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Statistical Treatment of Data

After evaluating the gathered data with the help of statistical tools. The response

of the costumers was analyzed using the following statistical treatment.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

This statistical test is used in the analysis and interpretation of the first statement

of the problem which is about the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, status,

occupation, and Monthly Income.

Frequency distribution is the itemized summary of response for each question

based on the categories that were established in the study.

Percentage Distribution summary is the itemized summation of the percentage of

the frequency of responses for each question based on the arithmetical percentage

of the frequency distribution to the number of responses.


P= × 100


P – Percentage

f – Frequency of the respondents

N – Total number of respondents

2. Weighted mean

This was utilized in answering statement of the problems 2 and 3 which aims to

determine the effectiveness of marketing mix used by the Czyrah’s Pizza and on how

Marketing Mix affect the business growth of Czyrah’s Pizza (Regalado Branch).

Weighted mean is an average computed by giving different weights to some

of individual values.

∑ fw

Σfw = Sum of the product of the frequency

𝑁 = No. of respondents

The equivalent part will assign to each indicated item to show the extent of

existence of the conditions as perceive by the respondents. This will be

determined by checking each weighted average against numerical rating the

equivalent verbal description and interpretation.

Likert Scale is a type of rating scale used to assess/measure the opinion or

attitudes. In this scale, the respondents are asked to rate each item in the

questionnaire. The following scale was used in order to interpret the results of the

computed weighted mean.

For the description of the developed instructional module:

3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) s

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree (DA)

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SDA)

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