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Drug Moa Indication Contraindication / dose / route Nursing action

adverse effects

Phytonadione Helps prevent bleeding by Prevention and treatment IM Monitor for frank and occult
Vit K activating clotting factors of hypoprothrombinemia Pain, swelling, flushing, , Subcut, IV (Children 1 bleeding
dizziness, rapid heartbeat, mo): 1– 2 mg single dose. pulse and BP frequently;. Apply
sweating pressure to all venipuncture
sites for at least 5 min; avoid
unnecessary IM injections.

Erythromycin Suppresses protein Infections caused by infantile hypertrophic pyloric IV/ P.O Monitor for allergic reaction.
Erythrocin synthesis at the level of the susceptible organisms stenosis, PO (Neonates ):
50S bacterial ribosome including pancreatitis,interstitial Ethylsuccinate—20– 50
nephritis.rash. mg/kg/day divided q 6– 12
benzyl alcohol should be hr.
avoided in neonates. IV (Children 1 mo): 15–
50 mg/kg/day divided q 6
hr, maximum 4 g/day.

HEp B vaccine Causes a primary immune Provides immunity against Do not give if baby is already 5 mcg/0.5 mL ; 5 mcg/mL Assess patient anaphylaxis
response. HEP B + ; 10 mcg/0.5 mL (hypotension, flushing, chest
tightness, wheezing, fever, d

HEP B IG Confers passive immunity hepatitis b infection in erythema at IM site, pain, IM : 0.5 mL within 12 hr of Assess patient anaphylaxis
BayHep B, Nabi-HB to hepatitis B infection post neonates born to HBsAg- swelling, tenderness birth. (hypotension, flushing, chest
exposure + women, provides Hypersensitivity to immune tightness, wheezing, fever,
passive immunity. globulins, glycine, or dizziness.
Drug Mode of Action indications Contraindications/ side dose/route Nursing actions

Hydrocodone Bind to opiate receptors in Management of moderate to Avoid chronic use ROUTE PO Monitor respirations
bitartrate/ the CNS. severe pain. ● Dizziness, sedation, —2.5– 10 mg q 3– 6 hr as needed; Do not give laxatives
acetaminophen respiratory depression,
(Norco)/ Lortab hypotension

Rho(d) immune Prevent production of Administered to Prior hypersensitivity reaction to ROUTE IM/IV Assess vital signs
globulin (human) anti-Rho(D) antibodies in Rho(D)-negative patients who human immune globulin; Rho(D)- or 600 IU (120 mcg) w periodically during therapy
Rho(D)-negative patients have been exposed to Rho(D)- Du-positive patients. 40– 125 mg qid, after meals and at
who were exposed to positive blood by: Pregnancy or ● HTN, hypotension, bedtime (up to 500 mg/day)
Rho(D)-positive blood. delivery of a Rho(D)-positive anemia

Simethicone Passage of gas through Relief of painful symptoms of Not recommended for infant colic ROUTE 40– 125 mg qid, after Assess patient for
Gas-X the GI tract by belching or excess gas in the GI tract that ● None significant meals and at bedtime (up to 500 abdominal pain, distention,
passing flatus may occur postoperatively mg/day) and bowel sounds prior to
and periodically throughout

Docusate Promotes incorporation of Prevention of constipation (in Hypersensitivity; Abdominal pain, ROUTE PO Assess for abdominal
Peri-Colace, water into stool, resulting in patients who should avoid nausea, or vomiting, : 2 tablets once daily at bedtime; distention, presence of
softer fecal mass straining, such as after MI or maximum 4 tablets twice daily. bowel sounds, and usual
rectal surgery) pattern of bowel function.
Drug MOA Indication Contraindication/ route/dose Nursing actions
Side effects

Surfactant Replaces surfactant Treatment of respiratory None Intratracheal: Monitor ECG, heart rate, color, chest expansion,
(beractant) in premature infants distress syndrome in ● O2 desaturation (4 mL/kg birth weight); 4 doses may o2 sat, and ET tube patency continuously
premature infants. be given in first 48 hr of life, q 6 hr Continuous bedside monitoring for 30min

Caffeine citrate Decrease periods of Short-term treatment of Hypersensitivity ROUTE IV/PO necrotizing enterocolitis (abdominal distension,
apnea idiopathic apnea of ● Tachycardia, Maintenance dose—starting 24 hr vomiting, bloody stools, lethargy).
preemie infants between feeding after loading dose 5 mg/kg
28 and 33 wk gestational intolerance,
age. gastritis

Prostaglandin E1 relaxes smooth Temporary maintenance Respiratory distress ROUTE IV respiratory rate, heart sounds, and neurological
(alprostadil) muscle of the of patent ductus arteriosus syndrome 0.05– 0.1 mcg/kg/min initially; may status frequently
ductus arteriosus in neonates ● Seizures, be increased up to 0.4 mcg/kg/min
cerebral bleeding, until satisfactory response

ampicillin Binds to bact cell Treat bacterial infections Hypersen to PCN ROUTE IM/IV Observe for anaphylaxis (rash, pruritus,
wall ● Seizures, pseud Children 40 kg): 100– 200 mg/kg/day laryngeal edema, wheezing).
colitis in divided doses q 6– 8 hr (not to
exceed 12 g/day).

HMF (human milk Increased digestion Pancreatic insufficiency Hypersen to hog proteins ROUTE PO Monitor stools for high fat content Stools will be
fortifiers) of fats, carbs, and ● Shortness of (Children 1 yr): 2000– 4000 lipase foul-smelling/frothy.
enzymes proteins in the GI breath, dyspnea units per 120 mL of formula/breast Assess patient for allergy to pork
tract. milk.

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