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Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022 27

TOP 100
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Driven by unprecedented demand

Who’s who among the leading Top 100 U.S. Furniture Stores
in ’21, Top 100 sees sales
stores, p34 2022 ranking, p36
numbers soar, p28
28 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Driven by unprecedented Top growth in sales and units, 2021-2020

demand in ’21, Top 100 Company

Sales in billions*
2021 2020 % change
Number of units
2021 2020 % change
All Top 100 $61.1 $48.9 24.9% 11,395 11,219 1.6%
sees sales numbers soar Top 10
Top 100 conventional
$25.6 8.2%
$25.5 39.3%
By Joanne Friedrick furniture stores
Research Editor The Top 100’s 2021
share of Top 100 specialty $25.6 $23.4 9.4% 6,855 7,423 -7.7%

t was a race to the top for furni- *Sales of furniture, bedding and accessories
sales through U.S. furniture
ture retailers in 2021 as most
stores Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 Furniture Today Survey of Top 100 U.S. Furniture Stores
of the Top 100 experienced
sales increases — 80 in double All other
digits — fueled by unrelenting furniture Top single-source store networks
consumer demand for home fur- stores Ranked by sales of furniture, bedding and accessories
nishings during the second year Estimated furniture, bedding,
of the pandemic and further aug- Number of units
accessory sales in $ millions
mented by price hikes tied to a Top 100 Rank Company 2021 2020 % change 2021 2020
costly, complicated supply chain 85%
1 Ashley HomeStore $6,345.8 $5,060.2 25.4% 813 752
and the specter of inflation. 8 Sleep Number $2,184.9 $1,851.0 18.0% 648 602
In 2021, combined sales for
13 La-Z-Boy Furniture $1,632.0 $1,392.2 17.2% 317 318
the Top 100 furniture retailers
Estimated furniture, bedding and Galleries
hit $61.1 billion, a 24.9% increase accessory sales through U.S. furniture
22 Ethan Allen $692.9 $599.7 15.5% 170 173
over 2020 when the industry’s stores in 2021 were $71.9 billion, up

leaders registered a much more

24% from $57.9 billion in 2020. Total 28 Lovesac $498.2 $320.7 55.3% 146 108
U.S. furniture store sales from all
modest gain of 1.9%. The rise products were $78.1 billion in 2021 29 Tempur Sealy $495.1 $352.5 40.5% 192 198
and $62.9 billion in 2020.
reversed a five-year slide in per- International
centage growth while also ac- Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 33 Casper Sleep $400.0 $320.0 25.0% 72 66
Furniture Today Survey of Top 100
counting for the 12th consecutive U.S. Furniture Stores and U.S.
34 Bassett Home $391.4 $385.8 1.5% 96 97
year-over-year increase. Department of Commerce Furnishings
The Top 100’s share of U.S. 57 Mitchell Gold + Bob $157.9 $128.1 23.3% 29 26
furniture store sales increased for about 45% of all Top 100 Williams
by one percentage point, return- sales, coming in at $27.7 billion in 58 The Original Mattress $154.0 $128.6 19.8% 116 114
ing to the 85% mark last seen in 2021. This is down from the 52% Factory
2019. share the Top 10 held in 2020. 60 Roche Bobois $146.4 $95.1 53.9% 32 32
The Top 10, which is split The makeup of the Top 10 64 America's Mattress $142.1 $140.6 1.1% 284 287
between conventional retailers Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 Furniture Today Survey of Top 100 U.S. Furniture Stores
and specialty stores, accounted continued on page 30

How the Top 100 report is compiled

Furniture Today’s exclusive Top 100 U.S. kinds, such as The Dump and American Year-to-year comparisons are made industry. More than the 100 furniture re- where all furniture and/or bedding
Furniture Stores ranks furniture stores Freight, but do not primarily sell furniture to the same group of Top 100 companies tailers listed are vital companies within the products or the majority of product
by 2021 sales of furniture, bedding and that is rented or has been previously ranked in both years and for those that industry. Furniture Today chooses to omit comes from a single manufacturer.
decorative accessories, including fabric owned. Furniture Today may include re- appeared in the Beyond the Top 100 list- some companies because of a lack of Local ownership may vary. Examples
and furniture protection, warranties and tailers that lease or rent furniture on its Top ing from the previous year and moved into verification of information. include Ashley HomeStore, Sleep
delivery charges. 25 Furniture Retailers & E-tailers ranking. the Top 100. Terminology Number, La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries
To qualify, a store must specialize in Groups of stores with common owner- In cases of stores with identical 2021 • Bedding specialty stores includes and Ethan Allen.
home furnishings. Sales from furniture, ship that operate under separate names sales, the company with the greater sales stores where bedding is the majority • Specialty stores are furniture stores with
bedding and accessories must account qualify for the list. Examples are Berkshire growth earns the higher-ranking spot. of product. Examples include Mattress a specialized product mix. This includes
for 25% or more of total sales and at Hathaway, which operates Nebraska Fur- All sales figures are Furniture Today Firm, Sleep Number, Casper Sleep, stores with a product-specific focus,
least 25% of those sales must come from niture Mart, RC Willey, Star Furniture and Strategic Insights estimates. All estimates America’s Mattress and Sit ’n Sleep. such as Mattress Firm, La-Z-Boy Furni-
brick-and-mortar stores. A store’s mix Jordan’s Furniture, and American Signa- are for the 12 months ended Dec. 31, • Conventional furniture stores include ture Galleries and Chair King/Fortunoff
may include electronics, appliances, floor- ture, which operates Value City Furniture 2021 and 2020, unless otherwise indi- furniture stores with a traditional mer- Backyard Store; stores with a style-
ing and other home furnishings. and American Signature Furniture. cated. chandise mix of furniture, bedding and specific focus such as Room & Board
Retailers with a broader merchandise Single-source networks, such as Ethan Estimates are based on information decorative accessories. Stores may or and Roche Bobois; stores with a life-
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mix — such as department stores, mass Allen and Bassett, are included based on collected from surveys sent to retailers may not include consumer electronics style product mix such as Ikea, Wil-
merchants and warehouse clubs that op- sales for their manufacturers’ dedicated and from a variety of sources, including and/or major appliances. Conventional liams-Sonoma and RH; and stores
erate separate home furnishings stores — store networks’ dedicated stores only and company filings with the Securities and furniture stores can be a local, regional with a non-traditional product mix such
are eligible for the Top 100 based on sales not from in-store galleries. Exchange Commission, discussions with or national furniture store or a manufac- as Big Lots. Lifestyle specialty stores
from their free-standing home stores only. For totals and market share calcula- industry analysts and suppliers and pub- turer-branded store. Examples include carry furniture, bedding and decorative
Macy’s is ranked based on the sales from tions, any overlapping or double-counting lished and unpublished reports, including Ashley HomeStore, Rooms to Go, accessories as well as housewares,
its dedicated furniture stores only. of sales volume and store counts is elimi- news articles in various retail trading areas. Raymour & Flanigan, American Signa- small appliances, gourmet food, ap-
Stores may primarily sell overstocked nated for those Top 100 that operate sin- This ranking is by no means compre- ture and Havertys. parel, jewelry and/or personal care
items, factory closeouts and one-of-a- gle-source stores. hensive and does not represent the entire • Single-source networks include stores items.
30 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Share of Top 100 Top 10 conventional furniture stores

Sales Ranked by sales of furniture, bedding and accessories
Estimated furniture, bedding,
Number of units
accessory sales in $ millions
Specialty Rank Company 2021 2020 % change 2021 2020
stores 1 Ashley HomeStore $6,345.8 $5,060.2 25.4% 813 752
42% Conventional 6 Rooms to Go $3,460.0 $2,850.0 21.4% 152 151
furniture Specialty
stores 7 Berkshire Hathaway $2,404.9 $1,932.5 24.4% 33 34
Conventional 60% furniture division
furniture 9 Raymour & Flanigan $2,180.0 $1,435.9 51.8% 135 135
stores 10 Bob's Discount Furniture $2,015.1 $1,713.0 17.6% 150 135
58% 14 American Signature $1,275.0 $1,024.2 24.5% 125 120
15 Dufresne Spencer Group $1,069.7 $803.0 33.2% 112 115
Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 Furniture Today Survey of Top 100 U.S. Furniture Stores
16 Havertys $1,012.8 $748.3 35.3% 122 120
17 American Furniture $1,003.3 $795.6 26.1% 14 14
Top 100 single-source networks Warehouse
19 City Furniture $763.8 $531.8 43.6% 35 34

16% 13% Top 10 specialty stores

Ranked by sales of furniture, bedding and accessories

Estimated furniture, bedding,

Number of units
accessory sales in $ millions
Rank Company 2021 2020 % change 2021 2020
2 Williams-Sonoma $4,603.0 $3,749.0 22.8% 544 581
3 Ikea $3,970.3 $3,177.6 24.9% 52 51
4 Mattress Firm $3,929.0 $2,976.0 32.0% 2,353 2,419
5 RH $3,507.1 $2,676.0 31.1% 105 101
8 Sleep Number $2,184.9 $1,851.0 18.0% 648 602
Single-source networks’s share of Top 100 sales 11 Big Lots $1,845.2 $1,881.4 -1.9% 1,431 1,410
Single-source networks’ share of U.S. furniture store sales* 12 Crate and Barrel $1,720.0 $1,318.0 30.5% 108 110
13 La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries $1,632.0 $1,392.2 17.2% 317 318
*Total U.S. furniture store sales from all product categories in 2021 was $78.1 billion; of 18 Arhaus $769.9 $507.4 51.7% 80 75
that, an estimated $71.9 billion was for furniture, bedding and accessories.
20 At Home $725.2 $573.3 26.5% 235 219
Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 Furniture Today Survey of Top 100 U.S. Furniture
Stores and U.S. Department of Commerce
Top bedding specialists
Ranked by sales of furniture, bedding and accessories

Estimated furniture, bedding,

2021 demand retailers’ improvements, that
segment’s sales market share Rank Company
accessory sales in $ millions
2021 2020 % change
Number of units
2021 2020
continued from page 28 rose by 6 percentage points 4 Mattress Firm $3,929.0 $2,976.0 32.0% 2,353 2,419
to 58% and its unit share also 8 Sleep Number $2,184.9 $1,851.0 18.0% 648 602
did change in 2021, with Big increased six percentage points 29 Tempur Sealy International $495.1 $352.5 40.5% 192 198
Lots dropping to the No. 11 spot to 40%. 33 Casper Sleep $400.0 $320.0 25.0% 72 66
as Raymour & Flanigan moved 41 Mattress Warehouse $270.9 $230.0 17.8% 301 288
up to the No. 9 spot. This switch Embracing e-commerce 58 The Original Mattress $154.0 $128.6 19.8% 116 114
accounted for the significant Online sales continued to be Factory
change in units attributed to the woven into most retailers’ sales 61 Sit'n Sleep $146.3 $123.0 18.9% 36 37
Top 10, which fell by more than strategies, albeit to varying de- 64 America's Mattress $142.1 $140.6 1.1% 284 287
26% with the loss of Big Lots’ grees.
1,400-plus store count. Ikea reported its Source: Strategic Insights, 2021 Furniture Today Survey of Top 100 U.S. Furniture Stores
In a reversal from 2020 when e-commerce business rose by
specialty stores led the way as 30% to encompass more than Mattress Firm embraced sell- Levitz Furniture at 9%; Gallery while also bidding adieu — may-
COVID-19 forced retailers to pivot, 580 million visits. Meanwhile, At ing online, with 7% of its nearly Furniture at more than 8.4%; be temporarily, maybe not — to
conventional furniture stores Home’s online sales represented $4 billion in sales attributed to e- Dufresne Spencer Group and others.
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not only registered a significant half of its business for the year. commerce, while Sleep Number Chair King/Fortunoff, which each Joining the high achievers
sales increase — coming in at Lovesac was another big ascribed 14% of its more than credited 7% of sales to online; in 2021 were Bel Furniture, a
$35.5 billion for a 39.3% jump proponent of online busi- $2.1 billion in sales in 2021 to a American Furniture Warehouse family-owned, promotional to
in 2021 over the previous ness, bringing in 30.2% of its combination of phone, Internet at about 6.8%; and Steinhafels, mid-priced chain with 19 stores
year — but they also eclipsed sales via that channel. It was and chat sales. 1915 South and Bernie & Phyl’s in Texas; Turner Furniture, an
the gain made by specialty a similar story for Arhaus; its Among the conventional at 6% each. 11-store, family-run mid-priced
stores, which accounted for $144 million in e-commerce furniture stores taking a deeper retailer operating in Georgia and
$25.6 billion of the Top 100’s total business translated to more than dive into e-commerce were New kids on the block Florida; and SFTF, which runs
based on a 9.4% rise from 2020. 18% of total sales. Weekends Only, which attributed Each year the Top 100 wel-
As a result of conventional In the bedding category, 14% of sales to e-commerce; Sam comes some new companies, continued on page 62
34 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Who’s who among the leading stores

Company, home base, website Rank Company, home base, website Rank

1915 South, Thomasville, Ga., 62 Ikea, Conshohocken, Pa., 3

America’s Mattress, Atlanta, 64 Jerome’s, San Diego, 42
American Freight Furniture-Mattress-Appliance, Delaware, Ohio, John V. Schultz Furniture/Levin Furniture & Mattress, Pittsburgh, 24, 44
American Furniture Warehouse, Englewood, Colo., 17 Johnny Janosik, Laurel, Del., 85
American Signature, Columbus, Ohio, 14 Kane’s Furniture, Pinellas Park, Fla., 47
Arhaus, Boston Heights, Ohio, 18 Kimbrell’s Home Furnishings, Charlotte, N.C., 90
Ashley HomeStore, Arcadia, Wis., 1 Kittle’s Furniture, Indianapolis, 100
At Home, Plano, Texas, 20 Knoxville Wholesale Furniture, Knoxville, Tenn., 95
Badcock Home Furniture & more, Mulberry, Fla., 21 La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries, Monroe, Mich., 13
Baer’s, Pompano Beach, Fla., 43 Lacks Valley Stores, McAllen, Texas, 84
Bassett Home Furnishings, Bassett, Va., 34 Living Spaces, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., 23
Bel Furniture, Houston, 74 Lovesac, Stamford, Conn., 28
Berkshire Hathaway furniture division, Omaha, Neb.,, Macy’s Furniture Gallery, New York, 53, www.jordans, 7 Mathis Brothers, Oklahoma City, 27
Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture, Norton, Mass., 55 Matter Brothers Furniture, Fort Myers, Fla.,
Big Lots, Columbus, Ohio, 11, 77
Big Sandy Superstore, Franklin Furnace, Ohio, 51 Mattress Firm, Houston, 4
Bob Mills Furniture, Oklahoma City, 59 Mattress Warehouse, Frederick, Md., 41
Bob’s Discount Furniture, Manchester, Conn., 10 Miskelly Furniture, Pearl, Miss., 75
Boston Inc. Stevens Point, Wis.,, 68 Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, Taylorsville, N.C., 57
Boston Interiors, Stoughton, Mass., 96 Mor Furniture for Less, San Diego, 37
Broad River Retail, Fort Mill, S.C., 45 Morris Furniture, Dayton, Ohio, 66
C.S. Wo & Sons, Honolulu, 78 Raymour & Flanigan, Liverpool, N.Y., 9
Casper Sleep, New York, 33 Regency Furniture, Brandywine, Md.,
Chair King/Fortunoff Backyard Store, Houston,,, 30 63 RH, Corte Madera, Calif., 5
City Furniture, Tamarac, Fla., 19 Roche Bobois, New York, 60
Clive Daniel Home, Naples, Fla., 81 Room & Board, Minneapolis, 26
Conlin’s Furniture, Billings, Mont., 92 Rooms To Go, Seffner, Fla., 6
Conn’s, The Woodlands, Texas, 32 Sam Levitz Furniture, Tucson, Ariz., 70
Crate and Barrel, Northbrook, Ill., 12 Schewels Home, Lynchburg, Va., 79
Crest Furniture, Dayton, N.J., 65 SFTF, Jacksonville, Fla., 98
Darvin Furniture & Mattress, Orland Park, Ill., 71 Sit’n Sleep, Gardena, Calif., 61
Dufresne Spencer Group, Memphis, Tenn., 15 Sleep Number, Minneapolis, 8
El Dorado Furniture, Miami Gardens, Fla., 52 Slumberland Furniture, Oakdale, Minn., 31
Empresas Berrios, Cidra, Puerto Rico, 56 Steinhafels, Waukesha, Wis., 49
Ethan Allen, Danbury, Conn., 22 Stickley Furniture|Mattress, Manlius, N.Y., 69
Exclusive Furniture, Houston, 86 Tempur Sealy International, Lexington, Ky.,
Farmers Home Furniture, Dublin, Ga., 40, 29
Furniture Mart USA, Sioux Falls, S.D., 35 The Original Mattress Factory, Cleveland, Ohio, 58
Furnitureland South, Jamestown, N.C., 54 The Parrott Group, Florence, S.C.,, 80
Gallery Furniture, Houston, 48 The RoomPlace, Lombard, Ill., 50
Gardner-White, Auburn Hills, Mich., 39 The Wellsville Group, Weston Mills, N.Y., 72
Georgia Furniture Mart, Atlanta, Ga., 99 Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Southeast, Augusta, Ga., 97
Grand Home Furnishings, Roanoke, Va., 73 Trivett’s Furniture, Fredericksburg, Va., 67
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Green Front Furniture, Farmville, Va., 93 Turner Furniture, Tifton, Ga., 94
Havertys, Atlanta, 16 Walker Furniture, Las Vegas, 89
Haynes Furniture, Virginia Beach, Va.,, 46 Walter E. Smithe Furniture, Itasca, Ill., 76
Herman Miller, Zeeland, Mich.,,, 25 Weekends Only Furniture & Mattress, St. Louis, 88
HOM Furniture, Coon Rapids, Minn., Weir’s Furniture, Dallas, 87,, 38 Williams-Sonoma, San Francisco, 2
Home Furniture Plus Bedding, Lafayette, La., 82 World Market, Alameda, Calif., 36
Hudson’s Furniture, Sanford, Fla., 83 Z Gallerie, Los Angeles, 91
36 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES \\\\\ 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number
RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

1 Ashley HomeStore $6,345.8 $5060.2 25.4% 813 752

(1) Arcadia, Wis. $6,414.6 total revenues
Manufacturer’s dedicated store network. Opened its first store in 1997 and now has more than 1,075 licensed and company-owned, promotional to mid-priced stores in 64 countries.
Sales and store counts for U.S. only. Ashley offers an e-commerce program for its furniture stores. Showrooms feature complete lifestyle vignettes including the lighting, rugs and wall
art. Product categories include bedroom, dining room, upholstery, leather, occasional tables, home office, youth bedroom, recliners, mattresses and accessories. The Mattress Gallery
inside HomeStores has top-name brands such as Sealy, Serta, Beautyrest, Tempur-Pedic, Purple and Ashley-Sleep. Ashley HomeStore owners on the Top 100 list are Dufresne Spencer
Group, City Furniture, Mathis Brothers, Regency Furniture, Furniture Mart USA, Broad River Retail, Crest Furniture, Morris Furniture, The Wellsville Group, Boston, Trivett’s Furniture,
1915 South, Sam Levitz Furniture, Empresas Berrios, C.S. Wo & Sons, The Parrott Group, Knoxville Wholesale Furniture, John V. Schultz Furniture/Levin Furniture & Mattress and

2 Williams-Sonoma $4,603.0 $3,749.0 22.8% 544 581

(2) San Francisco $8,245.9 total revenues
Fiscal year ended Jan. 30. Publicly held multi-channel specialty retailer selling home furnishings through a portfolio of brands. Furniture is sold primarily through the Pottery Barn
brands (Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids and Pottery Barn Teen), West Elm, Williams Sonoma Home and Rejuvenation. Almost all products carried are designed in-house and are
exclusive to the company’s brands. In addition, the company manufactures merchandise, primarily upholstered furniture and lighting, at facilities in North Carolina, California, Oregon
and Mississippi. Sales and store counts for U.S. and Puerto Rico only. In fiscal 2021, the company opened 12 stores and closed 49.

3 Ikea $3,970.3 $3,177.6 24.9% 52 51

(3) Conshohocken, Pa. $5,895.9 total revenues
Fiscal year ended Aug. 31. Ikea US is owned by the Ingka Group, and it is the largest and one of 12 Sweden-based Ikea franchisees, operating 389 Ikea stores in 32 countries, includ-
ing 52 in the U.S. In 2021, Ikea U.S. increased its e-commerce business by nearly 30%, logging more than 581 million online visits. Top-selling categories in 2021 were living room,
bedroom and children’s storage and dining furniture. Along with 52 retail locations, Ikea U.S. operates 11 U.S. distribution centers.

4 Mattress Firm $3,929.0 $2,976.0 32.0% 2,353 2,419

(4) Houston
Fiscal year ended Sept. 30. Bedding specialty chain founded in 1986. Subsidiary of South African-based Steinhoff International Holdings, which owns 50.1%. Operates with stores in
49 states across the country as well as online. The company offers a broad selection of mattresses and bedding accessories from leading manufacturers including Beautyrest, Serta,
Sealy, Tempur-Pedic, Sleepy’s, Tulo and Kingsdown. E-commerce sales in 2021 increased 16% year-over-year and contributed 7% to total sales. In January 2022, the company an-
nounced plans to sell $100 million in shares in an IPO.

5 RH $3,507.1 $2,676.0 31.1% 105 101

(6) Corte Madera, Calif. $3,759.0 total revenues
Fiscal year ended Jan. 30. Publicly held luxury retailer in the home furnishings marketplace operating an integrated business across multiple channels of distribution made up of its
stores and websites. At year end, operated 27 Design Galleries, 36 Legacy Galleries, one Modern Gallery, three Baby & Child and Teen Galleries, and 38 outlet stores. Sales and store
counts for U.S. only. Plans for 2022 include opening RH San Francisco in the historic Bethlehem Steel Building and RH Palo Alto in the Stanford Shopping Center, the launch of the RH
Contemporary product line, expansion of RH Interiors and RH Modern and the launch of The World of RH digital portal. RH also plans to expand globally with the opening of a RH
England, a Gallery in Aynhoe Park, and additional Galleries in London, Paris, Munich, Dusseldorf with more possible for Milan, Madrid, Brussels and France.

6 Rooms To Go $3,460.0 $2,850.0 21.4% 152 151

(5) Seffner, Fla.
Privately owned mid-priced chain with stores in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Alabama and Virginia, as well as several fran-
chise units in Puerto Rico. Operations include Rooms To Go, Rooms To Go Kids & Teens, Rooms To Go Patio, clearance centers and online sales. In 2021, Rooms To Go opened a full-line
superstore that includes adult, kids and patio furniture in Pearland, Texas; a patio showroom in Alpharetta, Ga.; replaced patio showrooms in Delray Beach and South Miami, Fla.;
replaced showrooms with larger superstores in Jacksonville, Fla., Buford, Ga., and Corpus Christi, Texas; and replaced its showroom in Fayetteville, N.C. It also closed a kids showroom
in Pleasant Hill, Ga. Expansion plans for 2022 include new showrooms in Daytona Beach and Altamonte Springs, Fla., and Concord Mills, N.C. Rooms To Go also plans to continue its
roll out of outdoor furniture stores, some as stand-alone showrooms and others as stores within its new superstores.

7 Berkshire Hathaway furniture division $2,404.9 $1,932.5 24.4% 33 34

(7) Omaha, Neb. $3,865.7 total revenues
The furniture division of Berkshire Hathaway includes Nebraska Furniture Mart, RC Willey, Star Furniture and Jordan’s Furniture. NFM operates five stores: a 475,000-square-foot
showroom in Omaha; a 450,000-square-foot showroom in Kansas City, Kan.; a 560,000-square-foot showroom in The Colony, Texas; a 65,000-square-foot store in Clive, Iowa; and a
Homemakers Furniture store in Des Moines, Iowa. Jordan’s operates seven retail locations and a distribution center, with three stores and the distribution center in the greater Boston
area; one retail store includes a Colossal Clearance Center. Four others are in Warwick, R.I.; New Haven, Conn.; Nashua, N.H., and South Portland, Maine. RC Willey operates 11 stores:
five in northern Utah, three in Nevada, two in California and one in Idaho. It has three distribution centers that support operations: one in Salt Lake City, one in Las Vegas and another
in Sacramento, Calif. In January 2021, RC Willey closed its Murray, Utah, store, taking operations to 11 stores. Star Furniture operates 10 stores in Texas, with seven showrooms, in-
cluding a clearance outlet in the Houston area and one store each in Austin, San Antonio and Bryan/College Station.
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8 Sleep Number $2,184.9 $1,856.6 17.7% 648 602

(9) Minneapolis
Publicly held, founded in 1987. Sleep Number is a purpose-driven company comprising more than 5,500 team members dedicated to improving lives by individualizing sleep experi-
ences. The company’s 360 smart beds deliver individualized sleep health reports and insights, including a daily SleepIQ score, and help advance meaningful sleep health solutions by
applying sleep science and research. The company’s stores, located in all 50 states, accounted for 86% of net sales in 2021 with online, phone and chat sales making up the remaining
14%. Average sales per store in 2021, $3.6 million. Average sales per square foot, $1,212. Average stock turns, 9.8 times. Average gross margin, 60.4%. Same store sales increased 17%
in 2021. Sleep Number opened 77 stores and closed 31 in 2021 and opened 13 units and closed eight since Jan. 1.
38 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

9 Raymour & Flanigan $2,180.0 $1,435.9 51.8% 135 135

(11) Liverpool, N.Y.
Mid-priced Northeastern chain established in 1947. It operates stores in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware, including five
Clearance Centers. The chain offers an omnichannel experience that provides customers with a fully integrated shopping experience from brick-and-mortar to online e-commerce.
Showrooms range in size from 15,000 to 75,000 square feet. Raymour & Flanigan is continuing to expand in contiguous markets and anticipates moving into Central Pennsylvania
with four to five stores in 2022.

10 Bob’s Discount Furniture $2,015.1 $1,713.0 17.6% 150 135

(10) Manchester, Conn.
Privately owned, founded in 1991. Promotional to mid-priced chain operating stores across 24 states from coast to coast, including expansion into Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. The
company also operates 25 outlets in existing stores. In 2021, Bob’s opened new stores in Lansing, Auburn Hills, and Ann Arbor, Mich.; Lancaster, Pa.; West Des Moines, Iowa; Lexing-
ton, Ky.; Fairlawn, Ohio; Dover, Del.; White Marsh, Md.; Independence, Mo.; Merriam, Kan.; Maple Grove and Woodbury, Minn.; Tucson, Ariz.; and Staten Island, N.Y. Plans for 2022
include store openings in Bangor, Maine; Sacramento, Calif.; and Youngstown, Ohio.

11 Big Lots $1,845.2 $1,881.4 -1.9% 1,431 1,410

(8) Columbus, Ohio $6,150.6 total revenues
Fiscal year ended Jan. 30. Publicly held discount retailer operating stores in 48 states. Stores are primarily in strip shopping centers offering value-priced merchandise from both
traditional and close-out channels. Furniture — including upholstery, mattresses, case goods, ready-to-assemble and patio furniture — is sourced either from recognized brand-name
manufacturers or sold under its own brand. Included in this list is Broyhill, Ashley, Lane, Sealy, Serta, Ameriwood and Real Living Patio. The company plans to add 50 stores in 2022
and accelerate to 80-plus per year afterwards. Big Lots is also refreshing 250 stores by mid-2022.

12 Crate and Barrel $1,720.0 $1,318.0 30.5% 108 110

(13) Northbrook, Ill.
Fiscal year ended March 1. Founded in 1962. Crate and Barrel is owned by Otto Group, a privately held German retail and services group. Lifestyle multi-channel specialty retailer
operating through Crate and Barrel, CB2 and Crate & Kids in 29 states and four Canadian provinces, e-commerce websites and catalogs and franchised locations in nine countries.
Estimated sales and store counts for U.S. only. The company experienced double-digit e-commerce growth in 2021.

13 La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries $1,632.0 $1,392.2 17.2% 317 318

(12) Monroe, Mich.
Manufacturer’s dedicated store network of dealer-owned and company-owned units, with 317 La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries, of which 156 are licensed. Figures include some income
from fabric protection and delivery charges. Figures exclude revenues from the 34 La-Z-Boy Galleries in Canada, with sales of $201.9 million in 2021. La-Z-Boy also sells online. There
are 524 La-Z-Boy in-store galleries. Average stock turns, 5 times. Same store sales increased 16.7%. In 2021, four stores were opened in Freehold, N.J.; Mira Mesa, Calif.; Cedar Park,
Texas; and Charlotte, N.C., and five stores in Charlotte, N.C.; Rosedale, Md.; Rockville Center, N.Y.; Scottsdale, Ariz.; and Abington, Pa., were closed. The company plans to end 2022
with 320-325 U.S. stores and 34 Canadian stores, resulting in 355-360 for the entire network. Since Jan. 1, the company has relocated one store in Naperville, Ill., and closed stores in
Chicago and Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

14 American Signature $1,275.0 $1,024.2 24.5% 125 120

(14) Columbus, Ohio
Operated by third- and fourth-generation members of the Schottenstein family; founded in 1948. Not affiliated with Dayton, N.J.-based Crest Furniture. Operates primarily in the Mid-
west, Northeast and Southeast under the names Value City Furniture, American Signature Furniture and Designer Looks and through e-commerce at and

15 Dufresne Spencer Group $1,069.7 $803.0 33.2% 112 115

(15) Memphis, Tenn. $1,149.8 total revenues
Privately owned group, founded in 2002. At year-end, operated 112 Ashley HomeStore units in 39 markets. Five of the units are outlet or clearance stores. The company also sells
online with 7% of 2021 sales coming via e-commerce. Key vendors include Ashley, Tempur-Pedic and Sealy. In 2021, DSG acquired stores in Amarillo, Lubbock, Abilene, San Angelo,
Wichita Falls and Midland, Texas; and Hobbs, N.M. It also sold stores in Rogers and Fort Smith, Ark. Since Jan. 1, DSG opened six stores in Lima, Findlay, Defiance, Sandusky, Bowling
Green and Toledo, Ohio, and has plans to open a total of seven new units by year-end.

16 Havertys $1,012.8 $748.3 35.3% 122 120

(17) Atlanta
Publicly held company founded in 1885. Mid-priced to upper-mid-priced chain serving more than 120 showrooms in 16 states in the Southern and Midwest regions. Average sales
per square foot, $232. Average gross margin, 56.7%. Most of the merchandise the retailer carries bears the Havertys brand. Havertys also carries mattress product lines such as Sealy,
Serta, Beautyrest Black, Scott Living, Stearns & Foster and Tempur-Pedic in addition to its private-label Skye. Havertys plans to open four stores in 2022.

17 American Furniture Warehouse $1,003.3 $795.6 26.1% 14 14

(16) Englewood, Colo. $1,003.6 total revenues
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Fiscal year ended March 31. Family-owned business founded in 1975. Primarily promotional to upper-middle priced chain operating 10 units in Colorado, two in Arizona and two in
Texas. At year’s end, in Colorado, AFW had five units in metro Denver, and one each in Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Grand Junction and Firestone. In Arizona, the retailer has
two units in the Phoenix market, in Gilbert and Glendale, and in Texas, there are two units in the Houston area in Webster and in Katy. Also sells online with e-commerce sales account-
ing for 6.76 % of 2021 sales. Units average 134,926 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $528. Key vendors include Ashley, Jackson, Sealy, SSB Simmons Beautyrest, Elements,
Furniture Values International, Fusion Furniture, Franklin and Affordable Furniture Manufacturing. Average stock turns, 7.26 times. Average gross margin, 41.43%. Same store sales
increased 17.93%. AFW opened a superstore warehouse/showroom in Conroe, Texas, in March 2022 and will add showrooms in Phoenix this summer and suburban Houston later
this year.
40 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

18 Arhaus $769.9 $507.4 57.1% 80 75

(26) Boston Heights, Ohio
Publicly held company, founded in 1986. Arhaus is a growing lifestyle brand and omnichannel retailer of premium home furnishings. Stores are located in 28 states. Arhaus also sells
online; in 2021, net revenue from e-commerce was $144 million. In 2021, the company opened a traditional showroom in Short Hills, N.J., and three Design Studios in Miramar Beach,
Fla.; Aspen, Colo.; and Princeton, N.J.

19 City Furniture $763.8 $531.8 43.6% 35 34

(23) Tamarac, Fla.
Mid-priced chain, founded in 1975, operating 20 City Furniture stores from Miami through Vero Beach and in southwest and central Florida and 15 Ashley HomeStores in Southeast
and Southwest Florida. Two of its South Florida units are outlet stores. The retailer also sells product online. Same store sales in 2021 increased 42%. Key vendors include Elements,
Modus, Kaiser, Kevin Charles, Kuka Home, Manwah, Tempur-Pedic and Sherwood. Opened two units in 2021 in Altamonte Springs and Hollywood, Fla. Plans to open a 1.3-million-
square-foot warehouse and store in Plant City, Fla., in the fourth quarter of 2022 as part of its Tampa market expansion.

20 At Home $725.2 $573.3 26.5% 235 219

(20) Plano, Texas $2,200.0 total revenues
Privately held operator of home décor superstores, founded in 1979 as Garden Ridge. Sells everyday and seasonal merchandise, more than 75% of which is unbranded, private label
or made specifically for At Home. Stores, which are located in 40 states, offering more than 50,000 SKUs in an average of 105,000 square feet. Superstores range from 75,000 to
165,000 square feet. Online sales in 2021 accounted for 50% of business. Home furnishings includes indoor, outdoor, office and accent furniture and mattresses; and accessories such
as mirrors, rugs, lighting and wall art. In 2021, At Home opened stores in Nanuet and Rego Park, N.Y.; Johnstown, Colo.; Ocean Township and Princeton, N.J.; San Jose, Costa Mesa and
Temecula, Calif.; Leesburg, Va.; Charlotte, N.C.; Oklahoma City; Clarksville, Ind.; Abingdon and Glenarden, Md.; St. Paul, Minn.; and North Miami, Fla. The company projects 10% to 15%
growth in 2022. In January, the company announced plans to build a new home office with a design center at Cypress Park in Dallas to accommodate its 400-member corporate team.

21 Badcock Home Furniture & more $699.0 $542.2 28.9% 383 379
(22) Mulberry, Fla.
Owned by publicly held Franchise Group. Founded in 1904. Southeastern chain of promotional to mid-priced corporate and dealer-operated stores, operating primarily as Badcock
Home Furniture & more in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Virginia. Badcock also sells online. W.S. Badcock Corp. was acquired
by Franchise Group in late 2021 in an all-cash transaction of approximately $580 million.

22 Ethan Allen $692.9 $599.7 15.5% 170 173

(18) Danbury, Conn. $765.2 total revenues
Fiscal year ended June 30. Publicly held interior design company, manufacturer and retailer of home furnishings founded in 1932. Oldest manufacturer’s dedicated store network offer-
ing complimentary interior design service to its clients and a full range of furniture products and decorative accessories through, 170 U.S. Design Centers and 132 inter-
national locations at fiscal year-end. Of the 302 total design centers worldwide, 161 are independently owned, and 141 are company operated. Sales and store count for U.S. only. Units
average 14,700 square feet. Ethan Allen also owns and operates nine manufacturing facilities in the United States, Mexico and Honduras. Approximately 75% of its products are made in
its North American plants. In 2021, the company debuted a refreshed Style Book that showcased growing business segments including home office and accents.

23 Living Spaces $651.2 $552.0 18.0% 29 27

(21) Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
Co-founded by Grover Geiselman and Sharm Scheuerman in 2003. Promotional to mid-priced chain currently operates 12 stores in Southern California, six stores in Northern Cali-
fornia, four in Arizona, one in Nevada and six in Texas. Among all of its units, there are nine in-store or stand-alone outlets. Living Spaces also sells online. Showrooms carry a large
selection of home furnishings including living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kids’ rooms, home office, outdoor, rugs and other home accents. Mattress brands include its own label
Revive as well as Tempur-Pedic, Purple, Sealy, Chime by Ashley, Ghostbed, Stearns & Foster, Beautyrest and Drew & Jonathan by Restonic.

24 American Freight Furniture-Mattress- $643.1 $592.0 8.6% 367 350

(19) Delaware, Ohio $988.9 total revenues
Owned by publicly held Franchise Group. American Freight operates warehouse-style locations featuring furniture, bedding and appliances and sells direct to the public through retail
stores and e-commerce channels. American Freight now operates in 40 states across the United States and Puerto Rico. Five of its 367 stores are franchised. The company opened 31
units in 2021 and closed 12. Plans for 2022 include expansion of company-owned and franchised operations.

25 Herman Miller $602.1 $385.6 56.1% 45 39

(29) Zeeland, Mich.
Fiscal year ended May 29. Publicly held global designer and furniture manufacturer marketing its product worldwide by its own sales staff, independent dealers and retailers, e-
commerce websites and its owned retail studios. As of May 30, 2021, Herman Miller had 45 retail studios, including 35 Design Within Reach (DWR) studios, four under the HAY brand,
five Herman Miller stores and a multi-brand store in Chicago. Herman Miller sells online through and platforms, and through DWR direct-mail catalogs. In 2021,
the company completed the $1.8 billion acquisition of Knoll to create MillerKnoll. In 2022, the company opened Herman Miller stores in New York and Pasadena, Calif., and announced
plans for additional stores in Brooklyn, N.Y., and Los Angeles. It also opened a DWR studio in Grand Rapids, Mich., under the MillerKnoll collective.
Sponsored by Genesis Credit

26 Room & Board $592.3 $427.8 38.5% 21 20

(24) Minneapolis
Privately held retailer of artisan-crafted modern furniture and home décor, founded in 1980. 2020 sales figure revised. More than 90% of the products Room & Board’s products are
made by American manufacturers. The company currently has 22 stores across the United States: two in Minnesota (one is a weekend outlet); three in the Chicago area (Oakbrook
store features an outlet); six in California; two in Texas, including the Austin unit that opened in 2022; two in New York; one each in Seattle, Denver, Boston, Atlanta and Bethesda, Md.,
which opened in 2021; Portland, Ore.; and Washington D.C. Stores average 24,500 square feet. Sales include the company’s website, phone-order department and Business Interiors
division, which serves businesses and the design/build industry with commercial-grade furniture and specialized services.
42 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

27 Mathis Brothers $538.0 $480.0 12.1% 34 31

(25) Oklahoma City
Family-owned, in business since 1960. Promotional to high-end retailer with stores in Oklahoma, California, Texas and Arkansas under the Mathis Brothers Furniture, Design Center,
Sleep Center and Outlet formats. The company has four stores in Arkansas, three in California, 25 in Oklahoma and two in Texas. Eight of the Oklahoma and Arkansas units are fran-
chised; two of the Oklahoma sites are outlets. The retailer also sells online with e-commerce sales accounting for about 2.8% of 2021 sales. Key vendors include Ashley, La-Z-Boy and
Lady Americana. In 2021, Mathis Brothers opened four units in Oklahoma and Arkansas and closed one Oklahoma unit. The company anticipates having 39 units by the end of 2022.

28 The Lovesac Company $498.2 $320.7 55.3% 146 108

(35) Stamford, Conn.
Publicly held. The Lovesac Company designs, manufactures and sells high-quality furniture composed of modular couches called Sactionals and premium foam beanbag chairs called
Sacs. The Sacs were the company’s first product, developed in 1995. The specialty furniture brand is sold in showrooms operating across 41 states, Washington D.C. and online. In
2021, 30.2% of sales came from online. Average square feet of selling space per store, 674. Average sales per square foot of selling space, $2,742. Average gross margin, 54.9%. Same-
store sales increase in 2021, 104.1%. In 2021, Lovesac opened 38 showrooms. In November 2021, Lovesac appointed Mary Fox as president and COO.

29 Tempur Sealy International $495.1 $352.5 40.5% 192 198

(31) Lexington, Ky.
Publicly held, vertically integrated bedding company that develops, manufactures and markets bedding products worldwide through third-party retailers, its own retail stores and
online. 2020 sales figure revised. Sales and store counts are based on direct-to-consumer sales in the U.S., from company-owned retail stores, e-commerce sites and call centers. At
year-end, the company operated 88 Tempur-Pedic stores located in high-traffic, premium retail centers in 31 states, and 104 Sleep Outfitters stores in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky,
Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia. Stores offer an extensive selection of the company’s portfolio of brands — Tempur-Pedic, Sealy and Stearns & Foster — as well as pillows, mattress
covers, sheets, cushions and various other comfort products.

30 Regency Furniture $446.0 $377.0 18.3% 56 51

(30) Brandywine, Md.
Family-owned, in business since 1999. Promotional to mid-priced retailer currently operating three retail banners in the Northeast: Regency Furniture, Ashley HomeStores and Marlo
Furniture. At year-end, the company operated 15 Regency Furniture, five Marlo Furniture and 36 Ashley HomeStores. The company closed its remaining Raley’s Home Furnishings
in late 2021 and reopened it in 2022 as a Marlo Furniture in Waldorf, Md. Also in 2022, the company opened Ashley HomeStore and Regency Furniture combos in Bensalem, Pa., and
Pasadena, Md., adding four more stores, as well as an Ashley HomeStore in Somerville, Mass., and two Ashley HomeStores in New Hampshire in Nashua and Manchester.

31 Slumberland $430.2 $400.0 7.6% 123 122

(27) Oakdale, Minn.
Family-owned business founded in 1967. Opened its first franchise location in 1975. Mid-priced retailer with stores in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Slumberland also sells online. Of the 123 stores, 70 are franchises, and six are outlets. Showrooms carry a number of
major brands including Ashley, La-Z-Boy, Southern Motion, Lane, Sealy, Stearns & Foster and Tempur-Pedic. In 2021, Slumberland opened stores in Northfield, Minn., and Peoria, Ill.,
and closed one in Topeka, Kan.

32 Conn’s $411.2 $340.0 20.9% 158 146

(32) The Woodlands, Texas $1,305.4 total revenues
Publicly held, fiscal year ended Jan. 31. Founded in 1890 as a plumbing and heating business, the specialty retailer offers furniture and mattresses, including furniture and related ac-
cessories for the living room, dining room and bedroom and traditional and specialty mattresses; home appliances; consumer electronics; and home office products through its retail
stores and website. The retailer currently operates 158 retail locations in 15 states. The company also offer pick-up only locations in four states. The company opened two stores in
early 2022. During the upcoming year, Conn’s plans to open an additional 11 to 14 stores in existing states to leverage current infrastructure.

33 Casper Sleep $400.0 $320.0 25% 72 66

(36) New York
Privately held company, owned by Durational Capital Management. Founded in 2014, offering more than 40 sleep products including mattresses, furniture and bedding designed in-
house by Casper Labs. Sales and store counts for U.S. only. Casper also sells its products through Target, Nordstrom and Macy’s.

34 Bassett Home Furnishings $391.4 $385.8 1.5% 96 97

(28) Bassett, Va.
Fiscal year ended Nov. 27. Publicly held company, founded in 1902. Bassett created its store program in 1997. Manufacturer’s dedicated store network of 62 company-owned and 34
licensee-owned mid-priced stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico at fiscal year-end, as well as an online store. Average gross margin, 52%. Same store sales increase, 21.2%. The company
closed one company-owned store in Ontario, Calif., in 2021.

35 Furniture Mart USA $383.0 $277.3 38.1% 50 48

(37) Sioux Falls, S.D.
Sponsored by Genesis Credit

Founded in 1976, the family-owned, promotional to upper-middle priced chain operates stores within the upper Midwest in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and
Wisconsin under the names of Furniture Mart, Unclaimed Freight Furniture, Ashley HomeStore and Carpet One Floor & Home. 31 of the 50 stores are under the Ashley HomeStore
banner. Stores average 51,400 square feet. The company also sells online with 4.8% coming from e-commerce in 2021. Key vendors include Ashley, La-Z-Boy, Flexsteel, Kuka Home,
Tempur Sealy and Restonic. In 2021, Furniture Mart opened one store in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Plans for 2022 include the opening of an Ashley HomeStore and Furniture Mart in Duluth,
Minn., and one in Sioux Falls, S.D., the latter as part of a 300,000-square-foot expansion of its corporate headquarters and distribution center.
44 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

36 World Market $363.0 $338.0 7.4% 242 243

(33) Alameda, Calif.
Privately held, part of the portfolio of investment firm Kingswood Capital Management. Specialist in casual home furnishings and entertaining products, founded in 1958. Operates
stores throughout the United States as well as an e-commerce site. Units feature an ever-changing selection of casual home décor and furniture, housewares, decorative accessories
and other products imported from more than 50 countries with many of those exclusive to World Market. World Market offers traditional, contemporary and modern furniture for the
living room, bedroom, dining room, outdoor living and more.

37 Mor Furniture for Less $343.0 $270.0 27.0% 35 38

(34) San Diego
Founded in 1977 and currently owned by Healthcare Co. Ltd. Operates on the West Coast with stores in California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona and New Mexico. Also
operates an online store at Mor Furniture specializes in mattresses with a SleepMor space located inside the showrooms selling its own private-label Sleep-
Mor products as well as Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, Mlily USA and Purple.

38 HOM Furniture $310.0 $243.0 27.6% 24 22

(40) Coon Rapids, Minn. $325.0 total revenues
Privately owned business, founded in 1981. Upper-middle to high-priced chain operating 14 HOM Furniture stand-alone stores; two HOM Furniture stores are combined with HOM
sister companies Gabberts Fine Furniture and Dock 86, and three HOM Furniture/ Dock 86 locations. HOM has eight stores in greater Minneapolis/St. Paul and one each in Herman-
town/Duluth, Rochester and St. Cloud, Minn.; Sioux City, Iowa; Sioux Falls, S.D.; Eau Claire, Onalaska and Wausau, Wis.; and Fargo, N.D. Gabberts locations are in greater Minneapolis/
St. Paul only. Dock 86 locations are in greater Minneapolis/St. Paul and Sioux City, Iowa. The company also accepts Internet orders. The company has two in-store Stickley galleries.
In 2021, the company opened Dock 86 locations in Lakeville, Minn., and Sioux City, Iowa. HOM is currently constructing a showroom in Oakdale, Minn., that will open in the second

39 Gardner-White $305.0 $188.0 62.2% 12 12

(45) Auburn Hills, Mich.
Family-owned retailer serving southeastern Michigan since 1912. Operated 12 promotional to mid-priced stores in metro Detroit in Ann Arbor, Auburn Hills, Canton, Novi, Rochester
Hills, Saginaw, Shelby Township, Southfield, Warren and Waterford. Gardner-White also sells online. Key vendors include Cheers, Century, Jonathan Louis, HMR, Bernhardt, Southern
Motion, Ashley, Serta, Tempur-Pedic, Aireloom, Beautyrest and Stearns & Foster. In mid-2022, Gardner White is moving its headquarters to the former Art Van Furniture corporate
facility in Warren, Mich. It also swapped, added or replaced six stores over the past year, adding more than 400,000 square feet of additional showroom space.

40 Farmers Home Furniture $296.0 $270.0 9.6% 253 244

(39) Dublin, Ga.
Employee-owned business founded in 1949. Promotional to upper mid-priced Southeast chain with stores in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and
Kentucky. Farmers also sells electronics, appliances, electronics and outdoor equipment and tools; revenues not included.

41 Mattress Warehouse $270.9 $230.0 17.8% 301 288

(42) Frederick, Md.
Privately held bedding specialty retailer in business since 1989 operating stores throughout the mid-Atlantic region in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington D.C. Mattress Warehouse also sells online and over the phone. The retailer offers mattresses from brands such as Aireloom,
Cheswick Manor, Kingsdown, Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, Serta and Stearns & Foster, plus a variety of pillows, sheets and protectors from Bedgear, Casper, Sealy and more. Since the start
of 2022, Mattress Warehouse has opened stores in Hendersonville, N.C.; Greenville, S.C.; and Clifton and Barnegat, N.J. It also received an investment from private equity firm Wyn-
nchurch Capital Management in January 2022 to help with the company’s growth strategy of more than 500 stores.

42 Jerome’s $267.5 $240.3 11.3% 25 25

(41) San Diego
Third-generation family-owned promotional to upper-mid-priced chain serving southern California since 1954. A retailer best known for Jerry’s Price, an everyday low-price strategy.
Operated 14 home furnishings retail locations, 10 Dream Shops and one Urban Outlet. In 2021, online sales accounted for 8% of business. In 2021, Jerome’s added outdoor superstore
sections to its San Diego and San Marcos, Calif., locations. In 2022, the company closed its Urban Outlet.

43 Baer’s Furniture Co. Inc. $257.0 $178.0 44.4% 17 17

(50) Pompano Beach, Fla.
Family-owned business founded in 1945 with active members of the second, third and fourth generations. Mid-priced to upper-middle South Florida chain with 17 stores from Orlan-
do and going south on both sides of the state. However, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tamarac, Fla., location has remained closed. Baer’s also sells product online.
In-store galleries: Lexington/Tommy Bahama, Bernhardt and Natuzzi. Key suppliers include Serta, Simmons, Hooker, Kingsdown, Theodore Alexander, Huntington House, Universal,
Hunter Douglas, Sherrill/Precedent, Caracole and Vanguard.

44 John V. Schultz Furniture/ $241.5 $130.8* 84.6% 28 24

Levin Furniture & Mattress
Sponsored by Genesis Credit

(58) Pittsburgh
Privately owned middle to upper-middle priced retailer, founded in 1920. The company operates nine Levin full-line stores in Pennsylvania, two with outlets, and six in Ohio, two with
outlets; six Levin Mattress stores in Pennsylvania and three in Ohio; one J.V. Schultz Furniture Superstore in Erie, Pa.; and three Ashley HomeStores. In 2021, the company opened
three units in Pittsburgh and single sites in Altoona and State College, Pa. Plans for 2022 include two Ashley HomeStores in the Pittsburgh area and three mattress stores in Cleveland
and Pittsburgh.
*2020 figure was for partial year sales.
46 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

45 Broad River Retail $239.9 $181.2 32.4% 29 24

(47) Fort Mill, S.C.
Privately owned group in business since 2003, operating promotional to mid-priced Ashley HomeStores in major markets and DMAs in the Carolinas and Georgia. At year-end, oper-
ated nine stores in the Charlotte, N.C., area; nine in Raleigh-Durham-Fayetteville, N.C.; three in upstate South Carolina; two in western North Carolina; three in Columbia, S.C.; one in
Augusta, Ga.; and two newly acquired stores in Wilmington, N.C. Two Charlotte units, one in Raleigh and one in Columbia, S.C., are outlet stores. The retailer also sells product online.
In addition to Ashley, other key vendors include Sealy, Tempur-Pedic and Bedgear. The company opened three units in 2021 in Asheville and Albemarle, N.C., and an outlet in Colum-
bia, S.C. Plans for 2022 include new stores in Southern Pines, N.C., and Greenwood, S.C., and a third distribution center in Spartansburg, S.C.

46 Haynes Furniture $236.0 $197.0 19.8% 13 14

(38) Virginia Beach, Va.
Family-owned promotional to mid-priced chain operating under both the Haynes and The Dump brands. Haynes’ operations include two showrooms in Richmond and one each in
Virginia Beach and Newport News, selling mostly in-line product. The Dump stores include two in the Chicago area and one each in Hampton, Norfolk and Richmond, Va.; Dallas;
Houston; Atlanta; and Tempe, Ariz. The Dump specializes in selling overstocked items, factory closeouts, one-of-a-kind items and showroom models. Both brands also sell online.

47 Kane’s Furniture $232.0 $220.0 5.5% 18 18

(43) Pinellas Park, Fla.
Founded in 1948. Florida retailer operating along the Gulf of Mexico and eight major Central Florida markets including Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Ocala, Mel-
bourne, Fort Myers and Orlando. Operations include a clearance center in St. Petersburg. Kane’s also sells product online.

48 Gallery Furniture $227.5 $179.0 27.1% 3 3

(49) Houston
Family-owned business founded in 1981. Promotional to high-end retailer serving the greater Houston area with two showrooms in Houston, including a satellite store in the Galleria
mall area, and a showroom in the Katy/Richmond area. The company makes some of its own furniture in-store and more than 80% of furniture offered at the three locations is U.S.-
made. Key vendors include Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, Flexsteel, HomeStretch, Mayo, Bernhardt and United. Gallery sells online with 8.45% of sales attributed to its website in 2021. Aver-
age square footage of selling space, 60,000. Average sales per square foot, $1,263.72. Average retail stock turns, 19.23. Average gross margin, 48.2%.

49 Steinhafels $220.0 $168.6 30.5% 14 17

(53) Waukesha, Wis.
Fourth-generation, family-run, employee-owned business operated since 1934. Mid- to high-end chain currently operating 15 locations in Wisconsin and Illinois consisting of 12
Steinhafels Furniture Superstores and three Steinhafels Mattress stores. Also sells online with e-commerce sales accounting for about 6% of 2021 sales. Same store sales increased
more than 30% in 2021. In 2021, the company opened a superstore in Downers Grove, Ill., and closed three mattress stores in Sun Prairie, Oshkosh and Janesville, Wis. In April 2022,
the company opened a store in Green Bay, Wis.

50 The RoomPlace $220.0 $180.0 22.2% 29 29

(48) Lombard, Ill.
Family-owned omnichannel furniture business serving the greater Chicagoland area since 1912. Operates regionally via showrooms and clearance centers in Illinois, Indiana and
Wisconsin and via its expansive e-commerce site. Stores average 44,000 square feet.

51 Big Sandy Superstore $216.0 $184.0 17.4% 29 31

(46) Franklin Furnace, Ohio $381.0 total revenues
Family/employee-owned business founded in 1953. Promotional to high-price chain operating 29 units in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, Missouri and Michigan, one of which
is an outlet in Ashland, Ky. The retailer also sells product online; 4% of 2021 sales were online. Key vendors include Ashley, Jackson-Catnapper, Lane, Napa, Sealy, Craftmaster, England,
Southern Motion, Serta, Simmons, Purple, Nectar, HomeStretch and Tempur-Pedic. Average stock turns, 5 times. Average gross margin, 40%. Same-store sale increased by 20%. Aver-
age sales per square foot, $368. Average square footage per store, 40,000. In 2022, Big Sandy opened one unit in Maysville, Ky., and projects to open new stores in 2022 and 2023 as
opportunities become available.

52 El Dorado Furniture $213.9 $196.3 8.9% 17 17

(44) Miami Gardens, Fla. $268.2 total revenues
Owned by the Capo family, established in 1967. Mid-priced to upper-middle priced retailer with 14 Boulevard showrooms and three Outlets across South Florida, Southwest Florida
and Central Florida. In 2021, online sales accounted for 4.9% of business. The company plans to open a Tampa area store in Lutz, Fla., and one in Altamonte Springs in central Florida
in 2022.

53 Macy’s Furniture Gallery $210.6 $175.5 20.0% 50 50

(51) New York
Part of publicly held Macy’s. Operates 47 Macy’s Furniture Gallery stores, two Macy’s Furniture Clearance stores and one Bloomingdale’s Furniture throughout the U.S. The company
also sells online. Much of Macy’s furniture is created exclusively for Macy’s with stores also carrying well-known mattress brands such as Casper, Purple, Sealy, Serta, Beautyrest and
Sponsored by Genesis Credit

Stearns & Foster.

54 Furnitureland South $172.0 $171.0 0.6% 1 1

(52) Jamestown, N.C.
Founded in 1969. Mid-priced to high-end furniture store. The “World’s Largest Furniture Store” with more than 1.3 million square feet of display space, owned by brothers Jeff and
Jason Harris. Specialized galleries include Sleepland, a 20,000-square-foot mattress division; a 30,000-square-foot outdoor furniture gallery; a 22,000-square-foot rug division; and
OnTrend, Restoration Village and Modern Gallery sections. The 135-acre site also includes a 350,000-square-foot Outlet Center as well as a Starbucks and Subway. Average sales per
square foot, $132.31. Average stock turns, 5 times. Same store sales increased by 38%. Furnitureland South also sells online.
48 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

55 Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture $161.0 $137.0 17.5% 9 9

(55) Norton, Mass.
Parent corporation is The Convertible Castle Inc. Family-owned and operated, in business since 1983. Mid-priced chain operating six stores in Massachusetts, two in New Hampshire
and one in Maine. Bernie & Phyl’s also sells online with 6% of sales in 2021 coming from e-commerce. Units average 50,600 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $354. Average
stock turns,11.1 times. Key vendors include Ashley, Sealy, Tempur-Pedic, England, Southern Motion and Klaussner.

56 Empresas Berrios $160.7 $120.9 32.9% 26 33

(63) Cidra, Puerto Rico
Family-owned, founded in 1974. Mid-priced Puerto Rican retailer operating throughout the island with 26 Berrios, including six locations with attached Ashley HomeStores, two Outlet/Liquidation Centers
in Isabela and Guaynabo and 33 rent-to-own stores called Rent Express. Results from the Rent Express business and from the retailer’s sales of appliances and electronics are not included. Ashley Home-
Stores are in Cupey, Humacao, Hato Rey, Caguas, Hatillo and Bayamon. Also sells product online with e-commerce sales accounting for approximately 2.5% of 2021 sales. Units average 29,500 square feet.
Average sales per square foot, $209.51. Average retail stock turns, 5.6. In addition to Ashley, other key vendors include Lifestyle, Global, Austin, Holland House, Step One, Steve Silver, Elements, Rotta, Fusion
and Homerica. In 2022, the company projects adding two locations.

57 Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams $157.9 $128.1 23.3% 29 26

(56) Taylorsville, N.C.
Privately owned, founded in 1989. 2020 sales figure revised. Manufacturer and retailer of high-end home furnishings with a dedicated network of branded stores including 29
company-owned stores in the U.S., five of which are outlets, plus two stores in Canada and one in Puerto Rico. The company also offers 21 virtual stores offering designer services in
communities throughout the United States. The company operates a manufacturing and distribution center that supports its expanding retail, e-commerce, virtual, wholesale, office
and contract/hospitality sectors.

58 The Original Mattress Factory $154.0 $128.6 19.8% 116 114

(59) Cleveland, Ohio
Employee-owned, founded in 1990 with the opening of its first store in Cleveland. Manufacturer and retailer of mattresses and box springs with Original Mattress Factory factory/re-
tail locations and Original Mattress Factory stores in Ohio, Minnesota, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Florida. Store locations also offer headboards and
beds as well as bedding accessories such as mattress and pillow protectors, sheets and pillowcases and pillows. The company also sells online.

59 Bob Mills Furniture $148.0 $122.0 21.3% 10 9

(62) Oklahoma City
Family-owned business established in 1971. Mid-priced retailer operating seven stores in Texas in Amarillo, Lubbock, Odessa, Temple, Waco, Midland and San Antonio; two in Okla-
homa in Oklahoma City and Tulsa; and one in Wichita, Kan. Bob Mills also sells online. Units average 45,000 square feet.

60 Roche Bobois $146.4 $95.1 53.9% 32 32

(72) New York
Family-owned, founded in 1960. Luxury French furniture and interiors company known for its contemporary style of furniture designed and produced exclusively for Roche Bobois.
Operates 339 showrooms worldwide, including 32 units in 16 U.S. states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. Five are franchised units in Detroit, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta and San Juan,
Puerto Rico. Sales and store counts for the U.S. only. Units average 7,000 square feet. In 2022, Roche Bobois has plans to add three stores in Florida and California.

61 Sit ‘n Sleep $146.3 $123.0 18.9% 36 37

(61) Gardena, Calif.
Promotional to high-end Southern California bedding specialist founded in 1980, with stores in the greater Los Angeles area as well as an online store. Online sales accounted for 2.3%
of sales in 2021. Units average 10,122 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $403. Average stock turns, 8 times. Average gross margin, 53%. Key vendors include King Koil, Smart-
life, Hybrid Infinity, Classic Brands, Kingsdown, Nectar, Purple, Sealy, Simmons, Technogel and Tempur-Pedic. The company closed one store in 2021 in Puente Hills, Calif.

62 1915 South $145.0 $115.0 26.1% 21 21

(65) Thomasville, Ga.
Family-owned business founded in 1915. At year-end operated 21 promotional to mid-priced Ashley HomeStores in Albany, Thomasville, Columbus, Macon and Warner Robins, Ga.;
Tallahassee, Pensacola, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach and Panama City, Fla.; Mobile, Spanish Fort, Dothan, Enterprise and Opelika, Ala.; D’Iberville, Miss.; Danville, Va.; and Greensboro,
Winston-Salem and Burlington, N.C., and one Ashley HomeStore Outlet in Greensboro. Also sells online with e-commerce sales accounting for about 6% of 2021 sales. In addition to
Ashley, other key vendors include Sealy, Serta, Simmons, Tempur-Pedic and Protect-A-Bed. In May, bought four Ashley HomeStores from SFTF. Plans for 2022 included opening an
Ashley HomeStore outlet in Pensacola, Fla., in April and adding an Ashley HomeStore in Valdosta, Ga., in August as well as looking to purchase new locations.

63 Chair King/Fortunoff Backyard Store $143.1 $133.0 7.6% 48 46

(57) Houston
Family-owned company, Chair King was founded in 1950 and Fortunoff Backyard Store in 1922. Mid-priced to high-end retailer operating in Texas with nine stores in Houston, three
in San Antonio, three in Austin, and six in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as well as nine in New York, 11 in New Jersey, one in Connecticut, four in Pennsylvania and two in Delaware. Also
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operates e-commerce websites for both brands; online business accounted for 7% of sales in 2021. The company opened stores in Austin and San Antonio in 2021 and Allentown, Pa.,
in 2022, and has plans for one additional unit each in New Jersey and Texas this year.
50 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK Percent
accessory sales in $ millions of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes
2021 2020 change 2021 2020

64 America’s Mattress $142.1 $140.6 1.1% 284 287

(54) Atlanta
Largest network of independently owned and operated sleep shops in the U.S. America’s Mattress reports for only those retailers operating specifically under the programs’ licensing
agreements. This includes its America’s Mattress sleep shop partners operating in primary markets averaging more than $710,000 per unit in 2021 and its America’s Mattress sleep
shop partners operating in secondary and tertiary markets averaging more than $265,000 per unit in 2021. The America’s Mattress program combines the entrepreneurial spirit of lo-
cal ownership with the brand strength and buying power of a national network, providing network partners up front and ongoing benefits such as site selection assistance, a national
website and support with opening, marketing, training, operations and business management. The sleep shops offer Serta Arctic, Serta iComfort, Perfect Sleeper and its own private-
label brand, America’s Mattress. Single-unit and multi-unit development agreements have been signed for openings in Colorado, Florida, California and New York in 2022, in addition
to planned expansion from existing partners.

65 Crest Furniture $132.2 $97.6 35.4% 20 20

(70) Dayton, N.J.
Family-owned, founded in 1970. Promotional to mid-priced retailer with nine Value City Furniture stores in New Jersey, six Ashley HomeStores in New Jersey and five Ashley Home-
Stores in Pennsylvania. There are two outlet stores, one each in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Value City stores are not affiliated with Columbus, Ohio-based American Signature. Crest
Furniture also sells product online. In addition to Ashley, other key vendors are Southern Motion, Klaussner, New Classic, Serta, Simmons and Tempur-Pedic. The company is adding a
Value City Furniture store in Howell, N.J., in May.

66 Morris Furniture $129.5 $101.0 28.2% 21 22

(69) Dayton, Ohio
Privately owned mid-priced retailer founded in 1947. Serves central and southwestern Ohio, including Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus markets with seven Mor-
ris Home showrooms (three in Dayton, two in Cincinnati and two in Columbus), 12 Ashley HomeStores (two in Dayton, five in Cincinnati, five in Columbus) and two Morris Outlet loca-
tions (one each in Dayton and Cincinnati). The retailer also operates 18 Better Sleep Shops at the Morris and Ashley showrooms. Morris has three triplex Home Centers in Northern
Kentucky, Cincinnati and Columbus, which include Morris Home, Ashley HomeStore and The Better Sleep Shop brands. The company also sells online with e-commerce sales account-
ing for approximately 4% of 2021 sales. Units average 37,000 square feet. In addition to Ashley, other key vendors include Peak Living, Bernhardt, Cheers, Craftmaster, HomeStretch,
Jonathan Louis, Lane, King Hickory, Klaussner, La-Z-Boy, Flexsteel, Best, Franklin, Cozzia, Southern Motion, Fusion, Aspen, Legacy, Universal, Gascho, SLF, Cassana, Parker House,
Modus, Bermex, Surya, Sealy, Stearns & Foster, Serta, Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, Purple and Bedgear. Average stock turns, 4 times. Average gross margin, 49%. The company plans to
expand showrooms in 2022.

67 Trivett’s Furniture $128.4 $102.8 24.9% 12 12

(68) Fredericksburg, Va.
Family-owned business founded in 1992. Promotional to mid-priced retailer serving Northern Virginia and the Richmond areas with one Trivett’s Furniture, 10 Ashley HomeStores
and one Ashley HomeStore Outlet in Fredericksburg, Va. Along with Ashley, other key vendors include England, Liberty, Simmons, Serta and Tempur Sealy. Average square footage
of selling space, 28,000 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $326.31. Average gross margin, 58%. Same store sales increase in 2021, 12%. Since the start of 2022, Trivett’s has
opened one unit in Williamsburg, Va., and projects to open two additional stores in existing markets.

68 Boston Inc. $128.1 $97.3 31.7% 22 22

(71) Stevens Point, Wis. $155.4 total revenues
Second-generation family- and employee-owned business operating mid-priced stores throughout central and eastern Wisconsin. At year end, it operated combined Ashley Home-
Stores and Furniture & ApplianceMarts in Marshfield, Pewaukee, Madison and Plover; AshleyHomeStores in Richfield, Kenosha, Appleton, Janesville, Greenfield, Madison and Green
Bay; Furniture & Appliance Marts in Rhinelander and Wausau; and outlet stores in Wausau and Oshkosh. The company plans to open two Ashley outlets in 2022.

69 Stickley Furniture|Mattress $126.0 $123.5 2.0% 15 16

(60) Manlius, N.Y. $128.0 total revenues
Owned by the Audi family, which owns high-end manufacturer L.&J.G. Stickley. Revenues from manufacturing operations not included. Operates 15 high-end, design-oriented stores
dedicated to Stickley merchandise and other high-end lines: two in the Denver area; and one each in Albany, Fayetteville, Manhattan, Rochester, Farmingdale and White Plains, N.Y.;
Pineville, N.C.; Brookfield and Enfield, Conn.; Natick, Mass.; and Paramus, Somerville and East Hanover, N.J. In addition to Stickley, other key lines offered are American Upholstery and
Leather, Bradington-Young, Canadel, Caracole, Century, Ekornes, Fulton Lane (an exclusive private-label collection), Gat Creek, Hancock & Moore, Hooker, Lexington, Sherrill, Taylor
King, Tempur-Pedic, Theodore Alexander and Universal. In 2020, all showrooms were rebranded to Stickley Furniture|Mattress, unveiling an enhanced showroom experience focused
on a more relaxed shopping environment, complimentary design service, looks for every lifestyle and budget-friendly options for the home. Chosen the “Best Place to Buy Furniture”
in the February 2021 issue of Consumer Reports. 2022 will see an expanded e-commerce offering under the Stickley Furniture|Mattress brand at In 2021, less than
1% of sales came from online.

70 Sam Levitz Furniture $122.6 $102.9 19.1% 7 6

(67) Tucson, Ariz.
Family-owned business founded in 1953. Mid-priced southern Arizona retailer operating two Sam Levitz Furniture stores, one with a Levitz Gallery; three Ashley HomeStores and two
Sam’s Furniture Outlets in metro Tucson. In addition to Ashley, other key vendors are Tempur-Pedic, IFD, Klaussner, Elements and Cheers/Manwah. Sam Levitz has a Flexsteel gallery
in one unit. The retailer also sells online, with 9% of 2021 sales coming via e-commerce. Stores average 50,000 square feet. Average gross margin, 46%. In 2021, Sam Levitz opened a
store in Tucson and has a new outlet store on tap for 2022.
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71 Darvin Furniture & Mattress $122.0 $95.0 28.4% 1 1

(74) Orland Park, Ill.
Third-generation, family-owned business founded in 1920. Darvin is a mid-priced to upscale retailer serving Chicago, the surrounding suburbs, northern Illinois and northern Indiana
with a 200,000-square-foot Darvin Furniture superstore, a 35,000-square-foot Clearance & Outlet Center, area rug gallery, outdoor furniture gallery and mattress store all located on
11 acres. Darvin also sells product online.
Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 51

Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number
RANK Percent
accessory sales in $ millions of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes
2021 2020 change 2021 2020

72 The Wellsville Group $117.1 $95.1 23.1% 19 19

(73) Westons Mills, N.Y.
Family-owned group that began as a carpet store in 1967. Currently operates 19 promotional to mid-priced Ashley HomeStores, including four outlets, throughout western and cen-
tral New York, central Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio. The company also owns a Carpet One store, revenues and store count not included. The retailer sells online with e-commerce
sales accounting for about 4.9% of 2021 sales. Manages a full-time digital team to support website sales and service. Other key vendors carried in the Ashley stores include Serta,
Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, Purple and Bedgear. Plans for 2022 expansion include two to four new retail locations alongside the groundbreaking of a 131,000-square-foot distribution
center in Aurora, Ohio.

73 Grand Home Furnishings $112.9 $116.1 -2.8% 18 19

(64) Roanoke, Va.
Fiscal year ended Oct. 31. Third-generation, family-owned business founded in 1911. Mid-priced chain with 17 full-line stores and one outlet in Virginia, Tennessee and West Virginia.
Operations include 12 stores in Virginia, three in Roanoke and one store each in Bristol, Charlottesville, Christiansburg, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Lynchburg, Waynesboro, Winchester
and Wise; two stores in Tennessee in Johnson City and Kingsport; and four stores in West Virginia in Beckley, Lewisburg, Princeton and Martinsburg. One of the stores in Roanoke is
an outlet store. In 2021, the company closed its Smith Mountain Lake outlet in Virginia.

74 Bel Furniture $107.0 NA NA 19 NA

(NA) Houston
Family-owned retailer in business since 2001. Promotional to mid-priced chain with 11 stores in the greater Houston area, one of which is a clearance center; four in the Corpus Chris-
ti area; and one each in Beaumont, San Antonio, Del Rio and Victoria, Texas. It has distribution centers in Houston, Corpus Christi and San Antonio. Bel offers two exclusive furniture
lines — the Mollai Collection and the Sara Collection — design by the owners. In addition to its own mattress brand Bel-opedic, Bel offers Kingsdown, Restonic, Spring Air and Sealy.
The company opened six stores in 2021 — four in Corpus Christi and two in Houston — and plans to open three more in Texas in 2022.

75 Miskelly Furniture $95.5 $74.1 28.9% 7 7

(80) Pearl, Miss.
Family-owned, founded in 1978. Mid- to high-priced Mississippi retailer operating six Miskelly Furniture stores in Jackson and one in Hattiesburg, Miss, including one clearance center
in Jackson. Also sells online with e-commerce sales accounting for about 3% of 2021 sales. Average sales per square foot, $356.85. Key vendors include Ashley, HomeStretch, Vintage,
Spring Air, Liberty, Franklin and Tempur Sealy. Average stock turns, 3.4 times. Average gross margin, 55.1%. The company continues to explore options for growth outside its current

76 Walter E. Smithe Furniture $95.0 $82.0 15.9% 10 10

(75) Itasca, Ill.
Fourth-generation, family-owned business founded in 1945. Mid-priced to high-end special-order chain serving Chicago and Northwest Indiana area with stores in Arlington Heights,
Lincoln Park, Oak Brook, Geneva, Old Orchard, Vernon Hills, Orland Park, Naperville and Glendale Heights, Ill., and Merrillville, Ind. Operates an in-store outlet in the Glendale Heights
location. Key vendors include American Leather, Bradington-Young, Contempo, Century, Ekornes, Hancock & Moore, Hooker, La-Z-Boy, Surya, Universal, and mattress and base brands
Malouf Sleep, Serta, Stearns & Foster, Tempur-Pedic, Naturepedic and Beautyrest. The retailer also sells online.

77 Matter Brothers Furniture $93.0 $64.1 45.1% 11 11

(85) Fort Myers, Fla.
Family-owned, founded in 1977 by Stewart Matter Sr. and now owned and operated by his three sons. Upper-mid-priced retailer on Florida’s Gulf Coast from the Tampa/Clearwater
area to Naples. Operations include five Matter Brothers Furniture stores in Ft. Myers, Naples, Pinellas Park, Tarpon Springs and Sarasota; five Florida Leather Gallery showrooms in
Tampa, Clearwater, Sarasota, Ft. Myers and Bonita Springs; and one Outlet by Matter Brothers in Pinellas Park. In-store galleries: 10 for Natuzzi and nine for Ekornes. Other key ven-
dors include Capris, Hooker, Palliser, Dovetail and Classic Home. Matter Brothers sells online with 1% of sales coming from e-commerce in 2021.

78 C.S. Wo & Sons $90.0 $61.2 47.1% 16* 26

(87) Honolulu
Family-owned business founded in 1909. Promotional to high-end retailer operating multi-branded stores at each location under the HomeWorld, Ashley, Red Knot and SlumberWorld
nameplates. C.S. Wo also sells product online. In-store galleries: La-Z-Boy, Ekornes and Natuzzi. Other key vendors include Ashley, Tempur-Pedic, Simmons, Serta, Jonathan Louis and
American Leather.
* In 2021, the company had 10 structures that housed its stores but changed its organizational staffing to operate them as 16 retail units with their own team members and financial
reporting structure.

79 Schewels Home $89.0 $88.5 0.6% 50 50

(77) Lynchburg, Va. $119.0 total revenues
Family-owned, fifth-generation business founded in 1897. 2020 sales figure revised. Mid-priced, credit-oriented chain in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina. Thirty-four units
are in Virginia, 11 in North Carolina and five units are in West Virginia. Schewels also sells online with 1% of sales in 2021 coming via e-commerce. Key vendors include Ashley, Corin-
thian, Catnapper, La-Z-Boy, Lifestyle, Beautyrest, Tempur-Pedic, Simmons and Sealy. Stores average 20,000 square feet. Average retail stock turns, 2.5 times. Same-store sales increase
in 2021, 0.5%. Average gross margin, 44%. Sponsored by Genesis Credit

80 The Parrott Group $88.2 $81.5 8.2% 14 13

(76) Florence, S.C.
Privately owned group in business since 1990. Operates a multi-line Parrott’s Furniture in Florence, S.C.; and 12 Ashley HomeStores in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia,
including two clearance centers in New Bern and Greenville, N.C. The retailer also sells online, with 2021 e-commerce sales accounting for 5.1%. Units average 29,461 square feet.
Average gross margin, 51%. Same-store sales increase in 2021, 8.23%. In addition to Ashley, other key vendors include Simmons, Tempur-Pedic and Serta. The company opened one
new unit in 2021 and also closed one. In 2022, The Parrott Group opened an Ashley HomeStore in Mount Pleasant, S.C.
52 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022
Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number

RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

81 Clive Daniel Home $87.0 $56.1 55.1% 3 3

(91) Naples, Fla.
Family-owned, founded in 2011. Upper mid-priced home furnishings retailer with showrooms in Naples and Boca Raton, Fla., and a CDH2 Designer Outlet in Naples. Key vendors
include Adriana Hoyas, Century, Vanguard, John Richard, Seasonal Living and RFA Decor. Average stock turns, 3 times. Average gross margin, 55%. Same store sales increase in 2021,

82 Home Furniture Plus Bedding $87.0 $69.6 25.0% 8 8

(81) Lafayette, La.
Family-owned business founded in 1945 with showrooms along the Gulf Coast serving Louisiana and east Texas. The mid-priced retailer operates two stores each in Lafayette and
Baton Rouge, La., and one unit each in Lake Charles and New Iberia, La., and in Beaumont and Nederland, Texas. Key vendors are Ashley, Franklin, Crownmark, HomeStretch, Vintage,
Sealy and Tempur-Pedic. Home Furniture also sells online.

83 Hudson’s Furniture $84.0 $75.0 12.0% 17 17

(79) Sanford, Fla.
Family-owned business founded in 1981. Promotional to high-end Florida retailer serving much of Central Florida with stores in the Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Ormond Beach
and Sarasota areas. Operates 14 Hudson’s Furniture showrooms, three outlet centers and Hudson’s Vacation Interiors as a division of the Hudson’s store in Altamonte Springs as well
as an online store. Units average 35,000 square feet. Showrooms carry a number of brands, including American Drew, Ashley, Best Home Furnishings, Bassett, Daniel’s Amish, Flex-
steel, Hammary, Klaussner, Lexington, Southern Motion, Universal and Vaughan-Bassett, and Beautyrest, Sealy, Serta, Stearns & Foster and Tempur-Pedic in bedding.

84 Lacks Valley Stores $83.0 $65.0 27.7% 11 11

(84) Pharr, Texas $86.1 total revenues
Family-owned business founded in 1935. Mid-priced to high-end chain operating throughout South Texas in the Rio Grande Valley and Coastal Bend area. At year-end, operated 10
stores and an outlet store in Pharr, Texas. Lacks also sells online. Units average 55,577 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $123.24. Average stock turns, 2.45%. Average gross
margin, 53%. Key vendors include Homelegance, Restonic, HomeStretch, Terra, Liberty, AICO, Simmons and G Interiors.

85 Johnny Janosik $82.1 $57.1 43.8% 7 7

(90) Laurel, Del. $83.9 total revenues
Family-owned business founded in 1953. Promotional to upper-mid-priced retailer drawing customers from five mid-Atlantic states and Washington D.C. Operates three stores in Lau-
rel, Del.; two in Dover, Del.; and one each Wilmington and Christiana, Del. Two units — one each in Laurel and Dover — are outlet/clearance stores. Johnny Janosik also sells merchan-
dise online with e-commerce sales accounting for about 2.9% of 2021 sales. Average square footage of selling space, 51,252. Average sales per square foot, $228. In-store galleries:
La-Z-Boy, three; Smith Brothers, four. Other key vendors include Ashley, Bassett, Kincaid, Klaussner, Simmons, Parker House, HomeStretch and Vaughan-Bassett.

86 Exclusive Furniture $81.8 $59.0 38.6% 7 7

(89) Houston
Family-owned, founded in 1998. Mid-priced Houston-area retailer currently operating seven Exclusive Furniture showrooms. The company also sells online, with e-commerce sales
accounting for 2.3% in 2021. Units average 42,000 square feet. Average sales per square foot, $275. Average stock turns, 5.6 times. Average gross margin, 51%. Same-store sales
increase in 2021, 23%. Key vendors include Avalon, Magnussen, Cheers/Manwah, Franklin, Sofa Master, Jonar, Elements, Steve Silver and imports from Mexico. Exclusive opened a
store in the Westheimer neighborhood in Houston in October, replacing a smaller store with a 30,000-square-foot unit. In 2022, Exclusive plans to open its eighth store in Houston: a
60,000-square-foot unit with 15,000 square feet dedicated to its Rack 45 clearance concept. A similar footprint store is planned for Baytown, Texas, with a December opening.

87 Weir’s Furniture $76.0 $61.2 24.2% 3 3

(86) Dallas
Third-generation family-owned business founded in 1948. Mid-priced to high-end Dallas/Fort Worth-area retailer with showrooms in Southlake, Plano and a 40,000-square-foot unit
in Farmers Branch, Texas. All three showrooms include an outdoor department, outlet corner and a Country Store gift market. Weir’s offers a collection of stylish home furnishings
from Stanley, Aspen Home, Bernhardt and Hooker, and mattresses from manufacturers such as Kluft, Serta and Simmons Beautyrest. In March 2022, Weir’s reopened its downtown
Dallas store in a 12-story office tower at the site of the original store at Knox and Travis streets. The store occupies two floors and includes patio merchandise on the second floor and
its Country Store concept.

88 Weekends Only $74.0 $68.0 8.8% 8 7

(82) St. Louis
Family-owned, in business since 1997. Promotional to mid-priced retailer operating five stores in the St. Louis market area; two stores in the Indianapolis market and one in Spring-
field, Mo., which opened in 2021. The retailer has been selling online since 2014 with e-commerce representing 14% of 2021 sales. Stores are open only Fridays, Saturdays and Sun-
days, while is open 24/7. Units average 50,000 square feet.

89 Walker Furniture $73.5 $60.1 22.3% 27 24

(88) Las Vegas
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Fiscal year-ended Jan. 31. Owned by principal stockholders Larry, Linda and Daryl Alterwitz. Founded in 1955. Middle to high-end chain operating Walker Furniture superstores in
Las Vegas and Henderson, Nev., and a Walker Clearance Center and a Walker Outlet Showroom and Clearance Center, both in Las Vegas. In addition, the company operates 21 Best Mat-
tress stores in Henderson, Las Vegas and Mesquite, Nev., and St. George, Utah; and two Best Mattress liquidation centers in Las Vegas. Average retail stock turns, 3.37. The retailer also
sells online, which accounted for less than 1% of sales in 2021. Key vendors include Ashley, Serta, Simmons, Elements, Coaster, Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, United Furniture, Franklin and

90 Kimbrell’s Home Furnishings $73.0 $65.3 11.8% 50 51

(83) Charlotte, N.C.
Fiscal years ended July 31. Privately held business founded in 1915. Promotional to mid-priced, credit-oriented chain currently operating 28 units in North Carolina and 22 in South
Carolina. Also sells product online. Key vendors include Ashley, Jackson/Catnapper, Homelegance and Sealy. In 2021, Kimbrell’s closed its Georgia location.
Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022 TOP 100 U.S. FURNITURE STORES 2022 53

Top 100 Furniture Stores 2022

Estimated furniture, bedding, Number
RANK accessory sales in $ millions Percent of units
(last year) Company, home base and notes 2021 2020 change 2021 2020

91 Z Gallerie $70.0 $76.0 -7.9% 28 33

(78) Los Angeles, Calif.
Subsidiary of CSC Generation, an e-commerce business. Z Gallerie operates 28 units in 13 states, one of which is an outlet store. It also sells online and through its catalogs. CSC Gen-
eration also owns online furniture and accessories retailer One Kings Lane and online shopping club Direct Buy.

92 Conlin’s Furniture $66.4 $55.5 19.6% 18 19

(92) Billings, Mont.
Privately owned business founded in 1937. Mid-priced chain in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Minnesota with 15 Conlin’s Furniture stores and three The Sleep
Center by Conlin’s. Conlin’s also sells online. Brands include Flexsteel, La-Z-Boy, A-America, Beautyrest, Best, Cozzia, Magnussen, New Classic, Stanton, Sealy and Tempur-Pedic.

93 Green Front Furniture $62.7 $49.0 28.0% 3 3

(95) Farmville, Va.
Family-owned and operated, founded in 1968. Owner Richard F. Cralle Jr. and son Richard F. Cralle III oversee the business. Offers mid-priced to high-end merchandise in Farmville
and Manassas, Va., and in Raleigh, N.C. The Farmville store, which is the main location, features 12 rustic warehouses totaling about 1 million square feet of selling space. Manassas has
about 100,000 square feet of selling space with an off-site distribution center added in 2021 to allow for more in-stock inventory near Washington D.C. Raleigh contains about 50,000
square feet of selling space. All three carry high-quality traditional, transitional and modern home furnishings as well as eclectic pieces from around the world and casual and outdoor
furniture. Green Front has one of the largest oriental rug collections on the East Coast and a home accessories division. In-store galleries: Caracole, two; Hickory Chair, two. Other key
vendors include Bernhardt, Kingsley Bate, Barlow Tyrie, Canadel, Hanamint, Lane Venture, Woodard, Tropitone, Summer Classics, Jensen Leisure, Lloyd Flanders, Four Seasons, Gabby,
Universal, Dovetail, Hickory White, Lillian August, Chaddock, Hancock & Moore, Hekman, Hooker, Jessica Charles, King Hickory, Sherrill and Theodore Alexander. The company sells
online through its site. E-commerce accounted for less than 1% of sales in 2021.

94 Turner Furniture $62.6 NA NA 11 NA

(NR) Tifton, Ga.
Family-owned mid-priced retailer, founded in 1915. Operates five Turner’s Fine Furniture stores in Bonaire, Tifton, Leesburg, Valdosta and Thomasville, Ga., and six Turner’s Budget
Furniture locations Tifton, Albany, Moultrie, Valdosta and Thomasville, Ga., and Tallahassee, Fla. Turner also sells online, with 1% of sales coming from e-commerce in 2021. Stores
average 26,000 square feet. Averages sales per square foot of selling space, $219. Average retail stock turns, 6 times. Average gross margin, 47.4%. Same-store sales increase in 2021,
22%. Key vendors include Ashley, La-Z-Boy, HomeStretch, Liberty, Serta, Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, Flexsteel, Kincaid, Craftmaster, Hooker, Rustic, Canyon, Aspen, Universal and Bassett.
Turner has La-Z-Boy in-store galleries in three stores. In 2022, the company will complete the remodel of both Valdosta locations, including the addition of a La-Z-Boy Comfort Studio.

95 Knoxville Wholesale Furniture $61.3 $54.4 12.7% 4 4

(93) Knoxville, Tenn.
Family-owned, founded in 1992. Promotional to high-end retailer operating two Knoxville Wholesale Furniture stores, one Clearance Center and one Ashley HomeStore in the Knox-
ville, Tenn., area. Units average 101,000 square feet. Average gross margin, 52%. In-store galleries: Hooker, Vanguard and Bradington Young.

96 Boston Interiors $58.0 $50.0 16.0% 7 7

(94) Stoughton, Mass.
Owned by Castle Island Partners. Founded in 1979, Boston Interiors offers upper-mid-priced merchandise through its New England-area stores in Stoughton, Burlington, Mashpee,
Hanover, Westborough and Natick, Mass., and Bedford, N.H., as well as through an e-commerce website.

97 Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Southeast $57.4 $48.9 17.4% 8 8

(96) Augusta, Ga.
Family-owned La-Z-Boy licensee group, founded in 1976, operating eight stores in the Southeast: Asheville, Charlotte and Pineville, N.C.; Charleston, Greenville and Lexington, S.C.; and
Evans and Pooler, Ga. The retailer also sells online with less than 1% in e-commerce sales 2021. Average store size is 14,370 square feet. In 2021, Tipperary relocated one store.

98 SFTF $53.1 NA NA 5 NA
(NR) Jacksonville, Fla. $53.6 total revenues
Privately owned promotional to mid-priced retailer operating five Ashley HomeStores, including one outlet store, in Jacksonville, Fla., and Brunswick, Ga. Stores average 42,000 square
feet. Average sales per square foot, $255. Average stock turns, 8 times. Average gross margin, 53.4%. Same-store sales increase in 2021, 6.9%. In addition to Ashley, key vendors
include Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, Serta, Stearns & Foster and Ashley Sleep. The company expects to open a new location south of Jacksonville in 2022, and is renovating two other show-
rooms this year.

99 Georgia Furniture Mart $51.1 $41.4 23.4% 1 1

(98) Norcross, Ga.
Family-owned business, founded in 1986. Offers mid-priced lines at its store that serves the Atlanta market. Key vendors include Ashley, Albany, Elements, Homelegance, Parker
House and Tempur-Sealy. Average square feet of selling space, 72,000. Average sales per square foot, $640. Average gross margin, 47.5%. Average stock turns, 6 times. Same store sales
increase in 2021, 27%. E-commerce sales accounted for about 4% of sales in 2021. Georgia Furniture Mart opened a 40,000-square-foot unit in Kennesaw, Ga., in April 2022. Sponsored by Genesis Credit

100 Kittle’s Furniture $50.0 $40.0 25.0% 8 8

(99) Indianapolis
Family-owned business founded in 1932. Promotional to upper priced Indiana retailer operated eight Kittle’s stores in Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, Bloomington and Lafayette, including
two outlet/clearance stores in Indianapolis. Kittle’s also sells online. Same-store sales increased 25% in 2021. Key vendors include Klaussner, Jonathan Louis, Softline, Flexsteel, Bas-
sett, Vaughan-Bassett, Simmons, Serta, Tempur-Pedic, Sealy, Daniel’s Amish, Canadel, Bernhardt, Stressless, Steve Silver, Amisco and Polywood.
62 Furniture Today | May 23-29, 2022


China creased the ‘Safety stock on
Materials,’ our internal policy,
right now.”
He said the company is look-
Senior Group Publisher Editor in Chief continued from page 06 which creates a buffer to off- ing at inventories and materi-
Liz Irwin Bill McLoughlin set possible issues from out- als for immediately available
314-558-3210 336-605-1029
[email protected] [email protected] themselves have been subject side suppliers for about eight items but noted that most U.S.
to delays. weeks,” Natale explained. “This and Mexico manufacturers will
“We bring in some mecha- major investment ensures our be affected by the availability
Group Managing Editor Senior Editor
Vicky Jarrett, 336-605-1054 Jean Marie Layton, 609-651-2159
nisms and some cut-and-sew ability to continue manufactur- of cut-and-sew kits from China.
[email protected] [email protected] kits from China,” said Holli- ing during supply chain dis- At present, manufactur-
Executive Editor
Associate Editor man. “It will affect us because ruptions.” ers expressed confidence in
Sheila O’Mara, 336-605-1112
Anne Flynn Wear, 336-605-1147 all suppliers have been down Natale acknowledges that their ability to continue cutting
[email protected]
[email protected] for two to three weeks.” if the shutdowns continue for backlogs and bring shipments
Associate Editor
Executive Editor Erica Crawford, 336-690-5003 Motion upholstery produc- much longer Manwah could be of goods back to normal lev-
Cindy Hodnett, 336-671-6085 [email protected] er, Manwah said it is not yet impacted. “The concerns with els. The concern, then noted is
[email protected]
Retail Editor seeing adverse effects from the the flow of raw materials from farther out as current supplies
Thomas Lester, 336-605-1133
Senior Editor
[email protected]
shut downs. “Our Manwah fac- our suppliers are being moni- dwindle and should replace-
Robert Dalheim, 336-605-3815
tory is in Daya Bay China out- tored daily, and we are work- ment inventories be disrupted.
[email protected]
Jerry Epperson, Powell Slaughter, side of Shenzen in the southern ing with suppliers to avoid Holliman of Homestretch
Larry Thomas part of China. Shanghai and the future issues to the best of our cautioned that the real impact,
northern region of China have ability,” he said. although not being felt now
General Manager Regional Sales Manager, International mostly been affected by this Noting that the lockdowns could be felt more two to three
Robin Martinez Alex Kennerly
336-605-1050 336-605-1030
new COVID-related shutdown, are affecting everyone, Rocky months from now.
[email protected] [email protected] so this has not been an issue Young, corporate officer at Fur- “These shutdowns could af-
with our factory,” said Gabriele niture of America, said, “For fect our industry substantially
Classified Sales
Sales Director
Amanda Alford, Natale, president of Manwah us, we’re trying to reduce the in Q4,” said Lane’s Quimby. “It’s
Brocdunn Rush
336-605-1043 USA. impact on our company by not a ‘today’ issue, but it very
[email protected]
[email protected] “At the start of COVID 18 sourcing items that are more much could be a 90-day or lat-
Senior Account Executive
China Manager months ago, Manwah in- available for the U.S. market er issue.”
Candy Li
Kara Dunlay
[email protected]

2021 demand
[email protected]
increase to break the $6 bil- gain was based on the use of
India Manager
Regional Manager, Southeast and Mahesh D. Kala, lion mark, along with adding partial year sales for 2020. That
North Carolina 91 11 5163 8077 continued from page 30 61 more stores. change allowed the company to
Jodi Brookshire fax 91 11 2921 0993
[email protected]
There are now 19 Ashley li- move into the No. 44 spot on the
[email protected] five Ashley HomeStores in Flor- censees within the Top 100. Top 100 from 2020’s No. 58.
ida and Georgia. To eliminate double counting Gardner-White, which ex-
Dropping off the list because when compiling total sales and perienced a 62.2% sales jump,
they didn’t meet 2021’s sales store counts, Furniture Today leveraged that to vault to No. 39
Research Editor threshold were The Great Strategic Insights adjusts the from No. 45 in the rankings.
Joanne Friedrick, 207-780-8656 American Home Store and aggregate data for the Ashley Six companies — Raymour
[email protected]
Belfort Furniture. Absent also is HomeStore network as well as & Flanigan, Roche Bobois, Clive
ABC Carpet & Home, a long-time for La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. Daniel Home, Lovesac, Herman
Top 100 retailer that changed In a year of big gains across Miller and Arhaus — improved
Senior Director of Digital Operations Digital Production Manager
Chris Schultz James Burns
ownership and refocused its the board, some retailers still 2021 sales by more than 50%.
merchandise mix on rugs after a managed to stand out among Among that group, Lovesac also
Director of Ad Operations Digital Operations Manager
Dan Sage Randy Melton bankruptcy filing. their peers. added 38 units, while Herman
Ashley HomeStore retained John V. Schultz Furniture Miller and Arhaus grew their
Digital Marketing Manager Digital Operations Specialist
Nicole Carter Lindsay Harrison its No. 1 ranking for the 16th and Levin Furniture & Mattress retail footprints by six units and
year and improved its lead over topped the list with an 84.6% five units, respectively.
the pack with a 25.4% sales increase, although its percentage Other retailers beyond
Director, Marketing & Creative Services Digital Media Specialist
Ashley HomeStore and Lovesac
Melanie Bingham Ariel Perez
Pr inte d in USA
that added stores in the double
(USPS 33 0 - 6 3 0) digits were Sleep Number, up by
Business Intelligence for the Furniture Industry (ISSN 0194-36 0X ) 46 units; Big Lots, 21; American
Furniture Today
7025 Albert Pick Road, Suite 200
WE ARE Furniture Today (USPS 330-630) (ISSN 0194-360X) is published weekly 52 times per year except
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