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Liposomal C

500mg of micellar liposomal vitamin C in each teaspoon

to provide enhanced bioavailability, stability and sustained
release. Sweet orange flavour for improved compliance.

Each 5ml teaspoon contains:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate) 500mg

225 ml

Vegan. GMO, gluten, soy and dairy free.

Our understanding of vitamin C has acid, synthesize serotonin and aid in

come a long way since the discovery the absorption of iron. Its synergy with
Key points
that the essential vitamin can treat other compounds in the body is ever-
and prevent scurvy in 1928. Vitamin present. • Patented Cyto-Sorb
C’s primary role is the maintenance technology utilizes a two-
of connective tissues and, therefore, In spite of its critical importance phase emulsion process with
wound healing and the formation for optimal health, the human body phosphatidylcholine sourced
of bone. However, it is now more cannot synthesize vitamin C and from GMO-free sunflower,
dietary sources are required to vitamin E and organic coconut
commonly associated with treating
maintain adequate levels. Even with vegetable glycerin in order
the common cold and boosting the
widespread fortification in common to create micellar liposomes
immune system.
food sources, it is still estimated that and drastically improve the
bioavailability, stability and
The importance of this simple approximately 10% of adults in the
sustained release of vitamin C
nutrient for human health cannot be industrialized world have marginal
understated. Deficiencies of vitamin deficiencies. Supplemental vitamin • Vitamin C is necessary for
C, also known as ascorbic acid, have C utilizing liposomal technology can proper immune function,
neurotransmitter synthesis, the
been linked to anemia, bleeding gums help to efficiently close this gap.
production of connective tissue,
and various cardiovascular diseases.
Liposomal delivery systems were bone health, wound healing and
Many individuals swear by its healing
originally developed to optimize the more
properties for numerous conditions
from gout to skin health. These pharmacokinetics and efficacy of • Each teaspoon provides 500mg
pharmaceutical drugs. These same of micellar liposomal vitamin C
applications all make sense when we
principles have now been applied in a sweet orange flavour
consider that ascorbic acid is also
physiologically needed to activate folic to natural health ingredients. A • Each bottle provides 45
liposome consists of either a single- servings
layered or multi-layered phospholipid with additional micellar delivery of
structure with an aqueous core. vitamin C. These methods allow for
Active ingredients can be placed micronutrient stability and improved
inside the aqueous core or within the bioavailability, while also promoting
phospholipid bilayer, where they are the delivery of active ingredients to
protected from various enzymatic the intestinal sites of absorption in a
and digestive processes. Ultimately, sustained release fashion.
liposomes provide improved
bioavailability for active ingredients. Cyto-Sorb liposomal formulas
are produced through a two-
However, not all liposomal deliveries are phase emulsion process utilizing
created equal. Liposomes are several phosphatidylcholine sourced from
hundred nanometers in size, which GMO-free sunflower, vitamin E
means that there is still a significant and organic coconut vegetable
amount of digestion that must occur glycerin. Potassium bicarbonate is
to decrease surface area and allow for strategically added to stabilize the
proper absorption. Micelles, on the active ingredient, prevent oxidation
other hand, are significantly smaller and improve flavour. Liposomal
and can be absorbed directly at ~20 Vitamin C by Cyto-Matrix provides
nanometers in size. 500mg of vitamin C per teaspoon in
a delicious sweet orange flavour for
Liposomal Vitamin C by Cyto-Matrix improved compliance. Each bottle
utilizes a unique and patented provides 45 servings.
technology, Cyto-Sorb, in order to
create a stable multi-layered liposome

Related products Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Glycerin, sunflower oil, phosphatidylcholine, purified

water, vitamin e, oleic acid, potassium bicarbonate, citric acid, beta-carotene, natural
A.C.E.S + Zinc citrus flavour, natural vanilla flavour, sucrose.
Active A.C.E.S. + Zn
Indications: Source of an antioxidant for the maintenance o
 f good health. Helps in
connective tissue formation, wound healing, the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients
Cyto.C and the maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
Liposomal B12
Directions: Adults - Take 1 teaspoon per day or as directed by a healthcare
Liposomal CoQ10 professional. Can be taken directly or mixed with a glass of water. Shake before use.
Liposomal Glutathione
Contraindications: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Warnings: Do not use if safety seal is broken.



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