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Before installing or starting this unit for the first time, this
manual should be studied carefully to obtain a working
knowledge of the unit and/or the duties to be performed
while operating and maintaining the unit.
manual contains IMPORTANT SAFETY DATA and
should be kept with the unit at all times.

C.C.N. : 23046360
More Than Air. Answers. REV. C
Online answers: DATE: DECEMBER 2009
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................... 2
SECTION 1 — INTRODUCTION ..................................... 3
SECTION 2 — SAFETY .................................................. 3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS....................................................... 3 Refer to Section Indicated
LIFTING.......................................................................... 3
INSTALLATION ................................................................. 3
MECHANICAL INSTALLATION .............................................. 3 Note
OPERATION .................................................................... 4
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR .............................................. 4
PRECAUTIONS ................................................................. 4 Important or Caution, Safety
WARNING AGAINST UNINTENDED START ............................. 5
STANDARD FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY .......................... 6
SECTION 4 — INSTALLATION ..................................... 10
SECTION 6 — COMMISSIONING ................................ 25
PHYSICAL CHECKS .......................................................... 25
RESISTANCE CHECKS....................................................... 25
KEYPAD OPERATIONS ..................................................... 25
POWER-UP CHECKS ....................................................... 25
INTELLISYS SETUP........................................................... 25
SECTION 7 — FAULT CODES ...................................... 31
WARNINGS / ALARM MESSAGES ...................................... 31
SECTION 8 — PART LIST ............................................ 39
SECTION 9 — TECHNICAL DATA ................................. 40
SECTION 10 — WIRING DIAGRAM ............................. 46

The purpose of this manual is to provide instructions The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD will maintain a
needed to install, operate, and maintain the Ingersoll- constant pressure in compressed air systems by
Rand rotary screw air compressor with the Ingersoll Rand adjusting the compressor motor’s speed to match the
302 Series Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). The compressed air usage. Depending on the application and
Operators/Instruction Manual supplied with the air demand profile, the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD
compressor and this Instruction Manual supplied with the system can achieve 25-35% energy savings. Smooth
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD should be referenced for start-up, reduced machine cycling, lower noise, and
more detailed instructions regarding each of these monitoring energy parameters are other benefits from an
components. Ingersoll-Rand compressor equipped with Ingersoll Rand
302 Series VFD.

• Always lift the frequency converter in the
WARNING: Risk of Danger dedicated lifting eyes. Use a bar to avoid
bending the lifting holes of the frequency
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock
WARNING: Risk of High Pressure • Installation work must only be carried out by a
competent person under qualified supervision.

WARNING: Consult Manual • A fused isolation switch must be fitted between

the main power supply and the Ingersoll Rand
302 Series VFD.
• Before installing or operating the Ingersoll Rand • The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD should be
302 Series VFD, take time to carefully read all mounted in such a location as to allow
the instructions contained in this manual, all operational and maintenance access without
compressor manuals, and all manuals of any obstruction or hazard and to allow clear visibility
other peripheral devices that may be installed or of indicators at all times.
connected to the unit.
• If raised platforms are required to provide
• Electricity and compressed air have the access to the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD,
potential to cause severe personal injury or they must not interfere with normal operation or
property damage. obstruct access. Platforms and stairs should be
of grid or plate construction with safety rails on
• The operator should use common sense and all open sides.
good working practices while operating and
maintaining this system. All applicable codes
should be strictly adhered to. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION
• Maintenance must be performed by adequately • Preparation of the mechanical installation of the
qualified personnel that are equipped with the frequency converter must be done carefully to
proper tools. ensure a proper result and to avoid additional
work during installation. Start taking a close look
SHIPMENT INSPECTION / PRE- at the mechanical drawings at the end of this
instruction to become familiar with the space
• To perform the mechanical installation the
• The crating should be inspected for shipping
following tools are needed:
damage after the unit has arrived.
o Drill with 10 or 12 mm drill
• Before unpacking the frequency converter it is o Tape measure
recommended that it is located as close as o Wrench with relevant metric sockets (7-17
possible to the final installation site. Remove the mm)
box and handle the frequency converter on the o Extensions to wrench
pallet, as long as possible. o Sheet metal punch for conduits or cable
glands in IP 21/Nema 1 and IP 54 units
o Lifting bar to lift the unit (rod or tube max. Ø
25 mm (1 inch), able to lift minimum 400 kg
(880 lbs)).
o Crane or other lifting aid to place the
frequency converter in position
o A Torx T50 tool is needed to install the E1
in IP21 and IP54 enclosure types.

• Space: Ensure proper space above and below ii. Attach labels to the isolator switch and
the frequency converter to allow airflow and to the unit stating “WORK IN
cable access. In addition space in front of the PROGRESS - DO NOT APPLY
unit must be considered to enable opening of VOLTAGE”. Do not switch on electrical
the door of the panel. power or attempt to start the CX Box if
• Wire access: Ensure that proper cable access is such a warning label is attached.
present including necessary bending allowance.
• Make sure that all instructions concerning
As the IP00 enclosure is open to the bottom
operation and maintenance are strictly followed
cables must be fixed to the back panel of the
and that the complete unit, with all accessories
enclosure where the frequency converter is
and safety devices, is kept in good working
mounted, i.e. by using cable clamps.
o All cable lugs/ shoes must mount within the
width of the terminal bus bar • The accuracy of sensor devices must be
checked on a regular basis. They must be
OPERATION calibrated when acceptable tolerances are
exceeded. Always ensure any pressure within
• The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD must only the compressed air system is safely vented to
be operated by competent personnel under atmosphere before attempting to remove or
qualified supervision. install a sensor device.

• Never remove or tamper with safety devices, • The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD must only
guards or insulation materials fitted to the be cleaned with a damp cloth, using mild
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD. detergents if necessary. Avoid the use of any
substances containing corrosive acids or alkalis.
• The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD must only
be operated at the supply voltage and frequency • Do not paint the control faceplate or obscure
for which it is designed. any indicators, controls, instructions or
• When main power is switched on, lethal
voltages are present in the electrical circuits and
extreme caution must be exercised whenever it INGERSOLL RAND 302 SERIES VFD
is necessary to carry out any work on the unit. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
• Do not open access panels or touch electrical
• The frequency converter DC link capacitors
components while voltage is applied unless it is
remain charged after power has been
necessary for measurements, tests or
disconnected. To avoid electrical shock hazard,
adjustments. Such work should be carried out
disconnect the frequency converter from the
only by a qualified electrician equipped with the
mains before carrying out maintenance. Before
correct tools and wearing appropriate protection
doing service on the frequency converter wait at
against electrical hazards.
least the amount of time indicated below:
• All air compressors and/or other equipment
connected to the unit should have a warning o 380 - 500 V 90 - 200 kW 20 minutes
sign attached stating “THIS UNIT MAY START 250 - 800 kW 40 minutes
WITHOUT WARNING” next to the display panel. o 525 - 690 V 37 - 315 kW 20 minutes
355 - 1200 kW 30 minutes
• If an air compressor and/or other equipment
connected to the unit is to be started remotely, • The Stop/Reset key on the local control panel of
attach two warning signs to the equipment the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD DOES NOT
stating “THIS UNIT CAN BE STARTED disconnect the equipment from the AC line. DO
REMOTELY”. Attach one sign in a prominent NOT use the Stop/Reset key as a safety switch.
location on the outside of the equipment, and
the other sign inside the equipment control • The installer must supply correct protective
compartment. grounding of the equipment. The user must be
protected against supply voltage, and the motor
must be protected against overload in
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR accordance with National Electric Code and
• Maintenance, repairs or modifications must only local codes.
be carried out by competent personnel under • To avoid potential shock hazard when servicing
qualified supervision. a motor or Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD ,
• If replacement parts are required, use only remove all power to all drives with wiring that
genuine parts from the original equipment shares any conduit to be worked on. If that is
manufacturer, or an alternative approved not possible, remove power to the drive and
source. ground the motor wires at the drive. When the
work has been completed, remove the grounds
• Carry out the following operations before before reapplying power to the drive. In general,
opening or removing any access panels or a conduit should not contain unshielded power
carrying out any work on the Ingersoll Rand 302 conductors for more than three PWM operated
Series VFD: motors.
i. Isolate the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
VFD from the main electrical power
supply. Lock the isolator in the “OFF”
position and remove the fuses.

• The earth leakage current from the frequency
converter exceeds 3.5 mA. To ensure that the WARNING AGAINST UNINTENDED
earth cable has a good mechanical connection
to the earth connection (terminal 95), the cable START
cross section must be at least 10 mm or 2 rated
• The motor can be brought to a stop by means of
earth wires terminated separately.
digital commands, bus commands, references
• The Electronic Thermal Relay (ETR) in UL/cUL or a local stop, while the Ingersoll Rand 302
listed VFDs provides class 20 motor overload Series VFD is connected to the AC line. These
protection in accordance with the NEC in a stop functions are NOT sufficient to ensure that
single motor applications when parameter 1-40 no unintended start occurs and should NOT be
is set for "TRIP" and parameter 1-24 is set for used for personal safety considerations.
the nominal motor rated (nameplate) current.
• While parameters are being changed, the motor
Protection against motor overload is NOT
may start. Consequently, the Stop/Reset button
included in the factory setting. If this function is
must be enabled (Parameter 0-41) after which
desired, set parameter to 1-40 to data value
data can be modified. When the drive is in local
ETR trip or data value ETR warning.
stop the LCP will be flashing. Parameter 0-41
will be changed later during the startup
ETR function is initialized at 1.16 x rated motor procedure.
current. • A motor that has been stopped may start if
faults occur in the electronics of the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD or if a temporary overload
or a fault in the AC line supply or the motor
connection clears.

WARNING: The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD contains dangerous voltages when connected to line
voltage. After disconnecting from the line wait at least 15 minutes before touching any electrical components. Also make
sure that other voltage inputs have been disconnected, such as external 24 VDC, load-sharing (linkage of DC intermediate
circuit), as well as the motor connection for kinetic back-up. Only a competent electrician should carry out the electrical
installation. Improper installation of the motor or the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD may cause equipment failure, serious
injury or death. Follow this manual and National

WARNING: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precaution. Many electronic components are sensitive to static
electricity. Voltages are so low that they cannot be felt, seen or heard, can reduce the life, affect performance, or completely
destroy sensitive electronic components. When performing service, proper ESD equipment should be used to prevent
possible damage from occurring.

WARNING: It is the responsibility of the user or the person installing the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD to
provide proper grounding, as well as motor overload and branch circuit protection according to the National Electrical Code
and local codes.

The compressor with the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD
STANDARD FEATURES AND will only load and unload at minimum speed, unless the
FUNCTIONALITY system pressure swings outside the Intellisys pressure
band faster than the drive can react. When the system
The Ingersoll Rand 302 drive is an external device that is pressure rises above the Off Line pressure setpoint, the
wired to the compressor’s motors through the starter blowdown valve opens and the inlet valve closes to
panel. The Intellisys controller on the compressor still unload the compressor. The load relay, 2CR,
starts and stops the compressor, while the Ingersoll Rand simultaneously opens to switch the drive to Setup 1
302 Series VFD’s controller varies the compressor’s (constant, minimum speed).
motor speed to regulate constant system pressure. The
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD operates in two different Conversely, when the system pressure falls below the On
setups: Line pressure setpoint, the blowdown valve closes and
the inlet valve opens to load the compressor. The load
1) In Setup 1, the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD runs at relay, 2CR, simultaneously closes to switch the drive to
constant minimum speed and the compressor is Setup 2 (pressure regulation).
Even with the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD wired to
2) In Setup 2, the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD the compressor, the Start button on the Intellisys
regulates a constant pressure and the compressor is controller initiates the full-voltage or star-delta starters.
loaded. When the 1M contactor closes, the start relay, 1CR,
closes to start the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD. On
The Intellisys controller logic determines which setup the
air-cooled, SSR units, the contactors have no power
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD operates.
flowing through them. However, the 1M contactor does
provide power to the constant-speed fan (for a water-
See Intellisys and Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD cooled unit) and the oil pump (on Sierra units only). After
Controllers Interface Logic Diagram the Start process is completed, the compressor will
automatically load and the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
As always, the Intellisys controller, set to On / Off Line VFD will try to regulate the pressure.
mode, will load and unload the compressor, depending
on the system pressure relative to the pressure band On SSR air cooled units, the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
limits. The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD, however, tries VFD controls the main drive motor and the cooling fan
to keep the system pressure within the pressure band as motor.
long as possible. On SSR water cooled units, the Ingersoll Rand 302
When the system pressure rises above the target Series VFD controls the main drive motor. The small
pressure, the drive will slow the compressor’s motors so enclosure fan motor gets its power from the compressor
that the compressor supplies less air to the system and starter.
allows the pressure to fall. Likewise, when the system On Sierra units, the air cooled and water cooled units are
pressure falls, the drive increases the compressor’s configured the same as the SSR units, except the
motor speed so that the compressor supplies more air to externally driven oil pump gets its power from the
the system. compressor starter.

Power at VFD & Compressor
VFD Closes 3CR Relay

Press “START” on Compressor

The Intellisys Closes 1CR Relay to “START” the VFD. The

Compressor begins to run Unloaded with the VFD in SETUP 1

The Intellisys loads the Compressor and closes 2CR Relay

switching to SETUP 2. Variable Speed and Flow operation
continues until the Intellisys Unloads the Compressor.

The Intellisys Unloads the Compressor, opening 2CR Relay.

This switches the VFD to SETUP 1. The Compressor slows
down to minimum speed for the duration of the Unload cycle.

The Compressor continues to cycle between Load and Unload

(2CR Relay closing/opening) until one of the following

Has the Intellisys

Has the VFD Faulted
decided the Unload time
for any reason?
has been long enough
(I.E.: High Current,
to shut the
Loss of Phase, etc.)
Compressor off?

The VFD Drive opens 3CR Relay telling the

The Intellisys shuts down the Compressor and
Intellisys to Stop the Compressor immediately,
Opens 1CR Relay, stopping the VFD power to
similar to the Compressor “Emergency Stop”
the motor.
button being pressed.

The Compressor and the VFD are

The Compressor and VFD Stop, both
stopped in “Stand-by” mode awaiting a
flashing alarms.
Start signal.




When you receive the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD, Uncrating and Handling
inspect it closely. Any indication of careless handling by
the carrier should be noted on the delivery receipt,
especially if the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD will not It is recommended that installation and
be immediately uncrated. Obtaining the delivery person’s commissioning be carried out by an authorized and
signed agreement to any noted damages will facilitate trained product supplier.”
any future insurance claims.
To lessen the possibility of damage, it is recommended
that the crated Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD be located
as close to the final installation site as possible. If the
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD is not to be installed
immediately, the following storage temperatures need to
be observed: –13°F to +150°F (-25°C to +65°C).
Door and ceiling clearances must be considered when
READ THIS moving and installing the drive.
A qualified person with a forklift or other similar lifting
LOST OR DAMAGED GOODS device will be needed to remove the drive from the crate.

THOROUGHLY INSPECT THIS SHIPMENT When unpacking the frequency converter, ensure that the
unit is undamaged and complete.



If goods are received short or in damaged condition,

it is important that you notify the carrier and insist on
a notation of the loss or damage across the face of
the freight bill. Otherwise no claim can be enforced
against the transportation company.
If concealed loss or damage is discovered, notify
your carrier at once and request an inspection. This
is absolutely necessary. Unless you do this the
carrier will not entertain any claim for loss or
damage. The agent will make an inspection and
grant a concealed damage notation. If you give the
transportation company a clear receipt for goods
that have been damaged or lost in transit, you do so
at your own risk and expense.
Ingersoll-Rand Company
Davidson, North Carolina

The Ingersoll Rand 302 Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD is
cooled by means of air circulation. For the cooling air to
escape from the unit a minimum clearance must be left
above and below the unit.
The Ingersoll Rand 302 Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD
must be installed vertically.
To avoid overheating the unit, the ambient temperature is
not to exceed 115°F (46°C) and the mean temperature is
not to exceed 104°F (40°C). If the ambient temperature is
in the range of 115°F to 131°F (46°C to 55°C), there is a
possibility of a reduction of the service life of the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD .

For proper cooling, mount the Ingersoll Rand 302

Series VFD against a flat surface, such as a wall or a
piece of sheet metal.
Top and Bottom Free Space

See General Arrangement drawings in the VSD

Interconnect Guide for Air Space requirements.

To open the crate: Pry up the metal locking tabs that

secure the top panel of the crate, this will allow access to
the lifting rings on the top of the drive.

See General Arrangement drawings in the VSD

Interconnect Guide for dimensions, weight, and
installation information.
The area selected for the location of the Ingersoll Rand
302 Series VFD should be free of dust, chemicals, metal
filings, paint fumes and overspray.




Dimensions: NEMA1 & NEMA 12

See General Arrangement drawings in the VSD

Interconnect Guide for dimensions, weight, and
installation information.

Side by Side Free Air Space
The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD does not require free
air space between drives.

Terminal and Switch Locations
Control Terminals, Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD
Drawing reference numbers:
1. 10 pole plug digital I/O.
2. 3 pole plug RS485 Bus.
3. 6 pole analog I/O.
4. USB Connection.

Switches S201, S202, and S801

Switches S201 (A53) and S202 (A54) are used to select
a current (0-20 mA) or a voltage (-10 to 10 V)
configuration of the analog input terminals 53 and 54
Switch S801 (BUS TER.) can be used to enable
termination on the RS-485 port (terminals 68 and 69).

See Power Wiring Diagram in the VSD

Interconnect Guide for all electrical terminals.
Default setting:
• S201 (A53) = OFF (voltage input)
• S202 (A54) = OFF (voltage input)
To mount the cable to the terminal: • S801 (Bus termination) = OFF
1. Strip insulation of 9-10 mm
2. Insert a screwdriver1) in the square hole. When changing the function of S201, S202 or
S801 be careful not to use force for the switch over. It is
3. Insert the cable in the adjacent circular hole. recommended to remove the LCP fixture (cradle) when
4. Remove the screw driver. The cable is now operating the switches. The switches must not be
mounted to the terminal. operated with power on the frequency converter.

To remove the cable from the terminal:

1. Insert a screwdriver (1) in the square hole.
2. Pull out the cable.
(1)Max. 0.4 x 2.5 mm

Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD Electrical Safety Grounding
Please note that the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD has
The voltage of the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD is a high leakage current and must be grounded
dangerous when the unit is connected to the AC line. appropriately for safety reasons. Use the ground
Incorrect installation of the motor or Ingersoll Rand 302 terminals (refer to the terminal drawings) which enable
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD may lead to material reinforced grounding.
damage or serious injury or death. Follow the instructions
in this manual and comply to National Electrical Codes
(NEC) and local codes and safety guidelines. All national and local safety codes must be

DO NOT touch the electrical components of the

Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD for at least 15 minutes See Power Wiring Diagrams in the VSD
after the AC line has been disconnected. Interconnect Guide

To avoid potential shock hazard when servicing a motor Motor Connection

or variable frequency drives, remove all power to all The power cables from the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
drives having wiring that shares any conduit to be worked VFD connect to the motor terminal block located at the
on. If that is not possible, remove power to the drive and bottom of the compressor’s starter box. The compressor
ground the motor wires at the drive. When the work has and fan motors’ leads are connected to the other side of
been completed, remove the grounds before reapplying this block.
power to the drive.
The power cables from the compressor/Ingersoll Rand
In general, a conduit should not contain unshielded 302 Series VFD system’s main disconnect (DIS1) to the
power conductors for more than three PWM operated top of the compressor’s starter contactors should be
motors. sized for the full amp rating of the machine. This setup
allows for the compressor to be quickly converted from
It is the responsibility of the user or installer to variable speed to constant speed control should the
ensure correct grounding, branch circuit and motor Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD need servicing.
protection in accordance with the NEC and local codes
Connection of AC Line See Power Wiring Diagrams in the VSD
Interconnect Guide
Connect the three AC line phases to L1 (91), L2 (92), and
L3 (93) of the terminal block labeled Mains.

See Power Wiring Diagrams in the VSD

Interconnect Guide

To minimize electrical noise, install the drive within

100 feet (30 meters) of compressor.

To avoid electrical noise, do not route high-voltage

motor wires and low-voltage control wires through the
same conduit.

For proper safety, wire compressor and drive to a

common ground.

The following table lists the electrical schematics that
illustrate the proper way to wire the Ingersoll Rand 302
Series VFD to the compressor. Locate the correct
schematic for the corresponding compressor and refer to
the Wiring Schematics section in this manual. The three
control relays, pressure transducer, and contactor (Sierra
only) should be wired per the proper schematic.

See Compressor Schematics in the VSD

Interconnect Guide

Cable and Control Terminal Connection Transducer Installation
All terminals for the control cables are located under the The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD utilizes the signal
protective cover of the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD. from an electronic pressure sensor. The pressure sensor
The protective cover can be removed using care. All must be located where it will see the discharge air
terminals to the control cables are located beneath the pressure of the compressor.
LCP. They are accessed by removing the cover or
opening the door.

Max. 16 AWG (4.0mm2) wire for all Ingersoll Rand

302 Series VFD models.

1. Compressor Package Discharge Pressure

2. Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD Discharge
Pressure Transducer
A pressure transducer (4-20 mA; 0-200 psig / 0-13.8
barg) has been provided as a feedback sensor for the
Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD.

It is recommended that the transducer receives its

pressure signal from discharge of the compressor.
The pressure sensor must be connected to the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD using a shielded (earth screened),
three-conductor (3 core), 20 gauge (0.5mm CSA
minimum), cable no greater than 330ft (100m) in length.
The transducer has a 0.125-in NPT threaded connection.
A 6-ft long cable has also been provided to wire the
transducer into the drive (see proper wiring schematic).
The transducer can be mounted somewhere near the
drive and plastic tubing can be plumbed into the
compressor’s discharge. Or, the transducer can be
mounted at the discharge of the compressor and
shielded cable can be ran between the transducer and
the drive.

Connect the transducer to the Ingersoll Rand 302

Series VFD per the proper wiring schematic in the VSD
Interconnect Guide

Modbus RS-485 Installation and Set-up
RS-485 is a two-wire bus interface compatible with multi-
drop network topology, i.e. nodes can be connected as a
bus, or via drop cables from a common trunk line. A total
of 32 nodes can be connected to one network segment.
Network segments are divided up by repeaters. Please
note that each repeater functions as a node within the
segment in which it is installed. Each node connected
within a given network must have a unique node address,
across all segments. Terminate each segment at both
ends, using either the termination switch (S801) of the
frequency converters or a biased termination resistor
network. Always use screened twisted pair (STP) cable
for bus cabling, and always follow good common
installation practice. Low-impedance ground connection
of the screen at every node is very important, including at
high frequencies. This can be achieved by connecting a
large surface of the screen to ground, for example by
means of a cable clamp or a conductive cable gland. It
may be necessary to apply potential equalizing cables to
maintain the same ground potential throughout the
network, particularly in installations where there are long
lengths of cable. To prevent impedance mismatch,
always use the same type of cable throughout the entire
network. When connecting a motor to the frequency
converter, always use screened motor cable.
Cable: Screened twisted pair (STP)
Impedance: 120 Ohm
Cable length: Max. 1200 m (including drop lines)
Max. 500 m station-to-station
The following EMC precautions are recommended
Connect the frequency converter to the RS-485 network in order to achieve interference-free operation of the RS-
as follows (see also diagram): 485 network.
1. Connect signal wires to terminal 68 (P+) and 1. Relevant national and local regulations, for
terminal 69 (N-) on the main control board of the example regarding protective earth connection,
frequency converter. must be observed. The RS-485 communication
2. Connect the cable screen to the cable clamps. cable must be kept away from motor and brake
resistor cables to avoid coupling of high
frequency noise from one cable to another.
Screened, twisted-pair cables are recommended
2. Normally a distance of 200 mm (8 inches) is
in order to reduce noise between conductors.
sufficient, but keeping the greatest possible
distance between the cables is generally
recommended, especially where cables run in
parallel over long distances.
3. When crossing is unavoidable, the RS-485
cable must cross motor and brake resistor
cables at an angle of 90 degrees.

See the Dan Foss Design Guide for more detailed

Modbus information

Field Conversion Starter to Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD
For field conversions contact your local Ingersoll If the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD is wired as shown
Rand distributor or air center to ensure that the motor in the schematics in the Wiring Schematics Section of
and controls are appropriate and to determine the proper this manual, a simple procedure is followed to convert the
speed range of your compressor. Conversion to an SG compressor from operation with the compressor’s
Controller may be required in some applications to avoid conventional starter to operation with the Ingersoll Rand
operation problems. Check with your Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD and vice versa.
Changes required for conversion from a conventional
The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD option can be starter to the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD are
supplied as a factory option or as a field conversion kit for described in the following:
an existing compressor. The field kit includes the
1. Disconnect all power from the Ingersoll Rand
additional pressure transducer, terminals, and three
302 Series VFD and compressor.
relays required to convert to Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
VFD operation. On Sierra machines, this kit also includes 2. Wait at least 15 minutes for power to dissipate
an additional electric-driven oil pump and all of its from the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD’s
mounting and piping to provide constant oil pressure for capacitors.
the inlet valve's hydraulic cylinder. The factory option has
all of the necessary components already installed into the 3. Move the motor leads from the starter contactor
compressor with the exception of the drive and pressure terminal lugs to the tie-off block mounted in the
transducer. bottom of the starter box (where the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD leads come into the
For a field installation of an existing compressor, the compressor starter box). For air cooled units,
additional components for the VFD must be installed. The the fan motor leads must also be moved. The
terminals, relays, and manual motor starter (for Sierra lugs on the bottom of the 1M, 2M, and 1S
only) must be installed into the starter panel box per the contactors may have to be removed to meet the
assembly drawing. The electric-driven oil pump and its terminal clearance requirements of some local
components (for Sierra only) must be installed per the electrical codes.
assembly drawing specified.
4. Wire the normally-open contact of the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD alarm relay (3CR) into the
See Compressor Schematics in the VSD control power wiring as shown in the Wiring
Interconnect Guide Schematics Section of this manual. Make sure
relays (1CR and 2CR) are properly wired as
shown on the appropriate wiring schematic.
. Prime the Sierra oil pump by filling suction hose
with oil BEFORE applying power to compressor. Once
filled with oil, quickly start and stop compressor until See Compressor Schematics in the VSD
pump and associated hose are free of vibrations. Interconnect Guide
5. Restore power to the machine and Ingersoll
The compressor should not be started and Rand 302 Series VFD .
stopped in this manner more than 3 times. Pump seals Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD to Starter
may fail if pump runs dry. Once primed, there should be Conversion
no need to prime pump again unless compressor has sat
idle for extended time. For conversion back to the starter from the Ingersoll
Rand 302 Series VFD, reconnect the motor leads to the
motor contactors and remove the Ingersoll Rand 302
If Sierra oil pump was not installed at factory, Series VFD alarm relay (3CR)
check for proper pump rotation. Ensure pump rotates
counter-clockwise while viewing pump from behind


Graphical LCP
The control panel is divided into four functional groups:
1. Graphical display with Status lines.
2. Menu keys and indicator lights - changing
parameters and switching between display
3. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
All data is displayed in a graphical LCP display, which
can show up to five items of operating data while
displaying [Status].
Display lines:
a. Status line: Status messages displaying
icons and graphic.
b. Line 1-2: Operator data lines displaying data
defined or chosen by the user. By pressing the
[Status] key, up to one extra line can be added.
c. Status line: Status messages displaying text.

The LCD-Display
The LCD-display has back light and a total of 6 alpha-
numeric lines. The display lines show the direction of
rotation (arrow), the chosen Set-up as well as the
programming Set-up. The display is divided into 3
Top section: Displays up to 2 measurements in Top Section
normal operating status.
Middle section: The top line in the displays up to
5 measurements with related unit, regardless of Middle Section
status (except in the case of alarm/warning).
Bottom section: This always displays the state
of the frequency converter in Status mode. Bottom Section

The Active Set-up (selected as the Active Set-up in par.

0-10) is shown. When programming another Setup than
the Active Set-up, the number of the programmed Set-up
appears to the right.

Display Contrast Adjustment [Main Menu] is used for programming all parameters. It
is possible to switch directly between Main Menu mode
Press [status] and [▴] for darker display and Quick Menu mode. Parameter shortcut can be
carried out by pressing down the [Main Menu] key for 3
Press [status] and [▾] for brighter display
seconds. The parameter shortcut allows direct access to
Most FC 300 parameter set-ups can be changed any parameter.
immediately via the control panel, unless a password has
[Alarm Log] displays an Alarm list of the five latest
been created via par. 0-60 Main Menu Password or via
alarms (numbered A1-A5). To obtain additional details
par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password
about an alarm, use the arrow keys to maneuver to the
Indicator lights (LEDs): alarm number and press [OK]. You will now receive
information about the condition of your frequency
If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm converter right before entering the alarm mode.
and/or warning LED lights up. A status and alarm text
appear on the control panel. [Back] takes you to the previous step or layer in the
navigation structure.
The ON LED is activated when the frequency converter
receives mains voltage or via a DC bus terminal or 24 V
external supply. At the same time, the back light is on. •

[Cancel] annuls your last change or command as long as

the display has not been changed.

Green LED/On: Control section is working

Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning
Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm [Info] supplies information about a command, parameter,
or function in any display window. [Info] provides detailed
LCP Keys information whenever help is needed. Exit info mode by
pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].

The control keys are divided into functions. The keys

below the display and indicator lamps are used for
Navigation Keys
parameter Set-up, including choice of display indication The four navigation arrows are used to navigate between
during normal operation. 130BP045.10 the different choices available in [Quick Menu], [Main
[Status] indicates the status of the frequency converter Menu] and [Alarm Log]. Use the keys to move the
and/or the motor. You can choose between 3 different
readouts by pressing the [Status] key:
5 line readouts, 4 line readouts or Smart Logic Control.
Use [Status] for selecting the mode of display or for
changing back to Display mode from either the Quick
Menu mode, the Main Menu mode or Alarm mode. Also
use the [Status] key to toggle single or double read-out
mode. [
Quick Menu] allows quick access to different Quick
Menus such as: -
My Personal Menu
- Quick Set-up
- Changes Made
- Loggings [OK] is used for choosing a parameter marked by the
cursor and for enabling the change of a parameter.
Use [Quick Menu] for programming the parameters
belonging to the Quick Menu. It is possible to switch
directly between Quick Menu mode and Main Menu

Local Control Key Display Mode
Four local control are found at the bottom of the control In normal operation, up to 5 different operating variables
panel can be indicated continuously in the middle section: 1.1,
1.2, and 1.3 as well as 2 and 3.
Display Mode - Selection of Read-Outs
It is possible to toggle between three status readout
screens by pressing the [Status] key. Operating variables
with different formatting are shown in each status screen
- see below.
The table shows the measurements you can link to each
[Hand On] enables control of the frequency converter via of the operating variables. Define the links via par. 0-20,
the LCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor, and it is now 0-21, 0-22, 0-23, and 0-24.
possible to enter the motor speed data by means of the
arrow keys. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Each readout parameter selected in par. 0-20 to par. 0-
Disable [0] via par. 0-40 [Hand on] key on LCP. External 24 has its own scale and digits after a possible decimal
stop signals activated by means of control signals or a point. By larger numeric value of a parameter fewer digits
serial bus will override a “start” command via the LCP. are displayed after the decimal point. Ex.: Current
readout 5.25 A; 15.2 A 105 A.
The following control signals will still be active when
[Hand on] is activated: Operating Variable: Unit:
Par. 16-00 Control Word hex
[Hand on] – [Off] – [Auto on] Par. 16-01 Reference [unit]
Par. 16-02 Reference %
Reset • Par. 16-03 Status Word hex
Par. 16-05 Main Actual Value %
Coasting stop inverse • Par. 16-10 Power [kW]
Par. 16-11 Power [HP]
Reversing • Par. 16-12 Motor Voltage [V]
Par. 16-13 Frequency [Hz]
Set-up select bit 0- Par. 16-14 Motor Current [A]
Par. 16-16 Torque Nm
Set-up select bit 1 • Par. 16-17 Speed [RPM]
Par. 16-18 Motor Thermal %
Stop command from serial communication • Par. 16-20 Motor Angle
Par. 16-30 DC Link Voltage V
Quick stop •
Par. 16-32 Brake Energy / s kW
DC brake Par. 16-33 Brake Energy / 2 min kW
Par. 16-34 Heatsink Temp. C
[Off] stops the connected motor. The key can be Par. 16-35 Inverter Thermal %
Par. 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current A
selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par. 0-41 [Off]
Par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current A
key on LCP. If no external stop function is selected and Par. 16-38 SL Control State
the [Off] key is inactive the motor can be stopped by Par. 16-39 Control Card Temp. C
disconnecting the voltage. Par. 16-40 Logging Buffer Full
Par. 16-50 External Reference
[Auto On] enables the frequency converter to be Par. 16-51 Pulse Reference
controlled via the control terminals and/or serial Par. 16-52 Feedback [Unit]
communication. When a start signal is applied on the Par. 16-53 Digi Pot Reference
Par. 16-60 Digital Input bin
control terminals and/or the bus, the frequency converter Par. 16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting V
will start. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Par. 16-62 Analog Input 53
Disable [0] via par. 0-42 [Auto on] key on LCP. Par. 16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting V
Par. 16-64 Analog Input 54
Par. 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital Par. 16-66 Digital Output [bin]
Par. 16-67 Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
inputs has higher priority than the control keys [Hand on]
Par. 16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
– [Auto on]. Par. 16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
Par. 16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
[Reset] is used for resetting the frequency converter after Par. 16-71 Relay Output
an alarm (trip). It can be selected as Enable [1] or Par. 16-72 Counter A
Disable [0] via par. 0-43 Reset Keys on LCP. Par. 16-73 Counter B
Par. 16-80 Fieldbus CTW hex
The parameter shortcut can be carried out by holding Par. 16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 hex
down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter Par. 16-84 Comm. Option STW hex
shortcut allows direct access to any parameter. Par. 16-85 FC Port CTW 1 hex
Par. 16-86 FC Port REF 1 hex
Par. 16-90 Alarm Word
Par. 16-92 Warning Word
Par. 16-94 Ext. Status Word

Status screen I: Regardless of the mode of programming, you can
change a parameter both in the Main Menu mode and in
This read-out state is standard after start-up or the Quick Menu mode.
initialization. Use [INFO] to obtain information about the
measurement links to the displayed operating variables
(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2 and 3). See the operating variables
shown in the screen in this illustration.



3 1.3

Status screen II:

See the operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 2) shown in
the screen in this illustration. In the example, Speed,
Motor current, Motor power and Frequency are selected
as variables in the first and second.




Status screen III:

This state displays the event and action of the Smart
Logic Control. For further information, see section Smart
Logic Control.

Parameter Set-Up
The Ingersoll Rand 302 Series (VFD) can be used for
practically all assignments, which is why the number of
parameters is quite large. The series offers a choice
between two programming modes - a Main Menu and a
Quick Menu mode.
The former provides access to all parameters. The latter
takes the user through a few parameters making it
possible to start operating the frequency converter.

Quick Menu Key Functions
Pressing [Quick Menus] The list indicates the different
areas contained in the Quick menu.
Select My Personal Menu to display the chosen personal
parameters. These parameters are selected in par. 0-25
Personal Menu. Up to 20 different parameters can be
added in this menu.

Select Quick setup to go through a limited amount of

parameters to get the motor running almost optimally.
The default setting for the other parameters considers the
desired control functions and the configuration of signal
inputs/outputs (control terminals).
The selection of parameter is effected by means of the
arrow keys. The parameters in the following table are
Parameter Designation Setting
0-01 Language
1-20 Motor Power [kW]
1-22 Motor Voltage [V]
1-23 Motor Frequency [Hz]
1-24 Motor Current [A]
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed [rpm]
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input [0] No function*
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation [1] Enable complete
3-02 Min Reference [rpm]
3-03 Max Reference [sec]
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp-up Time [sec]
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp-down Time [sec]
3-13 Reference Site

* If terminal 27 is set to “no function”, no connection to

+24 V on terminal 27 is necessary.
Select Changes made to get information about:
the last 10 changes. Use the [▴] [▾] navigation
keys to scroll between the last 10 changed
parameters. •
the changes made since default setting.
Select Loggings to get information about the
display line read-outs. The information is shown
as graphs.
Only display parameters selected in par. 0-20
and par. 0-24 can be viewed. It is possible to
store up to 120 samples in the memory for later

Main Menu Mode Changing Data
Start the Main Menu mode by pressing the [Main Menu] The procedure for changing data is the same whether
key. The read-out shown to the right appears on the you select a parameter in the Quick menu or the Main
display. The middle and bottom sections on the display menu mode. Press [OK] to change the selected
show a list of parameter groups which can be chosen by parameter. The procedure for changing data depends on
toggling the up and down buttons. whether the selected parameter represents a numerical
data value or a text value.
Changing a Text Value
If the selected parameter is a text value, change the text
▴ ▾
value by means of the [ ] [ ] navigation keys. The up
key increases the value, and the down key decreases the
value. Place the cursor on the value you want to save
and press [OK].

Each parameter has a name and number which remain

the same regardless of the programming mode. In the
Main Menu mode, the parameters are divided into
groups. The first digit of the parameter number (from the
left) indicates the parameter group number.
All parameters can be changed in the Main Menu.
However, depending on the choice of configuration (par.
1-00), some parameters can be "missing". E.g. open loop
hides all the PID parameters, and other enabled options
Changing a Group of Numeric Data Values
make more parameter groups visible.
Parameter Selection If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value,

In the Main menu mode, the parameters are divided into ◂ ▸

change the chosen data value by means of the [ ] [ ]
groups. You select a parameter group by means of the
navigation keys. The following parameter groups are ▴ ▾
navigation keys as well as the [ ] [ ] navigation keys.
Group # Parameter group: Group
0 Operation/Display
1 Load/Motor
2 Brakes
3 References/Ramps
4 Limits/Warnings
5 Digital In/Out
6 Analog In/Out
7 Controls
8 Comm. and Options
9 Profibus
10 CAN Fieldbus
11 Reserved Com. 1
12 Reserved Com. 2 ◂ ▸
Use the [ ] [ ] navigation keys to move the cursor
13 Smart Logic
Special Functions
Drive Information
▴ ▾
horizontally Use the [ ] [ ] navigation keys to change
16 Data Readouts the data value. The up key enlarges the data value, and
17 Motor Feedb. Option the down key reduces the data value. Place the cursor on
the value you want to save and press [OK].
After selecting a parameter group, choose a parameter
by means of the navigation keys. The middle section on
the display shows the parameter number and name as
well as the selected parameter value.

Infinitely Variable Change of Numeric Data Value
If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value,
◂ ▸
select a digit by means of the [ ] [ ] navigation keys.

Change the selected digit infinitely variably by means of

▴ ▾
the [ ] [ ] navigation keys. The chosen digit is indicated
by the cursor. Place the cursor on the digit you want to
save and press [OK].

Changing a Data Value, Step-by-Step

Certain parameters can be changed step by step or
infinitely variably. This applies to Motor Power (par. 1-
20), Motor Voltage (par. 1-22) and Motor Frequency (par.
1-23). The parameters are changed both as a group of
numeric data values and as numeric data values infinitely
Read-out and Programming of Indexed Parameters
Parameters are indexed when placed in a rolling stack.
Par. 15-30 to 15-32 contain a fault log which can be read
out. Choose a parameter, press [OK], and use the [ ] ▴

[ ] navigation keys to scroll through the value log.

Use par. 3-10 as another example: Choose the

▴ ▾
parameter, press [OK], and use the [ ] [ ] navigation
keys to scroll through the indexed values. To change the
parameter value, select the indexed value and press
▴ ▾
[OK]. Change the value by using the [ ] [ ] keys. Press
[OK] to accept the new setting. Press [CANCEL] to abort.
Press [Back] to leave the parameter.

When commissioning the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
VFD, carry out the following procedures before KEYPAD OPERATIONS
attempting to start.
The "Main Menu" button starts programming.

It is recommended that an authorized and trained The "OK" button selects either the parameter to change
product supplier carry out commissioning. of accepts the entered value.

Basic operation: The Intellisys monitors the pressure and The "UP" and "Down" buttons either scroll up and down
attempts to control the pressure by loading and unloading the menu selection list or the available values list.
the compressor. The condition of the unload solenoid is The "Back" button backs out of the menu selection one
monitored by the drive and it either runs at a fixed speed step at a time.
when the compressor is in the unload mode or the drive
runs in a variable speed in the load mode. In the load The "Status" button will return to the starting screen,
mode the speed is controlled by the drive’s set point hitting "Menu" again will return you back to where you left
compared to the drives pressure transducer. the programming.
The numbers in upper right hand corner show the active
PHYSICAL CHECKS setup that is being edited and the setup that is being
selected by the input is in ().
Observe correct lockout and safety procedures.
1. Install drive pressure sensor per instructions in
this manual. This should be at the discharge of 1. With Power OFF, Pull relays 1CR, 2CR and
the compressor. Remove display from drive and 3CR relays from their sockets.
slide Switches S201 (A53) and S202 (A54) to
2. Power up unit.
the ON position to select current (0-20 mA).
3. Set drive to factory default first by changing 14-
2. Install wiring per diagram that is correct for your
22 to 2 and then cycle power.
drive size.
4. After Power up the Ingersoll Rand 302 Series
RESISTANCE CHECKS VFD should now be in Setup 1. If not, then
change to Setup 1 using parameter 0-11
1. Remove the 110VAC fuse from air compressor
5. Enter the parameters for Setup 1
control circuit.
a. Only non factory default values are
2. Measure resistance from RFI side of fuse to all
of the 3TB terminals.
6. After entering parameters for Setup 1, copy
3. Terminals 4 and 5 should be the only ones that
Setup 1 to Setup 2 using parameter 0-51
have continuity.
7. Link Setup 2 to Setup 1 using parameter 0-12.
4. Terminal 5 should read approximately 300 ohms
with 3CR plugged in and open with it removed. 8. Now change the active setup using 0-11 and
enter the parameters that are different in Setup
5. If the above tests do not pass DO NOT
2. (3-02, 3-10, 3-41, and 3-42)
AND APPLY 110 VAC TO THE COMPRESSOR 9. Link Setup 2 to Setup 1 using parameter 0-12.
test passes, then proceed to step 6. 10. Power down unit and replace relays removed.

6. Remove the relay plug from the drive with 11. Jog drive to determine correct phasing of
terminals 1-3 and the control plug to the drive motors. Shut off power and correct rotation.
with terminals 12 through 37. 12. Perform Intellisys setup.
7. Replace the control power fuse, apply power
and repeat test from output of fuse to 3TB (with INTELLISYS SETUP
plugs still removed).
1. SE, Set to Star Delta
8. Measure the voltage to 3TB terminals 1 to 5.
2. SG,
9. With 1CR, 2CR and 3CR plugged in and the air
compressor running, loaded or unloaded, there a. Go to Operator Setpoints, Select Mode of
should not be 110 VAC on any terminal except Operation, Select “Online/Offline”,
terminal 4 to ground (neutral). If this test fails, do b. Go to Options, Select VFD option and set to
not replace the plugs into the drive until the “on”
wiring is corrected.
3. S3,
10. When wiring is correct, then remove power and
replace the relay and control plugs in the drive a. Go to P01 Select MD (Modulation) to “off”
and proceed to the Power-Up Checks.
b. Go to P04 Select Sr (Soft Starter) to “on”
c. Go to P03, Select St, Set Soft Starter time

Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD Parameter Settings
Parameter Parameter Name Setup 1 Setup 2
Number Unloaded Mode Loaded PID
0-01 Language Note A: Select proper language: Same as Setup1
0-02 Motor Speed Unit Hz Hz
0-03 Regional Settings Note B: (US for NA) Note B: US
0-10 Active Set-up Multi Set-up Multi Set-up
0-12 This Set-up Linked to Setup 2 Setup 1
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small Speed RPM Speed RPM
0-23 Display Line 3 Large Frequency Frequency
0-24 Display Line 3 Large Feedback[unit] (1652) Feedback[unit]
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP Disabled Disabled
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP Disabled Disabled
Process (3) (required only for PSI
1-00 Configuration Mode Process
1-04 Overload Mode Normal torque (1) Normal torque
1-21 Motor Power [HP] Note C: Note C:
1-22 Motor Voltage Note C: Note C:
1-23 Motor Frequency Set by 0-03 Set by 0-03
1-24 Motor Current Note C: Note C:
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed Note C: Note C:
3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit PSI (170) PSI
3-03 Maximum Reference Use value from Speed Table This value is the pressure set point
3-02 Minimum Reference Use value from Speed Table Use value from Speed Table
2 step operation; select preset 0 then
3-10 Preset Reference percentage value Same as Setup 1
(normally the percentage is 100)
3-13 Reference Site Remote (1) remote
3-15 Reference Resource 1 no function (0) no function
3-16 Reference Resource 2 no function (0) no function
3-17 Reference Resource 3 no function (0) no function
3-18 Reference Scaling Reference Resource no function (0) no function
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time See Table 2 - Parameter 3-41 See Table 2 - Parameter 3-41
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time See Table 2 - Parameter 3-42 See Table 2 - Parameter 3-42
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] Use value from Excel speed table Use value from Excel speed table
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] Use value from Excel speed table Use value from Excel speed table
Use service factor value from motor
4-18 Current Limit (Service Factor) Same as Setup 1
data name plate
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input Setup Select bit 0 (23) Setup Select bit 0 (23)
Select relay 1
5-40 Function Relay Alarm
then type of output Alarm (9)
6-12 Terminal 53 Ref./Feedback offset 4 ma 4 ma
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedback 1 Value 200 200
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource Analog input 53 Analog input 53
7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 3.00 3.00
7-34 Process PID Integral Time 1.00 1.00
7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 0.01 0.01

Note A: Select proper language
Note B: Selects 50 or 60 Hz input frequency, also
determines basis motor RPM
Note C: Determined by total package current, motor
voltage, service factor and RPM
3-41 is up time from 0 RPM to Max
3-42 is down time from Max to 0 RPM
7-33 P (.01-10) higher # is more gain
7-34 I (.01 – 10000) higher # is less gain
7-35 D (.00-10000) smaller # is more gain
* To start unit the green start button must be pushed one

Table 2 - Minimum Ramp Up Times

Speed Tables
Contact Cooled
UNLOADED (Setup 1) LOADED (Setup 2)
Parameter 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Description Min. Speed Max. Speed Min. Speed Max. Speed
Speed Speed Speed Speed
Compressor Motor (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg) (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg)
Contact Cooled
37-75 kw - 50 Hz,
All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage
50-100 hp - 60 Hz,
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage
XFE & EPE 100 hp -
All 40 40 0 65 (4.5) 40 60 65 (4.5) Target
60 Hz, Two Stage
HPE 100 hp - 60 Hz,
All 42 42 0 65 (4.5) 42 60 65 (4.5) Target
Two Stage
ML/MM/MH 75 kw -
All 33 33 0 65 (4.5) 33 50 65 (4.5) Target
50 Hz, Two Stage
125-150 hp, 60 Hz,
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage
MM 90 kw - 50 Hz,
All 27 27 0 65 (4.5) 27 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage
MH 90 kw - 50 Hz,
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage
90-160 kw - 50 Hz,
Single Stage All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
(except MM & MH 90)
110-160 kw - 50 Hz,
All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
Two Stage
200 hp - 50 Hz, Std. ODP 28 28 0 65 (4.5) 28 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage All Others 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
200 hp - 60 Hz, Std. ODP 34 34 0 65 (4.5) 34 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage All Others 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
250 hp - 50 Hz, Std. Eff. 32 32 0 65 (4.5) 32 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage Prem. Eff. 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
250 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single Stage Prem. Eff. 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
250 hp - 50 Hz,
All 32 32 0 65 (4.5) 32 50 65 (4.5) Target
Two Stage
250 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 60 65 (4.5) Target
Two Stage Prem. Eff. 34 34 0 65 (4.5) 34 60 65 (4.5) Target
300 hp - 50 Hz, Std. Eff. 32 32 0 65 (4.5) 32 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
300 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
350 hp - 50 Hz, Std. Eff. 35 35 0 65 (4.5) 35 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
350 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 42 42 0 65 (4.5) 42 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
400 hp - 50 Hz, Std. Eff. 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
400 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 45 45 0 65 (4.5) 45 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
450 hp - 50 Hz, Std. Eff. 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 50 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
450 hp - 60 Hz, Std. Eff. 45 45 0 65 (4.5) 45 60 65 (4.5) Target
Single & Two Stage Prem. Eff. 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target

Speed Tables
Contact Cooled “Continued”
UNLOADED (Setup 1) LOADED (Setup 2)
Parameter 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Description Min. Speed Max. Speed Min. Speed Max. Speed
Speed Speed Speed Speed
Compressor Motor (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg) (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg)
Contact Cooled
EP & HP 30-40 SE
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
60 Hz
XF & EP & HP 50 SE
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
60 Hz
UP6- 15-125 All 43 43 0 65 (4.5) 43 60 65 (4.5) Target
UP6- 20-125 All 33 33 0 65 (4.5) 33 60 65 (4.5) Target
UP6- 20-150 All 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 60 65 (4.5) Target
UP6- 25-125 & 150 All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
UP6- 30-125 & 150 All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
UP6- 40-115
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
& 125 & 150
All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
50-PE 60 Hz

Speed Tables
Oil Free
UNLOADED (Setup 1) LOADED (Setup 2)
Parameter 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03 4-12 4-14 3-02 3-03
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Description Min. Speed Max. Speed Min. Speed Max. Speed
Speed Speed Speed Speed
Compressor Motor (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg) (Hz) (Hz) psig (barg) psig (barg)
H150 (125 psig) All 40 40 0 65 (4.5) 40 60 65 (4.5) Target
H200 (125 psig) All 32 32 0 65 (4.5) 32 60 65 (4.5) Target
H250 (125 psig) All 48 48 0 65 (4.5) 48 60 65 (4.5) Target
H300 (125 psig) All 33 33 0 65 (4.5) 33 60 65 (4.5) Target
H350 (125 psig) All 35 35 0 65 (4.5) 35 60 65 (4.5) Target
H400 (125 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
H75 (125 psig) All 41 41 0 65 (4.5) 41 60 65 (4.5) Target
HH150 (150 psig) All 50 50 0 65 (4.5) 50 60 65 (4.5) Target
HH350 (150 psig) All 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 60 65 (4.5) Target
HH400 (150 psig) All 44 44 0 65 (4.5) 44 60 65 (4.5) Target
L100 (100 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
L100 (125 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 58 65 (4.5) Target
L125 (100 psig) All 50 50 0 65 (4.5) 50 60 65 (4.5) Target
L150 (100 psig) All 40 40 0 65 (4.5) 40 60 65 (4.5) Target
L200 (100 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
L200 (125 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 57 65 (4.5) Target
L250 (100 psig) All 35 35 0 65 (4.5) 35 60 65 (4.5) Target
L350 (100 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
L350 (125 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 54 65 (4.5) Target
L75 (100 psig) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 60 65 (4.5) Target
SH110 (10 barg) All 40 40 0 65 (4.5) 40 50 65 (4.5) Target
SH150 (10 barg) All 36 36 0 65 (4.5) 36 50 65 (4.5) Target
SH250 (10 barg) All 36 36 0 65 (4.5) 36 50 65 (4.5) Target
SH300 (10 barg) All 28 28 0 65 (4.5) 28 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL110 (7 barg) All 35 35 0 65 (4.5) 35 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL132 (7 barg) All 31 31 0 65 (4.5) 31 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL150 (7 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL150 (8.5 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 48 65 (4.5) Target
SL200 (7 barg) All 35 35 0 65 (4.5) 35 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL250 (7 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL45 (7 barg) All 38 38 0 65 (4.5) 38 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL55 (7 barg) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL75 (7 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
SL75 (8.5 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 47 65 (4.5) Target
SL90 (7 barg) All 42 42 0 65 (4.5) 42 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM110 (8.5 barg) All 36 36 0 65 (4.5) 36 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM132 (8.5 barg) All 31 31 0 65 (4.5) 31 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM150 (8.5 barg) All 25 25 0 65 (4.5) 25 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM200 (8.5 barg) All 37 37 0 65 (4.5) 37 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM250 (8.5 barg) All 30 30 0 65 (4.5) 30 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM55 (8.5 barg) All 36 36 0 65 (4.5) 36 50 65 (4.5) Target
SM75 (8.5 barg) All 27 27 0 65 (4.5) 27 50 65 (4.5) Target

If an alarm cannot be reset, the reason may be that its
A warning or an alarm is signaled by the relevant LED on cause has not been rectified, or the alarm is trip-locked
the front of the frequency converter and indicated by a (see also table on following page).
code on the display.
Alarms that are trip-locked offer additional protection,
A warning remains active until its cause is no longer meaning that the mains supply must be switched off
present. Under certain circumstances operation of the before the alarm can be reset. After being switched back
motor may still be continued. Warning messages may be on, the frequency converter is no longer blocked and may
critical, but are not necessarily so. be reset as described above once the cause has been
In the event of an alarm, the frequency converter will
have tripped. Alarms must be reset to restart operation Alarms that are not trip-locked can also be reset using
once their cause has been rectified. the automatic reset function in par. 14-20 Reset Mode
(Warning: automatic wake-up is possible!)
This may be done in three ways:
If a warning and alarm is marked against a code in the
1. By using the [RESET] control button on the table on the following page, this means that either a
LCP. warning occurs before an alarm, or else that you can
2. Via a digital input with the “Reset” function. specify whether it is a warning or an alarm that is to be
displayed for a given fault.
3. Via serial communication/optional Fieldbus.
This is possible, for instance, in par. 1-90 Motor Thermal
Protection. After an alarm or trip, the motor carries on
After a manual reset using the [RESET] button on coasting, and the alarm and warning flash. Once the
the LCP, the [AUTO ON] button must be pressed to problem has been rectified, only the alarm continues
restart the motor. flashing until the frequency converter is reset.

No. Description Warning Alarm/Trip Alarm/Trip Lock Parameter

1 10 Volts low X

Par. 6-01 Live Zero Time-out

2 Live zero error (X) (X) Function

3 No motor (X) Par. 1-80 Function at Stop

Par. 14-12 Function at Mains

4 Mains phase loss (X) (X) (X) Imbalance

5 DC link voltage high X

6 DC link voltage low X

7 DC over-voltage X X

8 DC under voltage X X

9 Inverter overloaded X X
10 Motor ETR over temperature (X) (X) Par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection

Motor thermistor over

11 temperature (X) (X) Par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection

12 Torque limit X X

13 Over Current X X X

14 Earth Fault X X X

15 Hardware mismatch X X

16 Short Circuit X X

Par. 8-04 Control Word Timeout

17 Control word time-out (X) (X) Function

22 Hoist Mech. Brake

23 Internal Fan Fault X

24 External Fan Fault X Par. 14-53 Fan Monitor

No. Description Warning Alarm/Trip Alarm/Trip Lock Parameter

25 Brake resistor short-circuited X

26 Brake resistor power limit (X) (X) Par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring

27 Brake chopper short-circuited X X

28 Brake check (X) (X) Par. 2-15 Brake Check

29 Heatsink temp X X X

Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase

30 Motor phase U missing (X) (X) (X) Function

Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase

31 Motor phase V missing (X) (X) (X) Function

Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase

32 Motor phase W missing (X) (X) (X) Function

33 Inrush Fault X X

34 Fieldbus communication fault X X

36 Mains failure X X

37 Phase imbalance X

38 Internal Fault X X

39 Heatsink sensor X X

Overload of Digital Output Par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode, par. 5-01
40 Terminal 27 (X) Terminal 27 Mode

Overload of Digital Output Par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode, par. 5-02
41 Terminal 29 (X) Terminal 29 Mode

Overload of Digital Output On Par. 5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB
42 X30/6 (X) 101)

45 Earth Fault 2 X X X

Overload of Digital Output On Par. 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB
42 X30/7 (X) 101)

46 Pwr. card supply X X

47 24 V supply low X X X

48 1.8 V supply low X X

49 Speed limit X

50 AMA calibration failed X

51 AMA check Unom and Inom X

52 AMA low Inom X

53 AMA motor too big X

54 AMA motor too small X

55 AMA parameter out of range X

56 AMA interrupted by user X

57 AMA time-out X

58 AMA internal fault X X

59 Current limit X

60 External Interlock X X

Par. 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss

61 Feedback Error (X) (X) Function

No. Description Warning Alarm/Trip Alarm/Trip Lock Parameter

68 Safe Stop (X) (X)1) Par. 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

69 Pwr. Card Temp X X

70 Illegal FC configuration X

71 PTC 1 Safe Stop X (X)1) Par. 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

72 Dangerous Failure (X)1) Par. 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

73 Safe Stop Auto Restart

76 Power Unit Setup X

Par. 14-59 Actual Number of Inverter

77 Reduced power mode X Units

78 Tracking Error

79 Illegal PS config X X

Drive Initialized to Default

80 Value X

81 CSIV corrupt

82 CSIV parameter error

85 Profibus/Profisafe Error

Par. 17-61 Feedback Signal

90 Feedback Monitor (X) (X) Monitoring

Analogue input 54 wrong

91 settings X S202

100- See Operating Instructions for

199 MCO 305

243 Brake IGBT X X

244 Heatsink temp X X X

245 Heatsink sensor X X

246 Pwr.card supply X X

247 Pwr.card temp X X

248 Illegal PS config X X

250 New spare part X Par. 14-23 Typecode Setting

251 New Type Code X X

(X) Dependent on parameter LED Indication

1) Cannot be Auto reset via par. 14-20 Reset Mode Warning yellow
A trip is the action when an alarm has appeared. The trip Alarm flashing red
will coast the motor and can be reset by pressing the
reset button or make a reset by a digital input (par. group Trip Locked yellow and red
5-1* [1]). The origin event that caused an alarm cannot
damage the frequency converter or cause dangerous
conditions. A trip lock is an action when an alarm occurs,
which may cause damage to frequency converter or
connected parts. A Trip Lock situation can only be reset
by a power cycling.
The alarm words, warning words and extended status
words can be read out via serial bus or optional Fieldbus
for diagnose. See also par. 16-94 Ext. Status Word.

WARNING 1, 10 Volts low: WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage:
The 10 V voltage from terminal 50 on the control card is If the intermediate circuit voltage (DC) drops below the
below 10 V. Remove some of the load from terminal 50, “voltage warning low” limit (see table above), the
as the 10 V supply is overloaded. Max. 15 mA or frequency converter checks if 24 V backup supply is
minimum 590 Ω. connected.

WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error: If no 24 V backup supply is connected, the frequency

converter trips after a given time depending on the unit.
The signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than 50% of the
value set in par. 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage, par. 6-12 To check whether the supply voltage matches the
Terminal 53 Low Current, par. 6-20 Terminal 54 Low frequency converter, see General Specifications.
Voltage, or par. 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overloaded:
The frequency converter is about to cut out because of
WARNING/ALARM 3, No motor: an overload (too high current for too long). The counter
No motor has been connected to the output of the for electronic, thermal inverter protection gives a warning
frequency converter. at 98% and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. You
cannot reset the frequency converter until the counter is
WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss: below 90%.
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains The fault is that the frequency converter is overloaded by
voltage imbalance is too high. This message also more than 100% for too long.
appears in case of a fault in the input rectifier on the
frequency converter. Check the supply voltage and WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor ETR over
supply currents to the frequency converter. temperature:
WARNING 5, DC link voltage high: According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
motor is too hot. You can choose if you want the
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is higher than the frequency converter to give a warning or an alarm when
overvoltage limit of the control system. The frequency the counter reaches 100% in par. 1-90 Motor Thermal
converter is still active. Protection. The fault is that the motor is overloaded by
more than 100% for too long. Check that the motor par.
WARNING 6, DC link voltage low
1-24 Motor Current is set correctly.
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is below the
undervoltage limit of the control system. The frequency
WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over
converter is still active. temp:

WARNING/ALARM 7, DC over voltage: The thermistor or the thermistor connection is

disconnected. You can choose if you want the frequency
If the intermediate circuit voltage exceeds the limit, the converter to give a warning or an alarm when the counter
frequency converter trips after a time. reaches 100% in par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.
Check that the thermistor is connected correctly between
Possible corrections:
terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage input) and terminal 50
Connect a brake resistor (+ 10 V supply), or between terminal 18 or 19 (digital
input PNP only) and terminal 50. If aKTY sensor is used,
Extend the ramp time check for correct connection between terminal 54 and 55.
Activate functions in par. 2-10 Brake Function WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit:
The torque is higher than the value in par. 4-16 Torque
Limit Motor Mode (in motor operation) or the torque is
Alarm/warning limits: higher than the value in par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator
3 x 200 - 240 3 x 380 - 500 3 x 525 - 600 Mode (in regenerative operation).
[VDC] [VDC] [VDC] WARNING/ALARM 13, Over Current:

185 373 532 The inverter peak current limit (approx. 200% of the rated
Undervoltage current) is exceeded. The warning will last approx. 8-12
Voltage warning low 205 410 585 sec., then the frequency converter trips and issues an
alarm. Turn off the frequency converter and check if the
Voltage warning high 390/405 810/840 943/965 motor shaft can be turned and if the motor size matches
(w/o brake - w/brake) the frequency converter. If extended mechanical brake
control is selected, trip can be reset externally.
Overvoltage 410 855 975
ALARM 14, Earth fault:
The voltages stated are the intermediate circuit voltage of There is a discharge from the output phases to earth,
the frequency converter with a tolerance of ± 5 %. The either in the cable between the frequency converter and
corresponding mains voltage is the intermediate circuit the motor or in the motor itself. Turn off the frequency
voltage (DC-link) divided by 1.35 converter and remove the earth fault. ALARM 15,
Incomplete hardware: A fitted option is not handled by
the present control board (hardware or software).
ALARM 16, Short-circuit
There is short-circuiting in the motor or on the motor
terminals. Turn off the frequency converter and remove
the short-circuit.

WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout: ALARM 29, Drive over temperature:
There is no communication to the frequency converter. If the enclosure is IP 20 or IP 21/Type 1, the cut-out
The warning will only be active when par. 8-04 Control temperature of the heat-sink is 95 oC +5 oC. The
Word Timeout Function is NOT set to OFF. If par. 8-04 temperature fault cannot be reset, until the temperature
Control Word Timeout Function is set to Stop and Trip, a of the heatsink is below 70 oC +5 oC.
warning appears and the frequency converter ramps
down until it trips, while giving an alarm. Par. 8-03 The fault could be:
Control Word Timeout Time could possibly be increased. - Ambient temperature too high
ALARM 22, Hoist Mechanical Brake: - Too long motor cable
Report value will show what kind it is. 0 = The torque ref. ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing:
was not reached before timeout. 1 = There was no brake
feedback before timeout. Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the
motor is missing. Turn off the frequency converter and
WARNING 23, Internal fan fault: check motor phase U.
The fan warning function is an extra protection function ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing:
that checks if the fan is running / mounted. The fan
warning can be disabled in par. 14-53 Fan Monitor (set to Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the
[0] Disabled). motor is missing. Turn off the frequency converter and
check motor phase V.
WARNING 24, External fan fault:
ALARM 32, Motor phase W missing:
The fan warning function is an extra protection function
that checks if the fan is running / mounted. The fan Motor phase W between the frequency converter and the
warning can be disabled in par. 14-53 Fan Monitor (set to motor is missing. Turn off the frequency converter and
[0] Disabled). check motor phase W.

WARNING 25, Brake resistor short-circuited: ALARM 33, Inrush fault:

The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If it Too many power ups have occurred within a short time
short-circuits, the brake function is disconnected and the period. See the chapter General Specifications for the
warning appears. The frequency converter still works, but allowed number of power ups within one minute.
without the brake function. Turn off the frequency WARNING/ALARM 34, Fieldbus communication
converter and replace the brake resistor (see par. 2-15
Brake Check).
The Fieldbus on the communication option card is not
ALARM/WARNING 26, Brake resistor power working correctly. Please check parameters associated
limit: with the module and make sure module is properly
The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated inserted in Slot A of the drive. Check the wiring for
as a percentage, as a mean value over the last 120 s, on Fieldbus.
the basis of the resistance value of the brake resistor WARNING/ALARM 36, Mains failure:
(par. 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm)) and the intermediate
circuit voltage. The warning is active when the dissipated This warning/alarm is only active if the supply voltage to
braking power is higher than 90%. If Trip [2] has been the frequency converter is lost and par. 14-10 Mains
selected in par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring, the Failure is NOT set to OFF. Possible correction: check the
frequency converter cuts out and issues this alarm, when fuses to the frequency converter
the dissipated braking power is higher than 100%.
ALARM 37, Phase imbalance:
ALARM/ WARNING 27, Brake chopper fault:
There is a current imbalance between the power units
The brake transistor is monitored during operation and if
it short-circuits, the brake function disconnects and the
warning comes up. The frequency converter is still able
to run, but since the brake transistor has shortcircuited,
substantial power is transmitted to the brake resistor,
even if it is inactive. Turn off the frequency converter and
remove the brake resistor. This alarm/ warning could also
occur should the brake resistor overheat. Terminal 104 to
106 are available as brake resistor. Klixon inputs, see
section Brake Resistor Temperature Switch.
ALARM/WARNING 28, Brake check failed:
Brake resistor fault: the brake resistor is not

ALARM 38, Internal fault:
By this alarm it may be necessary to contact your
Danfoss supplier. Some typical alarm messages:

The serial port cannot be initialized. Serious Option SW in slot C0 is not supported (not
0 hardware failure 1317 allowed)

Option SW in slot C1 is not supported (not

256 The power EEPROM data is defect or too old 1318 allowed)

An exception in the Application Orientated

The control board EEPROM data is defect or too Control is registered. Debug information written
512 old 1536 in LCP

DSP watchdog is active. Debugging of power

part data Motor Orientated Control data not
513 Communication time out Reading EEPROM data 1792 transferred correctly

514 Communication time out Reading EEPROM data 2049 Power data restarted

The Application Orientated Control cannot

515 recognize the EEPROM data 2315 Missing SW version from power unit

Cannot write to the EEPROM because a write

516 command is on progress 2816 Stack overflow Control board module

517 The write command is under time out 2817 Scheduler slow tasks

518 Failure in the EEPROM 2818 Fast tasks

Missing or invalid Barcode data in EEPROM
1024 – 1279 CAN telegram cannot be sent.
519 (1027 indicate a possible hardware failure) 2819 Parameter thread

1281 Digital Signal Processor flash time-out 2820 LCP stack overflow

1282 Power micro software version mismatch 2821 Serial port overflow

1283 Power EEPROM data version mismatch 2822 USB port overflow
Parameter value is outside its limits. Perform a
initialization. Parameter number causing the
Cannot read Digital Signal Processor software 3072- alarm: Subtract the code from 3072. Ex Error
1284 version 5122 code 3238: 3238-3072 = 166 is outside the limit

Option in slot A: Hardware incompatible with

1299 Option SW in slot A is too old 5123 Control board hardware

Option in slot B: Hardware incompatible with

1300 Option SW in slot B is too old 5124 Control board hardware

Option in slot C0: Hardware incompatible with

1311 Option SW in slot C0 is too old 5125 Control board hardware

Option in slot C1: Hardware incompatible with

1312 Option SW in slot C1 is too old 5126 Control board hardware

Option SW in slot A is not supported (not 5376-

1315 allowed) 6231 Out of memory

Option SW in slot B is not supported (not

1316 allowed)

WARNING 40, Overload of Digital Output WARNING 42, Overload of Digital Output On
Terminal 27 X30/6 :
Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove Check the load connected to X30/6 or remove short-
short-circuit connection. Check par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode circuit connection. Check par. 5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out
and par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode. (MCB 101).
WARNING 41, Overload of Digital Output WARNING 43, Overload of Digital Output On
Terminal 29: X30/7 :
Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove Check the load connected to X30/7 or remove short-
short-circuit connection. Check par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode circuit connection. Check par. 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out
and par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode. (MCB 101).

ALARM 45, Earth fault 2: WARNING 62, Output Frequency at Maximum
There is a discharge from the output phases to earth,
either in the cable between the frequency converter and The output frequency is higher than the value set in par.
the motor or in the motor itself. Turn off the frequency 4-19 Max Output Frequency. This is a warning in
converter and remove the earth fault. This alarm is VVCplus mode and an alarm (trip) in Flux mode.
detected under the start-up test sequence.
ALARM 63, Mechanical Brake Low:
WARNING 47, 24 V supply low:
The actual motor current has not exceeded the “release
The external 24 V DC backup power supply may be brake” current within the “Start delay” time window.
overloaded, otherwise Contact your Danfoss supplier.
WARNING 48, 1.8 V supply low: Contact your Danfoss WARNING 64, Voltage Limit:
supplier. The load and speed combination demands a motor
WARNING 49, Speed limit: voltage higher than the actual DC link voltage.

The speed is not within the specified range in par. 4-11 WARNING/ALARM/TRIP 65, Control Card Over
Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] and par. 4-13 Motor Temperature:
Speed High Limit [RPM].
Control card over temperature: The cut-out temperature
ALARM 50, AMA calibration failed: of the control card is 80° C.

The motor is not suitable for the particular size of drive. WARNING 66, Heatsink Temperature Low:
Start the AMA procedure once again by par. 1-29
The heat sink temperature is measured as 0° C. This
Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA), eventually with a
could indicate that the temperature sensor is defect and
reduced AMA function. If still failing; check the motor
thus the fan speed is increased to the maximum in case
the power part or control card is very hot.
ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom:
ALARM 67, Option Configuration has Changed:
The setting of motor voltage, motor current, and motor
One or more options has either been added or removed
power is presumably wrong. Check the settings.
since the last power down.
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom:
ALARM 68, Safe Stop:
The motor current is too low. Check the settings.
Safe Stop has been activated. To resume normal
ALARM 53, AMA motor too big: operation, apply 24 V DC to T-37. Press reset button on
The motor is too big for the AMA to be carried out.
WARNING 68, Safe Stop:
ALARM 54, AMA motor too small:
Safe Stop has been activated. Normal operation is
The motor is too small for the AMA to be carried out. resumed when Safe Stop is disabled. Warning:
ALARM 55, AMA par. out of range: Automatic Restart!

The motor parameter values found from the motor are ALARM 70, Illegal FC Configuration:
outside acceptable range. Actual combination of control board and power board is
ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user: illegal.

The AMA has been interrupted by the user. ALARM 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop:

ALARM 57, AMA timeout: Safe Stop has been activated from the MCB 112 PTC
Thermistor Card (motor too warm). Normal operation can
Try to start the AMA again a number of times, until the be resumed when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to T-37
AMA is carried out. Please note that repeated runs may again (when the motor temperature reaches an
heat the motor to a level where the resistance Rs and Rr acceptable level) and when the Digital Input from the
are increased. In most cases, however, this is not critical. MCB 112 is deactivated. When that happens, a reset
signal must be is be sent (via Bus, Digital I/O, or by
ALARM 58, AMA internal fault: pressing [RESET]).
Contact your Danfoss supplier. WARNING 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop:
WARNING 59, Current limit: Safe Stop has been activated from the MCB 112 PTC
The current is higher than the value in par. 4-18 Current Thermistor Card (motor too warm). Normal operation can
Limit. be resumed when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to T-37
again (when the motor temperature reaches an
ALARM/WARNING 61, Feedback Error: acceptable level) and when the Digital Input from the
MCB 112 is deactivated. Warning: Automatic Restart.
An error between calculated speed and speed
measurement from feedback device. The function
Warning/Alarm/Disabling setting is in par. 4-30 Motor
Feedback Loss Function. Accepted error setting in par. 4-
31 Motor Feedback Speed Error and the allowed time the
error occur setting in par. 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss
Timeout. During a commissioning procedure the function
may be effective.

ALARM 72, Dangerous Failure: ALARM 90, Feedback Monitor:
Safe Stop with Trip Lock. The Dangerous Failure Alarm Check the connection to encoder/ resolver option and
is issued if the combination of safe stop commands is eventually replace the MCB 102or MCB 103.
unexpected. This is the case if the MCB 112 VLT PTC
Thermistor Card enables X44/ 10 but safe stop is ALARM 91, Analogue Input 54 Wrong Settings:
somehow not enabled. Furthermore, if the MCB 112 is Switch S202 has to be set in position OFF (voltage input)
the only device using safe stop (specified through when a KTY sensor is connected to analogue input
selection [4] or [5] in par. 5-19), an unexpected terminal 54.
combination is activation of safe stop without the X44/ 10
being activated. The following table summarizes the ALARM 250, New Spare Part:
unexpected combinations that lead to Alarm 72. Note that
The power or Switch Mode Power Supply has been
if X44/ 10 is activated in selection 2 or 3, this signal is
exchanged. The frequency converter type code must be
ignored! However, the MCB 112 will still be able to
restored in the EEPROM. Select the correct type code in
activate Safe Stop.
par. 14-23 Typecode Setting according to the label on
Safe Stop unit. Remember to select ‘Save to EEPROM’ to
X44/ 10 (DI)
Function No. T37 complete.
PTC 1 Warning [4] + -
ALARM 251, New Type Code:
- +
The Frequency Converter has got a new type code.
PTC 1 Alarm [5] + -
- +

PTC 1 & Relay A [6] + -

PTC 1 & Relay W [7] + -

PTC 1 & Relay A/W
+ -
PTC 1 & Relay W/A
+ -

+: activated
-: Not activated
ALARM 78, Tracking Error:
The difference between set point value and actual value
has exceeded the value in par. 4-35 Tracking Error.
Disable the function by par. 4-34 Tracking Error Function
or select an alarm/warning also in par. 4-34 Tracking
Error Function. Investigate the mechanics around the
load and motor, Check feedback connections from motor
– encoder – to drive. Select motor feedback function in
par. 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function. Adjust tracking
error band in par. 4-35 Tracking Error and par. 4-37
Tracking Error Ramping.
ALARM 80, Drive Initialized to Default Value:
Parameter settings are initialized to default setting after a
manual (three-finger) reset.
ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt:
CSIV file has syntax errors.
ALARM 82, CSIV parameter error:
CSIV failed to init a parameter.
ALARM 85, Dang fail PB:
Profibus/Profisafe Error.
ALARM 86, Dang fail DI:
Sensor Error.


Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD Part Number

[IRV302P] [75K] [T5] [E21] [H2] [X] [G] [X] [3] [XX] [SXXXX] [AX] [BX] [CXXX] [D0]
[IRV302P] Series
[75K] Power Size
75K=75kW (See Chart Below for Sizes)
[T5] AC Line Voltage
T2: 3 phase 200 – 240 Vac
T5: 3 phase 380 – 500 Vac
T6: 3 phase 525 - 600 Vac
T7: 3 phase 525 – 690 Vac
[E21] Enclosure
E20 IP20/ Chassis
E21 IP21/ NEMA 1
E54 IP54/ NEMA 12
[H2] [X] [G] [X] [3] Drive Options
H2 RFI Filter, 1=Integral class A1 and B1 RFI filter or 2=Integral class A2 RFI filter
X Dynamic Brake X none, B with
G Display X=None, G=Graphical, N=Numerical
X Coating X no, or C coated
3 Mains input X none, 3 with fused disconnect switch
[XX] Reserved
[SXXXX] Software Revision
[AX] [BX] [CXXX] [D0] Option Cards
A – Field Bus X-none, 0-Profibus, 4-DeviceNet
B – Extra I/O X-none, 2-Encoder, 5-Relays
C – SyncPos Module
D – External 24Vdc X-none, 0- with
Hp to kW Chart
Model Hp kW Model Hp kW Model Hp kW
0.25 0.18 5K5 7.5 5.5 75K 100.0 75.0
K25 0.33 0.25 7K5 10.0 7.5 90K 125.0 90.0
K37 0.50 0.37 11K 15.0 11.0 110 150.0 110.0
K55 0.75 0.55 15K 20.0 15.0 132 200.0 132.0
K75 1.0 0.75 18K 25.0 18.5 160 250.0 160.0
1K1 1.5 1.1 22K 30.0 22.0 200 300.0 200.0
1K5 2.0 1.5 30K 40.0 30.0 250 350.0 250.0
2K2 3.0 2.2 37K 50.0 37.0 315 450.0 315.0
3K7 5.0 3.7 45K 60.0 45.0 355 500.0 355.0
4K0 5.0 4.0 55K 75.0 55.0

The Drive can control 4 sizes smaller than the original model HP size.
Example: 75Hp [55kW] IRV302 can control a 30Hp [22kW] motor


Mains supply (L1, L2, L3):

Supply voltage: 200-240 V ±10%
Supply voltage: 380-500 V ±10%
Supply voltage: 525-690 V ±10%
Mains voltage low / mains drop-out: During low mains voltage or a mains drop-out, the 302 continues until the
intermediate circuit voltage drops below the minimum stop level, which corresponds typically to 15% below the 302's lowest
rated supply voltage. Power-up and full torque cannot be expected at mains voltage lower than 10% below the 302's lowest
rated supply voltage.
Supply frequency: 50/60 Hz ±5%
Max. imbalance temporary between mains phases 3.0 % of rated supply voltage
True Power Factor (λ) ≥ 0.9 nominal at rated load
Displacement Power Factor (cos ϕ) near unity (> 0.98)
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) ≤ 7.5 kW maximum 2 times/min.
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) 11-75 kW maximum 1 time/min.
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) ≥ 90 kW maximum 1 time/2 min.
Environment according to EN60664-1 overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100,000 RMS symmetrical Amperes,
240/500/600/ 690 V maximum.
Motor output (U, V, W):
Output voltage 0 - 100% of supply voltage
Output frequency (0.25-75 kW) 0 - 1000 Hz
Output frequency (90-1000 kW) 0 - 800* Hz
Output frequency in Flux Mode 0 - 300 Hz
Switching on output Unlimited
Ramp times 0.01 - 3600 sec.
* Voltage and power dependent
Torque characteristics:
Starting torque (Constant torque) maximum 160% for 60 sec.*
Starting torque maximum 180% up to 0.5 sec.*
Overload torque (Constant torque) maximum 160% for 60 sec.*
Starting torque (Variable torque) maximum 110% for 60 sec.*
Overload torque (Variable torque) maximum 110% for 60 sec.
*Percentage relates to the nominal torque.
Cable lengths and cross sections for control cables*:
Max. motor cable length, screened 50 ft (15.24m)
Max. motor cable length, unscreened 50 ft (15.24m)
Maximum cross section to control terminals, flexible/ rigid wire without cable end sleeves 1.5 mm2/16 AWG
Maximum cross section to control terminals, flexible wire with cable end sleeves 1 mm2/18 AWG
Maximum cross section to control terminals, flexible wire with cable end sleeves with collar 0.5 mm2/20 AWG
Minimum cross section to control terminals 0.25 mm2/ 24 AWG
* Power cables, see tables in section “Electrical Data” of the Design Guide

Protection and Features:
• Electronic thermal motor protection against overload.
• Temperature monitoring of the heatsink ensures that the frequency converter trips if the temperature reaches a
predefined level. An overload temperature cannot be reset until the temperature of the heatsink is below the values
stated in the tables on the following pages (Guideline -these temperatures may vary for different power sizes,
frame sizes, enclosure ratings etc.).
• The frequency converter is protected against short-circuits on motor terminals U, V, W.
• If a mains phase is missing, the frequency converter trips or issues a warning (depending on the load).
• Monitoring of the intermediate circuit voltage ensures that the frequency converter trips if the intermediate circuit
voltage is too low or too high.
• The frequency converter constantly checks for critical levels of internal temperature, load current, high voltage on
the intermediate circuit and low motor speeds. As a response to a critical level, the frequency converter can adjust
the switching frequency and/ or change the switching pattern in order to ensure the performance of the drive.
Digital inputs:
Programmable digital inputs 4 (6)
1) 1)
Terminal number 18, 19, 27 , 29 , 32, 33
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0 - 24 V DC
Voltage level, logic'0' PNP < 5 V DC
Voltage level, logic'1' PNP > 10 V DC
Voltage level, logic '0' NPN > 19 V DC
Voltage level, logic '1' NPN < 14 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Pulse frequency range 0 - 110 kHz
(Duty cycle) Min. pulse width 4.5 ms
Input resistance, Ri approx. 4 kΩ
Safe stop Terminal 37 (Terminal 37 is fixed PNP logic):
Voltage level 0 - 24 V DC
Voltage level, logic'0' PNP < 4 V DC
Voltage level, logic'1' PNP >20 V DC
Nominal input current at 24 V 50 mA rms
Nominal input current at 20 V 60 mA rms
Input capacitance 400 nF
All digital inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
1) Terminals 27 and 29 can also be programmed as output.
2) Except safe stop input Terminal 37.
3) Terminal 37 is only available in Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD with Safe Stop. It can only be used as safe stop input.
Terminal 37 is suitable for category 3 installations according to EN 954-1 (safe stop according to category 0 EN 60204-1) as
required by the EU Machinery Directive 98/37/EC. Terminal 37 and the Safe Stop function are designed in conformance
with EN 60204-1, EN 50178, EN 61800-2, EN 61800-3, and EN 954-1. For correct and safe use of the Safe Stop function
follow the related information and instructions in the Design Guide.
4) Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD only.

Analog inputs:
Number of analog inputs 2
Terminal number 53, 54
Modes Voltage or current
Mode select Switch S201 and switch S202
Voltage mode Switch S201/switch S202 = OFF (U)
Voltage level -10 to +10 V (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approx. 10 kΩ
Max. voltage ± 20 V
Current mode Switch S201/switch S202 = ON (I)
Current level 0/4 to 20 mA (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approx. 200 Ω
Max. current 30 mA
Resolution for analog inputs 10 bit (+ sign)
Accuracy of analog inputs Max. error 0.5% of full scale
Bandwidth 100 Hz
The analog inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Pulse/encoder inputs:
Programmable pulse/encoder inputs 2/1
1) 2) 3) 3)
Terminal number pulse/encoder 29 , 33 / 32 , 33
Max. frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 110 kHz (Push-pull driven)
Max. frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 5 kHz (open collector)
Min. frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 4 Hz
Voltage level see section on Digital input
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri approx. 4 kΩ
Pulse input accuracy (0.1 - 1 kHz) Max. error: 0.1% of full scale
Encoder input accuracy (1 - 110 kHz) Max. error: 0.05 % of full scale
The pulse and encoder inputs (terminals 29, 32, 33) are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high
voltage terminals.
1) Ingersoll Rand 302 Series VFD only
2) Pulse inputs are 29 and 33
3) Encoder inputs: 32 = A, and 33 = B
Analog output:
Number of programmable analog outputs 1
Terminal number 42
Current range at analog output 0/4 - 20 mA
Max. load GND - analog output 500 Ω
Accuracy on analog output Max. error: 0.5 % of full scale
Resolution on analog output 12 bit
The analogue output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Control card, RS 485 serial communication:
Terminal number 68 (P,TX+, RX+), 69 (N,TX-, RX-)
Terminal number 61 Common for terminals 68 and 69
The RS 485 serial communication circuit is functionally separated from other central circuits and galvanically isolated from
the supply voltage (PELV).

Digital output:
Programmable digital/pulse outputs 2
Terminal number 27, 29
Voltage level at digital/frequency output 0 - 24 V
Max. output current (sink or source) 40 mA
Max. load at frequency output 1 kΩ
Max. capacitive load at frequency output 10 nF
Minimum output frequency at frequency output 0 Hz
Maximum output frequency at frequency output 32 kHz
Accuracy of frequency output Max. error: 0.1 % of full scale
Resolution of frequency outputs 12 bit
1) Terminal 27 and 29 can also be programmed as input.
The digital output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Control card, 24 V DC output:
Terminal number 12, 13
Output voltage 24 V +1, -3 V
Max. load 200 mA
The 24 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV), but has the same potential as the analog and
digital inputs and outputs.
Relay outputs:
Programmable relay outputs 2
Relay 01 Terminal number 1-3 (break), 1-2 (make)
Max. terminal load (AC-1) on 1-3 (NC), 1-2 (NO) (Resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Max. terminal load (AC-15) (Inductive load @ cosφ 0.4)
240 V AC, 0.2 A
Max. terminal load (DC-1) on 1-2 (NO), 1-3 (NC) (Resistive load) 60 V DC, 1A
Max. terminal load (DC-13) (Inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1A
Relay 02 Terminal number 4-6 (break), 4-5 (make)
1) 2)3)
Max. terminal load (AC-1) on 4-5 (NO) (Resistive load) Overvoltage cat. II 400 V AC, 2 A
Max. terminal load (AC-15) on 4-5 (NO) (Inductive load @ cosφ 0.4)
240 V AC, 0.2 A
Max. terminal load (DC-1) on 4-5 (NO) (Resistive load) 80 V DC, 2 A
Max. terminal load (DC-13) on 4-5 (NO) (Inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1A
Max. terminal load (AC-1) on 4-6 (NC) (Resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Max. terminal load (AC-15) on 4-6 (NC) (Inductive load @ cosφ 0.4)
240 V AC, 0.2A
Max. terminal load (DC-1) on 4-6 (NC) (Resistive load) 50 V DC, 2 A
Max. terminal load (DC-13) on 4-6 (NC) (Inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Min. terminal load on 1-3 (NC), 1-2 (NO), 4-6 (NC), 4-5 (NO) 24 V DC 10 mA, 24 V AC 20 mA
Environment according to EN 60664-1 overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
1) IEC 60947 part 4 and 5
The relay contacts are galvanically isolated from the rest of the circuit by reinforced isolation (PELV).
2) Overvoltage Category II
3) UL applications 300 V AC 2A
Control card, 10 V DC output:
Terminal number 50
Output voltage 10.5 V ±0.5 V
Max. load 15 mA
The 10 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.

Control characteristics:
Resolution of output frequency at 0 - 1000 Hz +/- 0.003 Hz
Repeat accuracy of Precise start/stop (terminals 18, 19) ≤± 0.1 msec
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 32, 33) ≤ 2 ms
Speed control range (open loop) 1:100 of synchronous speed
Speed control range (closed loop) 1:1000 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) 30 - 4000 rpm: error ±8 rpm
Speed accuracy (closed loop), depending on resolution of feedback device 0 - 6000 rpm: error ±0.15 rpm
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor
Control card performance:
Scan interval 1 ms
Frame size B1, B2, C1 and C2 IP 21, IP 55,
Frame size D1, D2 , E1, IP 21, IP 54
Frame size E2 IP 00
Enclosure kit available ≤ 7.5 kW IP21/TYPE 1/IP 4X top
Vibration test, frame size A, B and C 1.0 g RMS
Vibration test, frame size D, E and F 0.7 g
Max. relative humidity 5% - 95%(IEC 60 721-3-3; Class 3K3 (non-condensing) during operation
Aggressive environment (IEC 60068-2-43) H2S test class Kd
Test method according to IEC 60068-2-43 H2S (10 days)
Ambient temperature, frame size A, B and C Max. 50 °C (24-hour average maximum 45 °C)
Ambient temperature, frame size D, E and F Max. 45 °C (24-hour average maximum 40 °C)
Derating for high ambient temperature, Contact Technical Services
Minimum ambient temperature during full-scale operation 0 °C
Minimum ambient temperature at reduced performance - 10 °C
Temperature during storage/transport -25 - +65/70 °C
Maximum altitude above sea level 1000 m
Derating for high altitude, Contact Technical Services
EMC standards, Emission EN 61800-3, EN 61000-6-3/4, EN 550, EN 61800-3, EN 61000-6-1/2,
EMC standards, Immunity EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6
See section on special conditions
Control card, USB serial communication:
USB standard 1.1 (Full speed)
USB plug USB type B “device” plug
Connection to PC is carried out via a standard host/device USB cable.
The USB connection is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
The USB ground connection is not galvanically isolated from protection earth. Use only an isolated laptop as PC connection
to the USB connector on the frequency converter.

Efficiency of the frequency converter (η VLT)
The load on the frequency converter has little effect on its
efficiency. In general, the efficiency is the same at the
rated motor frequency fM,N, even if the motor supplies
100% of the rated shaft torque or only 75%, i.e. in case of
part loads.
This also means that the efficiency of the frequency
converter does not change even if other U/f
characteristics are chosen. However, the U/f
characteristics influence the efficiency of the motor.
The efficiency declines a little when the switching
frequency is set to a value of above 5 kHz. The efficiency
will also be slightly reduced if the mains voltage is 480 V,
or if the motor cable is longer than 30 m.
Efficiency of the motor (ηMOTOR )
The efficiency of a motor connected to the frequency
converter depends on magnetizing level. In general, the
efficiency is just as good as with mains operation. The
efficiency of the motor depends on the type of motor.
In the range of 75-100% of the rated torque, the
efficiency of the motor is practically constant, both when
it is controlled by the frequency converter and when it
runs directly on mains.
In small motors, the influence from the U/f characteristic
on efficiency is marginal. However, in motors from 11 kW
and up, the advantages are significant.
In general, the switching frequency does not affect the
efficiency of small motors. Motors from 11 kW and up
have their efficiency improved (1-2%). This is because
the sine shape of the motor current is almost perfect at
high switching frequency.
Efficiency of the system (ηSYSTEM)
To calculate the system efficiency, the efficiency of the
frequency converter (ηVLT) is multiplied by the efficiency
of the motor (ηMOTOR):


Diagram showing all electrical terminals without options.

A = analog, D = digital
Terminal 37 is used for Safe Stop. For instructions on
Safe Stop installation please refer to the section Safe
Stop Installation of the Dan Foss Design Guide


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