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Project Design Document (PDD) Template

Project Title: Clinical HIV and sexual health training and mentoring in PNG
Duration: 2 years
Country/Region: Papua New Guinea


1. Background........................................................................................................................................2
2. Stakeholder Consultation..................................................................................................................2
3. Problem Description..........................................................................................................................2
4. Proposed Solution.............................................................................................................................2
5. Alignment to National Priorities........................................................................................................2
6. Implementation Arrangement...........................................................................................................2
7. Sustainability.....................................................................................................................................2
8. Workplan and Budget........................................................................................................................2

1. Background
The RAG offers an opportunity for the regional BBVs stakeholders and sector partners to discuss the
scientific, clinical, BBV health service delivery and social implications of COVID-19, and to provide
emerging, consistent and evidence-based messaging including approaches to the healthcare
workforce, sector partners and community.

2. Stakeholder Consultation
This included working with Ministries of Health, professional societies of health workers, UN
agencies, universities and community organisations. Currently the RAG membership of experts
stands at 65 members from across 10 Asian and Pacific countries. Recruitment is open as new
members are identified. The RAG guidance recipient list reaches approximately 13,000 sector
individuals from across 15 counties in the Asia and Pacific. This list again is growing, and individuals
can subscribe through the ASHM website.

3. Problem Description
In March 2020 ASHM sent out a survey to our network of approximately 300 health workers,
community organisations and sector partners across the Asia Pacific region to carry out a needs
assessment to identify support which could be provided by the RAG. The survey included a)
technical areas where guidance is required b) preferred methods of guidance dissemination (emails,
newsletter, whatsapp, social media, webinars etc) and for health workers whether there was an
interest in receiving clinical tele-mentoring to support BBV and SH case management which could be
provided by an ASHM clinical advisor. Only 7 survey responses were received, however this is likely
to be due in part to competing demands on health workers and other sector organisations during
the pandemic and the need to adapt work processes. To gain further understanding of the needs,
follow up emails were sent to RAG members and key ASHM contacts in countries such as the
Ministries of Health.

As the pandemic has evolved so have the needs of health workers and other sector partners
in the region. Further understanding of guidance required has been gained from post RAG webinar
surveys (x responses to date) and emails to recent to 10 Ministries of Health in June 2020 to gauge
their interest in receiving clinical tele-mentoring. In regard to tele-mentoring we have received
responses from Thailand, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia and
Tonga expressing a need for further clinical mentoring support in HIV and sexual health.

4. Proposed Solution
The ‘solution’ is to establish a multi-disciplinary group of experts to draw on evidence to
provide the required guidance and to facilitate south to south collaboration of best practices and
lessons learnt during this evolving and novel time.
The BBV, SH and COVID-19 Regional Advisory Group has been established to provide this
support during the pandemic. Knowledge, support and guidance will be disseminated through
weekly bulletins, on the ASHM RAG webpage, through social media such as Facebook and Twitter,
through webinars and clinical tele-mentoring.

5. Alignment to National Priorities

All guidance produced by the RAG is inline with World Health Organisation Guidance and
Frameworks including:

 WHO COVID-19 guidance
 Global health sector strategy on HIV 2016 – 2021
 Global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis 2016-2021
 Regional Action Plan for Viral Hepatitis in the Western Pacific 2016–2020
 Regional framework for the triple elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, hepatitis B
and syphilis in Asia and the Pacific, 2018-2030

6. Implementation Arrangement
1. Guidance is distributed through the RAG members networks, weekly bulletin, on ASHM’s RAG
webpage and through social media.
2. A fortnightly webinar is organised to share lessons learnt across the region.
3. Advocacy documents developed and disseminated.
4. Tele-mentoring support provided at the request of Ministries of Health.

7. Sustainability
The project aims to provide up-to-date evidence based guidance to support the sexual health and
BBV workforce across Asia and the Pacific whilst the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The guidance
and lessons learnt from across the region will ideally be utilised and embedded within service
delivery and practices as needed but particularly throughout the life span of the pandemic. The RAG
facilitates the cross sharing of lessons learnt from the pandemic which can be used to improve and
strengthen models of service delivery now and post the pandemic. The RAG also offers the
opportunity for the establishment of long term partnerships and collaboration between health
service delivery, university, community and other sector organisations within the region.

One threat to sustainability is the lack of funding support for the Regional Advisory Group to-date.
Currently the work on the group relies on the good will of volunteers and ASHM financial reserves.

8. Workplan and Budget

1. flight ticket Indonesia to Australia return and forth
2. pocket money while working
3. insurance
4. security guarantee

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