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1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

 BIOSCI 100/100G



Campus: City

Time Allowed: 2 hours and 30 min additional time

NOTE: Answer ALL questions

Section Multiple choice questions Short Answer

Ecosystems 8 marks 4 marks
Mammals 8 marks 4 marks
Birds 8 marks 4 marks
Fish 8 marks 4 marks
Human Impacts 8 marks 4 marks
Political 8 marks 4 marks

Combined topics Long Answer question 8 marks

This exam is worth 40% of your final mark

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

1 Mosses and ________ are successful around ________ colonies because of high levels of
Select one alternative:

flowering plants; penguin; snow

grasses; seabird; water

plants; penguin; phosphates

algae; seal; nitrogen

Maximum marks: 1

2 In Antarctica, a community is a collective of organisms:

Select one alternative:

with the same niche.

always changes seasonally.

that changes over time.

that remains the same throughout their lives.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

3 Rock-based communities:
Select one alternative:

are found deep in the crevasses of weathered rocks in the Dry Valleys.

are the most biodiverse communities in the Trans-Antarctic mountains.

are limited to spaces where light and moisture are available.

dominate the surfaces of dark coloured rocks.

Maximum marks: 1

4 Microbial mats are typically dominated by ________ and ______. These mats produce energy via
___________ and can function at irradiance of _______ of the surface light.
Select one alternative:

viruses; bacteria; chemosynthesis; 10%

cyanobacteria; viruses; photosynthesis; 5%

cyanobacteria; diatoms; photosynthesis; <0.05%

diatoms; viruses; chemosynthesis; <0.001%

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

5 Tullbergia are found in the ________ where they get water from ________. They are ________ to
disperse due to ________ conditions.
Select one alternative:

Dry Valleys; ice-melt; unable; extreme

Ross Sea; glacial melt; able; ocean

West Antarctic Peninsula; rivers; able; warm

Trans-Antarctic mountains; lakes; unable; dry

Maximum marks: 1

6 Which of the following BEST describes the Maritime Antarctic Zone?

Select one alternative:

The sub-Antarctic Islands and their surrounding waters.

The west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and some offshore islands.

The Ross Sea and some of the offshore islands in that region.

Antarctic continent and waters out to the Antarctic Convergence region.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

7 Why are there ice-edge productivity blooms in the summer?

Select one alternative:

Increased numbers of salps drive the ice-edge systems.

Microalgae are released as the ice melts during the summer.

The increase in ice thickness during summer allows greater surface area for algae.

Detritivores increase in number during the summer.

Maximum marks: 1

8 Concentrations of phytoplankton are lower in the Southern Ocean due to:

Select one alternative:

low levels of iron.

high levels of chlorophyll.

many limiting micro-nutrients.

the lack of sunlight during winter.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

9 Complete the sentences.

Please match the terms with their descriptor:

can survive at
enter a cryptobiotic respond extremely low
state which allows rapidly to temperatures as is very low
them to suspend environmental long as there is in primary
their metabolism. change. moisture. productivity.



The Dry


Maximum marks: 2

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

10 In the Southern Ocean krill are a keystone species. Using the figure below, answer the questions
about the developmental stages of krill. (2 marks)

a. What happens near the sea surface? (½ mark)

Fill in your answer here

b. What is the nutrient source for the larvae during the developmental descent? (½ mark)
Fill in your answer here

c. What is a key developmental occurrence during the developmental ascent approximately 20-
30 days after spawning? (½ mark)
Fill in your answer here

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

d. Once at the surface in their adolescent form, name one main food source? (½ mark)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 2

11 There are two families of pinnipeds in Antarctica. The _______ also known as the true seals, are
insulated with _______. In contrast the _______, or eared seals have _______ as their main
source of insulation.
Select one alternative:

Otariids, blubber, Phocids, guard hairs

Odobenidae, guard hairs, Phocids, blubber

Phocids, blubber, Otariids, fur

Phocids, fur, Otariids, blubber

Maximum marks: 1

12 What species of Antarctic pinniped has the most varied diet?

Select one alternative:

Leopard seal

Elephant seal

Weddell seal

Antarctic fur seal

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

13 Weddell seal pups grow fast but this comes at a cost to their mothers. What is the consequence
to the females of feeding their pups milk high in iron?
Select one alternative:

The females lose weight, mainly form their blubber as they are transferring fats to their pup
via their milk.

The females cannot disperse too far from shore as they need to stay and regularly feed
their pup.

The females are unable to maintain the openings in the ice where they access the ocean to

The females cannot undertake deep dives for a period of time post-weaning.

Maximum marks: 1

14 Which of the following statements BEST describes southern elephant seals?

Select one alternative:

They were the first species hunted in Antarctic waters. The females wean their pups on the
ice-floes then disperse to deep-water feeding grounds to feed on fish.

They were nearly extinct but their remote breeding grounds in the pack ice has protected
them from recent exploitation. They feed mainly on cephalopods and fish with niche
partitioning between males and females.

They are the southern-most mammal, maintaining breathing holes through the ice so they
can access the ocean. They have the longest period of weaning during which time the
mother loses weight as she is feeding her pup fat-rich milk.

Males are considerably larger than females and maintain harems during the breeding
season. There are variable rates of recovery for the different populations most likely related
to oceanographic conditions.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

15 The _______ whales typically feed on _______ during the productive summer months. In
contrast, _______ whales feed year-round using _______ to help find their prey.
Select one alternative:

baleen; fish; toothed; echolocation

toothed; fish; baleen; vision

baleen; zooplankton; toothed; echolocation

toothed; krill; baleen; vision

Maximum marks: 1

16 Which species of whale has recovered to approximately 10% of its’ pre-exploitation numbers?
Select one alternative:

Fin whale

Southern right whale

Antarctic blue whale

Antarctic minke whale

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

17 There are different types of killer whales in Antarctic waters. Type A is the _______ and is
typically found in _______. Type B killer whales mainly feeds on _______, unlike Type C animals
that feed on _______ in nearshore waters.
Select one alternative:

largest; Ross Sea; fish; whales

largest; open ocean; seals; fish

smallest; pack ice; seals; whales

smallest; Antarctic Peninsula; penguins; seals

Maximum marks: 1

18 Having learned from the poor management practices around commercial seal hunting, permits
were issued in the early 1900s to manage commercial whaling. What was an important condition
of these permits?
Select one alternative:

They only hunted whales far offshore.

They were required to make full use of the carcass.

The British government controlled the whaling industry.

They only sold the oil from the whales’ blubber.

Maximum marks: 1

19 Baleen whales and Antarctic fur seals were heavily exploited by hunters. Give TWO reasons
why the fur seals have recovered faster than baleen whales. (2 marks)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 2

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

20 Using the figure below to answer the following questions. (1 mark)

Which letter indicates the feeding grounds of cow-calf pairs? Select alternative (C, D, A, B)

Which letter indicates the area with lower productivity compared to the other areas?
Select alternative (B, C, A, D)

Maximum marks: 1

21 Give ONE brief example of what the humpback whales might do in response to a reduction in
krill as a result of climate change? (1 mark)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

22 Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT?

Fossil fishes of the Southern Ocean:

(i) had low diversity
(ii) included freshwater fishes
(iii) included sharks and rays
(iv) had high diversity
Select one alternative:

Only (ii) and (iii) are correct

Only (i) is correct

Only (iv) is correct

Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

Maximum marks: 1

23 Bioluminescence is one adaptation of Antarctic Lanternfish living under the sea ice in the
Southern Ocean. We know the primary purpose of photophores on the underside of the body is
for ______________________.
Select one alternative:

finding a mate

luring prey



Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

24 Antifreeze glycoproteins in Antarctic fishes work as a non-colligative effect by:

Select one alternative:

adsorbing to ice crystal surfaces.

depressing the melting point of blood.

flowing passively in blood in high concentrations.

raising the freezing point of blood.

Maximum marks: 1

25 Which of the following statements about technology increasing our understanding is CORRECT?
Recent technological advances such as the use of towed camera surveys and acoustic
sounding have led to the discovery of a large breeding colony of icefish on the Weddell Sea
seafloor. These technologies help us understand the ecosystem in this region by providing
insight into:

i. nesting behaviours of the Jonah’s icefish

ii. the importance of dead fish into local food webs and bio-geochemical processes
iii. movement of Weddell Seals throughout the year

Select one alternative:

Only (i) and (ii) are correct

Only (i) is correct

Only (ii) is correct

Only (ii), (ii) and (iii) are correct

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

26 Modern Antarctic Notothenioids are highly endemic to the Southern Ocean. This is because that
group survived the freezing waters and adapted and expanded to fill other marine habitats in
Antarctica as other species disappeared. We believe Antarctic Notothenioids evolved from a
_________ species because they all lack ______________.
Select one alternative:

benthic; a swim bladder

pelagic; a swim bladder

benthic; haemoglobin

pelagic; haemoglobin

Maximum marks: 1

27 Lack of haemoglobin in icefish blood:

Select one alternative:

is only possible because icefish have antifreeze proteins, which prevent blood from

increases the volume of blood in icefish.

reduces the viscosity (thickness) of blood, allowing it to flow more freely at cold

increases cardiac output so icefish can pump more oxygen through unusually large hearts.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

28 The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) set
three primary fishery areas: 48, 58 and 88. Area 48 is the main area for
____________________fisheries in the South Georgia/Weddell Sea Region. The Ross Sea
Region in Area 88 is primarily a fishery for _________________, and the third area is Area 58 for
_________________ fisheries.
Select one alternative:

Antarctic Toothfish; Patagonian Toothfish; Krill

Patagonian Toothfish; Krill; Antarctic Toothfish

Antarctic Toothfish; Krill; Patagonian Toothfish

Krill; Antarctic Toothfish; Patagonian Toothfish

Maximum marks: 1

29 Which of the following biological effects do rising carbon dioxide levels and warming waters in the
Southern Ocean have on Antarctic Fish?

i. Issues with predator detection.

ii. Changes in egg development.
iii. Faster adaptation.

Select one alternative:

Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

Only (i) and (ii) are correct

Only (ii) is correct

Only (i) is correct

Maximum marks: 1

30 The Southern Ocean is characterised by cold and stable temperatures where Antarctic
Notothenioids dominate the fish fauna with numerous biochemical traits that allow these fishes to
thrive in sub-zero waters. Antarctic Fish can only survive in a narrow temperature tolerance
range (-2 to +6 degrees Celcius). This is known as .

Maximum marks: 0.5

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

31 The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
sets annual limits for fisheries catches. These limits are designed to maintain existing ecological
relationships and balance ‘conservation’ and ‘rational use’ of living resources. Catch limits in
each fishery are agreed using decision rules that ensure the long-term sustainability of the
This type of fisheries management approach is called

Maximum marks: 0.5

32 What is the main method of harvest (the fishing method) for Patagonian toothfish?
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 0.5

33 Antarctic toothfish are thought to have a complex lifecycle consisting of four stages. Fill in the
missing sections to complete the table below for this lifecycle. (2 ½ marks)

Lifecycle Stage Stage Timeframe Location

6 months

8-12 years Continental shelf slopes at a depth


9-12 Ross Sea Gyre

months Coastline

Juvenile growth 3-4 years

Maximum marks: 2.5

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

34 Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT?

(i) Most of the bird species in the Antarctic are seabirds.
(ii) There is little or no breeding habitat on the Antarctic continent for land birds.
(iii) The diversity of bird species in Antarctica is low.
(iv) In the Antarctic the number of individuals per bird species is low.
Select one alternative:

Only (i) and (iii) are correct.

All of the statements are correct.

Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

35 The graphs below show the number of species (given above each histogram bar) from Africa or
Antarctica as a function of their body mass.

The graphs show that Antarctica has:

Select one alternative:

0.4 % of the avian diversity of Africa.

4 % of the avian diversity of Africa.

40 % of the avian diversity of Africa.

0.004 % of the avian diversity of Africa.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

36 The figure below shows the annual migration routes of south polar skua from King George Island,

The arrow labelled '1' is:

Select one alternative:

summer migration route to breeding areas.

summer migration route to staging areas.

migration route to staging areas.

migration route to over wintering areas.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

37 A researcher wants to track the movement of brown skua during the non-breeding season and
chooses to use geolocators. Which of the following statements best characterises the features of
Geolocators are:
Select one alternative:

inexpensive, small but cannot very accurately determine the geographic position of a bird.

costly, large and can accurately determine the geographic position of a bird.

inexpensive, small and can accurately determine the geographic position of a bird.

costly, small and can accurately determine the geographic position of a bird.

Maximum marks: 1

38 In terms of absolute numbers what family of birds dominate the avian fauna of Antarctica?
Select one alternative:





Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

39 The picture below depicts the results of a DNA sexing gel.

The letters W and Z denote DNA fragments amplified from the W-chromosome and Z-
chromosome respectively. Six penguin individuals have been sexed, which individuals are male?
Select one alternative:

Individual 1, 2 and 4 only

All individuals.

Individual 3, 5 and 6 only.

Individual 1, 3 and 5 only.

Maximum marks: 1

40 The downy part of a penguins feather traps a layer of air. This air layer provides:
Select one alternative:

insulation from the cold.

protection against predators


buoyancy when in the water.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)


In the late 1800’s King penguins became a source of oil when the seal populations were
exhausted. Why do you think that Emperor penguins were never harvested?
Select one alternative:

Emperor penguins are more aggressive than King penguins and therefore would be difficult
to catch.

Emperor penguin colonies are smaller than King penguin colonies and therefore were not
have been commercially viable.

Emperor penguins breed in the winter and therefore would be difficult to collect.

Emperor penguins have less blubber and therefore would produce less oil than King

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

42 Describe the location and function of the nasal gland in seabirds. (2 marks)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 2

43 The Emperor penguin can withstand temperatures down to -10oC before it needs to expend
energy to keep warm.
Describe ONE morphological and ONE behavioural feature that enables Emperor penguin to
withstand cold temperatures. (2 marks)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 2

44 How many oxygen atoms are in two ozone molecules?

Select one alternative:

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

45 Free chlorine in the stratosphere will turn ozone into ________.

Select one alternative:




molecular oxygen (O 2)

Maximum marks: 1

46 The sun’s UV radiation is:

Select one alternative:

MORE intense in the upper atmosphere therefore FEWER oxygen molecules will be split
in the upper atmosphere relative to the lower.

MORE intense in the upper atmosphere therefore MORE oxygen molecules will be split in
the upper atmosphere relative to the lower.

LESS intense in the upper atmosphere therefore FEWER oxygen molecules will be split in
the upper atmosphere relative to the lower.

LESS intense in the upper atmosphere therefore MORE oxygen molecules will be split in
the upper atmosphere relative to the lower.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

47 The ozone hole over the Antarctic:

Select one alternative:

has now disappeared.

is invisible to satellite observation.

should disappear very soon.

persists but appears to be decreasing in size.

Maximum marks: 1

48 What would the mean temperature be on Earth without the greenhouse effect?
Select one alternative:





Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

49 Human activities can have impacts at a number of different levels. Complete the table below by
matching the human activity with the level of impact.
Human Activity Impact
Resource exploitation e.g. fishing i
Pollution e.g. ozone hole ii
Toursim e.g. visits to wildlife areas iii

Select one alternative:

(i) Local, (ii) Global and (iii) Regional.

(i) Local, (ii) Regional and (iii) Global.

(i) Global, (ii) Local and (iii) Regional.

(i) Regional, (ii) Global and (iii) Local.

Maximum marks: 1

50 From the long-term climate records it is clear that ________.

Select one alternative:

there has been significant global warming in the last 100 years

global warming is occurring at a much slower rate than previously suggested

a runaway greenhouse effect threatens to kill all life on Earth

humans created the greenhouse effect

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

51 Which of the following types of pollution is likely to have the greatest impact on the Antarctic
environment in the future?
Select one alternative:

Rubbish left behind by tourists

Rubbish from research stations

Sewage from research stations

Oils/fuel spills from ships

Maximum marks: 1

52 Describe the role that polar stratospheric clouds play in the destruction of ozone. (1 mark)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 1

53 Describe the process by which chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) break down ozone. (2 marks)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 2

54 Why would an increase in ocean water acidity affect marine life? (1 mark)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

55 In 1954 Australia built Mawson station, the station is located:

Select one alternative:

on the East Antarctic coast and was the first permanent base on the Antarctic continent.

close to the pole and was the first permanent base on the Antarctic continent.

close to the pole and is the oldest continuously occupied settlement in the Antarctic region.

on the East Antarctic coast and is the oldest continuously occupied settlement in the
Antarctic region.

Maximum marks: 1

56 A number of different groups have established settlements in the Antarctic region. The earliest
settlers in the Antarctic region were:
Select one alternative:

sealers, then explorers and lastly scientists.

explorers, then scientists and lastly sealers.

scientists, then sealers and lastly explorers.

sealers, then scientists and lastly explorers.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)


The majority of Antarctic tourists come from the USA, followed by Germany and Britain. This is
best explained by:
Select one alternative:

the very high cost of ship-based tourist cruises.

the fact that these countries historically have strong links with the region.

these countries have visa free access to the region.

most of the tourism ships leave from ports based in these countries.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

58 McMurdo station is the largest research base in the Antarctic. Poor waste disposal practices in
the past have resulted in:
Select one alternative:

severe local marine pollution.

severe regional marine pollution.

severe local freshwater pollution.

no marine pollution but severe regional freshwater pollution.

Maximum marks: 1

59 The first International polar year had limited scientific success. This was because of:
Select one alternative:

a poorly coordinated and defined program of research.

the significant logistic challenges faced by researchers working in the polar regions.

financial limits associated with the great depression.

disagreements between the two main collaborating nations.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

60 Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT?

(i) There have been four International Polar Years.
(ii) The International Polar Years were a collaborative effort to conduct science in the polar
(iii) The fourth International Polar Year led to the drafting of the Antarctic Treaty.
(iv) The third International Polar Year was also known as the International Geophysical Year.
Select one alternative:

Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

Only (i) is correct.

All the statements are correct.

Only (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

Maximum marks: 1

61 Which of the following people is INCORRECTLY paired with their role?

Select one alternative:

Edmund Hillary — Leader of the Ross Sea Party, Commonwealth Transantarctic


Ernest Shackleton — Leader of the Imperial Transantarctic Expedition

Vivian Fuchs — Leader of the Crossing Party, Commonwealth Transantarctic Expedition

Richard Byrd — Leader of the American Circumpolar Expedition

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)


The Americans operated a nuclear power plant in the Antarctic from 1962 to 1979. How is this
possible given the objectives of the Antarctic Treaty?
Select one alternative:

The Americans obtained an exemption via agreement with the Treaty partners.

The Antarctic Treaty only prohibits nuclear arms and the disposal of nuclear waste.

The Antarctic Treaty was in place during this period but was not fully ratified by all the
partner countries including the Americans until 1980.

During this period the Antarctic Treaty had been suspended, as a result of disagreements
between the Treaty partners.

Maximum marks: 1

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

63 Scott Base was established in 1957 to support the Commonwealth Transantarctic expedition.
What is the bases current role / purpose? (1 mark)
Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 1

64 List the three current Antarctic Treaty extensions. (3 marks)

Fill in your answer here

Maximum marks: 3

1225-1 BIOSCI 100 (05/11/2022 08:00) Antarctica: The Frozen Continent (Exam)

65 Research in Antarctica is challenging, but technology is expanding methods available to

Write TWO paragraphs (up to 500 words) that detail how our understanding of the Antarctic
ecosystem has been advanced by new technologies. In each paragraph detail a different
technology. Structure each paragraph as follows:

Outline a challenge, question or problem (biological or abiotic)

Describe the new technology/method used to investigate this
Describe an example of knowledge derived from the technology.

(8 Marks: 4 marks per paragraph)

Fill in your answer here

Format  Σ

Words: 0

Maximum marks: 8


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