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Speaking part exam

1.Describe a success your friend has achieved

Great question
I have a lot of goal-oriented friends so it's hard to pick one among them but if
I were to pick, I'd go with my classmate Anel. Back in high school, we used
to be classmates. Even that time, she always stood out from other students
with her talent. Whenever we had math problems, we would ask her to help
us out.

During high school, she decided to apply to Nazarbayev school, one of the
best intellectual schools in KZ. As u know, it's hard to get into that school
because it has very high requirements for those who enroll and is very

Although I must confess, my friend is persistent and determined so no matter

how difficult it is, she went for it.She worked hard and immersed herself in
books so sometimes it was hard to hang out with her. She was so busy.

Hopefully, her hard work paid off and she passed all entrance exams with
flying colors. When I first heard the news, I was so glad and relieved to see
that her all efforts didn't go to waste.I was proud of her. We still keep in
touch with her these days she’s studying abroad. I’m convinced that she’s a
bright future ahead.

2.Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists

get to
tough question, popped in my mind is
Once when I was scrolling through social media, I came across one place
which is called Khan Tengri.It is a very gorgeous and popular peak of over
7000 m high. The peak is located on the border of Kazakhstan with
Kyrgyzstan and China.And "Khan Tengri" can be translated as “The lord of
the sky”.

Khan-Tengri immediately makes a strong impression on people since it can

be climbed in about 3 weeks, and is good training for climbing. A lot of brave
men attempt to ascend Khan Tengri, despite the dangerous rocks and almost
vertical slopes.

Another great thing is that at the mountain's foot, there is a base camp, that
organizes routes of several levels of difficulty, helps newly arrived climbers,
as well as organizes the work of guides and lifeguards. At the top of the
mountain, there is a capsule with short messages from all people who have
reached the summit of Khan Tengri.

It's important to mention that The Khan Tengri ascent is for expert
mountaineers only. So it's risky to climb on your own. You need to have
considerable mountaineering experience and also an excellent fitness level.
Only daredevils and risky might try. On the bright side,nowadays several
travel agencies organize guided tours of the ascent of Khan Tengri Peak
however it is rather pricey, it's about $2500.

3.Describe an ideal house

The one that stands out is a remote cabins in the woods. I always admired the
scenery, and nature away from Seoul, so it's my perfect spot for a magical

These cabins have everything in it. On top of that, it comes with a well-
equipped kitchen, an indoor fireplace, a private swimming pool, and a hot tub
for guests to enjoy. Outside, the grassy backyard is excellent for setting up a
campfire, grilling a barbecue, and stargazing as the fireflies appear in the
evening.And also, secluded cabin provides breathtaking views of the forest.
You can explore so many attractions here.

Since I'd prefer winter to any other season, a wooden cabin looks like the
perfect hideaway for me to escape to. I'd like to cozy up by the fireplace, chill
on the porch with a cup of tea, and embrace life in the countryside.
Experiencing the fresh mountain breeze in chilly winter sounds great to me.

Another great thing about these cabins are that they're different from your
typical getaway and I love unique things. As an introvert, it's a great place
that allows me to take a break from whatever( social media)it is your doing to
focus internally on my thoughts and ideas;I can find and connect to my inner
peace and just relax, let my mind drift.

4.Describe something interesting happened in your school

That’s a lovely question.My high school years were filled with good and
warm memories and it’s nostalgic to go back to those days. Let me tell the
time when boys in our class made us happy.

It’s on the 8th of March,Women’s day, we had a kind of tradition where boys
gave gifts to girls on this occasion.However, that day it was quiet and we
were kinda upset even second guessing that boys didn’t prepare smth for us.

So during break time I went out to grab smth to eat.We were chatting with
girls . When break time was over , we entered the our classroom. As I was
approaching to my desk , I noticed a little package. I was excited to open
it.But boys asked us to wait before they gave a speech to us.

It was only 2minutes long so all girls started to rip off their package including
me.It turned out to be a handmade bracelet . It was so cute and tiny. I
appreciated it even though it was small and boys put all their effort into
making these handmade bracelets.

Another reason why I felt special was that I was blessed to have a ring in my
package that not everyone got.It was precious that I still keep them.

5.Describe someone you would like to study or work with

that’s a fantastic question
I've a lot of people on my list whom I would love to study so it's hard to pick
just one, but if I were to pick one it would be Namjoon, a member of my fav
Korean boy band, BTS. He's an all-rounder as he is not only musically
talented but also a gifted individual.

It’s been 6 years since I got to know him.I first learned about him when I got
into BTS and he's the first member that got my attention. I was struck by his
English skills. Unfortunately, I haven’t met him in real life yet but I always
imagined to have a groupmate like him. He was an outstanding student in
South Korea. He had an IQ of 148 and scored in the top 1% of the nation in
the university entrance examinations for language, math, foreign language
and social studies. As a child, RM learned English by watching the American
sitcom Friends with his mother.

Another great thing about him is that he’s a calm and nice personality which I
love in people. The reason why I’m confident that he’ll be great study buddy
is that we have a lot in common and he can encourage me to do my best.
In this way , we can build a special bond together.

6. Describe a historical period you are interested in

the tough question comes to my mind

As a huge fan of dramas, I was watching Kdrama called Tomorrow where

they showed Japanese military men treating women harshly. So it piqued my
interest and I was eager to investigate it more.It turned out to be a period,
between 1932 and 1945 when Japan forced women from Korea, China, and
other occupied countries to become military slaves. The Japanese army
pushed some 200000 women into slavery during World War II.

A group of uniformed men burst out of a car, attacked her, and dragged her
into the vehicle. As they drove away the girls had no idea that they would
never see their parents again. The women were made to follow the military
time after time and had no freedom whatsoever. In many cases, those who
returned home were suffering from injuries and went through life miserably,
unable to forget past cruelties. Tricked into the false promises of getting a
job. Many suffered from physical disabilities and venereal disease and were
unable to bear children.Others could not marry.

I would rather find it thought-provoking rather than captivating, it's

heartbreaking to see many women still fighting for their justice even after
many years. broaden my horizon and get to know more about women from
different backgrounds.

7.Describe another language (not English) you would like to learn

That’s a great question. I don’t have a lot of languages on my list so it’s easy
to pick one. Let me tell u about Korean language.It’s been my number one
language to learn since the time I got into Kpop, kdramas and stuff. To be
honest, I even tried to learn it on my own but it wasn’t effective since I
always get distracted. If I ever want to give it a try again,I would probably
take up Korean language courses. It’s way better to learn with qualified
teachers if you’re newbie in it as they can help u to have better results. make
new friends and experience real classroom vibes.

Every language comes come with challenges, and Korean language is similar
to my native language,it might not difficult for the first time however it
seems to me that finding study buddy to practice speaking korean might be
nerve racking. Many online video chatting rooms mostly for english .koreans
are full of scams perverts and stuff.

It might sound weird but i was always struggling to understand what they
were talking and had a strong desire to understand them. Anyway, it will
come in handy if i visit korea or even move therre. go to waste.

8.Describe a person who helps to protect the environment

I do many know many people that contribute to a clean environment,
therefore it is hard to pick one but one I'd like to tell you about is my friend
Amy.She's my friend whom I met online last year. She has a heart of gold
and cares for the habitats even small things.

She makes reusable grocery bags. They're handmade and easier to recycle,
durable It helps you carry more things than any other regular plastic grocery
bag could ever allow you to.It can protect the environment from plastic
pollution. Plastic bags also get snagged in trees, and small animals can
become trapped in them, leaving even more wildlife deaths in the
environment.At the same time, you can save money, look stylish, and enjoy a
better quality of life.

It's not an easy task to make handmade bags and Amy is so considerate about
details. She pulls an all-nighter to just finish them sometimes she doesn't
even sleep. Moreover, she was having a hard time convincing people to use
reusable bags instead of plastic bags. Another great thing about it are that it
reduces the need for single-use plastic bags that have proven to harm the
She had a great impact on me.I support my friendʼs small business and
always try to tell everyone about it. I'm proud of her as she encourages people
to use reusable grocery bags are extremely useful, environmentally friendly.

9.Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, or cinemas..) that

influences your city

My native town has many stuff getting built and it's hard to choose one but
one that stands out is a brand-new sports stadium which was constructed
earlier this summer. I couldn't get to visit that place but I've seen Instagram
posts about it. It was built to celebrate town’s day which is special for locals.

On top of it, the capacity of the stadium is about 3000 seats.Another great
thing is that it has an indoor stadium and a swimming pool, specially
equipped for training in winter, as well as a dining room. Gyms are also
equipped. In the buildings, it is possible to organize sports events in several
sports all year round. Moreover, 250 people can train here at the same time.

Local people express their great gratitude for the construction of such a
stadium. It has everything you need for sports and to keep you entertained. It
can encourage people to take part in sporty events and even young children to
become future champions of their hometown. As my hometown was lacking
in kind of these facilities, it brings them to the next level.

10.Describe an important plant in your country

Don't know much;
It's a whitish plant with small clusters that are leafy and has a delicate
appearance. Yarrow can come in a bright yellow variety, but it can also be
red or pink and it’s 2 to 3 feet tall and wide. Moreover, it’s still a lovely
addition to your yard.

Yarrow care is so easy that the plant is virtually carefree. It starts to bloom in
spring or early summer, attract butterflies and bees. It thrives in hot, poor
soil, dry conditions, mostly you can find them in the Southern part of KZ. It
doesn’t need to be fertilized and only needs to be watered during times of
severe drought.
This plant has been my fav one for a long time since in addition to being an
attractive plant, yarrow has several specific uses. Yarrow is a traditional herb
that has been used for teas and salads. Both the flowers and the leaves have a
strong taste and it can be a good remedy for children’s colds and fevers. But
on other hand, it might cause skin irritation and rashes.

The top reason that people in KZ plant this yarrow is that is highly adaptable
to any condition and easy to maintain.As long as it is provided with plenty of
sunlight, it will grow well. They can use yarrow to form a beautiful landscape
and give yards a lovely view.

11. Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

As you know we have a lot of dishes that we consume on a special occasions,
therefore it's hard to pick just one. But what stands out is the Kazakh
traditional food Beshbarmak. It is probably the most popular dish in the land.
It means "five fingers" in Kazakhstan, for a reason. The name five fingers are
what is required to enjoy it, all five of them.

Whenever any Kazakh households have guests coming over, the main dish is
sure to be a beshbarmak since it's easy to prepare and it's a slap-up meal.
Typically this dish is made with either horse meat or mutton. We always boil
meat and then put other ingredients such as carrots, potatoes and dough.

This is also almost always served with a bowl of the broth on the side called
sorpa. Beef is sometimes used but others are much more common. This dish
is almost always served on a large plate to be enjoyed by guests on a

Although I must confess, beshbarmak is rather oily and hearty but it's
difficult to restrain your hunger when you see beshbarmak. The reason why I
believe that it is a special meal is that it's an essential and well-loved part of
any event.Moreover, being invited to beshbarmak is an honor and Kazakh
people show their hospitality.

12.Describe an intelligent person you know

I've seen many smart people in my life so it's hard to pick just one, but if I
were to pick one it would be Namjoon, a member of my fav Korean boy
band, BTS.

He's an all-rounder as he is not only musically talented but also a gifted

individual. I first learned about him when I got into BTS and he's the first
member that got my attention. I was struck by his English skills.

He is one of the group’s main rappers and songwriters. On top of the music,
the rapper also enjoys art and has been highly regarded as an art patron. RM
shows his personality and how he sees the world through music, in the lyrics
he shares with his fans his deepest feelings and thoughts. Despite the
language barriers, their messages could reach many people across the world.

The leader of the Bangtan Boys has given many proofs of his intelligence and
brilliant brain, in programs, in his music, and in campaigns.

The reason why I'm confident to say that he's the intelligent one is that, in
addition to his music career, RM was an outstanding student in South Korea.
He had an IQ of 148 and scored in the top 1% of the nation in the university
entrance examinations for language, math, foreign language and social
studies. As a child, RM learned English by watching the American
sitcom Friends with his mother. His meaningful lyrics, his philosophy, and
his extreme wordplay are no joke.I believe he's a bright future ahead.

13. Describe a party that you joined

That’s a tough question. Since I am homebody , I haven’t joined many parties

in my life but popped in my mind is my best friend birthday party. Let me tell
you about it.

She’s not a type of person who usually throws party but it was her milestone
birthday. She was turning 21.She wanted to keep her b/p lowkey so she
invited only a couple of close friends. We celebrated her birthday in a small
aesthetic cafe . As we don’t usually hang out a lot, we tried to make most of
We enjoyed food , danced and had a great time in a cafe. Moreover, we gave
her fav group’s album as gift. She was over the moon and even unpacked it
that moment.It was so precious to see her happy.

Parties aren’t my kind of things however that day was special for me. It was
kinda like a break from hectic lifestyle . We did a lot of things to keep
ourselves entertained and it’s fun and enjoyable.I cherish it.

14. Describe a family business you know

Fantastic question

Many of my relatives have their businesses and therefore, it is difficult to

pick just one. But one that stands out is the cafe of my friend. She's a young
entrepreneur who inherited her father’s family business.

I first learned about this coffee shop when my friend asked me to come over
to their coffee shop. I was so excited and pumped up to see her cafe. When I
first entered it, I was instantly attracted(struck) by the bright lights and
ambiance of this coffee shop. The Korean-inspired minimalist design caught
my attention. It is a tasteful cafe with tasty food.

Although, I must confess it's rather expensive so not everyone can afford to
visit this coffee shop. Anyway, for people on a budget, it can be a worthy
investment to enjoy perhaps on a special occasion.

The reason why I feel confident that coffee shops will continue to thrive is
down to earth, charismatic manager - Tony. As soon as you walk in, it gives
off home vibes, and the manager greets everyone with a smile and makes u
feel extra special. The way they treat their customers makes them different
from other coffee shops. I believe it has a bright future ahead.

15. Describe a skill you need a long time to learn

Share my experience with it.
Back then in high school, I was into drawing but I never really got the
opportunity to learn it as I got older. I was passionate
We have various art schools that provide training for drawing and sketching
for those who are starting from scratch. I used to take art lessons at my school
but it lasted only one year. They are all paid but rather affordable for anyone.
Or another way to learn could be online tutorial videos, which will be
efficient if I want to learn it from home. I also watched some of them but it
was not consistent.

Since I was pretty good at drawing, I started to learn it by practicing basic

drawing skills at home it wasn't difficult at first but drawing people's faces
turned out to be hard and it was my weak point. I feel that being able to
sketch with a pencil on paper will allow me to express my ideas better.

Although I must confess that drawing is a skill, and as with any skill, it
requires time and practice to master it. Putting an idea in my mind on a sheet
of paper might be hard. On other hand, it can be a rewarding experience,
which makes it important to focus on the journey instead of just the outcome
of beautiful art.

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