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Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

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The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by

household consumption in China: an analysis based on the
inputeoutput method
Yue-Jun Zhang b, c, *, Xiao-Juan Bian a, d, Weiping Tan e, Juan Song f
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, PR China
Business School of Hunan University, Changsha 410082, PR China
Center for Resource and Environmental Management, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, PR China
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, PR China
Hologic Corporation, 2585 Augustine Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
China Certification & Inspection Group Hunan Co. Ltd, Changsha 410007, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent decades, China's rapid economy development has been coupling with the steadily increasing
Received 17 December 2014 household consumption, which, in turn, leads to ever-growing energy consumption and CO2 emission.
Received in revised form With a focus on the decade of 2000e2010, this study examines the energy consumption and CO2
6 June 2015
emission caused by household consumption using the InputeOutput method, as well as the influencing
Accepted 8 August 2015
Available online 24 August 2015
factors of the indirect CO2 emission. The results show that, first, the indirect energy consumption and CO2
emission appear the main parts of total energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by household
consumption, accounting for 69%e77% and 77%e84%, respectively. Second, the indirect CO2 emission
Household consumption
indicates an increasing trend mainly driven by per capita household consumption and energy intensity.
Inputeoutput method Finally, the five sectors with relatively higher direct or total CO2 emission intensity are the key sectors for
Indirect energy consumption reducing CO2 emission in China, i.e., (1) Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power
Indirect CO2 emission (PDEH), (2) Smelting and Pressing of Metals (SPM), (3) Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of
Nuclear Fuel (PPCPN), (4) Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products (MNM), and (5) Manufacture of
Chemical Materials (MCM).
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Russia, Japan and Germany, produced nearly 60% of global CO2
emission in 2013, and China accounted for about 30% of global
Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has been expe- emission.1 In this way, the planet's future will be shaped by what
riencing sustained and rapid economic development and these top carbon emitters do about the heat-trapping gases blamed
improving urbanization level, which has led to the soaring of en- for global warming. Thus, as the largest developing country in the
ergy consumption (Yu et al., 2012). As China's energy consumption world, China is under great pressure from the international com-
is dominated by coal consumption, the CO2 emission in China has munity to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission so as to
steadily increased in the past decade (Zhang et al., 2014). According address global climate change. Chinese government has since made
to the statistics of BP (2014), China has become the world's largest gigantic and pragmatic efforts across the whole country in recent
CO2 emitter since 2008, and the largest energy consumer since years. As documented in China's “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”
2010. In 2013, China's energy consumption and CO2 emission (2011e2015), Chinese government sets energy conservation and
accounted for 22.4% and 27.1% of the globe, respectively. Similarly, CO2 emission reduction as the pre-requisites for economic and
the data of the Global Carbon Project sponsored by World Bank social development, and hopes to cope with global climate change
indicate that six countries, including China, United States, India, and realize sustainable development.

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ86 731 88822899. .
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.-J. Zhang). 6274064.html.
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
70 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

Meanwhile, in recent years, China's central government has paid existence of environmental protection and steady socio-economic
significant attention to the expansion of domestic consumption development (Wang et al., 2012, 2015a; Ozturk and Acaravci,
demand (particularly the household consumption demand) to 2013; Ozturk et al., 2010; Acaravci and Ozturk, 2010; Zhang et al.,
strategically stabilize economic growth, and has been taking 2014). In addition, numerous studies, such as Wyckoff and Roop
stimulating measures to wipe out the institutional obstacles. As a (1994), Khrushch (1996) and Lenzen (1998), have shed light upon
result, the analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emission the embodied carbon leakage problem. The embodied carbon refers
caused by household consumption has attracted much research to carbon emitted in the production, transportation and marketing
attention from academia (Dai et al., 2012). In general, the energy of products (including energy products). It should be noted that a
consumption and CO2 emission caused by household consumption great deal of literature pays close attention to carbon emission
include direct and indirect components. For instance, the direct CO2 embodied in products consumed by the final demand.
emission refers to that produced by direct energy consumption Since the 1990s, many scholars have studied carbon embodied
(such as cooking, warming, transportation), while the indirect CO2 in international trade, which is a part of final demand, as seen from
emission is that produced by the energy consumption of the the Energy Balance Table. For instance, Shui and Harriss (2006)
products in their production, transportation, marketing and so on study the embodied carbon in Sino-US trade. The results show
(Mongelli et al., 2006). that embodied carbon emission growth rate is higher than that of
Most developed countries have seen that, during their devel- Chinese carbon emission each year during 1997e2003 because of
oping process, the energy consumption of industrial production is Chinese exports to the United States, and carbon dioxide emission
the main source for CO2 emission. However, according to recent of China's exports to USA is about 7%e14% of Chinese total carbon
statistical data from some developing countries, household energy dioxide emission. Ahmad and Wyckoff (2003) find that China is the
consumption has exceeded industrial energy consumption since biggest country exporting carbon emission to OECD countries, and
1990s and become the main driver for the growing CO2 emission carbon emission caused by production is 10% more than that caused
(Zhu and Peng, 2012). China is of no exception, and China Energy by consumption in China.
Statistical Yearbook states that the direct energy consumption of Among all final demand factors, the impact of household con-
Chinese households has increased from 133.2 million tonnes coal sumption on energy consumption and CO2 emission has drawn
equivalent (tce) in 1985 to 396.7 million tce in 2012, with an annual significant attention in recent years. Literature has uncovered the
average growth of 3.97% (NBSC, 2013a). In fact, most of the energy energy consumption caused by household consumption, and more
consumption and CO2 emission caused indirectly by household importantly, emphasized the indirect energy consumption ac-
consumption are in other goods consumed by households. In other counting for a large proportion in the total energy consumption. For
words, the indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused instance, Bin and Dowlatabadi (2005) argue that more than 80% of
by household consumption are much higher than the direct U.S. energy consumption is to meet consumer demand and to
counterparts. Nevertheless, the household energy consumption in support related economic activities. Reinders et al. (2003) study the
China Energy Statistical Yearbooks only includes the direct energy direct and indirect energy consumption arising from household
consumption, which is used to calculate the corresponding direct consumption in 11 EU countries, and state that the indirect energy
CO2 emission. Apparently, with the exclusion of indirect energy consumption accounts for 36%e66% of the total energy consump-
consumption, the total energy consumption and CO2 emission tion with great differences from one country to another. Park and
caused by household consumption may be underestimated. Heo (2007) investigate the energy consumption caused by house-
The main reason of that ignorance is due to the lack of scientific hold consumption in South Korea during 1980e2000 using the
methods that can reasonably estimate the energy consumption and InputeOutput method, which concludes that the energy con-
corresponding CO2 emission indirectly caused by household con- sumption by households accounts for 52% of the national total
sumption. Therefore, this paper proposes a methodology that le- energy consumption. Jane et al. (2008) detect the energy con-
verages the InputeOutput method to measure China's indirect sumption and CO2 emission by households on different household
energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by household con- income levels in China, and argue that the indirect energy con-
sumption during the period of 2000e2010. Moreover, with the sumption by urban households accounts for 32% of the total
complete decomposition analysis method, the proposed method- household energy consumption. Furthermore, Wang and Shi
ology explores the main influencing factors for the indirect CO2 (2009) reveal that the proportion of indirect energy consumption
emission, not only from the national level but also from the sector of urban households in their total household energy consumption
level. Subsequently, this paper analyzes the direct and total CO2 increased from 69% in 1995 to 79% in 2004. Cellura et al. (2012)
emission intensity among key carbon intensive sectors. Ultimately, claim that indirect carbon emission caused by Italian household
this paper intends to provide effective policy suggestions to adjust consumption has offset the improvement of environment by
the household consumption structure and realize the ambitious technological progress and environmental efficiency.
targets of energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction for Papathanasopoulou (2010) uses the inputeoutput model to explore
Chinese relevant governmental department. Greece's household consumption on fossil fuel and resulted carbon
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews emission, and indicates that indirect energy consumption increased
related literature. Section 3 describes the proposed data and pro- 60% from 1990 to 2006. It should be noted that the studies above
vides the research methods. Subsequently, Section 4 presents the imply that the main method estimating indirect energy consump-
results and discussions, and finally, Section 5 concludes the paper tion and CO2 emission caused by household consumption is based
together with some policy implications. on the inputeoutput technique, which provides important refer-
ence for our study here.
2. Relevant literature review In addition to the estimation of direct and indirect energy
consumption and CO2 emission, some literature further de-
Controlling the CO2 emission has been an important measure to composes the influencing factors of CO2 emission (Wang and Yang,
alleviate global climate change. Researchers around the world have 2013). The decomposition methods mainly belong to two cate-
carried out a number of related studies, ranging from identifying gories: index decomposition analysis (IDA) method (Ang, 1995,
the changing trends to recognizing the influencing factors of CO2 2004; Ang and Zhang, 2000; Liao et al., 2007) and structure
emission, to investigating possible effective ways to win the co- decomposition analysis (SDA) method (Miller and Blair, 2009;
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 71

Kaivo-oja and Luukkanen, 2004; Wachsmann et al., 2009; Weber, and reveal that there is more than 30% of difference in the influence
2009; Wood, 2009). SDA uses the inputeoutput model to decom- between the two scenarios when 6 and 33 sectors are considered.
pose changes in indicators while IDA uses only sectoral level data to Besides, Su et al. (2010) classify China's economy into 10 and 28
research energy use and energy-related emissions. SDA has a more sectors to analyze the CO2 emission embodied in trade and also find
detailed analysis of technological and final demand effects while sharp differences based on different sector classifications. Similarly,
IDA has not. A detailed comparison of the two methods can be Lenzen et al. (2004) develop the inputeoutput model with sector
found in Hoekstra et al. (2003) and Su and Ang (2012). levels varying from 39 to 133 sectors, and argue that the results of
The index decomposition analysis (IDA) method is usually used various sector levels are fairly different. Rodrigues and Domingos
to decompose the direct CO2 emission. For example, Lee and Oh (2008) point out that carbon emission embodied in international
(2006) decompose the CO2 emission in the APEC countries and trade is sensitive to the sector classification, and the finer the level
find that it is highly dependent on economic development level and of sector classifications is, the more accurate the decomposition
population size. Zha et al. (2010) decompose the direct household results obtain.
CO2 emission in China using IDA, and conclude that the main fac- Furthermore, at present, some literature focuses on CO2 emis-
tors are energy intensity and income level. Wang et al. (2005) sion from energy consumption directly in the production process,
analyze the factors impacting CO2 emission during 1957e2000 in ignoring energy consumption and thus embodied CO2 emission of
China using the LMDI method, and argue that the reduction of the other products consumed as intermediate inputs. Based on this,
energy intensity, as well as the use of alternative energy and some scholars have begun to shed light upon the direct and total
renewable energy, can effectively decrease the CO2 emission. One CO2 emission intensity of sectors in China. For instance, Chen
of the advantages of IDA is that it has lower data requirement. Its (2009) studies the embodied CO2 emission from industrial pro-
disadvantage, however, is also obvious. It is usually employed to cesses, and considers that although some sectors have relatively
decompose the direct CO2 emission but not the indirect CO2 lower direct CO2 emission intensity, they should have undertaken
emission because it cannot depict the inputeoutput coefficient relatively larger CO2 emission because they consume a large
variations for CO2 emission, which are captured by the Leontief number of CO2 emission intensive products as intermediate inputs.
inverse matrix (Mongelli et al., 2006; Taranco  n and Del Río, 2007, However, existing studies have paid insufficient attention to such
2012; Hoekstra et al., 2003). conditions. Therefore, with the detailed study on CO2 emission
In contrast, the structure decomposition analysis (SDA) method is intensity from the sector perspective, the results obtained by our
mainly employed to decompose the indirect CO2 emission caused by study provide important information for policy makers to adjust
final demand and related factors, based on the InputeOutput household consumption structure and industrial structure in China.
method. For example, Chang and Lin (1998) examine the indirect CO2 To sum up, although previous literature has studied the indirect
emission of Taiwan during 1981e1991, and summarize that the final energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by household con-
demand level and export growth are the primary promoting factors sumption, there are still some shortcomings on the following as-
for the increase of indirect CO2 emission, and energy intensity pects. (1) With respect to the decomposition methods, the
reduction proves the main curbing factor. Taranco  n and Del Río commonly used IDA is only capable for direct CO2 emission, but
(2007) decompose the indirect CO2 emission caused by final de- incapable for the indirect CO2 emission decomposition analysis; (2)
mand and take into account three main influencing factors (i.e., previous studies often fail to reflect energy substituting conditions
direct consumption coefficient, final demand structure, and direct when examining the influencing factors of CO2 emission changes;
energy intensity) and ultimately find that final demand structure (3) factors decomposition of CO2 emission caused by household
presents the maximum influencing magnitude. Furthermore, some consumption in sector level is scarce; and (4) the direct and total
literature decomposes the indirect CO2 emission caused by house- CO2 emission intensity of sectors have been rarely investigated in
hold consumption in terms of final demand. For example, Paul and existing studies. Therefore, this paper may conduct some in-depth
Bhattacharya (2004) dissemble the factors influencing the indirect analyses to address these shortcomings.
CO2 emission by household consumption in India during 1980e1996
into pollution index, energy intensity, household consumption 3. Data and methods
structure, and household consumption level. The results show that
household consumption level exerts the greatest influence. Similarly, 3.1. Data definitions
Cellura et al. (2012) also study the indirect CO2 emission caused by
household consumption in Italy, and decompose the influencing The InputeOutput coefficient and the household consumption
factors into three categories: indirect CO2 emission intensity, Leon- are from the annually extended “InputeOutput Table” from 2000 to
tief coefficient, and households' final demand. 2010 from China InputeOutput Association. The energy consump-
Even though many previous studies usually find that China's tion by sector is from the “Consumption of Total Energy and Its
indirect CO2 emission is subject to numerous influencing factors Main Varieties by Sector” of China Energy Statistical Yearbook. The
(such as technological progress, household income, urbanization final energy consumption of industrial sectors used to calculate
level, population size, and household consumption structure), they carbon emission is from the “Final Energy Consumption by Indus-
are unable to reveal the influence of energy substitution when the trial Sector (Physical Quantity)” of China Energy Statistical Year-
influencing factors are of concern (Zha et al., 2010; Yao et al., 2012; book, and that of remaining sectors is from the “Energy Balance of
Liu et al., 2012). To solve this problem, this paper adopts the China (Physical Quantity)” of China Energy Statistical Yearbook. It
pollution index, based on Paul and Bhattacharya (2004), to repre- should be noted that the direct CO2 emission of the PDEH sector is
sent CO2 emission per unit of indirect energy consumption. calculated by energy consumption consisting of the final energy
In addition, apart from the discussion about energy conserva- consumption of the PDEH sector in “Final Energy Consumption by
tion and carbon emission reduction on the national level, there also Industrial Sector (Physical Quantity)” and the input & output of
have been many related studies on the sector level. It should be transformation for Thermal Power and Heating Supply items in
noted that sectors are not consistently divided due to different “Energy Balance of China (Physical Quantity)”.
research needs, thus the results obtained may be of great variations. The carbon emission factor is from the “2006 IPCC Guidelines for
For example, Wyckoff and Roop (1994) analyze the influence of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” of IPCC (2006). The conver-
different sector classifications in 6 OECD countries on CO2 emission, sion factors of energy from physical unit to coal equivalent, the
72 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

calorific value per unit of coal equivalent, the producer price index consumption of all sectors is equivalent to the indirect energy
(PPI) and the exchange rate of USD against Yuan (RMB) come from consumption by final demand (Das and Paul, 2014; Wang et al.,
China Statistical Yearbook (2013). Producer Price Index- 2014), the indirect energy consumption caused by final demand in
Commodities (USA) is from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the the economy can be also estimated as Eq. (5).
US. Considering the different sector classifications in the economy
between the InputeOutput Table and China Energy Statistical X
Yearbook, this paper divides the economy into as many sectors as E¼ Uk Yk (5)
possible in order to get more accurate results. Therefore, following k¼1
the method proposed by Su et al. (2010), this paper adopts the Furthermore, in order to calculate the indirect energy con-
classification of 28 sectors in the economy, as shown in Appendix A. sumption caused by household consumption which is part of final
In addition, when we calculate the carbon dioxide emission, 16 demand (sspecifically, from the structure of the InputeOutput Ta-
fossil energy sources are incorporated, i.e., raw coal, cleaned coal, ble, we learn that the final demand includes capital formation and
other washed coal, coke, coke oven gas, other gas, other coking final consumption, and final consumption includes household
products, crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, liquefied consumption and government consumption.), we should replace Yk
petroleum gas, refinery gas, other petroleum products and natural with Ck, which is the household consumption on the products of
gas. It should be noted that when we calculate the direct energy sector k and quoted in Yuan, and the indirect energy consumption
consumption of various sectors, the energy sources include elec- caused by household consumption by 28 sectors in the economy
tricity, but when the direct carbon dioxide emission of various can be estimated as Eq. (6).
sectors is calculated, electricity is not included, because the direct
consumption of electricity does not produce carbon dioxide emis-
28 X
sion. The carbon dioxide emission by electricity consumption is H¼ Hk ¼ Uk C k (6)
calculated as the indirect carbon dioxide emission of each sector, k¼1 k¼1
and this part of carbon dioxide emission is transferred from the
PDEH sector to other sectors. where Hk is the indirect energy consumption caused by household
consumption on the products of sector k and quoted in coal
3.2. Methods equivalent.

(1) Estimating the indirect energy consumption caused by (2) Estimating the indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by
household consumption household consumption

According to Miller and Blair (1985), the basic inputeoutput According to Wei et al. (2008) and Zhang and Da (2013), the
equation is as follows: calculation of carbon dioxide emission can be specified as Eq (7):

X ¼ ðI  AÞ1 Y (1) X
16 X
Dk ¼ dki ¼ eki  fi  mi   oi (7)
T i¼1 i¼1
where the total output column vector X ¼ ðX1 ; X2 ; X3 ; :::; X28 Þ and
Xk is the output of sector k quoted in Yuan; I is the unit matrix; A
where Dk is the direct carbon dioxide emission produced by sector
stands for the direct consumption coefficient matrix; and (IA)1
k; dki is the direct carbon dioxide emission caused by consumption
denotes the Leontief inverse matrix; the column vector of final
of fossil energy source i by sector k; dki is the direct consumption of
demand Y ¼ ðY1 ; Y2 ; Y3 ; :::; Y28 ÞT and Yk is the final demand towards
fossil energy source i in physical quantity by sector k; fi is the
sector k quoted in Yuan.
calorific value per unit of fossil energy source i, and fi ¼ gil, where gi
For each of the 28 sectors in our study, Rk (k ¼ 1,2,...,28) denotes
is the conversion factor from physical unit to coal equivalent of
the direct energy intensity of sector k (i.e., the direct energy con-
fossil energy source i and l is the calorific value per unit of coal
sumption per unit of output, where direct energy consumption
equivalent; mi is the carbon emission per unit of calorific for con-
means energy consumed directly in the production of output in
sumption of fossil energy source i, i.e., the carbon emission factor;
sector k), which is quoted in coal equivalent per Yuan and can be
and oi is the oxidation rate of fossil energy source i.
defined as Eq. (2).
For the 28 sectors in our study, the direct carbon dioxide
Ek emission intensity of sector k, i.e., Bk, means the direct carbon di-
Rk ¼ (2) oxide emission per unit of output of sector k and is quoted in tonnes
carbon dioxide emission per Yuan, where direct carbon dioxide
where Ek denotes the direct energy consumption in sector k, quoted emission implies carbon dioxide emission produced by energy
in coal equivalent. Thus, the row vector of direct energy intensity consumed directly in the production of output of sector k. The
for all 28 sectors is R ¼ (R1,R2,R3,...,R28). Therefore, the sum of direct direct carbon dioxide emission intensity can be written as Eq. (8),
energy consumption of all sectors, i.e., E, can be estimated as Eq. (3). and the corresponding row vector of direct carbon dioxide emission
intensity of sector k is B ¼ (B1,B2,B3,...,B28). Then, the sum of direct
E ¼ RX ¼ RðI  AÞ1 Y (3) carbon dioxide emission of all sectors, i.e., D, can be estimated as
Eq. (9).
Similarly, we further calculate the total energy intensity of
sector k, i.e., Uk. According to the InputeOutput method (Das and Dk
Paul, 2014; Wang et al., 2014), the row vector of the total energy Bk ¼ (8)
intensity for all 28 sectors can be constituted as follows:

U ¼ ðU1 ; U2 ; U3 ; :::; U28 Þ ¼ R  ðI  AÞ1 (4) D ¼ BX ¼ BðI  AÞ1 Y (9)

Meanwhile, due to the fact that the sum of direct energy According to the InputeOutput method, the row vector
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 73

constituted by the total carbon dioxide emission intensity of all 28

sectors can be specified as Eq. (10). X

DQWk ¼ DWk Uk0 Sk0 V0 P0 þ DWk ðDUk Sk0 V0 P0
F ¼ ðF1 ; F2 ; F3 ; :::; F28 Þ ¼ B  ðI  AÞ (10) 2
k¼1 k¼1
þ Uk0 DSk V0 P0 þ Uk0 Sk0 DVP0 þ Uk0 Sk0 V0 DPÞ
where Fk is the total carbon dioxide emission intensity of sector k.
Because the sum of direct carbon dioxide emission of all sectors is 1X28

equivalent to the indirect carbon dioxide emission by final demand þ DWk ðDUk DSk V0 P0 þ DUk Sk0 DVP0
(Das and Paul, 2014; Wang et al., 2014), the indirect carbon dioxide
emission caused by final demand in the economy can also be þ DUk Sk0 V0 DP þ Uk0 DSk DVP0 þ Uk0 DSk V0 DP
estimated as Eq. (11). 1X28
þ Uk0 Sk0 DVDPÞ þ DWk ðDUk DSk DVP0

28 þ DUk DSk V0 DP þ DUk Sk0 DVDP þ Uk0 DSk DVDPÞ
D¼ Fk Yk (11)
k¼1 1X28
þ DWk DUk DSk DVDP (15)
Finally, in order to calculate the indirect carbon dioxide emis- k¼1
sion caused by household consumption, we should replace Yk with
Ck, and estimate the indirect carbon dioxide emission from 28 DQUk indicates the energy intensity effect on the changes of indirect
sectors caused by household consumption as Eq. (12). carbon dioxide emission, as shown in Eq. (16).

28 X
Q¼ Qk ¼ Fk Ck (12) X

k¼1 k¼1
DQUk ¼ DUk Wk0 Sk0 V0 P0 þ DUk ðDWk Sk0 V0 P0
k¼1 k¼1
where Qk is the indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by þ Wk0 DSk V0 P0 þ Wk0 Sk0 DVP0 þ Wk0 Sk0 V0 DPÞ
household consumption on the products of sector k.
þ DUk ðDWk DSk V0 P0 þ DWk Sk0 DVP0
(3) The decomposition of indirect carbon dioxide emission 3
caused by household consumption þ DWk Sk0 V0 DP þ Wk0 DSk DVP0 þ Wk0 DSk V0 DP

The indirect carbon dioxide emission as mentioned in Eq. (12) 1X28

þ Wk0 Sk0 DVDPÞ þ DUk ðDWk DSk DVP0
can be decomposed into the following five types of effect as Eq. 4
þ DWk DSk V0 DP þ DWk Sk0 DVDP þ Wk0 DSk DVDPÞ
P28 þ DWk DUk DSk DVDP
Qk C Ck 5
Qk ¼  P28k  k¼1
P k¼1
Ck P
k¼1 Ck (16)
Q H C k¼1 Ck
¼ k  k  P28k   P ¼ Wk Uk Sk VP (13) DQSk stands for the household consumption structure effect on the
Hk Ck P
k¼1 Ck changes of indirect carbon dioxide emission, as shown in Eq. (17).
where Wk ¼ Hk
, which means the carbon dioxide emission per unit
of energy for sector k, i.e., the pollution coefficient; Uk ¼ H
Ck , which

indicates energy consumption per unit of household consumption

DQSk ¼ DSk Uk0 Wk0 V0 P0 þ DSk ðDUk Wk0 V0 P0
on products of sector k, as shown in Eq. (6), i.e., the total energy 2
k¼1 k¼1
intensity; Sk ¼ PC28k , which implies the proportion of household þ Uk0 DWk V0 P0 þ Uk0 Wk0 DVP0 þ Uk0 Wk0 V0 DPÞ
consumption on the products of sector k in the total household 1X28
consumption, i.e., the household consumption structure; and þ DSk ðDUk DWk V0 P0 þ DUk Wk0 DVP0
P28 3
Ck k¼1
V ¼ k¼1 , i.e., the household consumption per capita and Pis the
P þ DUk Wk0 V0 DP þ Uk0 DWk DVP0 þ Uk0 DWk V0 DP
population size.
Then, according to Sun (1998) and Das and Paul (2014), the 1X28
þ Uk0 Wk0 DVDPÞ þ DSk ðDUk DWk DVP0
contribution of the five effects to the changes of indirect carbon 4
dioxide emission caused by household consumption on the prod-
ucts of sector k can be written as Eq. (14). þ DUk DWk V0 DP þ DUk Wk0 DVDP þ Uk0 DWk DVDPÞ
DQk ¼ DQWk þ DQUk þ DQSk þ DQVk þ DQPk (14)
where DQWk is the pollution effect on the changes of indirect car-
bon dioxide emission caused by household consumption on the DQVk denotes the household consumption per capita effect on the
products of sector k during 2000e2010, as shown in Eq. (15). changes of indirect carbon dioxide emission, as shown in Eq. (18).
74 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

1X28 163%, from 319 million tonnes carbon dioxide emission in
DQVk ¼ DVUk0 Sk0 Wk0 P0 þ DVðDUk Sk0 Wk0 P0 2000 to 838 million tonnes carbon dioxide emission in 2010.
k¼1 k¼1 (2) The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused
þ Uk0 DSk Wk0 P0 þ Uk0 Sk0 DWk P0 þ Uk0 Sk0 Wk0 DPÞ by household consumption experience an overall increase
despite a short-lived decline, which are mainly attributed to
þ DVðDUk DSk Wk0 P0 þ DUk Sk0 DWk P0 the influence of per capita household consumption increase.
3 Specifically, China's per capita household consumption rose
þ DUk Sk0 Wk0 DP þ Uk0 DSk DWk0 P0 þ Uk DSk Wk0 DP 148% from 2000 to 2010, which drives the forceful growth of
energy consumption and corresponding CO2 emission.
(3) The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission are the
þ Uk0 Sk0 DWk DPÞ þ DVðDUk DSk DWk P0
4 main sources for energy consumption and CO2 emission
caused by household consumption, respectively. Specifically,
þ DUk DSk Wk0 DP þ DUk Sk0 DWk DP þ Uk0 DSk DWk DPÞ
the indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by
1X28 household consumption during 2000e2010 were 2.2e3.4
þ DWk DUk DSk DVDP times and 3.4e5.3 times of their direct counterparts, respec-
tively, and 69%e77% and 77%e84% of total energy consump-
(18) tion and CO2 emission caused by household consumption,
respectively. These results echo with that by Reinders et al.
and DQPk implies the population effect on the changes of indirect (2003), which indicates that the direct energy consumption
carbon dioxide emission, as shown in Eq. (19). caused by household consumption in 11 European countries
merely accounts for 35% of total energy consumed by house-
holds, much lower than that of the indirect component.
DQPk ¼ DPUk0 Sk0 Wk0 V0 þ DPðDUk Sk0 Wk0 V0
k¼1 k¼1
þ Uk0 DSk Wk0 V0 þ Uk0 Sk0 DWk V0 þ Uk0 Sk0 Wk0 DVÞ
4.2. The decomposition of indirect CO2 emission caused by
1X28 household consumption
þ DPðDUk DSk Wk0 V0 þ DUk Sk0 DWk V0
To better control CO2 emission, this study investigates the
þ DUk Sk0 Wk0 DV þ Uk0 DSk DWk V0 þ Uk0 DSk Wk0 DV variation of indirect CO2 emission caused by household consump-
1X28 tion during 2000e2010. The influencing factors considered here
þ Uk0 Sk0 DWk DVÞ þ DPðDUk DSk DWk V0 include pollution index, energy intensity, household consumption
k¼1 structure, per capita household consumption and population size
þ DUk DSk Wk0 DV þ DUk Sk0 DWk DV þ Uk0 DSk DWk DVÞ (see Fig. 2). The following findings are obtained.

(1) Among the five key factors as aforementioned, the increase of
5 per capita household consumption plays the most important
(19) role in promoting indirect CO2 emission. During 2000e2010,
the indirect CO2 emission caused by household consumption
increased 164% due to the 146% of growth of per capita
4. Results and discussions household consumption, from 3496 Yuan per person in 2000
up to 8590 Yuan per person in 2010, i.e., from 422 USD per
4.1. The energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by person up to 912 USD per person, with the exchange rate of
household consumption USD against Yuan and the PPI (USA) shown in Appendix B. This
attributes to the fact that the rapid economic development
Based on Eqs. (6) and (12), this paper finds that, on the one hand, during this period greatly spurred the steady growth of
the sum of direct and indirect energy consumption caused by household consumption (Zhang, 2011). Similar case has been
household consumption accounts for 40% of the total energy con- found in India. For instance, Paul and Bhattacharya (2004)
sumption in China on average during 2000e2010, while the CO2 decompose the influencing factors for the indirect CO2 emis-
emission caused by household consumption accounts for 41% of the sion caused by household consumption during 1980e1996 in
total on average, which are shown in Fig. 1 and basically in accor- India, and also find that economic growth serves as the main
dance with the results by Liu et al. (2011). These findings suggest factor for the growth of indirect CO2 emission caused by
that neither the direct nor indirect energy consumption and CO2 household consumption during that period.
emission caused by household consumption can be neglected, (2) Energy intensity decrease appears as the main curbing factor
which would otherwise underestimate the energy consumption to inhibit the growth of indirect CO2 emission caused by
and carbon emission demand projections in China; meanwhile, household consumption. Owing to total energy intensity
neglecting either of them can potentially add difficulty in achieving decrease by 44% from 193 tonnes coal equivalent per million
the targets for energy conservation and carbon emission reduction. Yuan in 2000 down to 107 tonnes coal equivalent per million
According to Fig. 1, the following results can be captured: Yuan in 2010, i.e., from 1.6 tonnes coal equivalent per thousand
USD down to 1.0 tonnes coal equivalent per thousand USD, the
(1) The direct energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by indirect CO2 emission declined by 126%. Similarly, Paul and
household consumption increase year-by-year. During Bhattacharya (2004) argue that the decrease of energy in-
2000e2010, the direct energy consumption by household tensity plays an important role in reducing the indirect CO2
consumption increased 121%, from 156 million tonnes coal emission caused by household consumption in India.
equivalent up to 346 million tonnes coal equivalent. The (3) The influence of pollution index, household consumption
direct CO2 emission caused by household consumption rose structure and population size on the indirect CO2 emission
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 75

3000 800

( Million tonnes coal equivalent )


Energy consump on

Carbon dioxide emission (Million tonnes)


1500 400


0 0
2000 2002 2005 2007 2010
Direct carbon dioxide emission Indirect carbon dioxide emission

Direct energy consump on Indirect energy consump on

Fig. 1. Energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption during 2000e2010 (This figure generates from our estimates).

caused by household consumption appears to be relatively 4.3. The indirect CO2 emission from key carbon intensive sectors
weaker. This finding is not consistent with those by some and its decomposition
previous literature. For instance, the results by Zhao et al.
(2012) on the urban household energy consumption in The variations of indirect CO2 emission from 2000 to 2010
China during 1998e2007 suggest that population growth caused by household consumption among the 28 sectors are shown
acts as the main cause for the urban household energy con- in Table C of Appendix C. From Table C, we single out 14 sectors with
sumption increase. Additionally, Wang et al. (2015b) relatively higher indirect CO2 emission and larger changes of in-
decompose the indirect CO2 emission caused by household direct CO2 emission caused by household consumption from 2000
consumption in China during 1992e2007, and point out that to 2010. Figs. 3 and 4 show the indirect energy consumption and
household consumption level improvement, household CO2 emission caused by household consumption on the products of
consumption structure changes, and population growth all the 14 sectors based on Eqs. (6) and (12). Fig. 5 shows the factor
significantly promote the rising indirect CO2 emission. The decomposition of indirect carbon dioxide emission produced by
difference can be explained from at least three aspects. ① these 14 sectors and some results are obtained as follows:
Their sample periods are different; ② they employ different
decomposition methods, and the influence of residuals is (1) The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused
varying; and ③ they use different sector aggregating by household consumption on the FFAF sector products
methods; specifically, Wang et al. (2015b) aggregate all the presents a year-by-year decreasing trend, down from 79
economic industries into 22 sectors, while we take the 28 million tonnes coal equivalent and 238 million tonnes in
sector classification. Another thing should be noted that the 2000 to 43 million tonnes coal equivalent and 134 million
effect of household consumption structure on carbon dioxide tonnes in 2010, respectively. The reasons for such decrease
changes is negative from 2007 to 2010, which in fact indicates are mainly twofolds. On the one hand, the rise of biological
the transmission of people's consumption patterns; specif- low-carbon agriculture reduces the utilization of pesticide
ically, they tend to be more low-carbon due to the increase of and fertilizer, and meanwhile, agricultural straw burning is
affordability and awareness of environmental protection and strictly controlled. On the other hand, household consump-
health, which may be discussed in detail below. tion on the products of sector FFAF declines from 1096 billion

Pollu on Energy intensity
Household consump on structure Household consump on per capita
Popula on Total

Effect of factors







2000 2002 2005 2007 2010

Fig. 2. The effect decomposition of indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption during 2000e2010. (This figure generates from our estimate).
76 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83


Energy consump on ( Million tonnes coal equivalent )

2000 2002 2005 2007 2010









Fig. 3. The indirect energy consumption caused by household consumption on the products of key carbon intensive sectors during 2000e2010. The sector name abbreviations in
the horizontal axis can be found in Appendix A. (This figure generates from our estimate).


CO2 emission (Million tonnes)

2000 2002 2005 2007 2010






Fig. 4. The indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption on the products of key carbon intensive sectors during 2000e2010. The sector name abbreviations
in the horizontal axis can be found in Appendix A. (This figure generates from our estimate).

Yuan in 2000 to 977 billion Yuan in 2010, i.e., from 132 billion sectors experiences a year-by-year increasing trend; therein,
USD down to 104billion USD (NBSC, 2013b). the indirect CO2 emission caused by household consumption
(2) The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused on the products of the OTHERS sector ranks the top, followed
by household consumption on the products of the other 13 by PDEH, MFT, FFAF, TSP, WRHR and MCM in sequence.


CO2 emission (Million tonnes)




Pollu on Energy intensity
Household consump on structure Household consump on per capita
Popula on











Fig. 5. The effect decomposition of indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption on the products of some key sectors from 2000 to 2010. The sector name
abbreviations in the horizontal axis can be found in Appendix A. (This figure generates from our estimate).
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 77

Specifically, during 2000e2010, the household consumption to the 45% reduction of total energy intensity of these six
on the products of these sectors resultd in indirect CO2 sectors from 126 tonnes coal equivalent per million Yuan
emission of 415, 291, 269, 185, 165,157 and 134 million tonnes down to 69 tonnes coal equivalent per million Yuan on
carbon dioxide emission on average, respectively. Thus, they average, i.e., from 1043 tonnes coal equivalent per million USD
are the key sectors for carbon emissions reduction in China. It down to 650 tonnes coal equivalent per million USD on
should be noted that the indirect energy consumption average. India has similar situation, as Paul and Bhattacharya
embodied in household consumption for sector PDEH is not (2004) point out that the decline of energy intensity in India
large but it has a high indirect CO2 emission. As we know, during 1980e1996 acted as the main factor for the reduction
electricity does not produce CO2 emission directly when of indirect CO2 emission caused by household consumption.
consumed. In order to avoid repeated calculation, the input & (3) The consumption behavior inclination of people gradually
output of transformation for Thermal Power and Heating transfers from the survival-oriented pattern towards the
Supply items in “Energy Balance of China (Physical Quan- development-oriented and leisure-oriented patterns. In fact,
tity)” is not calculated when getting indirect energy con- according to the report in People's Daily in China, along with
sumption caused by household consumption for sector the continuous increase of people's income, the household
PDEH. However, it is calculated when the indirect CO2 consumption structure has upgraded along the evolving path
emission caused by household consumption for sector PDEH from clothing and food, shelter and means of traveling, towards
is concerned, because it produces CO2 emission in the pro- leisure and recreation. As a result, the expenditure proportions
ntara and Padilla
duction process of electricity. Similarly, Alca of healthcare, leisure and other emerging modern life services
(2003) point out that the sectors including transport, have ushered in the outbreak period.2 From the year of
chemistry, steel and food are the key ones for the indirect 2000e2010, the household consumption on the products of
energy consumption caused by final demand in Spain. The survival sectors, comprising FFAF and MFT, in the total house-
reason for the high emission in these sectors in our study hold consumption was reduced by 16% and 1.3%, respectively,
mainly includes high household consumption, high carbon which caused the indirect CO2 emission of these sectors for the
emission intensity etc. For example, the OTHERS sector factor of household consumption structure to decline, as
(including sectors “Finance and Insurance Industry”, “Real shown in Fig. 5. Meanwhile, the proportions of household
Estate”, “Education”, “Health, Social Security and Social consumption on product of development-oriented and leisure-
Welfare Projects” etc.) is an important part of the Tertiary oriented sectors, including TSP, WRHR and OTHERS, in the total
industry and closely with the households and their con- household consumption were increased by 1.6%, 3.6%, and
sumption in this sector is relatively higher; specifically, 31% 15.7%, respectively. Consequently, the indirect CO2 emission of
of total household consumption in 2010 (please see these sectors for household consumption structure factor has
Appendix D for the household consumption of sectors in increased (see Fig. 5). Spain has seen similar situation. For
2010). Besides, the total carbon emission intensity of the instance, Taranco n and Del Río (2007) find that the fuel
OTHERS sector appears high, because this sector is closely improvement technology in transport sector in Spain reduces
related to other sectors and the consumption of other in- the indirect CO2 emission caused by final demand; however,
dustries is partly driven by its product consumption. For such reduction is offset by the CO2 emission caused by the final
example, in the sector “Education” in OTHERS, the facilities demand increase in transport sector.
and books needed by educational activities are supplied by (4) Pollution index and population size exert insignificant in-
other sectors, such as, sectors MPPA and MCCO. Therefore, its fluence on all the 14 sectors in terms of the indirect CO2
embodied indirect carbon emissions are fairly higher. emission caused by household consumption. Previous
studies on the influencing factors of China's CO2 emission
Then, based on Eqs. 15e19, this paper decomposes the changes also have achieved similar conclusions. For example, Zhu and
of indirect carbon dioxide emission produced by a single sector into Peng (2012) investigate the influencing factors for China's
5 types of effect, including pollution index, energy intensity, CO2 emission and suggest that population size exerts little
household consumption structure, per capita household con- effect on CO2 emission.
sumption and population size. The results are shown in Fig. 5, and
several findings are acquired as follows.
4.4. Comparison of the direct and total CO2 emission intensity
(1) The increase of per capita household consumption is always among key sectors
the main factor for the increase of indirect CO2 emissions
caused by household consumption on the products of various Fig. 6 Illustrates the comparison results of the direct and total
sectors, among which the OTHERS, MFT, PDEH, FFAF, MCM, CO2 emission intensity of the 28 sectors mentioned above and Fig. 7
TSP and WRHR sectors are influenced most. From 2000 to further illustrates the comparison results of the direct and total CO2
2010, the indirect CO2 emission influenced by the increase of emission in 28 sectors caused by household consumption in 2010,
per capita household consumption on the products of these which are calculated by the direct and total CO2 emission intensity
seven sectors increased 4.53, 3.79, 3.01, 2.69, 1.90,1.70 and 1.69 multiply by household consumption, respectively. The following
tonnes carbon dioxide emission, respectively. findings are identified.
(2) The reduction of energy intensity, namely, the improvement
of energy efficiency and technology, significantly decreases (1) The top seven sectors with higher direct CO2 emission in-
the indirect CO2 emission caused by household consumption tensity include PDEH, SPM, PPCPN, MNM, MCM, TSP and
on the products of fourteen sectors, among which six sectors MWC. Similarly, Zhu et al. (2012) state that MWC, PPCPN, SPM
exert the most significant influence, i.e., OTHERS, MFT, PDEH, sectors have been those with highest CO2 emission intensity in
WRHR, FFAF and TSP sectors. From 2000 to 2010, the indirect China in 2005. The sectors with higher CO2 emission intensity
CO2 emission influenced by the total energy intensity reduc-
tion of these six sectors decreased by 4.43, 2.69, 2.36, 1.75, 1.63
and 1.43 tonnes carbon dioxide emission, respectively, owing 2
78 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

basically keep unchanged from 2000 to 2010. In recent years, household consumption is mainly achieved by consuming
China has eliminated a great deal of backward production the products. In 2010, the energy consumption and CO2
capacity and vigorously promoted the strategic emerging in- emission caused by household consumption accounted for
dustries to control CO2 emission from these sectors. 40% and 41% of the total energy consumption and CO2
(2) The top seven sectors with higher total CO2 emission in- emission in China, respectively. Thus, neither of them can be
tensity comprise PDEH, SPM, MM, MNM, MCM, PPCPN and neglected for implementing energy conservation and carbon
PDW, and total CO2 emission for sectors PDEH, MCM and emission reduction strategies.
PPCPN caused by household consumption is large, as can be (2) Overall, the indirect CO2 emission caused by household
seen from Fig. 7, due to much household consumption on the consumption presents an increasing trend. The increase of
products of these sectors. Although sectors SPM and MNM do per capita household consumption and improvement of en-
not have large total CO2 emission, they show larger direct ergy intensity act as the primary influencing factors for in-
CO2 emission intensity. Sectors MM and PDW do not have direct CO2 emission caused by household consumption.
large total CO2 emission, and they also show the lower direct Therein, the sectors, such as OTHERS, MFT, PDEH, WRHR,
CO2 emission intensity. So these five sectors including PDEH, FFAF and TSP, are most affected by both factors, which are the
SPM, MNM, MCM and PPCPN are the key sectors for energy key sectors need to be paid attention to. Besides, the
conservation and emission reduction in China. behavior preference of household consumption in China has
(3) Some sectors have relatively lower direct CO2 emission in- transformed from the survival-oriented pattern to the
tensity while higher total CO2 emission intensity, including development-oriented and the leisure-oriented patterns.
MM, PDW, ME, MPM and MGSM. The main reason lies in that Therefore, it is of great importance to encourage rational
the production in these sectors highly depends on the consumption and improve the household consumption
products of carbon intensive sectors as the intermediate in- structure so as to promote low-carbon lives in China.
puts, but the total CO2 emission for sectors MM, PDW, MPM (3) The sectors with higher direct or total CO2 emission intensity,
and MGSM caused by household consumption is relatively including PDEH, SPM, MNM, MCM and PPCPN should be paid
fewer, as shown in Fig. 7, due to little household consump- great attention to reducing CO2 emission in China. Mean-
tion on the products of these sectors, so they are not while, sector ME presents lower direct CO2 emission in-
important as sector ME in control of carbon emission. With tensity while higher total CO2 emission intensity, and should
respect to sector ME, it has to accelerate the replacement of accelerate the use of clean and environment friendly prod-
CO2 intensive intermediate inputs with clean and environ- ucts as the intermediate products.
ment friendly products, so as to slow down its CO2 intensity.
5.2. Policy implications
5. Conclusions and policy implications
The results above indicate that the energy consumption and CO2
5.1. Main conclusions emission caused by household consumption, especially the indirect
components, have accounted for relatively larger proportions in the
This study proposes the InputeOutput method to measure the total in the past decade in China. Therefore, when projecting the en-
direct and indirect CO2 emission caused by household consump- ergy consumption demand and carbon emission demand which are of
tion, decomposes the influencing factors for the indirect CO2 concern in China, we cannot only consider the influence of economic
emission, and analyzes the direct and total CO2 emission intensity growth as usual; when policies are made to cut China's energy in-
among key carbon intensive sectors during 2000e2010 in China. tensity and carbon emission intensity in the near future, we should
The main conclusions are soundly drawn as follows. not only reckon on the relationship adjustment among economic
growth, energy consumption and carbon emission, as often suggested
(1) The indirect energy consumption and CO2 emission caused by previous literature. The role of household consumption in reducing
by household consumption accounts for 69%e77% and 77%e energy conservation and carbon emission has to be understood.
84% of their corresponding totals, respectively. That means Otherwise, the real energy consumption and carbon emission will be
the energy consumption and carbon emission caused by underestimated, and it will be very challenging to realize China's

Carbon dioxide emission intensity (Tonnes /million USD)

Direct carbon dioxide emission intensity Total carbon dioxide emission intensity















Fig. 6. The direct and total carbon dioxide emission intensity of 28 sectors in 2010. The abbreviations of the sectors in the horizontal axis can be found in Appendix A. The Producer
Price Index (USA) here is based on the year of 2010. (This figure generates from our estimate).
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 79


Direct carbon dioxide emission Total carbon dioxide emission


CO2 emission (Million tonnes)






















Fig. 7. The direct and total carbon dioxide emission of 28 sectors caused by household consumption in 2010. The abbreviations of the sectors in the horizontal axis can be found in
Appendix A. (This figure generates from our estimate).

targets of reducing 16% energy intensity and 17% carbon emission large-scale application of solar thermal systems in industry,
intensity during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011e2015), and public institutions, commercial and household lives.
reducing 40%e45% carbon emission intensity by 2020 compared with (4) Chinese government is expected to strengthen the con-
the 2005 level. Besides, the results imply that adjusting the economic struction of low-carbon society, develop low-carbon com-
and consumption structure and improving efficiency should be munity and promote low-carbon lifestyles. Specifically, the
adopted by China's government to achieve the targets of energy government is supposed to advocate the construction of
conservation and emission reduction when expanding domestic energy-efficient buildings, the extensive use of new energy
consumption. Specifically, according to the research results in this vehicles and the popularization of green traffic. For instance,
study, the following policy implications worth to be considered by according to the Suzhou Daily, the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu
Chinese government and carbon-intensive sectors or enterprises. province of China has launched a plan of public bicycles since
August 2010, and by the end of 2014, over 500 thousand
(1) By way of incentive guidance on publics and support on new citizens have traveled by bicycle. As a result, 3800 tonnes
energy enterprises, the government should consistently carbon emission could be decreased in one year.3
guide rational household consumption, improve household
energy consumption structure, advocate new energy pol- It should be noted that it is a tough and long-term work to reduce
icies, encourage the utilization of environment friendly energy use and CO2 emission in China, and there is a great amount of
products, promote the products of new energy enterprises future work to be done to achieve such goals. For instance, this study
with the opportunities of “15th March” (i.e., the World has not considered the influence of population structure (such as
Consumer Right Day), formulate certain preferential policies different income groups) on indirect CO2 emission caused by
for new energy enterprises, and encourage people and household consumption. Meanwhile, the social cultural features and
related enterprises to consciously use low-carbon products. income level of households can be investigated in the future when
Household should reduce the consumption on products of decomposing CO2 emission caused by household consumption.
these sectors with high total CO2 emission intensity.
(2) Through industrial policy adjustment and technology import, Acknowledgments
the government should promote the upgrade and trans-
formation of the sectors with higher CO2 emission intensity. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Na-
On the one hand, Chinese government should continue to tional Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 71001008,
enhance the development and transformation of sectors with 71273028, 71322103).
excess capacity by way of subsidies and taxes. Energy in-
tensity decrease appears as the main curbing factor to inhibit Appendix A. Sector aggregation
the growth of indirect CO2 emission caused by household
consumption, therefore, it is required to reorganize and 1. The sector aggregation in the “InputeOutput Table”
optimize existing higher energy-consuming sectors and
resolutely cancel low-efficient and high energy-consuming The sectors in InputeOutput Table in 2007 are essentially
projects. On the other hand, the government is expected to consistent with that in 2002 except the following sectors.
strengthen the policy inclination to high technology import “Tourism” is included in InputeOutput table in 2002 not in 2007.
in energy exploration and exploitation and encourage low- “Water conservancy, environment and public facilities manage-
carbon technology investment of related enterprises. ment industry” is in InputeOutput Table in 2007, but not in 2002.
(3) Chinese government needs to shape some stimulating eco- These two sectors both belong to “Other Service Industry”, so they
nomic and tax policies to guide related carbon-intensive
sectors and enterprises to actively promote the use of
renewable energy, such as solar energy, and advocate the 3
80 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

are both retained in ”Other”. The other sectors are the same, and 3. The 28 sectors in this paper and their abbreviations
they are aggregated into the following:
Table A
The name abbreviations of 28 sectors concerned in this paper.a
(1) “Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing
(Including Recycling and Disposal of Waste)” is aggregated No. Sector Name abb.
by “Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing” and 1 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Water FFAF
“Recycling and Disposal of Waste”. Conservancy
(2) “Transport, Storage and Post” is aggregated by “Transport 2 Mining and Washing of Coal MWC
3 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas EPN
and Storage”, “Post” and “Information Transmission, Com-
4 Mining and Processing of Metal Ores MPM
puter Services and Software”. 5 Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores MPN
(3) “Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants” is aggregated 6 Manufacture of Foods and Tobacco MFT
by “Wholesale and Retail Trade” and “Hotel and Restaurants”. 7 Manufacture of Textile MT
(4) “Others” is aggregated by “Finance and Insurance Industry”, 8 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel, Leather, Feather and MWLFR
Related Products
“Real Estate”, “Leasing and Business Service”, “Scientific 9 Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Furniture PTMF
Investigation”, “Integrated Technological Services”, “Other 10 Manufacture of Paper, Printing and Articles For Culture, MPPA
Social Services”, “Education”, “Health, Social Security and Education and Sport Activity
Social Welfare Projects”, “Culture, Sports and Entertainment” 11 Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel PPCPN
12 Manufacture of Chemical Materials MCM
and “Public Administration and Social Organizations”.
13 Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products MNM
14 Smelting and Pressing of Metals SPM
In the end, the number of aggregated sectors in the 15 Manufacture of Metal Products MM
“InputeOutput Table” arrives at 28, which are consistent with the 16 Manufacture of General and Special Purpose Machinery MGSM
sectors in the “Energy Balance of China” as follows. 17 Manufacture of Transport Equipment MTE
18 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment ME
19 Manufacture of Communication Equipment, Computers and MCCO
2. The sector aggregation in the “Energy Balance of China” Other Electronic Equipment
20 Manufacture of Measuring Instruments and Machinery for MMCO
(1) “Mining and Processing of Metal Ores” is aggregated by Cultural Activity and Office Work
21 Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing(Including MAO
“Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores” and “Mining
Recycling and Disposal of Waste)
and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores”, while the 22 Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power PDEH
“Mining of Other Ores” is deleted. 23 Production and Distribution of Gas PDS
(2) “Manufacture of Foods and Tobacco” is aggregated by “Pro- 24 Production and Distribution of Water PDW
cessing of Food from Agricultural Products”, “Manufacture of 25 Construction CS
26 Transport, Storage and Post TSP
Foods”, “Manufacture of Beverages” and “Manufacture of 27 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel,Restaurants WRHR
Tobacco”. 28 Others OTHERS
(3) “Manufacture of Wearing Apparel, Leather, Feather and a
This table generates from “InputeOutput Table” and China Energy Statistical
Related Products” is aggregated by “Manufacture of Textile Yearbook.
Wearing Apparel, Footwear and Caps” and “Manufacture of Appendix B. Conversion coefficients
Leather, Fur, Feather and Related Products”.
(4) “Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Furniture” is aggre-
gated by “Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Wood, Table B.1
Bamboo, Rattan, Palm and Straw Products” and “Manufac- Exchange rate of USD against Yuan.a

ture of Furniture”. Year Exchange rate of 100 USD against Yuan (Yuan)
(5) “Manufacture of Paper, Printing and Articles For Culture, 2000 827.84
Education and Sport Activity” is aggregated by “Manufacture 2002 827.70
of Paper and Paper Products”, “Printing, Reproduction of 2005 819.17
Recording Media” and “Manufacture of Articles For Culture, 2007 760.40
2010 676.95
Education and Sport Activity”.
(6) “Manufacture of Chemical Materials” is aggregated by
Data come from NBSC (2013b).
“Manufacture of Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Table B.2
Products”, “Manufacture of Medicines”, “Manufacture of Producer price index-Commodities (USA).a
Chemical Fibers”, “Manufacture of Rubber” and “Manufac- Year Annual producer price Index-Commodities (base year:1982 ¼ 100)
ture of Plastics”.
2000 132.7
(7) “Smelting and Pressing of Metals” is aggregated by “Smelting
2002 131.1
and Pressing of Ferrous Metals” and “Smelting and Pressing 2005 157.4
of Non-ferrous Metals”. 2007 172.6
(8) “Manufacture of General and Special Purpose Machinery” is 2010 184.7
aggregated by “Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery” a
Data come from NBSC (2013b).
and “Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery”. Table B.3
(9) “Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing Producer price index (China).a
(Including Recycling and Disposal of Waste)” is aggregated
Year Annual producer price Index (base year:1985 ¼ 100)
by “Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing” and
“Recycling and Disposal of Waste”. 2000 303.1
2002 292.6
2005 333.2
As a result, the number of aggregated sectors in the “Energy 2007 353.8
Balance of China” also reaches 28, which corresponds to sectors in 2010 377.5
the “InputeOutput Table” above. a
Data come from NBSC (2013b).
Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83 81

Appendix C. Indirect CO2 emission changes

Table C
The changes of indirect carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption on the products of 28 sectors from 2000 to 2010.a

No. Sector CO2 emission in 2000 CO2 emission in 2010 Change (million Change (%)
(million tonnes carbon (million tonnes carbon tonnes carbon
dioxide emission) dioxide emission) dioxide emission)

1 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Water 238.19 134.30 103.89 43.62
2 Mining and Washing of Coal 5.42 3.77 1.66 30.55
3 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 1.10 0.00 1.10 100.00
4 Mining and Processing of Metal Ores 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores 1.12 0.00 1.12 100.00
6 Manufacture of Foods and Tobacco 230.61 398.71 168.11 72.90
7 Manufacture of Textile 25.65 10.92 14.73 57.43
8 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel, Leather, Feather and Related 80.39 168.42 88.03 109.49
9 Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Furniture 23.57 19.10 4.47 18.96
10 Manufacture of Paper, Printing and Articles For Culture, 20.94 21.43 0.49 2.32
Education and Sport Activity
11 Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel 8.40 60.02 51.61 614.12
12 Manufacture of Chemical Materials 142.36 147.82 5.46 3.84
13 Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products 75.87 14.30 61.57 81.15
14 Smelting and Pressing of Metals 3.57 0.00 3.57 100.00
15 Manufacture of Metal Products 28.93 22.53 6.41 22.14
16 Manufacture of General and Special Purpose Machinery 3.87 3.30 0.57 14.61
17 Manufacture of Transport Equipment 52.95 143.65 90.70 171.30
18 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment 99.58 124.66 25.08 25.18
19 Manufacture of Communication Equipment, Computers and 44.96 65.43 20.46 45.52
Other Electronic Equipment
20 Manufacture of Measuring Instruments and Machinery for 3.32 8.85 5.52 166.22
Cultural Activity and Office Work
21 Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing (Including 15.68 44.36 28.68 182.94
Recycling and Disposal of Waste)
22 Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power 149.74 384.45 234.71 156.75
23 Production and Distribution of Gas 21.46 25.24 3.78 17.61
24 Production and Distribution of Water 10.42 37.64 27.23 261.38
25 Construction 0.00 39.76 39.76 0.00
26 Transport, Storage and Post 85.15 210.83 125.68 147.61
27 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel,Restaurants 93.86 176.09 82.23 87.61
28 Others 202.80 583.08 380.29 187.52
This table generates from our estimate.

Appendix D. Household consumption

Table D
Household consumption of China in 2000 and 2010.a

No. Sector Household consumption Household consumption in 2010

in 2000 (billion Yuan) (billion Yuan, after adjustment)

1 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Water Conservancy 1095.55 977.17
2 Mining and Washing of Coal 8.03 10.97
3 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 1.70 0.00
4 Mining and Processing of Metal Ores 0.00 0.00
5 Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores 2.38 0.00
6 Manufacture of Foods and Tobacco 882.79 2238.59
7 Manufacture of Textile 73.77 41.17
8 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel, Leather, Feather and Related Products 267.22 665.16
9 Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Furniture 51.80 58.98
10 Manufacture of Paper, Printing and Articles For Culture, Education and Sport Activity 41.79 61.65
11 Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel 12.34 110.26
12 Manufacture of Chemical Materials 168.97 268.63
13 Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products 72.15 24.85
14 Smelting and Pressing of Metals 2.55 0.00
15 Manufacture of Metal Products 34.96 39.06
16 Manufacture of General and Special Purpose Machinery 5.75 7.30
17 Manufacture of Transport Equipment 92.05 376.71
18 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment 138.22 260.30
19 Manufacture of Communication Equipment, Computers and Other Electronic 109.01 201.32
(continued on next page)
82 Y.-J. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 163 (2017) 69e83

Table D (continued )

No. Sector Household consumption Household consumption in 2010

in 2000 (billion Yuan) (billion Yuan, after adjustment)

20 Manufacture of Measuring Instruments and Machinery for Cultural Activity and Office 6.50 26.51
21 Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacturing (Including Recycling and Disposal of 40.22 192.38
22 Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power 70.50 222.35
23 Production and Distribution of Gas 21.08 78.85
24 Production and Distribution of Water 14.83 72.62
25 Construction 0.00 100.23
26 Transport, Storage and Post 165.27 608.80
27 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel,Restaurants 347.31 1322.63
28 Others 710.42 3652.85
Household consumption in 2000 is from inputeoutput table in 2000 and that in 2010 generates from our estimate.

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