Lesson 1 - 2 Unit 1 - Hobbies

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CASALINK - GRADE 7 - UNIT 1 - July 1st


I. Put the words into the correct column.
bird cinema surfing neighbour world
collect arrange prefer badminton turn
common first favourite learn occasion
/ə/ /ɜ:/

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. burn B. hurt C. birth D. singer
2. A. love B. colour C. opinion D. above
3. A. mother B. badminton C. learn D. picture
4. A. hobby B. about C. collect D. player
5. A. surfing B. future C. person D. girl

I. Match the words with the verb list.
stamps, judo, camping, the guitar, basketball, jogging, swimming, yoga, old books, coins,

II. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the box.
making models playing computer games watching TV
collecting postcards and stamps painting playing football
swimming taking photos listening to music gardening

1. He enjoys sitting on the sofa in the living room and ____________ at the weekend.
2. My father likes ____________ . He says that it is a simple way to get more fresh fruits
and vegetables.
3. Victor's favorite hobby is ____________ . He plays football when he is free. He started
to play football when he was seven.
4. Kelly's hobby is ____________ . She likes many kinds of music, especially she is
interested in US-UK songs.
5. My grandpa has followed ____________ as a hobby for over 30 years. He used wood
and tissue paper to make his models.
6. Lots of kids love ____________ . But playing computer games too much may lead to
health problems.
7. A great hobby to start is ____________ . You need to buy a canvas, some basic paint
colors and some paint brushes.
8. My personal favorite is ____________ . I love it more than anything else. I always
want to be in a pool, a sea or a lake.
9. Albert's hobby is ____________ . He has thirty postcards and ten different countries’
10. I love ____________ . Photography is the best of all my possible hobbies. I sat for a
handful of minutes, taking a couple of pictures.
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. We sometimes play _________ at school.
A. stamps B. photos C. glasses D. chess
2. When did you start _________ postcards?
A. playing B. cooking C. collecting D. listening
3. My brother wants to _________ roses and orchids in the garden.
A. watch B. make C. take D. plant
4. What kind of music do you like _________ to?
A. listening B. watching C. playing D. hearing
5. Paul thinks _________ coins is an interesting hobby.
A. picking B. collecting C. playing D. having
6. Mr. Kelvin likes to do a bit of _________ in his spare time.
A. gardening B. fishing C. camping D. skiing
7. He won’t _________ the wall in contrasting colors.
A. make B. take C. paint D. watch
8. She is going to play the _________ to a big audience.
A. dolls B. bottles C. piano D. garden
9. Jimmy loves taking _________ and posting them on websites.
A. paintings B. photos C. videos D. music
10. _________ fish is the most interesting part of fishing.
A. Going B. Catching C. Doing D. Making

I. Complete the sentences using the -ing form of the verbs from the box.
read collect watch ride go do take play paint
1. Jessica enjoys ____________ to music after doing her homework.
2. Mum doesn’t like yoga, but she loves ____________ aerobics.
3. Dad likes ____________ fishing whenever he has free time.
4. Lucy’s favourite hobby is ____________ comic books in spare time.
5. You need to buy paintbrushes before you can start ____________ .
6. Joe likes ____________ photos, but he dislikes having bad photos.
7. Do you love ____________ the guitar or the piano? - The guitar.
8. They don’t like ____________ both TV channels and YouTube.
9. Robert really enjoys ____________ a bike in the early morning.
10. He and I have a common interest: we both like ____________ stamps.
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Doing yoga _________ one of her hobbies.
A. is B. are C. being D. be
2. Building dollhouses is difficult, but Charlie _________ it a lot.
A. love doing B. loves doing C. loves do D. love to do
3. Hannah and Sara _________ badminton twice a week.
A. are playing B. doesn't play C. plays D. play
4. Many groups _________ models of their house or their school.
A. making B. doesn’t makes C. make D. makes
5. Every year they _________ to Singapore for two weeks.
A. travels B. doesn't travel C. travel D. not travel
6. My younger sister _________ with dolls very much.
A. is liking to play B. likes play C. likes to playing D. likes
7. Emily _________ every day at seven, regular as clockwork.
A. arrived B. arrives C. is arriving D. will arrive
8. _________ she _________ the English exams with high marks?
A. Do ... often pass B. Does ... often pass
C. Does ... pass often D. Do ... pass often
9. When the weather is good, he _________ camping in the mountain.
A. usually goes B. goes usually C. usually go D. go usually
10. I think horse-riding _________ to learn, and it's not popular here.
A. be easy B. easy C. is not easy D. not easy
III. Choose the underlined port that needs correction.
1. In her spare time, she likes practising piano.
2. I don't want to leave a warm cozy bed to do jogging in the winter.
3. Do you take up make models as one of your hobbies?
4. She thinks that playing a musical instrument is difficultly but inspiring.
5. People of all age and from all walks of life enjoy the hobby of collecting coins.
6. She enjoys to build dollhouses and posting pictures of them on social media.
7. Swimming has become an hobby and a profession for millions of people.
8. He gives me some tips for playing the guitar and sing at the same time.
9. Reading books are a good activity for your educational and mental growth.
10. Some people don't think it is dangerous to go climbing mountain.

I. Match the sentences.
1. You have many keychains here. a. Why is it difficult?
2. Do you have any hobby, Jane? b. I think it is interesting.
3. I think carving wood is difficult. c. Yes, I enjoy collecting comic books.
4. How can you collect stamps? d. But my grandpa likes watching
5. What do you think about making news.
pottery? e. I find climbing mountain dangerous.
6. I like playing video games. f. From used envelopes.
7. Do you really want to give up your g. My hobby is collecting coins.
hobby? h. Playing video games too much is
8. Why do you like flower not good.
arrangement? i. Because flowers are beautiful and
9. My grandma likes watching films. attractive.
10. How do you find climbing j. No, I don’t.

II. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a conversation.
____ No, I didn’t. My brother took them last weekend.
____ Wow! You also have great talent.
____ Yes, definitely!
____ Really? He would be very glad to hear that. Photography is his favourite hobby.
____ Thank you, Rebecca. I’m still learning it.
1 Elena, can I see the photos in this computer?
____ I like playing the guitar. I’ve played it for two years now, and I often practise it in
spare time.
____ These photos are nice! The model is beautiful and the background is amazing. Did
you take them?
____ He has a talent for photography. I’ve never seen better photos than these ones.
____ He’s really good at this. How about you? What is your hobby?

I. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Hobby is a particular and interesting habit. Hobby is necessary because it helps us relax
and get rid of stress from study and work. I also have a hobby. My hobby is reading. It
started when I was a little boy. As soon as I could learn to read, I often asked my parents
to buy me picture books and fairy tales. Up to now, I have read story books, magazines,
newspapers and any kind of material that I find interesting, especially knowledgeable
books in my free time. I absolutely love reading.
Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I do not know. I can learn about
how people lived in bygone days, the wonders of the world, space travel, human
achievements, huge whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world.
Reading helps me discover new things and widen my knowledge. Books provide me with
so much information and many facts. They have certainly helped me in my daily life. I
am better aware of coping with living.
Libraries are the source from which I get the books I need. My relatives and my friends
also give me books on special occasions. I will certainly continue my reading hobby.
Beside being more informed about the world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed
a good hobby.
1. According to the passage, what is hobby?
2. Why is hobby necessary?
3. What has the writer read?
4. How much does he enjoy reading?
5. What does reading enable him?
6. What does reading help him?
7. Where can he get the books?
8. Does he want to give up his reading hobby?

II. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.

of are us plants but because growing
Most of us have a hobby or some, (1) _________ hobbies differ from person to person.
Gardening is a relaxing hobby that can be enjoyed by people from any age group. There
(2) _____ various ways by which gardening can offer us relaxation.
Gardening gives (3) _________ an opportunity to refresh our mind after working or
studying time. It brings us the green (4) _________ and flowers and fills our lungs with
pure oxygen. The outdoor environment and fresh air are good for our health. We can get
great pleasure from gardening, (5) _________ flowers and some vegetables of the season.
Gardening not only offers us the beauty (6) _________ flowers and plants but also brings
us benefits. A family with a vegetable garden can save a lot of money when they grow
vegetables rather than (7) _________ them from outside. Vegetable gardening is very
rewarding (8) _________ it makes us feel better, less stressed, and produces delicious
vegetables for us to eat.

I. Write complete sentences using the prompts given.
1. Her collections/ be/ exciting/ and/ really/ attract/ me
2. My mum/ not/ like/ watch/ films/ TV
3. He/ usually/ take/ a lot of/ beautiful photos
4. I/ like/ keep/ the bottles/ after/ drink/ the water
5. It/ be/ exciting/ when/ you/ catch/ fish/ for/ dinner
6. He/ have/ much free time/ for/ his passion/ for/ garden
7. Danny/ be/ creative/ and/ he/ paint/ very well
8. I/ not/ think/ collecting teddy bears/ be/ boring hobby

II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
1. I think that collecting stamps is interesting.
I find_________________________________________________________________
2. He feels excited whenever he watches a football match.
He thinks______________________________________________________________
3. Can you tell me the way to the central park, please?
Would you mind ______________________________________________________?
4. Her dollhouse has seven rooms.
5. They are interested in drinking tea after meals.
They like______________________________________________________________
6. Making pottery is not easy, but she enjoys it.
Although making_______________________________________________________
7. How about going to see a volleyball game together?
Why don't we _________________________________________________________?
8. It's not good to stay up so late to listen to music.
You shouldn't__________________________________________________________

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