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ay United States Patent Wang et al. 'USO11709527B2 US 11,709,527 B2 Jul. 25, 2023 (10) Patent No. (45) Date of Patent: os o m ) o an 2) 63) @) oy 2) (38) ND INPUT Applicant: Apple Ine. Cupertino, CA (US) Inventors: Paul X. Wang, Cupertino, CA (US) Keith J. Hendren, San Franciseo, CA (US); Nicholas L. Qu, Vancouver (CA), Dinesh C. Mathew, Cupertino, CA (US) Adam T, Gareli, Cupertino, CA, wus) Assignce: API ING, Cupertino, CA (US) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 38, USC. 1540) by 0 days. Appl. No. 177989,251 Filed: Jum, 25, 2021 Prior Publication Data US 202200035420A1 Feb. 3, 2022 Data $/059,141, filed on Jal Provisional application No. 30, 2020. Ch Goor 116 (2006.01) Go6K 341 (2006.01) Gor 3048 (2006.01) US.Cl cbc GOOF 1/1681 (201301): GOP 1/1647 (2013.01; Gao 1/1454 2013.01), GOOF 171669 (2013.01); GO6F 04s (2013.01) GO6E 390412 (2013.01) Ficld of Clasiieation Search CPC... GO6E 1/1681; GO6E 1/1687; GOP 1/1684 ‘GOGE 1/1669: GOSP 3/0412; GOSP 31088 pplication file for complete search history 66) References Cited USS, PATENT DOCUMENTS S100098 A AU99P Hawkins Samad A G93 Ma £22099) A 7190} Taamiyn oa sa3saos A190) Ble a. S247385 A 91903 Yokota aa (Continved) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS OTHER PUBLICATIONS European Search Report for European Applicaton No, 21188887 ited Dew. 15. 2021 Primary Examiner (74) Anormes, Agent, or Firm Peter D Meloone Dorsey & Whitney LLP on ABSTRACT A computing device can be reconfigurable to inctude one or ‘more electrical devices in various configurations. The com puting device ean include a base forming sa input surice configured to receive user input. The base ean receive one or ‘more input devices, suchas, displays or keyboards. The hase can include a hinge rotatably attached to the base and configured w removably retain an electronic doviee, such 4 display. The computing device can include a coupling ‘mchaniso having ining portion and a socond retaining portion rotatably coupled 10 a intermediate por tion. The fist and second retaining portions can be contig tured to removably retain electrical deviees tothe coupling scchanisn. 19 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets US 11,709,527 B2 Page 2 66) US. PATENT DOCUMENTS s2ssi7 sams 208300 saan S376 S590690 aos Bisse S6s-198 e507 Sows Tise3st Faas 36 73016 Tass T3930 78300 7808796 Sasi a9 soo Saas ssi Sstecsat 10258836 Bi ee.) BL BEEERESHERERESE ES eo oe References Cited 21998 U904 Ato9¢ Rtoo¢ iso 910968 Lis 203 aa 200 9 08 tam? oa0o? 2008 oan Youll 320 0, 32012 120 2013 Haas 42019 1209 Miyagawa oa Dart et Leung amt et Gooch ea. Flat eta Kuetal Nein otal Deboer ea ‘Adnaasea tl Chen Wang ea. Man (Che ot a omer Schwager ea. Hone Hone Vesey Marea Shit eal. Yang ea aloes. 068 11679 ends ea Kido oa uostoroszet 3acetnosoert Sucetnosae72 dart0079623, Sucetnoma9s7 ucetoses 2 BuorLsorst bugrasa70 Suton dottiosts Suanistt aoaurtis94 aowsonreis 0170132090 auiwaioes surmo192430 dorwona0s7 nav 0313750, * cited by examiner ae Ale ate ons S26 ins 42006 3s 113008 2300) o3007 Sani0 Ym an T2014 et) 2017 Fan ‘52000 1020 102021 omer ea cn hen hen var Gen Esther Phikowakd Reale Ghee oa Berekap Daley Che Rec Hendon eal Mekitick Naamua ie G06 i647 Seu st 11626 Daw HoIM4 10647 Gas 13387 HDI 3502 US 11,709,527 B2 Sheet 1 of 19 Jul. 25, 2023 U.S. Patent VI ‘DIT “—o01 U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 2 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 100 — _ FIG. 1B U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 3 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 104 124 U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 4 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 FIG. 3A U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet § of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 6 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 200 202 FIG. 4A U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 7 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 7300 300 : - ) 304 poe Zp 312 ~~ > LA 310 FIG. 5B 302 US 11,709,527 B2 Sheet 8 of 19 Jul. 25, 2023 U.S. Patent 312 330 332 U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 9 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 324 FIG. 7B 344 U.S. Patent Jul. 25, 2023 Sheet 10 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 410 412 FIG. 8A 416 414 U.S. Patent 4400 402 406 |. 25, 2023 Sheet 11 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 a ¢ 432 ah S FIG. 9 412 434 414 416 408 426 410 U.S. Patent Jul. 25, 2023 Sheet 12 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 FIG. 10A U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 13 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 FIG. 10B US 11,709,527 B2 Sheet 14 of 19 5, 2023 Jul. U.S. Patent FIG. 11A FIG. 11B U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 15 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 FIG. 12A 2 s z U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 16 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 FIG. 12B U.S. Patent Jul, 25,2023 Sheet 17 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 25, 2023 Sheet 18 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 ON FIG. 154 FIG. 15B U.S. Patent Jul. 25, 2023 Sheet 19 of 19 US 11,709,527 B2 1100. 106 1100 1100 1102 FIG. 16A 1108 yo 04 1102 FIG. 16B 1108. yo04 Sea 1102 FIG. 16C 1104 1108 US 11,709,527 B2 1 MODULARIZED COMPUTING AND INPUT DEVICES ‘CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED "APPLICATION(S) ‘This claims priovty to US. Provisional Patent Applica ion No. 63050,141, filed 30. Jul. 2020, apd entitled SMODULARIZED. | COMPUTING AND. INPUT DEVICES.” the entire disclosure of which is hereby incor porated by reference. FIELD “The described examples relate generally to computing devices. More particularly, the present examples relate 19 ‘modularized computing devices having removably attached components BACKGROUND. ‘The components of computing deviees, including hous- ings for computing devices, can be designed or formed for specific purposes. Large or bulky components have tric tonal been used to achieve a desired level of performance Jina computing device, such ssa desired amount of memory, a desired lovel of computing power, ora desired manner of ‘ser input Housings for such computing devices were thus constrained to designs including relatively large or uninte rupted internal volumes. Other performance requirements Toe he computing devices also often limited the housings 10 eran Tom factors, Recent advances in computing devices have provided for the miniaturization or reduction in size ofthe components, such as computing components, used to power and drive the devices, such as processors, batlres, memory, and inte tried cirenits As result, computing devices having di Trent form-factor have been adapted 0 provide efiient platforms for particle use or in particular environment. For example, lapiop and tablet computing devies ae com ‘monly used when mobility is desired, suchas, reading news aticles on a bus or a park bench. Ahematively, desktop ‘computing devices are commonly desired when a user wants a larger display andor a fullsize keyboard. While comput- ing devices have traditionally been constructed t0 fit the needs of a single particular use (eg, sketching, viral and facifcial reality applications, reading social media, ee reconfigurable computing devices can be desirable to pr vide a higher quality wsor experience within a broad spec: trum of uses and environments SUMMARY Anexample computing device ean include a hase or body defining a input suface ad an intemal volume, The ng device ean include a plurality of sensors disposed Within the intemal volume, The computing deviee can include a hinge including a retaining portion and a pivot ‘ember. The retaining portion can inclade first and second ‘walls dofning a channel. The pivot member ean rotatably ftach to the base and can be positioned between the fetuining portion and the base, The computing device ean include a display removably attached to the hinge. Tn some examples, the fst wall can define a window, and portion ofthe display can be visible by a user trough the ‘window. The computing device can funtir include a key board removably attached to the input surface. The keyboard 2 can overlay atleast a portion of the input surface, The comping deviee ean include a second display removably tached to the input surface. The sone display can overlay ft lost a portion ofthe input surface. The base ean inchade fone oF more magnets to align the keyboard or the second display on the input surlace. The base can form a raised Porton that sets as @ datum to align the Keyboard oF the second display on the input surface, The plurality of sensors can adkltionally, or altemuatively, be disposed within the raised portion and configured to cece eapactive touch a oF car the iapot sure Tn some examples, the computing device can include a battery, processor, and memory disposed within the inter ral volume. At leat one ofthe plurality of sensors ean be configured to detect a postion and a motion of am extremity of a user in a region adjacent to the input surfiee and ‘communicate with the processor in response to the detected ‘motion or position. The computing device can include a power supply disposed within the Base. The power supply fan inchide an inductive charging. coil, The computing device can include a project to project @ desired image ‘onto the input surface or elsewhere Another aspect of the present disclosure relates toa hinge for an electronic device. The hinge can include a retaining portion having a ist wall and a second wall. The fist and Sccond walls can form at lest a portion ofa channel. The hinge can include a pivot member rotatably sttched to the retaining portion In some examples, atleast one ofthe fist or second walls cn define window” At least one ofthe frst or second walls en include a sub-display. The pivot member ean define an axis and an electron device coupled to the hinge can be pivotable about the axis. The hinge can inch one or more ‘magnets configured to retain an electronic device within the ‘retaining portion. height of the fist wall ean be larger than {height ofthe second wall Another aspect of the present disclosure relates to a coupling mechanism foe intereonnecting electonic devies The covpling mechanism can include frst retaining por tion, a second retaining portion, and an intermediate portion. The intermediate portion canbe positioned between the fist and second retaining portions. Fach ofthe fist and second ‘etaining portions can be pivotable relative to the interne diate portion. Each ofthe fist and second retaining portions fan include a fst wall second wal, a channel at least partially defined by the first and second walls, and a pivot ‘ember. The pivot member can be rotatably attached The intermediate portion. Insome examples, at last one of the fist a second side Iscan define a window, and at leat a portion of a display inereonnected to the coupling mechanism can be visible through the window. At Teast one ofthe ist or sacond walls can include a sub-display. The pivot member ean define an taxis and an elecitonie device interconnected to the coupling mectanism ean be pivotable about the axis. The coupling ‘mechanism can include one or more magnets configured 19 retain an electron device within the frst retaining portion or the second retaining portion, The electronic devices can inchade a pair of tablet computing deviees ora keyboard and a single computing device [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ‘The disclosure willbe readily understood by the follow 12 detailed description in conjunction with the accom ying drawings, whercin like reference numerals designate Tike structural elements, and in which: US 11,709,527 B2 3 FIG. 1A shows a perspective view of components of a computing device FIG. 1B shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. 1A arranged in a configuration. FIG. IC shows a perspective view of the computing deve of PIG, 1A amanged in another configurstion. FIG. 2A shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. 1A arranged in mother configuration and in closed state FIG. 28 shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. 14 arranged in mother configuration and in «closed sate FIG. 2C shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. 1A arranged in another configuration. FIG. 3A shows a perspective view of a computing device FIG. 3B shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. 3A arranged in an assembled configuration. FIG. 3C shows a penpective view of the computing device of FIG. 3A arranged in another assembled config FIG. 4A shows a perspective view ofthe configuration of FIG, 33 ina closed state FIG. 4B shows a perspective view ofthe configuration of FIG, 3C in a closed state, FIG, 4C shows a pepostive view of the computing device of FIG. 3A arranged in another configuration. FIG. $A shows a perspective view of a computing device. FIG. $8 shows a top view of the computing device of FIG. 88. FIG. 5C shows a side view of the computing device of HIG. 88, FIG. 6 shows an exploded view ofthe computing device FIG. 88. FIGS. 7A and 7B show sectional views of the computing device of PIG. $1 in an open and a closed state FIG. 8A shows a perspective view ofa computing device. FIG. 88 shows a rear perspective view of computing device of FIG. BA, FIG. 8C shows a top view of the computing device of FIG. 88. FIG, 8D shows a sectional view of computing deviee of FIG. #8. FIG. 9 shows an exploded view ofthe computing device of FIG. BA. FIG. 10A shows a perspective view of a computing device FIG. 10B shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG, 104 in & closed site FIG. HAshowsa perspective view ofa computing device in an assembled configuration. FIG. IB shows a perspective view of the computing device of FIG. IIA in another cantiguration. FIG. 124 shows a perspective view of a computing device FIG, 128 shows a perspective view of the computing deviee of FIG. 124 arranged in another configuration and in 1 closed state IG, 1 shows 8 perspective view of a computing device including an input dovice. IG, 1 shows a perspective view of a computing device. FIG. 184 shows 3 perspective view ofa computing device having a hinge in an open state TIG. ISB shows a perspective view ofa computing deviee having a hinge in a closed state IG. 16A shows a perspective view ofa computing device ina closed state 4 FIG. 168 showsa perspective view ofa computing device ina closed st IG. 16C shows a perspective view a computing device in closed state DETAILED DES PRIPTION ‘The present description provides examples, and is not Fimiting ofthe seope, applicability, or configuatin set foe Jn the claims, Th, i willbe understood that changes can be made inthe function and arrangement of elements discussed, without departing from the spirit and scope ofthe disclosure, and various examples can omit, substitute, or add other prcedhres companents. as appropriate. Also, fet- tures doserbod with respect to some examples can be combined in other examples. Traditionally, computing deviees can include tablet com puting devices apiop computing deviees, and desktop com: puting devices. Tablet computing devices can resemble Aisplay sercen configured to display content toa wer of the device while also being capable of receiving touch input from the uset Laptop computing deviees generat assume 4 clamsbell configuration having a display portion and a keyboard portion pivotably couple together. Desktop cont- puting devices generally include a distinet display (ie, ‘onitor), a keyboard, ada tower, While each ofthese types of computing devices effectively provide # quality user experience in particular environments it ean be desirable 10 be able to reconfigure these devices to operate electively in ‘broad spectrin of applications in variows environments. Thos, with trains computing devices, users may need 19 rely on anulile distinet computing devices to suliciently meet their vated needs, Tn some examples, the computing devices described herein can be modular oF reconfigurable to prwvide improved functionality in a variety of uses and envio rents. In some examples, a computing device can include a bse ands hinge operably coupled othe base, The hinge can be rotatably attached to the base and can be configured to receive and resin 8 eompenent ora electronic devie fe, ‘display to the base, The base ca define an input sure jn communication with one or more sensors to detect touch, for near touch, input ot the input surface. Additionally or steratively, the oe or more sensors can detect movement fof an object above the input surfce, such asa gesture from the hand of user of the computing device, Tn some examples, ne of nore devices oF components can be placed adjacent w the input surface, such a8 & Keyboard positioned on te input surface. In some examples, the keyboard can have electronics or mechanisms for rece 1 input fom 2 user and ea communicate that inp othe base. In other examples, the keyboord can include a mat having indicia which mark the boundaries of keys, but docs not inciude any’ electeonies or mechanisms to provide input to the input surface of the base, Instead, the one or more sensors within the base can detect input through oa the mst ‘uch that the keyboard ean Tnetion a a guide o pater for f user outlining boundaries for user input aseociated with Specific keys of the keyboard. In some examples, one or more other input devices can be positioned at the input surface of the base, such a, one of more displays, knobs, Switches, buttons, tenables, or other input devices In some examples, the computing device ean include a coupling mechanism configured 10 interconnect multiple clectronie devices or components. The eoupling mechanism can include fist and second retaining portions rotatably sitached to an intermediate portion, Fach of the retaining US 11,709,527 B2 5 portions can receive an eleetonic device within a channel Aefined by one or more wall ‘The computing devices described herein can include a variety of designs and configurations to aecommodate vari- us uses. Such computing devices can be modular and can include multiple displays, multiple input devices, or com binations thereof that can be selectively coupled toa base «hinge, ora coupling mechanism, as desired. This arrange- ‘ment can provide for a variety of different and novel configurations for ulizing the computing devices described herein, These and other examples are discussed below with reference 1 FIGS. LA-16C. However, those skilled in the at will weadily appreciate thatthe detailed description piven herein with respect to these figures is for explanatory purposes only and should not be eonstried as limiting. FIG. 1A shows an example ofa computing device 100 38 discussed herein, including a base 102 a first display 104. 4 second display 106, and keyboard 168. One or more ofthe first display 104, the second display 106, and the keyboard 108 can be combined in various configurations withthe bate 102, for example, by removably coupling therewith. Insome examples, the base 102, the first display 104, the second display 106, and the Keyboard 108 can all be consideced parts of the computing device 100, although in some examples, the base 102 alone can be refered 10 as the ‘ompating device 100 and the fist display 104, the second display 106, and the keyboard 108 can be relerred 1 as components, input components, device, or lectonic devices ‘The base 102 can include a hinge 110 having a retaining portion 112 configured to removably retain an electronic Ueviee (ex the frst or second displays 104, 106) othe base 102. In some examples, the electronic device can be at least, partially retained within @ channel formed by the retaining portion 112. The electronic device ean be atleast patally retained on or in the retaining portion 112 by a magnetic orce coupling the electronic device to the retaining portion 112. For example, the retaining portion 112 can be magnetic ream incl one or more magnets or elestromagnets Which exert a foree on a comesponding mapnet or ferromagnetic ‘material in the electric Jevie to retain # portion of the housing ofthe cletronic device to the hinge 110. The hinge 110-can be rotatably or otherwise moveably coupled tothe bse 102 such that an electronic device coupled 10 the fetsining portion 112 can pivot of move relative to the base 102, ‘The base 102 can define an input surfer 114 (eg, an upper most surface or top surface ofthe base 102). The input surface 114 can receive input from a user ofthe computing device 100, For example, te base 102 can include one oF ‘ore sensor, disposed within an intemal volume defined by the base 192, o detect user input ator nar the input surice 114 (Gee FIGS. TA and 7B and their elated dislosure herein). Altematively or adtionally, an input device (e 2 the first or second displays 104, 106, or the keyboard 108) ‘an be positioned andor retained on the input surface 14 19 tenable user to provide input tothe computing device 100 The fist display 104 can be any fom of display, com- ponent, or device used to display visual content 0 user. For example, the first display 104 can be an LED display, an OLED display, or an LCD digplay. In some examples, the fist display’ 104 ean be any form of display now known in the ar, or as may be developed in the future. In some ‘examples, the fist display 104 can bea touch screen display, bream have touch detecting capabilites, such at, capacitive ‘ouch, foree touch, and near touch capabilities. In some 6 examples, However, the computing device 100 can_be txpable of detecting a user's toch andioe a position of an appendage of te user by components other than the fst display 104. ln some examples, the fst display 104 ean also Janet asa standalone computing device, such a a tad tionally configured tablet computer, when not retained on the base 102. In some examples, the fist display 104 can communicat with the base 102, and computing components in the base 102 can provide signals fo the frst display 10 regardless of whether the frst display 104 i tained on the bse 102, ‘The second display 106 can be substantially similar to, snd can ince some oral of the features ofthe it display 104, In some examples, the second display 106 can he any orm of display, component, or device used to display visual content toa user. For example, in some examples the second Aispay 106 can bean LED display, an OLED display, or an LCD display. In some examples, the second display 106 can be any form of display now known inthe art, or as may be developed in the future, In some examples, the socond display 106 can bea touch sercen display or ean have touch detecting capabilities, such as, capacitive th, force touch, fd near touch capabilities. In some examples, however, he computing device 100 can be capable of detecting a user's touch and/or a position of an appendage of the user by ‘components other than the second display 106, ‘As described herein, and as showa in the associated ‘igure, the fist and second displays 104, 106 can be removably coupled to, or otherwise positioned about, the bse 102 to provide various configurations of the computing device 100..As a result, one of both ofthe fest and second displays 104, 106 can be wsilized w form the eompy device 100, Akdough a respective display (ee. the fst display 104) may be refers to in a particular example, ‘nother display (e.g. the second displ 106) canbe eal 18 applicable within the example. Marsover, while the size and vesthete features of the second display 106 are ills tated as identical to te fist display 104 inthe figures, the second display 106 can dlfer in sie, aesthetic estes, ad Tnetionatity from the fest display 104 In some examples, the keyboard. 108 ean include o more Keys 116. A user ean provide input to the computing device 100 by pressing one or more ofthe keys 116. Fach ofthe keys 116 can include « respective indicia or symbol Printed, etchod, or otherwise provided on a surface of the key 116 to form an alphanumeric keyboard (ea QWERTY type keyboard, ete.) Adkitionaly or aler- tively, one oF more of the keys 116 can alter or vary operational aspects of the computing device 100, for cxanipl, by adjusting an intensity ofa bacllight behind the keys 116 or by varying a magnitude of volume emitted from a Speaker (not shown) housed within the fist or second display 104, 106, andor the base 102 ‘While the figures illustrate the keyboard 108 2s baving @ particular quantity of keys 116, eh aving particular sizes and shapes, the quantity of key 116 and the particular sizes tnd shapes ofthe kess 116 cin vary from one example 10 anothee: Moreover, the position of cach key 116 on the keyboard 108 can be varied to socommodste other input mctanisms on the Keyboard 108, such as track pad, touch screen, of other input surface or component. Furthermore, tech key 116 can be configured to receive multiple kinds of input. In some examples, the key 116 can be actuated or receive fore from a Wser which vertically displaces the key 116. Additionally or alternatively, the key 116 can receive a touch input ata surface thereof to provide track pad or ‘ouch pad uty. Far example, 2 touch input a the surbice

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