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Title of the Research : The Impact of Leadership Style on Employees performance Rationale of proposed investigation

The purpose of the study is to find the impact of leadership styles on employees performance. The interest in the influence of leadership on employees performance represents an alternative to the traditional focus on the leader as the center of attention and power as with the sun in the solar system. Effective Leadership influence their employees/ followers and help in improving the performance of the employees


Review of work already done on the subject

Leadership is one of those qualities that you know when you see it, but it is difficult to describe. There are almost as many definitions as there are commentators. Many associate with one person leading. Four things stand out in this respect. First , to lead involves influencing others. Second, where there are leaders there are followers. Third, leaders seem to come to the fore when there is a crisis or special problem. In other words , they often become visible when an innovative response is needed. Fourth, leaders are people who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why. Thus , leaders are people who are able to think and act creatively in non- routine sitruations- and who set out to influence the actions, beliefs and feelings of others. Demand for great leaders is growing in modern times, as society and technology is becoming increasingly advanced. The ever changing business environment has created a need for leaders who can meet the demands and challenges of organizations functioning in complex competitive environments, with the world open for trade. In attempting to understand the nature of leadership and its different aspects, it is necessary to discuss the different theories of leadership that have developed over time, as various schools of thought have brought their differing ideas and knowledge to this discipline. There are various theories of leadership, which attempt to explain the factors involved in the emergence of leadership, the nature of leadership, or the consequences of leadership.


Objective(s) To find out the existing Leadership Style in the company. To investigate the impact of leadership style on employees performance To evaluate the importance of leader- employee/follower relations in organizational building To identify problems associated with the leader-employees relationship in the business environment. To make suggestions on leadership pattern with the view of improving employees performance.


Major Hypothesis Ho: that leadership style or pattern does not impact on the performance of employees in an organization. Hi: that leadership style or pattern impact on the Performance of employees in an organization.


Materials and Methods Primary research Survey Method through Questionnaire Secondary research - Through journals, magazines, research papers, etc. Analysis of questionnaire through SPSS.


Tentative Chapter wise details of proposed research Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Review of literature Chapter 3 Variables Defined Chapter 4 Research methods and procedures Chapter 5 Data analysis and results

Chapter 6 Conclusion and recommendation Chapter 7 - References Chapter 8 Annexures


References Cited

a) ACKERMAN, C.P., SCHEEPERS, J.M., LESSING, B.C. and DANNHAUSER, Z. 2000. Die Faktorstruktuur van Bass se Veelfaktor Leierskapvraelys in die Suid-Afrikaanse Konteks, Journal of Industrial Psychology, 26(2): 58-65. b) Int. J. of Human Resource Management 11:4 August 2000 766788 c) Janet R. . McColl-Kennedy and Ronald D. Anderson The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 13, Issue 5, October 2002, Pages 545-559

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