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How To Write A Notice Of Decision

by Bong | Due Process, HR ToolBox

Notice of decision memo is the document containing the decision agreed upon, after conducting an
administrative investigation. It’s a legal requirement being the second of the twin-notice rule.

Please read the following for better appreciation of the topic

- How to Write a Notice to Explain Memo

- How to Conduct an Administrative Investigation

- Due Process and Employee Relations

- Due Process and Employee Resignation

- Progressive Discipline

- Termination: Just Causes

- Termination: Authorized Causes

- Termination: Health Reasons

Basis of the Notice of Decision is the case report written by the Labor/Industrial Relations (LR or IR) or
Human Resource (HR) head submitted and approved by top management.
The case report  should contain the following :
 A brief summary of the incident including the violations (sometimes called Facts Of The Case)

 A brief summary of the investigation conducted, from the issuance of the Notice to Explain to
the conclusion or recommendation of the Committee

 A recommendation that answers the following questions :

 What factors led to the incident occurring?

 What mitigating factor/s lessen/s the incident? (A mitigating factor is what makes the
violation less. Examples are admitting immediately, prior good record, first violation,

 What aggravating factor/s worsen/s the incident? (An aggravating factor is what makes
the violation worse. Examples are lying, previous bad record, done on purpose, etc.)

 If there is damage, how much is it?

 If damage is the reputation, what is its effect?

 Is/are the employee/s guilty or not of the violations?

 If he/she/they is/are, are they equally liable? If not who has the highest accountability?
Who has the least?

 Finally, write your recommendation if sanction shall be issued or not, and if so maximum
sanction or reduced sanction.

 Seek approval from the management of your recommendation. This way too, you will have a
document approved (or disapproved) by management, which in turn is your basis for writing the
Disciplinary Action Notice.

Below is a recommended template for the said notice. (If management decides that the employee is not
guilty proceed to item no. 5)

TO: write the name of the employee.

THRU: write the name of the Department Head or Manager of the employee investigated.
DATE: write the date you prepared the notice of decision memo
FROM: ideally, from HR/IR/LR Head, or head of the investigating committee
RE: Notice of Decision

Relative to the notice to explain memo issued to you on (write the date and time of the incident) at
(write the location of the incident), re: (incident and alleged violation).

Per our company code of conduct (or discipline) this falls under (specify the rule number and the
violation). With the corresponding disciplinary action of First Offense or Second or Third or so on  (write
the specific sanction).
We received your written explanation on (specify the date), and we also invited you for an admin.
meeting held on (specify the date) to which you have given another opportunity to explain your side.

In this regard, please be advised that based on the facts and pieces of evidence at hand, we conclude
that you committed the infractions as stated on the notice to explain issued to you. You are further
advised of this (state the sanction: written warning, suspension, or termination)

A similar infraction in the future shall be dealt with the heavier sanction, per our code of conduct or
discipline (for written warning only)

from start date to end date (for suspension only)

effective effectivity date (for termination only).

Please be guided accordingly.

Position title

Noted by: Next officer up.

CC: 201 File (If there is a Union and the employee is a Union Member, add the “Union” to the CC).

Once the notice has been signed by all concerned, serve the notice of decision to the concerned
employee. Let him/her acknowledge by writing his/her name, date of receipt, and signature, and give
them a copy. The other copy should be filed to employees’ 201 file.

 In cases of Warning and suspension,  the immediate superior of the employee usually issues the
notice of decision.

 For cases of Dismissal,  the immediate superior of the employee with the HR/IR/LR head (and if
Union employee, a Union Officer).


What to do in case an employee refuses to receive?

Have the employee’s supervisor (and if there is a Union, a Union Officer) witness the refusal, and have
them write and sign “Employee refuses to receive” with their name and signature. Alternately, send an
original copy of the notice of the decision in a sealed envelope to the last know addresses of the
employee/s sent via registered mail with return card through the Post Office. (The registered mail notice
and the return card are placed in the 201 file).

In case of no disciplinary action (or not guilty)

TO: write the name of the employee.
THRU: write the name of the Department Head or Manager of the employee investigated.
DATE: write the date you prepared the notice of decision memo
FROM: ideally, from HR/IR/LR Head, or head of the investigating committee
RE: Notice of Decision

Relative to the notice to explain memo issued to you on (write the date and time of the incident) at
(write the location of the incident), re: (incident and alleged violation).

Please be advised, after reviewing the facts of the case and your explanation, we found no substantive
evidence to support a violation.

For your guidance.

Position title

Noted by (next level officer).

CC: 201 File (If there is a Union and the employee is a Union Member, add the “Union” to the CC).

After all, have signed, issue copies to the employee and all those in CC.

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