compliance

Branch Anti Money Laundering Reporting

Investment Monitoring Report

CL Checking

………………………. ……………………………………
Authorized Signature Branch Manager
(Name, Signature & Seal) (Name, Signature & Seal)

Page # 136

........... Bank Limited

----------------------- Branch



STATUS: Individual / Proprietorship / Partnership / Limited Company A/c No.

First obtain General Documents; then identify the Collateral, Facility and obtain specific documents listed hereunder. Leave out
documents not called for by the terms of the Credit Approval and Facilities Advice Letter (Sanction Letter).


1. Letter of Borrower requesting for new
facilities / renewal in business pad of
the client
2. Authority of Borrow to Borrower (Letter
of authority from partners in case of
partnership concern and resolution in
case of limited company) – with list of

3. Form XII certified by RJSC regarding list

of existing Directors for limited
Facilities Advice Letter: accepted
unconditionally by Borrower

5. Demand Promissory Note

6. Letter of Continuity
7. Deed of Partnership (for Partnerships;
Borrower / third party), By-Laws etc.
8. Memorandum and Articles of
Association (for limited company
Borrower / third party) with Certificate
of Incorporation
9. Letter of Arrangement

10. Letter of Disbursement

11 Revival Letter (Form I & II)

12 Double Party D. P. Note (for Guarantor
and 3rd Party Mortgagor)
13 D. P. Note (Joint & Several for Limited
Company/ Partnership Firm)
14 Balance Confirmation Letter (Signature
duly verified)
15 Personal Net Worth Statement

Page # 137
16 Copy of National ID

17 Photograph of Investment Client

18 Up to date CIB Report

19 Credit Report of the Investment

20 Liability Declaration of the Investment
Client along with an Undertaking that
they have no liability with any bank or
financial institution excepting as
21 Undertaking stating that, they will not
avail any credit facility from any other
bank or financial institution without
prior consent of the bank
22 Undertaking stating that customer does
not have any relationship as Director or
Sponsor with the bank
23 Undertaking stating that customer shall
not sell or transfer the ownership of the
business /factory/shop until bank dues
are fully paid or without NOC of the
24 Investment Risk Grading Score
Sheet(IRGS)(where applicable)
25 Post-dated cheque covering the
26 Proper Stamping


1. Resolution to lien account proceeds (for
Third Party partnerships and limited
2. Letter of Lien and Set- Off (Pledge
1 The Instrument duly discharged on the
back of it.
2 Letter of lien (1st Part Lien if the
borrower is the owner of the
Instrument, 3rd Party Lien if the owner
of the Instrument is one other than
3 Letter of Authority to encash the
instrument as & when needed by the
4 Confirmation of Lien (Marking of Lien)
from the issuing bank

1 NOC of the Company in case of

Sponsor's Share
2 Confiscate Request Form duly signed by
the pledgor
3 Pledge Request Form duly signed by
the holder of the share

Page # 138
4 Pledge setup Acknowledge from
Brokerage house
5 CDBL generated copy of Pledge Setup


Resolution to deposit (for Third Party
partnerships and limited company)
2. Fixed Deposit Receipts / Sanchaya Patra
/ Bonds endorsed by holder(s)
3. Letter of Guarantee by depositor (if the
deposit stands in the name of Third
Letter of Lien and Set Off (Pledge
5. Letter of Authority for encashment of
Sanchaya Patra/ Fixed Deposits

1. Resolution to deposit (for Third Party
partnerships and limited company)

2. Share certificates
3. Blank transfer forms for each share
certificate (Form 117)

4. Memorandum of Deposit of Shares

5. Letter of Guarantee by the shareholder
(if the share stands in the name of
person other than borrower)
6. Irrevocable letter of authority for
collection of dividends, bonus etc.
addressed by the shareholder to the
relative company.

7. Notice of pledge by the shareholder to

the relative companies.


1. Letter of Pledge / Pledge Agreement

2. Letter of Disclaimer (if required)

3. RJSC Search Report (for limited
company partnerships; Borrower / third
4. RJSC Form 18, and receipt of filing with

5. Certificate of registration from RJSC

6. Modification of Letter of Pledge / Pledge
Agreement of Inventory

Page # 139
RJSC Form 19, and receipt of filing with
8. Insurance Policy with Bank as jointly

E1 CC (Pledge) Bai-Murabaha/ MPI

1 Letter of Pledge

2 IGPA to sale Pledged goods

3 Letter of Continuity

4 Periodical Stock Report

5 Letter of Disclaimer form the owner of

rented Warehouse


1 Letter of Pledge

2 IGPA to sell pledged goods

3 Letter of Disclaimer form the owner of

rented Warehouse

1. Resolution to hypothecate inventory
(for Third Party partnerships and limited
2. Letter of Hypothecation of Inventory /
Hypothecation Agreement
RJSC Search Report (for limited
company. partnerships; borrower/third
4. RJSC Form 18, and receipt of filing with

5. Certificate of registration from RJSC

Modification of Letter of Hypothecation
of Inventory
7. RJSC Form 19, and receipt of filing with

8. Insurance Policy - jointly insured

CC (HYPO) (Bai-Muaijal/Bai-
Letter of Hypothecation of stock in
2 Supplementary Letter of Hypothecation

3 IGPA to sale Hypothecated goods

4 Letter of Continuity

Page # 140
5 Periodical Stock Report
Letter of Disclaimer form the owner of
rented Warehouse
7 Insurance Policy with cover note

1. Resolution to hypothecate receivables /
book debts (for Third Party partnerships
and limited company)
2. Letter of Hypothecation of Receivables /
Book Debts (Hypothecation Agreement)
3. RJSC Search Report (for limited
company/registered partnerships;
borrower/third party)
RJSC Form 18, and receipt of filing with

5. Certificate of registration from RJSC

6. Modification of Letter of Hypothecation
of Receivables
RJSC Form 19, and receipt of filing with
1. Resolution to hypothecate inventory
(for Third Party partnerships and limited
2. Letter of Hypothecation of Machinery
and Equipment / Hypothecation
RJSC Search Report (for limited
company. partnerships; borrower/third
4. RJSC Form 18, and receipt of filing with

5. Certificate of registration from RJSC

Modification of Letter of Hypothecation
of Machinery & Equipment
7. RJSC Form 19, and receipt of filing with

8. Latest list of machinery & equipment

9. Insurance Policy with EBL as jointly



Page # 141
1. Resolution to assign receivables (for
Third Party partnerships and limited

2. Deed of Assignment of receivables

3. Notification and acknowledgement of
assignment and confirmation of
receivables from the debtor

1 Assignment of bill by the beneficiary

through IGPA
2 Letter of Acceptance of Assignment by
the work giving authority
3 Original Work Order

1 Letter of Hypothecation

2 IGPA to sell Hypothecated goods

3 Letter of Disclaimer form the owner of

rented Warehouse

1 Trust Receipt Agreement

2 Insurance Policy Cover Note

1. Letter of nomination of third party
mortgagor from Borrower with attested
specimen signature of mortgagor
2. Resolution to mortgage and guarantee
(for Third Party partnerships and limited
Copy of valid ID (for Third Party
individual mortgagor)
4. Personal Guarantee from Third Party
5. Original title deeds of mortgagor and
previous owners (Bia- Deed)
Record of Rights i.e. CS, SA, RS Parcha,
6. Mohanagar Jorip parcha (if within
Mohannagar Area)
7. Mutation Parchas in mortgagor’s name,
certified by Assistant Commissioner of
8. Certified Mutation Khatian alongwith
NOC of the competent Authority for

10. Land development tax receipts of the

immediately preceding Bangali year

Page # 142
11. Municipal holding tax receipts for
property in municipalities
12. Building/factory plan with letter of

13. Real Estate Appraisal / Valuation report

14. RJSC Search Report (for limited
company/registered partnerships;
borrower/third party)
15. Memorandum of deposit of title deeds
(for equitable mortgages) with legal
counsel’s approved draft.
16. Mortgage Deed and registration receipt
endorsed by mortgagor (for
legal/Registered mortgage) along with
Power of Attorney

RJSC Form 18, and receipt of filing with
RJSC if property in the name of ltd cos.

18. Certificate of registration from RJSC

Modification of Memorandum of deposit
of title deeds
20. RJSC Form 19, and receipt of filing with
21. Income Tax Clearance Certificate as
required for Registration
Non Encumbrance Certificate from Land
Certified copy of Purchase Deed along
with Deed Delivery receipt duly
endorsed (in absence of original Title
Registered Partition Deed among the
Co-owners (if required)
Mortgage Deed duly Registered along
25 with Registration Receipt duly
Registered IGPA favoring Bank to sale
the property
27 B.S. Khatian
Up to date Union Parishad Tax Payment
Receipt (if property within UP)
Original Lease Deed (in case of Lease
hold property)
Allotment Letter favoring Lessee (in
case of Leasehold Properly)
Mutation letter favoring Lessee (in case
of Leasehold Property)
32 NEC along with search fee paid receipt
Deed of Further Charge on the
Mortgage property
Redemption Deed executed by
immediate past Mortgagee Bank

Page # 143
Letter of Consent of the 1st Mortgage
Bank in case of 2nd charge/mortgage &
also pari passu security sharing
agreement between 1st Mortgage Bank
and the Mortgagee, if applicable subject
to consent of 1st Mortgage Bank
36 Photograph of the Mortgaged Property
37 Location Map
Survey Report from professional
39 Physical Visit Report by Bank Officials
Lawyer's clean opinion in respect of
40 acceptability of the property as
collateral security
1. List of Directors/Partners with specimen
signatures, certified by company
secretary or chairman, or managing
partner (for limited company and

2. Resolution to guarantee (for limited

company and partnerships)
Net Worth Statements (NWS) for

4. Letter of Guarantee

5. Letter of Counter Indemnity

6 Letter of Guarantee of the Spouse of
the Client
Term loan agreement between
Borrower and Bank
2. Draft Term Loan Agreement approved
by Head of Credit Risk Management
Division and Legal Counsel.
3 Letter of Undertaking

4 Amortization Schedule

5 Insurance policy cover note


1. Security Sharing Agreement

2. Draft Security Sharing Agreement
approved by Head of Credit Risk
Management Division and Legal

1. Accepted Mandate Letter

Page # 144
2. Accepted Term Sheet

3. Information Memorandum

4. Participation letters

5. Facilities Agreement

6. Powers of Attorney of participants

7. Accepted Fee Letter

8. Legal counsel’s opinion

9. Creation of Pari-passu Sharing charge
with RJSC
10 Escrow Account Agreement with
floating charge
Subordination Agreement


Letter of Continuity

Insurance Policy cover note

SOD (Work Order) Investment

against Work Order
1 Bid Document/Tender Notice

2 Letter of Awarding

3 Assignment of Bills against work order

R. SOD (FO) Investment against

Financial Obligation
1 The Financial Instrument duly
discharged on the Back
2 Lien on the Financial Instrument

3 Letter of continuity

4 Re-confirmation of Lien marking

through concerned Bank’s/Financial
Institution’s (FI) Head Office/Zonal
Office if the lien marked
MTDR/FDR/Financial Instrument is
issued by Other Bank/FI
S. SOD (Scheme Deposit) Investment
against Deposit Scheme
1 Lien on Scheme Deposit

2 Letter of Continuity

T. Home Loan for Purchase of Flat or

Floor Space Investment under HIP
1 Power of attorney for developing the
2 Letter of Installment

Page # 145
3 Letter of Undertaking

4 Amortization Schedule

5 Tripartite Agreement among Purchaser,

Developer and Bank (if under
6 Undertaking of the borrower to the
effect that he will mortgage the
flat/floor space favoring the Bank at the
moment the same is registered in his
name by the seller (if under
7 Agreement between Land Owner &
8 Sharing Agreement between Land
Owner & Developer
9 Copy of approved plan of construction
from concerned authority
U. SME/Small Loan

1 As per type of borrower & nature of

V. Lease Finance

1 Lease Agreement

2 Lease Execution Certificate

3 Quotation/Price offer duly accepted by

4 BRTA Registration Slip (in case of Motor
5 Insurance Policy cover note

W. Hire Purchase Loan

1 Hire Purchase Agreement

2 Quotation/Price offer duly accepted by

3 BRTA Registration Slip (in case of Motor
4 IGPA in Bank’s favor for disposal of
vehicle/vessel without any reference
5 Insurance Policy cover note

X. House Building Loan (for

1 Letter of Installment

2 Letter of Undertaking

3 Amortization Schedule

4 Approved Plan form the competent

Y. House Building Loan (to
1 Power of Attorney for development of
property (original)
2 Agreement between Land owner &

Page # 146
3 Sharing Agreement between Land
owner & Developer
4 Copy of approved plan of construction
from concerned authority
5 Letter of Installment

6 Letter of Undertaking

7 Amortization schedule

8 Copy of Title deed of the property on

which construction will be made
9 Copy of Bia deed (previous deed in
support of Title deed)

1 Acceptance of L/C issuing Bank (duly

2 Related documents for LC

3 Letter of Indemnity


A. Proprietorship Firm

1 Trade License (up to date)

2 Persona Net-Worth Statement (PNS) of

B. Partnership Firm

1 Trade License (up to date)

2 Partnership Deed (Registered)

3 Letter of Guarantee of the partners

4 Personal Net-Worth Statement (PNS) of

5 Letter of Partnership

6 Partnership Account Agreement.

C. Limited Company

1 Trade License (up to date)

2 Memorandum & Articles of Association

(Certified by RJSC)
3 List/Personal profile of the Directors

4 Certificate of Incorporation

5 Form XII Certified by RJSC (Particulars

of Directors)
6 Latest Form X Certified by RJSC
(Distribution of Shares)
7 Board Resolution in respect of availing
Investments & execution of document
with Bank
8 Letter of Guarantee of the Directors

9 Personal Net-Worth Statement (PNS) of


Page # 147
10 Deed of Mortgage & Hypothecation for
creation of Charge on fixed & floating
assets (existing & future) with RJSC
11 Modification of charge with RJSC
through form 19
12 Certified copy of charge creation
certificate from RJSC
13 Undertaking stating that the Investment
Client shall not make any amendment
or alteration in Memorandum & Article
of Association without prior approval of
14 Approval of the Bank for any inclusion
or exclusion of Directors in & from the
15 Certificate of Commencement (in case
of Public Limited Company)
16 Joint venture Agreement (in case of
Joint Venture company)
17 BOI Permission (in case of Joint venture
D. Trust

1 Copy of Trust Deed which must have

power to do business with the Bank
2 Resolution of the Board of Trustees to
do business with Bank
3 Clearance from WAQF Administrator for
mortgage where investment client is
Waqf and not a Trust. Charge
documents to be executed /signed by
all the Trustees or Mutwalli (s) in the
case where Waqf is the investment
4 Charge Documents are signed either by
persons authorized by all members of
the Trust Committee, if Trustees are
authorized to delegate their powers by
the Trust Deed or all of the Trustees
5 Personal Guarantee of all the Office
Bearers of the Trust in their personal
E. Cooperative Society

1 Copy of Bye-Laws of the Society

certified by the Registrar of the
Cooperative Societies
2 Clearance from Registrar of Co-
operative Societies for doing business
with Bank
3 Letter issued to the concerned Registrar
of Co-operative Societies under
Registered with A/D mail informing
about Bank’s allowing
investment/facility to the concerned
Society as per clearance accorded by
4 Personal Guarantee of all the Office
Bearers of the Society in their personal

Page # 148

1 Documentation for EEF Loan

2 Documentation for PPP Loan

3 Documentation for EDF

4 Documentation for Credit Against

Special Account(10tk, 100tk,
school a/c)
5 Documentation for Subsidized




Page # 149

Page # 150

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