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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)



New Delhi– 110058
Batch (2022-2025)

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Sector 16 c Dwarka , New Delhi

Supervised by : Mrs. Sheela Narang submitted by : Tanish Kumar lala

Internal guide certificate

This is to certify the project work comparative Analysis

of marketing strategies of Vodafone and airtel made by

Tanish kumar lala BBA 2 semester is an authentic work

carried out by him under supervision of Internal guide

Mrs. Sheela Narang

The project report submitted has been found satisfactory

for the partial fulfilment of the degree of bachelor of

business administration

Mrs Sheela Narang (internal supervisor)


I, Mr. TANISH KUMAR LALA Roll No. 04015101722 certify that the Project Report


ANALYSIS OF TITAN” is done by me and it is an authentic work carried out by me at


in this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student:



S No Topic Page No
1 Certificate (s) 2
2 Chapter-1: Company Profile 5
3 Chapter-2: Marketing Strategies of The 16
4 Chapter-3: Financial Ratios 27
5 Chapter-4: CSR initiatives and Unique 35
6 Chapter-5: Conclusions and Suggestions 41
7 References 45

Company Profile


 Titan Company Limited is an Indian consumer goods company

headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is a subsidiary of the Tata

Group and operates in several sectors, including watches, jewelry,

eyewear, and accessories.

 Titan was founded in 1984 as a joint venture between the Tata Group

and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. Initially, the

company focused on producing quartz watches, and it later expanded

into other product categories such as jewelry and eyewear.

 Today, Titan is one of the leading watchmakers in India, with popular

brands like Titan, Fastrack, Sonata, and Xylys. The company is also a

major player in the jewelry industry in India, with brands like

Tanishq, Zoya, and Mia.

 In recent years, Titan has been focusing on expanding its presence in

international markets, particularly in the Middle East and Southeast

Asia. The company is also investing in digital technologies to enhance

its customer experience and streamline its operations.

 Watches: Titan is one of the largest watch manufacturers in India and

has a wide range of products catering to different segments of the

market. Its watch brands include Titan, Fastrack, Sonata, and Xylys.

The company has also launched smartwatches and fitness trackers

under the brand name Titan Connected X.

 Jewelry: Titan has a strong presence in the jewelry market in India

with its brand Tanishq. It offers a range of jewelry products, including

gold and diamond jewelry, as well as a line of contemporary jewelry

under the Mia brand. In addition, the company also owns the luxury

jewelry brand Zoya, which caters to the high-end market.

 Eyewear: Titan has a presence in the eyewear market through its

brand Titan Eyeplus, which offers a range of eyeglasses, sunglasses,

and contact lenses. The company has also launched a line of blue light

glasses to cater to the growing demand for digital eyewear.

 Accessories: Titan also offers a range of accessories, including bags,

wallets, belts, and perfumes, under the brand name Fastrack.

 Awards and Recognition: Titan has received several awards and

accolades for its innovative products and business practices. In 2020,

the company was ranked as the most admired brand in the watch and

jewelry category by TRA Research. It has also been recognized for its

sustainability initiatives and was ranked as the top Indian company in

the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices in 2020.

 Manufacturing: Titan has several manufacturing facilities in India,

including a watch manufacturing plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, and a

jewelry manufacturing unit in Hosur, Karnataka. The company also

has a design studio in Bangalore, which houses a team of designers

and engineers working on product innovation.

 Retail: Titan operates a network of over 1,800 retail stores in India,

including exclusive brand outlets and multi-brand outlets. The

company has also launched an online store to cater to the growing

demand for online shopping.

 Partnerships: Titan has partnered with several global brands to

expand its product offerings. In 2019, it announced a partnership with

Montblanc to launch a range of luxury writing instruments in India.

The company has also collaborated with global technology companies

like HP to develop smartwatches.

 Financials: Titan is a publicly traded company and is listed on the

Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India.

In the financial year 2020-21, the company reported a revenue of INR

21,862 crores (approximately USD 2.9 billion) and a net profit of INR

1,619 crores (approximately USD 217 million).

 Sustainability: Titan is committed to sustainable business practices

and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental

impact. The company has set up solar power plants to generate

renewable energy, has implemented water conservation measures, and

has launched products made from eco-friendly materials.

 Innovation: Titan has a strong focus on innovation and has invested in

research and development to develop new products and technologies.

The company has launched several innovative products, including

India's first touch-screen watch and the world's slimmest watch.

 Expansion: Titan has been expanding its operations beyond India and

has a presence in several international markets, including the Middle

East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The company has also acquired

several international brands, including Favre-Leuba, a Swiss watch


 Digital Transformation: Titan is investing in digital technologies to

enhance its customer experience and streamline its operations. The

company has launched several digital initiatives, including an AI-

based chatbot to assist customers with their queries, an augmented

reality app to help customers try on jewelry virtually, and a digital

payment platform for its retail store.

 Leadership: Titan is led by a strong leadership team, including its

Managing Director, Bhaskar Bhat, who has been with the company

for over three decades. Under his leadership, Titan has expanded its

product offerings and established itself as a leading consumer goods

company in India.

 COVID-19 Response: Titan Company responded quickly to the

COVID-19 pandemic by pivoting its operations to produce personal

protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizers. The company also

donated INR 150 crore (approximately USD 20 million) to support

relief efforts in India.

 Retail Expansion: Titan has been expanding its retail footprint in India

and plans to open 60-70 new stores every year. The company is also

exploring new formats, such as kiosks and pop-up stores, to reach

more customers.


Titan Company Limited is an Indian company that manufactures and sells watches,

jewelry, eyewear, and accessories. Here are some major milestones in the company's


 1984: Titan Company is established as a joint venture between the Tata Group and

the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO).

 1986: Titan introduces its first watch, the Quartz, which quickly becomes a popular

brand in India.

 1992: Titan launches its second brand of watches, Fastrack, targeting the youth


 1995: Titan launches Tanishq, a brand of jewelry that offers contemporary designs

and high-quality craftsmanship.

 2013: Titan acquires Swiss watchmaker Favre-Leuba, marking its entry into the

luxury watch segment.

 2014: Titan acquires the online jewelry retailer CaratLane, expanding its presence in

the e-commerce space.

 2016: Titan launches Taneira, a brand of sarees and ethnic wear, marking its entry

into the fashion segment.

 2018: Titan becomes the first Indian company to cross Rs 1 trillion in market


 2020: Titan launches the Titan Pay digital wallet, allowing customers to make

payments using their Titan watches

 1996: Titan introduces its first line of high-end watches, the Titan Octane, targeted at

the luxury segment.

 2002: Titan launches Sonata, a value-for-money brand of watches aimed at the mass



 Titan Company Limited is an Indian multinational company that manufactures

and sells various products including watches, jewelry, eyewear, and accessories.

Here is the organizational structure or hierarchy of Titan Company:

 Board of Directors - The board of directors is the highest governing body of Titan

Company. It is responsible for formulating policies, making strategic decisions,

and overseeing the overall functioning of the company.

 Managing Director - The managing director is responsible for the day-to-day

operations of the company and reports to the board of directors.

 Executive Directors - The executive directors of Titan Company are responsible

for managing different divisions and functions of the company. They report to the

managing director.

 Business Heads - The business heads are responsible for the operations of specific

business units within Titan Company. They report to the executive directors.


 Bhaskar Bhat - Non-Executive Chairman

 C K Venkataraman - Managing Director

 N. Muruganandam - Chief Financial Officer

 H G Raghunath - Company Secretary and Chief Legal Officer

 S Ravi Kant - Non-Executive Director

 Ireena Vittal - Non-Executive Director

 S S Mundra - Non-Executive Director

 Falguni Nayar - Non-Executive Director

 Pradyumna Vyas - Non-Executive Director


Titan Company Limited is an Indian multinational company that operates in various

industries, including watches, jewelry, eyewear, and other accessories. Some of the

relevant products and services offered by Titan Company are:

 Watches: Titan offers a wide range of watches for both men and women,

including analog and digital watches, smartwatches, and sports watches. Titan's

watch brands include Titan, Sonata, Fastrack, and Xylys.

 Jewelry: Tanishq is Titan's flagship jewelry brand, offering a range of gold,

diamond, and other precious stone jewelry. Titan also owns other jewelry brands

like Mia, Zoya, and CaratLane, which offer contemporary and affordable jewelry.

 Eyewear: Titan Eyeplus is Titan's eyewear brand, offering a range of eyeglasses,

sunglasses, and contact lenses for men, women, and children. Titan Eyeplus also

provides eye check-ups and consultations.


The repositioning strategy is rolled out in three stages: introductory,

elaboration And fortification stages. This involves the introduction of a new

or a repositioned brand,Seeking to underline the brand‟s value over others,

and to broaden the brand proposition.It is truly tough to change the

customer‟s perceived attitude towards a brand, and Therefore the risk is

great that the attempt to repositioning might be unsuccessful.After rolling

out the strategy, it is time to modify the proposition through update of .The

personality and through repositioning. There are benefits and risks with both

of this Segments and it is of great significance that they are truly evaluated

when deciding the Next step in the process.The implication with the term”

repositioning” is that a company modifies something that is already present

in the market and in the consumer’s mind. The definition of repositioning

changes different individuals and professions. To view the different

definitions and perceive a greater understanding about this concept, three

examples of repositioning given by individuals in different professions is

stated below:

“Repositioning is a change, principally about trigging the vision, mission

and value in a new direction that is more suited for the brand in the future”.

(Brand manager Consultant) “Principally, reposition concerns change the

consumer‟s perception of the Brand” (PR- consultant) “Repositioning is

built upon the change unique and differentiated associations With the brand

in some kind of direction, it is about having a balance between the Category

party and differentiation when using reposition strategies” (Leading brand

Strategist).From these definitions, it is obvious that reposition is about

moving something to answer and hopefully to a more attractive and relevant

position. The purpose of the Movement differs with regards to what the

company wants to achieve. A company might Want to reach out to a larger

target group, or be involved in several different positions at The market.

There is also a visible relation between price and quantity aspects. When a

Company perceives the market as a demand curve, the purpose is to down

stretch or upstretch in this curve. When moving down it is often spoken of as

an expansion down Wards, and when moving up and there is a need for

reaching the premium segment and Expand up wards. When striving towards

a new position in the market, it is important to Understand that consumer‟s

minds are limited. People‟s minds select what to remember And it is

therefore significant to convince the consumers with great arguments. The

Market demand changes rapidly and therefore reposition can be necessary to

meet these Demands, newer and stronger arguments have to be established

to convince them to stay As loyal customers. As stated in the literature,

repositioning is a very complicated matter And therefore there are no

detailed theories or models. The aim with repositioning differ From person

to person, and the only connection between all the different theories is that

Repositioning is moving something from somewhere towards a greater

position at the Market. Corstjens and Doyle (1989) identified three types of

repositioning strategies:

(1) Zero repositioning, which is not a repositioning at all since the firm

maintains its

Initial strategy in the face of a changing environment;

(2) Gradual repositioning, where the firm performs incremental,

continuous Adjustments to its positioning strategy to reflect the

evolution of its environment; and

(3) Radical repositioning, that corresponds to a discontinuous shift

towards a new Target market and/or a new competitive advantage.

After examining the repositioning of Several brands from the Indian

market, the following 9 types of repositioning have been Identified.

These are:

 Increasing relevance to the consumer

 Increasing occasions for use

 Making the brand serious

 Falling sales

 Bringing in new customers

 Making the brand contemporary

 Differentiate from other brands

 Changed market conditions.It is not always that these nine categories are

mutually exclusive. Often one reason leads To the other and a brand is

repositioned sometimes for a multiplicity of reasons. These Demands, newer

and stronger arguments have to be established to convince them to stay As

loyal customers. A four-phased brand repositioning approach can be

followed to achieve the Intended benefits:

Phase I Determining the Current Status of the Brand

Phase II What Does the Brand Stand for Today?

Phase III Developing the Brand Positioning Platforms

Phase IV Refining the Brand Positioning and Management Presentation

The benefits that can be derived from brand repositioning exercises can be

Summarized as:

 Value over others

 Updated personality

 Relevant position The risks associated with such strategies are:

 Loss of focus

 Neglecting original customers

 Losing credibility for the brand

 Confusing the brand Therefore, brand repositioning is more difficult than

initially positioning a Brand because one must first help the customer

“unlearn” the current brand positioning (easier said than done). Three

actions can aid in this process: (1) carefully crafted Communication, (2) new

products, packaging, etc. that emphasize the new positioning And (3)

associations with other brands (co-branding, co-marketing, ingredient

branding, Strategic alliances, etc.) that reinforce the new brand positioning.

This exercise is so critical to an organization‟s success that the

organization‟s Leadership team and its marketing/brand management

leaders should develop it, Preferably with the help and facilitation of an

outside brand-positioning expert.

Marketing Strategies of the Company


 Titan is a well-known Indian brand that primarily deals in watches,

jewelry, and eyewear. The company has a significant market share in

the Indian market in these product categories.

 According to the company's financial reports, in the fiscal year 2020-

2021, Titan's watch division had a market share of approximately 5%

in the global organized watch market. In the Indian market, Titan's

watch division had a market share of around 29% in the organized

watch market, making it the market leader in this segment.

 In the jewelry segment, Titan had a market share of around 5.4% in

the organized Indian jewelry market in the fiscal year 2020-2021. The

company is one of the leading players in this segment in India.

 In the eyewear segment, Titan has a market share of approximately

3% in the Indian market, as per industry estimates.

 Titan Company Limited was established in 1984 as a joint venture

between the Tata Group and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development

Corporation (TIDCO). The company is headquartered in Bengaluru,


 In addition to its own brands, Titan also has partnerships with several

international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, and

Montblanc, among others. These partnerships allow Titan to sell these

brands' products in India through its retail network.

 Titan has a wide retail network in India, with over 1,800 stores across

the country as of 2021. The company also sells its products through

multi-brand outlets and online platforms.

 The company has a strong focus on innovation and has invested

heavily in research and development. Titan's R&D efforts have led to

several notable products, including the Titan Edge, which was

recognized as the world's slimmest watch at the time of its launch.

 Titan has also been recognized for its sustainability efforts, including

its focus on responsible sourcing of materials and its efforts to reduce

its environmental footprint.

 In addition to its operations in India, Titan also has a presence in

several international markets, including the United States, Europe, and

the Middle East. However, the company's international operations are

currently a relatively small part of its overall business.

 Titan's watch division is the largest contributor to its overall revenue,

accounting for over 70% of its revenue in recent years. The company

has a wide range of watch brands, including Titan, Fastrack, Sonata,

and Xylys, among others.

 In the jewelry segment, Titan operates under the brand name Tanishq,

which is known for its high-quality craftsmanship and innovative

designs. Tanishq has won several awards for its designs and has a

strong brand presence in India.

 Titan has won numerous awards and accolades for its products and

business practices over the years. Some of its notable achievements

include being ranked among Forbes' list of the World's Most

Innovative Companies in 2020 and receiving the CII-ITC

Sustainability Award in the 'Outstanding Accomplishment for

Corporate Excellence' category in 2019.

 In addition to its consumer goods businesses, Titan also has a joint

venture with the Indian government to manufacture precision

components for the aerospace and defense industries. The joint

venture, called TitanX Engineering, is a supplier to organizations such

as the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Defense

Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

 Titan is a part of the Tata Group, one of India's largest and most

diversified business conglomerates. The Tata Group has interests in

industries such as steel, automotive, hospitality, and

telecommunications, among others.



1. Brand value: Titan is a well-established brand with a strong reputation in

the Indian market.

2. Product portfolio: The company offers a diverse range of products,

including watches, eyewear, jewelry, and accessories.

3. Distribution network: Titan has an extensive distribution network, which

includes over 1,800 exclusive stores and over 7,000 multi-brand outlets

across India.

4. Innovation: The company is known for its innovative products, such as

the Titan Raga Elegance, which is a watch designed specifically for women.

5. Quality: Titan is committed to maintaining high quality standards in its

products, which has helped it build a loyal customer base.


1. Dependence on the Indian market: The majority of Titan's sales come

from the Indian market, which makes it vulnerable to economic and political


2. Limited global presence: While Titan has a presence in some international

markets, it is not as strong as its domestic presence.

3. Price sensitivity: The Indian market is highly price sensitive, which can

make it challenging for Titan to maintain premium pricing for its products.

4. Limited focus on digital marketing: Titan has traditionally relied on

traditional marketing channels, which could limit its ability to reach

younger, tech-savvy consumers.

5. Dependence on third-party suppliers: Titan sources many of its materials

and components from third-party suppliers, which makes it vulnerable to

supply chain disruptions.


1. Expansion into new markets: Titan has the opportunity to expand its

presence in international markets, particularly in Asia and the Middle East.

2. E-commerce growth: The growth of e-commerce in India presents an

opportunity for Titan to reach new customers and expand its distribution


3. Product diversification: Titan can expand its product portfolio to include

new categories, such as smartwatches and wearable technology.

4. Luxury segment: The Indian luxury market is growing, and Titan has the

opportunity to expand its presence in this segment with premium products

and experiences.

5. Sustainability: Titan can focus on sustainability initiatives, such as using

eco-friendly materials, to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.


1. Competition: Titan faces competition from both domestic and

international brands, which could affect its market share.

2. Economic fluctuations: The Indian economy is prone to fluctuations,

which could impact consumer spending and demand for Titan's products.

3. Counterfeiting: The prevalence of counterfeit products in the Indian

market could negatively impact Titan's brand value.

4. Changing consumer preferences: Changing consumer preferences and

trends could affect the demand for Titan's products.

5. Regulatory changes: Changes in regulations related to trade, taxes, and

other areas could impact Titan's operations and profitability.


Titan is a well-known brand in India that sells a variety of products,

including watches, jewelry, eyewear, and accessories. Here are some

marketing strategies that Titan can adopt to further strengthen its brand and

increase its market share:

1. Product Diversification: Titan can introduce new product lines in its

existing categories to attract a wider range of customers. For example, it can

launch a range of sports watches, designer eyewear, or premium jewelry to

cater to different customer segments.

2. Digital Marketing: With the increasing use of digital media, Titan can use

various digital marketing strategies to reach out to potential customers. It

can leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

to showcase its products and engage with customers. It can also use email

marketing to communicate with its existing customers.

3. Influencer Marketing: Titan can collaborate with influencers and

celebrities to promote its products. It can select influencers who have a

strong presence on social media and a large following among its target


4. Events and Sponsorships: Titan can sponsor events like fashion shows and

sports tournaments to increase brand visibility and connect with potential

customers. It can also participate in trade shows and exhibitions to showcase

its products and build brand awareness.

5. Loyalty Programs: Titan can offer loyalty programs to its existing

customers to encourage repeat purchases and increase customer retention. It

can offer discounts, free gifts, and other incentives to customers who make

regular purchases.

6. Personalization: Titan can personalize its products and services to cater to

individual customer needs. For example, it can offer customized watches

with unique designs or provide personalized recommendations to customers

based on their preferences.

7. Partnerships and Collaborations: Titan can partner with other brands to

create co-branded products and expand its customer base.

8. Emphasize Sustainability: With the growing concern for the environment,

Titan can emphasize its commitment to sustainability by promoting eco-

friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and packaging. This can

attract environmentally conscious customers who prioritize sustainable


9. Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Titan can encourage its satisfied

customers to leave reviews and testimonials on its website and social media

pages. This can help build trust and credibility with potential customers and

increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

10. Geo-Targeted Advertising: Titan can use geolocation technology to

target customers in specific regions with relevant advertising messages. This

can help increase the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns by reaching

out to customers who are more likely to be interested in its products.

11. Gamification: Titan can use gamification techniques to engage with its

customers and increase brand loyalty. For example, it can offer rewards or

discounts to customers who participate in fun and interactive games related

to its products.

12. Video Marketing: Titan can use video marketing to showcase its

products and tell its brand story. This can include product demos, behind-

the-scenes footage, and customer testimonials. Video marketing can be

particularly effective on social media platforms like YouTube and


Financial Ratios

 Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio): This ratio measures the price that

investors are willing to pay for each rupee of earnings generated by

the company. It is calculated by dividing the current market price per

share by the earnings per share (EPS).

 Formula: P/E Ratio = Market Price per Share / EPS

 Interpretation: A high P/E ratio suggests that investors are willing to

pay more for each rupee of earnings generated by the company, which

could indicate positive growth prospects or market sentiment. On the

other hand, a low P/E ratio could suggest that the company is

undervalued, but it could also suggest lower growth prospects.

 Return on Equity (ROE): ROE measures the return generated by the

company for every rupee of shareholder's equity. It is calculated by

dividing the net income by shareholder's equity.

 Formula: ROE = Net Income / Shareholder's Equity

 Interpretation: A high ROE indicates that the company is generating

significant returns for its shareholders, while a low ROE could

indicate lower profitability or inefficient use of equity capital.

 Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio measures the proportion of debt and

equity used to finance the company's assets. It is calculated by

dividing total debt by shareholder's equity.

 Formula: Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Shareholder's Equity

 Interpretation: A high debt-to-equity ratio could suggest that the

company is heavily reliant on debt financing, which could increase

financial risk. On the other hand, a low debt-to-equity ratio could

indicate that the company is using equity financing more effectively.

 Current Ratio: This ratio measures the company's ability to pay its

short-term liabilities with its short-term assets. It is calculated by

dividing current assets by current liabilities.

 Formula: Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

 Interpretation: A high current ratio indicates that the company has

sufficient short-term assets to cover its liabilities, while a low current

ratio could suggest that the company may face difficulty in meeting its

short-term obligations.

 Gross Profit Margin: This ratio measures the company's ability to

generate profit from its sales after accounting for the cost of goods

sold. It is calculated by dividing the gross profit by total revenue.

 Formula: Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Total Revenue

 Interpretation: A higher gross profit margin suggests that the company

is generating more profit from each rupee of revenue, which could

indicate higher efficiency or pricing power. On the other hand, a low

gross profit margin could indicate lower efficiency or intense


 These financial ratios can be useful for analyzing the financial

performance of Titan Company Limited or any other company, but

they should be used in conjunction with other financial analysis tools

to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the company's

financial position and prospects

Financial ratios with respect to Titan

Titan Company Limited is an Indian company that operates in the lifestyle

segment, with a focus on watches, jewellery, eyewear, and accessories. Here

are some financial ratios that can be used to analyze Titan Company:

1. Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: This ratio measures the market value of a

company's shares relative to its earnings. A higher P/E ratio typically

indicates that investors are willing to pay more for each unit of earnings. As

of September 2021, Titan's P/E ratio was around 117. This indicates that the

company's shares are relatively expensive compared to its earnings.

2. Price-to-Sales (P/S) Ratio: This ratio measures the market value of a

company's shares relative to its revenue. A lower P/S ratio typically

indicates that investors are willing to pay less for each unit of revenue. As of

September 2021, Titan's P/S ratio was around 8. This indicates that the

company's shares are relatively cheap compared to its revenue.

3. Return on Equity (ROE): This ratio measures how much profit a company

generates relative to the amount of shareholder equity. A higher ROE

typically indicates that a company is more efficient at generating profits with

the capital it has. As of September 2021, Titan's ROE was around 18%. This

indicates that the company is generating a decent return for its shareholders.

4. Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio: This ratio measures the amount of debt a

company has relative to its equity. A higher D/E ratio typically indicates that

a company is more leveraged and may be at a higher risk of default. As of

September 2021, Titan's D/E ratio was around 0.01, which indicates that the

company has very low debt and is not highly leveraged.

5. Current Ratio: This ratio measures a company's ability to pay off its short-

term liabilities with its current assets. A higher current ratio typically

indicates that a company is more capable of paying off its debts and is more

financially stable. As of September 2021, Titan's current ratio was around

2.3, which indicates that the company has a healthy level of current assets to

meet its short-term liabilities.

6. Gross Margin: This ratio measures the percentage of sales revenue that is

left over after deducting the cost of goods sold. A higher gross margin

typically indicates that a company is able to produce its products or services

at a lower cost, which can improve profitability. As of September 2021,

Titan's gross margin was around 39%, which indicates that the company is

able to generate a good level of profit after accounting for its production



Titan Company Limited, commonly known as Titan, is an Indian consumer goods

company that primarily operates in the lifestyle and jewelry sectors. Since my knowledge

is based on information available until September 2021, I can provide you with a partial

analysis of Titan's stock price performance up until that point.

In 2021, Titan's stock price experienced some fluctuations. Here is a

summary of its performance during the first three quarters of the year:

1. January to March 2021: During this period, Titan's stock price showed a

bullish trend, starting the year at around INR 1,417 and reaching a high of

around INR 1,700 by the end of March. This upward movement was driven

by positive market sentiment and the company's strong performance.

2. April to June 2021: Titan's stock price faced some volatility during this

period. It started the quarter around INR 1,700 and experienced fluctuations

due to various factors, including market conditions, economic indicators,

and company-specific news. By the end of June, the stock price was around

INR 1,650.

3. July to September 2021: Titan's stock price continued to face fluctuations

during this quarter. It started around INR 1,650 and experienced ups and

downs influenced by market dynamics and sector-specific factors. By

September, the stock price was around INR 1,550.

Initiative towards Sustainability and Unique Practices

Titan Company, a leading Indian consumer goods company, has taken

several initiatives towards sustainability and implemented unique practices

to reduce its environmental impact. Here are some of them:

1. Ethical sourcing: Titan Company has implemented strict ethical sourcing

policies to ensure that the materials used in their products are responsibly

sourced. They work closely with their suppliers to ensure that they follow

ethical and sustainable practices, and also audit them regularly to monitor


2. Energy efficiency: Titan Company has implemented several measures to

improve energy efficiency in its operations. They have installed energy-

efficient lighting and equipment in their factories, and have also

implemented a system to monitor and optimize energy consumption.

3. Waste reduction: Titan Company has implemented a "Zero Waste to

Landfill" initiative to reduce waste in its operations. They have set up waste

segregation and recycling systems in their factories, and also encourage their

employees to reduce waste through various initiatives.

4. Water conservation: Titan Company has implemented several measures to

conserve water in its operations. They have installed rainwater harvesting

systems in their factories, and also use recycled water for non-potable


5. Circular economy: Titan Company has implemented a circular economy

model in its operations, which involves reducing waste and maximizing

resource efficiency. They have also launched a program to collect and

recycle their products at the end of their life cycle.

6. Sustainable product design: Titan Company has implemented sustainable

product design principles in its product development process. They use

sustainable materials in their products, and also design them to be durable

and long-lasting.

7. Carbon footprint reduction: Titan Company has set a target to reduce its

carbon footprint by 50% by 2030. To achieve this, they are implementing

measures to reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable

energy sources.

8. Sustainable packaging: Titan Company has implemented sustainable

packaging practices by reducing the use of plastic in their packaging and

using eco-friendly materials like paper, jute, and cotton. They have also

launched a program to collect and recycle their packaging material.

9. Employee engagement: Titan Company actively engages its employees in

sustainability initiatives. They conduct training and awareness programs on

sustainability for their employees and encourage them to come up with ideas

to reduce the company's environmental impact.

10. Community engagement: Titan Company also engages with local

communities to create awareness about sustainability and implement

sustainable practices. They work with local NGOs and community-based

organizations to implement waste management and water conservation


11. Unique practices: Apart from the above initiatives, Titan Company has

also implemented some unique practices to reduce their environmental

impact. For example, they have installed a system to capture rainwater in

their parking lots, which is then used for landscaping and other non-potable

purposes. They have also implemented a program to donate used oil from

their factories to local farmers for use as biofuel.

12. Green retail stores: Titan Company has implemented green retail

practices by designing their stores to be energy-efficient and sustainable.

They use natural light, energy-efficient lighting, and temperature control

systems to reduce energy consumption. They also use eco-friendly materials

in their store design and furniture.

13. Sustainable supply chain: Titan Company works closely with its

suppliers to implement sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

They encourage their suppliers to reduce waste, improve energy efficiency,

and adopt sustainable sourcing practices.

14. Renewable energy: Titan Company has installed solar panels in its

factories and retail stores to generate renewable energy. They have also

signed power purchase agreements with renewable energy companies to

increase their use of renewable energy.

15. Sustainability reporting: Titan Company regularly reports on its

sustainability performance and targets. They follow international reporting

frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and have also set up

an online sustainability dashboard to track their sustainability performance.

16. Sustainable partnerships: Titan Company has partnered with several

organizations to implement sustainability initiatives. For example, they have

partnered with the Wildlife Trust of India to implement a water conservation

project in a wildlife sanctuary.

17. Sustainable events: Titan Company has implemented sustainable

practices in their events and conferences. They use eco-friendly materials in

their event design and reduce waste by implementing a waste segregation

and recycling system.

18. Sustainable finance: Titan Company has issued green bonds to finance

its sustainability initiatives. These bonds are used to finance projects that

have a positive environmental impact, such as renewable energy and energy

efficiency projects.

19. Biodiversity conservation: Titan Company has implemented measures to

conserve biodiversity in its operations. They have set up green belts around

their factories to create a natural habitat for local flora and fauna. They have

also launched a program to plant trees in their communities to increase green


20. Sustainable farming: Titan Company has launched a program to promote

sustainable farming practices among smallholder farmers. They provide

training on sustainable agriculture practices and support farmers in adopting

eco-friendly farming methods.

Conclusions and Suggestions


Titan Company Limited is a leading Indian consumer goods company that operates in

various sectors including watches, jewelry, eyewear, and accessories. After analyzing the

company's financial and operational performance, market position, and competitive

landscape, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Strong Market Position: Titan Company has a strong market position in India's

consumer goods industry, particularly in the watches and jewelry sectors. The company's

brands, such as Tanishq and Titan, have high brand recognition and are widely trusted by


2. Diversified Product Portfolio: Titan Company has a diversified product portfolio that

spans across various segments such as watches, jewelry, eyewear, and accessories. This

diversification helps the company to mitigate risks and capture growth opportunities in

different markets.

3. Impacted by COVID-19: Like many other companies, Titan Company was impacted

by the COVID-19 pandemic, with sales declining in 2020 due to the lockdowns and

reduced footfalls in physical stores. However, the company has managed to recover well

in the following quarters.

4. Strong Financials: Titan Company has a strong financial position, with healthy revenue

growth and profitability. The company has also maintained a healthy balance sheet with

low debt levels.

5. Competitive Landscape: The consumer goods industry in India is highly competitive,

with many domestic and international players vying for market share. Titan Company

faces competition from established players such as Titan and international brands such as

Rolex and Cartier.

6. Innovation and R&D: Titan Company has a strong focus on innovation and research

and development (R&D), which helps the company to bring new products and

technologies to the market. The company's investment in R&D has helped it to create

unique and differentiated products, such as the Titan Edge Ceramic watch.


Titan Company is a leading brand in the Indian consumer market, offering a

range of products such as watches, jewelry, eyewear, and accessories. Here

are some suggestions for the company:

1. Expand product offerings: While Titan has a diverse range of products,

there are still areas where the company could expand its offerings. For

example, it could look at entering the beauty and cosmetics space, or even

the fashion space by launching clothing lines.

2. Embrace e-commerce: E-commerce has grown significantly in recent

years, and companies that have embraced it have seen great success. Titan

could increase its online presence by creating a robust e-commerce platform

that makes it easy for customers to purchase its products online.

3. Focus on sustainability: Consumers are becoming increasingly

environmentally conscious, and companies that prioritize sustainability are

likely to do well in the long run. Titan could consider using sustainable

materials in its products, reducing waste in its manufacturing process, and

adopting sustainable business practices.

4. Invest in research and development: To stay ahead of the competition,

Titan needs to continue innovating and introducing new products and

features. Investing in research and development could help the company stay

ahead of the curve and maintain its position as a market leader.

5. Enhance customer experience: Finally, Titan could focus on enhancing

the customer experience, both online and offline. This could include

improving its customer service, creating personalized experiences for

customers, and leveraging technology to make the buying process more

seamless and convenient.

6. Explore international markets: Titan is a well-known brand in India, but

there is potential for the company to expand its reach beyond India. Titan

could consider exploring new international markets and adapting its product

offerings to suit the local market needs.

7. Foster brand loyalty: Building brand loyalty is key to long-term success in

the consumer goods industry. Titan could invest in loyalty programs, offer

exclusive deals and discounts to loyal customers, and create a community

around its brand to keep customers engaged and coming back.


1. Official website link:

2. Forbes:

3. Research Gate:

4. Business Insider:


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