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Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board

Hanoi, 25–26 July 2018

Hexavalent Vaccines:
Hepatitis B antibody
response and
co-administration with
other vaccines
Prof. Timo Vesikari
Vaccine Research Center
University of Tampere
Tampere, Finland
Timo Vesikari
Conflicts of Interest
PI in several study protocols on
Infanrix Hexa (GSK)
Hexaxim/Hexyon (SP-MSD)
Vaxelis or PR5I (Merck)
Consultant to GSK 2016
Member (Chair) of SP-MSD Advisory Board
for Pediatric Vaccines until 2017
Consultant to Merck on PR5I until 2017
Infanrix hexa (GSK)
- gold standard
- requires reconstitution of lyophilized Hib
Hexyon / Hexacim (Sanofi Pasteur)
- fully liquid
Vaxelis (Merck)
- gully liquid
Real differences in immunogenicity between the
vaccines are minor or non-existent
Infanrix hexa™ (GSK)
Clever trade name implying that
this is the basic vaccine for infants

Hexaxim / Hexyon®
(Sanofi Pasteur)

Vaxelis® (Merck)

Runner-ups for trade name

and substance
Comparison of pertussis components
in hexavalent vaccines

Vaxelis 5 PT, FHA, PRN, FIM2,3

Infanrix hexa 3 PT, FHA, PRN
Hexyon 2 PT, FHA

No known difference in clinical protection

against pertussis
Aluminum adjuvant in hexavalent

Al+++ per dose

Vaxelis 0.3 mg

Hexyon 0.6 mg

Infanrix hexa 0.8 mg

Clinical experience with Infanrix hexa

Antibody SP cut-off % SP subjects

Anti-D 0.1 IU/ml  98.0
Anti-T 0.1 IU/ml  99.6
Anti-HBs 10 mIU/ml  96.8
Anti-polio 1 1:8  99.4
Anti-polio 2 1:8  95.7
Anti-polio 3 1:8  98.8
Anti-PRP 0.15 µg/ml  91.7 (2 doses)
 96.4 (3 doses)

All schedules combined. Data from Infanrix™ hexa European SPC

Experience in Finland:
(2+1 schedule 3-5-12 months of age)

Post dose 2 Pre dose 3 Post dose 3

HBs Ab
≥10 mIU/ml 94 % 89.7 % 99.1 %

Kilpi TM et al. Hum Vaccine 2009;5:18–25.

Infanrix hexa™ induced long-lasting
immune memory against HBV
100 Pre-booster
Subjects seroprotected,a %

1 month post-
60 booster (HBV)



1 2 3
1–2 2.5–3.5 3–4 3 54 6–7
n=124;5b n=285;286b n=186;188b n=709;105b n=186;187b
3 doses given 4 doses given 4 doses given 3 doses given 4 doses given

Time since hexavalent vaccination, years

aDefined as subjects with an anti-HBsAg titre ≥10 mIU/ml; bNumber of subjects with available results (pre-booster;post-challenge)
HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus
1. Giambi et al. BMC Infect Dis 2008;8:100; 2. Steiner et al. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:9; 3. Zinke et al. Hum Vaccin 2009;5(9):592–598;
4. Zanetti et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2010;10(11):755–761
Infanrix hexa™: Established use
Infanrix hexa™ has extensive evidence supporting
its use, encompassing >10 years of clinical practice
and >15 years in clinical studies1–3
– In the decade following licensure, Infanrix hexa™ was
administered in over 100 GSK-sponsored
interventional studies with 27 500 infants receiving
Infanrix hexa™ as a primary vaccine, and over 21 000
children receiving a booster dose

As of the end of December 2012,

over 90 million doses of Infanrix hexa™
have been distributed worldwide, helping
to protect children in 95 countries
against six serious childhood diseases4,5
Infanrix hexa™ can be used in a two-dose
primary and booster vaccination schedule1
A number of countries recommend the use of a 2-
dose primary and booster vaccination schedule,
Sweden Please check
individual country
Denmark recommendations for
the full schedules


Infanrix hexa™ can be given with other
Infanrix hexa™ can be co-administered with the
following vaccines:1–12
Pneumococcal vaccines Meningococcal vaccines
 Prevenar®  Bexsero™
 Prevenar 13®  Nimenrix™
 Synflorix™  NeisVac-C™
 Meningitec™

Rotavirus vaccines MMRV vaccine

 Rotarix™  Priorix-Tetra™
 RotaTeq®  ProQuad®

In general, co-administration does not meaningfully impact on

the immunogenicity of any of the vaccine components13–18
MMRV, measles-mumps-rubella-varicella
• Unique hexavalent vaccine in a fully liquid,
ready-to-use formulation
• Indicated for primary and booster vaccination
of infants and toddlers from 6 weeks to 24
months of age combining:
– Well-established antigens (D,T, aP, IPV, Hib) used in combined
Sanofi Pasteur MSD vaccines as Pentavac
– New hepatitis B antigen

Abbreviations: D: diphtheria, T: tetanus, aP: acellular pertussis, IPV: Inactivated poliovirus, Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b, Hep B: Hepatitis B antigen

Sanofi Pasteur MSD Hexyon® Summary of Product Characteristics, 2013

A new hepatitis B antigen specifically
developed for Hexyon
Produced using the patented Hansenula
polymorpha yeast expression system:
• Consistent high quality and reliable
Compliant with European Pharmacopoeia
Monograph 20673
Manufactured and controlled in Sanofi
Pasteur’s state-of-the-art facility in
• Completely dedicated to this new
hepatitis B antigen4
Produced exclusively for use in Hexyon4
1. Celik E et al. Biotechnol Adv, 2012;30(5):1108–1118; 2. Shouval D et al. J Hepatol, 2003;39(Suppl1):S70–S76. 3. European Public Assessment Report for
Hexyon: EMA/137344; EMEA/H/C/002796. Last accessed October 2013. Available from:
_Public_assessment_report/human/002796/WC500145760.pdf. Last accessed October 2013; 4. Sanofi Pasteur MSD, data on file, 2013.
Hexyon vs DTaP-HBV-IPV/Hib (Infanrix Hexa™):
Hepatitis B immune responses
1 month post-primary vaccination (2, 4, 6 months)*†
Hexyon (H)
Anti-Hep B GMC mIU/mL







Mexico Thailand
Thailand Peru
Peru Columbia/
Colombia/Costa Rica
(A3L11)1 1
(A3L11) (A3L12)2
(A3L12)2 (A3L17)3 3
(A3L17) Rica (A3L24)4
Hep B at birth Hep B at birth
H= 1022 189 132 935
C= 167 190 130 316
* Primary vaccination at 2, 4 and 6 months. Measurements made 1 month post-primary vaccination series.
† A3L11 and A3L17 participants did not receive hepatitis B vaccination at birth, whereas all A3L12 and A3L24 participants

received hepatitis B vaccination at birth.

1. Becerra A et al. Vaccine 2012;30:6492–6500. 2. Kosalaraska P et al. Int J Infect Dis. 2011;15(4):e249–e256. 3. Lanata C et al. Vaccine and
Vaccination 2012;3:1. 4. López P et al. Poster presented at the Congress ICID: 13–16 June 2012. DTaP-HBV-IPV/Hib (Infanrix hexa®)
Co-administration of Hexyon/Hexaxim™
or Infanrix Hexa™ with Prevnar13

Schedule 3, 5, 11–12 months

Finland and Sweden

Protocol A3L38 Sanofi Pasteur

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:87–93.

Hepatitis B responses
Hexyon Infanrix hexa
N=248 N=249
after 3 doses
≥10 mIU/mL 96.4 % 99.6%
≥100 mIU/mL 91.2 % 98.0%
Pre-dose 3 76.5 (62.0,94.4) 260 (218,311)
Post-dose 3 1370 (1069,1757) 5015 (4178,6020)

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:87–93.

Protocol A3L38
Responses to Prevnar13 after 3 doses

Hexyon Infanrix hexa

N=249 N=248
Serotype 3 86.3 % 88.0 %
Serotype 5 95.1 % 98.1 %
All other serotypes 98.2–100 % 98.1–100 %

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:87–93.

Hexyon/Hexacim co-administration with RV
vaccine (Rotarix) at 2 and 4 months of age

Rotavirus IgA antibody responses

Hexyon Infanrix hexa
Seroconversion 77.9 % (71.1,83.7) 86.9 % (75.8,94.2)
GMC 110 (85.4,142) 155 (96.6,250)


Lopez P, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:e272–e282.

Hexyon co-administration with MenC
at 2 and 4 months of age
Men C responses ≥8 SBA
After dose 1 99.4%
After dose 2 100%
After dose 1 885 (737,1063)
After dose 2 580 (505,664)

MenC vaccine can be given together with Hexyon

One dose is as good as two (or better)

Vesikari T, et al. Vaccine 2017;35(3):452-458.

Protocol V419-007 (Vaxelis)
3+1 schedule at 2, 3, 4 and 12 months
PR5I (Vaxelis) vs. Infanrix hexa
PR5I was non-inferior for all immunogenicity
PRP responses 1 month after infant series
% with titer ≥0.15µg/ml
PR5I 98%
Infanrix hexa 87%
Group difference 11.4% (8.4, 14.7)

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:209–215.

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:209–215.
Silfverdal SA, et al. Vaccine 2016;34:3810–6.
Vaxelis vs. Infanrix hexa
Coadministration with routine pediatric
vaccines in the US (2, 4, 6 months)

Vaxelis Infanrix hexa

N=522 N=274
RV IgA GMC 282 277

GMC ratio 1.02 (0.83 to 1.24)

Marshall GS, et al. Pediatrics 2015;136:e323–e332.

Booster dose at 12 months of
Vaxelis vs. Infanrix hexa given
concomitantly with MMRV

Vaxelis Infanrix hexa

N=467 N=474
Measles 96.2% 96.4%
Mumps 94.9% 91.8%
Rubella 98.3% 97.9%
Varicella 97.6% 97.7%

Conclusion: Vaxelis can be given concurrently with MMRV

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:209–215.

Conclusions for HepB
in hexavalent vaccines

• AntiHBs responses to various hexavalent

vaccines are not equal (highest after
Infanrix hexa)

• High primary responses are associated

with better persistence

• AntiHBs responses may be (simply)

correlated with the quantity of Al+++
adjuvant in hexavalent vaccine

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:209–215.

Conclusions on coadministration of
other childhood vaccines with
hexavalent vaccines
• No interference with pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine one way or the other
• No significant suppression of RV IgA
response after vaccination
• No suppression of MenC response

• No interference with MMRV

Vesikari T, et al. PIDJ 2017;36:209–215.

Thank you!

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