III Q3 EXAM Answer Key

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Directions: Write the letter before the number that corresponds to the correct answer. Strictly no erasures, alterations and
superimpositions allowed.

1. What is an informal or indirect expression of knowledge? c. search for valid and relevant evidence
a. books c. sentences d. selection of appropriate questions
b. gestures d. words 14. What is the last element of inquiry-based learning?
2. What characterizes inquiry? a. application of evidence to identified issues
a. it is designed to generate multiple alternatives b. interpretation and assessment of evidence
b. it encourages an exchange of ideas c. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
c. it is an open process absorption d. reflection on and assessment of the learning process
d. all of the above 15. Which of the following are the most distinguishing
3. Which of the following are benefits of brainstorming when characteristics of inquiry based learning?
compared to nominal group technique? a. it begins with a question
a. brainstorming is more fun b. students use hand-on instruction
b. brainstorming can generate a positive organizational c. it is student-centered
climate d. it is teacher-centered
c. brainstorming can inspire talented and highly skilled 16. The part of your study that will provide context to the
employees to remain in an organization information discussed throughout the research process.
d. all of the above a. Background of the Study
4. Which of the following statements about brainstorming is b. Scope and delimitation of the study
NOT correct? c. Operational Definition
a. brainstorming is often used for creative problem- d. Significance of the study
solving 17. An analytical tool with several variations and contexts.
b. No criticism is allowed in brainstorming a. Scope and delimitation of the study
c. Brainstorming is a vulnerable game without rules or b. Conceptual Framework
guidelines c. Significance of the study
d. All participants in brainstorming should be given a d. Operational Definition
chance to 18. The part of your states what the researcher expects to
contribute to the process find- it is the tentative answer to the research question
5. Which of the following is a limitation to brainstorming? that guides the entire study.
a. free riders work harder in a group a. Research Significance
b. only a few people can contribute b. Research Truth
c. People are more willing to talk because they are part c. Research Hypothesis
of a group d. Research Operation Definition
d. only one person can speak at a time 19. In making your conceptual framework which is not
6. How many people should there be in a brainstorm? included in the steps stated below.
a. 1-2 c. 4-5 a. Conduct a Literature c. Write a Narrative
b. 3 d. 6-10 b. Create a Flow chart d. Do not return and revise
7. What are the two phases of brainstorm? 20. Who are the individuals whom they explain clearly the
a. cause and effect purposes of the problem statement or inquiry?
b. idea generation and evaluation a. Marshall and Rossman
c. projection and selection b. Marshall Leu and Rose Man
d. problem and solution c. F.J. Espania and R. E. Fernandez
8. What is the method used to capture ideas? d. None of the above
a. traditional method 21. It is considered as dictionary terminologies?.
b. post – it notes a. Operational Definition
c. electronic method b. Conceptual Definition
d. all of the above c. Operational-Conceptual Definition
9. Which criteria should you use to evaluate ideas? d. All of the above
a. feasible c. novel 22. It is the meaning of the concept or terms as used in a
b. attractive d. none of the above particular study
10. Which among does not belong to ruin a brainstorm? a. Conceptual Definition
a. early criticism of ideas b. Conceptual Definition-Operational
b. having no clear focus or objective c. Operational Definition
c. need evaluation d. All of the above
d. settling for too few ideas 23. The part of your study that sets boundaries and
11. What is a systematic investigation for information? parameters of the problem inquiry and narrows down the
a. curiosity c. questions scope of the inquiry.
b. inquiry d. research a. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
12. What is defined as seeking truth, information, or b. Background of the Study
knowledge? c. Scope and delimitation of the study
a. curiosity c. questions d. Scope and delimitation of the study
b. b. inquiry d. research 24. It will provide information to the reader on how the study
13. What is the first element of inquiry-based learning? will contribute.
a. formulation of appropriate questions a. Significance of the study
b. identification of key issues b. Scope and delimitation of the study
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

c. Operational Definition 38. This is defined as the extraction of information and

d. Significance of the study discussion from one or more relevant sources of
25. The portion of your study that will provide evidence of information.
academic standards and procedure. a. Synthesis b. Summary
a. Theory Framework c. Conclusion d. Explanation
b. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 39. It is the guideline that is used in making synthesis
c. Concept Framework a. Synthesis guide c. Synthesis matrix
d. None of the above b. Synthesis Chart d. Synthesis graph
26. According to her a conceptual framework is a bit like a 40. A plan on how the study will be conducted.
recipe or a blueprint a. Research Plan c. Experimental Design
a. Maria Marie Florenda b. Maria Magic b. Descriptive Design d. Research Design
c. Maria Magher d. Maria June Mandela 41. Which design of research would evaluate effects, look
27. A conversation where questions are asked and answers into the cause and effect, and relationship or difference
are given. between or among factors?
a. Questionnaire c. Observation a. Research Plan c. Experimental Design
b. Interview d. Instrument b. Descriptive Design d. Research Design
28. A self-directing instrument structured with questions and 42. Gathers information about the present existing
indicators. conditions, that finds the answer to questions who, what,
a. Questionnaire c. Observation when, where, and how.
b. Interview d. Instrument a. Research Plan c. Experimental Design
29. The Theoretical and Conceptual Framework provides. b. Descriptive Design d. Research Design
a. Substantiation b. Evidence 43. _______________ research tests for the relationships
c. Confirmation d. All of the above of variables
30. The questionnaire is to the data-collection instrument; a. One-shot case c. Causal-comparative
observation is to data collection _________. b. Correlational d. Survey
a. Method c. Analysis 44. A study that seeks to uncover a cause-and-effect
b. Process d. Results relationship.
31. It is a chapter of your research paper wherein it is a. Causal-comparative c. Survey
focused on giving an overview of all the writings relative b. Time series d. Correlational
to your specific topics. 45. In data gathering on qualitative search for life, it
a. Introduction c. Methodology ______________________.
b. Related Literature d. Results and Discussion a. Abounds with words, and visuals
32. It is a source of information that is categorized by printed b. Talks about statistics
publications or writings wherein a researcher reports the c. Query on numbers and calculations
results of his studies. d. None
a. Primary Source c. Tertiary Source 46. Which one is the study on how people understand their
b. Secondary Source d. General references experiences meaningful?
33. It is defined as a means of informing your readers that a a. Case Study c. Ethnomology
certain piece of information came from a specific source b. Phenomenology d. Historical analysis
and you just borrowed it to widen the explanation of a 47. An analysis of how successfully a project can be
certain situation or data of your research. completed, accounting for factors such as economic,
a. Literature c. Citations technological, legal, and scheduling factors.
b. Review d. Sources a. Feasibility Study c. Content Analysis
34. It is a manner of citation that commonly refers to all of the b. Case Study d. Problem-Solving
citations that are found in all of the chapters in the 48. A process or record of research in which detailed
research paper. consideration is given to the development of a particular
a. In-text citation c. Bibliography person, group, or situation over a while.
b. Out-text citation d. Referencing List a. Feasibility Study c. Content Analysis
35. This guideline in citation secures that all data and b. Case Study d. Problem-Solving
information, facts, ideas or principles from your sources 49. Homogenous strata, ensure representative proportions,
are discussed or explained separately. wherein the researcher includes the specified number of
a. By Topic c. Chronological samples like 5 samples only.
b. By author d. Bibliography a. Convenience Sampling c. Purposive Sampling
36. This is a citation style that uses author-date format only. b. Quota Sampling d. Snowball Sampling
a. APA b. MLA 50. Sampling method that is handpicked by the researcher
c. CMS d. HARVARD based on qualities for purposes of study.
37. This is a citation style that uses notes and bibliography a. Convenience Sampling c. Purposive Sampling
and author-date format. b. Quota Sampling d. Snowball Sampling
a. APA b. MLA

“Your choice defines your worth. If you choose to be good, then your life is worth living.”

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