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1. What is the theme of the party tonight?
R=The theme of the party tonight is "Hawaiian".

2. What kind of music will the band play at the concert?

R=The band will play alternative rock music at the concert.

3. What is the main menu for dinner tonight?

R=The main menu for dinner tonight includes beef fillet with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables.

4. What is the genre of the film that will be screened?

R =The film that will be screened is of the romantic comedy genre.

5. Who will be the special guest at the conference?

R=The special guest at the conference will be the renowned artificial intelligence expert, Dr. Alan Turing.


Let’s study English 
NAME: _Mavis Carolina Mejía Melgar_______________________________
Bright Brillante
Careful Cuidadoso
Charming Encantador
Communicative Comunicativo
Diplomatic Diplomático
Discreet Discreto
Dynamic Dinámica
Easygoing De trato fácil
Energetic Energético
Enthusiastic Entusiasta
Friendly Amigable
Funny Divertido
Hard-working Trabajo duro
Helpful Útil
Honest Honesto
Humorous Humorístico
Independent Independiente
Intelectual Intelectual
Nice Lindo
Optimistic Optimista
Passionate Apasionado
Patient Paciente
Shy Tímido
Romantic Romántico
Self- confident Seguro de sí mismo
Straightforward Directo
Loyal Leal
Cheerful Alegre
Eager Ansioso
Excellent Excelente
Brave Conjurado
Kind Amable
Polite Educado
Clever Inteligente
Generous Generoso
Obedient Obediente
Attractive Atractivo
Faithful Fiel
Emotional Emocional
Modest Modesto
Adorable Adorable
Glamorous Atractivo


Aggressive Agresivo
Ambitious Ambicioso
Bad- tempered Mal genio
Crazy Loco
Disloyal Desleal
Unfaithful Infiel
Grumpy Gruñón
Impolite Descortés
Lazy Perezoso
Pessimistic Pesimista
Silly Tonto
Stingy Tacaño
Stubborn Tenaz
Fool Tonto
Clumsy Torpe
Imprudent Imprudente
Jealous Celoso
old-fashioned Anticuado
possessive  Posesivo
Rude Brusco
Selfish Egoísta
talkative Charlatán
envious Envidioso

1. He is loyal
2. He is so studious
3. She is very pretty
4. We are very careful
5. They are so smart
6. She is very educated
7. We are very kind
8. He is so romantic
9. She works hard for her future
10. We are so independent
11. They are optimistic
12. We are very patient
13. He is very shy

1. He is not ambitious enough to pursue his dreams.
2. She is always bad-tempered and easily gets angry.
3. The guy next door is crazy and keeps making loud noises all night.
4. He is known for being disloyal and betraying his friends.
5. She discovered that her partner was unfaithful to her.
6. My boss is grumpy and always complains about everything.
7. He is impolite and never says "thank you" or "please."
8. The student is lazy and never completes his assignments on time.
9. She has a pessimistic outlook on life and always expects the worst.
10. He acts silly and makes inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times.
11. The wealthy businessman is stingy and never donates to charity.
12. Despite everyone's advice, he remains stubborn and refuses to change his mind.
13. The fool forgot to bring the important documents to the meeting.

13 YES-NO ?
1. Is Alejandra very cheerful?
Yes, she is
No, she isn´t

2. Is he so eager?
Yes, she is
No, he isn´t

3. Are they very Friendly?

Yes, they are
No , they aren´t

4. Are you so Bright?

Yes, you are
No, you aren´t

5. Am I very communicative?
Yes, I am
No, I am not

6. Are we so romantic?
Yes, we are
No, we aren´t

7. Is she very helpful?

Yes, she is
No, she is not

8. Is Emir very enthusiastic?

Yes, he is
No, he isn´t

9. Are they so ambitious?

Yes, they are
No, They aren´t
10. Are you very crazy?
Yes, you are
No, you aren´t

11. Am I so possessive?
Yes, I am
No, I am not

12. Are we very talkative?

Yes, we are
No, we aren´t

13. Is she very old-fasioned?

Yes, she is
No, she isn´t
                           UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE HONDURAS  
                                                    "Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz" 




Mariela () - Maestro de jardinería
Mavis () - Estudiante interesada
Luis () - Estudiante despreocupado
Madelin - Estudiante curiosa
Tema: El jardín olvidado

Scene 1: In the garden classroom

Mariela-: (enthusiastically) Good morning, everyone. Today, I'm going to tell you an intriguing story about a
forgotten garden.
Mavis: (interested) That sounds exciting, teacher. What happened to that garden?
LUIS-  (nonchalant) Who cares? Gardens are boring.
Madelin-(curious) I'm excited to hear the story, teacher. What secrets does this garden hold?

Scene 2: In the abandoned garden

Mariela-: (mysterious) This garden used to be a paradise of flowers and exotic plants. But one day, something
unexpected happened.
MAVIS: (intrigued) What happened, teacher? Why was the garden abandoned?
LUIS-- (mocking) I bet it was because no one cared about it. Gardens don't matter.
Madelin- (inquiring) Was it a natural disaster, or was there another reason for its abandonment?

Scene 3: Investigating the garden

Mariela-: (enthusiastically) Today, we're going to explore the garden and uncover its history. Are you ready to find
the answers?
Mavis: (excited) Yes, teacher! I'm thrilled to discover the hidden secrets of the forgotten garden.
LUIS- (indifferent) I guess I have no choice. Let's see what we find.
Madelin- (curious) I love investigating. I'm ready to uncover the mysteries of the forgotten garden.

Scene 4: Discovering clues

Mariela: (excited) Look, here's an old diary. It seems to have belonged to the original gardener of the garden.
Mavis: (enthusiastic) Amazing! What does the diary reveal about the garden's abandonment?
LUIS-: (skeptical) It's probably just nonsense. Diaries can't change the past.
Madelin-(inquiring) What fascinating stories does that diary hold? Will it give us clues about the garden's fate?

Scene 5: The surprising twist

Mariela-: (astonished) According to the diary, the garden was abandoned due to an ancient curse. No one dared
to take care of it.
Mavis: (astonished) I can't believe it! Do you really believe in curses, teacher?
LUIS-: (uncertain) This is getting weird. I don't believe in curses, but something strange must have happened.
Madelin- (intrigued) What was the nature of the curse? Is there any way to break it and revive the garden?

Scene 6: Solving the mystery

Mariela-: (determined) We must find a way to break the curse and bring life back to the garden. Do you have any
Mavis: (enthusiastic) We can research ancient rituals of purification and energy restoration for gardens.
LUIS-: (skeptical) I think we should just leave it as it is. Gardens are not my concern.
Madelin- (optimistic) We can seek the help of experts in paranormal phenomena. They might have solutions to
break the curse.
Scene 7: In search of the solution
Mariela-: (decided) We can't give up now. Let's search for experts in curses and gardening to get answers.
Mavis: (committed) I'm with you, teacher. We won't let this curse stand in our way of reviving the garden.
LUIS-: (skeptical but intrigued) I guess I have nothing to lose by trying. Maybe I'll find something interesting in the
Madelin- (enthusiastic) Let's explore all possible options and find the solution!

Scene 8: The purification ritual

Mariela-: (serious) We have summoned the experts in curses and gardening to perform the garden's purification
Mavis: (hopeful) I trust that

 this ritual will help us break the curse and restore life in the garden.
LUIS-: (curious) I can't help but wonder what will happen. Will it really work?
 (excited) I'm ready to witness the power of purification and see the garden's transformation.

Scene 9: The rebirth of the garden

(All watch as the experts perform the purification ritual. Gradually, the plants start to revive and bloom)

Mariela-: (excited) We did it! The curse has been broken, and the garden has been reborn.
MAVIS: (joyful) It's a miracle to witness the beauty of the garden restored.
LUIS-: (happy) This is more interesting than I expected. Nature can be surprising.
Madelin- (elated) Our efforts paid off. The garden has come back
 to life, and its secrets are now unveiled.

Hello my name is Mavis, what is yours? my name is Yester.

How old are you Mavis?
eighteen masters.


Yester :Hello! How are you? I'm excited for tonight's party.
Mavis: Hello! I'm fine thanks. I am also excited for the party. Do you know what time it starts?
Yester: Yeah, I think it starts at 8 o'clock. Can you believe it? Only two hours to go!
Mavis : Great, so we have enough time to prepare. What time should we leave here?
Yester : We can leave at 7:30. This way we will arrive on time and we can enjoy the party from the beginning.
Mavis : Perfect, I'll be ready to go at that time. Do you know if there will be music at the party?
Yester : Yes, I heard that there will be a DJ and live music. It will be great!
Mavis : That sounds amazing! Do you know what time the party ends?
Yester : I think the party ends at midnight. We will have plenty of time to have fun.
Mavis : Great, so we can dance and enjoy until late. By the way, what time should we come home?
Yester : I guess it depends on how we're feeling, but maybe we can leave around 2am.
Mavis : I agree. Looks like we're going to have a great night. I can not wait!

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