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Your Knowledge Resource For Those On The Go Vol 86: The Complete Guide To Affirmations


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Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your life sometimes? Do
RESOURCES you have a lot of self-doubt or lack confidence?
Perhaps you have a hard time thinking positively, especially since the
Top 10 Takeaways world we live in can be very harmful, and it’s easy to default to negative
thinking and think bad thoughts about yourself.
For A Deeper Dive
It can be easy to think about worst-case scenarios concerning different
Did You Know? areas of your life. This could happen when you think about money and
This Week’s Inspiring wonder, “Am I ever going to get ahead financially?”
Video It can also be easy to think negative thoughts about other areas of your
life, including your family, your job, and where you’re headed in life. It can
My Favorite Quotes
On The Complete Guide get to the point when these thoughts can be extremely unhealthy.
To Affirmations Further, you may have a lot of negative and false beliefs about money,
success and getting what you want in life that could be handcuffing you
Upcoming Issues from getting more of what you want in your life.
The antidote to these negative thoughts and constantly thinking about
worse-case scenarios is affirmations. These are statements you tell yourself
that can counteract the negative thoughts in your mind and any false beliefs
you may have about life in general.

@2022. Created, Produced, Distributed & Powered By The AWESOMENESS Group. The AWESOMENESS Group, 10 Stonecrest
Circle, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
The Complete Guide To Affirmations

This Masters Class is going to cover the power of the results she wants, and it’s going to engrain those
affirmations and how they can potentially change negative thoughts and beliefs even further.
your life. After all, you don’t have to be a slave to your But, what if this woman had positive thoughts
thoughts -- you can shift those thoughts to make running through her, and a rock-solid belief that she
them more empowering, which can help you achieve can accomplish her weight loss goal? She is more than
great things. likely going to take the massive action necessary to
get the results she wants.
You Are What You Think About She’s going to get up early, watch her diet, and do
We, humans, tend to default to negative thinking what it takes to lose the weight.
when it comes to what we can achieve in our lives. That’s the effect that negative thoughts, beliefs, and
This is mostly from our upbringing where our parents emotions can have on someone’s life and behaviors.
told us “No” over and over again when we got closer And that’s why it’s critical to shift our mindsets if we
to touching the stove, or when we wanted to stay out want to get what we want out of our life.
late at night past curfew. But that’s not all -- negative thoughts and beliefs
There are other sources of this negativity, including can actually make us sicker. A recent study showed
our culture. However, a big source of this negativity that negative thoughts that create stress in a person
is our upbringing. Most of us internalized these “no’s” have a negative effect on our immunity and can raise
we got from our parents and began to believe this the T cell count in our bodies. This can lead to inflam-
when it comes to getting more of what we wanted in mation in our bodies, which can cause disease.
our lives.
And that’s why affirmations are powerful -- they are
The problem is this negativity and self-doubt can sti- a tool that can help make this mindset shift happen.
fle our lives. When we say No to possibilities, or we are
frozen with self-doubt, we are not performing or taking
the actions necessary in order to elevate our lives.
What Are Affirmations?
Let’s say a woman wants to lose 30 pounds so she Affirmations are statements that we say to our-
can look good at her wedding. She gets excited about selves that can shift our beliefs and negative attitudes
losing weight, but then she thinks about all the other about different aspects of our lives so we can perform
times she wanted to lose weight but failed. Or, she better in those areas.
starts to think negative thoughts like, “I’ll never lose It’s a way to counteract the negative thoughts and
the weight,” or “I’m just big-boned” or, “I’m just going beliefs that bounce into our minds when we least ex-
to fail again and have to go on another yo-yo diet.” pect it. And it’s a way literally to program our minds
With all of these negative thoughts and self-doubts, so we can feel better about ourselves and our lives.
how motivated do you think this woman is going to Here’s why: research has shown that the brain
be when it comes to losing weight? Is she going to get exhibits neuroplasticity, or is able to change and grow
up at 6 am and hurry to the gym with enthusiasm? well into adulthood. In other words, if we deploy af-
Probably not. That’s because these negative firmations, we can boost our chances in the future of
thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are going to cause her thinking more positive thoughts about ourselves and
to take little or no action. Then, she’s not going to get our world.

Executive Book Summary 2

The Complete Guide To Affirmations

In other words, if you repeat an affirmation over thoughts to positive ones leads to happiness
and over again, you’ll start to think and even believe and improved relationships, friendships, and
that affirmation over time thanks to the brain’s ability work-life.
to change over and over again.
Further, affirmations can help protect our self-es- How To Use Affirmations
teem in the face of threats. For example, if you have a
Say affirmations out loud – it’s one thing to think
boss that is harsh or very dismissive, you can use affir-
affirmations in your head, but it’s more powerful to say
mations to counteract this outside threat or negativity,
which is a big deal if you want to feel better about them out loud. You can say them when you’re driving
yourself. all by yourself, or you can even say them in a shower.
Why is this powerful? It’s because our brain forms
The Importance Of Affirmations For Men- auditory links in our memory pathways when we read
tal Health something out loud. In other words, it can cause brain
changes to happen a lot faster vs. saying the affirma-
Individuals struggling with mental health issues
tions in your head or writing them down.
often battle feelings of low self-esteem and hopeless-
ness. Such negative emotions can infiltrate various Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think
aspects of one’s life, including personal relationships affirmations in your head or write them down. There
and career goals. might be times when you’re not able to say your
However, utilizing affirmations is a potent way to affirmations out loud. But research has shown that it’s
subdue these common mental health challenges. Affir- better to say your affirmations out loud.
mations boost the levels of endorphins in our brains, Use the present tense – for example, you want to
allowing individuals to perceive the future with greater say affirmations like “I’m so grateful for my life,” or “I
optimism and improve their overall mood. love myself ” as if you are feeling it right now in your
Indeed, powerful affirmations improve individuals’ present state.
mental health, helping them cultivate a deep sense of Try not to highlight the negative – remember,
confidence and resilience in facing life’s challenges.
you want to keep your affirmations positive and
Here’s how:
results-based. Only choose uplifting affirmations that
• Reduce Stress: Replacing negative thoughts make you feel positive about yourself.
with positive affirmations reduces stress and
boosts happiness. So, instead of an affirmation that states, “I don’t feel
• Boost Self-Esteem: Affirmations are a great nervous or fidgety when speaking in front of people,”
activity for individuals with low self-esteem as you can have an affirmation that states, “I am relaxed
it builds confidence and self-esteem. and in control when I talk in front of people.”
• Motivate You: Saying affirmations aloud can
act as a motivator, encouraging individuals to Example Of Affirmations
start acting on their goals.
Everyone is different when it comes to affirma-
• Improve Overall Quality of Life: Positivi-
ty breeds positivity, and changing negative tions, so you’ll want to try affirmations that not only

Executive Book Summary 3

The Complete Guide To Affirmations

match your specific circumstance but also make you starting a new business. So, if you feel like you’re not
feel better no matter what’s going on in your life. a courageous person or if you need more courage to
Feel free to explore these affirmations and see what achieve your goals, then try out this affirmation.
feels good to you:
“I love myself ” How To Make Affirmations Work For You
There are many people who don’t feel this way Now that you know how to use affirmations and have
about themselves, and it can prevent them from been exposed to several types of affirmations, it’s time to
moving forward in their lives. That’s why this affirma- discover how to make affirmations work for you.
tion is a good one to try if you find yourself thinking
This is important because affirmations tend to
negatively, or even hate yourself.
work for some people but not for others. That’s why
“I am so grateful for my life” it’s critical to add some muscle to the affirmation so
Having an attitude of gratitude is a powerful way that any negative thoughts or beliefs don’t knock out
to lift your mood and can help you battle any mental the effect of the positive statement.
health issues you may be facing. It can help you feel
better about any circumstances you might be en- 1) Make a list of what you always thought were
during, and may even help you attract more of what your negative qualities.
you’re grateful for in your life. It’s also a great way to Perhaps you’re shy, or a boss has told you that
feel how fortunate it is that you’re alive. you’re not very assertive in the boardroom. Or per-
haps there could be criticisms of you that were told to
“I will be successful”
you by your parents, siblings, or peers.
This is a powerful affirmation for anyone who is
trying to start a business or is trying to accomplish Make a list of all of those negative qualities that
more in their lives. This will empower you to take the have haunted you for years. It helps to think of quali-
necessary actions in order to get more of what you ties that give you a feeling of dread or a tight feeling in
want in your life. This is an excellent affirmation to your chest or stomach. These are the perceived nega-
say just before you’re about ready to do something tive qualities that need to be rooted out of your brain.
difficult on the road toward achieving your goals. 2) Write an affirmation that points to the positive
“I am good enough” aspect of your self-judgment.
This is a good affirmation to protect yourself from You might want to use a thesaurus for this, so you
any thoughts about not being good enough compared can find more powerful wording that will be more
to other people and for the situation you may find impactful. For example, if a criticism by other people
yourself in your life. That’s because it is common to of you is that you’re a failure, a good affirmation is “I
compare ourselves to other people on social media succeed in anything I try.”
and in real life and feel inferior to other people.
3) Inculcate a positive belief in yourself by chant-
“I am courageous” ing an affirmation aloud for approximately five
Courage is one of those “power traits” that can pro- minutes, three times a day -- in the morning,
pel you to new heights in your life. Because advancing midday, and evening.
in your life means doing things you’re not comfort- While reciting the positive statement, make it a
able doing, including going on an exercise program or point to look at yourself in the mirror.

Executive Book Summary 4

The Complete Guide To Affirmations

You could also reinforce this new belief by writing and even pause really to think about your affirmations
the affirmation several times in a notebook -- this can as you write them.
easily be done at work. As you jot it down each time,
For example, if one of your affirmations is “I am
pay attention to any changes in your writing style, as
full of love,” you can keep writing about the loving
it might be an indication of how your mind is pro-
thoughts and feelings you may have at that moment.
cessing this new concept. This exercise is designed to
This will help you intensify the feelings you’re having
impel positive affirmations using a mindful journal
approach. and may even help you change your brain even more
so you think those thoughts more often.
4) Anchor the affirmation in your body.
During the process of reprogramming your mind,
it’s crucial to move from simply understanding the Conclusion
concept of your affirmation to actually embodying the Nope, doing affirmations is not a new-age tactic
positive quality you seek. that’s supposed to turn your life around magically
To anchor the affirmation in your body while in as little as a day. But over time it can help reshape
repeating it, place your hand on the area that caused your brain into performing better when it comes to
discomfort when writing out the negative belief in your finances, your relationships, and your life.
Step 1. Furthermore, make sure to “breathe” into the
Plus affirmations have been shown by research to
affirmation when saying or writing it, as this helps to
work. They’re not some woo-woo tactic that may or
create a deeper connection between the words and
your body. may not work for everyone.
That’s why you should start implementing affir-
5) Get a friend or coach to repeat the affirmation
to you. mations in your life if you want to feel better about
To improve the effectiveness of your affirmations yourself and your potential. Before you know it, the
further, you can consider recruiting a trusted friend affirmations will cause you to think differently about
or coach to help reinforce your positive messages. yourself so you can perform better in all areas of life.
This can involve asking them to repeatedly affirm Remember, you need to be consistent when it
your positive statement, such as “You are remarkable comes to affirmations. It’s like going to the gym in
and cherished,” and identifying it as a type of “good order to get fit -- you cannot just go to the gym once
mothering” or “good fathering” message. and expect to get rock-hard abs after one visit.
If finding a friend or coach is not an option, you In the same vein, you cannot expect to start think-
can use your own reflection in the mirror as a means ing positive thoughts as the result of affirmations after
of reinforcing your healthy message. one day. It’s going to take consistency and persistence
in order to get results. So don’t think of affirmations
Start An Affirmation Journal as a quick fix.
A powerful way to deploy the magic of affirmations But, when taken seriously, affirmations can help
is to start an affirmation journal. This is where you you become empowered, achieve more of your goals,
write down your affirmations over and over again, and help you become a better, more fulfilled person.

Executive Book Summary 5

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