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Cred Perens Coed Johnnie Wright, Sr, Chairman Pre ony Pe certs Kenneth Mecaster ORANGEBURG COUNTY eens WORKING HARD FOR YOU MEMORANDUM To: PERSONNEL FILE SANDRA AKEN, DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES IMR. HENRY SUMMERS DISCIPLINARY ACTION 3/24/2023, Employee violated the County Employee Handbook Ethics policy. On March 9, 2023, the county administrator, Harold Young, received text communications from terminated former employee, Shawn ‘Simmons, accusing Public Services, Director, Henry Summers of using county equipment and county ‘employees to repair his driveway at his personal residence in Branchville. The administrator asks Mr. ‘Simmons if he could provide any proof or pictures of the incident. Immediately after being notified by Mr. Simmons of the incident, Mr. Summers’ residence was checked, but no county heavy equipment or tractors were observed at his residence. Mr. Young again asked Mr. Simmons for the pictures. Mr. ‘Simmons sent several pictures and a video of Mr. Summers operating county equipment at his residence with several county employees present. Mr. Simmons also provided a non-recent picture of Mr. Summers’ personal vehicle on a lift at the county maintenance shop. Mr. Summers was called to administration to discuss the incident. Mr. Summers admitted to Mr. Young he did repair his driveway due to the excessive water run off caused by the improper slope of the recently paved county road as well as putting his vehicle on the county lift to assist him in identifying a mechanical issue. County policy was discussed with Mr. Summers reminding him county policy prohibits county ‘equipment from being used on private property or for personal gain. Ifa situation arises when work on private property is warranted because the county was the proximate cause and appropriate resources are available, then permission must be obtained from the county administrator or his designee. Further, Mr. Summers was reminded no personal vehicles were allowed to be worked on in the county maintenance shop or using county equipment. Mr. Summers received a written reprimand and suspension without pay for violating county policy. Additionally, he was warned any further infractions may lead to termination. 1437 Amelia Street * Orangebirg, South Carolina 29115 803-533-1000 » FAX 803-533-6104 *

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