Guild Wars 2 - Guerrero

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Fighting Style 
Class Features  At 1st level, you adopt a particular style 
of fighting as your specialty. Choose one 
As a warrior, you gain the following  of the following options. You can’t take a 
class features.  Fighting Style option more than once, 
even if you later get to choose again. 
Hit Points 
Hit Dice: ​1d10 + Constitution modifier  Archery 
Hit Points at 1st Level: ​10 + Constitution  You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you 
modifier  make with ranged weapons. 
Hit Points at Higher Levels: ​1d10 (or 6) 
+ your Constitution modifier per Warrior 
While you are wearing armor, you gain a 
+1 bonus to AC. 
Armor: ​All armor, shields 
Weapons: ​Simple weapons, martial 
weapons  While you are wielding a melee weapon 
Tools: ​None  in one hand and no other weapons, you 
Saving Throws:​ Strength, Constitution  gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that 
Skills: ​Choose two skills from Acrobatics,  weapon. 
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, 
Perception, Persuasion, and Survival  Two-Weapon Fighting 
When you engage in two-weapon 
Equipment  fighting, you can add your ability 
You start with the following equipment,  modifier to the damage of the second 
in addition to the equipment granted by  attack. 
your background: 
● (a) chain mail or (b) leather  Protection 
armor, longbow, and 20 arrows  When a creature you can see attacks a 
● (a) a martial weapon and a shield  target other than you that is within 5 feet 
or (b) two martial weapons  of you, you can use your reaction to 
● (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts  impose disadvantage on the attack roll. 
or (b) two handaxes  You must be wielding a shield. 
● (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an   
explorer’s pack 
you can add your Burst Dice to the 
damage roll.  
Weapon Swapping  Burst Dice begin at 1d4, increase to 1d6 
Once per turn, you can swap to any of  at 9th level, and to 1d8 at 16th level. 
your weapons for free. This could be  Burst Skill saving throw DC = 8 + 
switching from a greatsword to a  proficiency bonus + Strength or 
longsword and a shield or vice versa.  Dexterity modifier (your choice) 
Whenever you do this, you gain one   
Adrenaline point.    Skull Crack - ​When wielding a 
At 9th level, you gain two Adrenaline  bludgeoning melee weapon, you can 
points whenever you swap weapons.   spend your Adrenaline to perform a 
  Skull Crack. The target must make a 
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, 
the target is stunned until the end of 
Adrenaline  their next turn. Examples of weapons 
that use this burst skill: Maul, Greatclub, 
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability 
Warhammer, etc. 
to harness your adrenaline during 
combat to increase your fighting ability. 
Eviscerate - ​When wielding a slashing 
Your access to this ability is represented 
melee weapon, you can spend your 
by Adrenaline. The maximum number of 
Adrenaline to perform an Eviscerate 
Adrenaline you can have at one time is 
attack. The target must make a 
six. Whenever you hit with an attack, 
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, 
you gain one point of Adrenaline. 
the target has to subtract 1d4 from all 
Whenever you take damage, you gain 
attack, saving throw, and ability check 
one point of Adrenaline. If you haven’t 
rolls, until the end of their next turn. 
been hit with an attack or made an 
Examples of weapons that use this burst 
attack for a round, you lose two 
skill: Longsword, Scimitar, Handaxe, etc. 
Impale - ​When wielding a piercing 
melee weapon, you can spend your 
Burst Skills  Adrenaline to perform an Impale attack. 
If the attack hits, the target must make a 
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability  Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the 
to utilize your Adrenaline, channeling it  next attack against the target also deals 
into powerful Burst Skills. Burst Skills  Burst Dice damage. Examples of 
cost six Adrenaline points. Whenever  weapons that use this burst skill: Rapier, 
you hit with a weapon attack you can  Spear, Lance, etc. 
choose to use a Burst Skill. Burst Skills   
are dependent upon the weapon you are  Crippling Shot - ​When wielding a 
currently wielding and modify weapon  piercing ranged weapon or throwing a 
attacks. Whenever you use a Burst skill  piercing weapon, you can spend your 
Adrenaline to perform a Crippling Shot. 
If the attack hits, the target must make a 
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the 
target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the 
Extra Attack 
end of their next turn. Examples of  Beginning at 5th level, you can attack 
weapons that use this burst skill:  twice, instead of once, whenever you 
Longbow, Shortbow, Dart, etc.  take the Attack action on your turn.  
  The number of attacks increases to 
Head Shot - ​When wielding a  three when you reach 11th level in this 
bludgeoning ranged weapon or throwing  class and to four when you reach 20th 
a bludgeoning weapon, you can spend  level in this class. 
your Adrenaline to perform a Head Shot. 
If the attack hits, the target must make a 
Constitution saving throw. On a failure,  Sprint 
the next attack against the target has 
Beginning at 13th level, you can spend 
advantage. Examples of weapons that 
one point of Adrenaline to move an 
use this burst skill: Sling, Light hammer 
additional 10 ft on this turn. You can 
(thrown), etc. 
spend up to three points of Adrenaline 
per turn this way. 
Elite Specialization 
At 3rd level, you choose a specialization  Endure Pain 
that allows you to further hone your 
Starting at 17th level, you can spend two 
skills. Choose between Tactician, 
Adrenaline points to reduce the 
Berserker, or Spellbreaker, all detailed at 
incoming damage you take by 1d8 until 
the end of the class description. The 
your next turn. 
specialization you choose grants you 
features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 
10th, 15th, and 18th level. 
Elite Specializations 
Warriors are the master of all weapons 
and martial combat, but each has their 
Ability Score Improvement 
preferred methods. The elite 
When you reach 4th level, and again at  specialization you choose to follow 
6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level,  reflects that method. 
you can increase one ability score of   
your choice by 2, or you can increase 
two ability scores of your choice by 1. As  Tactician 
normal, you can’t increase an ability 
score above 20 using this feature.   The Tactician believes in not just their 
  own strength, but in complimenting the 
strength of their allies. Those who follow 
this specialization are more than just a 
soldier, they are a presence on the 
battlefield.  “Shake It Off” 
Starting at 10th level, you can use a 
bonus action and spend one Adrenaline 
“On My Mark”  to shout at an ally within 60 ft of you to 
Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus  help them shake off conditions. This 
action and spend one point of  allows an ally to automatically remove 
Adrenaline to mark an enemy for your  the Frightened or Charmed condition.  
allies to attack. The next attack against   
the target has advantage.  
  “Shields Up” 
Starting at 15th level, you can use a 
Battle Standard  bonus action and spend one point of 
Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability  Adrenaline to shout at all allies within 
to carry a battle standard into battle. You  5ft of you. Each of them gains +2 to their 
can choose one of the four banners  AC until the end of your next turn.  
below. Each of the banners affects a 10ft 
radius around the Warrior. The Warrior  Improved Battle Standard 
can place the banner at a location, as a 
Starting at 18th level, your battle 
bonus action. This banner can be 
standards radius increases to 20ft. Also, 
changed at the end of a long rest. 
once per long rest, you can slam your 
banner down, allowing all allies inside 
Banner of Strength - ​While an ally is 
the radius to spend a hit dice to heal 
under the effects of this banner, they 
themselves, including unconscious ones. 
gain advantage on Strength saving 
Banner of Discipline - ​While an ally is 
under the effects of this banner, they 
gain advantage on Dexterity saving  Berserker 
Banner of Tactics - ​While an ally is  For some Warriors, there is no choice 
under the effects of this banner, they  but to attack. The Berserker trades their 
gain advantage on Wisdom saving  defenses for an all out frenzied assault 
throws.   on their enemies. The Berserker relies 
Banner of Defense - ​While an ally is  on fire to fuel their rage. They either 
under the effects of this banner, they  burn their enemies or are consumed by 
gain advantage on all Constitution  their own flames. 
saving throws. 
  Torch Proficiency 
Starting at 3rd level, you gain 
proficiency with a flaming torch, 
allowing you to use it as a light melee 
weapon. It deals 1d6 fire damage. You  Warrior level, or half on a successful 
can add your Strength modifier to  one. 
damage of attacks with the torch. 

Primal Burst Skills 
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability  Spellbreakers are an ancient order of 
to use Primal Burst Skills. Primal Burst  Warriors who have spent centuries 
Skills allow you to use a Burst Skill for  studying how to turn their enemies 
only three Adrenaline points. They deal  strengths against them. The Spellbreaker 
an additional Burst Dice that deals fire  is fluid and reactive, countering attacks 
damage. Primal Burst Skills have  and delivering deadly ripostes. 
advantage on the attack roll. Whenever 
you use a Primal Burst Skill, all attacks  Dagger Mastery 
against you have advantage until the  Starting at 3rd level, you learn the 
start of your next turn.   secrets of dagger mastery passed down 
by the Spellbreaker Order. Your dagger 
Headbutt  attacks now deal 1d6 piercing damage. 
Starting at 7th level, as an action you can 
spend one point of Adrenaline to make a  Full Counter 
headbutt attack. Make an unarmed  Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new 
strike, if the attack hits, instead of doing  Burst Skill: Full Counter. Full Counter 
damage, the target is stunned until the  can be used with any weapons.  
end of your next turn.    
Full Counter - ​As a weapon attack, you 
King of Fires  can instead go into a meditative 
Starting at 10th level, you gain resistance  defensive stance. The next melee 
to fire damage.  weapon attack against you automatically 
misses. You can then make a melee 
Blood Reckoning  attack roll against the attacker, adding 
your Burst Dice to the damage if it hits. If 
Starting at 15th level, once per turn,  you are targeting by any spell that 
whenever you hit with an attack you can  requires a saving throw while Full 
spend a hit die to heal yourself.   Countering, you have advantage on it. 

Flames of War  Magebane Tether 

Starting at 18th level, whenever you use  Starting at 7th level, whenever you strike 
a primal burst skill every creature  an enemy with a Burst Skill, you create a 
within 10 feet of you must make a  Magebane Tether to them. If the tethered 
Dexterity saving throw. On failed save  target tries to move more than 20 ft 
they take fire damage equal to your  away from you, you can use your 
reaction to try to pull them to you. Make   
a contested Athletics check, where you   
have advantage. If you succeed, they are   
pulled to the nearest open square within   
five feet of you. Magebane Tether can   
only tether enemies within 20 ft of you.   
Featherfoot Grace 
Starting at 10th level, your speed 
increases by 10 feet. 

Break Enchantments 
Starting at 15th level, you have 
advantage on saving throws against 
spells and other magical effects. You also 
cannot be charmed by magical means.  

Winds of Disenchantment 
Starting at 18th level, you can use your 
action to begin channelling Winds of 
Disenchantment. While channelling this 
ability, a 10 ft radius golden sphere 
surrounds you. Inside the sphere, any 
magical creature, object, or effect you 
choose is dispelled (as if a successful 
Dispel Magic was cast on it). 
Additionally, the spell deflects all ranged 
magic trying to enter the sphere. You can 
maintain Winds of Disenchantment for 
up to one minute. You must maintain 
concentration on Winds of 
Disenchantment as if it was a spell. This 
ability can only be used once per long 


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