2 SimplePendulum

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1. Simple Pendulum :

a. Time period of a simple pendulum is given by T = 2π .
b. Restoring Force on the bob of the pendulum is F = mg sin θ .
c. For small amplitudes time period is independent of
a) Mass of the bob

b) Size (or) shape of the bob

c) Density of the bob

d) Amplitude of oscillation.

d. A pendulum whose time period is 2 sec is called seconds pendulum.

gT 2 g
= = 2.
4π 2

e.  − T Graph is parabola and  − T 2 graph is a straight line passing through origin.

2. Springs:
The spring constant or stiffness constant of a spring may be
defined as the force required to produce an extension of on
unit in the spring K = F / x.
Time period of the loaded spring is given by T = 2π

1. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive an
equation for its time period. What is second’s pendulum?
(March2011, June2010, May2009, March-2000, March 06)

Ans : Consider a simple pendulum of length l with a metal bob of

mass m which is suspended from a point S as shown in figure.
Let the bob is given a small angular displacement ‘ θ ’ and left
free to oscillate about the equilibrium position O.

Let the bob be at any point P during the oscillation.

At point ‘P’ the forces acting on the bob are

(i) The weight of the bob mg vertically down wards and This
can be resolved into two components namely a) mg cos θ which is giving the tension T2 in
the string b) mg sin θ which provides the restring force.
Re storing force mg sin θ
∴The acceleration of the bob = ⇒ a=
mass m

Or a = − g sin θ

When θ is very small, sin θ ≈ θ

Then a = − gθ

x  Arc length x 
a = −g ∵θ = = 
l  Radius l

Negative sign indicates that a and θ are in opposite directions.

∴ a ∝ − x i.e, acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement x and is directed

towards the equilibrium position O. Hence the pendulum executes simple harmonic motion.

∴ the time period of oscillation of the simple pendulum is given by

displacement x
T = 2π = 2π
acceleration a

x l
From equation (5) , = (taking magnitudes only)
a g

∴ T = 2π

For smaller amplitudes the time period is independent of the amplitude of oscillation..

Second’s pendulum: - A simple pendulum whose time period is two seconds is called a
second’s pendulum.


1. Show that the oscillations of a loaded spring are simple harmonic. Hence deduce a
relation between the time periods and force constant of the spring. ?

Ans: Consider a spring of spring constant ‘K’ which is suspended vertically from a rigid support
and loaded with a mass ‘m’. The spring is given a small displacement down from
equilibrium position ‘O’ so that it executes vertical oscillations as shown.

At any instant of time‘t’ the restoring force ‘F’ in the spring is

given by F = − ky where ‘y’ be the displacement of the mass
F −k
a= = . y ⇒ aα − y Since the acceleration is proportional and opposite to the
m m
displacement, the loaded spring executes SHM.

Comparing the above equation with a = −ω 2 y


Using, T =

T = 2π


1) The bob of a Pendulum is made of a hollow brass Sphere. What happens to the time
period of the pendulum, if the bob is filled with Water completely? Why?

A. Remains same. Because centre of mass is same for hollow sphere or sphere with complete
water and hence the length of the pendulum does not change (T . ∝ l ) .

2) A pendulum clock gives correct time at the equator. Will it gain or lose time if it is
taken to the poles? Why?

A) Time period T = 2π

It depends on g value, if one moves from equator to the poles, value of g increases. Hence
the time period decreases and hence gains time.

3) Two identical springs of force constant k are joined one at the end of the other (in
series). Find the effective force constant of the combination.

1 1 1 1 k + k 2k k
Ans: = + ⇒ = 2 = 2 ⇒ k1 =
k1 k k k1 k k 2
4. What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum kept inside a lift, When the
lift (i) moves up with acceleration a? (ii) Moves down with acceleration ‘a’?

A) Time period T = 2π

(i) Time period T = 2π (When lift moves up with acceleration a)

T decreases.

(ii) T = 2π (When lift moves down with acceleration a)
g −a

T increases.

5) A loaded bus is more comfortable in motion than an empty bus. Why?

A) If the loaded bus has mass greater than an empty and hence frequency of SHM deceases
1 k
2π m

Where n is frequency m is mass of loaded the bus.

1. what is the length of the pendulum of a clock which beats seconds, given that the
acceleration due to gravity at the place is equal to 9.8 ms -2

Sol. T = 2 s ; g = 9.8 ms −2

l gT 2
T = 2π ⇒l =
g 4π 2

9.8 × 2 2
⇒l= = 1m
4 × 9.86

2. The length of a second’s pendulum at a place is 1.02 m. Find the time period of another
pendulum of length 0.51 m at the same place. (March2011, March2011)
l l g
3. Sol. T = 2π i.e., 2 = 2 = constant, at a given place.
g T 4π

l1 l
= 22
T1 T2

T1 = 2 s ; l1 = 1.02 m ; l2 = 0.51 m ; T2 = ?
1.02 0.51 0.51
= 2 or T22 = × 4 = 2 or T2 = 2 = 1.414 s
2 T2 1.02

3. What is the change in the time period of a simple pendulum if its length changes by 1

l ∆T 1 ∆l 1
Sol. T = 2π ⇒ T α l or = = ×1 = 0.5%
g T 2 l 2

4. When the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 21% what is the change in its
time period?

Sol. l1 = l ; l2 = l

l T2 l T 121l 11
T = 2π ⇒ = 2 ⇒ 2 = =
g T1 l1 T1 100l 10

Increase in time period = 10%.

5. A second’s pendulum is taken into a mine of depth 640m and oscillated. What is its
time period?

l T g2
Sol. T = 2π ⇒ 1 =
g T2 g1

 d
g d = g 1 − 
 R

 d
g 1 − 
=  R  or T1 = 1 − d
T2 g T2 R

T1 = 2 s; d = 640 m = 0.640 km; R = 6400 km; T2 = ?

2 0.640
= 1− = 1 − 0.0001 ⇒ T2 = 2.0001 s
T2 6400

6. A clock regulated by a second’s pendulum keeps correct time. During summer the
length of the pendulum increases to 1.01 m. How much will the clock gain of lose in
one day?

l dT 1 dl
Sol. T = 2π ⇒ =
g T 2 l

For a seconds pendulum, T = 2 s and l = = 0.9927 m
dl = 1.01 − 0.9927 = 0.0173 m.

dT 1  0.0173 
=  
2 2  0.9927 

Change in time period for 1 oscillation i.e. for 2 seconds, dT = s.

The gain or loss of time per day = 43200 × = 752.9 s

7. A spring when compressed by 0.2 m develops a restoring force of 50 N. If a body of

mass 10 kg is placed on it, calculate (i) the force constant (K) of the spring (ii) the
depression of the spring (iii) time period of oscillation when the weight is slightly
displaced from equilibrium position.?

F 50
Sol. (i) The force constant k = = = 250 Nm −1
x 0.2

mg 10 × 9.8
(ii) Depression of the spring = = = 0.392 m
k 250

m 10
(iii) Time period T = 2π = 2π = 1.2568 s
k 250

8. A body is suspended at the end of a spring hanging vertically and it oscillates with a
time period of 1.414 s. The spring is then cut into two equal parts and the same body
attached to one of the pieces is made to oscillate. What will be the time period of

Sol. T = 2π

When the spring is cut into two pieces the spring constant of each piece is k ' = 2k
T ' =2 π

T k'
∴ =
T' k

But T = 1.414 s, T ' = ?

1.414 2k
= = 2 ⇒ T ' = 1s
T' k
9. A light vertical spring is stretched by 2 cm when a weight of 10 g is attached to its free
end. The weight is further pulled down by 1.0 cm and released. Compute the
frequency and amplitude of motion.

F 10 × 10−3 × 9.8
Sol. i) k = = = 4.9 Nm −1
x 2 × 10 −2

m 10 ×10−3
But, T = 2π = 2π
k 4.9

1 1 4.9
The frequency, v = = = 3.523 Hz
T 2π 10 −2

ii) The amplitude of motion A = 1.0 cm.

10. A second’s pendulum oscillates with amplitude of 0.4 m. If the mass of the pendulum
is 0.2 kg find (i) K.E. at the mean positions, (ii) PE at the extreme positions, (iii) PE at
the displacement 0.2 m and (iv) KE at the displacement 0.2 m. ?

2π 2π
Sol. T = 2 s ; ω = = = π rad s-1 ; A = 0.4 m ; m = 0.2 kg.
T 2

1 1
i) KE at the mean position = KEmax = mω 2 A2 = × 0.2 × π 2 × ( 0.4 ) = 0.1578 J

2 2

1 2 2 2 1
ii) PE at the extreme position = PEmax = m ω A = × 0.2 × π 2 × ( 0.4 ) = 0.1578 J

2 2

1 1
iii) PE at the displacement 0.2 m = × m 2ω 2 y 2 = × 0.2 × π 2 × ( 0.2 ) = 0.03944 J

2 2

iv) KE at the displacement 0.2 m = × m 2ω 2 ( A2 − y 2 ) = × 0.2 × π 2 ( 0.4 ) − ( 0.2 )
1 2 2
=0.11832 J


1. The mass and radius of a planet are double that of the earth. If the time period of a
simple pendulum on the earth is T, find the time period on the planet

Sol : g =

G ( 2M ) 1 GM 1
And g ' = = = g
( 2R )
2 R2 2
T g1 g/2
∴ = = ⇒T ' =T 2
T1 g g

2 Calculate the change in the length of a simple pendulum of length 1m, when its period
of oscillation changes from 2 s to 1.5 s. ?

Sol: l1 = 1m, T1 = 2sec, T2 = 1.5sec

T1 l
Tα l ⇒ = 1
T2 l2

2 1 9
⇒ = ⇒ l2 = m
1.5 l2 16

9 7
∴ Change in length = l1 − l2 = 1 − =
16 16

3. A freely falling body takes 2 seconds to reach the ground on a planet, when it is
dropped from a height of 8m. If the period of a simple pendulum is π seconds on the
planet, calculate the length of the pendulum.

Sol : t = 2 sec, s = 8m

1 2
For a freely falling body, s = at

g ( 42 ) ⇒ g = 4m / sec 2

l l
Now , T = 2π or π = 2π ⇒ l = 1m = 100cm
g 4

4. A simple pendulum is of length 50 cm. Find its time period and frequency of
oscillation.(g=9.8 m/s2)?

Sol: l = 50cm = 0.5m

l 0.5 1
T = 2π = 2π = 2π = 1.4 sec
g 9.8 19.6

1 1
Frequency ν = = = 0.71 sec
T 1.4
5. The period of a simple pendulum is found to increase by 50% when the length of the
pendulum is increased by 0.6 m. Calculate the initial length and the initial period of
oscillation at a place where g = 9.8m / s 2 . ?

Sol: Let l1 = l and l2 = l + 0.6

T1 = T And T2 =

T1 l 100 l 4 l
Tα l ⇒ = 1 ⇒ = ⇒ =
T2 l2 150 l + 0.6 9 l + 0.6

Solving we get, l = 0.48m

l 0.48
But T = 2π = 2π = 1.3897 sec
g 9.8

6. The bob of a simple pendulum of mass 100 g is oscillating with a time period of 1.42s.
If the bob is replaced by another bob of mass 150 g but of same radius, what will be
the new time period of oscillation?

Sol: The time period is independent of mass of the bob.

7. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of the earth. What will be the
period of oscillation of a pendulum on this planet, if it is a second’s pendulum on the

Sol: Let g and g ' be the acceleration due to gravities on the earth and the planet.


M P = 2M , RP = 2 R

G ( 2M ) GM g
∴g ' = = =
( 2R )
2R2 2

1 T g2
or T α ⇒ 1 = ⇒ T2 = 2 2 sec
g T2 g1

8. A pendulum that beats seconds on the surface of the earth was taken to a depth of
  th the radius of the earth. What will be its time period of oscillation?

 d  R   1 3
Sol : g ' = g  1 −  = g 1 −  = g 1 −  = g
 R  4× R   4 4
1 T g2 4
But T α ⇒ 1 = ⇒ T2 = sec = 2.309 sec
g T2 g1 3

9. The pendulum of a certain clock has time period 2.04s. How fast or slow does the
clock run during 24 hour?

Sol: The time period is less by is 2. 04 - 2 = 0.04 sec

The number of oscillations in one day is × 86, 400 = 43, 200

Hence the time period is less by 43, 200 × 0.04= 1728 sec = 28.8 min

10. A clock regulated by a second’s pendulum keeps correct time. During summer the
length of the pendulum increases to 1.02m. How much will the clock gain or lose in
one day?

∆T 1 ∆l
Sol : Tα l or =
T 2 l

l = 0.9927m

∆l = 1.02 − 0.9927 = 0.0273

T = 2sec

∆T 1 0.0273
= ×
2 2 0.9927

The number of oscillation in one day are 43, 200

∴Loss in time in day = 43200 × = 1188 sec

11. A simple pendulum of length 1 m is oscillated at a place where g = 9.8m / s 2. Find the
maximum velocity of the bob of the simple pendulum if the amplitude of oscillation is

Sol: l = 1m, g = 9.8m / s 2 , A = 3cm = 0.03m

l 1
T = 2π = 2π
g 9.8

ω= = 3.13 rad / sec

Maximum particle velocity = Aω = ( 0.03 )( 3.13) = 9.391 cm /sec

12. The force on a body executing SHM is 2 N when the displacement is 2 cm. If the
amplitude of oscillations is 5 cm, what is the total energy associated with the SHM?

Sol: F = 2 N, when x = 2 cm = 0.02 m

⇒ F = mω 2 x ⇒ 2 = mω 2 ( 0.02 )

⇒ mω 2 = = 100

A = 5 cm = 0.05 m

1 1
mω 2 A2 = (100 )( 0.05 ) = 50 ( 0.0025 ) = 0.125 J = 12.5 × 10−2 J
Total energy =
2 2

13. The time period of a body suspended from a spring is T. What will be the new time
period, if the spring is cut into two equal parts and (i) the mass is suspended from one
part? (ii) The mass is suspended simultaneously from both the parts?

Sol: (i) If the spring is cut into two equal parts, the new spring constant k ' = 2 k

m m T
∴New Time period T ' = 2π = 2π =
k' 2k 2

(ii) When two springs are attached parallel then

Spring constant k " = k1 + k2 or k " = 2k + 2k = 4k

m T
∴ Time period of T " = 2π =
4k 2

14. A spring balance has a scale that reads 0 to 20 kg. The length of the scale is 10 cm. A
body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with
period of . What is the mass of the body?

Sol: m = 20 kg ; x = 10 cm = 0.1 m

F 200
⇒k = = = 2000
x 0.1

m 20
T = 2π ⇒ T = 2π
k 2000

∴T =

Also, T ∞ m
T2 m2
= ⇒ m2 = 5 kg
T1 m1

∴ The mass attached to the spring is 5 kg.


1. What is the restoring force responsible for the oscillations of simple pendulum?

A. The restoring force responsible for the oscillations of simple pendulum is the component of
the gravitational force mg sin θ due to the earth on it.

2. Why should the angular displacement be small for a simple pendulum?

A. As the angular displacement θ increases sin θ largely differs from ‘ θ ’. Therefore, for the
oscillations to be along a straight line and for the condition of SHM that a ∞ -x to be valid
θ must be very small.

3. How does the time period of a simple pendulum depend on the length of the

A. The time period of simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length.

4. How does the time period of a simple pendulum depend on the acceleration due to
gravity at the given place?

A. The time period of simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of the
acceleration due to gravity.

5. what is the force responsible for the oscillations of a loaded spring?

A. The elastic restoring force is responsible for the oscillations of a loaded spring.

6. what happens to the value of the force constant of a spring, if the mass attached to it
is doubled?

A. The force constant of the spring is independent of the mass attached to it. Therefore it does
not change with the mass attached.

7. Which of the two, a small spring in a ball point pen, and a shock absorbed spring in a
motor cycle, has a greater force constant?

A. The force constant of a shock absorber spring is greater.

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