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Executive summary
In the Indian market, the consumer base for the plant-based products is increasingly millennials who want
to incorporate more sustainable and suitable plant or healthy products in their everyday lives. As plant-
based products continue to gain popularity in the nation, there was a substantial increase in the number of
vegan products introduced last year.
A final product made from materials originating from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts, seeds, and legumes, is referred to as a plant-based industry. The market for plant-based foods
comprises foods that don’t contain any elements of animal origin, either during processing or as part of
the finished product, and are used as substitutes for foods that would otherwise contain such substances.
It's a consumer – based industry. This means the completed goods produced by this industry can be used
directly by customers, such as toothpaste, paper, textiles, etc.
Cultivated algae serve many other purposes including, cosmetics, animal feed, bioplastic production, dyes
and colorant production, chemical feedstock production, and pharmaceutical ingredients.
The following is a market survey which was open to everyone to get an insight into their households.
The survey was conducted as a questionnaire and was circulated for people to fill out as a google
form. The responses were recorded, rapport was formed and analysed to achieve the objectives of the
survey. The target audience was households and the general majority. The sample size was 28
responses to directly collect feedback from the target audience to understand their characteristics,
expectations, and requirements. Market research tools may include data analysis, social media
monitoring, competitor intelligence and predictive analysis.
Market survey is the survey research and analysis of the market for a particular product/service which
includes the investigation into customer inclinations. A study of various customer capabilities such as
investment attributes and buying potential. Market surveys are tools to directly collect feedback from
the target audience to understand their characteristics, expectations, and requirements.
Marketers develop new and exciting strategies for upcoming products/services but there can be no
assurance about the success of these strategies. For these to be successful, marketers should determine
the category and features of products/services that the target audiences will readily accept. By doing
so, the success of a new avenue can be assured.

The purpose of the market survey was to analyse on algae-based products by studying consumer
awareness for the same and get an insight and feedbacks from the product to see if it is a viable idea
for a profitable venture or not.

Most marketing managers depend on market surveys to collect information that would catalyse
the market research process. Also, the feedback received from these surveys can be contributory in
product marketing and feature enhancement.

Market surveys collect data about a target market such as pricing trends, customer requirements,
competitor analysis, and other such details.

The market survey turned out to be a success as it helped us finding out about the merits and demerits
of the product and provided us with useful feedbacks to work on and enhance the quality of the
product. We founded many things like-that people were quite sceptical about using the vegetable oil
made out of algae and that some people were fine with leaving algae the way It is and thus not
disturbing the nature’s equilibrium.

Algae is a large and diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. It is
a polyphyletic grouping that includes species from multiple distinct clades. Included organisms range
from unicellular microalgae, such as Chlorella, Proto theca and the diatoms, to multicellular forms,
such as the giant kelp, a large brown algae which may grow up to 50 metres (160 ft) in length. Most
are aquatic and autotrophic (they generate food internally) and lack many of the distinct cell and
tissue types, such as stomata, xylem and phloem that are found in land plants. The largest and most
complex marine algae are called seaweeds, while the most complex freshwater forms are
the Charophyta, a division of green algae which includes, for example, Spirogyra and stonewort.

Algae, singular alga, members of a group of predominantly aquatic photosynthetic organisms of

kingdom Protista. The natural substance can be used as a food source, fodder, fish farming, and as a
fertilizer. It also plays a key role in alkaline reclaiming and can be used as a soil binding agent as well
as can be used in a variety of commercial products.
Algae fuels are categorized into bio-ethanol, biogas, bio-hydrogen, biodiesel, and bio-oil. Algae as a
food have been explored for different applications as in production of single cell proteins, pigments,
bioactive substances, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
Jet fuel, vegan eggs, food colouring and running shoes can all be made from algae. They're even being
used on a space mission
We can blend algae with gasoline to make bio-fuel, and we can convert it into bio-diesel and bio jet-

Bio-fuels are effective in cutting emissions. Bouazizi University is working with Turkish Airlines to
understand the full potential of bio jet-fuel. In this project, algae-based lipids are converted into bio-
kerosene. That bio-kerosene will be blended with conventional Jet A-1 (aviation fuel) to minimise the
greenhouse emissions of the civic aviation industry.

Algae can also be used for animal and human food. It is the original source of omega-3 in fish oil food
supplements, so is a vegan alternative to cod liver oil. We can add it to foods to provide potential
health benefits, and it's a sustainable source of protein and nutrients.

Algae can produce natural food pigments, including the natural blue colour. Last year the laboratory
made 3D printing filaments made from algae which the cultural centre Atelier Luma used to create
exhibits for the 2018 Istanbul Bienal. Atelier Luma is also using algae in architecture and design. 

We have developed a prototype for a green bus stop. The green bus stop includes an algae filter which
can remove polluted air from the low-quality city air and circulate clean air. The first one will be
tested on campus next year and this has led to interest from commercial manufacturers of indoor air

And then there’s yoga mats, printer ink, clothing, and even an edible water bottle – all biodegradable.
Algae take CO2 from the Earth’s atmosphere through photosynthesis in the same way that plants and
trees do. But they can absorb more CO2 and they grow much faster: 1m3 of algae culture is
equivalent to 100m2 of forest in carbon capture.

They are not dependent on agricultural land, fertilisation, or freshwater. By taking the CO2 produced
by industries like petrochemical manufacturers and power plants, the algae can reduce overall CO2

Algae also use the nitrogen and phosphorous in wastewater generated by food processing,
agricultural, and similar industries to grow.

Profile of the company

Our Story
ALGAE was founded in 2013, headquartered in Bangalore, and we have accomplished so much over
the years. To create a world were providing our customers with plant–based natural products has
always been our goal.
Our Founder and CEO Anvi Rai was inspired to start this company by realizing the abundant Quantity
of algae that is present in the world but is not used effectively and thought that it should be put to
some use and then started working towards it.
The name “ALGAE” was chosen to represent the company to keep intact the simplicity of the firm
and to give a direct idea of what our company is about for better understanding of people.
At Algae, we encourage our community to work together as a whole, as a team, towards our goals and
objectives to achieve them and provide our customers with our best.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best plant-based natural product at the best possible
market price without compromising quality. To have a strong consumer base and best performance
from employees.


To be the most reliable, natural, eco-friendly product provider and enhance the quality and essence of
our products and services.

Core values

We follow the five core values: -

 Integrity = know and do what is right.

 Respect = treating others the way you want to be treated
 Responsibility = embrace opportunities to contribute
 Sportsmanship = bring your best to all competition
 Servant leadership = serve the common good

Products we provide

All of our products our made from algae which are as follows: -
 Biofuel
 Fertilizer
 Vegetable oil
 Food colouring

We also provide an oil dispenser which holds 5L of oil and dispenses oil according to the dish being
made and the serving size which is healthy for humans and to keep the cholesterol under control.

We have a subscription for the oil dispenser where we ourselves deliver our vegetable oil made from
algae at the doorstep of your house on a monthly basis.

 From the market survey, it can be concluded that people prefer plant-based, natural products
to chemical ones.
 They had lots of positive feedback towards the products showcasing them as an innovative
and environment-friendly ideas and a positive approach towards nature.
 They had the demand of keeping the prices affordable for the general majority and to try not
to disturb the ecological equilibrium of nature in the process of doing so.
 Although some people were a little sceptical about consuming the vegetable oil we provide,
as technically algae are not edible. So, we reached out to these people and explained to them
the process and enlightened them on the nutrient quotient as well to give them clarity for
consuming our product without any hesitation.
 When asked if they would suggest our product to other people, while some were neutral on
the situation, most of the people were enthusiastic to recommend our products to other
 The objective of the survey was achieved and we were able to know about the market,
consumer preferences, the merits and demerits of our product and an ultimatum if the firm
would be a success or not.
 As we got considerable amount of responses, we were able to acquire reliable and accurate
information about our firm.

Majorly the findings were based on the vegetable oil as since algae is essentially edible it causes
people to question the fact that the vegetable oil will be used for cooking and then eventually will be
consumed by people. So, we have decided to advertise the vegetable oil in a better way including how
it is made, it’s nutrients and proving that it is edible and healthy and safe for human consumption. It
was found out that half of people who gave the responses were not that keen on putting algae to some
use. Cholesterol turned out to be a major issue in households as most of the people weren’t aware of
the amount of oil to be used for cooking that is healthy for human consumption. Majority of people
were keen on using a more plant-based/natural fertilizer for growing plants/crops and a majority for
using a natural biofuel instead of the chemical ones as well. Most of the people also were majorly on
the favour of cleaning out the CO2 emissions from the environment.

The market survey provided with lots of feedbacks. The respondents wanted the quality of the product
to be the top priority and to keep the prices low or at least affordable to the majority population. On
the aspect of the vegetable oil it was recommended to keep the taste and safety in mind and that it
should be advertised with nutrient quality and how it’s made and it should indicate how beneficial it is
for health and cooking.

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