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Global English 3

Name: ………………………………………………….
Class: ……………… Date: …………………………...

Review Unit 5-9
I. Unscramble the letters and write the correct word.

1. Thomas Edison is an_______. He invented the lightbulb. (torvenni)

2. A lot of inventors are looking for answers to ______problem. (lscipat)

3. You are very______ when you help me carry these heavy bags. (plheflu)

4. Vegetables contain vitamins and ___________. (meiarlsn)

5. Robots with wheels can________ the moon and the planet Mars.
II. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.
1. Gallimimus / very fast. / run / could
2. an elephant? / Have you/ touched / ever
3. with protein / Food / our muscles / makes/ strong.
4. in danger. / people / Robots / rescue / can
5. like/ Would/ you/ some/ orange juice?
III. Complete the sentences using the words provided:
so and but finally because
1. Mária Telkes invented solar house ________she wanted to use the sun to heat houses.

2. Jack_____ Zack are twins. They were born on the same day.

3. Some dinosaurs made noise, _____ some couldn’t.

4. First, fold clothes. Next, put folded clothes in drawers. ________, close drawers.

5. I am thirsty, _______ I would like to have some orange juice.

IV. This text has TWO punctuation mistakes. Put this punctuation to correct the mistakes.
• one full stop (.) Hi Zack,
• one question mark (?) Do you want to come to my house after school today My dad has
just bought me a T-rex dinosaur and it is really cool Call me if you
can come.
V. Read the notices and choose the correct answer. Here is one example.

1. What does this notice mean? 2. What does this notice mean?
A. You mustn’t record a video. A. Swimming pool closes at 9 p.m.
B. You can take a picture. B. Swimming pool opens at 10.00 a.m.
C. There are many cameras C. You can’t swim here on Sunday.
3. 4.
+ Borrow one Where might this notice be? Why did Gemma send this message?
book every week.
+ Use clean hands
A. At the park A. to ask Simon to return her book.
when reading. B. In a restaurant B. to tell Simon to go to school.
+ Return books
on time. C. In a library C. to tell Simon that she forgot the
5. 6.
What does this notice mean? What does this notice mean?
A. You must close the door A. You are allowed to enter with
when leaving. your pet.
B. You mustn’t close the door. B. Cats are welcome.
C. You can’t go to this place. C. You mustn’t bring your dog here

VI. Read and choose the suitable response:

1. What are these? 2. What will he do tomorrow?

A. These are apples. A. He will play football with his brother.

B. That is a cake. B. I will have dinner.

C. I love cooking. C. He did his homework.

3. Your sister is crying. What’s the matter? 4. What will you do to be healthy?

A. She likes sleeping. A. No, I don’t.

B. She fell and hit her knee. B. I’ll do exercise.

C. She is 3 years old. C. I watched TV yesterday.

VII. Read and answer the questions. Write 3 words or more for each sentence:
1. What is your favourite invention?
2. What could dinosaurs do?
3. Have you ever seen snow?
4. What do you eat to be healthy?
5. What do robots do for people?
VIII. Read 3 short texts and match each question to a suitable person choosing A, B, C.
Robert Robert likes his room to be tidy, but it’s difficult because he shares the
bedroom with his brother. When Robert is alone in the room, he does his
homework or listens to music. On the wall, there are few small posters. Robert
wants to have more posters, but his mom doesn’t agree.

James James’s bedroom is painted in his favourite color, yellow. He loves football, and
there are many photos of him playing in the school team. “After school I like
to come up here to play computer games. My room’s like my safe place. I can
relax here.” James always keeps his room tidy.

Harry “After school I spend my time in my bedroom and chat to everyone I know on
the computer.” says Harry. “I never work here - I study in the kitchen.” He has
a big desk with a laptop in the middle and some family pictures. On the walls
there are two posters of his favourite tennis stars. “I don’t do so much sport
but I love watching tennis.”

1. Who has a yellow wall bedroom? A. Robert B. James C. Harry

2. Who wants to have more posters on the walls? A. Robert B. James C. Harry

3. Who has pictures of himself doing sport? A. Robert B. James C. Harry

4. Who shares his room with his brother? A. Robert B. James C. Harry

5. Who doesn’t study in his bedroom? A. Robert B. James C. Harry

IX. Read and choose the correct answer:

You should (1) ____ a rainbow. What does it mean? Well, think about the colors of the foods

you eat. Meat is brown and rice (2) ____white. Pasta and potatoes are yellow. What’s about

colors of fruits and vegetables? Tomatoes are red and broccoli is green. Carrots are orange

and apples can (3) ____ yellow, green or red. When we say “Eat a rainbow” that means you

should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables along with your meat and potatoes. Vitamins and

minerals in vegetables will (4) ________ your bodies make healthy cells and strong bones.

Remember to eat a (5)_______ salad and fruit for dessert because it’s good for your health!

1. A. eat B. ate C. eating

2. A. is B. are C. be

3. A. was B. be C. were

4. A. helping B. help C. to help

5. A. many B. lot of C. few

X. Read and write letters in the gaps to complete the missing word:
1. Our b_ _ _s give our body its shape. They help us stand up straight.

2. B_ _ _ _ is inside your skull. It is the part of your body that thinks.

3. I just cut my finger. Can you bring me a p_ _ _ _ _ _?

4. Foods with p_ _ _ _ _ _ such as fish, meat, beans, cheese make our muscles strong.

5. You should do exercise and eat vegetables to be h_ _ _ _ _ _.

XI. Read the text and answer the questions:

Some robots go to places where it is hard or impossible for people to go. They take photos,

measure things or collect samples for scientists to study. Robots with wheels have explored

the moon and the planet Mars. Some robots go deep into the ocean to explore plants and

animals that live there. They also search for old ships on the ocean floor.

Other robots can go into dangerous places where there have been fires, earthquakes or

explosions. Robots can search for people to rescue. They can find people and send us

information. They can move walls or things that fall.

Some robots do jobs that are repetitive. They make cars and other things in factories. They

are often faster and stronger than people, especially when they make big or heavy things.

In hospitals, doctors use robots to do operations inside people’s bodies. A doctor sits at the

computer and shows the robot what to do. The robot arms hold tiny tools and lights. The tiny

tools can reach places that a doctor’s hands can’t reach, like inside a patient’s brain. Together,

the robot and the doctor make an excellent team.

1. What can robots do for scientists?

A. They take photos. B. They collect samples. C. Both A and B

2. How do robots rescue people?

A. They explore the moon. B. They find people and C. They work in factories.

send us information.

3. How do doctors use robots to do operations?

A. They sit at the computer, B. They do nothing. C. They hold robot legs.

show robots what to do.

4. What is the text about?

A. Robots can replace humans. B. Robots and doctors C. How robots help people.

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