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) At the 1st minute of life, a newborn was noted to have a Cardiac Rate of 140, with active
movement, grimace to stimulation, acrocyanosis and good respiration

A. What is the APGAR score? ​8

Cardiac Rate -140-2
Muscle tone-good-2
Reflex- Grimace- 1

B. What is the normal APGAR score? ​7-10

C. What is the significance of APGAR score?
To assess for need of immediate resuscitation

2.) An irritable 3 y/o Male with history of ​vomiting and loose stools​ was seen at the OPD
with pertinent physical examination of: ​sunken eyeballs, dry lips, hyperactive bowel
sound​s and was noted to drink eagerly.

A. What is the level of dehydration? ​Some Dehydration

sunken eyeballs + dry lips + Drinks eagerly -> Moderate dehydration -> If with 2 or more signs
B. Give management (Drug/s and dosage) including home instruction. (see photos
below. Some dehydration-yellow and plan B)

P.S. binago ko lng ung picture coz may part na di mabasa kanina pero same siya sa pic :)
3.) Baby Girl A is on her 58th hour of life. You noted that the j​aundice was down to the
abdomen. ​Bilirubin Levels revealed Total Bilirubin 14.3 mg/dl,B1 12.2 mg/dl and B2 2.1
Facts to consider​: Physiologic jaundice: appears after 24 hours -> so this case is
Physiologic jaundice​ Peaks: Day 2-3, Disappears 5th day of life
Jaundice is level of abdomen: so estimate is 15 mg/dl -> DECREASED

Under normal circumstances, the level of indirect bilirubin in umbilical cord

serum is 1-3 mg/dL and rises at a rate of <5 mg/dL/24 hr; thus, jaundice
becomes visible on the 2nd or 3rd day, usually peaking between the 2nd and 4th
days at 5-6 mg/dL and decreasing to <2 mg/dL between the 5th and 7th days
after birth.
In general, a
search to determine the cause of jaundice should be made if (1) it appears in the
1st 24-36 hr after birth, (2) serum bilirubin is rising at a rate faster than 5
mg/dL/24 hr, (3) serum bilirubin is >12 mg/dL in a full-term infant (especially in
the absence of risk factors) or 10-14 mg/dL in a preterm infant, (4) jaundice
persists after 10-14 days after birth, or (5) direct bilirubin fraction is >2 mg/dL at
any time.

a.Using the Bhutani chart at what zone will the bilirubin levels fall?
High-intermediate Risk zone ​ ( because baby is on the 58th hour of life with a total serum
bilirubin of 12)

B. Using Kramer’s Chart what will be the approximated bilirubin levels of this patient?

j​aundice was down to the abdomen -> 14 mg/dl​ ( I can’t find this sa Nelson’s )
C. What will be your plan of management?
-Firstly, phototherapy is indicated in High-intermediate risk zone.
-Explain that it resolves in 1 week in full term infants
-Interview patient to assess for need to do COOMB’s Test.
-Educate about breastfeeding and how it may ause jaundice

4.) Baby Zoe a 7 month old female came in the OPD for well baby check up.

What is her IBW? ​ 7 x 500 + 3000 grams = ​6500 grams

7-12 months: Age (in mos) x 500 + BW
*Average weight at birth: 3000 grams

What is the expected HC? 44.5 cm

At birth head circumference is 35 cm ( normal babies
- Should be monitored routinely during the first 3 years of life
o Especially in the first 2 year
Measured over the most prominent part of the occiput and just above the supraorbital ridges
Assuming Birth Head Circumference is 35 cm -> She is 7 months:
35 cm ( birth ) + ( 6 cm -> 1st 3 months has 2 cm for the first month) + ( 3 cm -> 2nd 3 months has 1 cm per month) +
( 0.5 cm -> for the 7th month) = 44.5 cm

Compute for the number of teeth/s expected for this age group?
7-months old: ​so 2 central incisors from mandibular area ( 5-7 months) + 2 central incisors
on maxillary area ( 6-8months) + 2 lateral incisors from mandibular area ( 7-10 months) = ​6
teeth-> It is expected for her to have 6 teeth

Cinco trans:
Eruption usually occurs at 6 months mandibular central Incisors
o You can wait until 15 months of age
- Eruption of permanent teeth begins at around 6 y/o and completed around 18 y/o
- Visit to the dentist could be done as early as the first tooth erupts

Initial mineralization begins as early as the​ 2nd trimester ​(mean age for
central incisors, 14 wk) and ​continues through 3 yr of age for the primary
(deciduous) teeth and 25 yr of age for the secondary (permanent) teeth​.

Eruption begins with the central incisors and progresses laterally.

Central incisors: 5-7 months ( mandibular), and 6-8 months ( maxillary).
Lateral incisors 7-10 months (mandibular), and 8-11 months ( maxillary)
5.) Identify the lesion. ​Milia
Is it Physiologic or Pathologic? ​Physiologic

6.) During a physical examination to an adolescent you noted that there is breast bud with
elevation of breast and papilla.
a.) Identify the SMR. ​Tanner Stage 2

b.) In getting the Personal and Social History of this patient using HEADSSS FIRST, what is
letter E? ​Education
c.) In interviewing the adolescent, what principle/s must you remember? ​Confidentiality? Lol

A. Identify Structure A? ​Anterior fontanelle
B. When do you expect Structure B to close?
2-3 months after birth

8.) A one year old boy with unrecalled vaccinations given developed fever. On his 3rd day
of illness, he was brought to the OPD. Upon oral examination, you saw:

A. Identify the pointed lesion. ​Kopliks spot

B. This is pathognomonic of what disease? ​Measles

9.) PP, 5 years old was admitted because of 5 days fever. On the 8th hospital day , fever
lysed and you noted the appearance of these skin changes in the legs.

A. What do you call the skin lesion? ​Hermans rash

B. In what disease is this rash seen? ​Dengue
C. In what phase of the disease it is typically seen? ​Recovery phase
10. 12 month old, male, came in the clinic for a well baby visit
A. Expected Developmental milestones
Motor: walks with one hand held; rises independently, takes several steps (Knobloch)
Adaptive: Picks up raisin with unassisted pincer movement of forefinger and thumb, releases object to
other person on request or gesture
Language: Says a few words besides “mama,” “dada”
Social: Plays simple ball game, makes postural adjustment to dressing

B. Based on EPI, what vaccine should he receive?

MMR vaccine
C. What other vaccines will you recommend?
PCV vaccine booster ( if compete First 3 doses of PCV 6 months prior)
- Varicella
-Hepa A
-Influenza ( if not yet given)

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