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SCORE: /50

A  Listen to the conversation. Circle True or False for each statement.

1 Rick hasn’t taken any pictures with his phone yet. True / False
2 Rick has had his phone for a few years. True / False
3 Rick often syncs his phone with his laptop. True / False
4 Rick has never copied any of his pictures. True / False
/ 8 (2 points each)

B Circle the correct answers to complete the conversation.

Luis What are you doing, Emily?
Emily I’m cleaning the house. We have so much 1fancy / useful / useless stuff!
Luis Really? Like what? Hey! Don’t throw my computer games away! They’re
damaged / in good condition / used. Look, this one is 3brand new / fancy / plain.
I haven’t even played it yet.
Emily All right. But how about the two bikes in the garage? They’re both 4plain / damaged / useful, and you
haven’t gone for a bike ride for years!
Luis Hmm. OK. But look at this bicycle wheel. It could be 5useful / modern / common one day, right?
Emily I don’t think so. Now, what are we going to do with this old laptop? It’s completely
modern / special / outdated, so no one is going to want it. People want 7plain / damaged / modern
computers these days.
/ 7 (1 point each)

C Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

folders home screen model set up storage sync try work

Alex How do you like your new device, Jon?

Jon I love it! It has so many cool new features. Just look at the 1 ! I put some new
on it this morning so I can organize my apps better.
Alex That’s great. Was it easy to 3 ?
Jon Yes. It only took me a couple of minutes. And look, there’s a lot of 4 too, so I can
keep all my pictures and music on it. Also, I can 5 it easily with my laptop – that
way, I never lose my stuff.
Alex So what 6 is it? I think I want one!
Jon It’s the X90. Here, take it. You can 7 it before you buy one. I think you’ll really like it
Alex Oh, thanks. Let me take a picture. How does that feature 8
Jon It’s easy! Just look at me on the screen and click!
/ 8 (1 point each)

Evolve Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2020 Photocopiable Unit 2 Quiz A 1
D Choose the correct answer.
1 Have you played computer games?
A  never B  ever C  for
2 Matt has worked in the same computer store he was nineteen.
A  since B  for C  ever
3 I have thrown anything useful away. I like to keep stuff.
A  ever B  never C  since
4 Nick has had the same phone five years. He doesn’t pay much attention to technology.
A  since B  ever C  for
5 A: Have you ever tried a “funny faces” app?
B: Yes, I . They’re great.
A  do B  have C  tried
6 Ana has been on the phone with Jorge a long time.
A  in B  since C  for
7 Have you worked here you graduated from college?
A  ever B  never C  since
/ 7 (1 point each)

E Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses ( ).
EXAMPLE:  Have you tried (try) the V10 smartphone yet?
1 Mike already (send) me three emails this morning.
2 We (not/set up) the music library on the laptop yet.
3 My kids already (download) several emoji apps.
4 you (sync) your phone and laptop yet?
5 Steve already (buy) that brand new computer game?
/ 10 (2 points each)

Evolve Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2020 Photocopiable Unit 2 Quiz A 2
F Read the article. Then answer the questions.


In 2014, Kate and Bill Moser left their jobs in Los Angeles and moved to a small town in the Midwest. They
started a family and had two children. There’s nothing very special about that, but the Moser family is a little
unusual — they haven’t owned a TV since they moved. The children have never seen a TV show except at
friends’ houses. Interestingly, no one in the family even wants a TV. But why? Bill Moser explains.
We haven’t had a TV in a long time, and we don’t miss it at all. Here’s why:
1.  We’ve saved money because we don’t pay a cable company, and our kids don’t see commercials for toys and
fancy clothes. Our little boy, Mikey, loves to repair damaged things he finds in the yard. He has already made two
toy trains and a car out of trash.
2.  Have you heard that the average American spends over five hours watching TV every day? We have a lot
more time now that we’re not watching TV. In fact, we’ve never read so many books!
3.  My wife and I haven’t had to go to the doctor’s office for two years. That’s because we spend most of our free
time outdoors — hiking, cycling, and playing with our kids. I’ve already lost some weight!
4.  Our children have never eaten pizzas, burgers, chips, candy, or any junk food because they don’t see any
commercials for it. Also, we have more time to cook, so we try new healthy recipes together.
5.  I think we might be a little smarter now, too. Some studies have shown that watching TV can change the way
your brain works. Kids who watch a lot of TV when they’re very young often start speaking later.
All good reasons to turn off the TV!

1 What is unusual about the Moser family? 4 Why haven’t Mr. and Mrs. Moser had to go to
A  They moved away from Los Angeles. the doctor’s office?

B  They have two children. A  Because they don’t like doctors.

C  They don’t own a TV. B  Because they have saved a lot of money.

2 Since they moved to the Midwest, the Mosers C  Because they’ve spent time exercising outdoors.

A  have paid a cable company. 5 The main goal of the article is

B  have lived in Los Angeles. A  to describe what the Moser family does every day.

C  have started a family. B  to show the advantages of life without a TV.

3 What has Mikey done? C  to explain how to own a TV.

/ 10 (2 points each)
A  He has made toys out of trash.
B  He has bought fancy clothes.
C  He has watched a lot of commercials.

Evolve Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2020 Photocopiable Unit 2 Quiz A 3

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