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Harassment Prevention Policy Investigation

Fact-finding Interview Summary

7(1)(d)(i - d-6) , July 5, 2023

Background: On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., City Manager Dorothy David interviewed
7(1)(d)(i - d-6) - Witness Information who was identified as a corroborating witness to alleged
statements made by Fire Chief Gary Ludwig that were potential violations of the City’s Harassment
Prevention and Reporting Policy.

The City Manager instructed 7(1)(d)(i - that he was ordered to answer the questions posed during the
interview completely and honestly to the best of his recollection. He was informed the policy
investigation is confidential and that he should not discuss this matter with anyone. The City
Manager advised that the Fire Chief had not yet been made aware of the allegations, and that she
would make every effort not to disclose the names of the witnesses participating in the process if
feasible. 7(1)(d)(i - was further advised that if the Chief or any other person were to ask about the
investigation, that this should be reported directly to the City Manager.

Interview Summary: The fact-finding witness interview was conducted by the City Manager as
the alleged incident involved the Fire Chief who directly reports to the City Manager. 7(1)(d)(i -
was asked to share his detailed recollection of reported incidents in which the Fire Chief allegedly
made statements to employees that were sexually explicit in nature on two separate occasions. The
City Manager briefly summarized what had been reported, but asked 7(1)(d)(i - to describe his
personal recollections and not to rely on the information that had been provided by others to the
City Manager.

The first allegation where 7(1)(d)(i - was identified as a possible witness was a situation where Chief
Ludwig had conversations with staff telling them about a time when he received a “blow job” from
a woman when he either worked at or owned a bar, or a time during his employment with the St.
Louis Fire Department when he went to the river area to engage in sexual activity with women,
possibly prostitutes. 7(1)(d)(i - denied having ever personally heard the Chief speak of such
incidents. However, 7(1)(d)(i - did recall hearing the St. Louis story from other fire suppression
personnel. He was unsure which firefighters repeated the story to him, nor could not recall any
further specifics.

The second allegation where 7(1)(d)(i - was identified as a possible witness was a conversation that
he had with 7(1)(c) - Victim Information within the past year after 7(1)(c) - had had a conversation
with Chief Ludwig about the consequences of 7(1)(c) - Specific . 7(1)(d)(i - recalled that 7(1)(c) -
had come to his office to relay the substance of a concerning conversation that the 7( had had with
the Chief. While he could not recall the specific date, he confirmed that this conversation occurred
about the time when the Chief was having some undiagnosed health issues, with one possibility
being 7(1)(c) - Specific . 7(1)(d)(i - noted that 7(1)(c) - was visibly shaken up by the conversation
which was sexually explicit in nature. 7(1)(d)(i - recalled 7(1)(c) - saying that the Chief had
expressed concerns about not being able to ejaculate post-surgery and went into explicit detail about
the Chief’s personal ability to ejaculate. 7(1)(d)(i - recalled being told that the Chief said that in his
younger years his nickname was “beer can” because when he ejaculated it was like shaking up a
beer can and spraying it.

The City Manager then asked if 7(1)(d)(i - had ever heard the Chief make similar statements to those
being currently investigated, including statements that would be potential violations of the policy
such as statements that were disrespectful or demeaning to women or statements that would be
considered sexually charged or inappropriate. 7(1)(d)(i - said that he did not recall any additional

At the conclusion of the interview, the City Manager reminded 7(1)(d)(i - of the confidentiality of
the investigation. She also reiterated that the policy prohibits employees from being subject to any
negative employment consequences or retaliation for participation in the investigative process or
making good faith allegations of policy violations.

I, 7(1)(d)(i - d-6) , have read the above summary of my July 5, 2023, interview with the City Manager,
and I agree that it is a complete and accurate summary of my knowledge of the incidents that are
being investigated. I have been provided an opportunity to review, revise, and add a supplemental
statement to this summary prior to it being finalized and approve of this serving as my statement for
purposes of the Harassment Prevention Policy investigation.

7(1)(b) - Signature 7/11/2023

___ ______________ ________________________________
Signature Date

7(1) Interview Summary 7-5-23 2

Public Records Exemptions
The following information explains the factual basis for the redactions applied to the responsive records
provided to you, pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/7 et al.

Reason Description Pages

7(1)(d)(i -
d-6) - 7(1)(d)(i - d-6) Please refer to the Factual Basis Supplement
Witness for detailed information regarding this exemption.
7(1)(c) Personal information contained within public records,
the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy, unless the disclosure is
consented to in writing by the individual subjects of the
information. “Unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”
7(1)(c) -
means the disclosure of information that is highly personal or
Victim 1
objectionable to a reasonable person and in which the
subject’s right to privacy outweighs any legitimate public
interest in obtaining the information. The disclosure of
information that bears on the public duties of public
employees and officials shall not be considered an invasion
of personal privacy
7(1)(c) Personal information contained within public records,
the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy, unless the disclosure is
consented to in writing by the individual subjects of the
7(1)(c) - information. “Unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”
Specific means the disclosure of information that is highly personal or
Medical objectionable to a reasonable person and in which the
Information subject’s right to privacy outweighs any legitimate public
interest in obtaining the information. The disclosure of
information that bears on the public duties of public
employees and officials shall not be considered an invasion
of personal privacy
7(1)(b) Private information, unless disclosure is required by
7(1)(b) -
another provision of this Act, a State or federal law or a court 2

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