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Sri Lanka Economics

18 September 2011

GDP & Monetary policy

Growth momentum supported by monetary policy
Even the pessimists would appreciate the strong fundamentals of the country as the economic growth continues to remain strong. Sri Lankas second quarter GDP growth came in at 8.2% YoY as against 7.9% clocked in the first quarter. The higher investment levels coupled with the central bank maintaining lower interest rates has resulted in sustenance of the growth momentum post the end of the civil war in 2009. The services GDP grew at 8.8% YoY as against 8.6% in the same quarter last year. Our GDP forecasts for 2011/2012 remain at 8.5%/9.1% respectively. The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has left the interest rates unchanged for another month. The CBSL had cut policy interest rate from 10.5% in 2008 to 7% in January 2011. This is the eighth consecutive month which saw the central bank maintaining the status quo in an attempt to promote growth, unlike other central banks in most South Asia economies, which have been tightening in a bid to fight inflation. Going forward, we do not expect the CBSL to hike interest rates this year. Services and industry sectors shine: The services sector accounted for over 60.3% share of the GDP, highest level in last 10 quarters. In the second quarter of 2010 the services sector grew by a handsome 8.8% YoY as against 8.6% in the same quarter last year. Hotel and restaurants, wholesale and retail trade and transport communication were the highest contributors to growth in this quarter. The government efforts to revive the industrial activity seem to have paid off with the industry growing at 9.48% YoY. The agricultural sector bounced back sharply with a growth of 1.9% from de-growth of 5.1% in the previous quarter led by strong marine fisheries and rubber output. CBSL maintains status quo: The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has left the interest rates unchanged for another month. Although commodity prices have continued to remain elevated in international markets, improved domestic supply conditions and the stability of the Sri Lankan rupee have helped contain domestic inflation. Monetary indicators: Broad money (M2) expanded at 20.7% YoY as of July 2011 mainly driven by the robust expansion of credit obtained by the private sector, which in turn reflects largely the notable expansion of domestic economic activity. We expect that the moderation in world growth outlook with a slowdown in both advanced economies as well as emerging economies would have some dampening effect on credit. Going forward, we do not expect the CBSL to hike interest rates this year. As per the latest release, if the situation demands, the central bank has shown its readiness to indeed ease monetary policy stance in the months ahead. GDP outlook: Given the impact of adverse weather conditions in the early part of 2011 and global recession, the second quarter performance of the economy seems to be very encouraging. The latest GDP data for second quarter is likely to raise the confidence level of the private sector and investing community as the sub-8% GDP growth in Q1 had dampened business sentiments to some extent.

Jay Shankar
[email protected]

(91-22) 6766 3442

Vallabh Kulkarni
[email protected]

(91-22) 6766 3438

GDP growth forecasts

(% YoY) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011E 2012E Services Agriculture Industry GDP (% YoY) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Source: CBSL, RCML Research

In the interest of timeliness this report has not been edited.

This report has been prepared by Religare Capital Markets Limited or one of its affiliates. If the analyst who authored the report is based in the United Kingdom, then the report has been prepared by Religare Capital Markets Plc. For analyst certification and other important disclosures, please refer to the Disclosure and Disclaimer section at the end of this report. Analysts employed by non-US affiliates are not registered with FINRA regulation and may not be subject to FINRA/NYSE restrictions on communications with covered companies, public appearances, and trading securities held by a research analyst account. Religare Capital Markets ranked the No. 1 Brokerage House at the StarMine Awards for 2010-11 | RCML Research also available on Bloomberg RLGR <GO> and Thomson First Call

GDP & Monetary policy

Sri Lanka Economics

18 September 2011

Fig 1 - GDP forecasts

(% YoY) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011E 2012E Services Industry Agriculture GDP (% YoY) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Source: Bloomberg, RCML Research

Fig 2 - CBSL Monetary Policy Instruments

(%) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Statutory reserve ratio Repo Reverse repo
















Source: Bloomberg, RCML Research

[email protected]


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