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Bond Fourth level papers in Maths 10–11+ years – Sample test

B 3
1 If 6 people do a certain job in 8 hours, how long will it take 16 people, working at
the same speed? 1

B 15
Find the mean of each of the following sets of numbers.

2 8 10 3 7

3 6 2 7 1 4

4 8 10 3 5 3 13 3

B 1
Multiply each of the numbers below by 1000.

5 41.5

6 0.082

7 3.86 3

B 3
8 What would be the approximate cost of 15 CDs at £5.98 each (to the nearest £)?

9 Sue divided a number by 8 rather than multiplying it. Her answer was 12.
B 3
What was the number?

B 3
10–14 Arrange the fractions in order of size, putting the largest first.

5 2 3 1 5
8 3 4 2 6

© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 1

Some children made this Venn diagram of the food they prefer. B 14

B 2

F P F = fish
17 10 28 P = pizza

7 C = chicken
8 4


15–17 children like fish, like pizza and like chicken.

18 The number of children who like both fish and pizza is

19 How many children don’t like pizza?

20 How many children altogether were counted in the diagram? 6

B 13
21–23 £12 is shared between Emily, Claire and Jo in the ratio of 9 : 5 : 2.

How much do they each receive?

Emily Claire Jo 3

B 14
24 11 toys were bought for £2.15 each and sold for £3.50.
B 2
What was the total profit? B 3

Underline the correct answer in each line.

1 1 1 2 3 1 B 10
25 6 + 3 = 9 9 6 18

B 11
26 3.00 – 1.66 = 1.44 0.34 4.66 1.34
B 11
27 0.2 × 0.2 = 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.22
B 3
28 4 ÷ 0.8 = 0.2 0.5 0.32 5 B 11

© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 2

29–33 Plot the points (3, 1), (3, –3), (–1, 1) on the grid. B 23


–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 x

These points are the vertices of a square.

Mark the fourth vertex and draw the square.

34–35 The coordinates of the fourth vertex are ( , ).

36–37 The coordinates of the centre of the square are ( , ). 9

B 27
Change these 24-hour times into 12-hour times using a.m. or p.m.

38 18:17 39 05:03

40 21:19 3

41–43 The ages of Grandma, Aunt Jane and Sara add up to 119 years. Grandma is
B 13
twice as old as Aunt Jane, and Aunt Jane is twice as old as Sara.
Grandma is years old, Aunt Jane years old and
Sara is years old. 3

B 6
6 × 6 = 62 3 × 3 × 3 = 33 . Now write these numbers in the same way.

44 10 × 10 × 10 =

45 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 =

46 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 =

47 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 =

48 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 5

B 20
49 Find the area of a room which is 6 metres long and 9 metres wide.

50 What is the perimeter of the room? 2

Now go to the Progress Chart to record your score! Total 50

© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 3

Bond Fourth level papers in Maths 10–11+ years – Answers to sample test

1 3 hours 34–35 –1, –3

2 7 36–37 1, –1
3 4 38 6:17 p.m.
4 7 39 5:03 a.m.
5 41 500 40 9:19 p.m.
6 82 41–43 Grandma 68, Aunt Jane 34, Sara 17
7 3860 44 103
8 £90 45 54
9 96 46 85
5 3 2 5 1 47 44
10–14 6 4 3 8 2
48 16
15–17 42, 49, 35
49 54 m2
18 17
50 30 m
19 41
20 90
21–23 Emily £6.75, Claire £3.75, Jo £1.50
24 £14.85
25 6
26 1.34
27 0.04
28 5
29–33 y

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 x
Bond Assessment Papers: Fourth level papers in Maths

© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 4

Progress Chart Fourth level papers in Maths
Total Sample test Percentage
marks paper

▼ ▼
50 100%

45 90%


40 80%

35 70%

30 60%

25 50%

20 40%

15 30%

10 20%

5 10%

0 0%

When you’ve filled in the progress chart read the Next Steps
© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 5
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Step 1 Go over your mistakes.
■ Go over any wrong answers and try the questions again.
■ Use How to do … 11+ Maths to help with any question types you find

Step 2 Do more practice.

If you got more than 85% …
Use Bond Assessment Papers: Fourth papers in Maths and Bond Assessment
Papers: More fourth papers in Maths to reinforce and expand your maths skills
at the 11+ level.
If you feel confident, go on to the fifth level books. These provide advanced
11+ level questions that will help you be well-prepared for selective exams as
well as help you take your maths skills further.
Try some mock test papers for realistic exam practice. We suggest that you
use these in the last few months before the actual exam.

If you got 50-85% …

We suggest that you do lots more practice at this level to help improve
your scores. Bond Assessment Papers: Fourth papers in Maths and Bond
Assessment Papers: More fourth papers in Maths include a wider variety of
questions than are included in the sample paper and will help to strengthen
your maths skills.
Make sure you keep going back over any wrong answers and use How to do
… 11+ Maths to help with any question types you find difficult.

If you got less than 50% …

We suggest that you try the third level books to build up your maths skills; Bond
Assessment Papers: Third papers in Maths and Bond Assessment Papers: More
third papers in Maths. Keep going back over questions that puzzle you, using
the strategies in How to do … 11+ Maths to help you, and then come back to the
fourth level books.

© Bond Assessment Papers, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2008 6

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