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CHAPTER NO - 1 : Overview of Android Marks

1. What is ADB? Why it’s require?

2. What is requirement of Kernel layer in Android architecture?
3. What is Android Runtime? Also explain Android Virtual Device.
4. Explain the various types of Android Application.
5. What are the differences between JVM and DVM?
6. Explain Android architecture with proper diagram.
7. What is AVD? Explain the process of creating AVD in Android
application development.
8. State the challenges present in the development of Android
9. What is Android? Explain android architecture with diagram
10.What is the JVM and DVM? Explain important role of DVM.

CHAPTER NO - 2 : Using Activities, Fragments and Intents in

1. Write a short note on “Intent”.
2. What is Activity lifecycle? What is the significant role of each state?
3. Discuss various Service life cycle methods in detail.
4. What is Service? Differentiate between Activity and Service.
5. What is Intent? Explain with suitable example.
6. What is Intent? Explain Explicit vs.Implicit intents.
7. Write a code to send data from one activity to another activity using
implicit intent.
8. Write a Program move one page to another page using Intent.
9. What are the services available in android and how it works differ
from Activity.
10.Create android application to do addition of any two numerical digits
(xml file and Java Class Only).
11.What is pending intent, What Is Intent Filters And Broadcast

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12.What is web services? How it integrates and implements in industrial
13.What is service in Android Application? How to create services,
Executing a Service and Controlling It’s Restart Behavior in Android.
14.Explain GUI Architecture of Android.
15.Explain the concept of AsyncTask with an example.
16.Write a code to send e-mail from Android App using the concept of
explicit intent.
17.What is the use of BroadcastReceiver? How to add it in Android App?
18.How to add notification in Android App? Explain with an example.
19.Write code to Validate email address in Android.

CHAPTER NO - 3 : Working with the User Interface Using Vies

and ViewGroups
1. Explain different input control.
2. Explain the following layouts 1. RelativeLayout 2. Frame Layout
3. Explain the following layouts 1. Linear Layout 2. Table Layout
4. What is Listview. Write a java class to add any 10 items within
5. Explain view. Also explain grid view and web view.
6. List out various layouts available in Android. Explain anyone in detail.
7. Write a Program for select any three subjects out of five using check
box or radio button.
8. What is ScrollView and ListView? Explain anyone with suitable
9. List of Various Layouts in android. Write java code for display Table
10.How to manage the different screen sizes and orientations.
11.Explain different types of menu in android with example.
12.Write code to display Toast Message on click of Button.
13.What are the orientation modes of available in Android?

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CHAPTER NO - 4 : Storing the Data Persistently
1. What are the different way to store Data in Android? Explain it with
2. What is Fragments and how we can create Fragment in Android
3. What is Software Development Life Cycle? Explain it with android
Application Scenario.
4. Explain SQLiteDatabase in android.
5. What you mean by fragment in Android? Explain fragment with an
6. Explain Content Providers in brief
7. Write the significance of onCreate() and onUpgrade() methods of
SQLiteOpenHealper class.
8. Write the significance and syntax of update() and delete() of
SQLiteDatabase class
9. Write a code to insert studentDetails (sID, SName, sEnrollmentNo) in
SQLite database using Android App.
10.Create an android activity that will display record of a customer
fetched from a database.
11.Give brief idea about Internal versus external storage.
12.Elaborate the input Controls in details.
13.List down the Advantage and Disadvantage of SQLite Database.
14.Write a Program for establish connection with database.
15.Write a Program store the input information in SQLite Database
16.Write all necessary code to print all the files stored in DCIM folder of
SD card.
17.What is content resolver? Discuss in brief.
18.How can you access Content Provider’s Data into other applications?
Explain with example.
19.Write a Program for login page with database connectivity.
20.Explain Permission Model in android.

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21.Explain Internal vs External Storage.
22.Write Code to insert Customer Details (cID, cName, cOrderID) in
SQLiteDatabase in Android

CHAPTER NO - 5 : Working with Location Services and Maps

1. Explain Location Service.
2. How to access Current Location using Location Service.
3. List and explain LocationListener Methods.
4. What is Google Map API?
5. List and explain types of Google Maps.
6. Features of Google Map.
7. Difference between Google Map and Google Earth.
8. Explain Geocoding in detail.
9. What is Reverse Geocoding?
10.Differenciate between Forward and Reverse Geocoding.
11.What is alarm manager broadcast receiver service?

CHAPTER NO - 6 : Working with Graphics and Animation

1. What is Graphics in Android Studio?

2. Define: 1. Drawable Objects, 2. Graphics, 3. Animation 4. Hardware
3. What is android graphics Canvas in Android studio?
4. List and explain 2D graphics methods of Canvas Class
5. How to create your own Canvas? Explain with suitable example.
6. Explain types of Drawable in detail.
7. Write a program to draw line segment on canvas in Android Studio.
8. Explain Hardware Acceleration with each of its level.
9. List Level s of hardware acceleration.
10.Explain Property Animation with Androidanimatiorsubclasses .
11.Explain View Animation with its types.
12.Explain Tween animation.

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13.What is tag with its attributes.
14.Explain Shape Drawables.

CHAPTER NO - 7 : Audio, Video and Camera

1. Which classes are used to play sound and video in the Android
2. Explain MediaPlayer Class.
3. Explain setAudioSource()
4. Write a program to play media file.
5. What is SoundPool?

CHAPTER NO - 8 : Publishing and Distributing Android Application

1. How can you publish your application in Google Play Store? Explain
the entire process.
2. What is widget?
3. What are the monetary advantages you may get after publishing
your application?
4. Create an android application that will convert distance entered into
Kilometers into Meters and Centimeters. (Write XML file and Java file
5. What are widgets available in Android? Explain any two widgets with
6. Create the Application for Car Show with Car Details.
7. Explain how to Test Android Application.
8. Benefits of Loaders. Why use them.
9. Explain loadInBackground() &onStart/StopLoading() with Example.
10.Briefly explain RatingBar in Android.
11.Write code to open browser with entered URL by the user.

YouTube, Instagram, telegram, twitter, Facebook: Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth

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