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Block g pre proff

Block g (pre proff) by mmc

For 3rd year Mbbs students of Kmu
By Modular Medical circle

Note: Error & omissions are possible !

1. Clinical course of a patient with fever and chills of 3 days duration along with pharyngitis and
accompanying pharyngeal purulent exudate is most typical of

A. Abscess formation
B. Acute inflammation
C. Chronic inflammation
D. Granulomatous inflammation
E. Resolution of inflammation

Option (b) refrence Robbins page 60 and google

2. A 40yrs old female has chronic cough with fever and weight loss. A chest radiograph reveals
multiple nodules some of which demonstrate cavitation in the upper lobes. A sputum samples
reveals acid fast bacilli. The mosy important cells in the development of her lung lesion is

A. Fibroblast
B. Macrophage
C. Mast cell
D. Neutrophils
E. Platelets

Option (b) refrence Robbins page 85 ->Morphology

3. A 37yrs old men has nausea and vomiting for several weeks. He experiences an episodes of
hematemesis. Upper GI endoscopy is performed and there is a 1.5cm diameter lesion in the
gastric antrum which appears to be area with loss of the epithelial surface. The description is
typical forwhich pathologic process

A. Abscess
B. Gangrene
C. Granuloma
D. Serosities
E. Ulcer

Option (e) refrence Robbins page 79 inflammatory process that has continued for several months includes transformation of
tissue macrophages into epitheloid cells. Lymphocytes are also present. Over time fibroblast lay
down as focus of inflammation heals. These events most likely to occur in response to

Block g pre proff

A. Antigen antibody complex ES

B. Cytomegalo virus
C. Gardialamblia
D. Mycobacterium leprae
E. Pseudomembranous aerogenosa

Option (D)

5. A 22 yr old man developed marked right lower quadrant abdominal pain over the past day.
On physical examination there is rebound tenderness. Laparoscopic surgery is performed and
the swollen appendix partly covered by yellowish exudate is removed. Macroscopic section
shows infiltration with numerous neutrophils. The pain experienced is predominantly resulting
from which of the mediators

A. Complement c3b and Igg

B. Histamine and serotonine
C. Interleukin 1 and TNF
D. Leukotrienes and HPETE
E. Prostaglandins and bradykinin.

Option (e) refrence Robbins page 72 & 77 ->Prostaglandins are invovled in inflammatory rxns
causes pain and fever
Bradykinin are implicated as mediator in some forms of allergic rxns such as anaphylaxis..

6. A pt of acute pancreatitis underwent emergency laprotomy. The surgeon noted chalky white
deposits with calcium soap formation on the mesentery. The pathologist reported on biopsy that
the lesion shows shadowy fat cells with basophilic calcium deposits. Which type of necrosis is

A. Caogulative necrosis
B. Caseous necrosis
C. Fibrinoid
D. Fat necrosis
E. Gangrenous necrosis

Option (d) refrence Robbins page 37

7. AN artery is occluded by blood clot causing ischemic changes due to decreased perfusion.
Which is a finding of irreversible cell injury?

A. Cellular swelling and blebs

B. Clumping of nuclear chromatin
C. Detachment of ribosomes
D. Decreased protein synthesis
E. Depleted with ATP synthesis

Option (b) reference Robbins page 34 but pls confirm it.

8. Which morphologic change is a feature of apoptosis in cell injury?

A. Adjacent inflammation

Block g pre proff

B. Cellular fragmentation
C. Leakage of contents
D. Nuclear karyorrhexis
E. Nuclear karyolysis

Option (b) refrence Robbins page 37

9. A pt presented with cough and hemoptysis. His chest xray shows hilar lymphadenopathy. A
tissue biopsy was done and a diagnosis of tuberculosis was made. Which type of necrosis is
seen histologically in tissue biopsy.

A. Caseous necrosis
B. Coagulative necrosis
C. Fat necrosis
D. Fibrinoid necrosis
E. Liquefactive necrosis

Option (a) refrence Robbins page 36

10. Tissue biopsy of bronchi of a habitual smoker showed replacement of secretory columnar
epithelium to stratified columnar epithelium due to chronic irritation. What is this reversible
change from one differentiated cell type to another cell type called?

A. Atrophy
B. Dysplasia
C. Hyperplasia
D. Hypertrophy
E. Metaplasia

Option (e) reference page 50

Which is the major process of absorption for more than 90% of the drugs?
a.facilitated diffuser transport
d.passive diffusion
e.none of the above

Correct option:d Passive Diffusion

According to ficks law of diffusion drug molecules moves according to concentration gradient
passively.most common mechanism of absorption is passive diffusion
Reference L ketzung

Addition of glucoronic acid to drug:

a.makes drug more toxic

b.make it more water soluble

Block g pre proff a phase 1 reaction

d.requires p450 same in children

Option:b makes it more water soluble.

glucuronidation increases the hydrophilicity of drug enhancing its secretion

Which of the following is considered a clean surgery:

a.inguinal hernia repair

e.none of these

Option:a inguinal hernia repair

clean surgery means elective sterile nd no inflammation or infection encountered

A 20years old college student presented to emergency department with one day history of pain
abdomen.he explains that pain was initially in periumblical region and now is localised to right
iliac fossa,He felt neauseated and had anorexia the pateint denies any urinary symptoms.On
the basis of this history what is most probable diagnosis?

a.acute appendicitis
c.ureteric colic
d.urinary tract infection
e.mesenteric lymphadenitis

Option:a Acute appendicitis

Typical symptoms (pain initially in pariumblical region radiating to the right iliac

A 6 years male old child is brought to the outdoor with complaints of decreas of vision while
studying from white board in the school.Parents also noticed that child stands very closely to the
television while watching cartoons.You perform retinoscopy and there is a streak moving in
opposite direction.what is the most likely diagnosis.


Option:d myopia
in myopia distant vision is effected as per scenario nd the streak moving is in opposite direction
on retinoscopy

Block g pre proff

You perform retinoscopy of pateint complaining of decreased vision . On retinoscopy the streak
moves with movement.which of the following is most likely false?
e.myopia greater than working distance

Option:dMyopai (False)
In myopia the streak movement is in opposite direction on retinoscopy

A 40 years old female comes to the outdoor with complaints of frontal headache and decrease
of vision while reading and sewing .she can see perfectly fine at distance.What is the most likely


Option:c Hyperopia
Deceased near vision(far vision fine) associated with headache

A 10 years old boy is brought in the outdoor by his parents with complaints of painful red eyes
sticky eyelashes and dandruff like material on his eyelid margins.On examination his eyelid
margins are red inflammed and tender and greasy material present on the eyelashes base as
well as whitish dandruff like material.what is the most likely diagnosis:


In blepharitis there is painful red eyes,dandruff like material on eye lashes and greasy (same
symptoms in scenerio )

A 10 years old boy is brought in the outdoor by his parents with complaints of painful red right
eye with sticky eyelashes after truama to the right eye with rose thorn yesterday.On examination
there is a white mark in the centre of right cornea with zigzag margins.There is a white material
in the anterior chamber as well.what is most likely diagnosis:

Block g pre proff

a.bacterial conjunctivitis
b.bacterail keratitis
c.fungal keratitis
e.viral keratitis

Option c :Fungal keratitis

Corneal infection spot with irregular borders (zigzag)
other keratitis smooth Border of infiltrate

Mcq No.21
A 42 years old patient is admitted in chest ward having complains of productive cough with 104
degree Fahrenheit fever. He is diagnosed case of pneumonia. Doctor advises sputum specimen
collection for investigation. What is the best time for nurse to attempt to collect specimen;

a) After breakfast
b) After dinner
c) Before lunch
d) Bed time
e) Early morning

Correct option E
Hint: To avoid contamination of sample with any food particles residue, mouth wash or oral
drugs taken etc
Reference: Levinson Microbiology

Which gram stain reagent act as a mordant to bind stain to the bacteria;

a) Crystal violet
b) Gram's Iodine
c) Safranin
d) Lugol's Iodine
e) Alcohol- Acetone

Correct option E
Reference: Levinson Microbiology - Gram staining topic

Mcq No. 24
Which of the following component is present in gram positive bacteria but not in gram negative

a) Capsule
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Flagella
d) Teichoic acid
e) Diaminopimetic acid

Correct option D

Block g pre proff

Reference: Levinson Microbiology- Bacterial structure topic

Mcq No. 25
An artery is occluded by a blood clot causing ischemic changes due to decreased perfusion.
Which of the following is a finding of irreversible cell injury;

a) Cellular Swelling and blebs

b) Decreased protein synthesis
c) Clumping of nuclear chromatin
d) Depleted ATP with necrosis
e) Detachment of ribosomes

Ans= C
Hint: Nuclear changes are the most specific microscopic features of irreversible cell injury.
Reference: PathomaPg: 04

Mcq No. 26
A unique component of cell wall of g - ive bacteria which is toxic to animals is;

a) Capsule
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Flagella
d) Pilli
e) Lipid A

Ans= E
Hint: Lipid A is a component of endotoxin which is only secreted by g -ive bacteria.
Reference: Levinson Microbiology - Bacterial structure topic

Mcq No. 27
A group of 6 children under 8 years of age live in a semitropical country. Each one has several
crushed weeping skin lesions of Impetigo( Pyoderma). The lesions are predominantly on arms
and face. Which organism is a likely cause;

a) Bacillus anthracis
b) Staphylococcus aureus
c) Chlamydia trachomatis
d) Streptococcus pneumoniae
e)E. coli

Ans= B
Reference: Levinson Microbiology - Gram +ive cocci topic

Mcq No. 28
An 8 years old girl develops Sydenham's chorea and involuntary movement of her extremities,
strongly suggestive of acute rheumatic fever. The patient throat culture is - ive for
Streptococcus pyogenes ( Group A Streptococci). However, she and her brother had sore throat
2 months ago. A test if + ive would indicate recent Streptococcus pyogenes infection is;

a) Anti- Streptolysin O antibody titer

b) Anti- Treptolysin S antibody titer

Block g pre proff

c) Antihyluronic acid antibody titer

d) PCR for antibodies against M protein
e) Repeated throat culture

Ans= A
Hint: Most widely used antibodies for diagnosis of post Streptococcal diseases are anti-
streptolysin O and anti- DNase B titer.
Reference: Levinson Microbiology- Gram +ive cocci topic

Mcq No. 29
Which of the following culture media is used to culture Streptococci in laboratory;

a) Blood agar
b) Cleveland media
c) Chocolate agar
d) Nutrient agar
e) Nutrient broth

Ans= A
Reference: Levinson Microbiology - Strptococci topic

Mcq No. 30
A 50 years old women is admitted in gynae ward for last 5 days. She was catheterized after
abdominal hysterectomy. The patient was taking broad spectrum antibiotics after surgery. She
develops abdominal abcess during her stay in the hospital. What is the cause of developing
hospital accquired infections;

a) Enterococcus fecalis
b) Gonococci
c) Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci
d) Staphylococci
e) Streptococcus pneumoniae

Ans= C
Reference: Levinson Microbiology - Nasocomial infections topic

31:Most common cause of dental caries is;

A)Haemophilus Influenza
D) Streptococcus agalacti
B) Pneumococci
E) Viridan Streptococci
C) staphylococci

Answer key: E (Viridan Streptococci)

Streptococcus mutans from the Viridan group synthesizes polysaccharides (dextrans) that are
found in dental plaque and lead to dental caries
Reference: Levinson (16th edition) pg#118

32:a patient presented with cough and hemoptysis.His chest X-ray shows hilar

Block g pre proff

lymphadenopathy.A tissue biopsy was done and a diagnosis of Tuberculosis was made.Which
type of necrosis is seen histologically in tissue biopsy specimen of a patient with Tuberculosis?

A)Caseous necrosis
B)Coagulative necrosis.
C)Fat necrosis
D) Fibrinoid necrosis
E) Liquefactive necrosis

Answer Key: A( Caseous necrosis)

33:A patient is being treated for tuberculosis.Caseating pulmonary granulomas are seen on
microscopic examination of a lung biopsy.What is the usual outcome of a pulmonary granuloma
after after treatment?

A) Complete resolution.
B) Metastasis of the lesion
C)Replacement by macrophages
D)Scarring and Calcification
E) Progression into chronic inflammatiom

Answer Key: D(Scarring and Calcification)

34: Eosinophils do not?

A)Contain a major basic protein.

B)Contain protease
C)Give a respiratory burst on activation
D)Have C3b receptors
E) Stain with basic dye

Answer key: E ( stain with basic dye)

35:Natural killer cells do not?

A)Contain perforins.
B) kill only bu damaging the outer membrane
C)Contain serine proteases.
D) Respond to inetrferons
E)Contain tumor necrosis factor

Answer key: B(kill only by damaging the outer membrane)

36:What is the name of the conceptual framework in which the research is carried out?
A)Research hypothesis.
B)Research paradigm
C)Synopsis research
D)Research design

Answer key: D( research design)

37:In order to pursue the research,which one of the following is required first?

Block g pre proff

A)Developing a research design

B)Formulating the research hypothesis
C)Formulating a research question.
D) Formulating a sampling method
E)Deciding about the data analysis procedure

Answer key: C(Formulating a research question)

38:How to judge depth of any research?

A) By research title
B)By total expenditure on research
C) By research duration.
D) By the data analysis procedure
E)By research objectives

Answer key: E ( by research objectives)

39:Disease causation is best explained by;

A)Theory of causal agent

B) Multifactorial theory
C) Supernatural theory.
D) Seasonal theory
E)Empirical theory

Answer key: B(not sure)

40: Restriction of activities of a contact,who has been exposed to a case of communicable

disease for maximum incubation period is termed as;

D) Isolation
E) Surveillance

Answer key: C(Quarantine)

Reference: Excel (page#57)

41.Time interval between invasion of agent and 1st sign and symptoms of disease is called

a.transmission period
b .elimination period
c.termination period
d.isolation period
e.incubation period

Correct e

Block g pre proff

42.Health education is responsibility of educationist
c every health worker nurse
e paramedical staff

Correct: b

43.The disease causation model based on agent ,host and environment is known as

a.germ theory of disease

b.natural theory of disease
d.supernatural theory
e.Web of causation


44.The natural theory of disease refers to

a.progress of disease in an individual over time

b.broadscope of manifestation of disease in different individuals

c.period between exposure and 1 st symptoms
d.the manifestation of disease in different individuals
e.from onset of disease till its end without any intervention


45.Which of following is tertiary level ofprevention promotion
b.specefic protection
c.early diagnosis and treatment
d disability limitation
e specific protection

Correct D

46.screening of carcinoma of cervix is promotion
b.specific protection
c.disability limitation
e.early diagnosis and treatment


47:The best method of promoting healthy lifestyle in children

Block g pre proff

a primordial
b.specific prevention
c.secondary prevention
d high risk strategy
e.tertiary prevention

Correct a

48: keeping frequency of disease within acceptable limit is called


correct A

49.unusual occurrence of disease in specific population is

d .incidence


50.Choose one of the serious complication associated with immunosuppressive agent is

a.increase incidence of autoimmune disease

b.loss of hair
c.increased susceptibility of opportunistic infection
d.decrease in immunoglobulin levels
e.loss of tuberculin sensitivity in tuberculosis infection


51. Immunization is

A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Disability limitation
E. Treatment

Answer: A
Reference: Excel Pg: 7

52. Use of masks by people during covid is an example of

A. Primary prevention

Block g pre proff

B. Primordial prevention
C. Secondary prevention
D. Tertiary prevention
E. Treatment

Answer: A
Reference: Excel pg: 7

53. Prophylactic administration of vit K in breast fed infants is an example of

A. Health promotion
B. Treatment
C. Specific protection
D. Rehabilitation
E. Control

Answer: C
Refence: Excel pg 7

Mcq 62.
In suspected case of poisoning first washing of stomach should always be done with

A. Distill water
B. Plain water
C. Saline water
D. Potassium per mangnate
E. Saturated saline solution

Correct option: B
Source : Parikh

Mcq 63.
Most important medicolegal duty of a doctor in case of death from suspected poisoning is to:

A. Preserve the samples

B. Record the detail history
C. Inform the magistrate
D. Withhold issuing of death certificate
E. Estimate time since death

Correct option. D
Source. Parikh

Mcq 64.
In medicolegal case identification of living person is primarily the duty of:

A. Medical officer
B. Magistrate
C. Relatives
D. Police
E. Court of justice

Block g pre proff

Correct option. C

Mcq no 65
To differentiate between remains of human skeleton from animal best method is:

A. Precipitin test
B. X-ray examination
C. Spectroscopic examination
D. Microscopic examination
E. Neutron activation analysis

Correct option. A
Source. Parikh

Mcq no 66.
A young girl attempted suicude. She was brought to a private doctor and recovered completely.
The doctor should be:

A. Inform police
B. Not inform police
C. Keep her under observation
D. Report magistrate
E. Both a and c

Correct option. B
Source. Parikh

Mcq no 67.
Most appropriate area to be x-rayed for age estimation at puberty is:

A. Elbow
B. Elbow and knee joint
C. Pelvis and long bones
D. Skull and vertebrae
E. Long vertebrae

Correct option. B
Source. Parikh

Mcq 68.
Which of the following is best way to prevent allergic rhinitis

A. Diabetic medication
B. Nasal sprays
C. Allergy shots
D. Stay away from known allergens
E. None of the above

Correct option. D
Source. Google

Block g pre proff

Mcq 69.
A 26 years old female with history of recurrent tonsillitis presented with high grade fever,
odynophagia and hot potato voice. Physical findings include trismus and medial displacement of
lateral pharyngeal wall and tonsils. What is the most probable diagnosis.

A. Candidiasis
B. Apthous ulcer
C. Epiglottis
D. Peritonsillar abscess
E. Viral pharyngitis

Correct option. D
Source. Google

Mcq 70.
Frontal headache made worse on forward bending is sign of:

A. Nasal obstruction
B. Infectious rhinitis
C. Acute sinusitis
D. Allergic rhinitis
E. Rhinitis medicamentosa

Correct option. C

71: A ten year old female presents with severe throat pain and grey black pseudomembranous
What is expected organism?

A.Gram positive pseudospores in chain

B. Gram positive bacilli
C. Gram positive cocci
D. Gram positive rods
E. None of the above


72: A 50 years old obese lad was operated for fibroid uterus. On 8* post op day she came to
OPD with pi discharge coming from wound. She is having fever of 101 degree, puise 110/min
and BP of 130/80 mmlig What investigation will you advise before starting antibiotics?

a) Complete blood count

B) Urinary R/E
C) Random blood sugar
D.Pelvic ultrasound
E.Wound swab for culture sensitivity

Before giving antibiotics culture sensitivity test is done

75.Drug whose absorption is increased with fatty meal.

Block g pre proff

E.bith option A and B

Ans:E reference tara

Q76: Mucormycosis, Drug of choice is?

b) itraconazole
C ) vericonazole
D) gresofulvin
E) terbinafine

Reference Tara

77: Drug not effective in Candidial Infection?

B) Ketoconazole
C) terbinafine
D) gresofulvine
E ) both c and d


Q#78: Which drug would be most appropriate to treat Vaginal candiasis?

a) Amphatericin-b
b) Terbinafine
C) fuconazole
D) clotrimazole
E) gresofulvin


Q#79: What is an Allylamines mode of action?

a)inhibit ergosterol synthesis via Lanosterol epoxidase.

b)Inhibit ergosterol synthesis via squalene 1 4-aipha demethylase: 1
c)Inhibit ergosterol synthesis via squalene epoxidas
d)Inhibit ergosterol synthesis via Lanosterol 1 4-alpha demethylase)
E)inhibit ergosterol synthesis via Lanosterol 1 6-aigha derriethylase

Ans:C .. Reference Tara

Block g pre proff

Q#80: Which of the following is least nephrotoxic?

c) Polymixin B

Ans:E Google

81 : Tetracycline inhibit protein synthesis by

a.inhibiting initiation and causing misreading of mRNA .

b: binding to 30S subunit and inhibits binding of aminocyletRNA.
c: inhibiting peptidyl transferase activity.
d: inhibiting translocation.
e: both b and c

Correct answer is b

82: drug of choice for rickettsia is

a: erythromycin
b: Tetracycline.
c: chloramphenicol.
d: penicillin
e: aminoglycoside

Correct answer is b
Hint Tara page 439 Tetracycline is the first choice for treatment of rickettsial infection

83: Gray baby syndrome is caused by

a . chlorpromazine.
b : chloramphenicol.
c: phenytoin.
d: gentamicin.
e: penicillin

Correct answer is b

84 : which of the following is not true

a: acetaminophen is virtually free of significant adverse effects at normal therapeutic dose.

b: acetaminophen has strong inhibitory effects on cyclooxygenase in peripheral tissues.

c: antidote to acetaminophen is N acetylcysteine .
d: hepatic necrosis is serious side effect of acetaminophen toxicity.
e: combination of glutathione and acetaminophen is non toxic

Correct answer is b
hint: NSAIDS Tara

Block g pre proff

85: A 49 yrs patient presents with fever and chills patient has similar symptoms few months
back.You are suspecting relapsing plasmodium vivax.Which of the following prevent relapse by
eradicating parasite from lever

a: chloroquine.
b: primaquine .
d: arthemetar
e: quinine

Correct answer is primaquine

Hint: primaquine and tafenoquine acts on latent tissue forms

86: in which of the following condition would aspirin be contraindicated

b: fever.
c: peptic ulcers.
d: Rheumatoid arthritis.
e: unstable angina

Correct option C

87: which of the following statements concerning cox2 inhibitor is correct

a:the cox2 inhibitor show greater analgesic activity than traditional nsaids
b:cox2 inhibitor decrease platelet function c: it don't affect kidneys.
d: it shows anti inflammatory activity similar to that of traditional nsaids
e: these are cardio protective

Correct answer is d

88: A 8 yr old girl has fever and muscle aches from a presumptive viral infection.which of the
following is the most appropriate for the condition

a: acetaminophen.
b: aspirin:
c .celecoxib.
d: codeine.
e : indomethacin

Correct answer is a

89: A 23 yr old patient presented to u with nausea , vomiting,tinnitus and vertigo after taking
some antimalarial medicine.which drug may be responsible for it

a : chloroquine.
b: artemether.
c: quinine.
d: primaquine .
e: pyrimethamine

Block g pre proff

Correct answer is c

90 :A pregnant woman was hospitalized with foleys catheter she developed urinary tract
infection by pseudomonas aeruginosa and was treated with gentamicin which of the following
adverse effects was risk to the fetus when the woman was on gentamicin

a:skeletol deformity.
b : hearing loss
c: teratogenesis.
d: blindness.
e: mental retardation

Correct answer is hearing loss

Hint tara page no 434

Q91: Antibiotics are used to treat infections by?

a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) All the microorganisms
d) none of the above
e) fungus

Correct option B

Q92: What is meant by antibiotic resistance?

a) It means our body has become resistant to the antibiotic

b) It means the bacteria has developed antibiotic resistance
c) Both a and b
d) None of the Above
e) It means Virus has developed resistance

Correct option B

Q.93 Regarding toxicity of Antibiotics

a) Enamel dysplasia is common with Aminoglycosides

b) Gray baby syndrome occurs with Rifampicin use
c) Heamolytic anemias can occur with Sulphonamides use
d) Nephritis is the most common adverse reaction with isoniazid
e) Disulfiram like reactions can occur with Macrolide

Correct option C

94:A drug half-life of 10hrs is administered by continuous IV INFUSION Then what will be the
time for the drug to reach steady state concentration

a) 10hr
b) 20 hr

Block g pre proff

c) 33hr
d) 40hr
e) 60 hr

Correct option d
Steady state conc. Is achieved in 4-5 half lives
95: Which drug induces cytochrome P450 in the liver?

a) Probenecid
b) Epinephrine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Phenobarbital
e) Dopamine

Correct option D

Q.96: Which of the following drug show zero order kinetics?

a) Aspirin
b) Phenytoin
c) Both a and b
d) Naloxone
e) None of the above

Correct option C

Q#97: In a patient with chronic renal failure, half of a drug eliminated through kidney will be

a) Decreased
b) increased
c) Not altered
d) Remains constant
e) Drug will now eliminate through skin

Correct option A

Q.99 A patient using Warfarin (an anticoagulant) is presented with increased bleeding tendency.
On inquiring, ..... an antifungal regularly, Doctor think that the very anti fungal drug increase
enzyme inhibition of warfarin. What is the drug?

a) Nystatin
b) Amphoteracin
c) keticonazole
d) Tetracycline
e) Miconazole

Correct option C
All azoles are enzyme inhibitors and among them keto is the most toxic
Q.100 In new born, the drug metabolizing enzymes are not functional. Which of the following
drugs result in grey baby syndrome if prescribed to a baby?

Block g pre proff

a) Penicillin
b) Sulfonamide
c) Paracetamol
d) Chloramphenicol
e) Aspirin

Correct option D

101.most of the species of bacilli and clostridia?



102.bacillus anthracis is medically important spore_forming rod that may cause the disease
"anthrax"in animal and humans. the two important virulence factor of this organism ?

a)capsule and enterotoxins

b)enzymes and capsules
c)capsule and exotoxin
d)exotoxins and enterotoxins
e)exotoxin and capsule

Hint..capsule is composed of D glutamate due to it's negative charge it inhibit the host defence
through inhibiton of pahagocytosis of vegetative cell s by macrophages
And other virluent factor is exotoxin

103.which is the most common food associated with infant botulism ?

a)canned baby food

c)corn syru
d)maple syrup


104.tissue biopsy of bronchi of habitual cigarette smoker showed replacement of ciliary

columnar epithelium to stratified squamous epithelium due to chronic initiation What is this
reversible change form one differentiated cell type (epithelium to mesenchymal)to another cell
type called ?


Block g pre proff


105.which of the following morphological changes is feature of apoptosis in cell injury ?

a)adjacent inflammation
b)cellular fragmentation
e)leakage of contents

Hink..robbins page number 34

106.which of the following is common form of plague which causes swelling of lymph nodes?

a)bubonic plague
b) pneumonic plague
c)septicemic plague

Hink microbiology page number 175

107..which of the following is selective media used for isolation of pathogen yersiniaenterolitica
from a stool sepicmen?

a)blood agar
b)macconkey agar
c)celfsulodin_irgasan_novobiocin agar
d)lowenstein_jensen media
e)reganlowe medium

Ans...... c

108.which of the following pathogen can be transfer to human and cause infection form the bite
of dogs and cats



Block g pre proff

109..which of the following test can be used for tularemia diagnosing?

a) allergic test
b)blood culture
c)rapid test
d)biological examination
e)skin serological examination


110.posterella multocida has found normal flora in respiratory track of which of the following
animal ?


Hint micro gage 176

Written and marked by: KGMCITES (Batch’25)

Edited and Compiled by: Rabia (kgmc ‘25)

Reviewed by: Saqib Islam (BMC’25) Farhad khan (NMC ‘25)

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