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Revision Worksheet - 2

Grade: 11
Date: 21/05/2023

Topic: Introduction to Java Language

1. Explain Polymorphism with an example.

2. Differentiate Encapsulation and Inheritance.
3. What are the benefits of OOP?
4. What is the purpose of 'new' operator?
5. What do you mean by the following statement?
Employee staff = new Employee();
6. What do you mean by instantiating a class?
7. What are the different ways to give comments in java programming?
8. Distinguish between: Compiler and Interpreter.
9. How can ‘Data Abstraction’ be made useful in the real world? Explain with an example.
10. De ne the terms:`
a. Source code
b. Machine code
c. Byte code
11. 'Java interpreter is also called Java Virtual Machine'. Justify the statement.

12. Design a class 'Time' with the following specifications:

class Time

Data members/Instance variables

int hour, min, sec


Member Methods:
void get_time( ) : to accept a time in hour, minute and second.
void show_time( ) : to display the time in terms of hour, minute and second.

Write a main method to create an object of class 'Time' and call the member methods.

Submission Date: 25/05/2023

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