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Mathematical methods, models and modelling

Book D
Cover image: This shows arrows representing a vector field and a corresponding contour map. The
vector field shows the direction of change for a model of two competing populations of animals. You
will meet this model in Unit 12.

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Unit 12 Systems of differential equations 1

Introduction 3
1 Visualising systems of differential equations 4
1.1 Direction fields revisited 4
1.2 Pictures of solutions 5
1.3 Modelling populations of predators and prey 8
1.4 More examples 11
2 Equilibrium points 13
2.1 Finding equilibrium points 13
2.2 Stability of equilibrium points 15
2.3 Behaviour close to equilibrium 16

3 Classifying equilibrium points 21

3.1 Matrices with two distinct real eigenvalues 22
3.2 Matrices with complex eigenvalues 24
3.3 Matrices with repeated eigenvalues 27
3.4 Classifying equilibrium points of linear systems 28
3.5 Classifying equilibrium points of non-linear systems 30

4 Phase portraits 36
Learning outcomes 44

Solutions to exercises 45

Unit 13 Fourier series 59

Introduction 61

1 Introducing Fourier series 65

1.1 Families of cosine functions 65
1.2 Even and odd functions 68

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π 72

2.1 A series of approximations 72
2.2 A first approximation 74
2.3 A second approximation 76
2.4 Better approximations 78
2.5 Convergence 82

3 Fourier series for even and odd periodic functions 85

3.1 Fourier series for even functions with period τ 85
3.2 Fourier series for odd functions with period τ 88

4 Fourier series for any periodic function 92

4.1 Fourier series for periodic functions 93
4.2 Functions defined on an interval 97

Learning outcomes 103

Solutions to exercises 104

Unit 14 Partial differential equations 119

Introduction 121
1 Solving partial differential equations 121
1.1 Introducing partial differential equations 122
1.2 Initial conditions and boundary conditions 124
1.3 Separation of variables 129

2 The wave equation 135

2.1 Deriving the wave equation 135
2.2 Solving the wave equation 138
2.3 Solving the damped wave equation 144

3 The heat equation 148

3.1 Deriving the heat equation 148
3.2 Solving the heat equation 151
Learning outcomes 155

Solutions to exercises 156

Index 165
Unit 12

Systems of differential equations


Systems of linear first-order differential equations were considered in
Unit 6, and for these systems we were able to find an explicit solution.
Here we consider qualitative, graphical methods that are applicable to all
systems of first-order differential equations, but are of greatest value for
those that we cannot solve explicitly, namely non-linear systems.
Recall from Unit 6 that the system of differential equations
ẋ = −y, ẏ = 2x + y,
is called linear because the right-hand side of each equation does not
contain the variables raised to a power (such as x2 ) or as the argument of a
non-linear function (such as sin x), or products of the variables (such
as xy). The systems of differential equations
ẋ = x2 + y, ẏ = y + t, (1)
ẋ = xy, ẏ = x2 y, (2)
are both non-linear systems of equations.
There is one difference between systems (1) and (2) that is important for
this unit. In equations (1) the independent variable t appears explicitly on
the right-hand side, whereas in equations (2) only the two dependent
variables x and y occur. Systems such as (2), where t does not appear
explicitly, are said to be autonomous. In this unit we will consider only
autonomous equations of the general form
ẋ = u(x, y), ẏ = v(x, y).
The methods developed in this unit are widely applicable to a wide variety
of situations as differential equation models are common. For this reason
we will generally consider the behaviour of systems of differential equations
without any specific context, but we do develop one context to illustrate
ideas. The situation that we develop is a model of the behaviour of two
interacting populations of animals, usually with one variable x = x(t) We use the notations x or x(t),
representing the number of individuals of a predator species, and the other ẋ or ẋ(t), etc., interchangeably
variable y = y(t) representing the number of individuals of its prey. to suit the context.

The graphical methods that we develop use a diagram to give information

about solutions of a system without first needing to calculate the solutions.
From such diagrams we can answer questions such as deciding whether two
populations of animals can coexist with stable populations or whether one
population will die out. A solution to the predator and prey model
x(t) = X, y(t) = Y , where X and Y are constants, describes a situation
where the two populations coexist with stable populations. Such constant
solutions are usually significant, so we give them a name, equilibrium
solutions, and we call the point (X, Y ) in the (x, y)-plane an equilibrium

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Section 1 begins by looking at a way of visualising systems of differential

equations and then derives a mathematical model for the interacting
population model described above. Section 2 focuses on finding any
equilibrium points, and Section 3 looks at classifying the nature of the
solutions near an equilibrium point. Section 4 then considers the behaviour
of solutions far from equilibrium points.
Note that it is also possible to use a computer to calculate numerical
solutions to non-linear equations that cannot be solved explicitly, which is
sometimes very useful. However, these numerical solutions are particular
solutions with particular initial conditions and cannot answer questions
about the set of all solutions in the same way that the graphical methods
described in this unit can. These two approaches, graphical and numerical,
are in many ways complementary.

1 Visualising systems of differential

It is not possible to find algebraic solutions of all systems of differential
equations, so we introduce a graphical approach, based on the notion that
a point (x, y) = (x(t), y(t)) in the plane may be used to represent two
variables x = x(t) and y = y(t) at time t. As t increases, the point
(x, y) = (x(t), y(t)) traces a path that represents the variation of both
variables with time. This section also introduces the predator and prey
model mentioned in the Introduction, and concludes by describing a
method that can be used to derive plenty more examples of systems of
differential equations.

1.1 Direction fields revisited

Before considering graphical methods for systems of first-order differential
equations, we recall the graphical method for first-order differential
equations described in Unit 1, namely direction fields. Consider the
differential equation
ẋ = kx, x > 0, (3)
where k is a constant.
This simple differential equation arises in many contexts that involve
growth or decay. Among these, it arises as a model for the population
size x – which we usually simply refer to as the population x (omitting the
word ‘size’) – as a function of time t. A population x can take only integer
values, so we say that x is a discrete variable. It is often convenient to
approximate a discrete variable by a variable that can take any real value,
referred to as a continuous variable. This approximation will be good if the
population size is large. Here we measure populations in hundreds or
thousands, as appropriate, so we are able to use quite small numbers to

1 Visualising systems of differential equations

represent large populations in our models. In the continuous model, the

derivative ẋ represents the rate of increase of the population, which we
often refer to as the growth rate (even though if ẋ < 0, it actually
represents a decay rate – compare the use in mechanics of ‘acceleration’ to
cover both of the everyday terms ‘acceleration’ and ‘deceleration’).
Equation (3) can be solved using the methods of Unit 1, which we ask you
to do now.

Exercise 1
Use the methods of Unit 1 to find the particular solution of equation (3)
that satisfies the initial condition x = x0 when t = 0.

Here we will be concerned not with finding explicit solutions of differential

equations such as the one found in Exercise 1, but rather with using
graphical methods to determine general features of the solution. As a first
step along this path, consider the direction field of a differential equation
that was introduced in Unit 1.
Figure 1 shows a direction field for ẋ = kx together with a graph of the
solution that you obtained in Exercise 1. Recall from Unit 1 that the
solution is a curve whose tangent at any point has a slope that is equal to
the value of the direction field at that point.
The direction field shown at a point indicates the slope of the solution
curve passing through that point. Once the direction field is plotted, a
sketch of a solution curve can be obtained by smoothly drawing a curve
along the lines of the direction field, as shown in Figure 1. This time we
calculated the exact solution first, using Exercise 1, but the key point is
Figure 1 Direction field for
that we could sketch an approximate solution using the direction field as a ẋ = kx, with k > 0; the red
guide. In the next section we generalise this from differential equations to curve shows the solution with
systems of differential equations. initial condition x(0) = x0

1.2 Pictures of solutions

Here we describe a graphical method that can be used to visualise the
solutions of systems of first-order differential equations in a similar way to
the way in which direction fields can be used to visualise differential
Consider the two variables x and y, which could represent the number of
individuals in a pair of populations. Our purpose is to determine how
these variables evolve with time. At a particular time t, we suppose that
these populations are x(t) and y(t), respectively. We represent this system
by a point in the (x, y)-plane. The evolution of the two populations can be
represented as a path, as shown in Figure 2, where the directions of the
arrows on the path indicate the directions in which the point (x(t), y(t))
moves along the path with increasing time. Note that this representation Figure 2 The evolution of
does not show how quickly or slowly the point moves along the path but two variables is represented
merely the direction of travel. by a path in the plane

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

For the purposes of this discussion, suppose that the populations are
evolving independently (perhaps on separate islands) with no interactions.
The reason for this is that it makes the equations easy to solve, so the
solutions can be compared with the graphical method that we are about to
introduce. So consider the equations
ẋ = 0.2x, ẏ = 0.3y. (4)
(If the variables x and y represent populations, then we must have x ≥ 0
and y ≥ 0 in order to be physically reasonable. Here we are interested in
developing general methods, so we do not impose this restriction.)
Note that each of equations (4) is in the form of the differential
equation (3) considered previously, so they both represent exponential
Equations (4) form a system of linear differential equations, which you met
in Unit 6. Using vector notation, the pair of populations may be
represented by the vector x = (x y)T . The system of equations (4) then
becomes the vector equation
% - % -
ẋ 0.2x
ẋ = = . (5)
ẏ 0.3y
Vector fields are discussed in It is helpful now to introduce the notion of a vector field, which is similar
more detail in Unit 15. to a direction field. In a plane, a direction field associates a direction
f (x, y) with each point (x, y), whereas a vector field associates a vector
u(x, y) with each point (x, y). The vector field associated with
equation (5) is given by
% -
u(x, y) = , (6)
so equation (5) becomes ẋ = u(x, y), which will sometimes be written more
simply as ẋ = u(x). We could use this definition to calculate a direction at
any point. For example, at the point (1, 2), the vector field has the
direction u(1, 2) = (0.2 × 1 0.3 × 2)T = (0.2 0.6)T . Calculating vectors
at several points enables us to construct Figure 3, which shows a plot of
this vector field where an arrow in the direction of each vector u is placed
with its midpoint at the point where the vector was calculated.
A direction field f (x, y) represents the slope of a particular solution of the
differential equation dy/dx = f (x, y) at the point (x, y). Similarly, u(x, y)
is the vector ẋi + ẏj that is tangential to a particular solution of
ẋ = u(x, y) at the point (x, y), because the slope of the tangent is
dy dy/dt ẏ
= = .
dx dx/dt ẋ
This suggests a geometric way of finding a particular solution of
Figure 3 A representation of equation (5): choose a particular starting point (x0 , y0 ), then follow the
the vector field u(x, y)
directions of the tangent vectors. (An exception, which we discuss later,
occurs when ẋ = ẏ = 0 at (X, Y ), so u(X, Y ) = 0 and there is no tangent
vector to follow.)

1 Visualising systems of differential equations

The essential difference between a direction field and a vector field is that
the former consists of line segments, and the latter consists of directed line
segments (which we indicate by arrows) whose lengths indicate the
magnitude of u(x, y). However, since the magnitudes of u(x, y) may vary
considerably and so make the diagram difficult to interpret, we often use
arrows of a fixed length to show the direction of a vector field. This is
acceptable because, in many cases, it is the direction of u(x, y) that is our
primary concern, rather than its magnitude. Consider Figure 3, where the
arrows become longer as distance from the origin increases, so if the arrows
are scaled so that the longer arrows do not overlap, then it is hard to
discern the direction of the arrows near the origin. To overcome this
problem, we use the convention that all arrows will be scaled to the same
length. The arrows shown in Figure 4 represent the same vector field but
use this scaling convention.
Using the methods of Unit 6, we can find the general solution of
equations (4) as
x(t) = Ce0.2t , y(t) = De0.3t , (7)
where C and D are constants.
This general solution gives the position (x(t), y(t)) at time t. It is
instructive to plot this solution for a range of time t for various values of
the constants C and D. This will show the particular solutions for various
initial conditions among the family of general solutions. These particular Figure 4 The vector field
solutions are overlaid on the vector field plot in Figure 4. The arrows on u(x, y) together with paths
the solution curves indicate the directions in which the curves are from the family of solutions
traversed with increasing time.
A solution curve along which the coordinates x and y vary as t increases is
called a phase path (or orbit). The (x, y)-plane containing the solution
curves is called the phase plane, and a diagram, such as Figure 4,
showing the phase paths is called a phase portrait. In other words, a
phase portrait is a collection of phase paths that illustrates the behaviour
of the differential equations.
You may have noticed in Figure 4 that the paths radiate outwards from the
origin in all directions. For this reason, we refer to the origin as a source. A source can occur at a point
other than the origin.
We now look at the phase paths for a similar system, for which
% -
u(x, y) = .
Again by using the methods of Unit 6, the general solution can be found as
x = Ce−0.2t , y = De−0.3t ,
where C and D are constants.
This solution is in terms of exponential functions with negative exponents,
so it represents exponential decay. As this general solution is the same as
equations (7) except for the change in sign of the multiples of t, we can see
that the paths in the phase plane are the same as before, but with the
arrows reversed.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Another way of looking at this is to say that at each point in the phase
plane, the vector field that represents these equations points in the
opposite direction to the previous vector field. This gives the diagram
shown in Figure 5. Now the paths radiate inwards towards the origin, and
for this reason we refer to the origin as a sink.

Exercise 2
Write down and solve the system of differential equations ẋ = u(x, y) given
by the vector field
% -
u(x, y) = .
Figure 5 The vector field −y
and solution paths of a sink
You should find that if you multiply together your solutions for x(t) and
y(t) found in Exercise 2, the result is a constant. So the phase paths have
the equation xy = A, for some constant A. These paths are a family of
rectangular hyperbolas (by choosing A to be non-zero) or lines along the
axes (by choosing A to be zero). Hence we can sketch the phase portrait
for the vector field examined in Exercise 2 to be as shown in Figure 6. You
can see that the vast majority of the paths do not radiate into or out of
the origin. On these paths, a point initially travels towards the origin, but
eventually travels away from it again. The only paths that actually radiate
inwards towards or outwards from the origin are those along the x- and
y-axes. In this case we call the origin a saddle point (the paths look like
the contours around a saddle point as defined in Unit 7).
Figure 6 Phase paths for This unit is concerned with sketching phase portraits. Before moving on to
the vector field in Exercise 2, give general methods for doing this, we introduce some examples to which
which shows a saddle point at
we can apply our methods.
the origin

1.3 Modelling populations of predators and prey

Here we develop a model for the populations of a predator and its prey. A
predator population depends for its survival on there being sufficient prey
to provide it with food. Intuition suggests that when the number of
predators is low, the prey population may increase quickly, and that this in
turn will result in an increase in the predator population. On the other
hand, a large number of predators may diminish the prey population until
it is very small, and this in turn will lead to a collapse in the predator
population. Our mathematical model will need to reflect this behaviour.
To make the discussion more concrete, we will consider modelling
When this model was first populations of foxes and rabbits as the predators and prey. Let x(t) be the
proposed, the interaction was number of rabbits, and let y(t) be the number of foxes.
between two species of fish in
the Adriatic Sea. For a population x of rabbits in a fox-free environment, our first model for
population change is given by the equation ẋ = kx, where k is a positive
constant. This represents exponential growth. However, if there is a
population y of predator foxes, then you would expect the growth rate ẋ of
rabbits to be reduced.

1 Visualising systems of differential equations

Similarly, for a population y of foxes in a rabbit-free environment, our first

model for the population change is given by the equation ẏ = −hy, where
h is a positive constant. This represents exponential decay. However, if
there is a population x of rabbits for the foxes to eat, then you would
expect the growth rate ẏ of foxes to increase.
In our mathematical model we make the following assumptions.
• There is plenty of vegetation for the rabbits to eat.
• The rabbits are the only source of food for the foxes.
• An encounter between a fox and a rabbit contributes to the fox’s
larder, which leads directly to a decrease in the rabbit population and
indirectly to an increase in the number of foxes.
• The number of encounters between foxes and rabbits is proportional to
the number of rabbits multiplied by the number of foxes – that is, it is
proportional to xy.
• The growth rate ẋ of rabbits decreases by a factor that is proportional
to the number of encounters between rabbits and foxes.
• The growth rate ẏ of foxes increases by a factor that is proportional to
the number of encounters between foxes and rabbits.
These assumptions lead to a differential equation that models the
population x of rabbits as
ẋ = kx − Axy, This equation can be derived
using the input–output
for some positive constant A. As we will see later, it is convenient to write principle, which was introduced
A = k/Y for some positive constant Y , giving in Unit 1, Section 1. In a period
* y) of time δt, the change in the
ẋ = kx 1 − . (8) rabbit population is the number
Y kx δt of additional rabbits born,
This is a non-linear equation, since the right-hand side contains an xy taking into account those dying
term. from natural causes, less the
number Axy δt of rabbits eaten.
Similarly, our revised model for the foxes is given by
ẏ = −hy + Bxy
for some positive constant B. Again, it is convenient to write B = h/X for
some positive constant X, so that this equation becomes
* x)
ẏ = −hy 1 − . (9) Again, this equation is
X non-linear because of the xy
Together, the differential equations (8) and (9) model the pair of term on the right-hand side.
interacting populations.

Exercise 3
Sketch the graph of the proportionate growth rate ẋ/x of rabbits as a
function of the population y of foxes, and the graph of the proportionate
growth rate ẏ/y of foxes as a function of the population x of rabbits.
Interpret these graphs.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Lotka–Volterra equations
The evolution of two interacting populations x and y can be modelled
by the Lotka–Volterra equations
* y) * x)
ẋ = kx 1 − , ẏ = −hy 1 − (x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0), (10)
where x is the population of the prey and y is the population of the
predators, and k, h, X and Y are positive constants.

Modelling success
This model was one of the first successful applications of
mathematical models to biological systems. It was independently
proposed in 1925 by the American biophysicist Alfred Lotka and in
1926 by the Italian mathematician Vito Volterra.

Now we begin to explore the Lotka–Volterra equations.

Exercise 4
(a) Write down the vector field u(x, y) that corresponds to the
Lotka–Volterra equations.
(b) Now suppose that the variables x and y represent thousands of
individuals (so that x = 1 represents one thousand rabbits, for
example) and further suppose that the constants in equations (10)
have the values k = 1, h = 21 , X = 3 and Y = 2 . Complete the
following table.

x y u(x, y)
0 0
0 2
2 0
2 2
3 1
3 2
3 3
4 2

(c) Draw the vectors that you obtained in part (b) as a vector field in the
phase plane.

Previously, we were able to solve the pairs of differential equations that

arose from our mathematical model, but for equations (10) no explicit

1 Visualising systems of differential equations

formulas for x(t) and y(t) are available. We will use graphical methods to
describe the solutions. The vector field plot that you drew in Exercise 4
(partly reproduced as Figure 7(a)) is a starting point. From this plot it
may seem possible that the phase path forms a closed loop about the point
(3, 2), but this is far from certain. Figure 7(b) shows a sketch of a possible
phase path.

Figure 7 (a) Part of the vector field drawn in Exercise 4. (b) A possible
path for the changes in rabbit and fox populations that follows the vector

Consider a phase path starting at point A, which is the point (3, 1)

representing 3000 rabbits and 1000 foxes. From the vector field plot in
Exercise 4, we see that the rabbit population increases and so does the fox
population, until at the point B we have reached a maximum rabbit
population. As the fox population continues to rise, the rabbit population
goes into decline. At C, the fox population has reached its maximum,
while the rabbits decline further. After this point, there are not enough
rabbits available to sustain the number of foxes, and the fox population
also goes into decline. At D, the declining fox population gives some relief
to the rabbit population, which begins to pick up. Finally, at E, the
decline of the fox population is halted as the rabbit population continues
to increase. We may even return exactly to the point A, in which case the
cycle will repeat indefinitely.
In order to decide whether the cycle will repeat indefinitely, we need to do
more than simply plotting a few arrows in the phase plane. This question
is discussed further in Section 3 when we have introduced the ideas that
are needed to resolve it. Here we conclude this section by looking at a way
of generating many more examples of systems of differential equations.

1.4 More examples

In this subsection we describe a method for converting a higher-order
differential equation into a system of first-order differential equations.
Using this technique we can apply the graphical methods developed in this
unit to a much wider range of problems.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

As a first example, consider the simple harmonic motion equation

ẍ + ω2 x = 0, (11)
which is a linear second-order differential equation with one dependent
variable x and one constant ω. Define y = ẋ to be a second variable. Then
by differentiation with respect to t we have ẏ = ẍ. Substituting for ẍ in
equation (11) gives ẏ + ω2 x = 0. The two differential equations relating x
and y are then
ẋ = y, ẏ = −ω2 x,
which is a system of two first-order differential equations.
This idea of introducing new variables to represent derivatives of the
independent variable can be used to transform any higher-order equation
to a system of first-order equations. Try this yourself by attempting the
following exercise.

Exercise 5
Convert each of the following differential equations into a system of
first-order equations.
d2 x dx d3 u du
(a) ẍ + sin x = 0 (b) 2
−2 + x2 = 0 (c) 3
= 6u
dt dt dx dx

Using this method you can see that any situation that leads to a
differential equation model (such as any dynamics problem) can be
converted into a form to which we can apply the graphical methods
described in this unit. These methods are widely applicable.
Note that not every system of first-order differential equations can be
converted into a single higher-order differential equation by reversing the
above strategy. For example, the Lotka–Volterra equations cannot be
written as a single second-order differential equation in this way.
This strategy of converting a higher-order differential equation to a system
of first-order differential equations is also useful in the numerical solution
of differential equations. Many numerical methods (e.g. Euler’s method,
which you met in Unit 1) apply only to first-order differential equations.
These methods can be extended in a straightforward manner to apply to
systems of first-order equations (by replacing scalar variables with vector
variables), and this is the main method for solving higher-order differential
equations on a computer. The numerical solutions of the weather
prediction model employed to produce daily weather forecasts use exactly
this strategy.
Now we have plenty of examples of systems of first-order differential
equations and a graphical picture (the phase plane) to represent them. We
go on to analyse the features of the graphical picture. First, we look at
steady-state solutions of the equations (such as the point (3, 2) in
Exercise 4) where two populations can coexist in equilibrium.

2 Equilibrium points

2 Equilibrium points
The previous section introduced phase portraits as a method of visualising
systems of non-linear differential equations. Now we begin to investigate
features of phase plane portraits, and we start with the features called
equilibrium points.

2.1 Finding equilibrium points

There is one and only one phase path through a point in the phase plane –
this means that phase paths do not cross. This is because the vector field
has only one direction at each point in the phase plane. But what is
happening at the origin in Figure 8? Here there seem to be phase paths
along the coordinate axes that appear to cross – but all is not as it seems.
The solution along the positive x-axis is given by x = Cet , y = 0, and for
all values of t, the x-coordinate is positive (since the exponential function is
never zero). So the origin is not included on this phase path. Similarly, the
phase paths along the other three axis directions do not include the origin.
The origin is a constant solution of the system of differential equations
that forms a separate path consisting of just a single point. So the phase
paths do not cross at the origin as the origin is on its own path and all the Figure 8 A saddle point at
paths along the coordinate axes approach but never reach the origin. the origin

These single points, such as the origin in Figure 8, are important features
of phase portraits, so we make the following definition.

An equilibrium point of a system of differential equations

ẋ = u(x, y)
is a point (X, Y ) such that x(t) = X, y(t) = Y is a constant solution
of the system, that is, (X, Y ) is a point at which ẋ(t) = 0 and
ẏ(t) = 0.

Equilibrium points generally represent important physical properties of the

system being modelled. For example, the equilibrium point (3, 2) in
Exercise 4 corresponds to a solution where the populations of rabbits and
foxes are in stable coexistence, that is, they are not changing with time.
The definition of an equilibrium point leads directly to the following
procedure for finding equilibrium points.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Procedure 1 Finding equilibrium points

To find the equilibrium points of the system of differential equations
ẋ = u(x, y)
for some vector field u, solve the equation
u(x, y) = 0.

Solving u(x, y) = 0 requires the solution of two simultaneous equations,

which are generally non-linear, for the unknowns x and y, as the following
example shows.

Example 1
Find the equilibrium points for the Lotka–Volterra equations (10) for the
rabbit and fox populations. (Remember that h, k, X and Y are positive
Using Procedure 1, we need to solve the equation u(x, y) = 0, which
 * y ) % -
kx 1 −
 Y = 0 .
 * x ) 0
−hy 1 −
This gives the simultaneous equations
* y)
kx 1 − = 0, (12)
* x)
−hy 1 − = 0. (13)
It is important to be methodical when solving simultaneous non-linear
equations, in order to avoid missing solutions. Here we will first solve
equation (12) and then substitute each solution into equation (13) to find
all solutions. Equation (12) is already factorised and the solutions arise
when either term is zero, so the solutions are x = 0 or y = Y .
Substituting x = 0 into equation (13) gives −hy = 0, so y = 0 and hence
(0, 0) is an equilibrium point.
Substituting y = Y into equation (13) gives −hY (1 − x/X) = 0, so x = X
and hence (X, Y ) is an equilibrium point. As both X and Y are positive,
this equilibrium point is always in the first quadrant (thus is always in the
quadrant x > 0, y > 0 that is physically relevant for population models).
Thus there are two possible equilibrium points for the pair of populations.
The first has both the rabbit and fox populations zero, that is, the
equilibrium point is at (0, 0); there are no births or deaths – nothing
happens. However, the other equilibrium point occurs when there are

2 Equilibrium points

X rabbits and Y foxes, that is, the equilibrium point is at (X, Y ); the This explains our choice of
births and deaths exactly cancel out and both populations remain constants X and Y in
constant. Subsection 1.3.

Now try this yourself by attempting the following exercises.

Exercise 6
Suppose that two variables x and y evolve according to the system of
differential equations
ẋ = x(20 − y), ẏ = y(10 − y)(10 − x).
Find the equilibrium points of the system.

Exercise 7
Find the equilibrium points of the system of differential equations
ẋ = 2x2 y + 7xy 2 + 2y + 1,
ẏ = xy − x.

2.2 Stability of equilibrium points

In a real ecosystem it is unlikely that predator and prey populations are in
perfect harmony. What if equilibrium is disturbed by a small deviation
caused perhaps by a severe winter or hunting? If the number of rabbits is
reduced, there would be a decreased food supply for the foxes, and the
population of foxes could decrease to zero as a consequence. On the other
hand, if the number of foxes is reduced, the birth rate for rabbits would
then exceed their death rate, and the number of rabbits could increase
without limit.
If a small change or perturbation in the populations of rabbits and foxes
from their equilibrium values, no matter what the cause, results in
subsequent populations that remain close to their equilibrium values, then
we say that the equilibrium point is stable. On the other hand, if a
perturbation results in a catastrophic change, with, for example, the
population of foxes or rabbits collapsing to zero or increasing without
limit, then we say that the equilibrium point is unstable.
In the phase portrait in Figure 9, where the equilibrium point is a sink,
you can see that any slight perturbation from the equilibrium point will
result in a point that returns to the equilibrium point as time t increases.
So this is a stable equilibrium point. Similarly, the point (3, 2) in
Exercise 4 is a stable equilibrium point. In this case a perturbation from
the equilibrium point does not result in a point that returns to the
equilibrium point as t increases, but it does result in a point that remains Figure 9 A stable
in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point. equilibrium point

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

On the other hand, the origin in the phase portrait of a source shown in
Figure 4 is an unstable equilibrium point. Any perturbation from the
origin will result in the point travelling further and further away from the
origin with time. Similarly, the origin in the phase portrait of a saddle
shown in Figure 6 is an unstable equilibrium point. Apart from increases
or decreases in y with x unchanged, any perturbation will result in a point
that travels further and further away from the origin with time.

Stability of equilibrium points

An equilibrium point is said to be:
• stable when all points in the neighbourhood of the point remain
in the neighbourhood of the point as time increases
• unstable otherwise.

Exercise 8
Consider the paths shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Three equilibrium points labelled A, B and C, together with

phase paths in the neighbourhood of each point

Classify as stable or unstable each of the equilibrium points A, B and C.

2.3 Behaviour close to equilibrium

To investigate the behaviour of a non-linear system in the neighbourhood
of equilibrium points, in this subsection we develop linear approximations
to the system that are applicable close to the equilibrium points.
An example will make this clearer, so consider the system of non-linear
ẋ = y(x − 1), ẏ = x2 (y − 2). (14)

2 Equilibrium points

This system of equations has an equilibrium point (1, 2). We wish to

investigate the behaviour of solutions close to this equilibrium point, so we
change coordinates by letting
x = 1 + p, y = 2 + q. (15) If x and y represent populations,
then they cannot be negative.
For solutions close to equilibrium, (x, y) is close to the point (1, 2), so (p, q) However, the perturbations p
is close to (0, 0), which is another way of saying that p and q should be and q can (usually) be negative
small. By differentiating equations (15) we obtain ṗ = ẋ and q̇ = ẏ, so we as this would represent
can write equations (14) as populations that are less than
the equilibrium values.
ṗ = (2 + q)p = 2p + pq,
q̇ = (1 + p)2 q = q + 2pq + p2 q.
If p and q are small, then pq is much smaller (and p2 q is much smaller than
this). So neglecting terms that are very small compared to p and q gives
the linear system of equations
ṗ = 2p, q̇ = q. (16)
As the terms that we neglected were small compared to the terms that we
retained, we would expect the solutions of this linear system to
approximate the solutions of equations (14) near the equilibrium point.
Equations (16) can be solved by separation of variables to give the
solutions p = Ae2t , q = Bet , where A and B are constants. These equations
are exponential growth equations, so the equilibrium point at p = 0, q = 0
is unstable. The behaviour of the solution for (x, y) close to (1, 2) is just a
translation of the behaviour of (p, q) close to (0, 0) thus should be of the
same type, so the point (1, 2) is an unstable equilibrium point.
For equations (14) it was straightforward to see which terms to neglect
since the right-hand sides of both differential equations were polynomials,
but this would not be the case if the right-hand sides involve sinusoidal
terms. We now show how Taylor polynomials can be used to find linear Taylor polynomials were
approximations in general. introduced in Unit 7.

If (X, Y ) is an equilibrium point, consider small perturbations p and q

giving new populations x and y defined by
x = X + p, y = Y + q. (17)
We can find the time development of the small perturbations p and q by
linearising the differential equation ẋ = u(x, y). We will make use of
Taylor polynomials to achieve this. In order to do so, we must write each
component of the vector u(x, y) as a function of the two variables x and y:
% -
u(x, y)
u(x, y) = .
v(x, y)
At the equilibrium point (X, Y ), we have u(X, Y ) = 0, that is,
u(X, Y ) = 0 and v(X, Y ) = 0.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Now, for small perturbations p and q, we can use the linear Taylor
polynomial for functions of two variables to approximate each of u(x, y)
and v(x, y) near the equilibrium point (X, Y ). Here we use the more
compact notation ux for ∂u/∂x etc.:
u(X + p, Y + q) & u(X, Y ) + p ux (X, Y ) + q uy (X, Y )
= p ux (X, Y ) + q uy (X, Y ),
since u(X, Y ) = 0, and
v(X + p, Y + q) & v(X, Y ) + p vx (X, Y ) + q vy (X, Y )
= p vx (X, Y ) + q vy (X, Y ),
since v(X, Y ) = 0.
The above two equations appear rather unwieldy, but are much more
succinctly represented in matrix form:
% - % -% -
u(x, y) ux (X, Y ) uy (X, Y ) p
= .
v(x, y) vx (X, Y ) vy (X, Y ) q
Since x(t) = X + p(t) and y(t) = Y + q(t), we also have
ẋ = ṗ, ẏ = q̇.
Putting the pieces together, substituting in ẋ = u(x, y) gives a system of
linear differential equations for the perturbations p and q:
% - % -% -
ṗ ux (X, Y ) uy (X, Y ) p
= . (18)
q̇ vx (X, Y ) vy (X, Y ) q
Some examples will help to make this clear.

Example 2
Suppose that two variables x and y evolve according to the system of
differential equations
The equilibrium points for these ẋ = x(20 − y), ẏ = y(10 − y)(10 − x).
equations were found in
Exercise 6. Find the linear approximation to these equations near the equilibrium
point (0, 10).
Here we have
u(x, y) = x(20 − y), v(x, y) = y(10 − y)(10 − x).
So the partial derivatives are
ux (x, y) = 20 − y, uy (x, y) = −x,
vx (x, y) = −y(10 − y), vy (x, y) = (10 − y)(10 − x) − y(10 − x).
Evaluating these at the given point (0, 10) yields
ux (x, y) = 10, uy (x, y) = 0,
vx (x, y) = 0, vy (x, y) = −100.

2 Equilibrium points

So the linear system that approximates the given system near the point
(0, 10) is
% - % -% -
ṗ 10 0 p
= .
q̇ 0 −100 q

Example 3
Transform the Lotka–Volterra equations (10) into a system of linear
differential equations for the perturbations p and q from the equilibrium
point (X, Y ).
Here we have
* y) * x)
u(x, y) = kx 1 − , v(x, y) = −hy 1 − .
First, we compute the partial derivatives, obtaining
* y) kx
ux (x, y) = k 1 − , uy (x, y) = − ,
hy * x)
vx (x, y) = , vy (x, y) = −h 1 − .
Evaluating these at the point (X, Y ) gives
ux (X, Y ) = 0, uy (X, Y ) = − ,
vx (X, Y ) = , vy (X, Y ) = 0.
Thus the required system of linear differential equations is
% - % -% -
ṗ 0 −kX/Y p
= . (19)
q̇ hY /X 0 q

Note that equation (19) can be written as the pair of equations

kX hY
ṗ = − q, q̇ = p,
so we have replaced a system of non-linear equations, for which we have no
algebraic solution, with a pair of linear equations that we can solve using
the methods of Unit 6. We should expect the solutions of equation (19) to
provide a good approximation to the original system only when p and q are
small (i.e. when the system is close to equilibrium).
Now seems to be an appropriate time to summarise what we have done
and to give a name to the matrix that arises. The matrix
% -
ux (x, y) uy (x, y)
J(x, y) =
vx (x, y) vy (x, y)
is called the Jacobian matrix of the vector field
u(x, y) = (u(x, y) v(x, y))T .

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

The 2 × 2 matrix on the right-hand side of equation (18) is this Jacobian

matrix evaluated at the equilibrium point (X, Y ), so equation (18) can be
written succinctly as
ṗ = Jp,
where p = (p q)T is the perturbation from the equilibrium point (X, Y ),
and J is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the equilibrium point.

Procedure 2 Linearising a system of differential equations

near an equilibrium point
Suppose that the system of differential equations
% -
u(x, y)
ẋ = u(x, y) =
v(x, y)
has an equilibrium point at x = X, y = Y .
To linearise this system, carry out the following steps.
1. Find the Jacobian matrix
% -
ux (x, y) uy (x, y)
J(x, y) = . (20)
vx (x, y) vy (x, y)
2. In the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point (X, Y ), the
differential equations can be approximated by the linearised form
% - % -
ṗ p
=J , (21)
q̇ q
where x(t) = X + p(t) and y(t) = Y + q(t), and J = J(X, Y ).

Exercise 9
Write down the linear approximations to the Lotka–Volterra
equations (10) near the equilibrium point (0, 0).

Exercise 10
This system was also considered Consider the equations
in Exercise 6 and Example 2.
ẋ = x(20 − y), ẏ = y(10 − y)(10 − x).
Find the linear approximations to these equations near the equilibrium
point (10, 20).

Exercise 11
Find the equilibrium point of the system of differential equations
ẋ = 3x + 2y − 8, ẏ = x + 4y − 6.
Find a system of linear differential equations satisfied by small
perturbations p and q from the equilibrium point.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

Exercise 12
Suppose that the pair of populations x and y can be modelled by the
system of differential equations
ẋ = 0.5x − 0.000 05x2 ,
ẏ = −0.1y + 0.0004xy − 0.01y 2
(x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0).
(a) Find the three equilibrium points of the system.
(b) Find the Jacobian matrix of the system.
(c) For each of the three equilibrium points, find the linear differential
equations that give the approximate behaviour of the system near the
equilibrium point.

We have reduced the discussion of the behaviour of a system near an

equilibrium point to an examination of the behaviour of a pair of linear
differential equations. In the next section we use the techniques from
Unit 6 to solve these differential equations.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

In the previous section you saw how a system of non-linear differential

equations ẋ = u(x, y) may be approximated near an equilibrium point by a
linear system ṗ = Jp, where J is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the
equilibrium point, and p is a vector of perturbations from the equilibrium
point. In this section we develop an algebraic method of classification,
based on the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients that arises from the
linear approximations. Our overall strategy for classifying an equilibrium
point of a non-linear system will then be:
• near an equilibrium point, approximate the non-linear system by a
linear system
• find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients for this linear
• classify the equilibrium point of the linear system using these
• deduce the behaviour of the original system in the neighbourhood of
the equilibrium point.
This section develops the steps of this overall strategy in turn, beginning
by looking at the behaviour of systems with Jacobian matrices with two
distinct real eigenvalues, complex eigenvalues, and a repeated eigenvalue.
These results are then summarised to provide a procedure for classifying
equilibrium points of linear systems and then finally non-linear systems.
Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

3.1 Matrices with two distinct real eigenvalues

Let us first consider the system of differential equations ṗ = Jp where
% -
2 0
J= . (22)
0 3
The matrix J is diagonal, so the eigenvalues are 2 and 3. The
corresponding eigenvectors are (1 0)T and (0 1)T , respectively. The
See Unit 6, Procedure 1. general solution can be written as
% - % - % -
p(t) 1 2t 0 3t
=C e +D e ,
q(t) 0 1
where C and D are constants, or as
p(t) = Ce2t , q(t) = De3t .
We are interested in the behaviour of phase paths near the equilibrium
point at p = 0, q = 0. Consider, for example, the paths with D = 0 (and
C '= 0). On these paths we have p(t) = Ce2t and q(t) = 0, so the point
(p(t), q(t)) moves away from the origin along the p-axis as t increases.
On the other hand, consider the paths with C = 0 (and D '= 0). On these
paths we have p(t) = 0 and q(t) = De3t , so the point (p(t), q(t)) moves
away from the origin along the q-axis as t increases.
Hence we have seen that there are phase paths along the axes, in the
Figure 11 Paths in the (p, q) directions of the eigenvectors (1 0)T and (0 1)T . A line in the direction
phase plane; the dot marks of an eigenvector is called an eigenline. As t increases, a point on one of
the equilibrium point the axes moves away from the origin as shown in Figure 11.
For general values of C and D, where neither C = 0 nor D = 0, the point
(Ce2t , De3t ) still moves away from the origin as t increases, but not along a
straight line. As t increases, the point moves along a path that radiates
outwards from the origin. An equilibrium point with this type of
qualitative behaviour in its neighbourhood is a source. This is illustrated
in Figure 12, where we have incorporated the fact that the only
straight-line paths are along the axes, in the directions of the eigenvectors
of the matrix J.
This behaviour occurs for any linear system ṗ = Jp where the matrix of
coefficients J has positive distinct eigenvalues. The only straight-line paths
are in the directions of the eigenvectors of the matrix J, as these are the
eigenlines (although these will not, in general, be along the axes!).
Figure 12 The phase plane
near a source
Exercise 13
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 3 0 p
= .
q̇ 2 1 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients.
(b) Classify the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0 of the system.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

Consider now the system of differential equations ṗ = Jp where

% -
−2 0
J= . (23)
0 −3
The change in sign for matrix J from equation (22) to equation (23)
changes the solution from one involving positive exponentials to one
involving negative exponentials. You can think of this as replacing t by −t,
so the solutions describe the same paths, but traversed in opposite
directions. A change in the sign of both eigenvalues changes the directions
of the arrows along the paths in Figure 12.
If the matrix of coefficients for a linear system has negative distinct
eigenvalues, the equilibrium point is a sink. The only straight-line paths
are along the directions of the eigenvectors of the matrix of coefficients.

Exercise 14
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 0 −1 p
= .
q̇ 2 −3 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients.
(b) Classify the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0 of the system.

So far in this section we have considered the case where the matrix of
coefficients has two distinct positive eigenvalues and the case where the
matrix has two distinct negative eigenvalues. We now consider the case
where the matrix has one positive eigenvalue and one negative eigenvalue.
For example, consider the matrix
% -
1 4
J= ,
1 −2
which has eigenvalues 2 and −3, and corresponding eigenvectors (4 1)T
and (1 −1)T . The general solution of the linear system of differential
equations ṗ = Jp is
% - % - % -
p 4 2t 1 −3t
=C e +D e , (24)
q 1 −1
where C and D are constants. When D = 0 (and C '= 0), we have
p(t) = 4Ce2t and q(t) = Ce2t , and the point (p(t), q(t)) moves away from
the origin along the straight-line path q = 41 p as t increases; this line is an
eigenline. On the other hand, when C = 0 (and D '= 0), the solution is
p(t) = De−3t , q(t) = −De−3t , so the point (p(t), q(t)) approaches the origin
along the straight-line path q = −p as t increases.
Hence we have seen that there are two straight-line paths. On the line
q = 41 p (which corresponds to the eigenvector (4 1)T ), the point moves
away from the origin as t increases. However, on the line q = −p (which
corresponds to the eigenvector (1 −1)T ), the point moves towards the Figure 13 Paths to and
origin as t increases. These paths are shown in Figure 13. from an equilibrium point
Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Now we consider the behaviour of a general point (p(t), q(t)), where p(t)
and q(t) are given by equation (24), and neither C nor D is zero. For large
positive values of t, the terms involving e2t dominate, so p(t) & 4Ce2t and
q(t) & Ce2t . So for large positive values of t, the general path approaches
the line q = 14 p. On the other hand, for large negative values of t, the
terms involving e−3t dominate, so p(t) & De−3t and q(t) & −De−3t . So for
large negative values of t, the general path approaches the line q = −p.
Using this information we can add to Figure 13 to obtain Figure 14.
We can see that the equilibrium point is a saddle. The type of behaviour
shown in Figure 14 occurs when the matrix of coefficients has one positive
Figure 14 Paths near a eigenvalue and one negative eigenvalue. Again, the straight-line paths are
saddle point; the dot marks in the directions of the eigenvectors of the matrix.
the equilibrium point
Exercise 15
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 1 2 p
= .
q̇ 2 −2 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix of
(b) Classify the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0.
(c) Sketch the phase paths of the solutions of the differential equations in
the neighbourhood of (0, 0).

3.2 Matrices with complex eigenvalues

In Unit 5 you saw that some matrices have complex eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. In Unit 6 you saw that these complex quantities can be used
to construct the real solutions of the corresponding system of linear
differential equations. Our next example involves such a system.

Example 4
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 0 −1 p
= .
q̇ 4 0 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix of
(b) Hence write down the general solution of the system of differential
(c) Show that the phase paths for these differential equations are the
p2 + 41 q 2 = K,
where K is a positive constant.
3 Classifying equilibrium points

(a) The matrix of coefficients has characteristic equation
' '
'−λ −1 '
' '
' 4 −λ' = 0,

that is, λ2 + 4 = 0. So the eigenvalues are λ = 2i and λ = −2i.

When λ = 2i, the eigenvector (a b)T satisfies the equation
% -% - % -
−2i −1 a 0
= ,
4 −2i b 0
so an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue λ = 2i is (1 −2i)T .
Similarly, an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue λ = −2i is
(1 2i)T .
(b) Using the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors from part (a),
and Procedure 3 of Unit 6, the general solution of the differential
equations is
% - % - % -
p cos 2t sin 2t
=C +D ,
q 2 sin 2t −2 cos 2t
where C and D are constants.
(c) We have
p(t) = C cos 2t + D sin 2t,
q(t) = 2C sin 2t − 2D cos 2t,
p2 + 14 q 2 = (C cos 2t + D sin 2t)2 + (C sin 2t − D cos 2t)2
= (C 2 cos2 2t + 2CD cos 2t sin 2t + D2 sin2 2t)
+ (C 2 sin2 2t − 2CD cos 2t sin 2t + D2 cos2 2t)
= C 2 (cos2 2t + sin2 2t) + D2 (cos2 2t + sin2 2t)
= C 2 + D2 = K,
where K = C 2 + D2 is a positive constant.
So the phase paths are ellipses, as shown in Figure 15. The direction
of the arrows can be deduced from the original differential equations.
For example, in the first quadrant ṗ < 0 and q̇ > 0.

In Example 4, we saw that all the phase paths are ellipses. This type of
behaviour corresponds to any linear system of differential equations where Figure 15 An elliptical path
the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients are purely imaginary. An in the phase plane near a
equilibrium point that has this behaviour in its neighbourhood is called a centre

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Exercise 16
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 2 −1 p
= .
q̇ 5 −2 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients.
(b) Classify the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0.

In general, when the eigenvalues of a matrix are complex, they are not
purely imaginary but also contain a real part. This has a significant effect
on the solution of the corresponding system, as you will see in the
following example.

Example 5
Find the general solution of the system of equations ṗ = Jp, where
% -
−2 −3
J= .
3 −2
Sketch some paths corresponding to the solutions of the system.
The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is (2 + λ)2 + 9 = 0,
so the eigenvalues are −2 + 3i and −2 − 3i. Corresponding eigenvectors
are (1 −i)T and (1 i)T , respectively, so the general solution is given by
% - % - % -
p −2t cos 3t −2t sin 3t
= Ce + De ,
q sin 3t − cos 3t
where C and D are constants.
If we neglect, for the time being, the e−2t terms, the solution is
p = C cos 3t + D sin 3t,
q = C sin 3t − D cos 3t,
from which it follows that
p2 + q 2 = C 2 + D 2 .
So in the absence of the e−2t terms, the paths would be circles with centre
at the origin. The effect of the e−2t terms on these paths is to reduce the
radius of the circles gradually. In other words, the paths spiral in towards
the origin as t increases, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 Paths near a In Example 5 (and Figure 16) the paths spiral in towards the origin, so the
spiral sink ; the dot marks the origin is a sink (called a spiral sink) and therefore is a stable equilibrium
equilibrium point point.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

If the paths spiralled away from the origin, we should have a

spiral source (see Figure 17) with the equilibrium point unstable.
The stability is determined by the sign of the real part of the complex
eigenvalues. To summarise, if the real part is positive, then the general
solution involves ekt terms (where k is positive) and the equilibrium point
is a spiral source; if the real part is negative, then the general solution
involves e−kt terms and the equilibrium point is a spiral sink.

Exercise 17
Consider the linear system of differential equations Figure 17 Paths near a
% - % -% -
ṗ 1 1 p spiral source; the dot marks
= . the equilibrium point
q̇ −1 1 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients.
(b) Classify the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0.

3.3 Matrices with repeated eigenvalues

So far we have considered the cases where the matrix of coefficients for a
linear system of differential equations has two real distinct eigenvalues or
complex eigenvalues. In this subsection we consider a third possibility: the
case where the matrix has a real repeated eigenvalue. In fact, there are two
separate cases, depending on how many independent eigenvectors there are.
First, we consider the case where there are two linearly independent
eigenvectors. In this case, the matrix must be diagonal and of the form
% -
λ 0
0 λ
(see Unit 5, Exercise 13(a)).

Exercise 18
Consider the linear system of differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 2 0 p
= .
q̇ 0 2 q
(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix.
(b) Find the general solution of the system of differential equations.
(c) By eliminating t, find the equations of the paths, and describe them.
(d) Is the equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0 stable or unstable?

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

In Exercise 18, we have seen that when the matrix of coefficients has two
real identical positive eigenvalues and two linearly independent
eigenvectors, all the paths are straight lines radiating away from the origin,
as shown in Figure 18. The equilibrium point at p = 0, q = 0 is called a
star source. If there are two identical negative eigenvalues (but still two
linearly independent eigenvectors), then the arrows on the paths in
Figure 18 are reversed, and the equilibrium point at p = 0, q = 0 is called a
star sink.
We turn finally to the case where there are two identical eigenvalues but
only one independent eigenvector.
Figure 18 Paths near a star
source; the dot marks the
equilibrium point Exercise 19
(a) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix
% -
2 0
J= .
1 2
(b) Find the general solution of the system of differential equations
ṗ = Jp.

In Exercise 19 we have seen that the general solution of the system of

linear differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 2 0 p
q̇ 1 2 q
p(t) = Ce2t , q(t) = (Ct + D)e2t ,
where C and D are constants.
Figure 19 shows some typical paths of this system, and we conclude that
the equilibrium point at p = 0, q = 0 is unstable. It is called an improper
source. Observe that there is only one straight-line path leading away
from the equilibrium point (the y-axis in this case), which is a consequence
of the fact that the Jacobian matrix has only one eigenvector. If the
(repeated) eigenvalue is negative, then the phase paths are obtained by
reversing the arrows in Figure 19 to obtain an improper sink.
Figure 19 Paths near an This completes the discussion of our range of examples, which were chosen
improper source; the dot to illustrate most types of behaviour that you might meet. These are
marks the equilibrium point summarised in the next subsection.

3.4 Classifying equilibrium points of linear systems

In Procedure 3 we summarise the results of the previous three subsections.
Note that this procedure is not exhaustive because it does not include a
number of degenerate cases where one of the eigenvalues is zero, which are
not considered in this module.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

Procedure 3 Equilibrium point classification for a linear


Consider the linear system ṗ = Jp for a 2 × 2 matrix J. The nature

of the equilibrium point at p = 0, q = 0 is determined by the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of J, and a decision tree for this is shown
in Figure 20.

Figure 20 A decision tree for classifying equilibrium points

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Exercise 20
In Example 3 we saw that the Lotka–Volterra equations can be
approximated by the system of linear differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ 0 −kX/Y p
q̇ hY /X 0 q
in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point (X, Y ). Find the eigenvalues
of the matrix of coefficients, and hence classify the equilibrium point p = 0,
q = 0.

Exercise 21
In Exercise 9 we saw that the Lotka–Volterra equations can be
approximated by the system of linear differential equations
% - % -% -
ṗ k 0 p
q̇ 0 −h q
in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point (0, 0). Find the eigenvalues
of the matrix of coefficients, and hence classify the equilibrium point p = 0,
q = 0.

3.5 Classifying equilibrium points of non-linear

In Section 2 we saw how to find the equilibrium points of non-linear
systems of differential equations ẋ = u(x), and how to find the linear
system ṗ = Jp that approximates the system in the neighbourhood of the
equilibrium point. In this section we have seen how to classify the
equilibrium point of the linear system by finding the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the matrix J. But is the behaviour of the non-linear system
near the equilibrium point the same as the behaviour of the linear system
that approximates it? It can be shown that, not surprisingly, the answer is
yes, except when the equilibrium point of the approximating linear system
is a centre.
If the approximating linear system is a centre, then the dominant
behaviour of the original system is to circulate around the equilibrium
point. Consider what happens when we follow one circuit of a path around
Figure 21 One circuit
around an equilibrium point the equilibrium point of a non-linear system, such as that shown in
P of a non-linear system Figure 21. This figure shows the equilibrium point at point P and a path
where the linearised system is ABCDE that circles around it. After one circuit, we compare the distance
a centre from the equilibrium point EP with the starting distance AP .

3 Classifying equilibrium points

There are three possibilities: AP < EP , AP = EP and AP > EP (the

latter is shown in the figure). These three possibilities correspond to a
spiral source, a centre or a spiral sink, respectively. We now give examples
to show that all three possibilities can occur.
A very simple example of a system with a centre at the origin is the linear
ẋ = −y, ẏ = x. (25)
To see that the origin is a centre, differentiate the second equation with
respect to t to get ÿ = ẋ, and use the first equation to substitute for ẋ to
obtain ÿ = −y. You should recognise this equation as the simple harmonic
motion equation, which has solution y = A cos(t + φ) where A and φ are
constants. Hence we have x = ẏ = −A sin(t + φ). So the general solution of
the system of differential equations is (x, y) = (−A sin(t + φ), A cos(t + φ)),
which is the family of concentric circles x2 + y 2 = A2 .
There are other non-linear systems of equations that have equations (25) as
a linear approximation, for example all equations using these linear terms
with some higher powers of x or y added. Consider one such example:
ẋ = −y, ẏ = x + y 3 . (26)
If we proceed as before and differentiate the second equation and
substitute for ẋ, then we obtain ÿ − 3y 2 ẏ + y = 0. This non-linear equation
is harder to solve, but we can get an idea of the solution by approximating
the equation. Since y 2 is always positive, we can get a feel for the solutions
by looking at the solutions of the equation ÿ − k ẏ + y = 0, where k is a
positive constant. The constant k is small for paths close to the
equilibrium point, so the solutions of the characteristic equation are
complex with positive real part, which implies that the solutions of the
linear second-order equation increase exponentially. So we expect the
solutions of equations (26) to also spiral outwards (as can be confirmed by
plotting the solution on a computer). So (26) is an example of a non-linear
system that is a spiral source where the linear approximation
(equations (25)) has a centre.
Changing the sign in front of the y 3 term gives a non-linear system that
has a spiral sink at the origin with the same linear approximation:
ẋ = −y, ẏ = x − y 3 .
Plotting the solutions of this system on a computer confirms that this is a
non-linear system that has a spiral sink at the origin.
Thus if the linear approximation has a centre, we cannot immediately
deduce the nature of the equilibrium point of the original non-linear
system: it may be a centre, a spiral sink or a spiral source. This is
summarised in the following procedure.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Procedure 4 Equilibrium point classification for a non-linear

To classify the equilibrium points of a system of non-linear differential
equations, carry out the following steps.
1. Find the equilibrium points by using Procedure 1.
2. Use Procedure 2 to find a linear system that approximates the
original non-linear system in the neighbourhood of each
equilibrium point.
3. For each equilibrium point, use Procedure 3 to classify the linear
4. For each equilibrium point, the behaviour of the original
non-linear system is the same as that of the linear approximation,
except when the linear system has a centre. If the linear system
has a centre, then the equilibrium point of the original non-linear
system may be a centre, a spiral sink or a spiral source.

The following example shows how this procedure is used.

Example 6
Consider the non-linear system of differential equations
ẋ = −4y + 2xy − 8, ẏ = 4y 2 − x2 .
(a) Find the equilibrium points of the system.
(b) Compute the Jacobian matrix of the system.
(c) In the neighbourhood of each equilibrium point:
• linearise the system of differential equations
• classify the equilibrium point of the linearised system.
(d) What can you say about the classification of the equilibrium points of
the original (non-linear) system of differential equations?
(a) The equilibrium points are given by
−4y + 2xy − 8 = 0,
4y 2 − x2 = 0.
The second equation gives
x = ±2y.
When x = 2y, substitution into the first equation gives
−4y + 4y 2 − 8 = 0,
or y 2 − y − 2 = 0, which factorises to give
(y − 2)(y + 1) = 0.

3 Classifying equilibrium points

y = 2 or y = −1.
When y = 2, x = 2y = 4. When y = −1, x = 2y = −2. So we have
found two equilibrium points, namely (4, 2) and (−2, −1).
When x = −2y, substitution into the first equation gives
−4y − 4y 2 − 8 = 0,
or y 2 + y + 2 = 0. This quadratic equation has no real solutions, so
there are no more equilibrium points.
(b) Differentiating the right-hand sides of the given differential equations
gives the Jacobian matrix as
% -
2y 2x − 4
J= .
−2x 8y
(c) At the equilibrium point (4, 2), the Jacobian matrix is
% -
4 4
−8 16
so the linearised system is
% - % -% -
ṗ 4 4 p
= .
q̇ −8 16 q
The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
(4 − λ)(16 − λ) + 32 = 0,
or λ2 − 20λ + 96 = 0, which factorises to give
(λ − 8)(λ − 12) = 0,
so the eigenvalues are
λ = 8 and λ = 12.
The two eigenvalues are positive and distinct, so the equilibrium point
p = 0, q = 0 is a source.
At the equilibrium point (−2, −1), the Jacobian matrix is
% -
−2 −8
4 −8
so the linearised system is
% - % -% -
ṗ −2 −8 p
= .
q̇ 4 −8 q
The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
(−2 − λ)(−8 − λ) + 32 = 0,
which simplifies to
λ2 + 10λ + 48 = 0.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

The roots of this quadratic equation are

λ = −5 ± i 23,
so the eigenvalues are complex with negative real part. Hence the
equilibrium point p = 0, q = 0 is a spiral sink.
(d) As neither of the equilibrium points in part (c) is a centre, the
non-linear system has an equilibrium point (4, 2) that is a source, and
an equilibrium point (−2, −1) that is a spiral sink.

The following exercises ask you to follow Procedure 4 to classify some

equilibrium points.

Exercise 22
A certain system of differential equations has an equilibrium point where
the Jacobian matrix evaluates to
% -
2 −3
J= .
3 2
(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix, and hence
classify the equilibrium point.
(b) If this Jacobian matrix is a linear approximation to a non-linear
system ẋ = u(x, y), what can you say about the equilibrium point of
the non-linear system?

Exercise 23
Consider the non-linear system of differential equations
ẋ = (1 + x − 2y)x, ẏ = (x − 1)y.
(a) Find the equilibrium points of the system.
(b) Find the Jacobian matrix of the system.
(c) In the neighbourhood of each equilibrium point:
• find the linear system of differential equations that gives the
approximate behaviour of the system near the equilibrium point
• find the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients
• use the eigenvalues to classify the equilibrium point of the
linearised system.
(d) What can you say about the classification of the equilibrium points of
the original non-linear system of differential equations?

This section concludes with a brief discussion of the nature of the

equilibrium point (X, Y ) of the Lotka–Volterra equations (10). Near this
equilibrium point, the linear system of differential equations that
approximates the Lotka–Volterra equations has a centre (as you saw

3 Classifying equilibrium points

in Exercise 20). So using Procedure 4, the equilibrium point of the

Lotka–Volterra equations is a centre, a spiral sink or a spiral source.
Methods for deciding between these three options are beyond the scope of
this module, but for completeness we outline an argument for the
Lotka–Volterra equations. The key here is to find a relationship between x
and y that the phase paths satisfy, in the same way that we showed that
the paths were ellipses in Example 4(c). For the Lotka–Volterra equations,
we consider the function How this function arises is
h k explained below; all we are
f (x, y) = h ln x − x + k ln y − y (x > 0, y > 0). doing here is starting from this
X Y given function.
The key fact about this particular function f is that it is constant along
the phase paths. To show this, differentiate with respect to t:
% - % -
df dx d h dy d k
= h ln x − x + k ln y − y
dt dt dx X dt dy Y
% - % -
h h k k
= ẋ − + ẏ −
x X y Y
h* x) k* y)
= ẋ 1− + ẏ 1− .
x X y Y
Now substitute for ẋ and ẏ using the Lotka–Volterra equations (10):
df + * y )! h * x) + * x )! k * y)
= kx 1 − 1− + −hy 1 − 1−
dt Y x X X y Y
* y )* x) * x )* y)
= hk 1 − 1− − hk 1 − 1−
= 0.
So the function f is unchanging with time, which means that each path in
the phase plane must correspond to a different value of f . Thus the phase
paths are the contours of f traversed in some direction, as shown in
Figure 22. Hence the equilibrium point is a centre. The front cover of this
book shows the vector field of the Lotka–Volterra equations together with
coloured contours of f .
The above argument could use any function that is constant along paths in
order to show that the non-linear system has a centre. For a mechanical
system, an argument based on conservation of energy could produce a
function with the correct properties. For the Lotka–Volterra equations, the
function f (x, y) arises from the following argument. Start with the Figure 22 A phase portrait
observation that for the Lotka–Volterra
dy dy dt ẏ equations; the dot marks an
= × = . equilibrium point
dx dt dx ẋ
Now substitute for ẋ and ẏ using the Lotka–Volterra equations to get
dy −hy(1 − x/X)
= .
dx kx(1 − y/Y )
This first-order differential equation can be solved by separation of
& &
1 − y/Y 1 − x/X
k dy = −h dx.
y x
Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Performing the integrations gives

k h
k ln y − y = −h ln x + x + C,
where C is a constant. Rearranging this equation gives f (x, y).

4 Phase portraits

A system of non-linear differential equations may have several equilibrium

points. Using the methods of the previous section, we can sketch paths in
the neighbourhood of each equilibrium point. In this section we aim to
knit together these sketches into a complete picture, or portrait, of the
solutions of a system of differential equations.
We start by considering the equations of the predator–prey model again,
and look at what general features about the phase plane can be deduced
directly from the equations.

Exercise 24
Consider the system of differential equations defined in Exercise 4, namely
* y) 1 * x)
ẋ = x 1 − , ẏ = − y 1 − .
2 2 3
As we are interested in general features of these equations, consider both
positive and negative values of x and y rather than restricting attention to
those values that are physically reasonable for a population model
(i.e. x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0).
(a) For what values of x and y is ẋ zero? In what regions of the plane is ẋ
positive? Sketch these regions on the phase plane.
(b) For what values of x and y is ẏ zero? In which regions is ẏ positive?
Sketch these regions on the phase plane.

The regions of the plane that you sketched in Exercise 24 are significant.
The regions where ẋ is positive are the regions where the vector field
arrows are pointing generally to the right. In these regions the phase paths
will curve to the right. Similarly, the regions where ẏ is positive are the
regions where the phase paths curve upwards. This information is really
useful when sketching phase portraits.
The boundaries of the regions are the key concept, as these boundaries are
the only places where curves can change between curving
leftwards/rightwards and upwards/downwards, so these are given a name.

4 Phase portraits

The solutions of ẋ = 0 or ẏ = 0 are called nullclines. When we need

to distinguish between the two sets of nullclines, the solutions of
ẋ = 0 will be called the nullclines for ẋ, and the solutions of ẏ = 0
will be called the nullclines for ẏ.

Now we will use nullclines to plot the phase portrait of the predator–prey
equations. The process that we go through will later be formalised in a
procedure, and we will mark the steps of the procedure in the margin as
we go along.

Example 7
Sketch the phase portrait of the system of differential equations
* y) 1 * x)
ẋ = x 1 − , ẏ = − y 1 − .
2 2 3
The first step in sketching a phase portrait is to find and classify the " Equilibrium points !
equilibrium points. In Example 1 we found that these equations have two
equilibrium points, in this case (with X = 3 and Y = 2) (0, 0) and (3, 2).
The given equations are the Lotka–Volterra equations for specific
parameters; in Exercises 20 and 21 we classified the equilibrium points and
found that (0, 0) is a saddle point and (3, 2) is a centre. These are marked
in green in Figure 23 (see below).
The next step is to find the nullclines. In Exercise 24 we found that the " Nullclines !
nullclines for ẋ are x = 0 and y = 2. These are marked by red lines in
Figure 23. Also in Exercise 24 we found that the nullclines for ẏ are y = 0
and x = 3. These are marked by blue lines in Figure 23.
Phase paths cross nullclines for ẋ vertically (since ẋ = 0). We need to " Nullcline crossings !
determine whether each crossing is upwards or downwards – this is
determined by the sign of ẏ on the nullcline. This sign can change only at
the equilibrium points, as the right-hand sides of the system of differential
equations are continuous. So all we need to do is determine the sign of ẏ
on either side of each equilibrium point. To do this, we compute the
following values.
(x, y) (0, 1) (0, −1) (2, 2) (4, 2)
ẏ −1/2 1/2 −1/3 1/3
In Figure 23, the positive signs are represented by upwards arrows, and the
negative signs are represented by downward arrows.
Similarly, the phase paths cross the nullclines for ẏ horizontally. We can
evaluate ẋ at points on either side of equilibrium points to find the
direction of crossing as follows.
(x, y) (1, 0) (−1, 0) (3, 1) (3, 3)
ẋ 1 −1 3/2 −3/2

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Again, we represent the signs of these values by arrows in Figure 23, where
positive signs are represented by rightwards arrows and negative signs are
represented by leftwards arrows.
" Nullcline regions ! The nullclines divide the phase plane into regions. In each region the
vector field arrows will point in the same general direction (up/down and
left/right) as ẋ and ẏ can change sign only on the nullclines. In Exercise 24
the regions shaded red are the regions where ẋ > 0, and the regions shaded
blue are the regions where ẏ > 0. So the overlap regions are the regions
where ẋ > 0 and ẏ > 0, that is, the arrows will point rightwards and
upwards. Similarly, the regions that are not shaded by either colour are
regions where ẋ < 0 and ẏ < 0, that is, regions where the arrows point
leftwards and downwards. These signs are represented by arrows pointing
We often abbreviate these north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west in Figure 23. Note that
directions to NE, NW, SE the arrows in this figure are purely representative of the general direction of
and SW. the arrows in each region; they are not the computed arrows at this point.

Figure 23 Accumulated information about the predator–prey equations.

Nullclines for ẋ are red, and nullclines for ẏ are blue; arrows indicate
crossings. Green dots and paths mark equilibrium points and their
classification. Black arrows indicate the general direction in regions.

" Complete paths ! All that remains is to use this information to sketch typical paths in the
phase plane. The aim here is not to fill the phase plane with paths, but to
add sufficient paths to show the important features. This will usually
involve showing the paths that start at equilibrium points (i.e. start
infinitesimally close to but away from equilibrium points) and exploring
each of the regions defined by the nullclines. The phase portrait for these
equations is shown in Figure 24.

4 Phase portraits

Figure 24 Nullclines for the predator–prey equations, together with the

regions where ẋ > 0 and the regions where ẏ > 0

The steps used in Example 7 form the basis of a general procedure for
sketching phase portraits.

Procedure 5 Sketching phase portraits

In order to sketch the phase portrait of a system of differential
equations in x and y, carry out the following steps.
1. Use Procedure 4 to find and classify the equilibrium points. Mark " Equilibrium points !
these points on a sketch, and draw small sketches of the local
behaviour of the paths near the equilibrium points.
2. Find the nullclines by solving ẋ = 0 and ẏ = 0. Draw these on " Nullclines !
your sketch, using two different colours for the two sets of
nullclines. (Note that the equilibrium points occur where
nullclines of different colours intersect – this is a useful check.)
3. For each equilibrium point on the nullclines for ẋ, evaluate the " Nullcline crossings !
sign of ẏ on either side. Mark this on your sketch by adding up or
down arrows.
For each equilibrium point on the nullclines for ẏ, evaluate the
sign of ẋ on either side. Mark this on your sketch by adding left
or right arrows.
4. The nullclines divide the phase plane into several regions. Label " Nullcline regions !
each region with a NE, NW, SE or SW arrow to show the general
direction of the arrows in that region.
5. Extend the paths from the equilibrium points by curving the " Complete paths !
paths in the direction of the arrows in each region. Add any
extra paths that do not start or end at equilibrium points, so
that each region is crossed by at least one path.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

The following harder example illustrates the use of this procedure.

Example 8
Consider the system of differential equations that we looked at in
Example 6, namely
ẋ = −4y + 2xy − 8, ẏ = 4y 2 − x2 ,
where we found that these equations have a source at (4, 2) and a spiral
" Equilibrium points ! sink at (−2, −1).
Sketch the phase portrait.
" Nullclines ! The nullclines for ẋ are given by
−4y + 2xy − 8 = 0.
Rearranging to make y the subject of this equation gives
y= .
So these nullclines are the two branches of a rectangular hyperbola
obtained by taking the graph of y = 1/x, scaling by a factor 4, and
translating 2 units to the right.
Now consider the nullclines for ẏ, which are given by
4y 2 − x2 = 0.
This equation has solutions x = 2y and x = −2y. So the nullclines in this
case are a pair of straight lines.
A sketch of the nullclines is shown in Figure 25(a). One interesting feature
to note from the diagram is that the equilibrium points (marked by dots)
occur at the intersections of the red and blue lines. This will always
happen, as the red lines correspond to ẋ = 0 and the blue lines correspond
to ẏ = 0, so the intersection points are when both ẋ = 0 and ẏ = 0, that is,
the equilibrium points.
" Nullcline crossings ! Now we determine the directions of the nullcline crossings. We start with
the nullclines for ẋ, which are the two branches of the rectangular
hyperbola. Both equilibrium points lie on these nullclines, so we need to
evaluate ẏ at four points (one on each side of each equilibrium point). We
choose the points to simplify the arithmetic.
(x, y) (−6, −1/2) (0, −2) (3, 4) (6, 1)
ẏ −35 16 55 −32
The signs of these values are represented by red upwards and downwards
pointing arrows in Figure 25(b).
Now consider the nullclines for ẏ. The nullcline x = 2y also has two
equilibrium points lying on it, but this time we can reduce the effort by
considering only three points as the curve is continuous. So we calculate
the following.

4 Phase portraits

(x, y) (−4, −2) (0, 0) (6, 3)

ẋ 16 −8 16
The signs of these values are represented by blue leftwards and rightwards
pointing arrows in Figure 25(b).

Figure 25 (a) Nullclines of the differential equations, with nullclines for ẋ

red and nullclines for ẏ blue; the two dots mark the equilibrium points.
(b) Nullclines plus the directions of crossings and paths in the
neighbourhoods of equilibrium points.

The other nullcline for ẏ, namely the line x = −2y, has no equilibrium
points on it. So the direction of crossing must be the same along the whole
length of this line. So we need to evaluate ẋ at only one point to determine
this sign. In fact, we do not even have to do one evaluation, as this
nullcline crosses the other nullcline for ẏ, and we know that the sign at the
point of crossing is negative. So the sign of ẏ must be negative along the
whole length of this nullcline. This is marked in Figure 25(b).
We also know that the point (4, 2) is a source and the point (−2, −1) is a
spiral sink. So the solution paths will flow outwards from the point (4, 2)
and spiral inwards to the point (−2, −1). This information has also been
added to Figure 25(b) as small sketches of the phase paths in the
neighbourhoods of the equilibrium points. It helps to delay adding these
sketches in the neighbourhoods of the equilibrium points until the nullcline
crossings are known, as this helps to determine the sketch; for example, it
indicates whether a spiral sink is a clockwise or anticlockwise spiral.
We now have a lot of information about the directions of the solution paths " Nullcline regions !
on the nullclines, and we can extend this to the regions of the plane with
the nullclines as boundaries. Consider the region between the two branches
of the red hyperbola. As the red hyperbola corresponds to the equation
ẋ = 0, we know that ẋ cannot change sign in this region, so all solution
paths must progress leftwards. Similarly, we know that all solution paths
in the top-right and bottom-left regions must progress to the right. Also,
the plane is divided into four regions by the pair of blue nullclines. The
solution paths must be generally pointing upwards in the north and south
regions, and generally pointing downwards in the west and east regions.
These are represented by arrows in the regions in Figure 26.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Figure 26 Collected information about the system of differential

equations ready for sketching the phase portrait

" Complete paths ! Now that we have gathered all the information about the system of
differential equations, we can sketch the phase portrait, as shown in
Figure 27. You should not try to be too precise when drawing a sketch
phase portrait. The aim is to convey the main features of the paths rather
than precise details.

Figure 27 Phase portrait of the differential equations

The following exercise leads you through Procedure 5 step by step.

Exercise 25
Exercise 23 considered the system of differential equations
ẋ = (1 + x − 2y)x, ẏ = (x − 1)y,
and found that this system has three equilibrium points, namely a saddle
point at (0, 0), a sink at (−1, 0) and a spiral source at (1, 1).
" Equilibrium points ! (a) Mark the equilibrium points on a sketch, and draw short paths in the
neighbourhood of each equilibrium point.

4 Phase portraits

(b) Find the nullclines, and add these to your sketch. " Nullclines !
(c) Find the signs of the paths crossing the nullclines, and mark these on " Nullcline crossings !
your sketch.
(d) Add NW, NE, SW or SE arrows to each region of the phase plane " Nullcline regions !
separated by the nullclines on your sketch.
(e) Sketch the phase portrait of this system of equations. " Complete sketch !

This section concludes by looking ahead to phenomena that you may meet
in your studies after completing this module. The first of these phenomena
is when a solution tends to a repeating pattern rather than tending to an
equilibrium point.
Recall that periodic solutions are represented by closed curves in the phase
plane. Here we name a particular type of periodic solution.

A limit cycle of a system of differential equations is a closed solution

curve to which nearby solution curves tend (either forwards or
backwards in time).

An example will make this definition clearer, so consider the system of

differential equations given by
ẋ = x(1 − x2 − y 2 ) − y, ẏ = y(1 − x2 − y 2 ) + x. (27)
The vector field plot for this system is shown in Figure 28.
This system of equations has a single equilibrium point at the origin,
which is a spiral source. What is more interesting is what happens away
from the origin. As the origin is a spiral source, the paths near the origin
spiral outwards. In the figure, the arrows near the origin spiral
anticlockwise and away from the origin.
However, near the edge of Figure 28 it can clearly be seen that the arrows
correspond to paths that spiral inwards. This behaviour is because of the
presence of the factor (1 − x2 − y 2 ) in both equations. For x and y small,
this factor is positive, and this gives rise to paths spiralling outwards. For Figure 28 A vector field
x and y large, the factor is negative, and this in turn gives rise to paths plot of a system of differential
spiralling inwards. This factor is zero when x2 + y 2 = 1, which corresponds equations that contains a
to points on a circle of radius 1. For these points the system reduces to the limit cycle
simple linear system
ẋ = −y, ẏ = x,
which has the solution x(t) = cos(t + φ), y(t) = sin(t + φ) that satisfies the
initial condition x = cos φ, y = sin φ. So the circle x2 + y 2 = 1 is a path in
the phase plane. We have already seen that paths starting inside this circle
spiral outwards towards the circle, and paths starting outside the circle
spiral inwards towards the circle. Another way of saying the previous two
sentences is to say that the circle x2 + y 2 = 1 is a limit cycle.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Another way of looking at equations (27) that is in some ways simpler is to

consider transforming the equations into polar coordinates (r, θ) using the
equations x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ. In polar coordinates, equations (27)
simplify to
ṙ = r(1 − r2 ), θ̇ = 1.
Now the solution curves can be simply derived. The equation for θ can be
integrated to give θ = t + C for some constant C, which means that the
solution curves will spiral anticlockwise (the positive direction for polar
coordinates) at a constant rate. The sign of ṙ from the first equation shows
that r is increasing for r < 1 and decreasing for r > 1. So the solutions of
the r differential equation tend to r = 1 as t tends to infinity. This shows
that the curve r = 1 (i.e. the circle with radius 1) is a limit cycle.
Methods of establishing the existence of limit cycles and determining their
equations are beyond the scope of this module. However, when
investigating systems of non-linear differential equations, you should be
aware that limit cycles can exist.
For systems of two differential equations involving the time derivatives of
two variables, the only features in phase portraits are equilibrium points
and limit cycles (this celebrated result is known as the Poincaré–Bendixson
theorem). In systems with three or more variables, other possibilities can
occur, such as so-called chaotic motion. The study of chaos is a fascinating
topic in any deeper study of systems of differential equations, but now
seems to be a good point at which to finish this introduction to the topic.

Learning outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• use a vector field to describe a pair of first-order non-linear differential
equations, and use paths in the phase plane to represent the solutions
• understand how systems of differential equations arise from
mathematical modelling, and in particular the modelling of
populations of predators and prey
• convert a higher-order differential equation to a system of first-order
differential equations
• find the equilibrium points of a system of non-linear differential
• find linear equations that approximate the behaviour of a system of
non-linear differential equations near an equilibrium point, by
calculating the Jacobian matrix
• determine whether an equilibrium point is stable or unstable
• use the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix at an
equilibrium point to classify an equilibrium point as a source, a sink, a
star source, a star sink, an improper source, an improper sink, a spiral
source, a spiral sink, a saddle, or a centre
• use nullclines to sketch the phase portrait of a system of differential
Solutions to exercises

Solutions to exercises
Solution to Exercise 1
The differential equation ẋ = kx can be solved using the method of
separation of variables to get, as x > 0,
& &
= k dt.
Evaluating the integrals (and noting that x is positive) gives
ln x = kt + A,
where A is a constant.
Using the given initial condition determines the value of the constant A:
ln x0 = k × 0 + A.
Substituting for A and simplifying gives the required particular solution
ln x = kt + ln x0 .
We can write this as
ln x − ln x0 = kt or ln(x/x0 ) = kt,
x = x0 ekt .

Solution to Exercise 2
The system of differential equations is
ẋ = x, ẏ = −y.
These equations can be solved applying separation of variables to get the
two equations
& & & &
1 1
dx = 1 dt, dy = −1 dt.
x y
Performing the integrations and rearranging gives the general solution as
x(t) = Cet , y(t) = De−t ,
where C and D are constants.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Solution to Exercise 3
Rearranging equation (8), we obtain
ẋ k
= k − y,
x Y
which is the equation of a straight line, as shown in the margin.
The proportionate growth rate ẋ/x of rabbits decreases as the
population y of foxes increases, becoming zero when y = Y . The
population x of rabbits will increase if the population y of foxes is less
than Y , but will decrease if y is greater than Y .
Similarly rearranging equation (9), we have
ẏ h
= −h + x,
y X
so the graph of ẏ/y as a function of x is as shown in the margin.
The proportionate growth rate ẏ/y of foxes increases linearly as the
population x of rabbits increases. The population y of foxes will decrease
if the population x of rabbits is less than X, but will increase if x is
greater than X.

Solution to Exercise 4
(a) The Lotka–Volterra equations can be written as
ẋ = u(x, y),
where ẋ = (ẋ ẏ)T and the vector field u(x, y) is given by
 * y )
kx 1 −
 Y .
u(x, y) =  * x )
−hy 1 −
(b) The completed table is shown below.

x y u(x, y)
0 0 0
0 2 (0 −1)T
2 0 (2 0)T
2 2 (0 −1/3)T
3 1 (3/2 0)T
3 2 0
3 3 (−3/2 0)T
4 2 (0 1/3)T

(c) The vectors are plotted in the following figure.

Solutions to exercises

Solution to Exercise 5
(a) Let y = ẋ, so ẏ = ẍ. Then the given equation becomes ẏ + sin x = 0.
This leads to the system of first-order equations
ẋ = y, ẏ = − sin x.
(b) As before, let y = ẋ, so ẏ = ẍ. Then the given equation becomes
ẏ − 2y + x2 = 0, and the equivalent first-order system is
ẋ = y, ẏ = 2y − x2 .
(c) Here we have different variables and a third-order equation, but the
basic idea is still the same – that is, we introduce new variables for the
derivatives of the independent variable. So let
du d2 u dv
v= and w = 2 = .
dx dx dx
In terms of these variables the given equation becomes
= 6uv.
So the equivalent system of first-order equations is
du dv dw
= v, = w, = 6uv.
dx dx dx
Solution to Exercise 6
Procedure 1 leads to the pair of simultaneous equations
x(20 − y) = 0,
y(10 − y)(10 − x) = 0.
From the first equation, either x = 0 or y = 20.
Substituting x = 0 into the second equation gives y(10 − y) × 10 = 0,
which gives y = 0 or y = 10. So (0, 0) and (0, 10) are equilibrium points.
Substituting y = 20 into the second equation gives
20 × (−10) × (10 − x) = 0, which has solution x = 10. So (10, 20) is an
equilibrium point.
Hence the complete list of equilibrium points is (0, 0), (0, 10) and (10, 20).

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Solution to Exercise 7
Using Procedure 1, we must solve the pair of simultaneous equations
2x2 y + 7xy 2 + 2y + 1 = 0,
xy − x = 0.
In order to reduce the effort needed, we start by considering solutions of
the second equation as it is much simpler. The second equation factorises
as x(y − 1) = 0, which gives x = 0 or y = 1.
Substituting x = 0 into the first equation gives 2y + 1 = 0, which has
solution y = − 21 . So (0, − 12 ) is an equilibrium point.
Substituting y = 1 into the first equation gives 2x2 + 7x + 3 = 0, which
factorises as (2x + 1)(x + 3) = 0. So x = − 12 or x = −3, which gives the
equilibrium points (− 21 , 1) and (−3, 1).
So the complete list of equilibrium points is (0, − 12 ), (− 12 , 1) and (−3, 1).

Solution to Exercise 8
The paths move towards the equilibrium point A, so it is stable.
The paths move away from the equilibrium point B, so it is unstable.
The paths move around the equilibrium point C thus stay in the
neighbourhood of the point, so it is stable.

Solution to Exercise 9
We evaluate the various partial derivatives found in Example 3. At the
equilibrium point (0, 0), we obtain
ux (0, 0) = k, uy (0, 0) = 0,
vx (0, 0) = 0, vy (0, 0) = −h.
Thus the required linear approximation is
% - % -% -
ṗ k 0 p
= ,
q̇ 0 −h q
giving the pair of equations
ṗ = kp, q̇ = −hq.

Solution to Exercise 10
Here we have
u(x, y) = x(20 − y), v(x, y) = y(10 − y)(10 − x),
giving partial derivatives
ux (x, y) = 20 − y, uy (x, y) = −x,
vx (x, y) = −y(10 − y), vy (x, y) = (10 − y)(10 − x) − y(10 − x).
So the Jacobian matrix of the vector field u(x, y) is
% -
20 − y −x
J(x, y) = .
−y(10 − y) (10 − y)(10 − x) − y(10 − x)

Solutions to exercises

At the equilibrium point (10, 20) we have

% -
0 −10
J(10, 20) = ,
200 0
so the linear approximation is
% - % -% -
ṗ 0 −10 p
= .
q̇ 200 0 q
(This is equivalent to the pair of equations
ṗ = −10q, q̇ = 200p.)

Solution to Exercise 11
Solving the equations 3x + 2y − 8 = 0 and x + 4y − 6 = 0, we obtain the
equilibrium point (2, 1).
Putting x = 2 + p and y = 1 + q, we obtain the matrix equation
% - % -% -
ṗ 3 2 p
= .
q̇ 1 4 q
(Note that this linear approximation near (2, 1) is exact, since the original
system is linear.)

Solution to Exercise 12
(a) To find the equilibrium points, we solve the simultaneous equations
0.5x − 0.000 05x2 = 0,
−0.1y + 0.0004xy − 0.01y 2 = 0.
Factorising these equations gives
0.5x(1 − 0.0001x) = 0,
−0.1y(1 − 0.004x + 0.1y) = 0.
The first equation gives
x=0 or x = 10 000.
If x = 0, the second equation is
−0.1y(1 + 0.1y) = 0,
which gives y = 0 or y = −10. As y ≥ 0, only the first solution is
possible. This leads to the equilibrium point (0, 0).
If x = 10 000, the second equation is
−0.1y(−39 + 0.1y) = 0,
which gives y = 0 or y = 390. So we have found two more equilibrium
points, namely (10 000, 0) and (10 000, 390).
So this system has three equilibrium points, namely (0, 0), (10 000, 0)
and (10 000, 390).

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

(b) We have
u(x, y) = 0.5x − 0.000 05x2 ,
v(x, y) = −0.1y + 0.0004xy − 0.01y 2 .
So the Jacobian matrix is
% -
0.5 − 0.0001x 0
J(x, y) = .
0.0004y −0.1 + 0.0004x − 0.02y
(c) At the equilibrium point (0, 0),
% -
0.5 0
J(0, 0) = ,
0 −0.1
and the linearised approximations to the differential equations near
this equilibrium point are
% - % -% -
ṗ 0.5 0 p
= .
q̇ 0 −0.1 q
At the equilibrium point (10 000, 0),
% -
−0.5 0
J(10 000, 0) = ,
0 3.9
and the linearised approximations to the differential equations near
this equilibrium point are
% - % -% -
ṗ −0.5 0 p
= .
q̇ 0 3.9 q
Finally, at the equilibrium point (10 000, 390),
% -
−0.5 0
J(10 000, 390) = ,
0.156 −3.9
and the linearised approximations to the differential equations near
this equilibrium point are
% - % -% -
ṗ −0.5 0 p
= .
q̇ 0.156 −3.9 q

Solution to Exercise 13
(a) As the given matrix is lower triangular, the eigenvalues can be read off
the leading diagonal, so the eigenvalues are 1 and 3.
(b) As the eigenvalues are positive and distinct, the equilibrium point is a

Solution to Exercise 14
(a) The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
−λ(−3 − λ) + 2 = 0,
which simplifies to
λ2 + 3λ + 2 = 0,

Solutions to exercises

which factorises to give

(λ + 1)(λ + 2) = 0,
so the eigenvalues are λ = −1 and λ = −2.
(b) As the eigenvalues are negative and distinct, the equilibrium point is a

Solution to Exercise 15
(a) The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
' '
'1 − λ 2 '
' ' = 0,
' 2 −2 − λ'
or λ2 + λ − 6 = 0, which factorises to give
(λ − 2)(λ + 3) = 0,
so the eigenvalues are λ = 2 and λ = −3.
The eigenvectors (a b)T corresponding to λ = 2 satisfy the equations
−a + 2b = 0,
2a − 4b = 0.
So an eigenvector corresponding to the positive eigenvalue λ = 2 is
(2 1)T , and all the eigenvectors are along the line q = 12 p.
The eigenvectors (a b)T corresponding to λ = −3 satisfy the
4a + 2b = 0,
2a + b = 0.
So an eigenvector corresponding to the negative eigenvalue λ = −3 is
(1 −2)T , and all the eigenvectors are along the line q = −2p.
(b) The matrix of coefficients has a positive eigenvalue and a negative
eigenvalue, so the equilibrium point is a saddle.
(c) There are two straight-line paths, namely q = 12 p and q = −2p. On
the line q = 12 p, the point (p(t), q(t)) moves away from the origin as t
increases, because the corresponding eigenvalue is positive. On the line
q = −2p, the point approaches the origin as t increases, because the
corresponding eigenvalue is negative. This information, together with
the knowledge that the equilibrium point is a saddle, allows us to
sketch the phase portrait shown in the margin.

Solution to Exercise 16
(a) The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
(2 − λ)(−2 − λ) + 5 = 0,
that is, λ2 + 1 = 0, so the eigenvalues are λ = i and λ = −i.
(b) As the eigenvalues are imaginary, the equilibrium point is a centre.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Solution to Exercise 17
(a) The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
(1 − λ)2 + 1 = 0,
that is, λ2 − 2λ + 2 = 0, which has complex roots λ = 1 + i and
λ = 1 − i.
(b) As the eigenvalues are complex with positive real part, the equilibrium
point is a spiral source.

Solution to Exercise 18
(a) As the matrix is diagonal, the eigenvalues can be read off the leading
diagonal. So the eigenvalue is 2 (repeated).
In fact, the matrix is twice the identity matrix, so any vector
transforms to twice itself. So any non-zero vector is an eigenvector. So
we can choose (1 0)T and (0 1)T to be two linearly independent
(b) The differential equations are
ṗ = 2p, q̇ = 2q,
which have general solution
p(t) = Ce2t , q(t) = De2t ,
where C and D are arbitrary constants.
(c) Eliminating t from the general solution, the equations of the paths are
q= p = Kp (C '= 0),
where K = D/C is also an arbitrary constant. So the paths are all
straight lines passing through the origin.
The above analysis has neglected the possibility C = 0. In this case
the path is p = 0, which is also a straight line passing through the
origin, namely the q-axis.
(d) Both p(t) and q(t) are increasing functions of time, so the point
(p(t), q(t)) moves away from the origin as t increases. So the
equilibrium point is unstable.

Solution to Exercise 19
(a) The characteristic equation is
(2 − λ)2 = 0,
so the matrix has the repeated eigenvalue λ = 2.
The eigenvectors (a b)T corresponding to this repeated eigenvalue
satisfy the equations
0 = 0, a = 0,

Solutions to exercises

so all the eigenvectors take the form (0 k)T , where k is a (non-zero)

constant. There is only one independent eigenvector, an obvious
choice being v = (0 1)T .
(b) Using the solution to part (a) and Procedure 2 of Unit 6, we need to
find the vector b = (c d)T that satisfies the equation
% -% - % -
0 0 c 0
= ,
1 0 d 1
that is, 0 = 0, c = 1.
So b = (1 0)T , and the general solution of the system of differential
equations is
% - %% - % -- % -
p 0 1 2t 0 2t
=C t+ e +D e ,
q 1 0 1
that is,
p(t) = Ce2t , q(t) = Cte2t + De2t ,
where C and D are constants.

Solution to Exercise 20
The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
λ2 + hk = 0.

Because h, k are positive, the eigenvalues are λ = ±i hk, so the
equilibrium point is a centre.

Solution to Exercise 21
The eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients are λ = k and λ = −h, where
h, k are positive. So the equilibrium point is a saddle. (In fact, in this case
we have to restrict p and q to non-negative values, but this does not affect
our conclusion.)

Solution to Exercise 22
(a) The characteristic equation is
λ2 − 4λ + 13 = 0,
so the eigenvalues are 2 + 3i and 2 − 3i, corresponding to the
eigenvectors (1 −i)T and (1 i)T , respectively.
As the eigenvalues are complex with a positive real component, the
equilibrium point is a spiral source.
(b) As the equilibrium point of the linear approximation is not a centre,
the corresponding equilibrium point of the non-linear system is also a
spiral source.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

Solution to Exercise 23
(a) The equilibrium points are given by
(1 + x − 2y)x = 0,
(x − 1)y = 0.
The second equation gives
x=1 or y = 0.
When x = 1, substituting into the first equation gives
2 − 2y = 0,
which leads to y = 1. So (1, 1) is an equilibrium point.
When y = 0, substituting into the first equation gives
(1 + x)x = 0,
hence x = 0 or x = −1. So we have found two further equilibrium
points, namely (0, 0) and (−1, 0).
Thus we have three equilibrium points: (1, 1), (0, 0) and (−1, 0).
(b) With the usual notation,
u(x, y) = (1 + x − 2y)x = x + x2 − 2xy,
v(x, y) = (x − 1)y = xy − y.
So the Jacobian matrix is
% - % -
ux uy 1 + 2x − 2y −2x
= .
vx vy y x−1
(c) At the point (0, 0), the Jacobian matrix is
% -
1 0
0 −1
so the linearised system is
% - % -% -
ṗ 1 0 p
= .
q̇ 0 −1 q
The eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients are λ = 1 and λ = −1. As
one of the eigenvalues is positive and the other is negative, the
equilibrium point of the linearised system is a saddle.
At the point (−1, 0), the Jacobian matrix is
% -
−1 2
0 −2
so the linearised system is
% - % -% -
ṗ −1 2 p
= .
q̇ 0 −2 q

Solutions to exercises

The eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients are λ = −1 and λ = −2.

As the eigenvalues are negative and distinct, the equilibrium point of
the linearised system is a sink.
At the point (1, 1), the Jacobian matrix is
% -
1 −2
1 0
so the linearised system is
% - % -% -
ṗ 1 −2 p
= .
q̇ 1 0 q
The characteristic equation of the matrix of coefficients is
λ2 − λ + 2 = 0.
The roots of this quadratic equation are

λ = 12 (1 ± i 7),
so the eigenvalues are complex with a positive real component.
Hence the equilibrium point of the linearised system is a spiral source.
(d) As none of the equilibrium points of the linearised systems found in
part (c) are centres, the behaviour of the original non-linear system
near the equilibrium points is the same as that of the linear
approximations. In other words,
(0, 0) is a saddle,
(−1, 0) is a sink,
(1, 1) is a spiral source.

Solution to Exercise 24
(a) To answer this part of the exercise we use the equation
* y)
ẋ = x 1 − .
As this equation is already factorised, we deduce that ẋ = 0 when
x = 0 or when y = 2.
For ẋ to be positive, either both terms in the product must be positive
or both terms must be negative. Both terms are positive when x > 0
and y < 2. Both terms are negative when x < 0 and y > 2. This gives
two regions where the growth rate ẋ is positive.
The figure in the margin is a sketch of these lines and regions. The
two lines where ẋ is zero are marked, and the two regions where ẋ is
positive are shaded.

Unit 12 Systems of differential equations

(b) To answer this part of the exercise we use the equation

1 * x)
ẏ = − y 1 − .
2 3
Again, this equation is already factorised, so ẏ = 0 has solutions y = 0
or x = 3.
For ẏ to be positive, the terms in the product y(1 − x/3) must have
opposite signs. This occurs when y > 0 and x > 3 and also when y < 0
and x < 3.
The figure in the margin is a sketch of these lines and regions. The
two lines where ẏ is zero are marked, and the two regions where ẏ is
positive are shaded.

Solution to Exercise 25
(a) The equilibrium points are marked in the figure in the margin.
As described in Example 8, it is easiest to defer marking the paths
near equilibrium until after the nullcline crossings have been
determined. In this case the nullcline crossings indicate whether the
spiral source at (1, 1) is a clockwise or anticlockwise spiral.
(b) The nullclines for ẋ are x = 0 and 1 + x − 2y = 0 (which is the line
y = (1 + x)/2). These are shown as the two red lines in the figure in
the margin.
The nullclines for ẏ are y = 0 and x = 1, which are shown as the two
blue lines in the figure in the margin.
(c) The nullcline x = 0 has one equilibrium point on it, so to determine
the direction of the crossings, we evaluate ẏ at two points.
(x, y) (0, 1) (0, −1)
ẏ −1 1
The signs of these values are marked by the red arrows along the
y-axis in the figure in the margin.
The nullcline y = (1 + x)/2 has two equilibrium points on it, so to
determine the direction of the crossings, we evaluate ẏ at three points.
(x, y) (−2, −1/2) (0, 1/2) (3, 2)
ẏ 3/2 −1/2 4
These are represented by up and down arrows marked in the figure in
the margin.
The nullcline y = 0 has two equilibrium points on it, so we need to
evaluate ẋ at three points.
(x, y) (−2, 0) (−1/2, 0) (1, 0)
ẋ 2 −1/4 2
These are represented by left and right arrows marked in the figure in
the margin.

Solutions to exercises

The nullcline x = 1 has one equilibrium point, so we need to evaluate

ẋ at two points.
(x, y) (1, 0) (1, 2)
ẋ 2 −2
These are represented by left and right arrows marked in the figure in
the margin.
(d) Arrows indicating the general directions in which the phase paths
curve in each region are shown in the diagram in the margin.
(e) The phase portrait for these equations is shown below.

Unit 13

Fourier series

In Unit 7 you saw that many functions can be approximated by a Taylor
f (x) * f (x0 ) + f ! (x0 ) (x − x0 ) + f !! (x0 ) (x − x0 )2 + · · ·
1 (n) n
+ f (x0 ) (x − x0 ) .
It is often the case that a small number of terms gives a useful
approximation, and it is tempting to ask whether the approximation may
be made exact by taking an infinite number of terms – in other words, is
1 (n)
f (x) = f (x0 ) (x − x0 )n
true? This is indeed true for sufficiently smooth functions, but it is not
necessarily true for all functions. An example for which the above formula
is true is when f (x) = exp(x) and x0 = 0. In this case we have
f (n) (x0 ) = e0 = 1, so

# 1 n
ex = x ,
for any real number x.
In this unit we are primarily concerned not with polynomial functions
(which, if not constant, become numerically very large as x → ±∞), but
with periodic functions, such as sin x and cos x. A great deal of beautiful
mathematics has arisen from the analysis that we will describe, and there
are also important practical benefits.
One example arises directly from Unit 10, where you studied differential
equations modelling forced and damped oscillations. You saw how they
could be used to predict the response of various mechanical and electrical
systems. In particular, you saw how they responded to a sinusoidal forcing
term like cos t, with graph as in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The sinusoidal function cos t

Unit 13 Fourier series

Such forcing terms occur frequently in applications; for instance, they

model the force acting on the suspensions of cars travelling on bumpy
roads and the effect of radio signals acting on electrical circuits. The
resulting model leads to a differential equation of the form
mẍ + rẋ + kx = P cos(Ωt),
with steady-state solution
x(t) = P M cos(Ωt + φ).
The amplitude magnification M and the phase angle φ are rather
complicated functions of the forcing frequency Ω, which we need not
consider here.
However, a forcing term, though periodic, may be more complicated than a
purely sinusoidal function. Figures 2, 3 and 4 depict periodic functions
b(t), g(t) and h(t) that are reasonably easy to visualise and describe.

Figure 2 The periodic function b(t), which resembles a series of bumps

Figure 3 The periodic function g(t), also known as a sawtooth function

Figure 4 The periodic function h(t), also known as a square-wave


The graph in Figure 2 is similar to that of cos t, except that all the values
are positive. The function b(t) is described by
b(t) = |cos t|.


This graph differs from that of the cosine function, which turns smoothly.
Here the direction changes abruptly every time the graph reaches the
t-axis. However, b(t) is still continuous in that there are no sudden jumps
in the function value as t increases smoothly; it is possible to draw the
graph without taking the pen off the paper.
The graph of g(t) in Figure 3 is also continuous, but with abrupt changes
of direction at both the highest and lowest values. Between the points
where the direction changes, the graph is a straight line. The whole graph
looks rather like the blade of a saw, so g(t) is known as a sawtooth
function. You will meet this function again in Unit 14, where it will be
used to model the initial displacement of a plucked guitar string.
The graph in Figure 4 shows a function that takes the value 1 whenever t
lies in the interval [(2k − 21 )π, (2k + 12 )π] for some integer k, and the
value 0 otherwise, that is,
1 for (2k − 21 )π ≤ t ≤ (2k + 12 )π (k ∈ Z),
h(t) =
0 otherwise.
This graph differs quite radically from those of cos t, b(t) and g(t). Here
there are abrupt jumps in the function value itself (rather than merely
abrupt changes of direction) at the points t = (k + 21 )π. The function h(t)
is discontinuous, while cos t, b(t) and g(t) are continuous. The function
h(t) is known as a square-wave function.
At present we have no way of predicting the response of a mechanical or
electrical system to a forcing function like b(t), g(t) or h(t) (although such
systems are extremely common). Fourier series provide the answer. The
differential equation
mẍ + rẋ + kx = P cos(Ωt)
is linear. Therefore the principle of superposition tells us that if See Unit 1.
x = P1 M1 cos(Ω1 t + φ1 )
is a solution of
mẍ + rẋ + kx = P1 cos(Ω1 t),
x = P2 M2 cos(Ω2 t + φ2 )
is a solution of
mẍ + rẋ + kx = P2 cos(Ω2 t),
x = P1 M1 cos(Ω1 t + φ1 ) + P2 M2 cos(Ω2 t + φ2 )
is a solution of
mẍ + rẋ + kx = P1 cos(Ω1 t) + P2 cos(Ω2 t).

Unit 13 Fourier series

If we could express b(t) as a linear combination of cosine functions, then

we would be able to apply this idea to find a solution of
mẍ + rẋ + kx = b(t)
(and similarly for g(t) and h(t)). This is precisely what we will do in this
unit, except that the linear combinations will involve an infinite number of
As you will see, the functions b(t), g(t) and h(t) introduced above
correspond, respectively, to the infinite sums
0 $
B(t) = π2 1 + 1×32 2
cos 2t − 3×5 2
cos 4t + 5×7 cos 6t − . . . , (1)
1 4 4 4 4
G(t) = 2 + π2
cos t + 9π2
cos 3t + 25π2
cos 5t + 49π2
cos 7t + · · · , (2)
1 2 2 2 2
H(t) = 2 + π cos t − 3π cos 3t + 5π cos 5t − 7π cos 7t + · · · . (3)
We will use the convention that a function named with an upper-case
letter (such as B(t)) corresponds to a given function with a lower-case
letter (such as b(t)). Later in the unit the precise nature of this
correspondence will be stated, and it will turn out that for almost all
values of t these two functions will have equal values.
Infinite sums like B(t), G(t) and H(t) are called Fourier series (named
after Joseph Fourier; see Figure 5). Successive terms in each sum are
functions that belong to a family of sinusoidal functions whose frequencies
are related. The sums are infinite in the sense that they do not stop after a
finite number of terms, though in practice we take only as many terms as
are needed to make the result as accurate as we require.
Fourier series are not just of interest in the analysis and application of
damped forced oscillations, but are widely applicable and are of
fundamental theoretical importance. Whenever a system exhibits variation
at a range of frequencies, it is sensible to see if this variation can be
explained by some combination of sinusoidal terms.
Figure 5 The French
mathematician, physicist and In Unit 14 you will look at transverse vibrations of guitar strings and at
historian Joseph Fourier the conduction of heat along metal rods. These effects will be modelled by
(1768–1830) differential equations involving the partial derivatives that you met in
Unit 7. In the case of the vibrating systems, there are sinusoidal solutions
with a range of frequencies corresponding to the normal modes of Unit 11.
These can be combined to find particular solutions. However, it is not so
obvious that solutions to the heat-conduction problem can also be found as
sums of sinusoidal terms. This was one of Fourier’s many great discoveries.
Fourier realised that by considering series of sinusoidal functions, he could
approximate most periodic functions. It is these series that we introduce
and explore in this unit. You have already studied the mathematics that
you need. Here all we have to do is draw it together to obtain powerful

1 Introducing Fourier series

In Section 1 we introduce Fourier series. This first involves a discussion of

families of periodic functions and their periods, frequencies and
fundamental intervals, and of even and odd functions. Section 2 is devoted
to the task of calculating the Fourier series for a particular function, and in
doing so we establish the principles for finding any Fourier series.
Section 3 extends the results in Section 2 to find general formulas for the
Fourier series for both even and odd functions with any given period. In
Section 4 we extend these formulas to deal with functions that are neither
even nor odd. Finally, we look at the problem of extending a function
defined on an interval so that the extended function is periodic and has
desirable properties. It is this final technique that will be used in the next
unit to solve partial differential equations.

1 Introducing Fourier series

In this section we ask what kinds of functions can be expressed as Fourier
series. You will see that a requirement is that the function is periodic.
This section investigates a family of periodic functions, then looks at
general even and odd functions. For a periodic function, we introduce the
notions of period, angular frequency and fundamental interval.

1.1 Families of cosine functions

Suppose that we define the function G(t) by the following Fourier series
(an infinite series of cosine terms):
1 4 4 4 4
G(t) = + 2 cos t + 2 cos 3t + 2
cos 5t + cos 7t + · · · . (4)
2 π 9π 25π 49π2
We now investigate some properties of G(t), without assuming any
connection with the sawtooth function g(t).
The individual cosine terms in the sum are periodic, so it is not surprising
to find that the sum G(t) is also periodic.

Exercise 1
Let G(t) be defined as in equation (4). Find G(t + 2π) in terms of G(t).

You saw in Exercise 1 that the function G(t) defined by equation (4) is
periodic with period 2π, just like the cosine function cos t. But what of the
individual terms in the sum? Apart from the constant term, they are
multiples of
cos t, cos 3t, cos 5t, cos 7t, ... . (5)

Unit 13 Fourier series

Exercise 2
What are the angular frequencies and periods of the functions in
sequence (5)?
(Recall that in the expression cos(ωt), the constant ω is called the angular
frequency. The angular frequency is related to the period using the fact
that the cosine function will repeat when its argument increases by 2π, so
ωτ = 2π, where τ is the period, that is, τ = 2π/ω.)

From Exercise 2 you can see that we have a family of cosine functions
where all the angular frequencies are integer multiples of the smallest
angular frequency 1, and whose periods are integer fractions of the
fundamental period 2π. We have seen that this is the period of the
function G(t), since all the component functions will have repeated after
this time – some having repeated several times.
More generally (as you may recall from Unit 9), any function f (t) is said
to be periodic if it repeats regularly, that is, if there is some positive
value λ such that for all t, f (t + λ) = f (t). In this case, it is also true that
for all t, f (t + 2λ) = f (t + λ) = f (t), so 2λ could be taken as a period for
f (t) instead of λ, and in general, nλ could be taken as the period (where n
is any positive integer). The fundamental period of a periodic function
is the smallest possible (positive) value for the period.
In applications, the fundamental period is far more important than the
other periods. For this reason, ‘fundamental period’ is usually shortened to
simply period. For example, the fundamental period of a pendulum (the
time that it takes to swing to and fro) is usually called the period of the
pendulum. We will occasionally use this shorthand when there is no risk of
confusion. If we talk about the period of a function, then we mean its
fundamental period.
In this unit, time is the independent variable of functions, and τ is used to
denote the period of a periodic function.

Example 1
Let f (t) = cos 4t + 3 cos 6t. What are the angular frequencies and
corresponding periods of the component functions? What is the period of
the function f (t)?
The angular frequencies of the component functions are 4 and 6. Their
corresponding periods are π2 and π3 , respectively. Hence the period of the
combined function f (t) is τ = π (as this is the shortest time that is an
integer multiple of both π2 and π3 ). After this time, the first cosine term
will have completed two cycles, while the other cosine term will have
completed three.

1 Introducing Fourier series

Example 1 suggests that the period of a sum of sinusoidal terms is the

least integer common multiple of the periods of the component functions.
This period gives the first time after which all the component functions
have repeated.

Exercise 3
Let f (t) = 2 cos πt + 3 cos 3π
2 t − cos 2πt. What are the angular frequencies
and corresponding periods of the component functions? What is the
period of the function f (t)?

A Fourier series is an infinite sum of sinusoidal terms each of which is

periodic, so, as has been exemplified above, a Fourier series is also periodic.
Hence a sensible restriction on a function that is to be described by a
Fourier series is that it should itself be periodic. However, as you have seen
above, if you are interested in obtaining Fourier series for a function with
period τ, then you must consider not only sinusoidal functions with period
τ in the infinite sum, but also sinusoidal functions with fractional periods
τ τ τ τ
, , , , ...,
2 3 4 5
since functions with these periods also repeat after time τ. Corresponding
to the periods τ, 2τ , 3τ , 4τ , 5τ , . . . are the angular frequencies
2π 4π 6π 8π 10π
, , , , , ....
τ τ τ τ τ
So, for example, for a Fourier series of cosine functions, you must consider
the family of functions
. /
Cn (t) = cos , where n is a positive integer. (6)
Since these functions repeat after a time τ, we do not need to draw their
graphs for all values of t. We can restrict
* our( attention to any interval of
length τ. We will choose the interval − 2τ , 2τ as it has the correct length
and is centred on the origin. In general, any interval whose length is the
fundamental period can be chosen as the fundamental interval for Figure 6 The function C1 (t)
functions of that period. The graph of the function C1 (t) is shown in plotted over its fundamental
Figure 6. interval

Exercise 4
Sketch the
* graphs ( of the functions C2 (t) and C3 (t) on the fundamental
interval − 2τ , 2τ .
What happens if you try to define C0 (t) using formula (6)?

Unit 13 Fourier series

We have now obtained a family of cosine functions that repeat after a

time τ, including the constant function C0 (t) = 1. (Whatever period τ is
chosen, it is trivially true that a constant function has the same value after
that period.) You will see in Section 2 how this family can be used to
obtain Fourier series. But first, in Subsection 1.2, we need to digress
slightly to discuss even and odd functions as these ideas are used to
simplify later calculations.

1.2 Even and odd functions

The previous subsection dealt solely with cosine functions, but sine
functions are also periodic, so why have we not used them? In fact, there
is a distinguishing feature that separates these two families of functions.
We will investigate this difference as it leads to a simplification of
calculations later in the unit.
Figure 7 shows the graphs of a cosine function and a sine function, namely
. / . /
2πt 2πt
C1 (t) = cos , S1 (t) = sin .
τ τ
They both have period τ and hence the same fundamental interval.

Figure 7 The functions C1 (t) and S1 (t) compared on their fundamental


Both graphs exhibit symmetry. You can see that the graph of the cosine
function C1 (t) takes the same values at corresponding points on either side
of the vertical axis. We say that the function is even. By contrast, in the
graph of the sine function S1 (t), the values at corresponding points on
either side of the vertical axis have the same magnitude but opposite signs.
We say that the function is odd.

The function f (t) is an even function if

f (−t) = f (t) for all values of t;
A function need not be either it is an odd function if
even or odd, as you will see
below. f (−t) = −f (t) for all values of t.

1 Introducing Fourier series

Example 2
Suppose that the function f (t) is defined by f (t) = t2 . Is this function
even, odd, or neither even nor odd?
Since f (−t) = (−t)2 = t2 = f (t) for all t, the function is even.

Exercise 5
Suppose that the function g(t) is defined by g(t) = t3 . Is this function
even, odd, or neither even nor odd?

Exercise 6
If f (t) and g(t) are both odd functions, show that the function k(t) defined
k(t) = f (t) + g(t)
is also an odd function.

The graphs of the functions f (t) and g(t) defined in Example 2 and
Exercise 5, and shown in Figure 8, should make the definitions clearer.

Figure 8 Graphs of the even function f (t) = t2 and the odd function
g(t) = t3

For the even function f (t), the same values appear on either side of the
vertical axis, so the graph has reflection symmetry about this line. For the
odd function g(t), the values on either side of the vertical axis have
opposite signs, so the graph has rotational symmetry through the angle π
about the origin.
Generalising from the function f (t) = t2 , we can state that polynomial
functions where all the powers are even are themselves even functions.
Similarly, polynomial functions where all the powers are odd are
themselves odd functions. Indeed, this is the origin of the terms
‘even function’ and ‘odd function’.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Exercise 7
(a) Is the function C0 (t), given by C0 (t) = 1 for −τ/2 ≤ t ≤ τ/2, even, odd
or neither?
(b) Is the function h(t), defined by h(t) = t2 + t3 for all t, even, odd or

The way that even and odd functions combine is similar to the way that
positive and negative numbers combine. That is:
• the sum of two even functions (positive numbers) is even (positive)
• the sum of two odd functions (negative numbers) is odd (negative)
• the sum of an even function (positive number) and an odd function
(negative number) is neither even nor odd (positive, negative or zero)
• the product of two even functions (positive numbers) is even (positive)
• the product of two odd functions (negative numbers) is even (positive)
• the product of an even function (positive number) and an odd
function (negative number) is odd (negative).
In the next example and exercise, we use the first two properties in the list
above to demonstrate the last two properties.

Example 3
If f (t) = t3 + 2t5 and g(t) = t − t3 , show that the function defined by
h(t) = f (t) g(t) is an even function.
Calculating explicitly,
h(t) = f (t) g(t) = (t3 + 2t5 )(t − t3 )
= t4 − t6 + 2t6 − 2t8
= t4 + t6 − 2t8 .
This is a polynomial where all the powers are even, therefore h(t) is an
even function.
Alternatively, since both f (t) and g(t) are odd functions, we know by
definition that
f (−t) = −f (t), g(−t) = −g(t).
h(−t) = f (−t) g(−t) = (−f (t))(−g(t)) = f (t) g(t) = h(t),
so h(t) is an even function.

1 Introducing Fourier series

Exercise 8
If f (t) = t3 + 2t5 and g(t) = 3t2 − t4 , show that the function defined by
h(t) = f (t) g(t) is an odd function.

For much of this subsection we have been concerned with even and odd
functions that are not periodic. If a function f (t) is periodic, of period 2a,
then an advantage of choosing a fundamental interval [−a, a] centred on
the origin is that we can tell whether f (t) is even, odd or neither by seeing
whether it is even, odd or neither on [−a, a].

Even and odd periodic functions

Let f (t) be periodic of period 2a. Then f (t) is even provided that it
is even over the interval [−a, a]. Similarly, f (t) is odd provided that it
is odd over the interval [−a, a].

Now we investigate the properties of odd and even functions that will
simplify later calculations, namely what happens when these functions are
integrated over the fundamental interval [−a, a].
For an odd function f (t), the integral is zero because the integral for
positive t-values is exactly cancelled by the integral for negative t-values.
This is illustrated in Figure 9 and is proved by the following argument.
Calling the integral I and splitting it into two halves gives
! a ! 0 ! a
I= f (t) dt = f (t) dt + f (t) dt.
−a −a 0
Figure 9 An odd function
Now use the rule that changing the order of integration changes the sign of with area above the
the integral to obtain horizontal axis shaded blue
! −a ! a and area below shaded red.
I=− f (t) dt + f (t) dt. By symmetry, the two areas
0 0 are equal in size, so the
integral is zero (as the red
We can use the substitution u = −t to yield
! a ! a area is counted as negative).
I= f (−u) du + f (t) dt.
0 0
Finally, use the fact that f is odd, so f (−u) = −f (u), to get
! a ! a
I=− f (u) du + f (t) dt = 0,
0 0
where the final equality follows because the two integrals are the same
integral written with different integration variables.
If f is an even function, then the argument above can be applied up until
the penultimate step, then instead of terms cancelling, the result will be
twice the integral from 0 to a.
These results are worth remembering as they can save a lot of effort when
evaluating integrals of even and odd functions.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Integrals of even and odd periodic functions

! a ! a
g(t) dt = 2 g(t) dt if g is an even function. (7)
−a 0
! a
f (t) dt = 0 if f is an odd function. (8)

From Figure 7, you can see that the cosine function is even, but the sine
function is odd. The suggestion is that to approximate an even function
(such as the sawtooth function or the square-wave function) as a sum of
sinusoidal terms, we ought to ensure that the approximating function is
even. The only way to do this is to ensure that only cosine functions
appear in the sum, as you will see in the next section.

2 Fourier series for even functions with

period 2π
In this section you will see how to obtain the Fourier series for the
sawtooth and square-wave functions, and in doing this you will obtain
general formulas that can be applied to find the Fourier series for any even
function with period 2π. We start with this special case as it is the
simplest. However, even though it is a special case, you will see later that
the arguments used to find the Fourier series also apply in the general case.

2.1 A series of approximations

In Section 1 you saw that there are certain useful things that can be said
about the series G(t) in equation (4), namely that it is periodic of
period 2π and that it is an even function. But this does not tell us why
this particular series corresponds to the sawtooth function g(t) described
in the Introduction. In this section we derive the Fourier series for the
sawtooth function g(t) by a mathematical argument, and we ask you to do
the same for the square-wave function.
The graph of g(t) (see Figure 10) coincides with the line g(t) = 1 + t/π in
the range −π ≤ t < 0 and with the line g(t) = 1 − t/π in the range
0 ≤ t ≤ π. The interval [−π, π] is a fundamental interval for g(t), on which
it is defined as
 1

 t + 1 for −π ≤ t < 0,
g(t) = π (9)
Figure 10 Graph of the  − 1 t + 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ π.

sawtooth function g(t) π

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

Exercise 9
What are the period and angular frequency of the sawtooth function g(t)?

It seems reasonable that an even periodic function will have a Fourier

series consisting of only even sinusoidal terms with the same period. This
is indeed the case, as we will justify later. Here, we proceed to use a family
of even sinusoidal functions, namely the family of cosine functions
{C0 (t), C1 (t), C2 (t), . . .} that you met earlier:
Cn (t) = cos nt (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .).
We consider a series
G(t) = A0 C0 (t) + A1 C1 (t) + A2 C2 (t) + A3 C3 (t) + · · ·
# ∞
= A0 + An cos nt, (10) We usually write the sum in this
n=1 way with the constant term
singled out because this form is
and ask how the Fourier coefficients An can be chosen so that as we add easier to use in calculations.
successive terms of the series to obtain the approximations
G0 (t) = A0 ,
G1 (t) = A0 + A1 cos nt,
G2 (t) = A0 + A1 cos nt + A2 cos(2nt),
and so on, the values approach g(t) for any chosen value of t.
So the central problem is: how can An be chosen so that the
approximation to g(t) given by Gn (t) gets better as n increases? We can
also consider what happens when infinitely many terms are added to the
approximation, so that we obtain the function G(t). Can we choose the
coefficients An so that G(t) = g(t) for all t?
The argument that we use is quite general, in that it works for any even
periodic function with fundamental interval [−π, π]. Thus for the
remainder of this section, we will use the notation f (t) to refer to a general
such function, and

F (t) = A0 + An cos nt (11)
for the corresponding series whose coefficients A0 , A1 , A2 , . . . we are trying
to find. We will then apply the general argument to the sawtooth function
(in Examples 4–6), and ask you to apply it to other functions, including
the square-wave function (in Exercises 11, 13 and 14).
We begin by deriving the first of the approximations listed above,
namely G0 (t).

Unit 13 Fourier series

2.2 A first approximation

The easiest coefficient to find is A0 . The technique is based on the
observation that all the functions Cn (t), some of which are illustrated in
Figure 6 and the solution to Exercise 4, oscillate, and the positive
contributions to an integral over the fundamental interval exactly cancel
out the negative contributions. This means that if you integrate the cosine
functions over the fundamental interval [−π, π], then you obtain 0; that is,
! π
cos nt dt = 0 (n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ). (12)

Exercise 10
Verify that the integral in formula (12) is zero (for each n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).

In this module we assume the If we integrate both sides of equation (11) term by term over the
validity of term-by-term fundamental interval [−π, π], then we find that
integration and differentiation of
! π ! π2 #∞
infinite series. The process is
valid in all the practical cases F (t) dt = A0 + An cos nt dt
that concern us. −π −π n=1
! π ∞
# ! π
= A0 dt + An cos nt dt.
−π n=1 −π

Now all the terms involving integrals of cosine functions vanish, by

formula (12), leaving us with
! π ! π
F (t) dt = A0 dt = 2πA0 (since A0 is a constant).
−π −π
! π
A0 = F (t) dt.
2π −π

We do not know the coefficients of F (t), but our aim is to ensure that
F (t) = f (t). So to determine A0 , we replace F (t) by f (t) in the above
equation to obtain the following result.

! π
A0 = f (t) dt. (13)
2π −π

You can think of A0 as the average value taken by the function f (t).

Example 4
Find the value of A0 when the general function f (t) is replaced by the
sawtooth function g(t) given by equation (9).

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

Equation (13) becomes
! π
A0 = g(t) dt.
2π −π
As the function g(t) is even, equation (7) applies and the integral is equal
to twice the integral over the positive t-values:
1 π
A0 = g(t) dt.
π 0
Using this fact simplifies the calculation as g(t) is defined piecewise, with
different formulas for positive and negative values; here we need to
consider only one of the formulas.
The function g(t) is given by equation (9), so the above integral is
! ! . / ) 5π
1 π 1 π 1 1 1 2 1
g(t) dt = − t + 1 dt = − t +t = .
π 0 π 0 π π 2π 0 2
Thus for the case of the sawtooth function,
A0 = 21 .

The argument used to simplify the first step of the calculation in

Example 4 is a general argument that applies whenever the integrand is an
even function, and it could also be applied to equation (13) to obtain a
simplified formula. But we will not do this here because, as we will see
later, equation (13) is the formula that applies in general (not just to even
Figure 11 shows graphs of the original function g(t) and the first
approximation G0 (t) = A0 = 21 . You can see from the figure that A0 = 1
2 is Figure 11 Approximation
the average value of the function g(t). G0 (t) compared to g(t)

Exercise 11
Suppose that the general function f (t) is now replaced by the square-wave
function h(t) of the Introduction, which can be defined on the fundamental
interval [−π, π] by
1 for − π2 ≤ t ≤ π2 ,
h(t) =
0 otherwise.
Find the value of the Fourier coefficient A0 .
Hint: As the function h(t) is zero over some of the fundamental interval,
! π ! π/2
h(t) dt = h(t) dt.
−π −π/2

Integration enabled us to eliminate the coefficients An (n > 0) and hence

to find the coefficient A0 . The next subsection looks at how we can find
the coefficient A1 and hence find a better approximation to g(t).
Unit 13 Fourier series

2.3 A second approximation

To find the next coefficient, A1 , we must somehow eliminate A0 and all the
other coefficients. The technique is to multiply both sides of equation (11)
by the term cos t to give

F (t) cos t = A0 cos t + An cos nt cos t. (14)

If we integrate both sides of equation (14) term by term over the

fundamental interval [−π, π], then we find that
! π ! π ∞ .
# ! π /
F (t) cos t dt = A0 cos t dt + An cos nt cos t dt . (15)
−π −π n=1 −π

Now we evaluate each of these integrals separately.

Exercise 12
(a) Show that
! π
A0 cos t dt = 0.

(b) Use the trigonometric identity

cos α cos β = 2 cos(α + β) + 12 cos(α − β)
to show that
! π
cos 2t cos t dt = 0.

(c) More generally, use the identity given in part (b) to show that
! π
cos nt cos t dt = 0 when n is an integer and n > 1.

(d) Use the trigonometric identity

cos 2α = 2 cos2 α − 1
to evaluate the integral
! π
cos2 t dt.

Exercise 12 shows that most of the integrals on the right-hand side of

equation (15) evaluate to zero. The only remaining term involves the
coefficient A1 , and we are left with
! π ! π
F (t) cos t dt = A1 cos2 t dt = A1 π.
−π −π
Hence the coefficient A1 is given by
1 π
A1 = F (t) cos t dt.
π −π

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

We are trying to choose the coefficients so that F (t) = f (t), so we replace

F (t) by f (t) and obtain the following result.

! π
A1 = f (t) cos t dt. (16)
π −π

Before applying this formula to calculate A1 for the sawtooth function, we

state two useful integrals that often arise when calculating Fourier series.

Two useful integrals

For a a non-zero constant and C a constant,
1& -
t sin(at) dt = 2 sin(at) − at cos(at) + C, (17)
1& -
t cos(at) dt = 2 cos(at) + at sin(at) + C. (18)

Both of these integrals are easy to derive using integration by parts, but it
is quicker to state the standard result. One of these integrals will be used
in the calculation of A1 for the sawtooth function in the next example.

Example 5
Returning to the sawtooth function g(t) defined by equation (9), find the
value of the coefficient A1 .
The coefficient is given by
1 π
A1 = g(t) cos t dt.
π −π
As g(t) is even and cos t is even, the product g(t) cos t is even, and we may
make use of equation (7) to simplify the calculation by evaluating twice
the integral over the positive t-values:
2 π
A1 = g(t) cos t dt.
π 0
Substituting the definition of g(t) from equation (9) gives
! . /
2 π 1
A1 = − t + 1 cos t dt
π 0 π
! π !
2 2 π
=− 2 t cos t dt + cos t dt.
π 0 π 0

Unit 13 Fourier series

The first integral is one of the two useful integrals (equation (18) with
a = 1) that were stated immediately preceding this example, so performing
the integrations yields
2* (π 2 * (π
A1 = − 2 cos t + t sin t 0 + sin t 0
π π
2 4
= − 2 (−1 − 1) = 2 .
π π

So our second approximation to the function g(t) (our first non-constant

approximation) is
1 4
G1 (t) = + 2 cos t.
2 π
The graph of this approximation is compared with the graph of g(t) in
Figure 12. Already G1 (t) is quite a reasonable approximation to g(t).
Figure 12 Approximation
G1 (t) compared to g(t) Exercise 13
Suppose that f (t) in equation (16) is replaced by the square-wave function
h(t) of the Introduction, defined in Exercise 11. Find the value of the
coefficient A1 .

2.4 Better approximations

The coefficient An can be found in a similar way to the way in which we
found A1 , by multiplying by an appropriate sinusoidal function and
integrating. In order to do this, we need to evaluate many integrals, but
like those in Exercise 12, most vanish. Generalising the results of that
exercise, we find the following.

Trigonometric integrals over the interval [−π, π]

For any positive integers m and n,
! π
cos mt dt = 0, (19)
! π
cos mt cos nt dt = 0 (m =
+ n), (20)
! π
cos2 mt dt = π. (21)

These results mean that if we multiply both sides of equation (11) by

cos mt and integrate over the fundamental interval, then all of the

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

coefficients except Am disappear. To see this, multiply both sides of

equation (11) by cos mt, to obtain

F (t) cos mt = A0 cos mt + An cos mt cos nt.
Then integration gives
! π ! π ∞
# ! π
F (t) cos mt dt = A0 cos mt dt + An cos mt cos nt dt,
−π −π n=1 −π

and using formulas (19) and (20), we find that all of the terms of the above
infinite sum are zero except when n = m, so we get
! π ! π
F (t) cos mt dt = Am cos2 mt dt.
−π −π

Finally, formula (21) gives the value of the right-hand integral as π, so

1 π
Am = F (t) cos mt dt.
π −π
This key result is worth remembering, so we re-state it in the form with
the original function that we are trying to approximate, f (t), instead of
F (t), and the usual index n instead of m.

! π
An = f (t) cos nt dt (n > 0). (22)
π −π

Example 6
Returning once again to the sawtooth function g(t) as defined by
equation (9), find the values of the coefficients A2 and A3 .
Substituting g(t) into equation (22) gives
1 π
An = g(t) cos nt dt.
π −π
Now we use the fact that the integrand is even, since it is the product of
two even functions, g(t) and cos nt, to obtain
! . /
2 π 1
An = − t + 1 cos nt dt
π 0 π
! π !
2 2 π
=− 2 t cos nt dt + cos nt dt,
π 0 π 0
where we have substituted for g(t) using the definition in equation (9).

Unit 13 Fourier series

This integral can be evaluated by recognising the first integral as one of

the two useful integrals (equation (18) with a = n), to give
) 5π ) 5π
2 1 2 1
An = − 2 (cos nt + nt sin nt) + sin nt
π n2 0 π n 0
. /
2 1
=− 2 ((−1)n − 1) ,
π n2
since sin nπ = 0 and cos nπ = (−1)n , so
An = (1 − (−1)n ).
n2 π2
If n = 2, then (−1)n = 1, so A2 = 0.
If n = 3, then (−1)n = −1, so A3 = 4/(9π2 ).

From Example 6 we have A2 = 0, so the approximation G2 (t) is equal to

G1 (t) and hence is no better as an approximation to g(t). However, from
Examples 4, 5 and 6, we can derive a better approximation to g(t) by
G3 (t) = A0 + A1 cos t + A2 cos 2t + A3 cos 3t
. /
1 4 1
= + 2 cos t + cos 3t .
2 π 9
The graph of G3 (t) is shown in Figure 13. This shows a further
Figure 13 Approximation improvement in the accuracy of the approximation, to the extent that on
G3 (t) compared to g(t) this scale it is hard to see a difference between the graphs of G3 (t) and g(t).

Exercise 14
Suppose that f (t) in formula (22) is replaced by the square-wave function
h(t), defined in Exercise 11. Find the values of the coefficients A2 and A3 .

Examples 4, 5 and 6 can be generalised to find all the coefficients in the

Fourier series for the sawtooth function g(t). We find that
1 4 4 1
A0 = , A1 = 2 , A2 = 0, A3 = 2 × , A4 = 0,
2 π π 9
4 1 4 1
A5 = 2 × , A6 = 0, A7 = 2 × , A8 = 0, . . . ,
π 25 π 49
and a clear pattern has appeared. Hence the Fourier series for the
sawtooth function g(t) is
. /
1 4 1 1 1
G(t) = + 2 cos t + cos 3t + cos 5t + cos 7t + · · · ,
2 π 9 25 49
confirming equation (2).
The terms of this Fourier series can be written more compactly using the
sigma notation for summations. The angular frequencies of the terms form
a pattern of successive odd numbers. The coefficient of each term in the
brackets is the reciprocal of the square of the angular frequency. Recall

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

that if n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., then 2n = 2, 4, 6, . . . runs through the even numbers

and 2n − 1 = 1, 3, 5, . . . runs through the odd numbers. With these
observations, the Fourier series can be written as

1 4 # 1
G(t) = + 2 cos(2n − 1)t.
2 π n=1 (2n − 1)2
It is sometimes more convenient to write Fourier
" series in so-called closed
form like this, using the summation symbol . Now try doing this

Exercise 15
You have found, in Exercises 11, 13 and 14, the Fourier coefficients A0 , A1 ,
A2 and A3 for the square-wave function h(t) defined in Exercise 11. In
fact, as indicated in equation (3), its Fourier series is
1 2 2 2 2
H(t) = + cos t − cos 3t + cos 5t − cos 7t + · · · .
2 π 3π 5π 7π
Write down this series in closed form.

The following exercises ask you to apply the formulas derived in this
section to find Fourier series for other even periodic functions.

Exercise 16
Find the Fourier series for the even periodic function f (t) defined on the
fundamental interval [−π, π] by
f (t) = t2 .
(Hint: You may find the following integral obtained by integration by
parts useful:
1 & -
t2 cos nt dt = 3 (n2 t2 − 2) sin nt + 2nt cos nt + C,
where C is a constant.)

Exercise 17
A variant of the sawtooth function can be defined on the fundamental
interval [−π, π] by
w(t) = |t|.
Recall that the absolute value function is defined by
t for t ≥ 0,
|t| =
−t for t < 0.
Find the Fourier series for this function, and write down the
approximation W5 (t).

Unit 13 Fourier series

2.5 Convergence
You have just tackled a substantial piece of work, and this has involved
finding Fourier series for several even functions. Having found them, you
need to take stock of what you have done. You have seen that just a few
terms of the Fourier series for the sawtooth function g(t) give a very good
approximation. However, the first few terms of the Fourier series for the
square-wave function h(t) do not give a particularly good approximation,
as Figure 14 illustrates.

Figure 14 The first two approximations (red lines) to the square-wave

function (blue line) by its Fourier series

The situation improves only slowly for the square-wave function. Plotting
the graphs for the sums as far as the cos 7t, cos 11t and cos 21t terms,
better approximations to h(t) are obtained, as expected (see Figure 15).

Figure 15 More approximations to the square-wave function by its

Fourier series

However, even H21 (t) does not approximate h(t) as well as G3 (t) does g(t)
in Figure 13. This is because of the discontinuities in h(t). We cannot
reasonably expect the sum of continuous sinusoidal functions to provide a
good approximation to a discontinuous function. From the graphs, you can
see that the approximations to h(t) are worse near the discontinuities, that
is, near the points where the value of h(t) jumps from 0 to 1 and back
again. Nevertheless, even for a discontinuous function such as h(t), we can,
remarkably, approximate reasonably well using Fourier series. At a
discontinuity, the Fourier series takes the average value of the function at
either side of the discontinuity. This is formally stated in the following
theorem (which we do not prove) that guarantees the nature of the Fourier
series for a wide class of functions at points in the fundamental interval.

2 Fourier series for even functions with period 2π

Theorem 1 Pointwise convergence

If, on the interval [−π, π], the function f has a continuous derivative
except at a finite number of points, then at each point x0 ∈ [−π, π],
the Fourier series for f converges to
& + −
2 f (x0 ) + f (x0 ) .

Here f (x+ 0 ) is the limit of f (x) as x approaches x0 from above, and

f (x0 ) is the limit of f (x) as x approaches x0 from below.

It is worth remarking that if f is continuous at x0 , then

f (x− +
0 ) = f (x0 ) = f (x0 ), and in this case the theorem states that the
Fourier series converges to f (x0 ).
The following example shows how Theorem 1 is used to determine the
values to which Fourier series converge.

Example 7
Consider the function
−1 for −1 ≤ t < 0,
f (t) =
t for 0 ≤ t < 1,
f (t + 2) = f (t),
and its corresponding Fourier series F (t).
(a) Calculate f (−1), f ( 12 ) and f (2).
(b) Calculate F (−1), F ( 12 ) and F (2).
(c) Compare the values obtained in parts (a) and (b).
(a) The first step in solving problems such as this is to draw a sketch
graph, such as the one shown in Figure 16.
Using the sketch as a guide, we can calculate
f (−1) = −1,
f ( 12 ) = 12 ,
f (2) = f (0) = 0. Figure 16 Sketch graph of
(b) The pointwise convergence theorem gives f (t) on its fundamental
f (−1+ ) + f (−1− )
F (−1) = .
Approaching t = −1 from above is included in the fundamental
interval of f , so we can say that f (−1+ ) = −1.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Approaching t = −1 from below is not in the fundamental interval, so

we use the periodicity of f to say that the value is the same as
approaching t = 1 from below, that is, f (−1− ) = f (1− ). So from the
sketch we have f (1− ) = 1.
Substituting these values into the formula gives
(−1) + 1
F (−1) = = 0.
At t = 12 the function f (t) is continuous, so the Fourier series will be
equal to the given function here, hence
F ( 21 ) = f ( 12 ) = 12 .
As F is also periodic with period 2, we have F (2) = F (0). So
f (0+ ) + f (0− )
F (2) = F (0) = .
Now, using the sketch of the function as a guide, we obtain that
approaching t = 0 from above gives f (0+ ) = 0 and approaching t = 0
from below gives f (0− ) = −1.
Substituting these values into the formula gives
0 + (−1)
F (2) = = − 12 .
(c) We have f ( 12 ) = F ( 21 ), which is to be expected as f is continuous at
t = 21 .
If f is not continuous at a point, then the Fourier series does not
necessarily converge to the value of the function. This is the case for
the other two points considered here, where we have found that
f (−1) += F (−1) and f (2) += F (2). Both of these points are points of
discontinuity of f .

Now try the following exercise in applying the pointwise convergence


Exercise 18
Consider the function
|t| + t
f (t) = for −1 ≤ t < 1,
f (t + 2) = f (t),
and its corresponding Fourier series F (t). Calculate the values F (−1)
and F (0).

3 Fourier series for even and odd periodic functions

3 Fourier series for even and odd

periodic functions
In the previous section we concentrated on finding the Fourier series for
two particular even periodic functions with period τ = 2π and hence
fundamental interval [−π, π]. In this section we extend the technique to
periodic functions that are either even or odd and have any fixed period τ.

3.1 Fourier series for even functions with period τ

We will now examine a generalisation of the function w(t) described in
Exercise 17 that has period τ, where τ is a specific positive number. The
graph of w(t) repeats along the t-axis and looks like a sawtooth function
(see Figure 17).

Figure 17 Graph of the function w(t) over four periods, with the
fundamental interval highlighted in red

If the function is defined to have period τ (Exercise *17 considered

( the
τ τ
special case τ = 2π), then a fundamental interval is − 2 , 2 , on which w(t)
is shown as the red curve in Figure 17. On this interval the function is
given by w(t) = |t| or
−t for − 2τ ≤ t < 0,
w(t) = (23)
t for 0 ≤ t < 2τ .
You saw in Subsection 1.1 that when we are trying to find a Fourier series
for a function with period τ, we must also consider functions with the
shorter periods
τ τ τ τ
, , , , ... .
2 3 4 5
Corresponding to the fundamental period τ and to these shorter periods
are the angular frequencies
2π 4π 6π 8π 10π
, , , , , ... .
τ τ τ τ τ
Hence we consider the family of even functions
. /
Cn (t) = cos (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).

Unit 13 Fourier series

Since we are dealing with even functions, we also include the constant
C0 (t) = 1.
As in Section 2, the argument used here is a general one. Thus for the
remainder of this subsection, we use the symbol f*(t) to (refer to a general
even periodic function with fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ . As before, we
assume that we can choose the coefficients in an infinite sum of these
functions Cn (t) in such a way that we can approximate the original
function as accurately as required. We write this (as before) as
#∞ . /
F (t) = A0 + An cos . (24)
To find the coefficients in this sum, we need to evaluate integrals of the
cosine functions that generalise equations (19)–(21) used in the previous
section. The integrals in which* we are( interested are for functions defined
over the fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ , which are obtained from the former
integrals by the substitution u = τ t/(2π).

* (
Trigonometric integrals over the interval − 2τ , 2τ
For any positive integers m and n,
! τ/2 . /
cos dt = 0, (25)
−τ/2 τ
! τ/2 . / . /
2mπt 2nπt
cos cos dt = 0 (m += n), (26)
−τ/2 τ τ
! τ/2 . /
2 2mπt τ
cos dt = . (27)
−τ/2 τ 2

To find the coefficients in Fourier series (24), we proceed as before. We

first multiply both sides of equation (24) by a chosen cosine function.
Then we integrate, and all but one of the coefficients become zero. We are
left with a formula for that remaining coefficient.
First, to find the constant* A0 , we( integrate both sides of equation (24) over
the fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ to obtain
! τ/2 ! τ/2 #∞ ! τ/2 . /
F (t) dt = A0 dt + An cos dt.
−τ/2 −τ/2 −τ/2 τ

Using formula (25), all the integrals in the infinite sum become zero,
! τ/2 ! τ/2
F (t) dt = A0 dt = τA0 ,
−τ/2 −τ/2

3 Fourier series for even and odd periodic functions

! τ/2
A0 = F (t) dt.
τ −τ/2

As in Section 2, we now use the fact that we wish to choose the coefficients
so that F (t) = f (t). Thus we put F (t) = f (t) to give the following result.

! τ/2
A0 = f (t) dt. (28)
τ −τ/2

The constant A0 can again be thought of as the average value of the

function f (t) on the fundamental interval.
The derivation of a formula for the coefficient An for functions with
period τ is very similar to the derivation of equation (22) for functions with
period 2π. We will not repeat the argument; we simply state the result.

! τ/2 . /
2 2nπt
An = f (t) cos dt. (29)
τ −τ/2 τ

Now apply these results to do the following exercise.

Exercise 19
For the sawtooth function w(t) defined by equation (23), find the
coefficients A0 and An .

Substituting the coefficients that you have found in Exercise 19 into

equation (24) gives the Fourier series W (t) corresponding to the sawtooth
function w(t):
∞ . /
τ τ # (−1)n − 1 2nπt
W (t) = − 2 cos
4 π n2 τ
. . / . /
τ τ 2πt 2 6πt
= − 2 2 cos + cos
4 π τ 9 τ
. / /
2 10πt
+ cos + ··· . (30)
25 τ
Since w(t) is very similar in form to the sawtooth function that we
investigated in Section 2, it should come as no surprise that the successive
approximations to w(t) generated by series (30) converge rapidly to w(t).
Figure 18 compares the graph of w(t) with the graphs of the
. /
τ τ 2τ 2πt
W0 (t) = and W1 (t) = − 2 cos .
4 4 π τ

Unit 13 Fourier series

Figure 18 The sawtooth function w(t) compared to the first two Fourier
series approximations

3.2 Fourier series for odd functions with period τ

We have so far concentrated on even periodic functions, but it is equally
straightforward to deal with odd periodic functions. As an example of an
odd periodic function, consider the function v(t) whose graph is shown in
Figure 19. You can think of v(t) as representing another type of sawtooth
function, or as a broken surface made up of successive ramps and steps.

Figure 19 Graph of the function v(t) with the fundamental interval

highlighted in red

The function v(t) is defined to be equal to t within the fundamental

interval −τ/2 < t < τ/2, but what values should be assigned to the ends of
the fundamental interval, that is, at t = −τ/2 and t = τ/2? Note that if
the function has period τ, then v(t) = v(t + τ), so with t = −τ/2 we have
v(−τ/2) = v(τ + (−τ/2)) = v(τ/2). For our purposes it makes no difference
how v(t) is defined on these points because we are only interested in
integrals over the fundamental interval of v(t), and changing values at a
single point does not affect the integrals. As we are free to choose, we
conventionally pick the value at the left of the interval and define v(t) as
v(t) = t for −τ/2 ≤ t < τ/2, (31)
v(t + τ) = v(t).
The second line of this definition repeats the definition on the fundamental
interval to make v(t) have period τ.
The function v(t) as defined above is essentially an odd function as it
differs from an odd function only at the endpoints (an odd periodic
function is zero at the endpoints). For our purposes this is close enough to
being an odd function as changing a function at a single point does not
change the value of an integral of the function.

3 Fourier series for even and odd periodic functions

In order to approximate the odd function v(t), we need odd trigonometric

functions with period τ. As usual, we must consider functions with periods
τ τ τ τ
τ, , , , , . . . .
2 3 4 5
Corresponding to these periods are the angular frequencies
2π 4π 6π 8π 10π
, , , , , ....
τ τ τ τ τ
So we must consider the family of sine functions
. /
Sn (t) = sin (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .),
which is a family of odd functions.
In contrast to Subsection 3.1, where we considered the cosine series, we do
not bother with the function S0 (t) = sin 0 = 0, since any multiple of this
function is zero.

Example 8
Sketch the graphs of the
* functions
( S1 (t), S2 (t), S3 (t) and S4 (t) on the
fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ .
Sketches of the four functions are shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20 The first four members of a family of sine functions

As before, the argument used to find the coefficients in a Fourier series for
an odd function is a general one. Thus for the remainder of this subsection
we use the function f *(t) to refer
( to a general odd periodic function with
fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ . Then we assume that we can choose the
coefficients in an infinite sum of the functions Sn (t) in such a way that we
can approximate the original function f (t) as accurately as required.

Unit 13 Fourier series

We write the sum as

# . /
F (t) = Bn sin , (32)
where the coefficients B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . are constants depending on the
particular function f (t). We will refer to equation (32) as the Fourier series
for the odd function f (t).
To find the coefficients Bn , we multiply both sides of equation (32) by the
function sin(2mπt/τ) and integrate over the fundamental interval to give
! τ/2 . /
F (t) sin dt
−τ/2 τ

# ! τ/2 . / . /
2mπt 2nπt
= Bn sin sin dt. (33)
−τ/2 τ τ

To simplify equation (33), we need evaluated integrals of sine functions

analogous to those for the cosine functions in Subsection 3.1.

* (
Trigonometric integrals over the interval − 2τ , 2τ
For any positive integers m and n,
! τ/2 . /
sin dt = 0, (34)
−τ/2 τ
! τ/2 . / . /
2mπt 2nπt
sin sin dt = 0 (m += n), (35)
−τ/2 τ τ
! τ/2 . /
2 2mπt τ
sin dt = . (36)
−τ/2 τ 2

Using formula (35), all the integrals on the right-hand side of equation (33)
become zero except when n = m. That is,
! τ/2 . / ! τ/2 . /
2mπt 2mπt
F (t) sin dt = Bm sin2 dt.
−τ/2 τ −τ/2 τ
Using formula (36), the right-hand side reduces to Bm τ/2, and we can
make Bm the subject (and as before replace F (t) by the function f (t) and
rewrite the index as n instead of m).

! τ/2 . /
2 2nπt
Bn = f (t) sin dt. (37)
τ −τ/2 τ

3 Fourier series for even and odd periodic functions

Example 9
(a) Find the coefficients B1 , B2 and B3 for the function v(t) defined in
equation (31).
(b) Sketch the graph of
. / . / . /
2πt 4πt 6πt
V3 (t) = B1 sin + B2 sin + B3 sin
τ τ τ
* τ τ(
on the interval − 2 , 2 , and compare it with the graph of v(t).
(a) The coefficients Bn are given by formula (37) with f (t) = t:
! . /
2 τ/2 2nπt
Bn = t sin dt.
τ −τ/2 τ
As the function f (t) = t is odd and the sine term is odd, the product
is even, so we can use equation (7) to rewrite the integral as twice the
sum over the positive t-values:
! . /
4 τ/2 2nπt
Bn = t sin dt.
τ 0 τ
This integral is one of the two useful integrals (equation (17) with
a = 2nπ/τ), so
) 2 . . / . //5τ/2
4 τ 2nπt 2nπt 2nπt
Bn = sin − cos
τ 4n2 π2 τ τ τ 0
) . / . /5τ/2
τ 2nπt 2nπt 2nπt
= 2 2 sin − cos
n π τ τ τ 0
= 2 2 (−nπ cos nπ)
n π
=− .

So B1 = τ/π, B2 = −τ/(2π) and B3 = τ/(3π).
(b) Substituting the coefficients into the given equation and simplifying
) . / . / . /5
τ 2πt 1 4πt 1 6πt
V3 (t) = sin − sin + sin .
π τ 2 τ 3 τ
* (
The graphs of v(t) and V3 (t) on − 2τ , 2τ are shown in Figure 21.

The Fourier series for the ramp function v(t) is thus

∞ . /
τ # (−1)n 2nπt
V (t) = − sin . Figure 21 Graphs of v(t)
π n=1 n τ and V3 (t)

Unit 13 Fourier series

Our sketch in Figure 21 of the sum of the first three terms gives an
approximation to the function, but it is not as good as the corresponding
approximation to the sawtooth function that you met in the previous
subsection. As in the case of the square-wave function studied in
Subsection 2.5, this is due to the discontinuities in the original function.
At these points, the Fourier series takes the average value in the middle of
the jump. Here that value is 0. In the case of a continuous function, the
sizes of the coefficients in the Fourier series generally have an n2 factor in
the denominator and so decrease quite rapidly (such as in equation (30)).
By contrast, here and for the square-wave function, where there are
discontinuities, the sizes of the coefficients of the Fourier series have only a
factor n in the denominator and so the coefficients decrease more slowly.
This is a general phenomenon: functions with discontinuities converge
more slowly than smooth functions.
Now try to find a Fourier series for an odd function yourself by working
through the following exercise.

Exercise 20
The periodic function f (t) with period τ is defined on the interval [− 2τ , 2τ ]
−1 for − 2τ < t ≤ 0,
f (t) =
1 for 0 < t < 2τ .
Find the first three non-zero terms of the Fourier series for this function.

4 Fourier series for any periodic

In the previous section you saw how to find Fourier series for even and odd
periodic functions. Unfortunately, not all periodic functions are even or
odd. However, the next exercise shows that any function is a sum of an
even function and an odd function, so you would expect to be able to
approximate functions that are neither even nor odd with a Fourier series
involving both sine and cosine terms.

Exercise 21
Consider a general function f (x).
(a) Show that the function g(x) defined by
f (x) + f (−x)
g(x) =
is even.
4 Fourier series for any periodic function

(b) Show that the function h(x) defined by

f (x) − f (−x)
h(x) =
is odd.
(c) Show that the function f (x) can be written as the sum
f (x) = g(x) + h(x),
where g(x) and h(x) are as defined above.

Exercise 21 shows that one way of finding the Fourier series for a general
function f is to find Fourier series for the functions g and h as defined in
the exercise, and then add them. However, we can find the Fourier series
for a general function more directly, as you will see in Subsection 4.1.
The modelling of a real problem may involve a function f (t) that is defined
* τ(
only on some interval. We can choose the interval to be of the form* 0, 2( .
Then we can extend the definition of the function to the interval − 2τ , 2τ
by choosing the function to be either even or odd on this interval. From
there, we can extend the definition of the function to all the real numbers
as a periodic function. You will see how to do this in Subsection 4.2.

4.1 Fourier series for periodic functions

Suppose that you have* a periodic
( function f (t) with period τ and
fundamental interval − 2τ , 2τ . In general, the function will be neither even
nor odd. However, it can always be written as a sum of an even function
and an odd function, so it should have a Fourier series involving both
cosine and sine terms. That is, we can try to represent f (t) as the general
Fourier series
#∞ . / # ∞ . /
2nπt 2nπt
F (t) = A0 + An cos + Bn sin .
τ τ
n=1 n=1
As in Subsections 2.4, 3.1 and 3.2, the basic technique is to multiply by
cosine or sine terms and integrate over the fundamental interval. Hence we
need the following formula that gives the integral when cosine and sine
terms are multiplied together.

Trigonometric integrals over the interval [− 2τ , 2τ ]

For any pair of integers m and n,
! τ/2 . / . /
2mπt 2nπt
sin cos dt = 0. (38)
−τ/2 τ τ

Using this result, no new terms appear when we form our products, so we
arrive at the same formulas as before, which are summarised as follows.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Procedure 1 Fourier series for periodic functions

* τ a τperiodic
( function f (t), with period τ and fundamental interval
− 2 , 2 , the Fourier series
#∞ . / # ∞ . /
2nπt 2nπt
F (t) = A0 + An cos + Bn sin
τ n=1
is found by using the formulas
1 τ/2
A0 = f (t) dt,
τ −τ/2
! . /
2 τ/2 2nπt
An = f (t) cos dt (n = 1, 2, . . .),
τ −τ/2 τ
! . /
2 τ/2 2nπt
Bn = f (t) sin dt (n = 1, 2, . . .).
τ −τ/2 τ

It should be noted that the integrals for determining A0 , An and Bn are all
over intervals that are symmetric about the origin, which means that the
results for integrals of even and odd functions (equations (7) and (8)) will
apply. In particular, if f is even then Bn is zero, and if f is odd then A0
and An are zero.
The Fourier coefficients of a given function are unique. So if a function is
itself a sum of sine and cosine functions, then it is its own Fourier series.
For example, the Fourier series for 12 sin 3t is 21 sin 3t – that is, B3 = 12 and
all other Fourier coefficients are zero.

Example 10
The periodic function f (t) is defined by
f (t) = et for −1 ≤ t ≤ 1,
on the fundamental interval [−1, 1]. Find its Fourier series.
The function f (t) has the graph shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22 Graph of the function f (t), with the fundamental interval

highlighted in red
4 Fourier series for any periodic function

This function is clearly neither even nor odd. Using Procedure 1, with
period τ = 2, we first obtain
! 1
A0 = 21
et dt = 12 (e − e−1 )
! 1
An = et cos(nπt) dt.

Now use integration by parts (integrating et and differentiating cos(nπt))

to get
! 1
* t (1
An = e cos(nπt) −1 − et (−nπ sin(nπt)) dt
! 1
= e cos nπ − e cos nπ + nπ et sin(nπt) dt. (39)
The integral on the right-hand side of this equation can also be integrated
by parts (again integrating et and differentiating sin(nπt)), so
. ! 1 /
* t (1 t
An = (e − e ) cos nπ + nπ e sin(nπt) −1 − e nπ cos(nπt) dt .

This can be simplified by using sin nπ = 0 and cos nπ = (−1)n to yield

! 1
−1 n 2 2
An = (e − e )(−1) − n π et cos(nπt) dt.
The integral on the right-hand side is the integral that we started with
for An , so we have
An = (e − e−1 )(−1)n − n2 π2 An .
Solving this for An gives the required coefficient:
(e − e−1 )(−1)n
An = .
1 + n2 π2
To find the coefficient Bn , we need to evaluate
! 1
Bn = et sin(nπt) dt,

but this is easier as this integral has already appeared in equation (39)
during the computation of An . Substituting for An in equation (39) gives
(e − e−1 )(−1)n
= (e − e−1 )(−1)n + nπBn .
1 + n2 π2
Rearranging this equation and taking out common factors gives
. /
(e − e−1 )(−1)n 1
Bn = −1 .
nπ 1 + n2 π2
Simplifying then gives
nπ(e − e−1 )(−1)n
Bn = − .
1 + n2 π2

Unit 13 Fourier series

Every coefficient in the Fourier series involves the term e − e−1 . The series
is therefore conveniently written as
#∞ . / # ∞ . /
2nπt 2nπt
F (t) = A0 + An cos + Bn sin
τ τ
n=1 n=1
2 ∞
1 # (−1) n & -
= (e − e−1 ) + cos(nπt) − nπ sin(nπt) .
2 1 + n2 π2

The graph of the function f (t) and the graph of F8 (t), the sum of the
constant and the first eight cosine terms and first eight sine terms in the
Fourier series, are shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 Graph of the function f (t) together with the

approximation F8 (t)

There is a fairly good approximation to the function, except at the

endpoints. At each endpoint, the Fourier series takes the average value,
1 −1
2 (e + e ), of the function either side of the endpoint.
The following exercises ask you to apply Procedure 1 to find Fourier series.

Exercise 22
Suppose that the periodic function f (t) is defined on the fundamental
interval [−1, 1] by
1 for −1 ≤ t < 0,
f (t) =
t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
Find the coefficients of its Fourier series.

Exercise 23
(a) Find a fundamental interval for, and hence the period of, the function
b(t) defined in the Introduction as
b(t) = |cos t|.

4 Fourier series for any periodic function

(b) State whether b(t) is even, odd, or neither even nor odd, and find the
Fourier series for this function.
(Hint: Use the trigonometric identity
& -
cos t cos 2nt = 21 cos(2n − 1)t + cos(2n + 1)t ,
which is based on a more general identity given in the Handbook.)

4.2 Functions defined on an interval

So far, you have seen how to calculate the Fourier series for any periodic
function. However, this is not the whole story. It is also possible to
calculate the Fourier series for (almost) any function that is defined on a
finite interval. This idea will be particularly useful in the next unit.
Suppose that a function f (t) is defined within the finite interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,
such as the curve shown in Figure 24. Furthermore, suppose that we do
not care about what happens to the function outside this interval.
Then we can always define another function fext (t) to be equal to f (t) on
the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T , and to be periodic with fundamental period T
everywhere else. This function is called a periodic extension of f (t) and Figure 24 A function f (t)
defined on a finite interval
is written as 0≤t≤T
fext (t) = f (t) for 0 ≤ t < T,
fext (t + T ) = fext (t).
The graph of fext (t) consists of copies of f (t) shifted by T and by all
positive and negative integer multiples of T , as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 A periodic extension fext (t) of f (t)

The periodic extension fext (t) is a periodic function of fundamental

period T , and we can find its Fourier series in the usual way. The resulting
Fourier series will be equal to fext (t) everywhere, and is equal to f (t) for
0 ≤ t ≤ T . So this Fourier series represents the non-periodic function f (t)
inside its domain of definition, 0 ≤ t ≤ T . The periodic extension shown in
Figure 25 is neither even nor odd, so the Fourier series contains both sine
and cosine terms.
With a little preparation, we can use f (t) to construct periodic functions
that are either even or odd, before extending over all t. This is generally a
sensible thing to do because the resulting Fourier series will be simpler.
The definition of the even extension is straightforward.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Even periodic extension

Consider a function f (t) defined over a finite domain 0 ≤ t ≤ T .
The even periodic extension of f (t) is given by
f (t) for 0 ≤ t < T,
feven (t) =
f (−t) for −T ≤ t < 0,
feven (t + 2T ) = feven (t).
An example of this extension is shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26 The even periodic extension feven (t) of f (t)

The definition of the odd periodic extension needs a little more care so
that the resulting function is both periodic and odd. The reason for this is
that any function that is both periodic and odd is zero at the origin and at
the endpoints of a fundamental interval centred on the origin.
To show that any odd function f (t) has the value zero at the origin, let a
be the value at the origin, that is, a = f (0). Then since f is odd, we have
f (−0) = −f (0), thus a = −a, that is, 2a = 0 and so a = 0. To show that
any odd function with period 2T is zero at the right-hand endpoint, let
a = f (T ). As f is periodic with period 2T , we must have
f (−T ) = f (2T − T ) = f (T ) = a. As f is odd, we must have
f (−T ) = −f (T ), so this again leads to the equation a = −a, and as before
a = 0. These results are built into the definition of the odd extension of a
function in the following definition.

Odd periodic extension

Consider a function f (t) defined over a finite domain 0 ≤ t ≤ T .
The odd periodic extension of f (t) is given by

 f (t)
 for 0 < t < T,
fodd (t) = −f (−t) for −T < t < 0,

0 for t = 0 or t = T,
fodd (t + 2T ) = fodd (t).
An example of this extension is shown in Figure 27.

4 Fourier series for any periodic function

Figure 27 The odd periodic extension fodd (t) of f (t)

In general, both even and odd extensions have fundamental period τ = 2T ,

but in exceptional cases the even periodic extension may have a smaller
fundamental period (see Exercise 25 for an example with fundamental
period τ = T ).
The next example shows how to use these definitions to define even and
odd extensions.

Example 11
Find and sketch the even and odd periodic extensions of the function
f (t) = t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
The even periodic extension is given by
t for 0 ≤ t < 1,
feven (t) =
−t for −1 ≤ t < 0,
feven (t + 2) = feven (t).
This function is sketched in Figure 28, with the original function shown in

Figure 28 The given function is shown in red and the even periodic
extension is shown in black

The odd periodic extension is given by

 t for 0 < t < 1,
fodd (t) = t for −1 < t < 0,

0 for t = 0 or t = 1
fodd (t + 2) = fodd (t).

Unit 13 Fourier series

This function is sketched in Figure 29, with the original function shown in

Figure 29 The given function is shown in red and the odd periodic
extension is shown in black

In this particular case, both extensions can be expressed in alternative

forms. The even periodic extension is
feven (t) = |t| for −1 ≤ t < 1,
feven (t + 2) = feven (t),
and the odd periodic extension is
t for −1 < t < 1,
fodd (t) =
0 for t = 1,
fodd (t + 2) = fodd (t).

Exercise 24
Consider the function shown in Figure 30 and defined by
t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1,
q(t) = 3 1
2 − 2 t for 1 < t ≤ 3.

Define the even and odd periodic extensions of q(t), simplifying the
Figure 30 formulas if possible. State the fundamental periods, and sketch each
extension over a range of three periods.

The following example illustrates how a function defined on a finite

interval can be represented by a Fourier series. This result will be used in
the next unit.

Example 12
Consider the function defined on the finite interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T by
t/T for 0 ≤ t < T /2,
f (t) =
(T − t)/T for T /2 ≤ t ≤ T,
where T is a positive constant. Express f (t) as a Fourier series that
involves only sine terms.

4 Fourier series for any periodic function

Because we are looking for a Fourier series that involves only sine terms,
we need to consider the odd periodic extension of f (t), denoted by fodd (t).
This is sketched in Figure 31.

Figure 31 The odd extension of f (t)

The function fodd (t) is odd and has period τ = 2T , so its Fourier series
(from equation (32)) takes the form

# . /
Fodd (t) = Bn sin ,
where the Fourier coefficients Bn are given by
! . /
1 T nπt
Bn = fodd (t) sin dt.
T −T T
The integrand is even as it is the product of two odd functions, so the
integral can be written as twice the integral over positive values. Also,
fodd (t) = f (t) on this interval, so
! . /
2 T nπt
Bn = f (t) sin dt.
T 0 T
Using the given piecewise definition of f (t), we obtain
! T /2 . / ! T . /
2 nπt 2 nπt
Bn = 2 t sin dt + 2 (T − t) sin dt.
T 0 T T T /2 T
Expanding the second integral gives
! T /2 . / ! . /
2 nπt 2 T nπt
Bn = 2 t sin dt + sin dt
T 0 T T T /2 T
! T . /
2 nπt
− 2 t sin dt.
T T /2 T
The first and third integrals are of the form of one of the two useful
integrals (equation (17) with a = nπ/T ), so we get
) 2 . . / . //5T /2
2 T nπt nπt nπt
Bn = 2 sin − cos
T n2 π2 T T T 0
) . /5T
2 T nπt
+ − cos
T nπ T T /2
) 2 . . / . //5T
2 T nπt nπt nπt
− 2 sin − cos .
T n2 π2 T T T T /2

Unit 13 Fourier series

2 0 nπ nπ nπ $ 2 0 nπ $
Bn = sin − cos − cos nπ − cos
n2 π2 2 2 2 nπ 2
2 0 0 nπ nπ nπ $$
− 2 2 −nπ cos nπ − sin − cos .
n π 2 2 2
There is a lot of cancellation of terms, and the expression simplifies to
4 0 nπ $
Bn = 2 2 sin (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).
n π 2
∞ 0 nπ $ . /
4 # 1 nπt
Fodd (t) = 2 sin sin .
π n2 2 T

Since f (t) and fodd (t) coincide on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T , this is the
required sine Fourier series Fodd (t) for the odd extension of f (t).
For n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, the values of sin(nπ/2) are 1, 0, −1, 0, 1, 0, −1, so
the first few terms in the Fourier series are
. /
4 1 1 1
Fodd (t) = 2 sin(πt) − 2 sin(3πt) + 2 sin(5πt) − 2 sin(7πt) + · · · .
π 3 5 7

Exercise 25
Consider the same function f (t) as that discussed in Example 12. Within
its domain of definition, 0 ≤ t ≤ T , represent this function by a Fourier
series that involves only constant and cosine functions.

To represent the original function f (t) in Example 12 by a Fourier series,

we can use the odd periodic extension, obtaining a series that contains
only sine terms (as in Example 12), or we can use the even periodic
extension, obtaining a series that contains only constant and cosine terms
(as in Exercise 25).
Sometimes one choice is better than the other. In general, if we want to
approximate a function by a truncated Fourier series, it is better to use a
periodic extension that is continuous, rather than discontinuous. This is
because, as pointed out earlier, the Fourier series for a continuous function
converges more rapidly than that for a discontinuous function. So for the
function discussed in Example 11 we would use the even periodic extension
to obtain the Fourier series.
However, in the next unit we will use Fourier series to solve partial
differential equations, and in that case our choice of an even or odd
periodic extension is generally dictated by other factors, namely the
boundary conditions.

Learning outcomes

Exercise 25 is an exceptional case in which the even periodic extension has

fundamental period τ = T rather than τ = 2T . This simplifies the
calculations because we need integrals only over the range from 0 to T /2.
If we were to treat the function in Exercise 25 as having period 2T , then
the usual formula would eventually give the same Fourier series, although
the calculations would be longer. In general, making the mistake of using a
non-fundamental period rather than the fundamental period will always
give the same final Fourier series, but at the expense of more labour.

Exercise 26
Consider the function
1 for 0 ≤ t < π2 ,
f (t) =
−1 for π2 ≤ t < π.
(a) Define the even periodic extension, simplifying your answer as much
possible. Sketch this function over −3π ≤ t ≤ 3π, and state its
fundamental period.
(b) Find the Fourier series for the even periodic extension.
(c) Define the odd periodic extension. Sketch this function over
−3π ≤ t ≤ 3π, and state its fundamental period.

Learning outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• understand the terms frequency, period and fundamental interval, and
obtain them for a periodic function
• understand the terms even and odd as applied to functions, and test a
function to see if it is either
• find the Fourier series for a periodic function
• compare the graph of a function with the graph of a sum of terms in
the Fourier series, and comment on the closeness of the approximation
to the function
• understand how to modify a function defined on an interval to give an
even or odd periodic extension.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Solutions to exercises
Solution to Exercise 1
We have
1 40 1
G(t + 2π) = + 2 cos(t + 2π) + cos 3(t + 2π)
2 π 9
1 1 $
+ cos 5(t + 2π) + cos 7(t + 2π) + · · ·
25 49
1 40 1
= + 2 cos(t + 2π) + cos(3t + 6π)
2 π 9
1 1 $
+ cos(5t + 10π) + cos(7t + 14π) + · · ·
25 49
1 40 1 1 1 $
= + 2 cos t + cos 3t + cos 5t + cos 7t + · · ·
2 π 9 25 49
= G(t).
Note that G(t) would also be unchanged by adding any integer multiple of
2π to its argument. These results hold because adding 2π any number of
times to a cosine argument does not change the value of the cosine.

Solution to Exercise 2
The angular frequencies are 1, 3, 5, 7, . . .,
2π 2π 2π
and the periods are 2π, 3 , 5 , 7 , . . ..

Solution to Exercise 3

The angular frequencies of the component functions are π, 2 , 2π,
and the corresponding periods are 2, 3, 1.
The least common multiple of these periods is 4, so the period of the
function f (t) is τ = 4.

Solution to Exercise 4
The two graphs are as follows.

Solutions to exercises

When n = 0, formula (6) gives

. /
2 × 0πt
C0 (t) = cos = cos 0 = 1.
This is a constant function, which is periodic.

Solution to Exercise 5
Since g(−t) = (−t)3 = −t3 = −g(t) for al t, the function is odd.

Solution to Exercise 6
Since f (t) and g(t) are both odd functions,
f (−t) = −f (t), g(−t) = −g(t).
k(−t) = f (−t) + g(−t) = −f (t) + (−g(t)) = −(f (t) + g(t)) = −k(t),
so k(t) is an odd function.

Solution to Exercise 7
(a) The graph of the function C0 (t) is shown below. As the graph is
symmetrical about the vertical axis, the function must be even.

(b) Here h(−t) = (−t)2 + (−t)3 = t2 − t3 . In general, this is equal to

neither h(t) nor −h(t), so the function is neither even nor odd. This
can also be seen by the asymmetrical nature of the curve in the
diagram below.

Unit 13 Fourier series

Solution to Exercise 8
We have
h(t) = f (t) g(t) = (t3 + 2t5 )(3t2 − t4 )
= 3t5 − t7 + 6t7 − 2t9
= 3t5 + 5t7 − 2t9 .
All the powers of t are odd, so h(t) is an odd function.
Alternatively, since f (t) and g(t) are odd and even functions, respectively,
we know by definition that
f (−t) = −f (t), g(−t) = g(t).
h(−t) = f (−t) g(−t) = −f (t) g(t) = −h(t),
so h(t) is an odd function.

Solution to Exercise 9
From the graph, the values of the function repeat after an interval of
length 2π. Hence the period is τ = 2π. The angular frequency ω satisfies
τ = 2π/ω, so here ω = 1.

Solution to Exercise 10
For n = 1, 2, 3, . . .,
! π ) 5π
sin nt
cos nt dt = = 0,
−π n −π

since sin nπ = 0 and sin(−nπ) = 0.

Solution to Exercise 11
Applying equation (13) gives
! π
A0 = h(t) dt.
2π −π
Using the hint, this simplifies to
! π/2
A0 = 1 dt,
2π −π/2
where we have used the fact that h(t) = 1 for −π/2 ≤ t ≤ π/2. Performing
the integration gives
1 * (π/2
A0 = t = 1.
2π −π/2 2

Solutions to exercises

Solution to Exercise 12
(a) As A0 is a constant, it can be taken outside the integral to obtain
! π ! π
* (π
A0 cos t dt = A0 cos t dt = A0 sin t −π = 0.
−π −π

(b) Using the given trigonometric identity with α = 2t and β = t, we have

! π ! π
&1 1
cos 2t cos t dt = 2 cos 3t + 2 cos t dt
−π −π
*1 (π
= 6 sin 3t + 12 sin t −π
= 0.
(c) Again using the trigonometric identity, this time with α = nt and
β = t, we obtain
! π ! π
&1 1
cos nt cos t dt = 2 cos(n + 1)t + 2 cos(n − 1)t dt
−π −π
) 5π
sin(n + 1)t sin(n − 1)t
= + (as n > 1)
2(n + 1) 2(n − 1) −π
= 0.
(d) Rearranging the given trigonometric identity to make cos2 α the
subject, and using α = t, we have
! π ! π
2 1
cos t dt = 2 (cos 2t + 1) dt
−π −π
* (π
= 41 sin 2t + 12 t −π
= π.

Solution to Exercise 13
Substitute the definition of h(t) from Exercise 11 into equation (16) to
1 π
A1 = h(t) cos t dt.
π −π
Now use the definition of h(t) to get (as h(t) = 0 outside the interval
[− π2 , π2 ])
1 π/2
A1 = 1 × cos t dt.
π −π/2
Performing the integration gives
1* (π/2 1& - 2
A1 = sin t −π/2 = 1 − (−1) = .
π π π

Unit 13 Fourier series

Solution to Exercise 14
We could obtain a general formula for An , as in Example 6, and then
substitute n = 2 and n = 3 into that. Alternatively, put n = 2 into
equation (22) and obtain
1 π
A2 = h(t) cos 2t dt.
π −π
Now use the definition of h(t), which is zero outside −π/2 ≤ t ≤ π/2 and
equal to 1 on this interval, to yield
1 π/2
A2 = 1 × cos 2t dt.
π −π/2
Performing the integration gives
1 *1 (π/2 1 &1 -
A2 = 2 sin 2t −π/2 = 2 sin π − 12 sin(−π) = 0.
π π
Substituting n = 3 into equation (22) gives
1 π
A3 = h(t) cos 3t dt.
π −π
Now use the definition of h(t) again to yield
1 π/2
A3 = 1 × cos 3t dt.
π −π/2
Performing the integration gives
1 *1 (π/2 1 & & --
A3 = 3 sin 3t −π/2 = sin 3π
2 − sin − 3π
π 3π
1& - 2
= (−1) − 1 = − .
3π 3π
Solution to Exercise 15
The constant term does not fit in the general pattern, so we can leave this
term outside the summation. All of the other terms have a factor 2 in the
numerator and a factor π in the denominator, so we can factorise the
expression as
. /
1 2 1 1 1
H(t) = + cos t − cos 3t + cos 5t − cos 7t + · · · .
2 π 3 5 7
The sum in the brackets is a sum over all odd numbers. As n = 1, 2, 3, . . .,
the expression 2n − 1 evaluates to 1, 3, 5, . . ., so this is the expression to be
used in the angular frequency and the denominator. The terms also
change sign, so we need a factor (−1)n in the coefficients. The first sign is
positive, and (−1)n is negative for n = 1, so we need an extra minus sign
(either by writing this as (−1)n+1 or by taking a minus sign out of the
bracket as below).
Putting all this together gives the closed form as

1 2 # (−1)n
H(t) = − cos(2n − 1)t.
2 π n=1 2n − 1

Solutions to exercises

Solution to Exercise 16
We have
! π ! π
1 1 1 * 1 3 (π
A0 = f (t) dt = t2 dt = t = 1 π2 ,
2π −π 2π −π 2π 3 −π 3
and for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we use the hint to obtain
1 π 2
An = t cos nt dt
π −π
) 5
1 1 & 2 2 - π
= (n t − 2) sin nt + 2nt cos nt
π n3 −π
1 1& n n
= × 3 2nπ(−1) − (−2nπ(−1) ) ,
π n
where we have used sin nπ = 0 and cos nπ = (−1)n as n is an integer. This
simplifies to
An = .
The Fourier series is therefore
π2 (−1)n
F (t) = +4 2
cos nt
3 n=1
π2 4 1
= − 4 cos t + cos 2t − cos 3t + cos 4t + · · · .
3 9 4
(The graph of F (t) matches the expected graph, which consists of a
parabola on the fundamental interval repeated indefinitely to both the left
and the right – see below.)

Solution to Exercise 17
The function w(t) is even, and w(t) = t on the interval [0, π]. Therefore
! π !
1 1 π 1 * 1 2 (π π
A0 = w(t) dt = t dt = t = .
2π −π π 0 π 2 0 2
For the other coefficients we must evaluate
1 π
An = w(t) cos nt dt.
π −π
As w(t) is even and equal to t for t positive, this simplifies to
2 π
An = t cos nt dt.
π 0

Unit 13 Fourier series

This is one of the useful integrals (equation (18) with a = n), so

2 1* (π
An = × 2 cos nt + nt sin nt 0 .
π n
Evaluating this expression (and using sin nπ = 0 and cos nπ = (−1)n ), we
An = 2 ((−1)n − 1).
n π
Thus the Fourier series is

π 2 # (−1)n − 1
W (t) = + cos nt.
2 π n=1 n2
So the requested approximation is
π 4 4 4
W5 (t) = − cos t − cos 3t − cos 5t.
2 π 9π 25π
Solution to Exercise 18
The easiest way to proceed is to draw a graph of the given function on the
fundamental interval, such as in the figure in the margin. The pointwise
convergence theorem gives
f (−1+ ) + f (−1− )
F (−1) = .
Using the graph as a guide, we see that the given function is discontinuous
at the point t = −1 and that approaching the point from the right gives
f (−1+ ) = 0. Approaching t = −1 from the left is outside the fundamental
interval, so we add one period to see that this has the same value as
approaching t = 1 from the left, that is, f (−1− ) = f (1− ) = 1. So
0+1 1
F (−1) = = .
2 2
The given function f (t) is continuous at t = 0, so F (t) = f (t) at t = 0,
that is,
F (0) = f (0) = 0.
(You may observe that the slope of the curve changes abruptly at t = 0, so
the derivative of f (t) is discontinuous at t = 0. This property is
independent of the fact that f (t) is continuous at t = 0.)

Solution to Exercise 19
Using equation (28) gives
1 τ/2
A0 = w(t) dt.
τ −τ/2
As w(t) is even, this integral can be simplified and evaluated as
2 τ/2 2 * 1 2 (τ/2 1
A0 = t dt = t = 4 τ.
τ 0 τ 2 0

Solutions to exercises

Similarly, we can compute An by using equation (29):

! . /
2 τ/2 2nπt
An = w(t) cos dt.
τ −τ/2 τ
Proceeding as before, we can simplify the integral by using the fact that
the integrand w(t) cos(2nπt/τ) is even, to get
! . /
4 τ/2 2nπt
An = w(t) cos dt
τ 0 τ
! . /
4 τ/2 2nπt
= t cos dt.
τ 0 τ
This integral is again of the form of one of the two useful integrals
(equation (18) with a = 2nπ/τ), so
) . / . /5τ/2
4 τ2 2nπt 2nπt 2nπt
An = × 2 2 cos + sin .
τ 4n π τ τ τ 0
Evaluating this expression (and using sin nπ = 0 and cos nπ = (−1)n ) gives
τ & -
An = 2 2 cos nπ + nπ sin nπ) − (1 − 0)
n π
τ((−1)n − 1)
= .
n2 π2
(So we have
τ 2τ 2τ
A0 = , A1 = − , A2 = 0, A3 = − , A4 = 0,
4 π2 9π2
2τ 2τ
A5 = − , A6 = 0, A7 = − , A8 = 0, . . . .)
25π2 49π2
Solution to Exercise 20
The function is odd, so its Fourier series involves only sine terms:
#∞ . /
F (t) = Bn sin ,
where the coefficients are given by
! . /
2 τ/2 2nπt
Bn = f (t) sin dt.
τ −τ/2 τ
As f (t) is odd, the integrand is even (as the product of two odd functions).
In addition, f (t) is equal to 1 for positive t, so the integral simplifies to
! . /
4 τ/2 2nπt
Bn = sin dt.
τ 0 τ
Evaluating the integral gives
) . /5τ/2 & -
4 τ 2nπt 2 − cos nπ − (−1)
Bn = − cos = ,
τ 2nπ τ 0 nπ
2(1 − (−1)n )
= .

Unit 13 Fourier series

Evaluating each coefficient in turn yields

4 4 4
, 0, , 0, , 0, . . . ,
π 3π 5π
so the first three non-zero terms of the Fourier series for f (t) are
. . / . / . / /
4 2πt 1 6πt 1 10πt
F (t) = sin + sin + sin + ··· .
π τ 3 τ 5 τ
(Note that since Bn = 0 for even n, the Fourier series could be written as
a sum over odd terms,
∞ . /
4# 1 2(2n − 1)πt
F (t) = sin ,
π n=1 2n − 1 τ
but this was not required in this exercise.)

Solution to Exercise 21
(a) Using the definition of g(x), we have
f (−x) + f (−(−x)) f (−x) + f (x)
g(−x) = = = g(x).
2 2
Hence g(x) is an even function.
(b) Using the definition of h(x), we have
f (−x) − f (−(−x)) f (−x) − f (x)
h(−x) = = = −h(x).
2 2
Hence h(x) is an odd function.
(c) Using the definitions of g(x) and h(x), we have
f (x) + f (−x) f (x) − f (−x)
g(x) + h(x) = + = f (x).
2 2
Solution to Exercise 22
Using Procedure 1, we obtain
! 0 ! 1
1 1
A0 = 2 1 dt + 2 t dt
−1 0
* (0 * (1
= t −1 + 21 12 t2 0 = 12 + 41 = 34 ,
! 0 ! 1
An = cos(nπt) dt + t cos(nπt) dt
−1 0
) 5
1 * (0 1 & - 1
Using equation (18) with = sin(nπt) −1 + 2 2 cos(nπt) + nπt sin(nπt)
a = nπ. nπ n π 0
= 2 2 ((−1)n − 1),
n π

Solutions to exercises

! 0 ! 1
Bn = sin(nπt) dt + t sin(nπt) dt
−1 0
) 5
1 * (0 1 & - 1
=− cos(nπt) −1 + 2 2 sin(nπt) − nπt cos(nπt) Using equation (17) with
nπ n π 0 a = nπ.
1 1
= − (1 − cos nπ) − 2 2 (nπ cos nπ)
nπ n π
1 cos nπ cos nπ
=− + −
nπ nπ nπ
=− .

Solution to Exercise 23
* (
(a) It is clear from the graph of b(t) (Figure 2) that − π2 , π2 is a
fundamental interval, so b(t) has period π.
(b) The function b(t) is even, so its Fourier series involves only the
constant and cosine terms, hence

B(t) = A0 + An cos 2nt.

Starting with the constant term, we need to calculate

1 π/2
A0 = cos t dt.
π −π/2
Evaluating the integral gives
1* (π/2 1& - 2
A0 = sin t −π/2 = 1 − (−1) = .
π π π
Similarly, the coefficient An can be calculated from
2 π/2
An = cos t cos 2nt dt.
π −π/2
As the integrand is even, this integral simplifies to
4 π/2
An = cos t cos 2nt dt.
π 0
Using the hint, we write this as
4 π/2 1 & -
An = 2 cos(2n − 1)t + cos(2n + 1)t dt.
π 0
Evaluating the integral gives
) 5π/2
2 sin(2n − 1)t sin(2n + 1)t
An = +
π 2n − 1 2n + 1
. /0
2 sin(nπ − 2 ) sin(nπ + π2 )
= + .
π 2n − 1 2n + 1

Unit 13 Fourier series

Now use the addition formulas for sine to get

2 sin nπ cos π2 − cos nπ sin π2
An =
π 2n − 1
sin nπ cos π2 + cos nπ sin π2
+ .
2n + 1
Using sin nπ = 0, cos nπ = (−1)n and sin π2 = 1, this simplifies to
. /
2 −(−1)n (−1)n
An = +
π 2n − 1 2n + 1
. /
2(−1) 1 1
= − +
π 2n − 1 2n + 1
2(−1)n −(2n + 1) + (2n − 1)
= ×
π (2n − 1)(2n + 1)
=− .
π(4n2 − 1)
So the Fourier series is

2 4 # (−1)n
B(t) = − cos 2nt
π π n=1 4n2 − 1
. /
2 2 2 2 2
= 1 + cos 2t − cos 4t + cos 6t − cos 8t + · · · .
π 3 15 35 63

Solution to Exercise 24
Using the definition of the even periodic extension, we have

 t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1,

 3 − 1t for 1 < t ≤ 3,
qeven (t) = 2 2

 −t for −1 ≤ t < 0,

3 1
2 + 2t for −3 < t < −1,
qeven (t + 6) = qeven (t).
This function has fundamental period τ = 6, and its formula cannot be
made much simpler. Its graph is sketched below.

The odd periodic extension is given by

 t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1,

 3 − 1t for 1 < t ≤ 3,
qodd (t) = 2 2

 t for −1 ≤ t < 0,

 3 1
− 2 − 2 t for −3 < t < −1,
qodd (t + 6) = qodd (t).
Solutions to exercises

This function has fundamental period τ = 6, and its graph is sketched


By examining this graph, we see that the formula can be simplified to

t for −1 ≤ t < 1,
qodd (t) = 3 1
2 − 2 t for 1 ≤ t < 5,
qodd (t + 6) = qodd (t).

Solution to Exercise 25
Because we are looking for a Fourier series that involves only constant and
cosine terms, we need to consider the even periodic extension of f (t),
denoted by feven (t). This is sketched in the figure below.

The function feven (t) is even and has period τ = T , so its Fourier series
takes the form
#∞ . /
Feven (t) = A0 + An cos ,
where the Fourier coefficients A0 and An are given by
1 T /2
A0 = feven (t) dt,
T −T /2
! . /
2 T /2 2nπt
An = feven (t) cos dt (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).
T −T /2 T
But both of the integrands are even, and on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T /2 we
have feven (t) = f (t) = t/T , so the integrals simplify to
2 T /2 t
A0 = dt,
T 0 T
! . /
4 T /2 t 2nπt
An = cos dt (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).
T 0 T T
Evaluating the first integral gives
! T /2
2 2 * (T /2
A0 = 2 t dt = 2 12 t2 0 = 41 .
T 0 T
Unit 13 Fourier series

Using equation (18) with a = 2nπ/T , we get

. /2 ) . / . /5T /2
4 T 2nπt 2nπt 2nπt
An = 2 cos + sin
T 2nπ T T T 0
(−1) − 1
= .
n2 π2
∞ . /
1 1 # (−1)n − 1 2nπt
Feven (t) = + 2 cos .
4 π n=1 n2 T
Since f (t) and feven (t) coincide on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T , this is the
required cosine Fourier series Feven (t) for f (t).
The first few terms in this Fourier series are
. . / . / . / /
1 2 2πt 1 6πt 1 10πt
Feven (t) = − 2 cos + 2 cos + 2 cos + ··· .
4 π T 3 T 5 T

Solution to Exercise 26
(a) The even periodic extension is given by

 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ π2 ,

 −1 for π < t ≤ π,
feven (t) =

 −1 for −π < t < − π2 ,

1 for − π2 ≤ t < 0,
feven (t + 2π) = feven (t),
and is drawn below.

The fundamental period of this even extension is τ = 2π, and its

formula can be simplified to
1 for − 21 π ≤ t < π2 ,
feven (t) =
−1 for π2 ≤ t < 3π2 ,

feven (t + 2π) = feven (t).

(b) Because the function feven (t) is even and has period τ = 2π, its
Fourier series takes the form
Feven (t) = A0 + An cos nt.

Solutions to exercises

The coefficient A0 is given by

! π
A0 = feven (t) dt
2π −π
2 ! ! π/2 ! π 4
= − 1 dt + 1 dt − 1 dt = 0.
2π −π −π/2 π/2

This result is not unexpected, as the graph shows clearly that the
average value of the function is zero.
As the integrand is even, the coefficients An are given by
! π
An = feven (t) cos nt dt
2π 0
2! ! π 4
= cos nt dt − cos nt dt
π 0 π/2
2 0* (π/2 * (π $
= sin nt 0 − sin nt π/2

4 nπ
= sin .
nπ 2

4#1 nπ
Feven (t) = sin cos nt.
π n=1 n 2
(c) The odd periodic extension is defined by

 1 for 0 < t ≤ π2 ,

 π
 −1 for 2 < t < π,

fodd (t) = 1 for −π < t < − π2 ,

 −1 for − π2 ≤ t < 0,

0 for t = 0 or t = π,
fodd (t + 2π) = fodd (t),
and is drawn below.

This has fundamental period τ = π.

Unit 14

Partial differential equations


A partial differential equation is an equation relating a dependent
variable and two or more independent variables through the partial Partial derivatives were
derivatives of the dependent variable. Differential equations have played a introduced in Unit 7.
very important role in the module so far. But until now, all the differential
equations that you have met have involved just one independent variable,
and have been equations containing one or more dependent variables and
their ordinary derivatives with respect to that independent variable. Such
equations are often called ordinary differential equations when it is Ordinary differential equations
necessary to distinguish them from partial differential equations. For many are the subject of Units 1, 6
systems that we want to be able to model, ordinary differential equations and 12.
are inadequate because the states of the system can be specified only in
terms of two – or even more – independent variables. When we are trying
to model the way in which such a system changes, we are inevitably led to
consider partial differential equations.
This unit is an introduction to partial differential equations and their
solution. The method of solution introduced here is called separation of
variables. This idea is similar to, but distinct from, the method for solving
first-order ordinary differential equations that is also called separation of
variables, described in Unit 1. Section 1 introduces partial differential
equations and concepts associated with them, then outlines the separation
of variables method that is the core of this unit.
Partial differential equations have many applications, but here we describe
just two of them. In Section 2 we look at a model of the transverse
vibrations of a taut string, such as a guitar string. First the model is The vibrations of a guitar string
derived in terms of a partial differential equation called the wave equation, are also considered in Unit 11.
then the method of separation of variables is used to find particular
solutions of the wave equation, such as the vibrations of a plucked string.
Section 3 looks at a different application, namely the modelling of the flow
of heat in a rod. This section introduces a physical law governing heat flow
called Newton’s law of cooling, then uses this law to derive a partial
differential equation modelling the flow of heat that is called the heat
equation. The section concludes by using the separation of variables
method to find particular solutions of the heat equation. A physical
phenomenon known as diffusion also satisfies the same partial differential
equation, so the heat equation is sometimes known as the diffusion

1 Solving partial differential equations

This section introduces partial differential equations and describes the
method of separation of variables that is used to solve them.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

1.1 Introducing partial differential equations

Both the wave equation and the heat equation are examples of
second-order partial differential equations, where the notion of order for
partial differential equations is defined in the same way as for ordinary
differential equations.

The order of a partial differential equation is the order of the highest

derivative that occurs.

The only issue worth highlighting here is that the order of mixed
derivatives such as ∂ 2 u/∂x ∂t is 2, because we count the total number of
times that the function u is differentiated.
In this unit we consider only second-order partial differential equations,
although the methods described are applicable to partial differential
equations of any order. Furthermore, all the equations that we deal with
are linear, where again linear is defined as it is for ordinary differential

A linear partial differential equation is one that contains no products

or non-linear functions of terms involving the dependent variable and
its partial derivatives.

The following exercise asks you to apply these definitions to classify some
partial differential equations.

Exercise 1
We use the convention that a For each of the following differential equations, state whether it is linear or
subscript is used to denote a non-linear, and write down its order.
partial derivative with respect to
that variable. So the equation in ∂u ∂u ∂2u ∂u
(a) +u =0 (b) 2
=x +u
part (d) could be written as ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x
∂ 3 u ∂u
+ = 0. ∂ 2u
∂x3 ∂x (c) = x2 t (d) uxxx + ux = 0
∂t ∂x

As we will see later, the wave equation is a good model of a plucked guitar
string. We will use this context to introduce other aspects of partial
differential equations. A partial differential equation model is required
because the state of the string – by which is meant its shape at any given
time after it has been plucked – requires a function u(x, t) of two
independent variables, x and t, where x is the distance along the straight
line joining the two points at which the string is anchored (which we can
consider as an axis with origin at one end of the string), and t is the time
since the string was plucked.

1 Solving partial differential equations

The straight line joining the two points at which the string is anchored is
the equilibrium position of the string. The dependent variable u = u(x, t)
is the transverse displacement of the string from the point on the axis
determined by x, at time t. For fixed t = t1 and varying x, u(x, t1 ) specifies
the shape of the string at time t1 , as shown in Figure 1(a). On the other
hand, we can think about a fixed x = x1 and varying t, and then u(x1 , t)
tells us how the transverse displacement of the string from the fixed point
x = x1 on the axis varies with time (see Figure 1(b)).

Figure 1 Motion of a plucked string: (a) string position with t fixed

as t1 , and x varying; (b) string position with x fixed as x1 , and t varying –
four snapshots in time are shown in different colours

The model of the motion of the string that we will develop will be a
differential equation for the variable u. Since u depends on both x and t,
an equation that models the motion of the string will involve partial
derivatives of u with respect to both x and t. One such equation is
∂2u 1 ∂ 2u
= 2 2, (1)
∂x c ∂t
where c is a constant whose value depends on various physical
characteristics of the string. This partial differential equation is called the
wave equation. It is a very important equation of mathematical physics, The name wave equation is used
in part because it occurs in many situations that involve vibrations of because it models wave-like
extended flexible objects like strings and springs, or indeed other wave motions such as that of a
plucked guitar string.
motions such as sound waves and light waves.
Checking whether or not a given function is a solution of a given partial
differential equation is simply a matter of substituting the function into
the equation, and seeing whether it is satisfied. The only difference from
the case of an ordinary differential equation is that you have to calculate
all the relevant partial derivatives.

Example 1
Check that
u(x, t) = sin(kx) cos(kct)
is a solution of the wave equation (1) for any constant k.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

We have
∂u ∂ 2u
= k cos(kx) cos(kct), = −k 2 sin(kx) cos(kct),
∂x ∂x2
∂u ∂2u
= −kc sin(kx) sin(kct), = −k 2 c2 sin(kx) cos(kct).
∂t ∂t2
So when u(x, t) = sin(kx) cos(kct),
∂2u 1 ∂ 2u
= 2 2,
∂x c ∂t
and this function is indeed a solution of the wave equation.

Now try this yourself by attempting the following exercise.

Exercise 2
Check that u(x, t) = sin(x) e−αt is a solution of the partial differential
∂u ∂2u
= α 2. (2)
∂t ∂x
This partial differential equation is known as the heat equation.

1.2 Initial conditions and boundary conditions

Initial conditions and boundary conditions for partial differential equations
play the same role as they do for ordinary differential equations: they can
be applied to a general solution to get a particular solution.
The initial conditions and/or boundary conditions appropriate to
obtaining a particular solution of the wave equation or the heat equation
depend on the context. For example, for the wave equation model of the
vibrations of a guitar string, we need to use two boundary conditions and
two initial conditions in order to have a unique solution. This is because
the wave equation involves the second partial derivative with respect to x
(hence the need for two boundary conditions) and also involves the second
partial derivative with respect to t (hence the need for two initial
conditions). In contrast, the heat equation (2) involves only the first
partial derivative with respect to t, hence it requires only one initial
condition in order to have a unique solution.
For the wave equation, if L is the equilibrium length of the string, then the
boundary conditions are
u(0, t) = 0 and u(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0; (3)
these conditions correspond to the string being fixed at its ends. The
initial conditions model the action of plucking the string, which sets it in
motion. Plucking consists of holding the string in a certain shape, at rest,

1 Solving partial differential equations

and then releasing it. If the initial shape of the string is given by a
function f (x), then the initial conditions may be specified in the form
u(x, 0) = f (x), 0 < x < L, We use the range 0 < x < L for
the initial condition
ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L.
u(x, 0) = f (x) because the
The first initial condition models the initial shape of the string, while the values of u(x, 0) when x = 0 and
second corresponds to it being at rest initially. The initial condition for a x = L are specified by boundary
conditions (3).
particular initial shape is given in the following example.

Example 2
A taut string of equilibrium length L is plucked at its midpoint, which is
given an initial displacement 21 , as shown in Figure 2. It is then released
from rest.
Write down the initial conditions for the wave equation for the transverse
vibrations of this string. Figure 2 Initial position of a
taut string plucked at its
The displacement shown in Figure 2 has two linear sections, with slopes
±1/L. Hence the initial displacement is given by
x/L for 0 < x ≤ 21 L,
u(x, 0) =
(L − x)/L for 12 L < x < L.
As the string is released from rest, the transverse component of the initial
velocity is given by
ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L.

Exercise 3
Suppose that the initial conditions for the transverse vibrations of a taut
string are
 4d

− x for 0 < x ≤ 14 L,
u(x, 0) = L

 − 4d (L − x) for 1 L < x < L,
3L 4

ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L.
Describe how the string has been set in motion.

Exercise 4
A taut string of equilibrium length L is plucked one-third of the way along
its length, which is given an initial displacement d, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Initial position of a
What is the corresponding initial condition, for this displacement, for the taut string plucked at a point
wave equation for the transverse vibrations of this string? a third of the way along its

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Exercise 5
A taut string is initially in its equilibrium position. At time t = 0, it is
struck in such a way as to impart, instantaneously, a transverse velocity v
(in the positive direction) to the middle third of the string. This is a
simple model of a string that is hammered, such as a piano wire.
Modify the initial conditions for the wave equation for transverse
vibrations of the string to model this situation.

Example 1 showed that any function of the form u(x, t) = sin(kx) cos(kct)
is a solution of the wave equation, for any constant k. In particular,
- . - .
πx πct
u(x, t) = sin cos (4)
is a solution of the wave equation for transverse vibrations of a taut string,
where L is the equilibrium length of the string. The following exercise asks
you to show that this solution also satisfies fixed endpoint boundary
conditions and the initial condition that the string starts from rest.

Exercise 6
Show that the solution given by equation (4) satisfies the boundary
u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0,
and the initial condition
ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L.

Equation (4) is not the only solution of the wave equation that satisfies the
boundary conditions. You may like to verify that each member of the
following family of functions un (x, t) (n = 1, 2, . . .) also satisfies the wave
equation, the fixed endpoint boundary conditions and the starting from
rest initial condition:
- . - .
πnx πnct
un (x, t) = sin cos . (5)
The first three members of this family of solutions are shown in Figure 4 at
time t = 0.
(Note that un (x, t) denotes a family of functions indexed by the discrete
variable n; it is not the derivative with respect to n, as the notation would
imply if n were a continuous variable.)

1 Solving partial differential equations

Figure 4 The first three transverse vibrations of a taut string

You may recognise the waves shown in Figure 4 from earlier physics or
music theory as having the shape of the fundamental (n = 1) and
harmonics (n = 2, 3, . . .) of a vibrating string. You can observe that the
larger the value of n, the higher the frequency (and the higher the pitch of
the note).
In music we rarely hear pure tones such as the ones shown in Figure 4 as
musical instruments each produce a characteristic mixture of pure tones
that gives the characteristic sound (known as the timbre) of an instrument.
In terms of a mathematical model of a taut string, the mixing of tones
corresponds to taking linear combinations of the family of solutions (5).
This is a key feature of the type of partial differential equations that we
study, namely linear differential equations that are homogeneous, in that
each additive term involves the dependent variable or its derivatives –
there are no constant terms or terms involving solely the independent
variables. The key result is as follows.

Principle of superposition
If u and v are solutions of a linear homogeneous partial differential
equation, then Au + Bv is also a solution of the same equation for
any constants A and B. Furthermore, if u and v also satisfy
homogeneous boundary conditions such as u(0, t) = 0 or ux (L, t) = 0,
then the linear combination Au + Bv will also satisfy them.

The principle of superposition enables the construction of a general

solution of a partial differential equation from particular solutions such as
the family of solutions (5).
It may seem that this principle of superposition is of limited applicability
since it applies only to homogeneous boundary conditions. The following
exercises show that this is not the case, as inhomogeneous boundary
conditions can be reduced to homogeneous boundary conditions.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Exercise 7
Consider the heat equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α ,
∂t ∂x2
subject to boundary conditions
Θ(0, t) = Θ(L, t) = Θ0 , t ≥ 0,
where Θ0 *= 0.
(a) Show that the function Θ(x, t) = Θ0 satisfies the differential equation
and boundary conditions.
(b) Define u(x, t) = Θ(x, t) − Θ0 . Show that u(x, t) satisfies the heat
equation with homogeneous boundary conditions.

Exercise 8
Consider the heat equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α ,
∂t ∂x2
subject to boundary conditions
Θ(0, t) = Θ0 , Θ(L, t) = ΘL , t ≥ 0,
where Θ0 and ΘL are non-zero constants.
(a) Show that the function
L−x x
Θ(x, t) = Θ0 + ΘL
satisfies the differential equation and the boundary conditions.
(b) Define the function
L−x x
u(x, t) = Θ(x, t) − Θ0 − ΘL .
Show that u(x, t) satisfies the heat equation with homogeneous
boundary conditions.

Results similar to those in Exercises 7 and 8 allow us to concentrate on the

case of homogeneous boundary conditions, which we will mainly consider
from now on.
The case of homogeneous boundary conditions is simpler because we can
then apply the principle of superposition. This will be the strategy for
solving partial differential equations: first find a family of particular
solutions, then use the principle of superposition to find the general
solution. The next subsection describes this strategy.

1 Solving partial differential equations

1.3 Separation of variables

This subsection is the core of this unit. It describes a method known as
separation of variables, which is one of the few techniques available for
solving linear partial differential equations; it is the only technique that we
will study in this unit. As mentioned in the previous subsection, the
strategy is to look for particular solutions that can be combined to give the
general solution. We look for solutions of the form
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t).
We now have to find the relevant partial derivatives of the function u(x, t)
in terms of the functions X(x) and T (t).

Exercise 9
If the function u is defined as a product
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t),
find formulas for the partial derivatives ∂u/∂t, ∂ 2 u/∂t2 , ∂u/∂x and
∂ 2 u/∂x2 in terms of the functions X and T and their ordinary derivatives.

Using the derivatives obtained in Exercise 9, we can separate variables in a

partial differential equation in a similar (but distinct) way to the
separation of variables method for solving first-order differential equations
that you studied in Unit 1. As an example, consider the equation
∂2u ∂u
= , (6)
∂x ∂t
and look for solutions of the form u(x, t) = X(x) T (t). From Exercise 9 we
∂2u ∂u
= X !! (x) T (t) and = X(x) T ! (t).
∂x2 ∂t
Substituting into the partial differential equation gives
X !! (x) T (t) = X(x) T ! (t).
Dividing by X(x) T (t) gives
X !! (x) T ! (t)
= .
X(x) T (t)
This has achieved our aim of separating the variables, as the left-hand side
involves only x and the right-hand side involves only t. This equation must
hold for all x and t, and the only way that this can happen is if both sides
are equal to the same constant. Let µ be this constant, which is called the
separation constant. So we have
X !! (x) T ! (t)
= µ and = µ.
X(x) T (t)

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Rearranging these equations gives two ordinary differential equations:

X !! (x) − µ X(x) = 0 and T ! (t) − µ T (t) = 0. (7)
Each of these equations can be solved separately by using the methods of
Unit 1, but before we progress to doing this, try the following exercise to
separate the variables for another partial differential equation.

Exercise 10
Consider the differential equation
∂2u ∂u
+ 2u = .
∂x2 ∂t
Use the substitution u(x, t) = X(x) T (t) to separate the variables x and t,
and hence find the two differential equations satisfied by X(x) and T (t).

Ordinary differential equations similar to equations (7) will occur

frequently for the partial differential equations that we consider in this
unit. These equations can be solved by using the methods of Unit 1, and
for reference we recall the solutions here.

The general solution of the equation T ! (t) − µ T (t) = 0 is

T (t) = C exp(µt), (8)
where C is a constant.

The form of the solution of the equation involving x depends on the value
of the separation constant µ and splits into three cases.

The general solution of the equation X !! (x) − µ X(x) = 0 is

 cx −cx
 Ae + Be for µ > 0,
X(x) = Ax + B for µ = 0, (9)

A cos kx + B sin kx for µ < 0,
√ √
where A and B are constants, c = µ and k = −µ.

Note that the constants c and k that appear in the box above are real
numbers (in the cases where they apply) and are positive (since the square
root function gives the positive root).
Now we turn our attention to the boundary conditions for the partial
differential equation, which can be used to derive boundary conditions for
the separated ordinary differential equations. As an example to show the
general method, consider the boundary condition u(0, t) = 0 for t ≥ 0.
Substituting u(x, t) = X(x) T (t) into the boundary condition gives
X(0) T (t) = 0.

1 Solving partial differential equations

This equation implies that either X(0) = 0 or T (t) = 0 for all t. The latter
option gives u(x, t) = X(x) × 0 = 0, which is known as the trivial solution
(it is always a solution of a linear homogeneous differential equation). So
for non-trivial solutions of the partial differential equation we must have
X(0) = 0. Hence the boundary condition for u(x, t) imposes a boundary
condition on X(x).
Similar results hold for other boundary conditions, as the next exercise

Exercise 11
Consider the boundary condition ux (1, t) = 0 for t ≥ 0. If
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t), then what boundary condition must X(x) satisfy in
order to find non-trivial solutions of a partial differential equation?

Returning now to the differential equation (6), namely uxx = ut , we

consider the solutions subject to the boundary conditions
u(0, t) = u(1, t) = 0 for t ≥ 0. In terms of X and T , the boundary
conditions become X(0) T (t) = 0 and X(1) T (t) = 0, hence for non-trivial
solutions we must have X(0) = 0 and X(1) = 0.
The aim is now to find non-trivial solutions of the differential equation
X !! (x) − µ X(x) = 0 that satisfy the boundary conditions. In equation (9)
there are three different forms of the solution depending on the sign of µ,
and we consider each in turn.

• µ > 0. Let c = µ. As stated in equation (9), the general solution in
this case is
X(x) = Aecx + Be−cx ,
where A and B are constants.
The boundary condition X(0) = 0 gives the equation Ae0 + Be0 = 0,
that is, A + B = 0 or B = −A.
The boundary condition X(1) = 0 gives the equation
Aec + Be−c = 0.
As B = −A, this simplifies to
A(ec − e−c ) = 0.
Multiplying both sides by ec gives
A(e2c − 1) = 0.
Now we argue that the term in brackets is never zero. Since c > 0, we
have 2c > 0, and taking exponentials gives exp(2c) > exp(0) = 1 (this
last step is a consequence of the fact that ex is an increasing function).
Thus the term (e2c − 1) is never zero, and we conclude that A = 0 and
B = −A = 0.
So the only solution is the trivial solution X(x) = 0.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

• µ = 0. As stated in equation (9), the general solution in this case is

X(x) = Ax + B,
where A and B are constants.
The boundary condition X(0) = 0 gives B = 0. The boundary
condition X(1) = 0 then gives A = 0.
So the only solution is the trivial solution X(x) = 0.
√ √
Note that as µ is negative, −µ • µ < 0. Let k = −µ. As stated in equation (9), the general solution
is a positive real number. can be written as
X(x) = A cos kx + B sin kx,
where A and B are constants.
The boundary condition X(0) = 0 yields A cos 0 + B sin 0 = 0, so
A = 0. The boundary condition X(1) = 0 then gives B sin k = 0. So
either B = 0 or sin k = 0. The option B = 0 leads to X(x) = 0 again,
so for non-trivial solutions we must have
sin k = 0.
The zeros of the sine function occur at integer multiples of π, so
k = nπ for some integer n.
So the function
X(x) = B sin(nπx) for n = 1, 2, . . .
is a solution of the differential equation that satisfies the boundary
Note that n must be positive condition for any positive integer n. The separation constant for this
since k is positive. solution is µ = −k 2 = −n2 π2 .
Now we have found non-trivial solutions for X(x), we proceed to find the
corresponding solutions for T (t).
Recall that the differential equation for T (t) is T ! (t) − µ T (t) = 0, which
T ! (t) + n2 π2 T (t) = 0
as µ = −n2 π2 . From equation (8), the general solution of this equation is
T (t) = C exp(−n2 π2 t),
where C is a constant.
Multiplying the solutions for X(x) and T (t) gives a function u(x, t) that
satisfies the partial differential equation and boundary conditions:
u(x, t) = a sin(nπx) exp(−n2 π2 t),
where we have combined the two constants into one: that is, a = BC.

1 Solving partial differential equations

There is one solution for each positive integer n, so we have a family of

un (x, t) = an sin(nπx) exp(−n2 π2 t) for n = 1, 2, . . . ,
where we have added a subscript n to the constant a to emphasise that
these constants can have a different value for each value of n. These
solutions of the partial differential equation are known as normal mode
As the partial differential equation and boundary conditions are
homogeneous and linear, any superposition of these solutions is also a
solution. So we can write the general solution as

u(x, t) = an sin(nπx) exp(−n2 π2 t).
To determine the constants, we need an initial condition for the partial
differential equation, such as
u(x, 0) = sin(2πx).
Substituting the general solution into this equation gives

an sin(nπx) = sin(2πx). (10)
You should recognise this as a Fourier sine series that would result from
computing the Fourier series of the odd periodic extension of sin(2πx)
defined on the interval [0, 1]. We can proceed, as in Unit 13, to determine
the coefficients by integration:
! π
an = sin(2πx) sin(nπx) dx.
2π −π
This integral has already been evaluated in Unit 13 – the integral over a
complete period of a product of sines is zero unless the arguments are the
same. So we have a2 = 1, and an = 0 if n *= 2. In fact, this result could
have been written down ‘by inspection’ of equation (10), as the function on
the right-hand side is one of the terms of the series on the left-hand side;
equation (10) could be written as
a1 sin(πx) + a2 sin(2πx) + a3 sin(3πx) + · · · = sin(2πx).
So the particular solution that satisfies the given initial condition is
u(x, t) = sin(2πx) exp(−4π2 t).
In finding this solution we have gone through several steps, and it is
worthwhile summarising them now in the form of a procedure. The terms
in the margin will be used in later examples to show how this procedure is
being applied.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Procedure 1 Separation of variables

To find the solution of a homogeneous linear partial differential
equation with dependent variable u and independent variables x
and t, subject to boundary and initial conditions, carry out the
following steps.
" Separate variables ! 1. Separate the variables by substituting the trial solution
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t)
into the partial differential equation and rearranging so that each
side of the equation involves only one of the variables. Both sides
must then be equal to a separation constant µ.
Rearranging then gives two separate ordinary differential
equations for X and T . The boundary conditions for u will give
boundary conditions for X.
" Solve ODEs ! 2. Find the general solution of the ordinary differential equations for
X and T found in Step 1. Use the boundary conditions for X to
find the normal mode solutions un (x, t).
" Initial conditions ! 3. Write down the general solution as a linear combination of the
normal mode solutions:

u(x, t) = an un (x, t).

The initial conditions (and results about Fourier series) can be

used to determine the constants an appearing in this solution.

The next exercise asks you to follow the first two steps of this procedure to
find a family of normal mode solutions for a different partial differential

Exercise 12
Use Procedure 1 to find an infinite family of normal mode solutions for the
partial differential equation
∂2u ∂2u
This equation is known as + 2 = 0,
Laplace’s equation. ∂x2 ∂t
subject to boundary conditions
u(0, t) = u(1, t) = 0, t ≥ 0.

Procedure 1 is the key technique introduced in this unit. The remaining

sections apply this technique to analyse models in two different contexts:
modelling the vibrations of a string and modelling the flow of heat. The
next section concentrates on the first of these.

2 The wave equation

2 The wave equation

This section is devoted to deriving and solving the wave equation. In
Subsection 2.1 we will see how the wave equation arises as a model of the
transverse vibrations of a taut string, and also how damping can be
incorporated into the model. Subsection 2.2 looks at modelling the
vibrations of a plucked string. The model for this is the wave equation
subject to fixed endpoint boundary conditions and initial conditions
specifying a given initial string profile and zero initial velocity.
Subsection 2.3 looks at what happens when damping is incorporated into
the model.

2.1 Deriving the wave equation

In this subsection you will see how a continuous model of a guitar string – You saw a discrete model of a
or indeed of any taut string – leads to a model of the transverse vibrations guitar string in Section 3 of
of the string as a second-order partial differential equation. This derivation Unit 11.
is given for completeness – you will not be asked to reproduce or modify
this derivation in the assessment of this module.
The assumptions needed to develop this model are as follows.
(a) The string is uniform, with total mass M and equilibrium length L.
(b) Each point of the string is subject only to a small, smoothly varying
transverse displacement u, as shown in Figure 5.
(c) All external forces, such as weight, friction and air resistance, are
negligible in comparison with the tension in the string.
Using assumption (c) that the weight of the string is negligible in
comparison to the tension in the string implies that when it is in
Figure 5 A taut string
equilibrium, the string lies in a straight line. We will take this equilibrium
line as the x-axis, with origin at the left-hand end; see Figure 5.
Consider a small segment of length δx a distance x along the string (so that
in equilibrium it would occupy the interval [x − δx/2, x + δx/2]), as shown
in Figure 6. Also shown in the figure are the two neighbouring segments.

Figure 6 Splitting the string into small segments: imagine the string
being split at the dashed lines and replaced by particles located at the

By assumption (a) the string is uniform, so the mass of each segment is

M δx/L. So each small segment can be modelled as a particle of mass

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

M δx/L located at the point (x, u(x, t)), as shown in Figure 7. Also shown
in Figure 7 is the angle θ(x, t), which is the angle that the tension force
due to the string makes to the left of the particle at position x at time t.


Figure 7 Force diagram for three neighbouring elements of string

(vertical scale exaggerated for clarity)

Also shown in Figure 7 are the forces acting on the three segments. By
assumption (c), all forces are negligible compared to the tension in the
string, so we have modelled only the tension forces. As the tension forces
between neighbouring particles (e.g. T4 and T1 ) are due to a portion of
string at a fixed angle, they must be of equal magnitude and opposite
direction, as shown. The total force on the central segment at position x is
T1 + T2 .
By assumption (b), the central segment moves vertically, so its acceleration
is utt (x, t) j. Applying Newton’s second law gives
M δx
utt (x, t) j = T1 + T2 . (11)
We now need expressions for T1 and T2 . Resolving in the i-direction gives
0 = T1 · i + T2 · i.
From this equation we get |T1 · i| = |T2 · i|, that is, the magnitude of the
horizontal component of the tension force is constant. As the string is
horizontal in equilibrium, this is equal to the equilibrium tension, Teq .
This gives the diagram shown in Figure 8.

M δx
Teq L Teq tan(θ(x + δx, t))

Teq tan(θ(x, t)) Teq

Figure 8 Resolving the forces in the central line segment (vertical scale
exaggerated for clarity)

2 The wave equation

From Figure 8 we have

T1 = −Teq i − Teq tan(θ(x, t)) j
T2 = Teq i + Teq tan(θ(x + δx, t)) j.
What remains to be done is to relate the angle θ(x, t) to the string
displacement u(x, t). From the triangle shown in Figure 9, we obtain Figure 9 Determining the
relationship between θ(x, t)
u(x, t) − u(x − δx, t) and u(x, t)
tan(θ(x, t)) = .
As δx becomes smaller, the right-hand side of this equation tends to the
first derivative of the displacement with respect to x, that is, ux (x, t). So Recall from Unit 7 that
tan(θ(x, t)) = ux (x, t), and similarly tan(θ(x + δx, t)) = ux (x + δx, t), hence lim f (x+h,t)−f (x,t)
= fx (x, t).
we have h→0
Here f = u and h = −δx.
T1 = −Teq i − Teq ux (x, t) j
T2 = Teq i + Teq ux (x + δx, t) j.
Substituting into equation (11) and resolving in the j-direction gives
M δx
utt (x, t) = Teq ux (x + δx, t) − Teq ux (x, t). (12)
Rearranging yields
M ux (x + δx, t) − ux (x, t)
utt (x, t) = .
Teq L δx
Taking the limit as δx → 0 gives Now in
f (x+h,t)−f (x,t)
M lim h = fx (x, t)
utt (x, t) = uxx (x, t). h→0
Teq L we have f = ux and h = δx.
This is the differential equation that we were aiming to derive, but it is
more usual to write
c2 = Teq L/M (13)
and present the equation as follows.

Wave equation
∂2u 1 ∂2u
= . (14)
∂x2 c2 ∂t2

Example 3
Use equation (14) to determine the dimensions of the constant c.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

The dimensions of a derivative [∂ 2 u/∂x2 ] = L L−2 = L−1 ,
were dealt with in Exercise 21 of
[∂ 2 u/∂t2 ] = L T−2 .
Unit 8.
[∂ 2 u/∂t2 ] L T−2
[c2 ] = = = L2 T−2 ,
[∂ 2 u/∂x2 ] L−1
so [c] = L T−1 .

So c has the dimensions of

#speed, and equation (14) will be dimensionally
consistent provided that Teq L/M has the same dimensions.

Exercise 13
Show that Teq L/M has the dimensions of speed.

This subsection concludes by deriving a more complicated model for the

transverse vibrations of a string that includes damping. We start from
equation (12), which is the equation of transverse motion of the string
without damping, and now consider adding a linear damping force to the
motion. A first model of the damping force assumes that its magnitude is
proportional to the length of the segment δx and to the transverse
component of the segment’s velocity ut (x, t), and that it acts in the
direction opposite to the velocity. Equation (12) then becomes
M δx
utt (x, t) = Teq ux (x + δx, t) − Teq ux (x, t) − α δx ut (x, t),
where α is a constant to be determined experimentally. Dividing through
by δx and taking the limit as δx → 0, we obtain
M ∂2u ∂ 2u ∂u
(x, t) = Teq 2
(x, t) − α (x, t).
L ∂t ∂x ∂t
This is the partial differential equation for damped transverse oscillations,
but it is more usually written with different parameters by writing
c2 = Teq L/M and ε = αL/(2M ) to obtain the following equation.

Damped wave equation

- .
∂2u 1 ∂ 2u ∂u
= 2 2
+ 2ε . (15)
∂x c ∂t ∂t

2.2 Solving the wave equation

In this subsection we will solve the wave equation for vibrations of a taut

2 The wave equation

Example 4
In this example we consider the vibrations of a guitar string of length L
that is held fixed at its endpoints. The string is plucked, that is, released
from rest with an initial profile given by a function f (x), 0 < x < L.
We model the guitar string as a taut string, so the transverse displacement
of the string at position x and time t will satisfy the wave equation
∂2u 1 ∂ 2u
= . (16)
∂x2 c2 ∂t2
The fixed endpoints of the string give the boundary conditions
u(0, t) = 0 and u(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0. (17)
The initial profile of the string gives the initial condition
u(x, 0) = f (x), 0 < x < L, (18)
and the fact that it is released from rest gives the initial condition
ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L. (19)
Find u(x, t) that satisfies this model.
Applying Procedure 1, we look for solutions of the form " Separate variables !
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t). Here T is a function of time. It
should not be confused with the
Differentiating this expression gives magnitude of a force T or the
∂u ∂ 2u dimension T.
= X(x) T ! (t), = X(x) T !! (t),
∂t ∂t2
∂u ∂ 2u
= X ! (x) T (t), = X !! (x) T (t).
∂x ∂x2
Substituting into equation (16) gives
X !! (x) T (t) =X(x) T !! (t),
which on rearranging gives
X !! (x) T !! (t)
= 2 .
X(x) c T (t)
Since the left-hand side is a function of x only, and the right-hand side is a
function of t only, both sides must be constant and equal to a separation
constant µ. This gives the two equations
X !! (x) T !! (t)
= µ and = µ.
X(x) c2 T (t)
Rearranging gives two ordinary differential equations:
X !! (x) = µ X(x), T !! (t) = µc2 T (t).
The given boundary conditions (17) become
X(0) T (t) = 0 and X(L) T (t) = 0, t ≥ 0.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

One solution of these equations is T (t) = 0 for t ≥ 0, which leads to the

trivial solution u(x, t) = 0 that is always a possibility. For non-trivial
solutions T (t) is not always zero, so we must have
X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0.
" Solve ODEs ! Now we consider solving the differential equation for X. The general
solution is given by equation (9) and splits into three cases depending on
the sign of µ.
• µ > 0. The general solution can be written as
X(x) = Aecx + Be−cx ,

where c = µ, and A and B are constants. The boundary condition
X(0) = 0 gives A + B = 0, that is, B = −A. The boundary condition
X(L) = 0 then gives
A(ecL − e−cL ) = 0.
Multiplying by ecL yields
A(e2cL − 1) = 0.
Now we can argue as before that the term in brackets is never zero.
As 2cL > 0, we must have exp(2cL) > exp(0) = 1 as the exponential
function is everywhere increasing. So A = 0 and the only solution in
this case is the trivial solution X(x) = 0.
• µ = 0. Now equation (9) gives the general solution as
X(x) = Ax + B,
where A and B are constants. The boundary condition X(0) = 0 gives
B = 0. The boundary condition X(L) = 0 then gives AL = 0, which
implies that A = 0 as L is non-zero (because it represents the length of
the string). So the only solution in this case is the trivial solution
X(x) = 0.

• µ < 0. Let k = −µ. Then equation (9) gives the general solution as
X(x) = A cos kx + B sin kx,
where A and B are constants. The boundary condition X(0) = 0 gives
A = 0. The boundary condition X(L) = 0 then gives
B sin kL = 0.
So B = 0 or sin kL = 0. The case where B = 0 gives the trivial
solution X(x) = 0 for all x. So for non-trivial solutions we must have
sin kL = 0, which gives kL = nπ for some positive integer n, that is,

k= , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
So the non-trivial solution is
/ nπx $
X(x) = B sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (20)

2 The wave equation

In this case the separation constant µ is given by

n2 π2
µ = −k 2 = − .
We now turn to the function T (t). Substituting for the value of µ, the
differential equation for T becomes
c2 n2 π2
T !! (t) + T (t) = 0.
The general solution of this equation is stated in equation (9) (using the
third option as µ is negative) as
- . - .
cnπt cnπt
T (t) = C cos + D sin ,
where C and D are constants.
Multiplying together the solutions for X(x) and T (t), and combining
constants, gives the family of normal mode solutions
- .( - . - .3
nπx cnπt cnπt
un (x, t) = sin an cos + bn sin ,
where an = BC and bn = BD are constants; we have added the subscript n
to emphasise that there are different constants for each value of n.
The general solution of the partial differential equation with boundary
conditions is a linear combination of these normal mode solutions:
"∞ - .( - . - .3
nπx cnπt cnπt
u(x, t) = sin an cos + bn sin .
Now we apply the initial conditions to find a particular solution for the " Initial conditions !
plucked string model. Starting with the homogeneous initial condition,
that the string starts from rest, we need the solution to satisfy ut (x, 0) = 0.
We begin by computing the partial derivative of the general solution:
∞ - .( - . - .3
∂u " nπx cnπ cnπt cnπ cnπt
= sin − an sin + bn cos .
∂t n=1
So we have
- .5
cnπ 4

" nπx
ut (x, 0) = sin bn .

From the results of Unit 13, if ut (x, 0) = 0, then by inspection bn = 0 for

all n. (This is a consequence of a Fourier sine series giving a unique
representation of a function.)
This gives the following solution that satisfies the partial differential
equation, the boundary conditions and the homogeneous initial condition:

" - . - .
nπx cnπt
u(x, t) = an sin cos . (21)

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Now we turn to the inhomogeneous initial condition, namely u(x, 0) = f (x)

for 0 < x < L. Substituting for u(x, t) in this equation gives
"∞ - .
an sin = f (x).
This is a Fourier sine series for the function f (x), which is given by the
odd periodic extension of the function f (x) on the interval [−L, L]. So the
coefficients an will be given by the formula
! L / nπx $
an = fodd (x) sin dx.
2L −L L
As the odd extension fodd is odd and the sine function is odd, the product
is even, so the above integral can be written as twice the sum over the
positive x-values:
! / nπx $
2 L
an = f (x) sin dx,
L 0 L
where we have written f (x) instead of fodd (x) as these two functions are
equal for 0 < x < L.
Evaluating these integrals for a given initial profile f (x) will give the
coefficients an of the solution (21) for the plucked string model.

Example 2 looked at initial conditions for a string plucked at its centre,

and in this case the initial displacement f (x) is given by
x/L for 0 ≤ x < 21 L,
f (x) =
(L − x)/L for 12 L ≤ x ≤ L.
The Fourier sine series for this function was considered in Example 12 of
Unit 13, where it was found that the coefficients are
4 / nπ $
an = 2 2 sin ,
n π 2
so the values for the coefficients an , for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . ., are given by
4 4 4
, 0, − 2 , 0, , 0, . . . .
π 9π 25π2
Substituting into equation (21) gives the solution for our plucked string
problem as
( - . - . - . - .
4 πx πct 1 3πx 3πct
u(x, t) = 2 sin cos − sin cos
π L L 9 L L
- . - . 3
1 5πx 5πct
+ sin cos − ··· .
25 L L
This may seem a very complicated solution, and you may not be able to
see immediately how this combination of terms behaves. The behaviour is
best seen graphically, as in Figure 10.

2 The wave equation

Figure 10 (a) Snapshots of the profile of the string initially (red), then
after successive tenths of a cycle, green, brown, purple, orange, blue (and
then back again). (b) The solution u(x, t) of the damped wave equation
plotted as a surface.

Figure 10 shows two different representations of the solution to the plucked

string problem. Figure 10(a) shows snapshots of the position of the string
at several points in time. This shows that initially only the centre portion
of the string starts to move. As time progresses, more of the string moves,
until after one-quarter of a cycle, the whole string is horizontal and moving
downwards. Over the next quarter cycle this sequence is reversed, with the
centre portion moving most, until after half a cycle the string regains its
initial triangular shape. The sequence of shapes over the next half cycle is
the reverse of the above, so that after one complete cycle the string has
regained its initial position, then the cycle repeats. Figure 10(b) shows the
same information. On the left-hand edge the string has its initial
triangular shape. Moving left to right on the time axis, the string goes
through one complete cycle, and on the right-hand edge we see that the
string has regained its initial triangular shape. If you imagine slicing
across the surface at regular time intervals, then you will see the curves
shown in Figure 10(a).
This is a quite surprising prediction from the model, but modern
high-speed photography confirms that this is indeed the motion of a
plucked string initially. This model is only an idealised approximation of a
real string, and over long time periods the approximation becomes worse.
For example, real strings are not perfectly flexible and there is a force that
resists the string forming a kink such as the kink at the centre of the
triangular initial shape. This extra force is something that has not been
modelled, and it can cause the predictions of the model to deviate from
Using this model we can calculate the fundamental frequency of the guitar
string that we considered in Unit 11, Section 3. There we constructed
discrete models (consisting of separate springs and particles) of a guitar
E string, with fundamental frequency 323 Hz, length 0.65 m and mass
0.25 g. We calculated the equilibrium tension Teq of the string to be 68 N.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

This model predicts that the fundamental angular frequency of the guitar
string will be the smallest coefficient of t in the cosine terms of the series,
that is, πc/L. The fundamental frequency f is obtained by dividing the
fundamental angular frequency by 2π:
ω πc/L c
f= = = .
2π 2π 2L
Now c is related to the properties of the string by the relationship (13),
namely c2 = Teq L/M . This can be substituted into the above equation to
1 1 1
1 Teq L 1 Teq 1 68
f= = = = 323.4.
2L M 2 ML 2 0.25 × 10−3 × 0.65
So this continuous model of the guitar string gives an accurate prediction
of the fundamental frequency.
The following exercise looks at a different initial condition.

Exercise 14
Write down the solution for the plucked string model when the initial
profile f (x) is given by
- .
1 3πx
f (x) = sin .
2 L

2.3 Solving the damped wave equation

In Subsection 2.2 we solved the wave equation model for vibrations of a
taut string initially plucked at its midpoint. In this subsection we
generalise the method in order to solve the damped wave equation model
for vibrations of a damped taut string plucked at its midpoint.
The following exercise asks you to begin by following the first step of the
separation of variables procedure.

Exercise 15
Consider the damped wave equation involving the constants ε and c,
- .
∂2u 1 ∂2u ∂u
= 2 + 2ε ,
∂x2 c ∂t2 ∂t
together with the boundary conditions
u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0.
Apply the first step of Procedure 1 to separate the variables and obtain
two ordinary differential equations together with corresponding boundary

2 The wave equation

The results of this exercise are used in the following example, which uses
arguments about the relative sizes of parameters to find an approximate
solution to the problem. This often happens with complicated
mathematical models – either the exact equations cannot be solved or the
solution is too complicated to give insight into the problem – and
consequently an approximate solution to the problem is sought. This
example is consequently harder than the other examples in this unit.

Example 5
Consider the model developed in Subsection 2.1 for damped vibrations of a
- .
∂2u 1 ∂2u ∂u
= 2 + 2ε , (22)
∂x2 c ∂t2 ∂t
where ε and c are constants. In this example we consider weak damping,
which is the case when ε is small.
As in Example 4, the string is subject to fixed endpoint boundary
u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, (23)
and initial conditions that the string starts from rest in a given shape:
x/L for 0 < x ≤ 21 L,
u(x, 0) = (24)
(L − x)/L for 12 L < x < L,
ut (x, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L. (25)
Using the results of Exercise 15, the differential equations corresponding to " Separate variables !
the given partial differential equation are
X !! (x) − µ X(x) = 0 (26)
T !! (t) + 2ε T ! (t) − c2 µ T (t) = 0, (27)
where µ is the separation constant. In addition, we have
X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0, (28)
which are boundary conditions for the ordinary differential equation (26).
The differential equation for X, and its boundary conditions, are the same " Solve ODEs !
as in Example 4. You have seen that a non-trivial solution occurs only if
the separation constant µ is negative, and is given by
X(x) = A cos kx + B sin kx,

where A and B are constants, and k = −µ.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

As in Example 4, the boundary conditions (28) tell us that A = 0 and

B sin kL = 0, so B = 0 or sin kL = 0. The case B = 0 gives the trivial
solution again, whereas the case sin kL = 0 restricts k to take one of the
values nπ/L, where n is an integer. Hence, as in Example 4, we find again
a family of solutions to the boundary-value problem for X of the form
/ nπx $
X(x) = B sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (29)
Now we must deal with the equation for T . We know from our discussion
of the function X that to have a non-trivial solution u, we must have
µ = −k 2 and k = nπ/L (for positive integers n), so the differential
equation (27) for T becomes
T !! (t) + 2ε T ! (t) + ω2 T (t) = 0, where ω = ck.
To solve this equation for T , we first solve the auxiliary equation
λ2 + 2ελ + ω2 = 0,
which gives
λ = −ε ± ε2 − ω2 .
Using the assumption that ε + ω, that is, ε is much smaller than ω, which
corresponds to very weak damping, this reduces to
λ ) −ε ± iω.
The corresponding general solution is
T (t) ) e−εt (C cos ωt + D sin ωt),
where C and D are constants.
Using the allowed values for k (i.e. nπ/L for positive integers n), where
ω = ck, this gives the approximate solutions
- - . - ..
−εt cnπt cnπt
T (t) ) e C cos + D sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (30)
Now we can combine the two families (29) and (30) to obtain the family of
approximate solutions
- .- - . - ..
nπx cnπt cnπt
un (x, t) ) e−εt sin an cos + bn sin , (31)
n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where an = BC and bn = BD are constants. By the principle of
superposition, any linear combination of members of this family of
solutions is (approximately) a solution of the original partial differential
equation (22) and satisfies the boundary conditions (23).
" Initial conditions ! Now we try to satisfy the initial conditions. We begin with the
homogeneous initial condition (25). This was automatically satisfied for
the undamped problem, but it is not automatically satisfied here.

2 The wave equation

We know, from the principle of superposition, that if each member of

family (31) satisfies the homogeneous initial condition (25), then so will
any linear combination of members of the family. So we just need to
consider un (x, t) for an arbitrary n (in the range n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).
Differentiating (31) with respect to t, we obtain
- .- - . - ..
∂un −εt nπx cnπ cnπt cnπ cnπt
) e sin −an sin + bn cos
∂t L L L L L
- .- - . - ..
nπx cnπt cnπt
− εe−εt sin an cos + bn sin .
When t = 0, and writing ω = ck = cnπ/L as earlier, we obtain
) / cnπ $ / nπx $ / nπx $
∂un ))
) b − εa sin = (ωb − εa ) sin .
∂t )
n n n n
t=0 L L L
For initial condition (25) to be satisfied, for 0 ≤ x ≤ L, we must have
ωbn − εan ) 0. For very weak damping, as we noted earlier, we have
ε + ω. This means that to satisfy ωbn − εan ) 0, we must have bn ) 0.
Thus to satisfy the initial condition (25), approximately, we need to
restrict family (31) to
- . - .
−εt nπx cnπt
un (x, t) ) an e sin cos .
We now need to satisfy the inhomogeneous initial condition (24). As in
Procedure 1, we look for an approximate solution of the form

" - . - .
−εt nπx cnπt
u(x, t) ) e an sin cos . (32)

Setting t = 0 in approximation (32) gives

"∞ / nπx $
u(x, 0) ) an sin , (33)
while the given initial condition (24) is
x/L for 0 < x ≤ 21 L,
u(x, 0) =
(L − x)/L for 12 L < x < L.
The situation is exactly the same as in Subsection 2.2, so we obtain the
same Fourier coefficients an as there. Substituting these into
approximation (32) gives the final form of the approximate solution as
( - . - . - . - .
4 −εt πx πct 1 3πx 3πct
u(x, t) ) 2 e sin cos − sin cos Remember that this is an
π L L 9 L L approximate solution, under the
- . - . 3 assumption of very weak
1 5πx 5πct
+ sin cos − ··· . damping, where ε is small
25 L L compared with ω.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

This is the same as the solution to the undamped problem except for the
factor e−εt , which describes exponential decay. Hence the shape of the
string is roughly the same as before, apart from the amplitude becoming
progressively smaller by the factor e−εt . The shape determines the sound,
so the sound stays the same, only now it gets progressively quieter, since
the volume is determined by the amplitude. The solution is shown in
Figure 11.
The figure shows that the exponential factor has the effect of reducing the
amplitude of the vibrations of the string, which is to be expected for a
solution of the damped wave equation.
Figure 11 The solution
u(x, t) of the damped wave
equation shown over two
complete cycles

3 The heat equation

In this section we look at a situation that can be modelled using a different
second-order partial differential equation, known as the heat equation. In
Subsection 3.1 we will see how the heat equation arises as a model of
temperature variation in an insulated metal rod, that is, a rod that does
not exchange heat with its surroundings. In addition, we will see how, for
an uninsulated metal rod, heat exchange with its surroundings can be
incorporated into the model.
Then in Subsection 3.2 we will see how the method of separating the
variables, Procedure 1, can be used to solve the heat equation subject to
appropriate boundary and initial conditions.

3.1 Deriving the heat equation

This derivation is given for completeness – you will not be asked to
reproduce or modify this derivation in the assessment of this module.
In order to model the temperature changes in a rod, we need a formula to
describe how temperature changes. Basic intuition tells us that hot things
cool down and cold things heat up. Refining this a little, we might
consider how we distinguish between hot and cold, and a moment’s
thought will reveal that hot and cold are relative to the temperature of the
surrounding environment. Moreover, the hotter an object is, the quicker its
temperature will decrease. Isaac Newton formulated this as an empirical
law of temperature change.

Newton’s law of cooling

For a given object, the rate of decrease of temperature is proportional
to the excess temperature over the environment.

3 The heat equation

This law applies to objects that are not changing state in the process (such
as a solid melting into a liquid). Although Newton called this a law of
nature, it is really just a first model of how heat flows. It should be
considered in a similar way to Hooke’s law for springs, where we used the
law to derive useful models of oscillating systems.
We will use Θ to denote the temperature, so this law can be formulated as

= −k(Θ − Θ0 ),
where Θ0 is the temperature of the surrounding environment, and k is a
positive constant of proportionality. The negative sign in this equation is
because hotter objects (i.e. with Θ > Θ0 ) cool down (so dΘ/dt < 0). The
constant of proportionality k depends on many properties of the object
(such as size and mass) and the contact between the object and its
surroundings (such as whether there is direct contact or an air gap), but
will be constant for a given object in a given situation.
The study of the flow of heat is called thermodynamics, and this is a
substantial topic in modern physics. Here we are not concerned with the
details of thermodynamics and the different methods of heat transfer. We
will use Newton’s law of cooling as a mathematical model of how everyday
physical objects behave in an analogous way to how we use Hooke’s law as
a mathematical model to describe the behaviour of physical springs.
Armed with this mathematical model, we can derive a partial differential
equation that models the change in temperature distribution in a uniform
rod as it conducts heat. We will assume that no heat is lost from the sides
of the rod and that heat is transferred only along the length of the rod (so
that we have a one-dimensional problem). We are modelling a straight rod,
and we choose an x-axis to be aligned with the rod with the origin at the
left-hand end. Let Θ(x, t) be the temperature at position x along the rod
at time t. Consider a small segment of rod of length δx with midpoint a
distance x along the rod, as shown in Figure 12.
We will now apply our model of cooling with the small central segment of
the rod considered as the object. The temperature on the left of the
central segment is Θ(x − δx, t) and this takes the role of the temperature
of the environment for the interface between the central and left-hand Figure 12 A conducting rod
& so the temperature
, change due to this left-hand interface is
−k Θ(x, t) − Θ(x − δx, t) . Similarly, on the right-hand end of the central
segment, the ‘environment’ temperature is Θ(x + δx, t), and the
& change due to
, heat exchange at this interface is
−k Θ(x, t) − Θ(x + δx, t) (note that the constant of proportionality k is
the same for both ends as the rod is uniform thus the ends are identical).
The change in temperature of the central segment Θt (x, t) is given by the
sum of these two contributions:
& , & ,
Θt (x, t) = −k Θ(x, t) − Θ(x − δx, t) − k Θ(x, t) − Θ(x + δx, t)
& ,
= k Θ(x − δx, t) − 2Θ(x, t) + Θ(x + δx, t) . (34)

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

This can be simplified by using the following Taylor series:

Θ(x + δx, t) = Θ(x, t) + δx Θx (x, t) + 21 (δx)2 Θxx (x, t) + · · · ,
Θ(x − δx, t) = Θ(x, t) − δx Θx (x, t) + 12 (δx)2 Θxx (x, t) − · · · .
Adding these expressions gives
Θ(x − δx, t) − 2Θ(x, t) + Θ(x + δx, t) = (δx)2 Θxx (x, t) + · · · ,
Θt (x, t) ) k (δx)2 Θxx (x, t).
As δx becomes smaller, the Taylor approximation will become exact and
we can replace the above approximation with an equality. Also, the
constant k (δx)2 must tend to a finite limit α so that the model of
Note that k varies with δx, as it smoothly varying temperature applies. (If k (δx)2 tends to infinity, then
is the constant of ∂Θ/∂t tends to infinity, that is, the temperature jumps abruptly.) This
proportionality for a segment of gives the partial differential equation model that we are aiming to derive.
the rod of length δx.

Heat equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α . (35)
∂t ∂x2

If the ends of the rod are kept at a steady temperature Θ0 , the boundary
conditions are
Θ(0, t) = Θ(L, t) = Θ0 , t ≥ 0. (36)
Further, if the initial distribution of temperature along the rod is given by
Note that we need only one a function f (x), then we have the initial condition
initial condition because the
equation is first-order in time. Θ(x, 0) = f (x), 0 < x < L. (37)
These conditions are sufficient for us to be able to obtain a unique solution
of the heat equation for the variation of temperature in an insulated rod,
as you will see in Subsection 3.2.

Exercise 16
Show that the function
/ πx $ - .
απ2 t
Θ(x, t) = sin exp − 2
satisfies the heat equation (35) and the boundary conditions (36) if Θ0 = 0.

Exercise 17
Suppose that initially, the temperature of a rod rises linearly with x
towards a peak in the centre that is half a degree above the end
temperature Θ0 , as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 An initial
Write down a formula describing the initial temperature function f (x).
temperature distribution

3 The heat equation

Exercise 18
Write down the initial condition describing the temperature distribution if
the central third of a rod is initially heated to a temperature Θ1 while the
remainder of the rod stays at the background temperature Θ0 .

We conclude this subsection by considering a rod that is not insulated

from the environment, so that the rod loses heat to an environment of
constant temperature Θ0 in addition to conducting heat along its length.
In this situation, equation (34) must be modified to include a term that
represents the heat transferred to its surroundings along the length of the
segment in addition to the heat transferred at the ends. Applying our
model of cooling, this term will be −γ(Θ − Θ0 ), where Θ0 is the
temperature of the surroundings, and we have written the constant of
proportionality as γ to distinguish it from the different constant of
proportionality k already in the equation. So we have
& ,
Θt (x, t) = k Θ(x − δx, t) − 2Θ(x, t) + Θ(x + δx, t) − γ(Θ − Θ0 ),
and proceeding by using Taylor series as before, we can derive the
following partial differential equation.

Uninsulated rod equation

∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α − γ(Θ − Θ0 ). (38)
∂t ∂x2

3.2 Solving the heat equation

In this subsection we will use Procedure 1 to solve a particular case of the
heat equation that was derived in Subsection 3.1. In Example 6 we
consider a rod insulated from its surroundings with a given initial

Example 6
Apply Procedure 1 to the heat equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α ,
∂t ∂x2
subject to the boundary conditions These boundary conditions
model the situation where the
Θx (0, t) = Θx (L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, ends of a hot rod are insulated.
and the initial condition
- .
1 2πx
Θ(x, 0) = 2 cos , 0 < x < L.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

" Separate variables ! We write Θ(x, t) = X(x) T (t), so
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ ∂Θ
= X ! T, 2
= X !! T and = XT ! .
∂x ∂x ∂t
Substituting into the partial differential equation gives XT ! = αX !! T .
Separate the variables to yield
X !! T!
= .
X αT
Arguing as before, both sides of this equation must be equal to a
separation constant µ, so we have the two differential equations
X !! − µX = 0 and T ! − αµT = 0.
We have ∂Θ/∂x = X ! T , so the boundary conditions become
X ! (0) T (t) = X ! (L) T (t) = 0, t ≥ 0,
X ! (0) = X ! (L) = 0.
" Solve ODEs ! Consider the three cases µ = k 2 > 0, µ = 0 and µ = −k 2 < 0.

• µ > 0. Let c = µ. Then equation (9) gives the solution of the
differential equation for X(x) as
X(x) = Aecx + Be−cx ,
where A and B are constants.
Now we apply the boundary conditions, and to do this we first
differentiate this solution:
X ! (x) = Acecx − Bce−cx .
The boundary condition X ! (0) = 0 gives Ac − Bc = 0, so A = B as
c > 0. The boundary condition X ! (L) = 0 gives
AcecL − Bce−cL = 0.
As A = B and c > 0, this simplifies to
A(ecL − e−cL ) = 0.
Proceeding as before we can multiply by ecL to obtain
A(e2cL − 1) = 0.
Now we can see that the term in brackets is not zero as 2cL > 0 so
exp(2cL) > exp(0) = 1. So we have A = B = 0, and the only solution
is the trivial solution.
• µ = 0. In this case the differential equation for X(x) becomes X !! = 0,
with solution X(x) = Ax + B, where A and B are constants. So
X ! (x) = A, and both boundary conditions give the equation A = 0.
So the solution X(x) = B is a non-trivial solution of the equation.

3 The heat equation

• µ < 0. Let k = −µ. Then by equation (9) the general solution of the
equation for X is
X(x) = A cos kx + B sin kx,
where A and B are constants, so
X ! (x) = −Ak sin kx + Bk cos kx.
Using the boundary conditions, we find that B = 0, and A = 0 or
k = nπ/L for any non-zero integer n. This leads to the solution
/ nπx $
X(x) = A cos , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
So we have two cases that give non-trivial solutions, namely the constant
solutions that correspond to µ = 0 and the sinusoidal solutions that
correspond to µ < 0. Here these two cases can be conveniently combined
by adding n = 0 to the second set of solutions (using the fact that
cos(0 × x) = 1 for all x). So we have the solutions
/ nπx $
X(x) = A cos , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .
With µ = n2 π2 /L2 , the differential equation for T (t) becomes
n2 π2
T ! (t) + α T (t) = 0.
Equation (8) gives the solution of this equation as
- .
αn2 π2 t
T (t) = C exp − , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where C is a constant.
This leads to the family of solutions
- . / nπx $
αn2 π2 t
Θn (x, t) = an exp − cos , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
L2 L
where the an = AC are constants.
To find the solution that satisfies the initial condition, write " Initial conditions !
"∞ - . / nπx $
αn2 π2 t
Θ(x, t) = an exp − cos , (39)
L2 L
and set t = 0 to give

" / nπx $
Θ(x, 0) = an cos .
Now we use the given initial condition
- .
Θ(x, 0) = 21 cos .
By inspection we have a2 = 12 , and an = 0 for n *= 2, so the solution is
- . - .
1 4απ2 t 2πx
Θ(x, t) = 2 exp − 2 cos .

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

In Example 6, if the initial condition was not a cosine function, then at

this point we would need to use the techniques of Unit 13 to find the
Fourier cosine series in order to find an . Recall that the Fourier coefficient
a0 is equal to the average value of the given function over the interval. In
this case this would mean that a0 would be the average of the initial
temperature distribution over the length of the rod. Looking at
equation (39), we can see that the term involving a0 is the only term that
does not involve a negative exponential function of time. So the model
predicts that the temperature of the rod tends to a constant temperature
that is equal to the average of the initial temperatures. This is in accord
with intuition for a model of a rod that is completely insulated from its
The following exercises ask you to apply the separation of variables

Exercise 19
Solve the heat equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
=α , (40)
∂t ∂x2
These boundary conditions subject to the boundary conditions
model the situation where the
ends of the rod are held at a Θ(0, t) = Θ(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, (41)
fixed temperature.
and the initial condition
/ πx $
Θ(x, 0) = sin . (42)

Exercise 20
Find the solution of the uninsulated rod equation
∂Θ ∂ 2Θ
This is equation (38) derived in =α − γΘ, (43)
Subsection 3.1, with Θ0 = 0. ∂t ∂x2
subject to the boundary conditions
Θ(0, t) = Θ(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, (44)
and the initial condition
/ πx $
Θ(x, 0) = sin . (45)
Compare the solution with the solution to the insulated rod problem in
Example 6.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• use the terms linear, homogeneous, order, initial condition and
boundary condition as applied to partial differential equations
• show that a given function satisfies a given partial differential equation
and/or boundary conditions and/or initial conditions
• use the method of separation of variables to find solutions of linear
homogeneous second-order partial differential equations
• understand how the wave equation and heat equation can be used to
model certain physical systems
• interpret solutions of partial differential equations in terms of a model.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Solutions to exercises
Solution to Exercise 1
(a) This equation is non-linear (because of the term that contains a
product of u and ux ). It is a first-order equation.
(b) This equation is a linear second-order equation.
(c) This equation is a linear second-order equation.
(d) This equation is a linear third-order equation.

Solution to Exercise 2
Start by differentiating u(x, t):
∂u ∂2u ∂u
= cos(x) e−αt , = − sin(x) e−αt , = −α sin(x) e−αt .
∂x ∂x2 ∂t
∂ 2u ∂u
α 2
= −α sin(x) e−αt = ,
∂x ∂t
and the partial differential equation is satisfied.

Solution to Exercise 3
The initial velocity is zero, so the string is released from rest. When
x = 14 L, u(x, 0) = −d, so the point one-quarter of the way along the string
has been displaced downwards by a distance d.

Solution to Exercise 4
The initial displacement has two linear sections, with slopes
d 3d d 3d
1 = and −2 =− ,
L 3L
respectively. Hence the required initial condition is
 3d

 x for 0 < x ≤ 13 L,
u(x, 0) = L

 3d (L − x) for 1 L < x < L.
2L 3

Solution to Exercise 5
Initially, there is no displacement, so
u(x, 0) = 0, 0 < x < L.
Since only the middle third is set in motion, the initial velocity is given by
v for 31 L ≤ x ≤ 32 L,
ut (x, 0) =
0 otherwise.

Solutions to exercises

Solution to Exercise 6
The boundary conditions are satisfied since
- .
u(0, t) = sin 0 cos = 0,
- .
u(L, t) = sin π cos = 0.
The initial condition is satisfied since
πc / πx $
ut (x, 0) = − sin sin 0 = 0.
Solution to Exercise 7
(a) Since the function Θ(x, t) = Θ0 is constant, all its derivatives are zero,
and the differential equation reduces to 0 = 0 thus is satisfied.
As Θ(x, t) is always equal to Θ0 , in particular it is equal to Θ0 at the
boundaries, that is, the boundary conditions are satisfied.
(b) As Θ0 is constant, its derivatives are zero, so ut = Θt and uxx = Θxx .
So if Θ satisfies the heat equation, then so does u.
On the boundary we have Θ(0, t) = Θ0 , so u(0, t) = Θ0 − Θ0 = 0.
Similarly, Θ(L, t) = Θ0 , so u(L, t) = Θ0 − Θ0 = 0.
So u(x, t) satisfies the heat equation with homogeneous boundary

Solution to Exercise 8
(a) For
L−x x
Θ(x, t) = Θ0 + ΘL ,
we have
∂ 2Θ ∂Θ
= 0 and = 0,
∂x ∂t
so the differential equation reduces to 0 = 0 thus is satisfied.
When x = 0 we have
Θ(0, t) = Θ0 + 0 = Θ0 ,
and when x = L we have
Θ(L, t) = Θ0 + ΘL = ΘL ,
so the boundary conditions are satisfied.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

(b) Start by differentiating:

∂u ∂Θ
= ,
∂t ∂t
∂u ∂Θ 1 1
= + Θ0 − ΘL ,
∂x ∂x L L
∂2u ∂ 2Θ
= .
∂x2 ∂x2
So u(x, t) satisfies the heat equation if Θ(x, t) satisfies the heat
For the first boundary condition we have
u(0, t) = Θ(0, t) − Θ0 − 0 = Θ0 − Θ0 = 0,
and for the second boundary condition we have
u(L, t) = Θ(L, t) − Θ0 − ΘL = ΘL − ΘL = 0.
So u(x, t) satisfies the heat equation with homogeneous boundary

Solution to Exercise 9
∂u ∂ 2u
= X(x) T ! (t), = X(x) T !! (t),
∂t ∂t2
∂u ∂ 2u
= X ! (x) T (t), = X !! (x) T (t).
∂x ∂x2
Solution to Exercise 10
Proceeding as in the main text, we use the derivatives found in Exercise 9,
∂ 2u ∂u
= X !! (x) T (t) and = X(x) T ! (t).
∂x ∂t
Substituting these into the partial differential equation gives
X !! (x) T (t) + 2 X(x) T (t) = X(x) T ! (t).
Dividing by X(x) T (t) gives
X !! (x) T ! (t)
We chose to leave the 2 on the +2= .
left-hand side. It would be X(x) T (t)
equally correct to write the This has separated the variables, so both sides must be equal to a
separated equations as constant, say µ. So we have the two equations
X !! (x) T ! (t)
= − 2. X !! (x) T ! (t)
X(x) T (t) + 2 = µ and = µ.
X(x) T (t)
Multiplying out the fractions and rearranging gives the required
differential equations:
X !! (x) + (2 − µ) X(x) = 0 and T ! (t) − µ T (t) = 0.

Solutions to exercises

Solution to Exercise 11
As the boundary condition is defined by the partial derivative with respect
to x, we first find
= X ! (x) T (t).
So the boundary condition becomes X ! (1) T (t) = 0 for t ≥ 0. The solution
T (t) = 0 for t ≥ 0 leads to the trivial solution. So for a non-trivial solution
we must have X ! (1) = 0.

Solution to Exercise 12
Setting u(x, t) = X(x) T (t), the required partial derivatives are " Separate variables !
∂ 2u !! ∂ 2u
= X T and = XT !! .
∂x2 ∂t2
Substituting into the partial differential equation and dividing by XT gives
X !! T !!
+ = 0,
from which it follows that
X !! T !!
=− .
Both sides of this equation must be a constant, say µ, giving
X !! T !!
= µ and − =µ
or equivalently,
X !! − µX = 0 and T !! + µT = 0.
The boundary conditions become X(0) = X(1) = 0.
The boundary conditions are the same as those used in the main text. So " Solve ODEs !
arguing as in the text, only negative µ gives a non-trivial solution for X.
In this case, the equation for X has general solution (see equation (9))
X(x) = A cos kx + B sin kx,

where k = −µ, and A and B are constants. The boundary condition
X(0) = 0 implies A = 0. The boundary condition X(1) = 0 implies
B sin k = 0, so for non-trivial solutions we must have sin k = 0, that is,
k = nπ for some positive integer n. For this value of k we have
X(x) = B sin(nπx), n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Since µ = −n2 π2 , the equation for T can be written as
T !! (t) − n2 π2 T (t) = 0.
Using equation (9), the solutions in this case are (as n2 π2 is positive)
T (t) = Cenπt + De−nπt , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where C and D are constants.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

So the required family of normal mode solutions is

un (x, t) = sin(nπx) (an enπt + bn e−nπt ),
where n is a positive integer and an = BC, bn = BD are constants.

Solution to Exercise 13
Teq is a component of a force, so [Teq ] = M L T−2 . Also, [M ] = M and
[L] = L. Hence
[Teq L/M ] = M L T−2 × L/M = L2 T−2 ,
so [ Teq L/M ] = L T−1 , as required.

Solution to Exercise 14
To find the solution we need to find the coefficient an appearing in the
"∞ - . - .
nπx 1 3πx
an sin = sin .
L 2 L
This can be done by inspection as the term on the right-hand side appears
as one of the terms on the left-hand side. So we get a3 = 21 , and an = 0 for
n *= 3.
So the solution for the model is given by equation (21) with the above
coefficients, that is,
- . - .
1 3πx 3cπt
u(x, t) = sin cos .
2 L L

Solution to Exercise 15
Write the unknown function as
u(x, t) = X(x) T (t).
Differentiate to get the partial derivatives:
∂u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
= X(x) T ! (t), = X(x) T !!
(t), = X !! (x) T (t).
∂t ∂t2 ∂x2
Substituting these into the damped wave equation gives
X !! (x) T (t) = 2 (X(x) T !! (t) + 2ε X(x) T ! (t)) .
As before, this equation can hold for all x and all t only if both sides are
equal to a separation constant µ, that is,
- .
X !! (x) 1 T !! (t) T ! (t)
= 2 + 2ε = µ,
X(x) c T (t) T (t)
giving a pair of equations.

Solutions to exercises

The first of these is

X !! (x)
= µ,
which on rearranging becomes
X !! (x) − µ X(x) = 0.
Similarly, the second equation reduces to
T !! (t) + 2ε T ! (t) − c2 µ T (t) = 0.
Now we have completed the process of separating the single partial
differential equation into two ordinary differential equations, but we still
have to find boundary conditions for the function X. To do this, we
substitute u(x, t) = X(x) T (t) into the original boundary conditions.
The boundary condition u(0, t) = 0 becomes X(0) T (t) = 0 for all t. So for
non-trivial solutions we must have X(0) = 0. Similarly, the boundary
condition u(L, t) = 0 gives X(L) T (t) = 0 for all t, so non-trivial solutions
must satisfy X(L) = 0. So the boundary conditions become
X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0,
which are boundary conditions for the ordinary differential equation for X.

Solution to Exercise 16
/ πx $ - .
∂Θ π απ2 t
= cos exp − 2 ,
∂x L L L
/ πx $ - .
∂ 2Θ π2 απ2 t π2
= − sin exp − = − Θ(x, t).
∂x2 L2 L L2 L2
/ πx $ - .
∂Θ απ2 απ2 t απ2
= − 2 sin exp − 2 = − 2 Θ(x, t).
∂t L L L L
∂Θ π2 ∂ 2Θ
= −α 2 Θ(x, t) = α .
∂t L ∂x2
Hence equation (35) is satisfied.
The boundary conditions are
- .
απ2 t
Θ(0, t) = exp − 2 sin 0 = 0,
- .
απ2 t
Θ(L, t) = exp − 2 sin π = 0,
so these are satisfied for a temperature at the rod ends of Θ0 = 0.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

Solution to Exercise 17
The graph in Figure 13 looks just like the picture of the plucked string in
Figure 2, so the required formula is
Θ0 + x/L for 0 < x ≤ 21 L,
f (x) =
Θ0 + (L − x)/L for 21 L < x < L.
As required, this function takes the value Θ0 when x is 0 or L, and takes
the value Θ0 + 12 when x is 21 L.

Solution to Exercise 18

 Θ0
 for 0 < x < 13 L,
Θ(x, 0) = Θ1 for 31 L ≤ x ≤ 32 L,

Θ0 for 23 L < x < L.

Solution to Exercise 19
" Separate variables ! We begin as in Example 6, and obtain the equations
X !! − µX = 0 and T ! − αµT = 0.
To find boundary conditions for X, we put x = 0 and x = L in
Θ(x, t) = X(x) T (t) and substitute into the boundary conditions (41),
which gives
X(0) T (t) = X(L) T (t) = 0, t ≥ 0,
X(0) = X(L) = 0.
" Solve ODEs ! Next we solve the differential equations for X and T , and combine the
families of solutions.
The differential equation for X, and its boundary conditions, are the same
as in Example 4. You have seen that a non-trivial solution occurs only if
the separation constant µ is negative, and is given by
/ nπx $
X(x) = B sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where B is a constant. In this case the separation constant µ is −n2 π2 /L2 .
Our next task is to solve the equation for T when µ = −n2 π2 /L2 , namely
αn2 π2
T ! (t) + T (t) = 0.
The general solution is given by equation (8) as
- .
αn2 π2 t
T (t) = C exp − ,
where C is a constant.

Solutions to exercises

Combining the solutions for X and T , we obtain the family of normal

mode solutions
- . / nπx $
αn2 π2 t
Θn (x, t) = an exp − sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
L2 L
where the an = BC are constants.
As the partial differential equation and boundary conditions are linear and
homogeneous, we can use the principle of superposition to form the more
general solution
"∞ - . / nπx $
αn2 π2 t
Θ(x, t) = an exp − sin .
L2 L
Now we use the initial condition (42) and results on Fourier series to " Initial conditions !
determine the coefficients an . Setting t = 0 in this equation gives
/ πx $ "∞ / nπx $
sin = Θ(x, 0) = an sin .
L n=1
By inspection, a1 = 1, and an = 0 for n = 2, 3, . . ., as the term on the
left-hand side is one member of the sum on the right-hand side.
So the solution is
- . / πx $
απ2 t
Θ(x, t) = exp − 2 sin .

Solution to Exercise 20
Set Θ(x, t) = X(x) T (t). Then " Separate variables !
∂ 2Θ ∂Θ
= X !! T and = XT ! .
∂x ∂t
Equation (43) becomes
XT ! = αX !! T − γXT,
and dividing by XT gives
T! X !!
=α − γ.
This can be rearranged as
- .
1 T! X !!
+γ = .
α T X
Again, a function of x is equal to a function of t, so both must be constant.
Choosing the constant to be µ = −k 2 , as before, the equations become
X !! + k 2 X = 0 and T ! + (αk 2 + γ)T = 0.
The boundary conditions reduce to
X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0.

Unit 14 Partial differential equations

" Solve ODEs ! Solving the differential equation for X(x) subject to fixed endpoint
boundary conditions leads again to k = nπ/L, for any positive integer n,
and then to the family of solutions for X given by
/ nπx $
X(x) = B sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where B is a constant.
The solution for T is given by equation (8) with k = nπ/L:
- - 2 2 . .
αn π
T (t) = A exp − + γ t , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where A is a constant.
So the family of solutions is
- - 2 2 . . / nπx $
αn π
Θn (x, t) = an exp − + γ t sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
L2 L
where the an = BA are constants.
" Initial conditions ! Now use the principle of superposition to write down a more general
"∞ - - 2 2 . . / nπx $
αn π
Θ(x, t) = an exp − + γ t sin .
L2 L
Setting t = 0 gives
/ πx $ "∞ / nπx $
sin = Θ(x, 0) = an sin .
L n=1
By inspection, a1 = 1, and an = 0 for n = 2, 3, . . ., as the term on the
left-hand side is one member of the sum on the right-hand side. Therefore
the solution is
- - 2 . . / πx $
Θ(x, t) = exp − + γ t sin
L2 L
- 2
. / $
απ t πx
= e−γt exp − 2 sin .
This is the same as the solution for the insulated rod except for the e−γt
factor, so the uninsulated rod cools more quickly than the insulated rod,
by a factor of e−γt .


angular frequency 66 limit cycle 43
linear partial differential equation 122
boundary conditions 124 linearising a system near an equilibrium point 20
Lotka, Alfred 10
centre 25
Lotka–Volterra equations 10
classification of an equilibrium point 28, 32
closed form 81 Newton’s law of cooling 148
damped wave equation 138, 144 normal mode solutions 133
diffusion equation 121 nullcline 37
direction field 5
odd function 68
eigenline 22 odd periodic extension 98
equilibrium point 13 odd periodic function 71, 88
centre 25 orbit 7
classification of 29 order of a partial differential equation 122
improper sink 28 ordinary differential equation 121
improper source 28
linearising a system near 20 partial differential equation 121
saddle 8, 24 path 5
sink 23 period (fundamental) 66
source 22 periodic extension 97
spiral sink 26 periodic function 66, 94
spiral source 27 phase path 7
stability of 15, 16 phase plane 7
star sink 28 phase portrait 7, 39
star source 28 pointwise convergence theorem 83
even function 68 predator–prey model 8
even periodic extension 98 principle of superposition 127
even periodic function 71, 85 procedure
equilibrium point classification for a linear system
Fourier, Joseph 64 29
Fourier coefficients 73 equilibrium point classification for a non-linear
Fourier series system 32
description 64 finding equilibrium points 14
for a function on a finite interval 97 Fourier series for periodic functions 94
procedure 94 linearising a system of differential equations near an
fundamental interval 67 equilibrium point 20
fundamental period 66 separation of variables 134
sketching phase portraits 39
growth rate 5
saddle point 8, 24
heat equation 124, 150 sawtooth function 63
homogeneous partial differential equation 127 separation constant 129
separation of variables 129, 134
improper sink 28
sink 8, 23
improper source 28
source 7, 22
initial conditions 124
spiral sink 26
insulated rod 148
spiral source 27
integrals of even and odd periodic functions 72
square-wave function 63
Jacobian matrix 19 stable equilibrium point 15, 16, 23, 25, 26, 28
star sink 28
Laplace’s equation 134 star source 28

taut string 125, 127, 135 vector field 6

trigonometric integrals 77, 78, 86, 90, 93 Volterra, Vito 10
trivial solution 131
uninsulated rod 151
unstable equilibrium point 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 28 wave equation 123, 137


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