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(Application no. 31349/20)


Art 11 read in the light of Art 10 • Domestic courts’ failure to adduce

sufficient reasons to justify proportionality of custodial sentence imposed on
activist following arrest at a peaceful demonstration and conviction for
administrative offences


11 May 2023

This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the
Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.

In the case of Chkhartishvili v. Georgia,

The European Court of Human Rights (Fifth Section), sitting as a Chamber
composed of:
Georges Ravarani, President,
Mārtiņš Mits,
Stéphanie Mourou-Vikström,
Lado Chanturia,
María Elósegui,
Kateřina Šimáčková,
Mykola Gnatovskyy, judges,
and Victor Soloveytchik, Section Registrar,
Having regard to:
the application (no. 31349/20) against Georgia lodged with the Court
under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Georgian national, Mr Lasha
Chkhartishvili (“the applicant”), on 19 June 2020;
the decision to give notice to the Georgian Government (“the
Government”) of the complaints under Article 5 § 1, Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (b)
and (c), and Articles 10 and 11 of the Convention and to declare inadmissible
the remainder of the application;
the parties’ observations;
Having deliberated in private on 14 March and 11 April 2023,
Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the latter date:

1. The present case primarily concerns the applicant’s complaint that his
arrest at a demonstration and the imposition of a custodial sanction in respect
of administrative offences had amounted to an interference with his rights to
freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, in breach of Articles 10
and 11 of the Convention.

2. The applicant was born in 1980 and lives in Tbilisi. He was represented
before the Court by Mr I. Chitashvili, a lawyer practising in Tbilisi.
3. The Government were represented by their Agent, Mr B. Dzamashvili,
of the Ministry of Justice.
4. The facts of the case, as submitted by the parties, may be summarised
as follows.



5. The applicant is a civil society activist. He has been a member of the

Georgian Labour Party since 2019. According to the applicant, fourteen sets
of administrative-offence proceedings were instituted against him throughout
the course of his activism, including the one at the heart of the present


6. On 29 November 2019 a demonstration was held in front of the

National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. It was part of a series of protests
about the Parliament’s failure to adopt amendments to the Constitution of
Georgia meant to facilitate the transition of the parliamentary electoral system
from a “mixed‑member” system to one of proportional representation (see
Makarashvili and Others v. Georgia, nos. 23158/20 and 2 others, §§ 5-6,
1 September 2022) and was attended by opposition politicians, civil society
activists and ordinary citizens. The location of the demonstration was
apparently chosen because the Minister of Justice had been scheduled to give
a speech there. The exact number of participants in the demonstration remains
unclear but the video material relating to the event shows a couple of hundred
individuals and a large number of police officers gathered at the site. The
Minister of Justice entered the building with the help of the police cordon.
The video coverage of the event shows that the demonstrators attempted
several times to break through the cordon and force their way to the entrance
of the building while the Minister was there. It also shows that the pavement
and narrow road leading to the entrance were largely occupied by people who
had gathered at the demonstration, including police officers. The footage
shows the police telling the demonstrators that their actions were contrary to
the law and that they could not block the entrance to the building or the road.
Some demonstrators are seen yelling inaudible phrases at the officers while
the latter remain calm. Six individuals, including the applicant, were arrested
that day on various grounds. It does not appear that the demonstration was
7. At some point during the above-mentioned events the applicant turned
towards the police officers (allegedly in response to the police calls to clear
the road), holding beans in his hand and shouting loudly that beans used to
be “gruel for slaves”. According to the case file, he then threw the beans at
the officers, crying out “slave gruel for the police”. The video footage
available in the case file shows that the applicant was arrested immediately.
The arrest took place at 11.45 a.m. The applicant was escorted to the Tbilisi
police station for having allegedly committed offences under Articles 166
and 173 of the Code of Administrative Offences (“the CAO” – see
paragraphs 27-28 below).


8. According to the administrative-offence report, the applicant had

blocked the road, breached public order, resisted the police, insulted the
police officers and disobeyed their lawful orders. The administrative-arrest
report indicated Articles 166 and 173 of the CAO as the provisions relevant
to the applicant’s arrest and noted as follows:
“On 29 November 2019 Lasha Chkhartishvili [the applicant] blocked the road beside
the Public Library located on Purtseladze Street in Tbilisi[;] insulted and harassed
[members of the public;] despite multiple instructions to stop doing so he continued in
defiance of the law and after the police had ordered him to desist he became more
aggressive and threw [dried] beans at them[;] insulted them and called them slaves[.]
He was arrested for minor hooliganism and disobeying police orders.”



9. On the same day – 29 November 2019 – the applicant was brought

before the Tbilisi City Court. The trial started at 3.32 p.m. At the outset, the
parties were warned that they must observe order and comply with judicial
instructions. Contempt of court would entail sanctions.
10. The applicant requested the judge’s recusal, stating that it was always
that judge who presided over administrative-offence cases relating to arrests
at demonstrations and that the applicant’s case had been scheduled for
immediate consideration while older administrative-offence cases had still
been pending. This, in the applicant’s opinion, indicated that the judge was
biased and that he must have been following some instructions coming from
outside the courtroom. The judge responded that the applicant’s request was
unsubstantiated as it did not demonstrate the existence of any grounds
provided for by the law for his recusal. The judge stated that he was on duty
that day, which had been the reason for the applicant’s case having been
assigned to him.
11. While the judge was speaking the applicant interrupted, in a louder
voice, repeating that all politically sensitive cases had been assigned to this
judge. The judge asked the applicant to calm down, to show respect towards
the court and to allow the case to proceed. The applicant responded that he
was calm, and that it was the judge who had to worry because he would be
held accountable before the law for all the politically motivated prosecutions.
The judge explained that he was not interested in any political party, to which
the applicant responded: “we can see that”. The judge asked the applicant to
calm down, failing which he would be removed from the courtroom and the
trial would proceed without his attendance or participation. The applicant
repeated that the judge would be held accountable before the law. The
applicant received a fine of 300 Georgian laris (GEL, approximately
120 euros (EUR)) for the offence of contempt of court. The applicant was
notified that the decision could be appealed against.


12. The applicant continued, in a calm voice, to accuse the judge of

wrongdoing, interrupting him. The applicant was warned that continued
disorderly conduct would result in his removal from the courtroom. He
replied: “remove me, no problem” and made some inaudible remark. The
judge ordered the applicant’s removal. In response the applicant started
yelling that “slaves” of B.I. (the chairman of Georgian Dream, a political
party that at the time in question held an absolute majority in Parliament), like
the judge in question, would end up in prison. He was then removed from the
13. After the removal, addressing the applicant’s argument regarding the
allegedly irregular sequence of processing cases, the judge stated that, unlike
the other cases the applicant had referred to, his case had involved the element
of administrative arrest, rendering the consideration of the case a matter of
urgent priority.
14. The judge continued to hear the case in the applicant’s absence. The
applicant’s defence lawyer requested that the trial be adjourned, stating that
she needed time to familiarise herself with the administrative case file and to
collect the evidence. The lawyer also stated that she had not been able to meet
with the applicant prior to the trial and alleged that the police had concealed
the applicant’s whereabouts until his eventual transfer to the courtroom. The
judge granted the request and adjourned the hearing for three hours and ten
minutes. In response to the complaint that the police had obstructed the
lawyer’s attempts to meet with the applicant, she was told that a separate
complaint should have been lodged if she believed that the authorities had
committed any unlawful actions.
15. Once the hearing resumed, the defence lawyer made the following
applications. She requested that the applicant be questioned as a witness,
since she had not had time to consult him; that the trial be postponed again,
as she needed additional time to obtain some video recordings in respect of
the events complained of; and that the applicant be released from detention.
She also complained that the police had exceeded their powers during the
applicant’s arrest.
16. The trial judge rejected the applications. He reasoned that the
applicant’s own behaviour had caused his removal from the courtroom after
unheeded warnings and that his appearance as a witness was not justified in
such circumstances. As regards the video evidence which the lawyer had
apparently sought to obtain, it was noted that this material had been widely
disseminated by the media and the lawyer was free to show those recordings
to the court in addition to the material already available in the case file,
without the need for further adjournment. The judge additionally noted that
the applicant’s detention meant that the conduct of the trial had to be
especially expeditious. Another adjournment was not therefore considered


17. During the hearing before the trial court the author of the
administrative-offence report stated, among other things, that the applicant
had a history of committing administrative offences and disobeying police
orders. It was noted in that context that on at least two previous occasions –
in 2008 and 2014 – the applicant had been ordered to pay administrative fines.
The officer in question requested, in view of that information, that the trial
court apply a stricter sanction as a deterrent for the future. The applicant’s
representative contested the officer’s submission as unsubstantiated, unclear
and irrelevant.
18. On the same day – 29 November 2019 – the Tbilisi City Court
acquitted the applicant of any offence under Article 166 of the CAO but found
him guilty of insulting the law-enforcement officers and disobeying their
lawful orders, in breach of Article 173 of the CAO (see paragraph 28 below).
The applicant was sentenced to eight days’ administrative detention. The
judgment was based on the following evidence: the administrative-offence
and arrest reports of 29 November 2019; internal reports of the police; a
document entitled “information regarding the accused” (reflecting the fact
that the applicant had been charged with administrative offences in the past);
the parties’ submissions; witness statements (including the officers’
explanation that beans had been thrown in their faces); and the video footage
relating to the applicant’s arrest.
19. The court articulated the view that statements of police officers would,
in principle, be sufficient to shift the burden of proof onto a person accused
of committing an administrative offence because of the expertise of the police
and the fact that they carried out their professional duties in line with the
domestic legislation. As to explanations given by persons alleged to have
breached administrative rules and regulations, it was noted that their
statements could not, unless supported by other evidence, be regarded as
constituting irrefutable evidence in respect of determining the circumstances
of a case given that the individuals in question were interested parties and that
information provided by them could be aimed at covering up an offence and
avoiding sanctions.
20. Relying on the evidence available in the case file, the court established
the following:
“The court notes that the case file material ... confirms that the person charged with
the administrative offence [showed] disobedience towards the lawful demands of the
police and insulted the police officers. This conduct falls within the scope of Article 173
of the [CAO]. No other evidence which could lead the court to conclude otherwise has
been presented in the present case. ...
After studying the case file material and the parties’ submissions, the court considers
that [the applicant] has not engaged in conduct proscribed under Article 166 of the
[CAO]. There is no evidence [before the court] which could incontrovertibly confirm
the commission of conduct contrary to Article 166 of the [CAO]; namely, the facts of
cursing at the site of a public gathering [and] of a breach of public order have not been
established. ...


In the present case, on 29 November 2019 a demonstration was being held along the
site of the public library in Tbilisi, on Purtseladze Street. Police officers were ensuring
the peaceful conduct of the demonstration and the implementation of the
constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizens. They were enforcing security, protecting
the rights of the participants in the demonstration and ensuring citizens’ constitutionally
guaranteed right to freely move along Rustaveli Avenue and the adjacent streets, which
constituted sufficient grounds for the officers – who are obliged to ensure that breaches
of the law are [prevented] – to implement appropriate measures provided for by law.
The evidence presented in the present case, the parties’ explanations and the video
material all confirm the police officers’ instructions [მოწოდება] and the disobedience
[to such instructions] of the person charged with the administrative offence, as well as
the fact of his insulting the officers. Specifically, the representatives of the law-
enforcement authority called on the individual in breach of the law to leave the road
[and] that request was left unheeded. The court considers it established that the law-
enforcement authorities gave instructions to preserve order and that the instructions
were lawful and aimed at achieving the legitimate goal of safeguarding individuals and
public order. Accordingly, the person in breach of the law disobeyed multiple legitimate
orders. He should have anticipated the risks which could follow [such disobedience].
The court clarifies that calling the police officers ‘slaves’ amounts to behaviour which
insulted and degraded the honour and dignity of the police officers and constitutes a
sufficient basis for the [applicant’s] actions to fall within the scope of Article 173 of the
As concerns the explanation given by the representative of the person charged with
the administrative offence, namely that throwing beans into the air constituted a means
of expressing protest ..., the court points to ... the Freedom of Speech [Act] ... which
accepts and protects the freedoms of speech and expression as eternal and supreme
human values. ... At the same time, section 8 of the very same Act provides for grounds
for limiting [these freedoms] only if such limitations are provided for by law in a clear
and foreseeable manner and when the advantage achieved by a limitation exceeds the
damage inflicted by it.
In the case at hand, the evidence presented [to the court], the parties’ submissions and
the video material confirm that the individual charged with the administrative offence
called the police officers ‘slaves’ and threw beans at them, stating that it had been gruel
for slaves. The court notes that section 48(3) of the Police [Act] provides that insulting
the honour and dignity of police officers who are on duty will incur liability under
Georgian legislation, while Article 173 of the [CAO] expressly defines liability for
disobeying the lawful orders of the police officers ..., verbally insulting them and/or
carrying out insulting actions towards them... Accordingly, the court considers that
actions insulting the dignity of police officers – calling them ‘slaves’ and throwing
beans at them while noting that beans used to be gruel for slaves – cannot be considered
a form of protest.
The court additionally refers to section 111(1) of the Assemblies and Demonstrations
[Act], which authorises [the police] to clear the road ... in the event of the partial or full
blocking of a road ... by the participants in an assembly or a demonstration if the number
of the participants allows the holding of [those events without blocking the road]. ...
The court considers, from a combined analysis of the parties’ explanations, video
recordings and other evidence available in the case, that a need to block the road has
not been demonstrated in the present case. Accordingly, the individual charged with the
administrative offence did not have a right to occupy it and ... the police officers’


repeated requests to have the road cleared to allow [cars] to circulate were lawful [but]
not complied with ...”
21. As regards the sanction of the eight-day custodial sentence imposed
on the applicant, the court cited Articles 33 and 35 of the CAO (see
paragraph 25 below) and reasoned that “in view of the applicant’s personality
and the degree [of seriousness] of his actions”, the imposition of a fine or a
verbal reprimand would not ensure the attainment of the objectives of
22. On 1 December 2019 the applicant lodged an appeal against the
Tbilisi City Court’s decision. Among other things, he complained that the
trial court had relied exclusively on the police officers’ account and that any
doubt should have benefited him, according to the principles applicable in
criminal proceedings. He also stated that it remained unclear what lawful
orders he had disobeyed and noted that in circumstances where the trial court
had acquitted him of the charge under Article 166 of the CAO, his arrest and
conviction for the breach of Article 173 of the CAO had been devoid of
justification. The applicant submitted in this regard that it had been the police
who had blocked the road and that he physically could not have blocked it
and that he had not insulted the officers. The applicant also stated that he had
been unable to meet with his lawyer before the court hearing despite the
lawyer’s attempt to secure a meeting through the bailiff of the court (no
evidence appears to have been presented on that account). The applicant did
not complain about his removal from the courtroom.
23. On 2 December 2019, in a final decision (served on the applicant on
19 December 2019), the Tbilisi Court of Appeal rejected the applicant’s
appeal as inadmissible. The appellate court found that the parties to the
proceedings had been given the opportunity to argue their case and the trial
court had correctly assessed all the relevant evidence. It thus upheld the lower
court’s findings, stating that the applicant had not adduced any evidence or
referred to newly discovered circumstances surrounding his
administrative-offence case which would have warranted the re-examination
of his case on the merits.



24. Section 9(3) of the Act provides as follows: “the blocking of entrances
to buildings ... during an assembly or a demonstration shall be prohibited.”
Section 11(2)(e) provides that it is “prohibited ... to deliberately obstruct
traffic”. Section 111 provides that in the event of participants in a
demonstration partially or completely blocking a road used by cars, the police
have the right to decide to clear the road and/or restore the movement of


vehicles if blocking the road “is not made necessary by the number of
participants in an assembly or a demonstration.”


25. Article 33 of the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO) provides

that the nature of the offence, the personalities of the offenders, the degree of
blame to be ascribed to the latter, their financial status and any extenuating
and aggravating circumstances are to be taken into account at the sentencing
26. Article 35 §§ 1 and 2 of the CAO lists, among the possible
aggravating circumstances to be taken into account at the sentencing stage,
“the continuation of unlawful conduct in the face of demands by authorised
officials to cease” and “the commission of a similar (ერთგვაროვანი) offence
during the year following conviction for an administrative offence [or] the
commission of an offence by an individual who had previously been
convicted of a crime (წინათ დანაშაულის ჩამდენი პირის მიერ)”.
27. Article 166 of the CAO, as worded at the material time, defined
disorderly conduct (“minor hooliganism”) as “swearing and cursing in a
public place, [causing] harassment of a person by means of insults, or other
similar actions that disturb public order and peace”. It was punishable by a
fine and/or up to fifteen days’ administrative detention.
28. Article 173 of the CAO, as worded at the material time, provided that
“disobeying a lawful instruction or order [issued by] a law-enforcement
officer on duty ... or insulting [the latter]” was punishable by a fine of a
minimum of GEL 1,000 and a maximum of GEL 4,000, or up to fifteen days’
administrative detention.



29. Relying on Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (b) and (c) of the Convention, the
applicant complained that his right to a fair trial had been breached on account
of his removal from the courtroom and the resulting inability to defend
himself in person and because he had been unable to consult a lawyer of his
choice either before or during the trial. He also complained that the trial court
had primarily relied on the police officers’ statements. Article 6 of the
Convention, in so far as relevant, provides as follows:
“1. In the determination of ... any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled
to a fair ... hearing ...
3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights:


(b) to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence; ...
(c) to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing ...”

A. The parties’ submissions

30. The Government did not raise an objection regarding the exhaustion
of domestic remedies. They submitted that, in so far as the applicant’s contact
with the defence lawyer was concerned, the applicant had failed to present
any evidence that such contact had been attempted or that the police had
refused to allow the lawyer’s access to the applicant, in breach of the domestic
legislation. As for the applicant’s removal from the courtroom, the
Government stated that it had been his own unruly and disrespectful
behaviour towards the judge, in the face of multiple warnings by the latter,
that had been the reason behind his removal for contempt of court. Any
restriction related to his absence from the proceedings had therefore been
attributable to the applicant himself. The Government also stated that the
domestic courts had based their findings on multiple items of evidence,
including the video material depicting the incident, giving sufficient reasons
for the applicant’s conviction.
31. The applicant reiterated his complaints (see paragraph 29 above).

B. The Court’s assessment

32. The relevant general principles have been summarised in the cases of
Idalov v. Russia ([GC], no. 5826/03, § 176, 22 May 2012), Huseynli
and Others v. Azerbaijan (nos. 67360/11 and 2 others, §§ 110-12 and 125-27,
11 February 2016) and Makarashvili and Others v. Georgia (nos. 23158/20
and 2 others, § 57, 1 September 2022).
33. Turning to the circumstances of the present case, the Court observes
that the applicant did not submit, even in response to the Government’s
objection to that effect, any proof other than the account of the lawyer
representing him at domestic level indicating that she had attempted to visit
and consult with the applicant and that the authorities had hindered her access.
Nor does such evidence appears to have been made available at domestic
level. Specifically, while the applicant’s lawyer noted at domestic level that
she had been unable to meet the applicant prior to the trial as she had been
unaware of his place of detention until the moment the police had brought the
applicant before the court, that hearing was adjourned for more than three
hours and she was free to visit the applicant in detention. However, once the
trial resumed, the lawyer continued to maintain that she had been unable to
meet with the applicant, without providing a plausible explanation or
submitting any proof of an unsuccessful attempt to meet with him (see
paragraphs 14-15 above). Nor did she lodge a complaint in that respect,
despite the trial judge’s direction (see paragraph 14 above). In such


circumstances, without needing to examine whether the applicant has

exhausted domestic remedies in respect of this complaint, the Court does not
find it established that the authorities hindered contact between the applicant
and his representative.
34. In so far as the applicant complained that his removal from the
courtroom had hindered his ability to effectively participate in the
proceedings, the Court has held that if an accused disturbs order in the
courtroom, the trial court cannot be expected to remain passive and to allow
such behaviour. It is a normal duty of the trial panel to maintain order in the
courtroom, and the rules envisaged for that purpose apply equally to all
present, including the accused (see Marguš v. Croatia [GC], no. 4455/10,
§ 90, ECHR 2014 (extracts)). In the present case, the Court accepts that the
applicant’s behaviour (see paragraph 9 above) was of such a nature as to
amount to a flagrant disregard by a defendant of elementary standards of
proper conduct (see Idalov, cited above, § 176).
35. Furthermore, the Court takes note of the multiple warnings given to
the applicant and his continued unruly behaviour towards the judge. In
particular, before removing the applicant from the courtroom the judge
explicitly warned him, on three occasions, of the consequences his conduct
would entail (see paragraph 9 above). The applicant, declaring that he did not
mind those consequences, can be considered to have waived his right to be
present at the trial. The Court, therefore, does not consider that the applicant’s
removal from the courtroom lacked reasonable justification. Additionally, the
applicant’s representative remained in the courtroom, successfully argued for
the postponement of the trial to better prepare the defence, and made
submissions on the applicant’s behalf once the trial resumed. Accordingly,
and considering the applicant’s behaviour, the Court does not find that any
unjustified restrictions were placed on the applicant’s right to participate
effectively in the proceedings and to receive practical and effective legal
assistance during the first-instance court’s hearing.
36. As concerns the availability of adequate time to prepare the defence,
as noted above, the trial court granted the request to postpone the trial. While
it rejected the second application, for a further extension, the judge duly gave
reasons for his approach (see paragraph 15 above).
37. Lastly, as regards the complaint that the domestic courts relied only
on the statements of the police officers, the Court notes the domestic courts’
suggestion that the police officers’ accounts could be sufficient to shift the
burden of proof onto the applicant (see paragraph 19 above). The Court has
already dealt with a similar argument in the case of Makarashvili and Others
(cited above, §§ 61-64), including the Supreme Court’s criticism of that
approach as a matter of principle (ibid., §§ 44 and 62). In this connection,
regardless of the problematic nature of the statement, the Court does not
consider that the burden of proof was effectively shifted to the applicant in
the particular circumstances of the present case. Specifically, one of the


charges against him was dropped apparently for lack of evidence, despite the
police officers’ statements. As regards the applicant’s conviction, there was
evidence other than the police officers’ accounts in the case file, including
video-recordings of the applicant’s arrest. The Court does not, therefore, find
that the trial court’s reasoning as regards its approach to evidence in practice
shifted the burden of proof onto the applicant (ibid., § 63). By contrast, as
concerns the related but distinct question as to whether the reasons adduced
by the domestic courts in support of the applicant’s conviction were in line
with Convention standards in the context of justifying an interference with
his rights under Articles 10 and 11 of the Convention, the matter – which was
not in any event formulated as a separate complaint under Article 6 of the
Convention – will more appropriately be dealt with in the context of the
applicant’s complaints under Articles 10 and 11 (see paragraphs 39-62
38. In the light of the foregoing, the Court concludes that the proceedings
against the applicant were conducted in compliance with the requirements
under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (b) and (c) of the Convention. The Court finds the
applicant’s related complaints manifestly ill-founded.
This part of the application must therefore be rejected in accordance with
Article 35 §§ 3 (a) and 4 of the Convention.



39. The applicant argued that his arrest at a demonstration and the
imposition of a custodial sanction in respect of administrative offences had
amounted to an interference with his rights to freedom of expression and
freedom of assembly, in breach of Articles 10 and 11 of the Convention. The
relevant provisions, in so far as relevant, read as follows:

Article 10
“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom
to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference
by public authority and regardless of frontiers ...
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities,
may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed
by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security,
territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the
protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others,
for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining
the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

Article 11
“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of
association with others ...


2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are
prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national
security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of
health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others ...”

A. Admissibility

40. The Government submitted that the applicant had failed to institute
civil proceedings against the police.
41. The applicant stated that the remedy in question had been redundant.
42. As regards the exhaustion of domestic remedies, the Court observes
that the applicant did, in the course of the administrative-offence proceedings
against him, raise a complaint – in substance – regarding his right to freedom
of expression. The trial court expressly addressed the matter and the appellate
court endorsed the lower court’s findings (see paragraphs 17 and 23 above).
The applicant was not therefore required to institute separate civil
proceedings following the rejection of his arguments in the
administrative-offence proceedings against him (see Makarashvili
and Others, cited above, § 70). The Government’s objection in this regard
should therefore be rejected.
43. The Court additionally notes that this complaint is not manifestly
ill‑founded or inadmissible on any other grounds listed in Article 35 of the
Convention. It must therefore be declared admissible.

B. Merits

1. The parties’ submissions

44. The Government submitted that there had been no breach of the
provisions relied on by the applicant. In this connection, the Government
noted that Article 11 of the Convention constituted a lex specialis to
Article 10 in the context of arrests made during demonstrations. They stated
that the interference with the applicant’s rights had been based on the law,
had pursued the legitimate aims of preventing disorder and protecting the
rights of others, and had been necessary in a democratic society. The
Government noted that the domestic courts had carefully assessed the
circumstances of the case, relying on various items of evidence including the
video material, and had established that the applicant had blocked the road
and that, rather than comply with lawful orders of the police, he had become
aggressive, insulting them. As regards the proportionality of the interference,
the Government stated that the administrative sanction of eight days’
detention had been a proportionate measure given the gravity of the
administrative offence committed by the applicant and the fact that he had
had a prior record of administrative offences.


45. The applicant stated that his complaints should be examined under
Article 11 of the Convention, taking into account Article 10, considering the
two provisions to be complementary where the expression of political protest
was concerned. He noted that he had been arrested “after he staged his
political performance”, which had consisted in throwing beans “into the air”.
The applicant submitted that his performative and verbal protest had not been
directed at particular police officers but had been concerned with any police
officer who acted unlawfully – a form of expression protected under the right
to freedom of speech. He also contested the domestic courts’ findings that he
had blocked the road during the protest and that the officers’ request to clear
it had been lawful. The applicant stated that the interference with his rights
protected under the Convention had not been prescribed by law, had not
pursued a legitimate aim and had not been necessary in a democratic society.

2. The Court’s assessment

(a) Legal classification of the applicant’s complaints
46. The applicant relied on both Articles 10 and 11 of the Convention in
relation to the same set of facts and allegations, namely that he had been
arrested and punished for his conduct at a demonstration. In such
circumstances, the Court considers that the applicant’s complaints should be
examined under Article 11 alone, which must, however, be considered in the
light of Article 10. In that connection, the Court reiterates that the protection
of personal opinions under Article 10 of the Convention is one of the
objectives of freedom of peaceful assembly, as enshrined in Article 11 (see
Kudrevičius and Others v. Lithuania [GC], no. 37553/05, § 86, ECHR 2015).

(b) General principles

47. The right to freedom of assembly is a fundamental right in a
democratic society and, like the right to freedom of expression, is one of the
foundations of such a society. Thus, it should not be interpreted restrictively
(see Kudrevičius and Others, cited above, § 91, and Navalnyy v. Russia [GC],
nos. 29580/12 and 4 others, § 98, 15 November 2018).
48. An interference with the right to freedom of peaceful assembly will
constitute a breach of Article 11 unless it is “prescribed by law”, pursues one
or more legitimate aims under paragraph 2 and is “necessary in a democratic
society” for the achievement of the aim or aims in question (see Kudrevičius
and Others, cited above, § 102, and Laguna Guzman v. Spain, no. 41462/17,
§ 44, 6 October 2020).
49. When the Court carries out its scrutiny, its task is not to substitute its
own view for that of the relevant national authorities but rather to review
under Article 11 the decisions they took. This does not mean that it has to
confine itself to ascertaining whether the State exercised its discretion
reasonably, carefully and in good faith; it must look at the interference


complained of in the light of the case as a whole and determine, after having
established that it pursued a “legitimate aim”, whether it answered a “pressing
social need” and, in particular, whether it was proportionate to that aim and
whether the reasons adduced by the national authorities to justify it were
“relevant and sufficient”. In so doing, the Court has to satisfy itself that the
national authorities applied standards which were in conformity with the
principles embodied in Article 11 and, moreover, that they based their
decisions on an acceptable assessment of the relevant facts (see Kudrevičius
and Others, cited above, § 143, and Körtvélyessy v. Hungary, no. 7871/10,
§ 26, 5 April 2016).
50. The proportionality principle demands that a balance be struck
between the requirements of the purposes listed in paragraph 2 on the one
hand, and those of the free expression of opinions by word, gesture or even
silence by persons assembled on the streets or in other public places, on the
other (see Kudrevičius and Others, cited above, § 144).
51. The nature and severity of the penalties imposed are also factors to be
taken into account when assessing the proportionality of an interference in
relation to the aim pursued. Where the sanctions imposed on the
demonstrators are criminal in nature, they require particular justification. A
peaceful demonstration should not, in principle, be rendered subject to the
threat of a criminal sanction, and notably to deprivation of liberty. Thus, the
Court must examine with particular scrutiny the cases where sanctions
imposed by the national authorities for non-violent conduct involve a prison
sentence (see Kudrevičius and Others, cited above, § 146, and Chernega
and Others v. Ukraine, no. 74768/10, § 221, 18 June 2019).
52. As regards the relevant principles under Article 10 of the Convention,
the Court has consistently held that freedom of expression constitutes one of
the essential foundations of a democratic society and one of the basic
conditions for its progress and for each individual’s self-fulfilment. Subject
to paragraph 2 of Article 10, it is applicable not only to “information” or
“ideas” that are favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter
of indifference, but also to those that offend, shock or disturb. Such are the
demands of pluralism, tolerance and broadmindedness without which there is
no “democratic society”. As enshrined in Article 10, freedom of expression
is subject to exceptions which must, however, be construed strictly, and the
need for any restrictions must be established convincingly (see Von Hannover
v. Germany (no. 2) [GC], nos. 40660/08 and 60641/08, § 101, ECHR 2012;
Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France [GC], no. 40454/07,
§ 88, ECHR 2015 (extracts); and Satakunnan Markkinapörssi Oy
and Satamedia Oy v. Finland [GC], no. 931/13, § 124, 27 June 2017).
53. The limits of acceptable criticism in respect of public officials
exercising their powers may admittedly in some circumstances be wider than
in relation to private individuals. However, it cannot be said that officials
knowingly lay themselves open to close scrutiny of their every word and deed


to the extent to which politicians do and should therefore be treated on an

equal footing with the latter when it comes to criticism of their actions.
Moreover, officials must enjoy public confidence in conditions free of undue
disruption if they are to be successful in performing their tasks and it may
therefore prove necessary to protect them from offensive and abusive verbal
attacks when on duty (see Janowski v. Poland [GC], no. 25716/94, § 33,
ECHR 1999-I; Nikula v. Finland, no. 31611/96, § 48, ECHR 2002-II; and
Lešník v. Slovakia, no. 35640/97, § 53, ECHR 2003-IV). Being a part of the
security forces of the State, the police should display a particularly high
degree of tolerance to offensive speech, unless such inflammatory speech is
likely to provoke imminent unlawful actions in respect of their personnel and
to expose them to a real risk of physical violence (see Savva Terentyev
v. Russia, no. 10692/09, § 77, 28 August 2018, with further references).

(c) Application of these principles to the present case

54. Turning to the circumstances of the present case, the Court considers
that the interference at issue resulted from the applicant’s arrest at a
demonstration and his subsequent conviction of administrative offences
leading to a sanction of eight days’ detention. The interference in question
was “prescribed by law” as it was based on Article 173 of the CAO (see
paragraph 28 above). The Court further accepts that, in the circumstances of
the present case, the interference pursued the legitimate aim of preventing
disorder and protecting the rights of others. Therefore, the Court’s task is to
determine whether the interference with the applicant’s right to freedom of
assembly, considered in the light of the right to freedom of expression,
answered a “pressing social need” and was “proportionate to the legitimate
aim pursued.”
55. At the outset, and as regards the general context of the demonstration
of 29 November 2019, the Court notes that it was part of a series of protests
against Parliament’s failure to approve electoral reform as previously planned
(see paragraph 6 above; see also Makarashvili and Others, cited above,
§§ 5-6). By participating in the demonstration in question the applicant
wished to express his disapproval of what he considered to be the authorities’
failure to enhance the country’s democratic process. This was a matter of
public interest and contributed to the ongoing debate in society. Accordingly,
very strong reasons would be required to justify the restriction on the
applicant’s expression of his opinions during the demonstration (compare
Bumbeș v. Romania, no. 18079/15, § 92, 3 May 2022).
56. Against this background, the Court emphasises the fact that the
applicant was able to express his protest without any impediment, even as he
had apparently blocked the road in that process, until the moment he threw
beans at the police officers, telling them it had been “gruel for slaves” (see
paragraph 7 above). His conduct appears to have implied that the officers
were “slaves”. In this regard, the Court reiterates that public servants acting


in an official capacity are subject to wider limits of acceptable criticism than

ordinary citizens and a certain degree of immoderation may fall within those
limits (see, for instance, Gül and Others v. Turkey, no. 4870/02, § 41, 8 June
2010, and Stomakhin v. Russia, no. 52273/07, § 106, 9 May 2018).
57. However, even assuming that within the broader context of the
demonstration (see paragraph 55 above) the applicant’s conduct had implied
that the police served those in power instead of merely upholding public
order, the Court cannot overlook the fact that his conduct was not limited to
verbal expression and involved physically throwing objects – in this case
dried beans – at the police officers. Although the police officers must have
been trained on how to respond to such behaviour, the contested conduct took
place in public, in front of a group of bystanders, while the officers were
carrying out their duties (see also Janowski, cited above, § 34). In this regard,
the Court considers that the principle that public servants should be protected
from offensive and abusive verbal attacks when on duty (ibid., § 33) is even
more relevant in cases such as the present one, which go beyond verbal
expression and involve, as noted above, physically throwing objects at the
police, even if throwing these objects was not aimed at endangering the
58. Against this background, the Court takes note of the fact that, in
addition to his behaviour towards the police officers, the domestic courts’
judgments also related to the applicant’s disobedience in respect of the order
to move away from the road at the demonstration site (see paragraph 20
above). However, bearing in mind that the police arrested the applicant only
after his contested conduct (see paragraph 56 above), which furthermore
appears to have been at the core of the domestic proceedings against him, the
Court considers that the sanction of eight days’ administrative detention
principally concerned the expressive conduct directed against the police
officers, which – notwithstanding the disturbance caused by it – fell within
the scope of Article 10 of the Convention.
59. In this connection, the Court reiterates that the Contracting States’
discretion in punishing illegal conduct relating to expression or association,
although wide, is not unlimited, and it must examine with particular scrutiny
cases where sanctions imposed by the national authorities for non-violent
conduct involve a prison sentence (see Taranenko v. Russia, no. 19554/05,
§ 87, 15 May 2014). This is because the imposition of a sanction, however
lenient, on a person expressing his or her opinion can have an undesirable
chilling effect on public speech (see, mutatis mutandis, Makarashvili
and Others, cited above, § 103, with further references; see also Bumbeș,
cited above § 101). Within this context, the Court cannot overlook the fact
that the primary reason for the applicant’s attendance at the demonstration
was to protest against Parliament’s failure to adopt important legislative
reforms. His actions were neither violent nor did they cause any injuries to
the police officers and could hardly be aimed at causing physical harm to


them. Additionally, the conduct in question did not result in any escalation of
the circumstances on the ground (compare and contrast Osmani and Others
v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (dec.), no. 50841/99,
ECHR 2001-X). Furthermore, the demonstration itself was peaceful, with a
great number of people participating. With his contested conduct the
applicant – a politician – was seemingly conveying his opinion that the police
officers had supported the ruling party which had been at the source of the
failed reform (see paragraphs 55 and 57 above). While the Court’s reasoning
should not be taken as an approval of the manner in which the applicant
expressed his views, it must be recalled that Article 10 protects not only the
substance of the ideas and information expressed, but also the form in which
they are conveyed (see Gül and Others, cited above, § 41).
60. Accordingly, even if the applicant’s conduct could justify an
intervention by the authorities (see paragraph 57 above), they must have
borne in mind that the custodial sanction in the present case was being applied
in the context of the exercise of a fundamental freedom, thus calling for a
particularly careful approach. By contrast, none of the elements identified
above were addressed as part of the domestic courts’ reasoning regarding
their decision to impose the custodial sanction. Additionally, the Court does
not consider that the grounds cited in the trial court’s judgment – the
applicant’s “personality” and the “seriousness” of the conduct attributed to
him – were sufficient, without further elaboration, to render a sanction of
eight days’ administrative detention proportionate. Specifically, while the
reference to the applicant’s “personality” may have concerned his history of
administrative-offence convictions and the related argument made before the
trial court (see paragraph 17 above), it does not appear that the conditions
provided for by law for treating such considerations as an aggravating factor
had been met as the applicable legal provisions did not allow taking into
account previous administrative sanctions older than one year (see
paragraph 26 above). Accordingly, this element alone was not, without
appropriate reasoning, sufficient to justify the imposition of a custodial
sanction for the applicant’s non-violent, even if disruptive, conduct. As
regards the “seriousness” of the applicant’s conduct, this appears to refer to
the necessity of punishment in general rather than the proportionality of the
chosen measure and cannot therefore be considered sufficient to justify the
imposition of a custodial term, however short, in the context of the applicant’s
exercise of his rights to freedom of expression and assembly.
61. Having regard to the foregoing, the Court concludes that the domestic
courts failed to adduce sufficient reasons to justify the proportionality of the
interference in the present case.
62. There has therefore been a violation of Article 11 of the Convention
read in the light of Article 10.



63. The applicant complained under Article 5 § 1 (c) of the Convention

that his administrative arrest and detention on 29 November 2019 had been
unlawful and arbitrary.
64. The Court observes, even assuming that the applicant did not have at
his disposal effective remedies regarding the lawfulness of his arrest, that the
detention complained of ended on 29 November 2019 (see paragraph 18
above) and that the application was not lodged until 19 June 2020, which is
more than six months later.
65. Accordingly, the Court finds that this part of the application was
lodged outside the six-month time-limit and must therefore be rejected as
inadmissible pursuant to Article 35 §§ 1 and 4 of the Convention.


66. Article 41 of the Convention provides:

“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols
thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the
injured party.”
67. The applicant claimed 10,000 euros (EUR) in respect of
non-pecuniary damage. He did not submit a claim in respect of costs and
68. The Government submitted that the requested sum was excessive.
69. The Court, ruling on an equitable basis, awards the applicant
EUR 1,200 in respect of non‑pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may be


1. Declares the complaints under Article 10 and Article 11 admissible and

the remainder of the application inadmissible;

2. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 11 of the Convention read
in the light of Article 10;

3. Holds
(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months
from the date on which the judgment becomes final in accordance with
Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, EUR 1,200 (one thousand two
hundred euros), in respect of non-pecuniary damage, to be converted
into the currency of the respondent State at the rate applicable at the
date of settlement;


(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until
settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amount at a
rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank
during the default period, plus three percentage points;

4. Dismisses the remainder of the applicant’s claim for just satisfaction.

Done in English, and notified in writing on 11 May 2023, pursuant to

Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.

Victor Soloveytchik Georges Ravarani

Registrar President


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