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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

Device: CLV62x

CLV62x device page "Quickstart":

Group "Quickstart":
Device Type = CLV620-0120
Device ID = 10
Content; Index; Code ID; Code security; Device ID
GRA2813940; C12897; 10
GRA3090039; C12894; 10
GRA2693238; C12897; 10
GRA2238337; C12898; 10
GRA3188736; C12886; 10
GRA1878635; C12895; 10
GRA1517034; C12897; 10
GRA2818433; C12856; 10
GRA0182032; C12898; 10
Codabar = false
Code 39 = false
UPC / EAN/GTIN = false
2/5 Interleaved = false
Code 93 = false
Code 128 Family = true
Scan frequency = 600 Hz
Don't show this dialog on adding device = Falso

CLV62x device page "Parameter":

Group "General":
Parametrization is guarded by password = Falso
Group "Auto-Setup":
Established values:
Adapt code configuration = Verdadeiro
Extend code configuration = Verdadeiro
Optimize scan frequency = Verdadeiro
Store result permanently = Verdadeiro

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

CLV62x device page "Reading Configuration":

Group "Codelabel Properties":

Scan frequency = 600 Hz
Inverse Code = false
Quiet zone ratio = Auto
Codelabel Distance = 200 mm
Codelabel Quality = Standard
Minimum Reading Angle =0
Maximum Reading Angle = 100

CLV62x device page "Object Trigger Control":

Group "Start/Stop of Object Trigger":

Delay = 0 ms
= Sensor 1
Delay = 0 ms
= Trigger source
= Good Read
= Not defined
Group "Trigger Distribution":
Distribute on = Disabled

CLV62x device page "Illumination Control":

Group "Laser settings":

Laser timeout = false

CLV62x device page "Code conf.":

Group "Symbologies":
Codabar = false
Code 39 = false
UPC / EAN/GTIN = false
2/5 Interleaved = false
Code 93 = false
Code 128 Family = true
GS1 DataBar = false

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

Pharmacode = false
Group "Decoder":
Optimized for picket fence reading = false
Extended Segmentation = false

CLV62x device page "Code 128 Family":

Group "General":
Code 128 = true
EAN 128 = false
Multiread =1
Group "Length":
Code length mode = Free

CLV62x device page "Data Processing":

Group "Collection of Data":

Timeout = 50 ms
Group "Code summarization":
Separate Codes dependent on Positon = false

CLV62x device page "Output Control":

Group "Output Control":

Data transmission point = End of Trigger
Delay = 50 ms

CLV62x device page "Evaluation Conditions":

Group "Condition for Good-Read":

= Use min/max number of codes
Check min. Number of valid Codes = false
Check max. Number of valid Codes = false

CLV62x device page "Match-code teach-in":

Group "Match-code teach-in 1 (Standard)":

Trigger Source = Not defined

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

Group "Match-code teach-in 2 (Additional)":

Teach-in triggered from = Not defined

CLV62x device page "Statistic":

Group "Statistic":
Enabled = Falso

CLV62x device page "Application Counters":

Group "Application counters":

= (NC) Number of reading gates
Value = 41
Store value permanent = Falso
= (SCGR) Superordinate counter GoodRead
Value = 39
Store value permanent = Falso
= (SCNR) Superordinate counter NoRead
Value =2
Store value permanent = Falso
= Condition Match1
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso
= Condition TeachIn1
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso
= (NY) Nr. of no matches
Value = 41
Store value permanent = Falso
= Deactivated
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso
= Deactivated
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso
= Deactivated
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso
= Deactivated
Value =0
Store value permanent = Falso

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

CLV62x device page "Network / Interface / IOs":

Group "Network Options":

Device ID = 10
Group "Master / Slave":
Network Function =
Group "Multiplexer / Server":
Network Function =
Server List = 1,2
Group "Monitoring":
assign to = Disable

CLV62x device page "Serial":

Group "Serial Host Interface":

Protocol / Output Format = Output Format #1
Multiplexer Output = true
Baudrate = 57600
Stopbits =1
Databits / Parity = 8 Databits / No Parity
Hardware = RS232
Enable Heartbeat = false
Handshake = none
XON/XOFF = Falso
Usage of Input Data = No External Input Data
Group "Serial Auxiliary Interface":
Protocol / Output Format = Reading Diagnosis
Enable Heartbeat = false
Usage of Input Data = No External Input Data

CLV62x device page "Ethernet":

Group "General":
IP-Address =
Subnet-Mask =
Default Gateway =
Speed = Auto
Negotiated = 100Mb Full Duplex
MAC-Address =

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

Group "Ethernet Host Port":

Protocol / Output Format = Output Format #1
Multiplexer Output = false
Server / Client = Client
IP-Port = 2128
Server Address =
Enable Heartbeat = false
Handshake = none
Group "Ethernet Aux Port":
Protocol / Output Format = Reading Diagnostics
Server / Client = Server
IP-Port = 2111

CLV62x device page "Fieldbus (internal)":

Group "Ethernet fieldbus selection":

Fieldbus type = EthernetIP
PN network detection = Verdadeiro
Group "EtherNet/IP":
Communication Mode = without Handshake
Protocol / Output Format = Output Format #1
Multiplexer Output = Falso

CLV62x device page "RDT400-Port":

Group "Ethernet RDT400 Port":

Server / Client = Disabled

CLV62x device page "Email":

Group "Email":
Enabled = Falso

CLV62x device page "CAN":

Group "CAN":
Mode = Inactive

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

CLV62x device page "Fieldbus Gateways":

Group "Fieldbus gateways CMF400 / CDM425-PN":

Serial AUX Interface = None
Serial Host Interface = None

CLV62x device page "Digital Inputs":

Group "Sensor 1":

Sensitivity = Edge
Logic = Active High
Debouncing = 200 ms

CLV62x device page "Digital Outputs/Beeper":

Group "Output 1":

= Device Ready
= Active High
Group "Output 2":
= Good Read
= Object trigger end
= Timer/Tracking
= Active High
Duration = 100 ms
Group "External Output 1":
= No Function
= Active High
Group "External Output 2":
= No Function
= Active High
Group "Beeper":
= Good Read
= Soft

CLV62x device page "Operating Data":

Group "Device Information":

Manufacturer = SICK AG
Device Type = CLV620-0120

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SOPAS Project: "Novo projeto"

Software Version = V5.18

Order Number = 1041547
Serial Number = 13070425
Group "Operating Data":
Power-On Counter = 99
Operating Hours = 37066,0 h
Power-On Hours = 1,425 h
Group "Service Information":
Last Username = renan
Last Parametrization = 16.11.2015
at = 08:29
Last Maintenance = DD.MM.YYYY
Next Maintenance = DD.MM.YYYY

CLV62x device page "System-Status":

Group "System Information":

Type; First time; Last time; Number; Description; Info; State; Counter
Warning; 37065:19:20; 37066:04:24; Connection timed out; *:TCP:2128:
in Open code 1609; 0x1; 610x3000F09;
Warning; 37064:40:40; 37066:04:08; Transmit failed; ETH_HOST CommID 132; 0x1;
Warning; 37064:39:04; 37065:49:44; Server not reachable; *:TCP:2128: in
Open code 1617; 0x2; 190x3000F13;
Information; 37064:40:40; 37066:04:08; Open failed with error code;
*:TCP:2128: in TX ; 0x2; 400x2000F0D;
Information; 37065:50:48; 37065:51:04; Connection established; ETH_AUX CommID 136;
0x1; 70x2000F01;
Information; 37065:50:48; 37065:51:04; Connection lost; ETH_AUX CommID 136; 0x2;
Information; 37064:39:04; 37065:48:40; Connection closed by peer;
*:TCP:2128: in Open code 1590; 0x2; 8210x2000F06;
Information; 37064:39:04; 37064:39:04; Reset by Power On; ; 0x2; 10x200001E;

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