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Legions of Nagashizzar

By Rune Husa ([email protected])

This army book has been designed to primarily work using the unofficial 9th ed
rules by Mathias Eliasson, found here:


Why another undead army, some might say, and perhaps rightfully so, but I’ll
try to explain what I’ve hoped to achieve with making this list below. For those
that have read the excellent Nagash Trilogy by Mike Lee, it will be easier to see
where I have drawn a lot of my inspiration from. Here are my main ideas,
thoughts and objectives:

 This list is based on the idea that Arkhan has not been idle in his Black
Tower in Nehekhara since Nagash was slain, but has instead been
working constantly behind the scenes to prepare for his master’s
inevitable return. It is not an End Times list however and when I started
making this list, I had no intention of even including Nagash as an option
in the list, as he simply seems to powerful a being to be represented on
the gaming table in many ways. Due to the new model, I might include
rules for him at a later date however, but I wanted his direct influence in
the list to be minimal.
 I love the Vampire Counts and the Tomb Kings as armies, but I’ve never
felt that these armies would be all that representative of an army of
Nagashizzar or even something that Arkhan would really have access to
as far as the TK list is concerned. I also didn’t like the End Times thing
where you mixed both lists together and half the new spells seemed to
have been made to make GW more money than anything else due to
how all the summoning spells worked.
 This army is an army based on Necromancy and necromancers more
than anything. Yes, the Immortals are decent in melee, comparable to an
Empire Captain (Immortal Captain) and Templar Grand Master (Immortal
Lord) but far from being true Vampires. The only real melee character
will be Krell, whom will be a proper Lord option in this list and much
more resemble the Krell from the Sigmar trilogy.
 The army itself mainly revolves around the idea of more powerful
necromancy being able to raise undead that are slightly more self-aware
overall, which gives them far more tactical flexibility, which is the true
strength of this army more than anything else. The drawback for having
better undead is that you cannot simply raise more before you have
killed sufficient number of enemies or sacrificed enough of your mortal
 The army contains a mix of Undead and Mortal, the Yaghur (ghouls) and
a cultist element consisting of the mortal side. I really hated how GW
made ghouls undead in the 8th ed VC book and I know a lot of people did.
Just like Vampires can crumble due to skeletons around them being
crushed. So this is done deliberately to show that it is not an issue
combining undead with non-undead in an army list.
 When making this list, I have also taken great care to make sure that
there are actual suitable models available to nearly every unit in the list,
even though not every model is a GW model. The only model that really
needs a bit of work from the player is the Revenant Mastodon, but even
there I’ve found a model that could be excellent as a base model to start
work from.
 I’m hoping that the army will work and feel as a proper horde type army
which you have to play somewhat aggressively to start stacking up the
Death Tokens, that allows you to raise new units. The army does have
some ranged elements to it, which can be used tactically, but I’ve
purposefully kept out units of flyers, so that you have some inherent
weaknesses and are forced to hit the opposing army head on for the
most part.
 Astute players will perhaps notice that the Special options don’t really
provide much in the sense of traditional “hammer” type units as in the
other undead army lists. This is on purpose and for two main reasons.
First, this army is supposed to work differently than the Vampire Counts
and Tomb Kings army lists on the gaming table, being far more “anvil”
supported by short to medium range missile fire and strong magic, as
well as using both Revenants and Mortals together effectively, rather
then the more traditional hammer & anvil tactics of the other undead
army lists. Secondly, it is supposed to be an army that is heavily infantry
based where the Core will hopefully work on its own or with supporting
units, to take on the more traditional units you find in the Special
sections of other armies.
 The army is strongly focused around ancient type weapons, including
pikes, sligns, javelins etc, which don’t see all that much gameplay overall
throughout most armies. The army does not have many Great Weapon
options, which is intentional as I want it to suffer a little in the overall
strength department, as it is a bit tougher and tactically flexible than the
other undead armies overall.
 The army does have many ways to deal with Etheral units, which I think
is quite fitting and just another reason why Vampires would fear
Nagashizzar. The list has very few Etheral element itself, but it does have
some. I’ve tried to stay away from having every option that the Vampire
Counts have and this goes for the Tomb Kings as well. I don’t want this
army to sort of steal their identity, but rather have a feel of its own, both
from a lore and gaming perspective. The core of the army has been
designed to work in pretty much the same way that a roman army would
work in many ways.
 My editing skills are unfortunately limited to what little experience I have
with Word and the lore from the list is more inspired from various
Warhammer books, mainly Mike Lee’s Nagash Trilogy, so there is little
that I can directly use to flesh out a history section as such, so the project
is more a Ravening Hordes type project than a true army book in that
sense, but it does have a “beastiary” section.
This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel,
Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo,
Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Lord of
Change, Nurgle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch,
Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names,
races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or
© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2018, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without
permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

- Army Special Rules -

The Shroud of Darkness (SoD): Any friendly Wizard with the Lore of Necromancy
Lore, cast a Shroud of Darkness with a 12” radius around them. Any Undead unit begin to
crumble at the start of their turn if they are wholy outside the SoD. Make a LD test for each
unit on 2d6. For each point it fails by, the unit suffers one Wound, with no save of any kind
allowed. Units are considered to be inside the SoD if part of the unit is within the SoD range.

In scenarios where random deployment is used, any character that generate a Shroud of
Darkness is not deployed at random, but is instead deploy where they wish, following the
rules for the particular battle.

Revenant: Revenants are Undead for all intents and purposes and as such they have the
Fear, Immunity (Poisoned attacks), Unbreakable and Unstable special rules:

 All Revenant units suffer one less casualty per Rank Bonus (maximum -3) due to the
Unstable special rule, but only if it would be subject to Steadfast/Stubborn under
normal, non-Undead conditions. This applies to all Revenant units in the same
combat, using the highest rank bonus from any friendly unit.
 Revenant Units with the Skirmish or Fast Cavalry special rules may elect to Flee as a
charge reaction. If they do so and are not caught, they automatically Rally at the start
of the LoN player’s next turn. They must take a LD test as normal if they wish to do a
Quick Reform however.
 Only Revenant units inside the SoD at the start of their turn may March.
 Revenant units inside the SoD may elect to use the Stand & Shoot Charge response.

Immortal: Immortals are Undead as far as Spells, magic items and so on are concerned
and they cause Fear and are Immune to Psychology, but are otherwise treated as Mortals
(see below).

Any successful To Wound roll against a model with this special rule must be re-rolled, unless
it comes from an attack that counts as a Magical Attack or Flaming Attack, in which case no
re-roll is granted.
Immortal Characters may join units with the Revenants and the Mortals special rules. When
an Immortal joins a unit of Revenants, he will not break from combat unless all the Revenant
models have been removed. Any casualties due to the Unstable special rule beyond what
there are models for, are instead applied as a negative modifier to the Immortal’s Break
Test. If an Immortal rides any Revenant/Undead Steed, then extra damage due to the
Unstable special rule is not applied, but instead counts towards the Immortal’s Break Test.

Immortal models cannot be resurrected, but they may benefit from spells that heal a lost
wound as long as it is a Lore of Necromancy or Lore of Vampires spell being cast.

Mortal: Units with this special rule are not Undead, and follow the normal rules for units
in warhammer fantasy battle.

Mortals in this army list can be affected by Lore of Necromancy augment spells, but they
cannot have models resurrected or healed in any way by such spells.

Dark Lord: A Dark Lord must always be the General of the army. The Dark Lord can never
be the Legion Battle Standard Bearer.

Legion Battle Standard: In addition to the normal rules for a Battle Standard, the
Legion Battle Standard confers an additional benefit:

 Units of Revenants within the normal range for the Hold Your Ground! special rule
suffer one less Wound than they normally would due to the Unstable special rule, or
from being outside the Shroud of Darkness.

Resurrecting Fallen Warriors: See Vampire Counts army book p.26.

Death Tokens: For every enemy unit of ten or more Infantry, or five or more Cavalry
that is slain on the battlefield (running off the table edge does not count), the Legion of
Nagashizzar gains one Death Token. This applies to any similar units with the Mortal special
rule on the LoN side as well, but units with the Daemonic special rule never provide any
Death Tokens either way. These Death Token may be spent when raising Revenant Corpses
(see Lore of Necromancy).

Nagashizzar Blades
These Wight Blades have been forged in the warp-infused forges of Nagasshizzar and have
been given to the most promising of servants. These blades are generally made of dark steel,
that seem to glow eerily green in the dark which seem to be possessed by a murderous spirit
that feed of the essence of its victims.

These weapons have the Killing Blow and Magical Attacks special rules. The wielder may also
re-roll any 1’s when rolling To Wound.
The Artifacts of Nagashizzar

Black Cuirass: This steel cuirass has been forged by enslaved chaos dwarfs deep in the
bowels of Nagashizzar, using ore mined from beneath Cripple Peak which still contains
essence of warpstone. It is a unique piece of elaborate armour that specifically guards the
weak spots of an undead neck and torso and it is designed so that when first put on, it will
never again come off.

This cuirass grant +1 to any armour save as well as a 6+ Ward Save.

Elixir of Life: The Legendary Elixir of Life was first created by Nagash himself to prolong
his life and grant him vitality in death. He first used it to create his original captains, the
Immortals, the arguably weaker predecessors to the first Vampires that would come later
when Neferata tried to recreate the work of Nagash for her own purposes. The Elixir Arkhan
was himself a slave to for so long has been recreated by him to give rise to a new set of
potentially worthy Dark Lords for his master’s inevitable return.

One use only.

The Potion can be used at the start of any player’s turn or magic phase. When used, the
character gains the following temporary benefits:

 The character may re-roll a single D6 for each spell cast, or dispel attempts made in
the Magic Phase.
 The character immediately re-gains one previously lost wound.

- The Followers of Nagash -

- Arkhan the Black -

The Liche King
Since Nagash’s deastruction at the hands of Sigmar some two and a half millennia ago,
Arkhan has flourished, become a very potent sorcerer and crossed the world many times
over. In the beginning, he was ecstatic to be free from Nagash’s servitude, finally able to get
out from under his master’s immense shadow.

Arkhan the Black returned to his Black Tower in the desert of the Land of the Dead, where he
was an influential presence for more than millennia, fighting unending wars against the
Tomb Kings of his former nation, thinking himself free of Nagash forever. This all changed
one fateful night in the year 1681, when Nagash almost managed to rise again, which sent a
magical shockwave across most of the world, causing the dead to rise. As much as a dreadful
shock this was to the world, it was perhaps even more so for Arkhan, as he realized it was
only a manner of time before Nagash would rise again and when doing so there would only
be those that served or those that were utterly destroyed. The very same night, Arkhan
began his journey back to Nagashizzar, to prepare it for his master’s eventual return…


Arkhan the Black 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 10

Razarak the Abyssal 8 4 - 5 6 5 2 4 5

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character)

Magic: Arkhan the Black is a level 5 Wizard due to the Liber Mortis, and knows all Lore of
Necromancy spells due to the Loremaster special rule as well as some specific Lore of Death
spells (see Liber Mortis below).

Gifts of Immortality: Liche Lord, Supreme Necromancer

Special Rules: Dark Lord, Flammable, Immortal

First of the Dark Lords: In the absence of Nagash, Arkhan controls the might of Nagashizzar.
He is reluctant to let anyone else but him potentially waste the power of his Knights, as he
feels their full might is rightfully his to control. He was the Master of Horse in the armies of
Nagash of old after all…

If Arkhan is in the army, he must be the army’s general. In addition to this, Nagashizzar
Knights count as a Special option instead of being Rare when Arkhan is included in the list.

Razarak the Abyssal: Razarak is Arkhans own creation, primarily created from bones he
found in the tomb of the myserious morghasts. Razarak is a very potent Abyssal Terror, which
Arkhan has forged razor sharp obsidian claws onto and made a vessel that he can feed skulls
and souls, which enable Razarak to draw a Shroud of Darkness to it.
Razarak has the Armour Piercing (1), Hover, Revenant special rules and the Spectral Retinue
special rule from the Gifts of Immortality. Razarak also increase Arkhans Shroud of Darkness
by +6”.

Magic Items:
Zefet-Kar, the Tomb Blade of Arkhan: When Arkhan discovered the remains of abn-i-khat
beneath cripple peak, he decided to re-forge and strengthen his famous blade, infusing it
with even more deadly sorcery, readying himself for the great task at hand.

Magic Weapon. Nagasizzar Blade. For each unsaved wound caused by Arkan in close combat,
one unit with the Revenant special rule within 12” of Arkhan may re-gain a previously slain
model, following the rules of the Restless Dead spell.

Khenas-an, Staff of Spirits: When Nagash and his armies were destroyed outside the walls of
ancient Mahrak by the treachery of Lahmia, Nagash was thought slain, even though his body
and his staff was never recovered. Arkhan later managed to find pieces of his broken staff,
re-forge it, and once again make it a powerful focus for the winds of Shyish.

Arcane Item. The bearer may add +1 to any Channeling rolls he makes. The Bearer may also
roll an additional dice and pick out the lowest when working out the result on the Miscast

The Liber Mortis: This accursed tome is one of the fabled nine Books of Nagash, the most
potent source of necromantic magic in the world.

Arcane Item. The Liber Mortis increases the Wizards level by +1. The book also grant Arkhan
access to the Spirit Leech, Soulblight and Doom & Darkness spells from the Lore of Death in
addition to his Lore of Necromancy spells. This does not prevent others from having access
to these same spells.

- Krell, Lord of Undeath -

After having been separated from Heinrich and given back his full strength and his
personality restored through Arkhan’s more refined skill with the corpse geometries, Krell is
once again worthy of his title as a Dark Lord of Nagash. Krell is once again the true revenant
that he was and in command of his Doomed Legion once more…

Krell 4 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 10
Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Dark Lord, Revenant, Terror

Avatar of Destruction: When first raised by Nagash, Krell was an engine of unparalleled
destruction on the battlefield, not caring who or what he killed, relentlessly wading into
enemy lines, swinging his massive axe, spilling blood and gore.

Krell gets +1 Attack for every enemy model in base contact, but he can never direct more
than three attacks to hit a single enemy model that he is in close combat with. Krell can be
challenged as normal, but even then his remaining attacks can be used to target other
enemy models in base contact. If there is only a single enemy model in base contact with
Krell, then this special rule has no effect.

Doomed Legion: Krell was entombed by Sigmar in a tomb of ice alongside his infamous
Doomed Legion, Wights raised from the tribesmen that followed Krell in life when he was a
champion of Khorne.

One unit of Nagashizzar Guard in an army that includes Krell may be designated as being the
Doomed Legion. This unit may be upgraded to carry Great Weapons (replacing Shields) at +1
point per model. The unit must carry the Standard of the Doomed Legion, which grants them
a re-roll of all 1’s when rolling To Wound and Magic Resistance (5+) special rule, for 35
points. This apply to any Revenant King or Krell if in the unit as well. This unit may not wear a
Black Cuirass.

Grudge Makers: Krell has earned himself numerous lines in the great book og grudges, both
as a living man and an immortal wight. Dwarfs never forget a grudge and Krell has earned
more lines in the great book of grudges than just about anyone in the old world…

All units from the Dwarf army book suffer from Hatred against Krell and his Doomed Legion
as well as the Stubborn special rule when in close combat with Krell.

Magic Items:
Armour of the Barrows: Krell’s armour was originally his chaos armour that he wore when
he was a great champion of Khorne in ancient times. When Nagash originally made him his
champion, he re-forged his cuirass from the same materials, so that Krell became nearly
impossible to destroy.

Magic armour. The armour grants Krell a 2+ armour save, a 6+ Ward Save and the Immunity
(Killing Blow) special rule. If an enemy with a magic weapon wounds Krell in close combat
and Krell passes his armour or ward save, then that magic weapon’s abilities are nullified; it
is treated as a normal, non-magical weapon of the same type for the rest of the game. If no
type is listed, treat it as a hand weapon.
The Black Axe of Krell: The Black Axe of Krell is almost as infamous as Krell himself, not just
for being made out of a single, magically ensorcelled piece of obsidian of immense size and in
some ways unparalleled lethal nature, but also for the innumerable valiant heroes it has
wounded and slain.

Magical Weapon. Great Weapon. The Axe has the Killing Blow & Multiple Wounds (D3)
special rule. Furthermore, any model model taking an unsaved Wound from the Black Axe
but not removed from play must roll a D6 at the start of each of its subsequent turns. If the
result is higher than the number of Wounds remaining, that model suffers an additional
Wound with no armour save allowed.

- Hekata, the Ghoul Queen -

Almost a century in the past, Hekata was instrumental in trying to revive the ancient Cult of
Mordig in Bel Aliad. She was a young sorceress employed by the Sultan of the city. She
greatly desired knowledge and power, and in some old books she found stories of an old cult
of corpse eaters that had once flourished in the city in ages past. She discretely sought out
more information on this subject, which in the end made her start to explore the ancient
catacombs beneath where the cult had once had its temples. She found more than she
bargained for, learning that the catacombs still served as a hiding place for packs of ghouls
and with the help of guile and sorcery she studied them in secret for a long time, before she
decided to reveal herself and kill their pack leaders, making herself their queen.

Hekata’s studies and her nocturnal activities did arouse the Sultan’s suspicion in the end
though, and the catacombs were finally scoured in an attempt to find and kill her. She was
not so easily caught and fled the city using guile and sorcery, but her parents and siblings did
pay the price for her indiscretions, all ending up tortured, imprisoned or killed. Initially she
didn’t know where to go, but she had prepared for the possibility of having to leave the city
in a hurry, so she had some supplies etc. When researching the cult of Mordig, she had
encountered incidental mentions of the first ghouls, supposedly some tribes near the Sour

After a long and eventful journey, she made her way to the shores of the Sour Sea, where she
found the Yaghur, from she tried to dominate by force, guile and magic, but no matter how
she tried, they seemed far more afraid of someone lese than her and she couldn’t get them to
submit to her. In the end though, she learned of Nagashizzar from a Yaghur she trapped.
Curious, but with little left to lose, Hekata forced her captive to take her there, where she
was quickly surrounded by the Nagashizzar Guard and taken to meet Arkhan the Black.

Hekata, nothing if not smart, alluring and an accomplished sorceress already, managed to
convince Arkhan to let her become one of the Immortals. Arkhan, seeing her potential
agreed, but under the condition that she acted as his steward in his Black Tower in the Land
of the Dead for a century while she studied the corpse geometries, as he needed someone
competent present there to make the Tomb Kings think he was still there, and not in
Nagashizzar or travelling the world, seeking out knowledge, slaves, resources, more abn-I-
khat or ancient armies to unearth.

It has taken time, but Hekata has finally served her time in the Black Tower, and with her
newfound knowledge and power, she is eager to have her vengeance upon Bel Aliad and
Araby as a whole…

Hekata 5 5 4 5 4 3 5 3 9

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character)

Magic: Hekata is a Level 3 Wizard and use spells from the Lore of Shadows.

Special Rules: Dark Lord, Hatred (Araby), Immortal

Aspiring Necromancer: Hekata has studied for decades at the feet of Arkhan at the Black
Tower, and has managed to gain a basic understanding of the workings of Necromancy
besides her other studies.

Besides her Lore of Shadows spells, Hekata knows both Necromancy Signature spells.

The Ghoul Queen: Hekata has earned the fear and devotion of the dreaded Yaghur clans,
and she has reached a position of queen mother to them all.

Units of Yaghur (Packs and Stalkers) may use her Leadership if she’s within 12”, even if she’s
not the army’s General.
Hekata may also re-roll any failed Look Out Sir! roll while within 3” of a friendly Yaghur unit
(Packs and Stalkers).

Magic Items:
The Azure Blade: A blade seemingly of black crystal, almost impossibly sharp, but also one
that is believed to have been created by an elven mage is ages past.

Magic Weapon. The blade has the Armour Piercing (2) special rule. It also grants +1 to any
Channeling rolls made by Hekata.

Nocturnal Familiar: A gift from Arkhan the Black, created solely for Hekata, this bat-like
familiar has great magical properties, increasing her mastery of shadows and illusions, and
lets her shroud her surroundings in darkness when needed, saturating the immediate area
with the magic of ulgu.
Arcane Item. The familiar grants Hekata +1 to cast all Lore of Shadows spells. The familiar
also changes the Lore of Shadow Lore attribute for Hekata, so that instead of swapping
places with a friendly character within 18” when successfully casting a Lore of Shadows spell;
all friendly units that are within 6” of Hekata receive a bonus of -1 To Hit with missile
weapons against them and all attempts to dispel enemy spells cast at them receive a +1
bonus to the dispel roll total; for each successful Lore of Shadows spell Hekata successfully
cast. This last until the start of the next friendly magic phase.

- Immortal Lord -
The Immortal Lords are the most accomplished and talented of those that Arkhan has
granted the privilege of getting to drink the Legendary Elixir of Life, which he finally managed
to unlock the secrets of through centuries of experimentation.

An Immortal Lord might resemble a vampire in many ways, being pale of skin, having
somewhat pronounced incisors, getting weak and burning in the sun, but an Immortal does
not have the full physical might of a Vampire, even though they are certainly stronger than
any mere mortal.


Immortal Lord 5 5 4 5 4 3 6 3 9

Troop Type: Infantry

Magic: Immortal Lords are Wizards, and use spells from the Lore of Necromancy or Lore of

Special Rules: Dark Lord, Immortal

- Immortal Captain -
Immortal captains are recruited from the ranks of the Disciples of Nagash after having
proven themselves after years of grueling trials. Each and every one of them has personally
been selected by Arkhan for their dedication, abilities and seeming loyalty. Arkhan is no fool,
he knows perfectly well that no Immortal having been corrupted by the Elixir of Life can be
fully trusted, and this he keep them on a short leash, always hungry for another dose of the
potion, even refusing to give it to them if they have somehow failed him and by extension,

Immortal Captain 5 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8

Troop Type: Infantry (Character)

Magic: If an Immortal Captain is a Wizard, he always uses the Lore of Necromancy.

Special Rules: Dark Lord, Immortal

Neophyte: The true art of Necromancy takes hundreds, if not thousands of years to master
for most and those Immortals have just begun to grasp the fundamentals.

Immortal captains that are Wizards only get one Signature spell for free and must select
both Signature spells before any other spell Lore of Necromancy spell can be chosen

- Immortal Assassin -
With the cults dedicated to Nagash spread out in most human kingdoms and Nagash being
worshipped as the true god of death by these people, it is not strange that killers and
murderers of various kinds are drawn to these cults. They are valued as protectors of the
interests of the cults at first, as any forbidden cult needs killers to keep it safe, but a few earn
enough experience in time, so much so that when they are past their prime physically
speaking and no longer able to serve as protectors of the cult, they are sent to Nagashizzar,
for a final chance to prove themselves and if deemed worthy to continue to serve, taste the
legendary Elixir of Life…


Immortal Assassin 5 6 5 4 4 2 6 3 8

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Immortal, Hidden, Nagashizzar Blades

- Priest of Nagash -
The Priests of Nagash are commonly recruited amongst the masses of Disciples in
Nagashizzar. Those selected by the High-Priest are always amongst the coldest, most callous
of men, perfectly willing to sacrifice their followers for a chance at the Elixir of Life and
immortality. Priests of Nagash are not priests in the sense that they have divine magic at
hand, but act rather as inspirational figures and leaders amongst the mortals that find their
way Nagashizzar. Some are also sent out into the world to recruit, infiltrate and establish
small enclaves of the cult amongst the civilizations of the Old World. The Priests are also
entrusted with some knowledge of Necromancy however; as they are the ones responsible
for preparing the Disciples of Nagash for combat if the need should arise.

Priest of Nagash 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 10

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Immunity (Psychology), Mortal, Stubborn

Cult Leader: When the Priests themselves march from Nagashizzar or one of the secret cults
rise up, they bring along their flock.

For every Priest of Nagash in the Army, one unit of Disciples of Nagash may be taken as a
Core option. The Priest of Nagash can only join units of Disciples of Nagash.

Inspire Hatred: The Priests of Nagash are experts at inspiring hatred for the enemies of their
undying god in their followers and helping them find an outlet for their frustrations on the
field of battle.

The Priest and any Disciples of Nagash in his unit, suffer from the Hatred (all) special rule.

- Revenant Kings -
Revenant Kings are ancient rulers that have been raised to serve their betters in death by
the true art of Necromancy. These Revenant Kings are given arms from the forges in
Nagashizzar, making them quite fearsome on the battlefield.
Wight King 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 3 9

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Nagashizzar Blades, Revenant

- Yaghur Chief -
Sometimes, a particularly fearsome and cunning Yaghur rises from the masses and takes
charge of one of the tribes. These creatures are still feral in nature, but able to take charge of
their lesser kin due to a combination of cunning, intimidation and by slaying and eating
anyone that protests too much…

Yaghur Chief 5 5 - 4 4 2 5 4 8

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Fear, Feral (see Yaghur Pack), Hatred (Skaven), Mortal, Poisoned Attacks

- Revenant Legionnaires -
The Legions of Revanants are the backbone of the Nagasshizzar armies. Consisting of
hundreds of thousands of skeletal warriors, that have bound within them the spirits of
warriors of ancient times through necromantic secrets only found in the tomes found in the
vast libraries of the fortress city of Nagashizzar.

When Nagash cast his greatest spell, to awaken the dead of the fallen Kingdom of
Nehekhara, his great ritual had a more profound effect. Not only did it raise the warriors of
that kingdom, but the bones of dead warriors of hundreds of ancient armies, ranging from
the frozen north to the Far East. What is not commonly known, but discovered later by the
followers of Nagash, is that hundreds, if not thousands of skeletal armies marched towards
Nagashizzar after the Great Ritual was cast, not just from Nehekhara, but from all across the
Old World. These forgotten legions marched only a little, before crumbling again when
Nagash was slain in his throne room, and was soon lost to history, only local legends and
folklore passed down through generations giving a hint of their existence.

Through his travels, Arkhan the Black, first of the Dark Lords of Nagash, did stumble upon
this knowledge, and spent several decades in the far east, before he found evidence of this,
having found the buried remains of one such army on the march. He proceeded to raise this
army, and discovered an intriguing fact, that a small spark of Nagash’s Great Ritual still
lingered, and that through his extensive knowledge of the field of Necromancy, he could
bring them back to un-life, not as mere skeletons, but as Revenants; undead warriors with a
greater sense of self and their former knowledge of war bound within them for all eternity.

Since that day, Arkhan has organized dozens of expeditions, unearthing armies afterarmies,
transporting them in secret to Naghashizzar, where the cultists and slaves have for near a
century now been forging new armour, weapons and machines of war, once again readying
the once great Legions of Nagashizzar to march upon the world of the living…


Revenant Legionnaire 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6
Revenant Centurion 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Revenant

- Revenant Horsemen -
Revenant Horsemen units are the remains of ancient horsemen woken by Nagash’s fould
sorcery when he cast his great spell. These skeletons on their steeds might not stand up to
the proper heavy cavalry of a later age, but they are a danger in numbers none-the-less,
especially with their much greater sense of awareness that these Revenants possess.

Revenant Horseman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6
Revenant Horsemaster 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 - 2 1 3

Troop Type: Cavalry

Special Rules: Revenant, Vanguard

- Revenant Skirmishers -
In ages long since passed, many of the warriors across the world used to fight as skirmishing
support troops of various kinds, from using javelins to harass the flanks of the enemies, slings
to shower the enemy line or even melee troops that operated behind enemy lines or simply
knew no better way to fight. This has not really been an option for the walking dead that the
Vampire’s raise with their flawed form of necromancy, but is once again entirely feasible due
to the more self-aware skeletons raised with the true art of necromancy.

Revenant Skirmisher 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Revenant Ranger 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 6

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Revenant, Skirmishers

Supporting unit: An army can only include one unit of Revenant Skirmishers for every unit of
Revenant Legionnaires it contains.

Revenant Corpses
To the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to distinguish between regular Zombies and
those raised by more powerful necromancy. To the trained eye however, one can spot subtle
differences in their movement and the intense hunger in their gaze. Revenant Corpses are
used by the armies of Nagashizzar to overwhelm and crush enemy formations, using their
relentless advance and mass to potentially shatter weaker enemy formations. If this fails,
they can always be raised again or they can later be raised to join the skeleton legions, once
the carrion and decay has done its job on the fleshy part of the corpses…


Revenant Corpse 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 3
Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Expendable, Fight in Extra Ranks (1), Revenant

Field of Corpses: Corpse Revenants are easy to raise, as long as one has a fresh field of
corpses at hand to do so…

Corpse Revenants can always be raised to beyond starting unit size and the Raise Dead or
Great Awakening spells can always be used to increase number of models in an existing unit
of Corpse Revenants within range, rather than raising a new unit.
Corpse Revenants may only ever be joined by characters with the Undead special rule.

Relentless Tide!: Corpse Revenants press on, without any concern for themselves or their
fellow Corpse Revenants at all, making them a very daunting prospect to face if the Corpse
Revenants outnumber their foe as they throw themselves at their enemies formation with
relentless abandon, not caring the slightest if they are slain or not.

If the models in the front rank of the unit of Corpse Revenants has a higher combined unit
strength of the models in the front rank of the enemy unit or units they are fighting, then
instead of the normal outnumbering bonus, the Corpse Revenants gain a bonus of +D3 to
combat resolution.

- Yaghur Pack -
The Yaghur are the descendants of the original tribes living near Cripple Peak and what later
became known as the Sour Sea. When Nagash poisoned their lands when mining his
warpstone, thousands of years ago, these tribes resorted to cannibalism to survive, turning
them into the first ghouls. These tribes still exist, but time and the constant exposure to the
polluting warpstone has changed them, some more than others, especially those that has
gorged on Skaven flesh for ages, turning some of them into hulking brutes. For those few that
know ghouls, comparing the Yaghur to ghouls found in other parts of the world is similar to
comparing wolves to dogs.

Yaghur 5 3 - 3 4 1 3 2 7

Yaghur Pack Leader 5 3 - 3 4 1 3 3 7

Yaghur Monstrosity 6 3 - 4 5 3 3 4 7
Troop Type: Infantry (Yaghur and Yaghur Pack Leader), Monstrous Infantry (Monstrosity)

Special Rules: Fear, Mortal, Poisoned Attacks

Feral: The Yaghur are little more than animals, and no sense of honor or duty has even the
slightest appeal to them.

The Yaghur cannot benefit from the Battle Standards Hold Your Ground! special rule.

Monstrosity: Yaghur packs often contain amongst them larger versions of their own kin,
descendants of unfortunate Yaghur having been subject to much greater warpstone exposure
and possibly, gruesome experiments at the hand of Nagash himself in ages past.

See Skink Cohort in Lizardmen army book. As long as there is at least one Monstrosity in the
unit, the unit benefits from the Stubborn and Magical Resistance (6+) special rules.

- Disciples of Nagash -
Secret cults dedicated to the worship of Nagash as a god exist in most human nations, no
small part due to Arkhas influence through the Immortals in his service. As useful as
Revenants may be, there are things that are beyond them. The Disciples of Nagash that are
hand-picked to come to Nagashizzar to serve don’t all have what it takes to become
Immortals. Those that are found lacking, are instead working the forges, assisting the
Immortals in the vast libraries, used as envoys, scouts and spies and some are even used as
more or less willing sacrifices if the need arise… When brought to the battlefield, the Disciples
arm themselves with either multiple sickles or great scythes, hoping to earn a chance to
prove themselves and earn a chance at the Elixir of Life, but in reality, the Disciples of Nagash
first and foremost serve as an emergency source of power for the army’s necromancers and a
source for fresh corpses when their primary use has been fulfilled…

Disciple 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 10

Elder 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 10

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Immunity (Psychology), Mortal

Anointed Reservoirs: Before battle, these Disciples anoint their bodies with precise
symbols written in blood, as instructed by their betters. The Disciples are told that these
symbols will help guide the spirit of the Great Necromancer to protect them from harm, but
the reality is much more sinister, as they have in reality just made it much easier for a
Necromancer to use their souls as fuel for his vile magic, leaving drained husks behind when

Any friendly Lore of Necromancy Wizard within 12” of a unit of Disciples of Nagash at the
start of the magic phase, may add +1 to all his channeling rolls by instantly killing a number
of Disciples of Nagash equal to the number of Channeling Dice the Wizard has for that magic

- Morghast -
The Morghasts are in many ways the pinnacle of Arkhan’s skill in the necromantic lore.
Hundreds of years ago, he stumbled across an ancient, underground tomb in the deep desert
near Bhagar, where he found large, entombed skeletons of unknown origins. Intrigued, not
so much because of their bones, but the way a resistance to the aethyr still seemed to be
infusing their remains, Arkhan spent decades exploring the vast tomb complex, trying to
learn the strange hieroglyphs he found there, while he carefully transported the remains to
his Black Tower for further studies.

Arkhan has come to believe that these remains are the remains of a long lost race that
perished before the people of Nehekhara came out of the jungles of the southlands. Due to
some similar imagery to Nehekhara found in their tomb complex, Arkhan has come to believe
that the gods of Nehekhara had long ago made a covenant with some other race before man
founded Nehekhara, but that for some reason or another, they saw their demise coming.
Some of the imagery showed them fighting on the mountain tops, battling against what
Arkhan believes are the Dragon Ogres, one image even showing thousands of them
surrounding a truly massive example of its kind.

Arkhan has carefully brought the remains of the tomb to Nagashizzar, where he made a
curious discovery when he first tried to use his knowledge of the necromantic geometries to
find a way to raise these creatures, which he still sensed had some lingering resistance to
magic. He discovered that the bodies of the creatures seemed to generate a field that was
still resistant to magic from the outside, but still seemed fully capable, or even ideal to act as
a vessel of magic from within. Arkhan had the brilliant idea to use skulls that had been
around the warpstone in the mines for millennia, which were still permeated with magical
residue, to fill up the ribcages of the creatures’ remains, turning them into significant
reservoirs of necromantic power, able to act as a form of nexus for the Shroud of Darkness
that a Legion marches under.

Morghast 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 9

Troop Type: Monstrous Infantry

Special Rules: Hover, Nagashizzar Blades, Revenant, Terror

Heralds of the Accursed One: Units with this special rule generate a Shroud of Darkness
that affects all Revenant units within 6”.


Necromantic Nexus: If an augment spell from the Lore of Necromancy is successfully cast
on a Morghast, then a single friendly unit of Revenants within 6” of it might also be
designated as a target of the same augment spell for every wound you choose to sacrifice on
the Morghast. No saves of any kind apply to wounds sacrificed in this way. This may
voluntarily destroy the Morghast in which case it still counts as killed for victory point

- Nagashizzar Guard -
The Nagashizzar Guard are the silent guardians of Nagashizzar, the black armoured might of
the fortress of Nagash. Rarely are these wights seen on the field of battle, but when they are,
their skill and determination, backed up by their deadly blades forged ages ago in the deadly
warpstone infused forges of Nagashizzar, reap a terrible toll on any enemy.


Nagashizzar Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 6

Nagashizzar Sentinel 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 2 6

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Nagashizzar Blades, Revenants

- Necromancer Coven -
Nagashizzar lures Necromancers like honey lures flies, yet the vast majority of these that do
have some arcane talents are not deemed worthy of the Elixir of Life and are instead forced
to serve in lesser capacities, at least until they prove themselves. Many have experience with
dealing with the winds of shyish previously, either as hedge wizards or from more formal
institutions, and many simply don’t manage to make the transition to the art of Necromancy
that well. Still, these aspiring Necromancers can be useful when banding together, assisting
each other, wielding arcane forces together as a coven, far more potent than they could do
individually. On the battlefield, these Covens stay in the back, hiding as much as possible
from real danger, while supporting the armies of Nagashizzar, hoping to get noticed by the
Dark Lords. Needless to say, most die barely noticed and soon forgotten…

Necromancer Acolyte 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Fear, Mortal, Skirmishers

Dark Coven: A unit of Necromancer Acolytes is considered to be a Level 1 Wizard that

knows the spells Restless Dead (Lore of Necromancy) and Deadly Harvest (Lore of
Necromancy). This doesn't stop other Wizards from knowing those same spells. The unit
receives an additional +1 to cast for each model after the first two, to a maximum of +3.
Each time the unit casts a spell, you must nominate one Necromancer Acolyte as the caster
for the purposes of line of sight, range, etc. In the event that a Necromancer Acolyte unit
rolls a miscast, do not roll on the Miscast table. Instead, the unit suffers D3 Wounds with no
armour saves allowed. If the unit is targeted by a rule that affects a Wizard, your opponent
must choose one Necromancer Acolyte as the target.

Skulkers: Necromancer Acolytes are not characters but still benefit from the Look Out Sir!
save of 4+ if within 3” of a friendly Infantry unit that has the Revenant special rule.

Vessels of Shyish: While not powerful enough to generate their own Shroud of Darkness,
whenever a unit of Necromancer Acolytes are within the range of one or more Shrouds of
Darkness at the start of the LoN player’s turn, they add their collective power to enhance the
influence of any and all of them, adding their current number of models to the radius of each
individual SoD, to a maximum of +6”. This does not apply if the unit is fleeing at the start of
the turn.


Jar of Night: A weapon employed with devastating effect in the war against the Priest-
Kings of Nehekhara by Nagash thousands of years ago, once again brought back to the
battlefield by Arkhan the Black. Each black jar contains the husks of thousands of dead,
winged scarabs, harvested and preserved by Arkhan for millennia at his Black Tower in the
desert of Nehekhara.

Magic Item. One use only. A Jar of Night may be used once per game, and must be opened at
the start of the enemy turn. When opened, any enemy unit with the Fly or Hover special rule
within 24” of the Necromancer Coven suffer an automatic 3D6 S2 hits, with the Armour
Piercing (1) special rule. The enemy Flyer is forced to land and cannot benefit from its Fly or
Hover special rule this turn. You do not have to reveal if your Necromancer Coven has
brought a Jar of Night or not, before it is used.

- Skull Chukka Catapult -

The Skull-Chukka catapult is a smaller version of the old catapults of bone originally devised
by Nagash long ago. It’s a smaller catapult, enchanted to be able to move on its own,
reducing the need for crew somewhat, as well as enabling it to more easily keep up with the
army and stay beneath the shroud of darkness of its necromancers.

Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6

Skull Chukka Catapult - - - - 6 3 - - -

Necromancer Apprentice 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Troop Type: War Machine (Stone Thrower).

Special Rules: Revenants (Crew only)

Screaming Skulls: All shooting attacks made by a Skull Chukka Catapult are magical and have
the Flaming Attacks special rule. In addition, any unit that suffers one or more casualties
from a shooting attack by a Skull Chukka Catapult must take a Panic test as if it had taken
25% casualties.

Mobile Artillery: The Skull Chukka is a significantly smaller, less powerful catapult than
those found in the armies of the Tomb Kings of Nehekhara, but much easier to quickly

Firing a Skull Chukka works just like an ordinary Catapult, except that the Range is 6” – 48”;
Strength is 3 (6), and it has the Multiple wounds (D3)* special rule.

*The model beneath the central hole of the template only.

Necromancer Apprentice: An aspiring necromancer always accompany the Skull Chukka,

protecting it under a shroud of darkness which the feeble necromancer is barely able to
siphon off from the shroud covering the army to shield the catapult from the sun.

The Necromancer grants the Skull Chukka its own shroud of darkness. In all other respects
he counts as a Revenant Crew, except that he has different characteristics.

- Spirit Host -
See Vampire Counts…


Spirit Host 6 2 0 3 3 4 1 4 4

Troop Type: Swarm

Special Rules: Ethereal, Revenant

Leech Attack: The touch of the ghosts don’t do any material damage, instead they steal their
victims vitality, memories and part of their soul.

To represent this, a Spirit Host always wound their enemy on a roll of 5+, regardless of the
targets toughness, their attacks are magical and no armour save may be taken against them.
Regeneration saves may not be taken either, as the attacks don’t cause any physical damage.

In addition to this, if any Character or Monster suffers one or more unsaved wounds from
the attacks from a Spirit host, he, she or it suffers from the Stupidity special rule for the rest
of the game.
- Yaghur Stalkers -
Yaghur Stalkers are expert hunters, faster and more cunning than their more common
brethren. The Yaghur Stalkers have been at the forefront of fighting the Skaven menace for
thousands of years, and while very skilled at sniffing out and ambushing skaven beneath
Nagashizzar or the surrounding area, they have also suffered horrible losses due to the
Skaven over the years and has developed a deep hatred for them, almost to the point of it
being instinctual at this point…

Yaghur Stalker 5 4 - 3 4 1 4 2 7

Yaghur Alpha 5 4 - 4 4 1 4 3 8

Troop Type: Infantry.

Special Rules: Fear, Hatred (Skaven), Mortal, Poisoned Attacks, Scouts, Skirmishers
Feral: The Yaghur are little more than animals, and no sense of honor or duty has even the
slightest appeal to them.

The Yaghur cannot benefit from the Battle Standard’s Hold Your Ground! Special rule.

- Bone Engine -
During the war agains the Skaven beneath Cripple Peak, Nagash created engines of bones of
may sizes and shapes, ranging from wolf-sized scarab type engines, to monstrous scorpions
of bone and even bigger arachnid type engines, all powered by his sorcery combined with a
shard of abn-i-khat at its core.

Most of these engines have long ago been pillaged for parts, as there was to little of the
precious abn-i-khat left to keep them functioning, but a few were so big and intimidating
that Arkhan long ago sealed them off in a secret cave, ready to one day potentially serve
again, if more of the precious stone was found.

While most of the abn-i-khant was mined from the mines beneath Cripple Peak long ago,
centuries of searching has led Arkhan and his servants to find another small seam of the
precious stone, along with what he has managed to gather from his numerous expeditions to
the Dark Lands, there is now enough warpstone in Nagashizzar to be used again, and Arkhan
has made good use of the few remaining Bone Engines again.

The Bone engines that remain are of the Arachnid variety, made from the largest carapaces
or shells from the largest arachnarok spiders that Nagash could get his bony hands on
millennia ago. Brought back to life with dark sorcery and a significant amount of abn-i-khat,
these monsters are slower than when alive, but also stronger and more resilient. Their poison
may have dried out centuries ago, but that hardly matters to such a useful monstrosity.

Bone Engine 7 3 - 6 6 8 2 6 5

Troop Type: Monster

Special Rules: Forest Strider, Natural Armour (4+), Obstacle Strider, Revenant,
Regeneration (5+), Swiftstride

Wall-crawler: Models with this rule treat ungarrisoned buildings as open terrain for the
purposes of movement. They may not finish their movement inside or on top of an
ungarrisoned building – they can pass over obstructions of this kind, but they cannot linger.

- Great Bone Ballista -

These Great Ballista have been crafted in Nagashizzar in utmost secrecy over the last
centuries. Modelled on the great Bolt Throwers used to guard the gates of Nagashizzar itself,
and made to fire the same deadly ammunition, the Legions of Nagashizzar now have a
formidable siege weapon that enables them to lay siege to cities, large and small.

The weapon fires large bones, carved out of the thigh bones of gigantic creatures, acid
etched with necromantic enchantments of great power, and tipped with a jagged blade of
obsidian, made to penetrate nearly anything.


Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Great Bone Ballista - - - - 7 4 - - -

Troop Type: War Machine (Bolt Thrower).

Special Rules: Large Target, Revenant

Sorcerous Artillery: This war machine is a massive construct compared to its usual

Although it is a Bolt Thrower, it shoots with the following profile instead of the Bolt Thrower
profile in the rulebook:

Name Range Strength Special Rules

Ensorcelled Bone 60” 8 Multiple Wounds
Spears (D3), Heroic Killing
Blow, Magical Attack,
Ignore Armour Saves

Shrouded: Mighty incantations are inscribed all over the surface of this construct, designed
to draw to it the darkness of Shyish as well as swarms of dead, black husked scarabs that
shield it from the rays of the sun.

The War Machine is not subject to crumbling if not within The Shroud of Darkness.

- Mourngul -
Mournghul are horrific, ethereal creatures which haunt the bleak and empty places of the
Old World. They are a thing neither dead nor alive, possess an insatiable hunger and are
malice personified. From the cold waste of Norsca to the lofty heights of the Grey Mountains,
dreadful tales are told around huddled fires of those lost in the white killing cold of the
mountain winter, driven mad by famine and pain, insane enough to devour their own
companions and former friends for meat, and the warmth of their fast-flowing blood. But for
those damned souls, there is no relent or salvation, and even the horrors in which these
monsters indulge cannot save them.*

When death overtakes some of them, such is their desperation and malice that it lingers on
after death, and the most destruction and insidious Winds of Magic are drawn to coil around
their spirits to taint and saturate them into existence. Then their cadavers are warped and
twisted into inhuman proportions, and they become something neither Ghost nor revenant, a
terrifying mockery of life, a monstrous, razor-thin shadow of cold, dead flesh and frostbite-
cracked bone, with a gaping maw of needle-teeth and a cavernous stomach that hangs open
like a dreadful wound. Mournguls are condemned to an eternity of empty hunger and terrible
isolation, doomed to haunt the high, chill barrens, preying on whatever and whomever they
happen across, be they traveler, hunters or monsters. They've soon entered into the legends
of Men, Orcs and Beastmen alike.*

It is only in the harshest of winters when the snows crash down the mountains and crushing
cold death upon the lowlands that the Mournghuls can descend to feast upon the towns and
villages, an all but unstoppable terror. No matter how many they rend and devour, they can
never know relief from the madness of hunger within them, and only fire is any defence
against their kind. Such is the Mournghuls dark repute that both the noble knights of civilized
lands and mighty Champions of Chaos alike seek them out to slay for the glory of their gods.
Many Necromancers have also sought to enslave but it is only when the Winds of Magic
surge can these feral creatures be put to heel.*

Arkhan has mananged to lure several of these creatures to Nagashizzar, where they have
been let loose in the deep mines beneath the citadel, acting as ever vigilant guardian and
hunters of the vile ratmen below. That they sometimes feed on the Yaghur as well is of no
consequence to any of the Dark Lords of Nagash.

*These paragraphs were copied from

Mourngul 6 5 - 5 5 4 3 4 5

Troop Type: Monster

Special Rules: Ethereal, Revenant, Killing Blow

Carnophage: The Mourngul sustains itself by feeding on the flesh and souls of those it
slays, but it can never be sated for long…

For every unsaved Wound the Mourngul inflicts in close combat, it regains one Wound it has
previously lost during the battle. These wounds are regained immediately when the
Mourngul inflicts damage upon its victims and wounds regained this way do not count
towards the enemy’s combat resolution for that turn.

Killing Cold: The chilling aura from a Morngul leave rimefrost on every surface it passes as
it hunts for more victims to feed on…

All models in base contact with a Mourngul are subject to the Always Strikes Last special
rule. In addition, the Mourngul is immune to ice and cold-based attacks and special rules
from any enemy.
Spectral Monstrosity: While it can certainly appear large and intimidating, a Mourngul’s
size can be somewhat deceptive due to its ethereal nature.

Even though it is a Monster, the Morungul does not count as having the Large Target and
Stomp special rules.

- Nagashizzar Knights -
The Nagashizzar Knights is a relatively new weapon in the Legions of Nagashizzar, which
Arkhan has painstakingly put together over centuries, by collecting the skeletal remains of
famous knights from all over the old world, then bringing them back to Nagashizzar before
securing a Black Cuirass directly to their skeletal frames. Then they are raised as Revenant
Wights, given a Nightmare and told to serve their new masters…

Nagashizzar Knight 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8

Nagashizzar Kastellan 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 8

Nightmare 8 3 - 4 4 1 2 1 3

Troop Type: Cavalry

Special Rules: Nagashizzar Blades, Revenant

- Revenant Mastodon -
Found by one of Arkhan’s servants in a long forgotten valley in the mountains of mourn, the
skeletal remains of these beasts were brought down from the mountains by a tribe of Ogres
at great expense and taken all the way to dreaded Nagashizzar for re-assembly and re-
animation. Numbering near two dozen, these titanic beasts are being brought to un-life, and
are made ready for war, to spearhead the new Nagashizzar offensive in the Old World.

These beasts are the skeletal remains of a large herd of gigantic mammoths that were long
ago hunted down and eaten by the ever hungry ogres of the mountains of mourn. Now they
have risen, and have been outfitted for war, each carrying a large bronze plated howdah
upon their mighty backs, filled with Revenants that long ago had experience fighting from
the backs of elephants in the kingdoms of Araby and the east.


Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Revenant Mastodon 8 2 - 7 6 7 1 3 -

Troop Type: Monster

Special Rules: Impact Hits (D6), Revenant

Gargantuan: The Revenant Mastodon’s Stomp attacks also apply to Monstrous Infantry and
Monstrous Beasts. The Stomp attacks also have the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule
against Infantry, War Beasts and Swarms.

Sweeping Tusks : When in close combat with a unit of Infantry, Cavalry or War Beasts, the
Revenant Mastodon may substitute its normal attacks for 2D6 minus the target unit’s
Initiative, number of automatic hits at Strength 6 hits, distributed as hits from shooting.

War Platform: The Revenant Mastodon carries upon its back a large bronze howdah, which
typically has seven Revenant crew on top of it. The crew on the War Platform may attack in
any direction, with both close combat and missile attacks. This applies to any spells from any
wizard as well if used as a mount for a character.

Fallen Mastodon: If a Revenant Mastodon is slain, any model (friend and foe) that does not
itself have the Large Target special rule which is in base contact with it must make an
Initiative test or suffer a Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) and no save of any
kind allowed. This includes any character on top of the slain Revenant Mastodon as well.


Bone Ballista: This weapon replace four of the normal Revenant Crew in the Bronze
Howdah, and may not be taken on a Revenant Mastodon that is a mount for a character. The
Bone Ballista can only be fired towards the front.
This weapon counts as a Bolt Thrower with the Killing Blow special rule.

- Throne Guard -
The Throne Guard is the dreaded regiments of Revenant Wights that defend the central spire
of Nagashizzar, which contains the still vacant throne of Nagash. These Revenant Wights are
all from regiments from before the time of Sigmar, trained to fight with Polearms and Pikes,
which make for very efficient fighting formations within the labyrinthine corridors of
Nagashizzar. To this day, no enemy regiment has made it out of the central spire of
Nagashizzar and the Throne Guard have silently and mercilessly slain anyone in Nagashizzar
that has dared to take a seat on the ancient throne of Nagash, a compulsion that not even
Arkhan would try to break…

On very rare occasions, a regiment or two may be taken to battle by a Dark Lord, but only at
Arkhan’s specific orders. They are typically taken when expecting to fight against masses of
cavalry, but they are equally dangerous regardless of whom they face.

Throne Guard 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 8

Throne Guard Sentinel 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8

Troop Type: Infantry

Special Rules: Nagashizzar Blades, Revenant

- Dread Ark -
Which came first, the Dread Ark or the Mortis engine, only a few can really answer. There is
no denying their similarities though, but where the Mortis Engines carry and is empowered
by some powerful undead relic, the Dread Ark’s purpose is to transport one of the fabled Nine
Books of Nagash. To do so however, it is fueled by a large piece of warpstone, set in a special
lead-covered casket, which still gives off enough foul energy to bind the vast spirit horde too
it and fuel the Necromancer riding it with dark magic. Dread Arks are covered with powerful
wards to help protect its fell cargo and only the most worthy of the Dark Lords may ever be
allowed to take one of the dreaded books with him outside Nagashizzar, always at Arkhans
express orders. Needless to say, these Dread Arks and their fell cargo are rarely seen on the

Dread Ark - - - 5 6 5 - - -
Spirit Horde 8 3 0 3 - - 1 3D6* 4
Troop Type: Chariot (Armour Save 4+)

Special Rules: Large Target, Leech Attack (Spirit Horde only), Random Attacks (3D6)
(Spirit Horde only), Revenant, Terror, Ward Save (4+)

Tome of Nagash: Whenever a Dread Ark is brought forth from the vaults of Nagashizzar,
it does this first and foremost as a palanquin of sorts for one of the dreaded Nine Books of
Nagash that still reside within Nagashizzars walls.

The Tome of Nagash allows the player to once every friendly magic phase cast any Lore of
Necromancy spell, except Great Awakening, cast as a Bound Spell (Power Level 5).

Shard of Abn-I-Khat: The Dread Ark and it’s Spirit Horde are sustained by a sizable shard
of warpstone, kept sealed in a lead casked inscribed with necromantic runes of power.

At the start of every friendly magic phase the Wizard mounted on the Dread Ark may choose
to open the casket containing the warpstone to draw upon its power. If the Wizard chose to
do this, then he adds +2 to any channeling rolls he makes when generating power dice. Any
channeling roll of a ‘1’ however, causes the Wizard to lose a wound, with no saves except
Magic Resistance saves allowed.

- Gifts of Immortality –
Liche Lord (55 points): The Dark Lord has through his extensive knowledge of necromancy
found a way to cheat death, even though the price is high…

Wizard only. The character’s Toughness is increased by plus one. Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill
and Initiative are halved (rounding up). The Immortal gain the Flammable and the
Loremaster (Necromancy) special rules and gains a +1 to cast any Lore of Necromancy spells.

Supreme Necromancer (45 points): The Immortal has a supreme skill when it comes to
necromancy, easily able to extend the reach of shroud of darkness with little effort while
casting spells that would cripple lesser necromancers.

Wizard only. The Wizard has a +6” range to any ranged Lore of Necromancy spells and the
radius of the Shroud of Darkness (SoD) centered upon him is increased by +6”.

The Forges of Nagashizzar (40 points): The Immortal has been equipped with deadly
weapons and an enchanted cuirass from the forges of Nagashizzar.
The Character’s Weapons gain the Nagashizzar Blades special rule. He also wears a Black
Cuirass for extra protection.

Spectral Retinue (30 points): The Necromancer has bound to him a handful of wailing
specters that terrify and assail anyone that try to harm him, leaving only an empty husk

Wizard with Lore of Necromancy only. In every close combat phase, the specters may assault
one enemy unit in base contact with the character. The specters attack with the following
profile: WS 3, I 1, with the Leech Attack and Random Attack (D6) special rules (See Spirit
Hosts). The Spectral Retinue must always attack the same target as the character. The
character also Cause Fear.

Warrior of Legend (30 points): This Immortal has earned a fearsome reputation on the
battlefield, and has for some personal reason or another decided to submit to the will of
Nagashizzar, rather than to face inevitable death, or what waits beyond…

The Character increases his Weapon Skill and Attacks by one point each.

Master of Deception (30 points): The Immortal is a cunning strategist, knowing many ways
to deceive an enemy to get an advantage from the outset of a battle.

After both sides have fully deployed their armies, the player may move one unit to a new
location within 8” of its original location, following the normal deployment rules for said unit
for the battle it is in.

Master of Men (25 points): The Immortal was a master of commanding infantry while alive,
leading his men into battle, inspiring them to fight harder. This the Immortal now use to
subtly guide the Revenants under his command, making them work in such a coordinated
manner as to make them a terrible foe to face in battle.

If the character joins an Infantry unit that has the Revenant special rule, it gains a +1 bonus
to Weapons Skill for as long as the character is in the unit.

Master of Horse (20 points): The Immortal either hails from a culture known from their
horsemanship, or has developed a mastery of it since coming to Nagashizzar.

If the Character is mounted on Warbeast, then he and any Cavalry unit he joins may re-roll
one dice for any distance rolled for Charging, Fleeing or Pursuing.

Adept of Shyish (15 points): Many of those that find themselves lured to Nagashizzar in the
first place, have been ardent student of the winds of Shyish long before falling to the
temptations of Necromancy.

In addition to the character’s other spells, the Wizard knows the Spirit Leech signature spell
from the Lore of Death.
Master of Beasts (15 points): The Immortal was a master of using large beasts to ride down
his foes in life, and now, commanding significantly more obedient beasts, he is a true terror
on the battlefield.

If the character rides a Monster with the Undead special rule, then he may re-roll the D6 (or
D3) for the number of stomp attacks. The character may also ride a Revenant Mastodon,
replacing the Revenant rider. The cost is the same as in the army list’s Rare section. The
Revenant Mastodon cannot benefit from any saves that the character has, apart from
Magical Resistance saves.

- The Vaults of Nagashizzar –

During the millennia, Arkhan the Black and his fellow Dark Lords have managed to collect
and create a number of items and artifacts that a worthy follower may occasionally be
allowed to take from the vaults and put to good use on battlefields across the Old World.

Gauntlet of Constant Drachenfels (50 points): Retrieved from the Tomb of the
infamous Constant Drachenfels, this gauntlet of dark steel is a weapon unto itself.

Magic Weapon. The character’s attacks in close combat gain +1 to Strength and the Flaming
Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules.

Sword of Kings (30 points): This accursed and ageless blade thirst from the souls of its
enemies, leaving them dry, empty husks when slain.
Magic Weapon. Hand Weapon. Revenant King only. The Character has the Killing Blow
special rule. If the Character already has the Killing Blow special rule due to some other rule
(such as the Nagashizzar Blades special rule), then he receives the benefits of the Killing Blow
special rule on a D6 roll of a natural 5 or 6, instead of just on a roll of 6.
This weapon can be used together with a shield, and still allow the user to benefit from the
Parry special rule.

Flayed Hauberk (35 Points): Once destroyed, bur re-forged anew at the forges of
Nagasshizzar, this armour makes the wearer look disturbingly similar to a walking, flayed
Magic Armour. Black Cuirass. If the character suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack that
has the Killing Blow, Heroic Killing Blow or Multiple Wounds special rule, roll a D6; on a 2+ he
only suffers 1 Wound, regardless of how many Wounds would normally be caused. On a roll
of 1, he suffers the full number of Wounds.

The Accursed Armour (30 points): Some flaw in the enchantment of this ancient armour
makes the bearer slow to respond, yet the protection the wearer is granted is still significant
enough that it’s a worthwhile sacrifice for some.

Magic Armour. Heavy Armour. The wearer has +1 Toughness, but he also gains the Always
Strikes Last special rule.

Ebony Staff (65 points): This staff previously known as the Black Staff of Undeath, was
once retrieved by the notorious Mannfred Von Carstein from the fortress of a mighty servant
of Chaos, to later be given in payment from Mannfred to Arkhan, for deeper insight into the
mysteries of the Necromantic Geometries.

Arcane Item. Once every friendly magic phase, after having rolled to cast a spell as normal,
after any dispel attempt has been made, the Wizard may choose to roll one extra D6 that is
added to the casting result. This may allow the caster to use one more dice than normally
permitted. If this extra dice rolled is a ‘1’ however, then the staff cannot be used again for
the remainder of the battle.

Necromantic Familiar (45 points): Many a talented Necromancer has managed to create
an undead familiar imbued with knowledge and power, to assist them when needed.

Arcane Item. The Wizard knows one more Lore of Necromancy spell than normal and may
roll one extra dice when channeling Power Dice. The Wizard may also store one unused
Power Dice or Dispel dice from the pool one magic phase and add them to the pool of dice in
the next magic phase.

Wand of Laniph (35 points): A potent, but dangerous wand once created by the
infamously capricious arabian sorceress Laniph, which Arkhan killed ages ago when he razed

Enchanted Item. Bound Spell (Power Level 3). The wand allows the character to cast The
Caress of Laniph spell from the Lore of Death. If any of the Power Dice is a double however,
then the character must make a Strength test for every remaining wound the character
currently has, or lose a wound, with no armour save allowed.

Obsidian Amulet (40 points): Brought to Nagasizzar as an offering by one of the

Immortals to be in ages past, this amulet surround the wearer in dark energies that deflect
enemy spells and magic weapons.
Enchanted Item. The character has a 4+ Ward Save which only works against attacks
considered to have the Magical Attacks special rule. The Amulet also grant the character the
Magical Resistance (6+) special rule.

Standard of the Thirteenth Legion (25 Points): This standard was buried with a Legion
that fought bravely to the last man in defense of their home city in an age long forgotten, by
their surviving enemies as a sign of respect.

Magic Standard. The unit always count as Stubborn for the purposes of working out
casualties due to combat resolution and rank bonus (see Revenant rules). Furthermore, any
enemy unit cannot benefit from any Outnumbering bonus in a combat that includes this

Banner of Nagashizzar (75 points): Created by Arkhan several hundred years ago, when
he moved his armies from his Black Tower to Nagashizzar. The banner is made from the
cured skin of Immortals that have failed Arkhan, their spectral souls still lingering, desperate
for the Elixir they can no longer take part of, leaving them howling and lashing out at anyone

Magic Standard. Any one enemy unit within 12” of the model carrying the banner at the
start of the LoN player’s shooting phase, takes 2D6 automatic hits with the Leech special rule
(see Spirit Host). The banner may select any unit within 12” as a target, even ones in close
combat. Hits are distributed as for shooting.

- Lore of Necromancy -

Incantation of Reaping (Lore Attribute)

When a Necromancer casts a Direct Damage, Magic Missile or Hex spell from the Lore of
Necromancy, and causes one or more unsaved wounds on an enemy unit, roll a D6 for each unsaved
wounds caused. Each roll of 6 immediately either grants the Wizard one Power Dice which only the
Wizard may use, or the Wizard may choose to regain one previously lost wound instead.

Restless Dead Cast on 6+

(Signature Spell)

Restless Dead is an augment spell with a range of 6”. When cast, all friendly Revenant units within
range of the Wizard can benefit from one of three effects, selected individually on a unit basis:
 Immediately make a normal move as part of the Remaining move sub-phase. This cannot be
a March move, but it can be a Reform (not a Quick Reform however).
 Raise D6 + Caster’s level worth of Revenant Infantry or the Wizard’s level of Revenant Cavalry
models. Any other Revenant unit, only ever recovers one previously lost wound. For more
details, see Resurrecting Fallen Warriors p.26 of the Vampire Counts army book. No unit in
the army may be raised beyond its starting size using this option.
 Raise a unit of Revenant Corpses within range, consisting of D6 + casting Wizard level
number of models for every Death Token expended from the Death Token Pool. This unit of
Revenant Corpses must be places so that one model is within range, and 1” away from any
other unit. For every Death Token expended beyond the first when casting this spell, add +3
to the required casting difficulty.

The Wizard can choose to target all friendly units within range/increase range to 12”, or even 18”
and the initial casting value is increased to 12+ and 18+ respectively

Dark Bolts of Death Cast on 8+

(Signature Spell)

Dark Bolts of Death is a magic missile spell with a range of 18” that causes 2D6 Strength 4 hits with
the Armour Piercing (1) special rule. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 36”
and the number of hits to 3D6 with the Armour Piercing (2) special rule. If the Wizard does so, the
casting value is increased to 16+.

1. Deadly Harvest Cast on 7+

Deadly Harvest is an augment spell with a range of 18”. All friendly models in the target unit have a
+1 bonus to Hit and to Wound until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase.
The Wizard can choose to target all friendly units within 18”. If they do so, the casting value is
increased to 14+.

2. Immortal Legion Cast on 8+

Immortal Legion is an augment spell with a range of 18”. All friendly models in the target unit gain a
5+ Ward Save until the start of the Wizard’s next Magic phase.
The Wizard can choose to target all friendly units within 18”. If they do so, the casting value is
increased to 16+.

3. Hand of Death Cast on 9+

Hand of Death is a Direct Damage spell that targets any enemy models in base contact with the
Necromancer. The Wizard makes a single To Hit roll against every enemy model in base contact. If
hit, the model automatically suffers a loss of D3 wounds. No saves of any kind, except Magical
Resistance Saves apply to these wounds.
A more powerful version of this spell that causes D6 wounds of damage may be cast. If the Wizard
does so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

4. Grave Frost Cast on 10+

Grave Frost is a Hex spell with a range of 12”. All the models in the affected unit must make a
successful Toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour save. If the spell causes at least one
wound, the enemy unit suffers -1 to WS and BS, gains the Always Strikes Last special rule that last
until the start of the next friendly Magic Phase
The Wizard can choose to target all enemy units within 12”. If the Wizard does so, the casting value
is increased to 20+.

5. Endless Entropy Cast on 15+

Remain in Play. Endless Entropy is a hex spell with a range of 18”. The models in the targeted unit
must make a Toughness Test or suffer a Wound, with no armour save. Look Out Sir! is ignored. Each
turn the unit suffers one or more wounds as a result of this spell, it suffers a cumulative -1 penalty
to its LD score, which lasts for as long as the spell affects the unit.
The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 36”. If they do so, the casting value is
increased to 20+.

6. Great Awakening Cast on 24+

Great Awakening is an augment spell, with unlimited range. When cast, every Death Token is
automatically expended to create a new unit of Revenant corpses anywhere on the table, at least
1” away from any other unit or obstacle. For every Death Token expended, you raise 1D6 +
Wizard’s level of Revenant Corpses. If more than 5 Death tokens are expended, you may create a
second unit of Revenant Corpses, dividing the stack of Death Tokens as evenly as possible between
them (the caster determining where the odd one goes). If more than ten Death Tokens are
expended, a third unit may be created following the same rules. Any other unit in the Wizard’s
army count as having had Restless Dead cast upon it, but it may only use this to re-gain previously
lost models.

- Army List -
Arkhan the Black 500 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Arkhan 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 10 Infantry (Special Character)
Razarak the Abyssal 8 4 - 5 6 5 2 4 5 Monster

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Heavy Armour  Dark Lord  Arkhan may ride Razarak the Abyssal for……………….…….150 points
 Black Cuirass  First of the Dark Lords
 Immortal
Magic:  Liche Lord
Arkhan is a Level 5  Supreme
Wizard, that knows Necromancer
all the Lore of
Necromancy spells, as Magic Items:
well as Spirit Leech,  Tomb Blade of Arkhan
SoulBlight and Doom  Staff of Spirits
& Darkness from the  Liber Mortis
Lore of Death.

Krell, Lord of Undeath 295 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Krell 4 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Magic Items: Special Rules: Options:

 Black Axe of Krell  Avatar of Destruction  None
 Armour of the  Dark Lord
Barrows  Doomed Legion
 Grudge Makers
 Revenant
 Terror

Hekata, the Ghoul Queen 335 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Hekata 5 5 3 5 4 3 5 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  Aspiring Necromancer  May have an Elixir of Life……………………………………………..20 points
 Dark Lord
Magic: Hekata is a  Hatred (Araby)
Level 3 Wizard that  Immortal
use spells from the  The Ghoul Queen
Lore of Shadows.

Dieter Helsnicht points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  


The Nameless One points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  


Immortal Lord 155 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Immortal Lord 5 5 4 5 4 3 5 3 9 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  Dark Lord  May purchase up to 3 additional magic levels……..35 points per level
 Immortal  May be armed with one of the following:
Magic: -Additional Hand Weapon……………………………………………..…….3 points
An Immortal Lord is a -Spear………………………………………………………………..………..….…..3 points
Level 1 Wizard, he -Polearm…………………………………………………………………….…..……3 points
always uses spells -Lance……………………………………………………………………….…..…….6 points
from the Lore of  May take a Shield…………………………………………………………………3 points
Necromancy or Lore  May wear one of the following:
of Death. -Light Armour………………………………………………………………………3 points
-Medium Armour………………………………………………………………...6 points
-Heavy Armour…………………………………………………………………….9 points
 May be mounted on one of the following:
-Nightmare…………………………………………………………………………21 points
 May be upgraded to have Barding………………………….……6 points
-Hellsteed…………………………………………………………………………..30 points
-Abyssal Terror…………………………………………………………………120 points
 May be upgraded to have Poisonous Tail………………….15 points
 May be upgraded to have Sword-claws…………………….10 points
-Dread Ark………………………………………………………………………..200 points
 May carry a single Elixir of Life potion………………………..…...…20 points
 May take Gifts of Immortality up to a total of………………..…100 points
 May take magic Items up to a total of…………………..…….……100 points

Immortal Captain 70 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Immortal Captain 5 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  Dark Lord  May be upgraded to a Level 1 Wizard………………………..……...50 points
 Immortal  May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard……………………….……….85 points
Magic:  Neophyte  May be armed with one of the following:
If an Immortal Captain -Additional Hand Weapon……………………………………………..…….2 points
is a Wizard, he always -Spear………………………………………………………………..………..….…..2 points
uses spells from the -Polearm…………………………………………………………………….…..……2 points
Lore of Necromancy -Lance……………………………………………………………………….…..…….4 points
 May take a Shield…………………………………………………………………2 points
Legion Battle  May wear one of the following:
Standard: -Light Armour………………………………………………………………………2 points
One Immortal Captain -Medium Armour………………………………………………………………...4 points
or Revenant King in -Heavy Armour…………………………………………………………………….6 points
the army may carry  May be mounted on one of the following:
the Battle Standard -Nightmare…………………………………………………………………………14 points
for +25 points.  May be upgraded to have Barding………………….…………..4 points
The Battle Standard -Hellsteed…………………………………………………………………………..30 points
Bearer can have a  May carry a single Elixir of Life potion…………………………...…10* points
magic banner (no  May take Gifts of Immortality up to a total of…………………….50 points
points limit). A model  May take magic Items up to a total of…………………..……………50 points
carrying a magic
standard cannot carry * +10 points if the character is a Wizard.
any other magic item.
Immortal Assassin 90 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Immortal Assassin 5 6 5 4 4 2 6 3 8 Infantry (character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  Immortal  May wear Light Armour………………………………………………………………….2 points
 Hidden  May be armed with one of the following:
 Nagashizzar -Additional Hand Weapon………………………………………………………..…...4 points
Blades -Buckler…………………………………………………………………………………….…..2 points
 May be armed with one of the following:
-Javelin……………………………………………………………………………………..……4 points
-Throwing Weapons……………………………………………………………………….2 points
 May deploy using the Scout special rule…………………..…………………………

Revenant King 90 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Revenant King 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 3 9 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Hand Weapon  Nagashizzar  May be armed with one of the following:
 Medium Armour Blades -Additional Hand Weapon……………………………………...........................2 points
 Revenant -Spear………………………………………………………………………………….…...…..2 points
Legion Battle -Pike……………………………………………………………………………………..……….2 points
Standard: -Polearm……………………………………………………………………….…….......…..2 points
One Immortal -Lance…………………………………………………………………………………………….4 points
Captain or  May take a Shield…………………………………………………………………………..2 points
Revenant King in  May wear a Black Cuirass……………………………………………..………….….17 points
the army may  May be Mounted on one of the following:
carry the Battle -Skeletal Steed……………………………………………………………………………..12 points
Standard for +25 -Nightmare…………………………………………………………………………………..14 points
points.  Steed may have Barding…………………………………………………………………4 points
The Battle  May take Magic Items up to a total of…………………………………..……..50 points
Standard Bearer
can have a magic
banner (no points
limit). A model
carrying a magic
standard cannot
carry any other
magic item.
Priest of Nagash 55 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Priest of Nagash 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 10 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Great Scythe  Cult Leader  May take magic items up to a total of……………………..…………50 points
(Great Weapon)  Immunity
 Inspire Hatred
 Mortal
 Stubborn

Yaghur Chief 60 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Yaghur Chief 5 5 - 4 4 2 5 4 8 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Special Rules: Options:

 Claws, Teeth or  Fear  May wear Light Armour……………………………………………............2 points
Bone club  Feral  May Have claws with the Armour Piercing (1) special rule…..5 points
(Hand Weapon)  Hatred (Skaven)  May deploy as a Scout………………………………………………………………
 Mortal  May have Magic Items up to a total of……………………………...25 points
 Poisoned attacks

Core Units
Revenant Legionnaires 7 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Legionnaire 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Infantry
Centurion 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6

Unit Size: 20+ Special Rules: Options:

 Revenant  May upgrade one Legionnaire to a Centurion………………………………………….10 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Legionnaire to a musician……………………………………….…..10 points
 Hand Weapon  May upgrade one Legionnaire to a standard bearer…………………………….....10 points
 Light Armour  - One unit of Legionnaires with a Standard Bearer may take a Magical Standard
 Shield worth up to………………………………………………………………………………………….....25 points
 The entire unit may be equipped with Medium Armour…………….1 point per model
 The entire unit may be equipped with one of the following:
-Spears……………………………………………………………………….................1 point per model
-Javelins…………...............................................................................1 point per model
-Pikes…………………….………………………………………………....…………..…2 points per model

Revenant Horsemen 15 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Horseman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Cavalry
Horsemaster 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6

Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 - 2 1 3

Unit Size: 5+ Special Rules: Options:

 Revenant  May upgrade one Horseman to a Horsemaster..………………………………….….10 points
Equipment:  Vanguard  May upgrade one Horseman to a musician……………………………………………..10 points
 Hand Weapon  May upgrade one Horseman to a standard bearer……………………..……….....10 points
 Medium Armour Mount:  The entire unit may be equipped with Spears..……………………...….1 point per model
 Shield  The entire unit may be equipped with one of the following:
 Skeletal
-Javelins……………………………………………………………………………………1 points per model
-Short Bows……………………………………………………………………………..2 points per model
 The entire unit may lose their Shields and become Fast Cavalry……………….…….free

Revenant Skirmishers 6 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Skirmisher 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Infantry
Ranger 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 6

Unit Size: 10+ Special Rules: Options:

 Revenant  May upgrade one Skirmisher to a Ranger………………………………………………..10 points
Equipment:  Skirmishers  May upgrade one Skirmisher to a musician……………………………………………..10 points
 Hand Weapon  Supporting  May upgrade one Skirmisher to a standard Bearer………………………………….10 points
 Shield Unit  The entire unit may be equipped with Light Armour………………….1 point per model
 The entire unit may be equipped with one of the following:
-Javelins…………………………………………………………………………………...1 points per model
-Slings…………………………………………………………………………………….. .1 points per model

Revenant Corpses 5 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Revenant Corpse 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 3 Infantry
Unit Size: 20+ Special Rules: Options:
 Expendable  None
Equipment:  Field of
 Hand Weapon Corpses
 Fight in
Extra Rank
 Relentless
 Revenant

Yaghur Pack 8 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Yaghur 5 3 - 3 4 1 3 2 7 Infantry
Pack Leader 5 3 - 3 4 1 3 3 7 Monstrous Infantry
Monstrosity 6 3 - 4 5 3 3 4 7 (Monstrosity)

Unit Size: 10+ Special Rules: Options:

 Fear  May upgrade one Yaghur to a Pack Leader………………………………………………10 points
Equipment:  Feral  The unit may add one Monstrosity for every eight Yaghur in the
 Monstrosity unit…………………………………………………………………………………….…45 points per model
 Claws, Clubs and  Mortal
Teeth (hand  Poisoned
weapons) Attacks

Special Units
Disciples of Nagash 6 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Disciple 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 10 Infantry
Elder 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 10

Unit Size: 10+ Special Rules: Options:

 Anointed  May upgrade one disciple to an Elder………………………………….………10 points
Equipment: reservoirs  May upgrade one disciple to a musician………………………………………10 points
 Two Hand  Immunity  May upgrade one disciple to a standard bearer……………………………10 points
Weapons (psychology)  May exchange their weapons for Great Weapons…………. 1 point per model
 Mortal
Morghast 80 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Morghast 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 9 Monstrous Infantry

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Heralds of the  May be equipped with a Black Cuirass………………………………………….15 points
Equipment: Accursed One  May be upgraded to a Necromatic Nexus………………………………..…..15 points
 Two Hand  Hover  May exchange its weapon for a Polearm………………………………………..5 points
Weapons  Nagashizzar
 Medium Armour Blades
 Revenant
 Terror

Nagashizzar Guard 13 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Nagashizzar Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 6 Infantry
Nagashizzar Sentinel 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 2 6

Unit Size: 10+ Special Rules: Options:

 Nagashizzar  May upgrade one guard to a Sentinel……………..…………………………..10 points
Equipment: Blades  May upgrade one guard to a musician………………………………….…..…10 points
 Hand Weapon  Revenant  May upgrade one guard to a standard bearer………………………….….10 points
 Medium Armour -May have a Magic Standard worth up to…………………………………….50 points
 Shield  The entire unit may replace their shields with Polearms…………………..….free
 The entire unit may be equipped with a Black Cuirass…..3 points per model

Necromancer Coven 25 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Necromancer Acolyte 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry

Unit Size: 3+ Special Rules: Options:

 Dark Coven  The unit may carry a Jar of Night………………………………………….…….35 points
Equipment:  Fear
 Hand Weapon  Mortals
 Skirmishers
 Skulkers
 Vessels of
Skull Chukka Catapult 85 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Skull Chukka Catapult - - - - 6 3 - - - War Machine (Stone Thrower)
Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6
Necromancer Apprentice 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Mobile  None
Crew: Artillery
2 Revenant Crew  Necromancer
1 Necromancer Apprentice
Apprentice  Screaming
Equipment:  Revenant
 Hand Weapon
 Light Armour

Spirit Host 50 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Spirit Host 6 2 0 3 3 4 1 4 4 Swarm

Unit Size: 2-6 Special Rules: Options:

 Ethereal  None
Equipment:  Leech Attack
 Spectral Claws  Revenant
(hand weapon)

Yaghur Stalkers 11 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Yaghur Stalker 5 4 - 3 4 1 4 2 7 Infantry
Yaghur Alpha 5 4 - 4 4 1 4 3 8

Unit Size: 5+ Special Rules: Options:

 Fear  May upgrade one Yaghur Stalker to a Yaghur Alpha……………….….20 points
Equipment:  Feral
 Claws, Teeth and  Hatred
bone clubs (hand (Skaven)
weapons)  Mortal
 Poisoned
 Scouts
 Skirmishers

Rare Units
Bone Engine 220 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Bone Engine 7 3 - 6 6 8 2 6 5 Monster

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Forest Strider  None
 Natural
Armour (4+)
 Obstacle
 Revenant
 Regeneration
 Swiftstride
 Wall-Crawler

Great Bone Ballista 90 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Great Bone Ballista - - - - 7 4 - - - War Machine (Bolt Thrower)
Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Large Target  None
Crew:  Revenant
4 Revenant Crew  Shrouded
 Sorcerous
Equipment: Artillery
 Hand Weapons
 Light Armour
Mourngul 175 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Mourngul 6 5 - 5 5 4 3 4 5 Monster

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Carnophage  None
 Ethereal
 Killing Blow
 Killing Cold
 Revenant
 Spectral

Nagashizzar Knights 36 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Nagashizzar Knight 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 Cavalry
Nagashizzar Kastellan 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 8
Nightmare 8 3 - 4 4 1 2 1 3

Unit Size: 4+ Special Rules: Options:

 Nagashizzar  May upgrade one N.Knight to a N.Kastellan…………………………………10 points
Equipment: Blades  May upgrade one N.Knight to a musician…………………………………….10 points
 Hand Weapon  Revenant  May upgrade one N.Knight to a standard bearer…………………………10 points
 Heavy Armour -May have a Magic Standard worth up to……………………………………50 points
 Shield  The entire unit may have Lances……………………………….….2 points per model
 Barding
 Black Cuirass

Revenant Mastodon 300 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Revenant Mastodon 8 2 - 7 6 7 1 3 - Monster
Revenant Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Impact Hits  May Carry a Bone Ballista on its War Platform……………………………..40 points
Crew: (D6)  The Mastodon may be equipped with Heavy Armour…………………..25 points
7 Revenant Crew  Fallen
Equipment:  Gargantuan
 Spears (Crew)  Revenant
 Light Armour  Sweeping
(Crew) Tusks
 Javelins (Crew)  War Platform

Throne Guard 17 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Throne Guard 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 Infantry
Throne Guard Sentinel 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8

Unit Size: 10+ Special Rules: Options:

 Nagashizzar  May upgrade one Throne Guard to a Throne Guard Sentinel…….…10 points
Equipment: Blades  May upgrade one Throne Guard to a musician………………………..…..10 points
 Polearms  Revenant  May upgrade one Throne Guard to a standard bearer………………...10 points
 Medium Armour -May carry a Magic Standard worth up to………………………………….…75 points
 Black Cuirass  May replace their Polearms with Pikes……………………………1 point per model
 May carry Shields……………………………………………………..…….1 point per model

Revenant Wyrm X points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Unit Size: XX+ Special Rules: Options:

 

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