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Answer: No, Maria’s refusal to give her

CHANGE OF NAME (Rule 103) twins their names is not justified.

Concept of Name One of the characteristics of a name in our

The Supreme Court, in Republic of the jurisdiction is that it is obligatory in certain
Philippines vs. Michelle Soriano Gallo, G.R. resorts, for nobody can be without a name.
No. 207074, January 17, 2018, through Having such an obligatory character, it is
Justice Leonen, defines name as: incumbent upon the parents to provide
their children with names from the moment
“Names are labels for one’s identity. They they are born for purposes of registration
facilitate social interaction, including the and proper identification.
allocation of rights and determination of
liabilities. It is for this reason that the State In the given problem, it is incumbent upon
has an interest in one’s name. Maria to give her twins their names from
the moment they were born.
Characteristics of name
In Republic v. CA, G.R. No. 97906, May 21, Having been unable to do so, Maria’s refusal
1992, 209 SCRA 189 the court held that A to give her twins their names is not
name is said to have the following justified.
The relief under Rule 103, although a
1. It is absolute, intended to protect proceeding in rem, is not adversarial in
the individual from being confused nature; however, due notice and hearing is
with others; required:
2. It is obligatory in certain resorts,
for nobody can be without a name; Note that a petition is considered
3. It is fixed, unchangeable, or adversarial in nature where the change in
immutable, or at least at the start, the entries before the civil registry is
may be changed only for good cause substantial in nature. A change or
and by judicial proceedings; correction is substantial in nature if it
4. It is outside the commerce of man, affects the incidents of right to succession
and, therefore, inalienable and by a party or his/her filiation or citizenship,
instransmissible by act inter vivos or including the date of his/her birth is
mortis causa; altered, All of these changes are substantial
5. It is imprescriptible. in character, that is why, there is a need for
the said reliefs to be adversarial in nature -
Situation: Maria, through in vitro that is - all the affected and interested
fertilization, gave birth to twins. Three (3) parties may be given their day in court to
months after giving birth, the twins still oppose or establish their comment of such
don’t have their names. The Barangay changes being prayed by the petitioner.
Health worker told Maria to give the twins
their respective names already but Maria This is not the case in Rule 103 since the
refused. She argued that she will let the incidents of one’s hereditary rights to
twins choose their respective names once succession or citizenship, or date of birth is
they will be able to do so. Is Maria’s refusal not affected. The change in the name does
to give her twins their names justified? not, in any way, affect the established rights
of the petitioner to his/her relatives.
Page 2

However, there are instances where other Mary Grace opposed Jako’s petition alleging
affected parties may be particularly that it will result in the dissolution of her
interested with the outcome of the petition. existing family relations with her son. Is her
As aptly described by SC in the case of: contention correct?

Answer: No, the contention of Mary Grace

Republic v. Mercadera
that Jako's change of name will result in the
652 Phil. 195, 205 (2010)
dissolution of her existing family relations
with Jako is devoid of merit.
Held: Essentially, a change of name does
not define or effect a change of one’s
A change of name does not define or effect
existing family relations or in the rights
a change of one’s existing family relations or
and duties flowing therefrom. It does not
in the rights and duties flowing therefrom.
alter one’s legal capacity or civil status.
It does not alter one’s legal capacity or civil
However, "there could be instances where
status (Republic v. Mercadera).
the change applied for may be open to
objection by parties who already bear the
Thus, granting that Jako’s petition will be
surname desired by the applicant, not
allowed, his existing family relations with
because he would thereby acquire
Mary Grace would still be the same. Mary
certain family ties with them but
Grace will still be his mother and he will still
because the existence of such ties might
be the son of Mary Grace.
be erroneously impressed on the public
mind." Hence, in requests for a change of
Accordingly, the contention of Mary Grace
name, "what is involved is not a mere
is devoid of merit.
matter of allowance or disallowance of
the request, but a judicious evaluation of
Where to file; rule on venue and
the sufficiency and propriety of the
jurisdiction (Section 1, Rule 103)
justifications advanced x x x mindful of
the consequent results in the event of its
Sec. 1. Venue. - A person desiring to change
grant x x x.
his name shall present the petition to the
Court of First Instance of the province in
Situation: Jako Oten was born in Puerto which he resides, or, in the City of Manila,
Princesa, Palawan of a Filipino mother, Mary to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations
Grace and of an Indonesian father, Buka Court.
Contents of petition; jurisdictional
When Jako Oten was four years old, their matters that must be mentioned in the
family moved to Jakarta Indonesia and lived petition (Section 2, Rule 103)
there for 14 years until his parents got
divorced. Sec. 2. Contents of petition. - A petition for
change of name shall be signed and verified
Jako and Mary Grace returned to the by the person desiring his name changed, or
Philippines where Jako continued his some other person on his behalf, and shall
studies in Davao City. Upon realizing how set forth:
ridiculous his name sounds, Jako filed an
administrative petition to change his name (a) That the petitioner has been a bona fide
from Jako Oten to Joshua before the Local resident of the province where the petition
Civil Registrar of Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Page 3

is filed for at least three (3) years prior to

the date of such filing;
( f) when the surname causes
embarrassment and there is no showing
(b) The cause for which the change of the
that the desired change of name was for a
petitioner's name is sought;
fraudulent purpose or that the change of
name would prejudice public interest
(c) The name asked for.

Order of hearing; and hearing (Sections 3

Grounds for petition under Rule 103 of
and 4, Rule 103)
the Rules of Court
Sec. 3. Order for hearing. - If the petition
In re: Correction of Entries in the Civil
filed is sufficient in form and substance, the
Registry of Julian Lin Carusalan Wang v.
court, by an order reciting the purpose of
Cebu City Civil Registrar, G.R. No. 159966,
the petition, shall fix a date and place for
March 30, 2005
the hearing thereof, and shall direct that a
copy of the order be published before the
The touchstone for the grant of a change
hearing at least once a week for three (3)
of name is that there be ‘proper and
successive weeks in some newspaper of
reasonable cause’ for which the change is
general circulation published in the
province, as the court shall deem best. The
date set for the hearing shall not be within
To justify a request for change of name,
thirty (30) days prior to an election nor
petitioner must show not only some
within four (4) months after the last
proper or compelling reason therefore
publication of the notice.
but also that he will be prejudiced by the
use of his true and official name. Among
Sec. 4. Hearing. - Any interested person
the grounds for change of name which
may appear at the hearing and oppose the
have been held valid are:
petition. The Solicitor General or the
proper provincial or city fiscal shall appear
(a) when the name is ridiculous,
on behalf of the Government of the
dishonorable or extremely difficult to write
or pronounce;

(b) when the change results as a legal Rule 103 is not proper where the
consequence, as in legitimation; purpose of the petition is to establish
the status of the petitioner
(c) when the change will avoid confusion;
Republic of the Philippines vs.
(d) when one has continuously used and Coseteng-Magpayo, G.R. No. 189476,
been known since childhood by a Filipino February 2, 2011
name, and was unaware of alien
parentage; Held: The change being sought in
respondent’s petition goes so far as to
(e) a sincere desire to adopt a Filipino affect his legal status in relation to his
name to erase signs of former alienage, all parents. It seeks to change his legitimacy
in good faith and without prejudicing to that of illegitimacy. Rule 103 then
anybody; and would not suffice to grant respondent’s
Page 4

supplication. vs. CA, G.R. No. 120587, January 20, 2004

Republic v. Belmonte, illuminates, Held: Under R.A. No. 9048, the city or
however: municipal registrar or consul general, as
the case may be, is now authorized to
The procedure recited in Rule 103] effect the change of first name or nickname
regarding change of name and in Rule 108 and the correction of clerical or
concerning the cancellation or correction typographical errors in civil registry
of entries in the civil registry are separate entries. “Under said law, jurisdiction over
and distinct. They may not be substituted applications for change of first name is
one for the other for the sole purpose of now primarily lodged with administrative
expediency. To hold otherwise would officers. The law now excludes the change
render nugatory the provisions of the of first name from the coverage of Rules
Rules of Court allowing the change of 103 until and unless an administrative
one’s name or the correction of entries in petition for change of name is first filed
the civil registry only upon meritorious and subsequently denied” and removes
grounds. . . . (emphasis, capitalization and “correction or changing of clerical errors
underscoring supplied) in entries of the civil register from the
ambit of Rule 108. “Hence, what is left for
the scope of operation of the rules are
Atty. Dalam Commentaries: Before
substantial changes and corrections in
magdaan 108, daan muna RA 9048, that is
entries of the. (See also Rommel Jacinto
the General Rule.
Dantes Silverio v. Republic, G.R. No.
174689, October 22, 2007, 536 SCRA 373,
XPN: If it involves substantial corrections,
no need na magdaan RA 9048, diretso na sa
Rule 108
A party desiring to correct his name must
Commentary: The highest tribunal is trying avail first R.A. 9048, as amended.
to say the proper procedure in an instance
where desires to affect changes to his or CASE: Republic v. Michelle Soriano Gallo,
her status is to avail the remedy under Rule G.R. No. 207074, January 17, 2018
108 of the ROC.
Thus, a person may now change his or her
Now, assuming for the sake of argument first name or correct clerical errors in his or
that you availed of Rule 103 instead of Rule her name through administrative
108, can you be allowed to transform proceedings. Rules 103 and 108 only apply
(convert) the proceeding into that of Rule if the administrative petition has been
108? filed and later denied.

This is clarified to us by SC in the case of: In 2012, Republic Act No. 9048 was
amended by Republic Act No. 10172.
Effect of RA 9048 to Rule 103
In addition to the change of the first name,
the day and month of birth, and the sex of a
MILAGROS M. BARCO, as the Natural
person may now be changed without
Guardian and Guardian Ad Litem of
judicial proceedings. Republic Act No. 10172
clarifies that these changes may now be
Page 5

administratively corrected where it is

mold the individual as neatly as possible
patently clear that there is a clerical or
into the category of either male or
typographical mistake in the entry. It may
be changed by filing a subscribed and sworn
affidavit with the local civil registry office of
In deciding this case, we consider the
the city or municipality where the record
compassionate calls for recognition of the
being sought to be corrected or changed is
various degrees of intersex as variations
which should not be subject to outright
denial. "It has been suggested that there
Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or
is some middle ground between the
Typographical Error and Change of First
sexes, a `no-man's land' for those
Name or Nickname.- No entry in a civil
individuals who are neither truly `male'
register shall be changed or corrected
nor truly `female'" The current state of
without a judicial order, except for clerical
Philippine statutes apparently compels
or typographical errors and change of first
that a person be classified either as a
name or nickname, the day and month in
male or as a female, but this Court is not
the date of birth or sex of a person where it
controlled by mere appearances when
is patently clear that there was a clerical or
nature itself fundamentally negates such
typographical error or mistake in the entry,
rigid classification.
which can be corrected or changed by the
concerned city or municipal civil registrar
or consul general in accordance with the Application of RA No. 9048
provisions of this Act and its implementing
rules and regulations. Section 1 of RA No. 9048, as amended by RA
No. 10172 provides:
RA No. 10172 which amended RA No.
Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or
9048 took inspiration from the case of
Typographical Error and Change of First
Republic v. Cagandahan, G.R. No. 166676,
Name or Nickname.- No entry in a civil
September 12, 200
register shall be changed or corrected
without a judicial order, except for clerical
The Supreme Court mentioned, thus:
or typographical errors and change of first
name or nickname, the day and month in
“Intersex individuals are treated in
the date of birth or sex of a person where it
different ways by different cultures. In
is patently clear that there was a clerical or
most societies, intersex individuals have
typographical error or mistake in the entry,
been expected to conform to either a
which can be corrected or changed by the
male or female gender role. Since the rise
concerned city or municipal civil registrar
of modern medical science in Western
or consul general in accordance with the
societies, some intersex people with
provisions of this Act and its implementing
ambiguous external genitalia have had
rules and regulations.
their genitalia surgically modified to
resemble either male or female genitals.
Q. What is meant by clerical or
More commonly, an intersex individual is
typographical error?
considered as suffering from a "disorder"
which is almost always recommended to
"Clerical or typographical error" refers to a
be treated, whether by surgery and/or by
mistake committed in the performance of
taking lifetime medication in order to
clerical work in writing, copying,
Page 6

transcribing or typing an entry in the civil

register that is harmless and innocuous, Citizens of the Philippines who are
such as misspelled name or misspelled presently residing or domiciled in foreign
place of birth, mistake in the entry of day countries may file their petition, in person,
and month in the date of birth or the sex with the nearest Philippine Consulates.
of the person or the like, which is visible to
the eyes or obvious to the understanding, The petitions filed with the city or
and can be corrected or changed only by municipal civil registrar or the consul
reference to other existing record or general shall be processed in accordance with
records: Provided, however, That no this Act and its implementing rules and
correction must involve the change of regulations.
nationality, age, status or sex of the
petitioner (Section 2 [3], RA No. 9048, as Commentary: Fair reading of the provisions
amended by RA No. 10172). of Sec. 3 of RA No. 9048, as amended means
that where in exceptional circumstances,
Q. Who may file the petition under RA NO. the LCR where the petitioner is currently
9048? residing must forward the application for
administrative correction under this Act to
SECTION 3. Who May File the Petition and the LCR where the entries are located.
Where. - Any person having direct and
personal interest in the correction of a In short, it would be the LCR where the
clerical or typographical error in an entry entries are kept, that would act on the
and/or change of first name or nickname in application, and after acting to the said
the civil register may file, in person, a petition, forward its findings or evaluation
verified petition with the local civil registry to the LCR where the petition was filed.
office of the city or municipality where the Petition under RA No. 9048 may be availed
record being sought to be corrected or only once.
changed is kept.
Last par. of Sec. 3 of RA No. 9048 provides:
Filing of petition in case of difficulty of
filing by reason of distance or All petitions for the clerical or
inconvenience/impracticality. typographical errors and/or change of first
names or nicknames may be availed of only
Second par. of Sec. 3 of RA No. 9048 provides: once.

In case the petitioner has already

Grounds for petition under RA No. 9048
migrated to another place in the country
and it would not be practical for such party,
SECTION 4. Grounds for Change of First
in terms of transportation expenses, time
Name or Nickname. - The petition for
and effort to appear in person before the
change of first name or nickname may be
local civil registrar keeping the documents
allowed in any of the following cases:
to be corrected or changed, the petition
may be filed, in person, with the local civil
1. The petitioner finds the first name
registrar of the place where the interested
or nickname to be ridiculous,
party is presently residing or domiciled. The
tainted with dishonor or
two (2) local civil registrars concerned will
extremely difficult to write or
then communicate to facilitate the
processing of the petition.
Page 7

correct the existing records on his birth and

2. The new first name or nickname
citizenship. The chain of evidence would
has been habitually and
have to show that Dy Guiok Santos,
continuously used by the
respondent Ong’s mother, was a Filipino
petitioner and he has been
citizen, contrary to what still appears in the
publicly known by that by that
records of this Court. Respondent Ong has
first name or nickname in the
the burden of proving in court his alleged
community: or
ancestral tree as well as his citizenship
3. The change will avoid confusion.
under the time-line of three Constitutions.
Until this is done, respondent Ong cannot
Commentary: It is noteworthy that while accept an appointment to this Court as that
the Congress amended the coverage of RA would be a violation of the Constitution. For
No. 9048 by incorporating the this reason, he can be prevented by
ratiocinations from the case of Republic v. injunction from doing so.
Cagandahan, G.R. No. 16676, Sep 12, 2008, it
never bothered to amend Section 4 of R.A.
No. 9048 as to grounds for availing of the Cancellation or Correction of Entries in
relief under RA No. 9048. the Civil Registry

It is respectfully submitted that in order to Rule 108, Rules of Court

give meaning to the pronouncement of the
Supreme Court in the afore-mentioned The proceeding under Rule 108, although
case, Sec. 4 of RA No. 9048 should read as summary, is adversarial in nature.
follows, thus:

RA No. 9048, as amended, is not proper Republic of the Philippines v. Tipay, G.R.
where substantial change is involved. No. 209257, Feb. 14, 2018

CASE: Kilosbayan Foundation v. Ermita, G.R. Held: Jurisprudence on this matter later
No. 177721, July 3, 2007 developed, giving room for the correction
of substantial errors. The Court
Held: Republic Act No. 9048 provides in ultimately recognized that substantial or
Section 2 (3) that a summary administrative controversial alterations in the civil
proceeding to correct clerical or registry are allowable in an action filed
typographical errors in a birth certificate under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, as
cannot apply to a change in nationality. long as the issues are properly threshed
Substantial corrections to the nationality or out in appropriate adversarial
citizenship of persons recorded in the civil proceedings — effectively limiting the
registry should, therefore, be effected through application of the summary procedure to
a petition filed in court under Rule 108 of the the correction of clerical or innocuous
Rules of Court. errors. The Court's ruling in Republic v.
Valencia, explained the adversarial
The series of events and long string of procedure to be followed in correcting
alleged changes in the nationalities of substantial errors in this wise:
respondent Ong’s ancestors, by various
births, marriages and deaths, all entail It is undoubtedly true that if the subject
factual assertions that need to be threshed matter of a petition is not for the
out in proper judicial proceedings so as to correction of clerical errors of a harmless
Page 8

and innocuous nature, but one involving Held: As we pronounced in Labayo-Rowe

nationality or citizenship, which is vs. Republic where the mother sought
indisputably substantial as well as changes in the entries of her two
controverted, affirmative relief cannot be children’s birth certificates:
granted in a proceeding summary in
nature. However, it is also true that a …since only the Office of the Solicitor
right in law may be enforced and a wrong General was notified through the Office
may be remedied as long as the of the Provincial Fiscal, representing the
appropriate remedy is used. Republic of the Philippines as the only
respondent, the proceedings taken, which
is summary in nature, is short of what is
Parties to the petition; Notice requirement
required in cases where substantial
in Rule 108 proceedings.
alterations are sought. Aside from the
Office of the Solicitor General, all other
Section 3 to 5 of Rule 108 provides:
indispensable parties should have been
made respondents. They include not only
Sec. 3. Parties. - When cancellation or
the declared father of the child but the
correction of an entry in the civil register is
child as well, together with the paternal
sought, the civil registrar and all persons
grandparents, if any, as their hereditary
who have or claim any interest which would
rights would be adversely affected thereby.
be affected thereby shall be made parties to
All other persons who may be affected by
the proceeding.
the change should be notified or
Sec. 4. Notice and publication. - Upon the
filing of the petition, the court shall, by an
order, fix the time and place for the hearing Effects of RA No. 9048, as amended by RA
of the same, and cause reasonable notice No. 10172
thereof to be given to the persons named in
the petition. The court shall also cause the Case: Republic v. Benemerito, G.R. No.
order to be published once a week for three 146963, March 15, 2004
(3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in the province. Held: Parenthetically, the recent enactment
of Republic Act 9048, otherwise also known
Sec. 5. Opposition. - The civil registrar and as "An Act Authorizing the City or Municipal
any person having or claiming any interest Civil Registrar or the Consul General to
under the entry whose cancellation or Correct a Clerical or Typographical Error in
correction is sought may, within fifteen (15) an Entry and/or Change of First Name or
days from notice of the petition, or from the Nickname in the Civil Register Without
last date of publication of such notice, file Need of Judicial Order," only empowers the
his opposition thereto. City or Municipal Civil Registrar or the
Consul General to correct clerical or
typographical errors and to allow a change
Indispensable parties in Rule 108
in the first name or nickname in an entry in
the civil registry without further need of a
judicial order.
Cerulia v. Delantar,
G.R. No. 140305, December 9, 2005
The obvious effect of Republic Act 9048 is
merely to make possible the
Page 9

administrative correction of clerical or Q. Who may file the petition for correction
typographical errors or change of first of entries under Rule 108?
name or nickname in entries in the civil
register, leaving to Rule 108 the correction Sec. 1. Who may file petition. - Any person
of substantial changes in the civil registry in interested in any act, event, order or decree
appropriate adversarial proceedings concerning the civil status of persons which
has been recorded in the civil register, may
HOWEVER, there is no intent on the part file a verified petition for the cancellation or
of the lawmakers to deprive the courts to correction of any entry relating thereto,
exercise the reliefs under Rule 108 (and with the Court of First Instance of the
Rule 103) of the Rules of Court province where the corresponding civil
registry is located.
Re: Final Report on the Judicial Audit
Conducted at the RTC, Branch 67, Paniqui Matters covered by Rule 108
Tarlac, A.M. No. 06-7-414-RTC, October 19,
2007 Sec. 2. Entries subject to cancellation or
correction. - Upon good and valid grounds,
Held: At first glance, the seeming effect of the following entries in the civil register
the amendment is to remove from the may be cancelled or corrected:
ambit of Rule 108 the correction of clerical
or typographical errors or change of entries (a) births;
in the civil register and to make Rule 108 (b) marriages;
apply only to substantial changes and (c) deaths;
corrections to entries in the civil register. (d) legal separations;
Hence, we clarified in Republic v. (e) judgments of annulments of marriage;
Benemerito that the obvious effect of R.A. (f) judgments declaring marriages void from
No. 9048 is merely to make possible the the beginning;
administrative correction of clerical or (g) legitimations;
typographical errors in entries and the (h) adoptions;
administrative change of first name or (i) acknowledgments of natural children;
nickname in the civil register, leaving to (j) naturalization
Rule 108 the correction of substantial (k) election, loss or recovery of citizenship
changes in the civil registry in appropriate (l) civil interdiction;
adversarial proceedings. (m) judicial determination of filiation;
(n) voluntary emancipation of a minor; and
Hence, the question that now arises is (o) changes of name.
whether trial courts still have jurisdiction
over petitions for correction of clerical
Legal separations (item d), judgments of
errors and change of first name and
annulments of marriage (item e);
nickname in the civil registry. Assuming
judgments declaring marriages void
that the trial courts retain such authority,
from the beginning (item f, Sec. 2, Rule
the corollary question is whether the
108) as subject matter of Rule 108
summary procedure prescribed in R.A. No.
9048 should be adopted in cases filed
before the courts, or should the adversarial
Fujiki v. Marinay
proceeding under Rule 108 be followed.
G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013
Page 10

Marinay married Fujiki, their relationship particular fact."

turned sour, thus, they were separated de
facto. Rule 108, Section 1 of the Rules of Court
Later on, Marinay met and married
another japanese man (Maekara) who Sec. 1. Who may file petition. — Any
turned out to be violent. person interested in any act, event, order
or decree concerning the civil status of
Marinay and Fujiki reconciled, the former persons which has been recorded in the
petitioned that the marriage between the civil register, may file a verified petition
Maekara be declared void. The japanese for the cancellation or correction of any
court granted Marinay’s petition and entry relating thereto, with the Regional
declared the second marriage with Trial Court of the province where the
Maekara as void ab initio. corresponding civil registry is located.
(Emphasis supplied).
Fujiki wanted that said judgment be
recognized in the Philippines. PERSONALITY OF ALLEGED HUSBAND
TO AVAIL RULE 108 of the Rules of Court
Issue: May Fujiki use sec. 2 of Rule 108 to
recognize such judgment? Is Fujiki an interested Party?

Held: Yes. Held: Yes.

Since the recognition of a foreign Fujiki has the personality to file a petition
judgment only requires proof of fact of to recognize the Japanese Family Court
the judgment, it may be made in a special judgment nullifying the marriage between
proceeding for cancellation or correction Marinay and Maekara on the ground of
of entries in the civil registry under Rule bigamy because the judgment concerns
108 of the Rules of Court. Rule 1, Section 3 his civil status as married to Marinay. For
of the Rules of Court provides that "[a] the same reason he has the personality to
special proceeding is a remedy by which a file a petition under Rule 108 to cancel
party seeks to establish a status, a right, the entry of marriage between Marinay
or a particular fact." Rule 108 creates a and Maekara in the civil registry on the
remedy to rectify facts of a person’s life basis of the decree of the Japanese Family
which are recorded by the State pursuant Court.
to the Civil Register Law or Act No. 3753.
These are facts of public consequence There is no doubt that the prior spouse
such as birth, death or marriage,66 which has a personal and material interest in
the State has an interest in recording. As maintaining the integrity of the marriage
noted by the Solicitor General, in Corpuz he contracted and the property relations
v. Sto. Tomas this Court declared that arising from it. There is also no doubt that
"[t]he recognition of the foreign divorce he is interested in the cancellation of an
decree may be made in a Rule 108 entry of a bigamous marriage in the civil
proceeding itself, as the object of special registry, which compromises the public
proceedings (such as that in Rule 108 of record of his marriage. The interest
the Rules of Court) is precisely to derives from the substantive right of the
establish the status or right of a party or a spouse not only to preserve (or dissolve,
Page 11

in limited instances) his most intimate

human relation, but also to protect his
property interests that arise by operation
of law the moment he contracts marriage.
These property interests in marriage
include the right to be supported "in
keeping with the financial capacity of the
family" and preserving the property
regime of the marriage.

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