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Hello Good Morning All…..


Phone - 81730 75798

Password to be used by all of us - Dba#1011

Root Password for UNIX - Root#1011

In any of virtual environments, like as Virtual Box or VMWare, we need to install certain Tools.

Virtual Box - Guest Additions. - ORACLE

VMWare - VMWare Tools. - VMWare

Command to Install Guest Additions - sudo ./

VMWare Tools. - It Enhances the performance of VMWare as its a virtual tool, so screen
maximization, mouse integration, etc. will work perfectly.


Steps :
Right click on install solaris and open it
Passwd is : Dba#1011
Click Install and reboot

VMWare Installation Steps :

After Installation Restart the system

For server Installation and Configuration.

1. We pasted the VM_server file, in a location with more than 100 GB.
2. We unzipped, or u can say “Extract Here” option.
3. We Installed VMWare 16.

Steps to Install/Configure any Server on LINUX or UNIX.

Network Setup
● IP
● Hostname
● We have to map IP with HOSTNAME
● /etc/hosts - It contains the information about Hosts,
i.e., MAP IP = HOSTNAME ( Only Root User have Privilege to do it ).

If u do the reservation on IRCTC:

U open website of IRCTC/app.

U check the seats availability. – A Table of Railway DB

So if u a saying that we are interacting with DB — (SQL) ???

To bridge the gap between End-Users and Technical Tools, there comes the Role
of MiddleTier ( Middleware).

1. Do we need any DB - Oracle DB.

2. RCU - Repository Creation Utility
3. JAVA - To support MiddleTier
4. To configure Application Server ( Which Serves the Applications)
5. The final Server from where we can deploy the Applications.

UserName - oracle
Password - oracle123
Root Password - root123


Directory Structure:

Everything starts with ( / )

Configuration Part

This is basically to arrange the setup, as per our necessity.

We need to do the networking Part.

Ports ??? - Its an entry point to something

Airport - Connection point of flight and Ground Area.


Network Configuration Assistant (NETCA)

cd /u01/app/oracle/database/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/
[oracle@demo dbhome_1]$ ls
cd bin
cd ..
[oracle@demo dbhome_1]$ cd
[oracle@demo ~]$ vi .bash_profile
[oracle@demo ~]$ gedit .bash_profile

To check ip : /sbin/ifconfig

PATH Variables are of 2 Types :

STATIC - It needs system log-off and log-in once again.

DYNAMIC - It will work immediately, on the go.
Logout and login again and then run netca command
DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant)
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
RCU : Repository Creation Utility

To create the setup for VMServers or any kind of Servers, to put associated data in the
db Side.

To make necessary Tables. With the necessary Column names etc.

Command to start the DB:

sqlplus “/as sysdba”

To start DB : SQL> startup

To stop DB : SQL> shutdown immediate;
After Starting DB: open Terminal

[oracle@demo ~]$ cd /u01/app/softwares/

[oracle@demo softwares]$ ll
total 28
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 11 2022 Jdev_11117_linux
drwxrwxrwx 3 oracle dba 4096 May 17 17:31 Oracle_Database_11gR2_64
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022 OSB_11.1.1.7_generic
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Aug 6 2022 RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022 SOA_11.1.1.7_generic
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 20 18:42 Weblogic

[oracle@demo softwares]$ cd RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64/

[oracle@demo RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64]$ ll
total 508856
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 520548890 Nov 28 2015

[oracle@demo RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64]$

[oracle@demo RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64]$ ll
total 508884
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 520548890 Nov 28 2015
drwxr-xr-x 38 oracle dba 4096 Mar 13 2013 rcuHome
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 22806 Mar 12 2013 readme.html

[oracle@demo RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64]$ cd rcuHome/

[oracle@demo rcuHome]$ cd bin/
[oracle@demo bin]$ ls
[oracle@demo bin]$ ./rcu
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
Then logout and login to get which java
[oracle@demo ~]$ which java

[oracle@demo ~]$ cd /u01/app/softwares/

[oracle@demo softwares]$ ll
total 28
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 11 2022 Jdev_11117_linux
drwxrwxrwx 3 oracle dba 4096 May 20 21:55 Oracle_Database_11gR2_64
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022 OSB_11.1.1.7_generic
drwxrwxrwx 3 oracle dba 4096 May 21 12:18 RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022 SOA_11.1.1.7_generic
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 16 2022
drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle dba 4096 Nov 20 18:42 Weblogic

[oracle@demo softwares]$ cd Weblogic/

[oracle@demo Weblogic]$ ls

[oracle@demo Weblogic]$ ll
total 1044488
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 1068506707 Dec 26 2015 wls1036_generic.jar

[oracle@demo Weblogic]$ java -jar wls1036_generic.jar

Hit Enter
The java file will start extracting.

How to RUN a JAVA file.

java -jar name_of _the_file


Unzip 2 files



If u have interact with any Application throughout the world, so does it need the
DB or Not ??

FaceBook - That is Database

ICICI Bank - It also needs DB at backend…

That means if we have to fulfill our Role - We need DB to be UP.


To Summarize :

1. listener must be UP
2. DB to be started by sqlplus “/as sysdba”
3. At SQL Prompt we have to give startup command
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
Deployment is done from deployment Server….

But the development Part, that u want to deploy, is done on Development

Various Development Tools may be:
(IDE - Integrated Development Environment)

Visual Studio
Cd /u01/app/oracle/jdev_middleware/jdeveloper/jdev/bin
Click yes

1. Listener
2. DB
3. Deployment Server (VM_Server)
4. Jdev


Activity 1:

How to start and Stop Entire Setup:
Activity 2 :

We will be passing 1 Input, may be your Name

Output will be : Hi welcome to dxc

Input : Surabhi
Output : Hi welcome to dxc

Activity 3 :

Input = lohith

Output = lohith welcome to dxc

Activity 4 :

Input = vani

Output = Hello vani welcome to dxc

Activity 5 :

INPUT 1 - First name dheeraj

INPUT 2 - Last Name tripathi

OutPut - Your complete name is dheeraj tripathi

Activity 6:

Addition Activity
Two Inputs, both are Integers
One Output, that is also integer (Its sum of both Inputs).

Activity 7 :

BODMAS 8+(6*2)

Input 1
Input 2
Input 3

Output = (Input1*Input3)+Input2

Activity 8 :

Modify the Operation Name as Addition, in the Addition App.

Activity 9 :

Business Case is :

For Cash On Delivery,

If Total Products Cost is less than 10k, then it is auto Approved for COD.
If total Products cost is greater than 10k or equal to 10k, then it needs manager

Input - Only 1, that includes the total Order Cost.

Output - Only 1, that includes the Approval Status.

Name of Input element - Order Cost

Name of Output element - Approval Status

For less than 10k - Auto Approved

For >=10K - Needs Approval from Manager.

I anyhow need a activity that helps me in doing the if else functionality ???

If order amount < 10k - Auto Approved

Else if order amount >= 10k, - Manager approval needed.

SWITCH is now Introduced..

Activity 10 :

If input cost is equal to 5k or less than that, it is auto approved.

If input is equal to 10k or less than that, then Manager approval needed.
If input is greater than 10k , then order is rejected….
Activity 11:

Factorial of a number : 5 = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120

Input will be a Number - 1 Input

Output - Input’s Factorial Value

WHILE activity or looping :

We need basically 4 Important Things :

Counter Variable
Condition ( Deciding factor)
Body of the loop
Updating the counter
Int count = 1, fact = 1;
While (count < = n)
{ fact = fact*count;

Final Answer will be held by which variable — FACT

Activity 12 :

Calculator Service, which do Addition & Multiplication……

Till now our 1 application, is able to do only 1 Process.

For Multiple Processes, we need Pick Activity.

For Single Process, Receive Activity.
Activity 13 :

Now Create the Calculator Application, which is supposed for doing to :


Activity 14 :

Extension of Activity 13….

Input Type is Integer - 2 Input
Input Type as String - 1 input

You have to add one more Process, i.e., add Concatenation Feature, into it, by
adding Hello before the Input.

E.g., if input is Dheeraj

Then Output - Hello Dheeraj

Processes :


Activity 15 :

Your application is supposed to accept credit card number, whose length is 16

digits long.
CC Number length - 16 digits.

CC1 - 1234123412341234 - Its a Valid CC, for our application.

CC2 - 9876987698769876 - Its also a Valid CC, for our App.
Output - Its a Valid Credit card or Its an Invalid Credit Card.

Activity 16 :


Phonepe OR Gpay OR PayTM

Whenever u scan a QR Code at any outlet or any Merchant Shop, what will
happen ?????
So, how they call the Bank’s Services ?????

Similarly, banks also expose there, URL or URI, to these Payment gateways..

These payment Vendors, pass exactly the same output to you, or they modify it,
as they feel, like as adding hi etc.

Case Study for you is as below :

You have to do the addition, without writing the logic, u have to use the already
created addition service.

The application which u r creating now, consider it PhonePe

And the already existing addition service, consider it as a Bank.

Inputs Needed :

Inputs needed from end customer, Input 1 & Input 2

We have to pass these Inputs, to the existing Addition Service

Your service will receive output from Addition Service

Then finally, we have to send the output to the end customer, which we have
received from addition service.


Activity 17 : ( This Activity is a Lab Test for Today - 10 Marks each)

Make a Combo Project, which is supposed to do below services or Processes.

● Addition
● Concat Hello, with the Input Name
● Factorial
● Approval Status ( <= 10 k, its Auto Approved, for >10k, its rejected)



Activity 18 :

3 Steps to Perform

Most Important thing is : We will have 1 Project whose name will parent_pick

This parent_pick, will do nothing on logic Part, it will internally supposed to call 2
services, addition_pick another is subtraction_pick

Parent_pick —- Its task is to call addition or subtraction service internally.

Addition_pick — Its task is to do addition
Subtraction_pick —- Its task is to do subtraction


A Courier boy drops a courier in the letter-box, which is at your home entry gate.
Then after coming back to home, your opened the letter box, and got the letter.
Means, its a Asynchronous Process.

Ex 2 : If I call LOHITH, and he is busy in some other activity, he did not picked my
call, and getting free, he called Me back, Its also Asynchronous Process.

Select requiresNew while Connecting to the Async service

Activity 19 :

In the Async Wrapper, use the Pick Activity, instead of Receive Activity.
Then deploy it and test it.

Create One Folder in your C drive name it as “Softwares”

And then in terminal

612 cd /u01/app/softwares
613 ll
614 cd Oracle_Database_11gR2_64/
615 ll
616 rm -rf database
617 ll
618 cd ..
619 ll
620 cp -pr Oracle_Database_11gR2_64 /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
621 cd RCU_11.1.1.7_linux_x64/
623 rm -rf rcuHome readme.html
624 ll
625 cp -pr /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
626 ll
627 cd ..
628 ll
629 cp -pr Weblogic /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
630 cd SOA_11.1.1.7_generic/
631 ll
632 rm -rf Disk1 Disk2 Disk3 Disk4 Disk5 Disk6 readme.html
633 ll
634 cd ..
635 cp -pr SOA_11.1.1.7_generic /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
636 cp -pr SOA_JDEV_EXTENSIONS_11.
637 cp -pr Jdev_11117_linux /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
638 cd ..
639 cd oracle
640 ll
641 cd middleware/
642 ll
643 cd ..
644 ll
645 cd jdk
646 ll
647 cp -pr jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin /mnt/hgfs/C/Softwares/
648 history
[oracle@demo jdk]$


Activity 20 :

In any of the bank, to perform any fund transfer, u have to submit an OTP ??
And the OTP is having some validity time, after that it will expire and will not

We will introduce a Timer in our App, so that after wait time, it would not wait for
response, and close the thread.

1st - We will do the happy path

2nd - We will delay the response by more than the wait time.


Case is,
In the application that we created yesterday, we introduced a PICK activity instead
Fault Handler: To resolve any kind of errors we use “catch all block”



So, whenever a request is pending to someone, for approval, then that is know as
Human Task…..

Few resources that we need at the server level to make the DB Adapter work
properly are as below :

1. Datasource
2. ConnectionFactory
3. ConnectionPool

We can manage all the resources from Admin console or Application Server

Url for Admin console is - hostname:7001/console

We have to go inside the Data Sources as below :

Choose Generic Data source
Choose the Options as below
Accept the default values as below

Accept default

Click Test configuration
Check the admin server
Now create ConnectionFactory & ConnectionPool as below

Click on DBAdpater then choose Configuration then Outbound Connection pools

Click on New
Click next and

JNDI Name = eis/db/dxc

Click finish

Then click OK
We can only pass that jdbc name that we had configured earlier
In our case it is


Pressing enter key is very important then click on save button

Go the Deployments and click on the square button of DbAdpater
As below

Accept the redeployment plan as below

Click on the next then finish

Now the prerequisite part is Over for an adapter.
Link to download full iso 👍
Oracle Linux ISOs | Oracle, Software. Hardware. Complete.

Click on test connection
Assign 1
Assign 2


Assignment No. 1

Step 1:

To install oel6.9 ,

Here we have to choose all the packages. Except language package and
Databases package.

Then install VMware Tools.

Step 2:

To configure Network with /etc/hosts

Map ip with hostname in the above file.

Step 3:

To create instance of the server.

1. Install DB_11gR2_64
2. Install RCU
3. Install jdk
4. Install Weblogic
5. Install SOA_generic
6. Install Jdev
7. Install SOA_extensions in Jdev

Step 4 :

Here create 2 applications :

1. Hello world
2. Addition
Password : root123
NOTE : There are three most important mount points
1. /boot (min. Requirement is 1 GB)
2. / (It's basically root, 50 GB, min. Requirement is 25 GB)
3. swap (It’s 2 times of the RAM, VM RAM is 4 GB, so swap 8 GB)
Delete all the system defined users and groups
Reboot to apply the changes


Assignment No 2

Step 1:

Install Vmware with windows server 2016.

Install VMware Tools.

Step 2:

Install Windows DB .

Step 3

To show the name of the instance and Status. Instance_name = test

Select instance_name, status from v$instance;
After selecting custom option:
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
Go to database in softwares folder and click on setup :
PASSWORD : Dba#1011
Uncheck the box with create as container database
Password : Dba#1011
Path for Sqldeveloper shortcut:


Send the sqldeveloper shortcut to the desktop from above location.

For 2019 : Windows VM….

Final Results needed as below :

Step 1:
Windows server 2019 mark at the bottom right of the desktop.

Step 2:
Select instance_name, status from v$instance;

Values will be Test and status is open

Step 3:
The sqldeveloper shortcut key on the desktop.
Hr connection in sqldeveloper.
Everyone has to show atleast entries of one table of hr user.

Step 4:
You have to prepare a presentation for 2019 which describes each and everything
in details along with screenshot and you have to present it in the meeting.

And after doing this send it over email [email protected]

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