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Our school in Our schools in the UK and Our school in Valletta

Bournemouth is Malta are accredited by is accredited by

Why choose Cavendish School of English......................1
About us.....................................................................................................2
Facilities in Bournemouth.............................................................3
Discover the local area..................................................................4
Since 1983, Cavendish School of English
has been providing expert English Discover the surrounding areas..............................................6
language training for students of all ages Courses......................................................................................................8
and nationalities. More than 200,000 General English...........................................................................9
students have benefited from our courses. Cambridge/IELTS Exam Courses.............................. 10
Our English language courses are student- Business Courses.....................................................................11
centred and communicative, focusing on One-to-One Tuition..................................................................11
you, the learner, and providing for all your Adult & Junior Group Bookings..............................................12
language needs. Our staff, home stay Adult Courses (Groups)........................................................12
hosts and teachers are all committed to
Junior Courses (Groups).....................................................13
making your stay at Cavendish School of
English productive and enjoyable. Camps.......................................................................................................14
Junior Courses (Summer Camps)...............................14
Headquartered in Bournemouth, England,
Gold Edition Summer Centres........................................17
the school’s warm, family environment and
its beautiful surroundings are guaranteed Football Courses.................................................................... 20
to make your stay delightful. Social Programmes........................................................................21

We also have our own school in Malta Accommodation and Welfare...............................................22

and summer centres near Oxford and in Your First Day......................................................................................23
Embley Park. Getting to the School....................................................................24
Cavendish School in Malta.......................................................25
Get ready for a new Courses in Malta...............................................................................28

learning experience in the Junior Courses in Malta..............................................................29

Discover Malta.................................................................................. 30
UK’s happiest town! The local Area....................................................................................33

We want YOU!
We want to look after you and make your experience with us a great one.
Our team above is dedicated to your well-being. You can approach them at
any time and they will be more than happy to help you.
We are here to serve you and welcome you to England or Malta.
Top reasons why you should
choose Cavendish School of English
Family-run business with a
caring and supportive environment:
We strive to ensure that our students are happy and relaxed.
Getting to know each student by his/her name regardless of
the group size is a priority for us. We are a family-run business
with 6 family members actively being involved with the day-
today running of the school and we personally take responsibility
for each student. We have several officers who speak several
languages and look after the wellbeing of our students.

2 3
Experience: Transport fleet:
Established in 1983, we have We provide the option of
40+ years of experience in coach travel by a large fleet of
teaching English to foreign coaches to and from Europe
students. mainland if required.

4 5 6
Great home stays Exclusive pick-up Unique junior Summer programmes:
in Bournemouth and drop-off service:
Summer Camps are full of fun. We invite you to compare the number
and quality of excursions we offer with those offered by other schools.
Most schools will provide 3 - 4 excursions per 2-week-stay. With us,
Our coaches and buses allow us to Our special service for young junior students up
students will enjoy 6 quality excursions (not just the neighbouring
use home stays which can’t be used to the age of 14 is the pick-up and drop-off of
town) and 9 day/evening activities within a 2-weeks-stay. Excursions
by any other school. Most schools in students from their hosts up to 4 times a day by are the most expensive part of a summer camp, that’s why most
Bournemouth are located near the our coaches/buses. We are not aware of any schools will only provide a few of them. As we have access to a flet of
town centre – and so are we. However, other school providing this kind of service. coaches, we can afford to offer so many excursions. Our experience
as students expect to reach hosts Parents love this service as it provides a unique has taught us over the years just what students want and how to give
within walking distance of the school, way, especially for very young students to get them what they want. We will not be beaten on junior group
the number of home stays to each
from and to home safely even in the dark. vacational programmes. With so many years’ experience in
school is limited. Therefore all schools bringing school groups to England for vacational courses, our
Students 15+ will get a public transport ticket.
have to fight for home stays. length of time in business speaks for itself.

They know that they’re needed and
therefore behave in a rather unwanted
way. Instead of caring hosts, some
families become a guesthouse with
up to 15 students. We don’t like
those hosts for our junior students
Separation of
and instead of having them walk for Juniors and Adults:
20 minutes we drive our youngest
students to their home stays. These Within school grounds adult
hosts only get students from us and students will enjoy their own
therefore know that they have to building, own IT area, dedicated
adhere to our guidelines as otherwise reception and Academic team.
we wouldn’t use them anymore

8 9 10
Ideal Location: We have our own Tour Guides
Our Bournemouth school is within 3
Safety first!
Cavendish School of English prides itself in training its own tour guides. Unlike
beautiful buildings in a quiet residential most other schools who use their activity leaders or teachers or none at all, In 2005, Bournemouth was voted
area just a few minutes’ walk away most our excursions are accompanied by an experienced tour guide. Our the safest town for children in the
from the golden beach, shops, cafés, leaders are here to look after the students - nothing else. Our tour guides have whole of the UK. Plus, our staff
restaurants, and pubs. Everything you been trained to guide foreign students thus adapting their tours to the English and leaders are trained to make
need is close by, i.e. the town centre level of the students. The rich history and cultures of both England and Malta sure we are compliant to Health &
can be reached within just a 5 minute deserve a professionally guided tour which would also benefit the students' Safety Standards at all times.
walk. educational experience.

Cavendish School of English | 1


1:15 1:12

Established as a language school in School

1983, Cavendish School of English
Cavendish School has a
is situated in three elegant Victorian maximum of 15 junior pupils
buildings in a beautiful leafy suburb to one teacher and a ratio of
12 adult students to one
of Bournemouth, on the south coast teacher.
of England. The charming three-storey 90% of our school group
buildings and gardens have recently customers return every year.
43% of holiday students are
been modernised and refurbished, and either repeat customers or
are the ideal location for students to come to us
via recommendation.
study in a relaxed, friendly and informal Students from 42% of the
atmosphere. worlds countries have visited
Cavendish School
The quiet, residential area where
the school is located offers a safe FAMILY RUN BUSINESS
environment for study. FOUNDED IN 1983
with schools in England and Malta
The town centre is only 5 minutes
away on foot. The many attractions 1,000
school groups since 1983
of Bournemouth like the soft golden
beaches and entertaining nightlife are
students since 1983
also very close by.

90 minutes to London by car or coach.

Quality Teaching 15 minutes to the beach on foot.
5 minutes to the town centre on foot.
The teaching staff at Cavendish School of English are qualified professionals with lots Students from 83 COUNTRIES
of experience and enthusiasm. There is a continuous program of staff development and
training to make sure that Cavendish School of English uses up-to-date teaching methods
and materials.
The English courses we offer are student-centred, varied, stimulating and of the highest
Our excursions
possible standards. This is reflected in our long and successful history in teaching English to
both groups and individuals. Our teachers discuss your English language needs with you to 2
tailor English courses to your needs. LONDON
Our Teaching Methods
Here, at Cavendish School of English, we place great importance on practical language skills
and improving your communicative ability to express your own ideas, opinions, and feelings. 7-9 EXCURSIONS 10 EVENING ACTIVITIES

We are committed to providing you with fun and interactive lessons within an effective
learning environment. The time you spend at our language school will greatly increase your
confidence and knowledge and prepare you well for life in an English-speaking world.
Our Student’s safety
Cavendish School of English has been running since 1983 and is accredited by British
Council, FDSV, DIN Certco, Reisenetz, FELTOM, ELT Council and is a member of EnglishUK
and RALSA. British Council, FDSV, DIN Certco, FELTOM and the ELT Council hold regular Residential & Homestay
inspections to thoroughly check not only the premises but our management, quality of accommodation available
teaching, accommodation arrangements and the safety and welfare of our students. This SPECIAL PICK UP AND DROP OFF SERVICE
encourages excellence and high standards of care and efficiency throughout, with an
absolute focus on the well-being and happiness of our students. We provide a friendly and
caring atmosphere with a local doctor available 24 hours a day. From their arrival through
to their departure, our students are under the constant care and attention of experienced
staff, who receive regular training and advice on the care and education of under-18s, their and our Location
supervision and security. In addition to this, all staff hold a criminal record background
check to ensure their suitability to work with under-18s.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures are available upon written
request or online at 4TH BEST
We systematically collect feedback from pupils, parents and staff to keep improving the
quality of our programmes. 12 KM OF SANDY BEACHES


2 | Cavendish School of English prospectus - 10 OUT OF 10
Facilities in Bournemouth

• 30 classrooms – most equipped with

 ome and enjoy the
interactive whiteboards.
feel of London right
• Beautiful, fully-glazed, large
here at Cavendish
• Canteen with breakfast, lunch and
School of English!
dinner (for our residential students). • Here, Cavendish students can find the
most important icons of the capital
• Several machines are available with
snacks and drinks. Home cooked of England and the United Kingdom
barbecue in the summer. e.g. a converted,red London bus which
also serves as an indoor and outdoor
• All common areas are fully air-
café. Hot andcold meals, sandwiches
and salads are freshly prepared.
• Landscaped gardens with palm trees,
• On the first floor, the double-decker
decked terraces and plenty of seating.
seating area is equipped with video
• Multifunctional space for events of all screens and music equipment.
kinds and cinema (up to 100 people)
• Nightclub/Disco with professional disco
• IT lab with free access to 15 new and karaoke equipment.
generation computers and high speed
DSL Internet access. • Free ultrafast Wi-Fi for the entire
campus. Mobile users can enjoy wireless
• A separate IT room open only to adults
reception within the whole school
with free access to another 5
computers and the latest generation of
hi-speed DSL Internet access. • Latest in-house Multimedia Facilities.
• Little London: This amazing sample of
London is located right in our gardens.

Cavendish School of English | 3

the local area

Green and Safe

Did you know? Shopping
Known as the ‘Garden City by the sea’ Famous people such as There are plenty of department stores
and recently voted as the top seaside David & Victoria Beckham, such as Marks & Spencers and Beales,
resort in the UK, Bournemouth is only Jamie Redknapp (footballer), his as well as a diverse choice of shops.
90 minutes away from London. It is said wife Louise (pop star) and Madonna Bournemouth is well known for its
Bournemouth has the cleanest air and all own properties within 3 miles of designer boutiques, jewellers and
is the safest place to bring up children. Bournemouth. antique shops. If you like shopping, you
In addition, you will find the surrounding How about discovering the best views will definitely feel like you’re in heaven!
countryside with beautiful coastal walks from Bournemouth Eye, our local
as well as the picturesque New Forest. balloon?
Bournemouth University is among
Today, Bournemouth is one of the most Golden Beach
the largest universities in the south of
popular resorts in the country. Often the The seaside resorts of the English Britain. Many foreign students come to
winner of ‘Britain in Bloom’, the town has south coast are famous for their miles study in Bournemouth every year and
gardens that are superb all year round. of sandy beaches and the pleasantly
this is the reason why there is such a
Through the town centre flows the river mild climate. Bournemouth is said to
lively and cosmopolitan atmosphere.
Bourne (from which Bournemouth takes enjoy more sunny days than any other
its name). seaside resort in England.

4 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Night Life Sports
At night, there is always something Bournemouth is an ever popular British
to do. Nightclubs, restaurants, bars, holiday location due to its 10kms of fine
casinos, cinemas and concert halls all sandy beaches. To top it off, its weather
provide great entertainment. conditions make it a very suitable spot for
windsurfing and kite-surfing. Several golf
Here students from all around courses can be found in Bournemouth.
the world gather for a party that There are also plenty of places in the
nobody wants to miss! Even locals New Forest where you can go horse
drive for an hour-for example, from riding, canoeing, kayaking, pony-trekking,
Southampton, to enjoy the nightlife of etc. Whatever you want to do, there is
Bournemouth. something for everyone in Bournemouth.

Cavendish School of English | 5

the surrounding areas

Portsmouth is the second largest
city in the county of Hampshire
on the South Coast of England.
As a significant naval port for
centuries, Portsmouth is home
to the world’s oldest dry dock
commissioned by King Henry VII
in 1495 at Portsmouth’s Historic
Portsmouth Dockyard is also
home to some famous ships,
including “HMS Warrior”, the
Tudor carrack “Mary Rose” and
Lord Nelson’s flagship, “HMS

Did you know?

that this city is the birthplace
of Charles Dickens?

6 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Corfe Castle
Corfe Castle is a fortification built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century that stands above the
village of Corfe in the county of Dorset. Part of the English National Trust and only 8 kms away from
both Swanage and Wareham, it is a major tourist attraction with more than 1,000 years of history to
It is believed that King Edward the Martyr was stabbed to death here on the orders of his stepmother
in 978 AD, so that her son Ethelred ‘The Unready’ could rise to the throne.
You can find really old traditional pubs here. One which is actually an ‘old watering hole’ (e.g. it has a
‘well’ and free running water underneath it) in fact, the pub is so small you might miss it. The village
has amazing cottage style country shops and houses with thatched roofs (made of straw) and you
can take the steam train that runs from Corfe (Castle) to Swanage and back again. It is an idyllic,
quaint English country village, with two churches and at least three different pubs and other cafes.
You can also choose to sit and sample an English cream tea whilst looking at the castle ruins.

Nearby, Poole boasts the largest natural harbour
in the world and the lovely nature reserve of
Brown Sea Island lies in the middle. Pleasure
boats wait at the quayside and regularly make
the short trip over to the island. Poole Harbour is
a great location for water sports like windsurfing,
yachting and sea fishing.
Tower Park leisure complex offers a host of up-
to-the-minute entertainment facilities, including
water slides and Laser Quest.
The town‘s picturesque old quay retains its 18th-
century atmosphere and is an ideal location to
have something to eat while overlooking the bay.

The small market town is dominated by
the two towers of the imposing Minster
church, but offers a whole lot more. The
Minster was built in the 12th century and is
recognised for its unusual chained library
which is one of only four surviving chained
libraries in the world.
The town’s shops include many antiques
and curios as well as a modern centre.
There is an antiques market on Friday,
a flea market on Saturday and a huge
combination of the two on Sunday.
The historic town is beautifully situated in
the picturesque water meadows of the River
Stour, where it joins the clear, free flowing
River Allen. The town’s recorded history

dates back to the 8th Century and there
are many historic buildings, narrow streets
and delightful squares and courtyards to
explore. Christchurch is uniquely situated on the shore of its own harbour, close to the
magnificent Dorset World Heritage Coast and the tranquil New Forest National
Every year in June, Wimborne Minster’s
streets and small squares are filled with
hundreds of musicians and dancers for It is truly an amazing combination of fascinating heritage, beautiful coastline
the colourful Wimborne Folk Festival, and countryside with a wide variety of attractions. With a great range of places
the largest event of its kind in southern to eat and drink, a wealth of things to see and do, plus a variety of festivals and
England. events. There is something to suit everyone whatever your age or taste.

Cavendish School of English | 7

Adult Courses
General Courses (booking code G1, G2, G3) General English courses
are for students who want to improve their knowledge of the language in
general and ability to use it communicatively.
Cambridge / IELTS Exam Courses (booking code C1, C2, C3, C4)
Cambridge Examination courses are ideal for students wishing to achieve
a qualification in English over a 4 - 12 weeks period.
Cavendish School of English is very proud of the
high standards of its English language courses. Our
The IELTS qualification is required for students to enter a British or
English-speaking university. The Cambridge Certificate of Advanced
qualified teachers are friendly, approachable, and keen
English (CAE) is recognised by prospective employers around the world as
to help you make the most out of your time at the
proof of a very high level of English.
One-to-One Tuition (booking code T10, T20,T25,T30) Cavendish
Whether you are young or old, at elementary or
students who prefer individual attention and need to work on areas of
advanced level, have special requirements such as
particular interest will benefit from one–to-one tuition with our skilled
preparation for the IELTS examination or need to
improve your Business English, we will help you achieve
your goals. By discussing what your expectations and Business and Professional Courses (booking code B1) Business
objectives are, our teachers will specifically design English is for students who like to enhance their knowledge of English
language courses to provide the best possible results for used in the business world. Students who need to work on areas of
you. particular interest will benefit from business tuition with our skilled
Here is an overview of the available courses. You will find
detailed descriptions of the language courses on the 1 lesson is 45 minutes. Maximum class size is 8 or 12 students,
following pages. depending on package booked. Lesson times are Monday to Thursday
from 8:45 to 13:00 plus our conversation club on Fridays. If more than
The main learning objectives are: Development 20 lessons per week have been booked lessons will continue in the
and expansion of communication skills, afternoons from 13:30. Conversation Club is every Friday for 4 lessons (3
vocabulary, listening and reading comprehension. hours). In our Conversation Club you will sit together with other students
and teachers and have an informal conversation, together with a cup of
Socialising is a very important part of learning a
coffee or tea and some biscuits. You can ask your teacher anything
language. Here at Cavendish we offer lots of events and
about your lessons - maybe you didn't understand something during
your regular lesson - or you can have a political discussion with your
excursions helping you to interact with other students
fellow students - of course all in English. Our Conversation Club is about
as well as giving you the chance to be a tourist in
using what you have learned throughout the week. Our Conversation Club
this beautiful part of England. Bournemouth is a very
is voluntary but very popular.
entertaining town to stay in with a variety of events all
year round and more nightlife than the West End of
London! Junior Courses for Groups
Lessons always take place in the mornings, so what is Private groups – All year round! Tuition for groups.
there to do in the afternoons? You can use that time
to do some self-study of course, or you could chill at Junior courses for Individuals (Junior Summer
the beach or at one of the many coffee shops around Camps)
Bournemouth. You could also book an excursion with us.
All excursions are fully guided and costs start from £8
for a half-day excursion. Just ask at reception. For individuals, Junior Camps are available nearly all year round. A full
program of tuition, social and leisure activities and trips to places of
Please note because we accept students under 18 interest is provided. Full-board accommodation in carefully selected
years of age on adult courses, we take special care of home stay hosts or in residence accommodation is also included. This is
them by; very popular amongst young students travelling alone or with a few
• Providing home stay hosts that are DBS checked
• Regular checks on attendance records Special Programs – Cavendish School of English is highly experienced
• Providing under 18's with different coloured lanyards to
in designing the best course just for you, or your group. Language
make them more noticeable to staff
courses can be specially tailored for individuals as well as small and large
groups - closed or open. Cavendish School of English will work closely
Although students under 18 years of age maybe enrolled with your company to make sure that your language courses cover the
on an adult course, they will have to obey and follow our needs of all those taking part. Schools, universities and businesses can all
junior rules and regulations. Please refer to our adult benefit from special programs to train their staff and students.
student handbook for more information.
Gold Edition - is our premium summer service for juniors with fantastic
Cavendish School of English is open all year round except locations across England. Enjoy an even better English experience at our
for 2 weeks over Christmas.
fantastic summer centres in Oxford-Thornton and Embley Park (not in
2023) near Southampton.

8 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

General English

At Cavendish School of English, General English programs are

designed for students of almost all
the classes are small and intimate, levels who want a good foundation
typically between 6 and 10 of English in a wide variety of
language areas.
students, and never more than Students will be able to practise
Besides grammar, vocabulary,
15 within the class. reading and writing, the main aim
their newly-learned skills and
vocabulary in a relaxed and
(no more than 8 students per class when our of our English language courses
supportive classroom environment.
Premium courses have been booked) are to help students communicate
well in everyday situations within A wide range of teaching materials,
General General Intensive Super an English-speaking environment. modern teaching methodology and
English English English Intensive General English programs are technology are used to ensure that
Courses English available for all levels of ability and classroom sessions are interesting
Course G1 G2 G3 for all age groups. Do not be shy; and relevant to the students’ own
our oldest student to date is 81 experiences.
years old!
Lessons 20+4 25+4 30+4 Standard and Premium
per week (15 hours+3h) (18.8 hours+3h) (22.5 hours+3h)
All students who successfully
complete a course at Cavendish General English courses and
Additional Yes Yes Yes Business English courses
School of English receive a
study Certificate of Achievement, in are available in Standard and
Language All levels All levels All levels accordance with the CEFR (Common Premium.
levels for European Framework of Reference Standard courses have no more
entry for Languages). than 15 students to a class.
Course 1-50 1-50 1-50 Students of all abilities will quickly Premium courses have no more
duration in become more confident and fluent than 8 students per class.
(weeks) on the course.
For a complete list of all the benefits
Minimum 16 16 16 The timetable for the day Premium comes with, please
age incorporates plenty of variety. download our dates and fees.

Cavendish School of English | 9

Cambridge / IELTS

Our exam preparation courses really IELTS (level 6 or above) is accepted Our lessons are available all year and
work! If you require a recognised as evidence of your ability to study in they are designed to prepare you for
qualification that will show you have the English by educational establishments examinations held in March, June and
ability to communicate at a high level December.
throughout the English-speaking world.
in both written and spoken English, the IELTS examinations are held most
This qualification is often a prerequisite
Cambridge First Certificate in English months. This means, whenever you have
for entrance to higher education at reached the required level you can be
(FCE) is the ideal course.
university or college. entered for the examination.
CAE (Cambridge Certificate of
Examination courses concentrate on Of course, your course tutor will be
Advanced English) is a qualification that
real language situations using a wide there to advise and guide you through
is recognised as proof of a very high
variety of materials including: video, this process. Examinations take place in
level of fluency in English. Bournemouth and will cost approx. £140.
contemporary literature, newspapers
The CAE is highly appreciated by and materials specifically designed by The required level of English for
prospective employers, thereby your course teacher to enhance your the IELTS course is usually Upper
improving your job opportunities. abilities and skills. Intermediate.

Cambridge First Certificate Certificate IELTS exam

Exam Courses
in Advanced
If you plan to study at
Course number C1 C2 C3 university level in the
Lessons per week 25 25 25 UK, find a good job or
(18.8 hours) (18.8 hours) (18.8 hours)

Additional study Yes Yes Yes be promoted at work,

Language levels for Intermediate Upper Intermediate Intermediate Cavendish courses
Course duration in 4-12 4-12 4-12
are certainly right for
(weeks) you.
Minimum age 16 16 16

10 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Business & Professional

This highly intensive course is for Course details Business English

busy managers and executives
who need to be able to use Course number B1
English in a range of commercial
In today’s international situations. The course provides a Lessons per week 25+4

business environment, high level of input from business

publications, respected excerpts
(18.8 hours+3h)

Additional study Yes

having a good command from various fields, and uses
case studies for discussion and
of English has never been English language development.
Language levels for
Intermediate to
more vital. A thorough needs analysis will
be carried out on arrival as the Course duration 1 - 50
course will be specially designed (weeks)
to suit the specific business needs Minimum age 16
of the students.

One to One A teacher entirely

dedicated to you!
If you prefer individual attention
One to one tuition
Course number

Lessons per week


10 - 30
and need to improve as much
1 lesson - 1 hour
as possible in the time available,
you will benefit from one-to- Additional study Yes
one tuition with our friendly and Language levels for All levels
approachable teachers. entry
One-to-one tuition is custom- Course duration 1-48
designed for the individual (in weeks)
student and tailored to meet Minimum age 16
their exact requirements.

Cavendish School of English | 11

Adult & Junior Group Bookings

Adult Group Group Bookings

Bookings Schools and educational groups

who wish to make group bookings
with Cavendish School of English will
Custom-Made Courses benefit from the following:
For You
• Group transfer to and from the UK
Cavendish School of English is
highly experienced in designing the
best course just for you or your • The option of travelling on our
group. Language courses can be coaches to and from Europe if
specially designed for individuals required.
and small or large /open or closed
groups. Cavendish School of English • Preferential rates for groups of 20
will work closely with your company or more.
to make sure that your language
• A specially designed excursion
courses cover the needs of all those
taking part. Schools, universities and program.
businesses can all benefit from our Please make sure that you contact
special programs to train and qualify
Cavendish School of English at least
their staff and students.
a month before making a group
booking, to allow plenty of time for
We will not a special program to be developed
for your group. Booking early is
be beaten advisable, particularly during the
on price! summer months.

12 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Junior group bookings
Junior courses for groups of AFTERNOONS
Lessons will be between 13:10 and 17:35.
students aged 8 to 17 can be If students had lessons in the morning, in
arranged throughout the the afternoon, excursions are arranged to
year. various places of interest including London,
Stonehenge, Bath, and Winchester. If
FIRST DAY lessons are in the afternoon excursions can
On the first day of their English language
take place in the morning.
course, students are given a short informal
English test and then placed into groups, EVENINGS
from beginners to advanced, with other There is always something to do in the
students of a similar level.
evenings with organised trips to local
Often, on the first day, students are attractions like LaserQuest, an outdoor
taken on a sightseeing tour of dry ski slope track, cinemas, discos and
Bournemouth and the local area. karaoke evenings.
Morning lessons will be between 08:25 am All students on our junior language courses
and 12:50 with teachers who are stay with very carefully-chosen, regularly-
experienced at making English fun and easy inspected hosts in twin rooms, so parents
to learn. The emphasis in the classroom is can be certain that their children will be
on the spoken word and students quickly looked after. As well as being immersed
gain confidence and start to enjoy the in an English-speaking environment and
challenge of using English with their hosts
gaining confidence in using their own
and in normal everyday situations.
English. Our junior students will thoroughly
All main classrooms at Cavendish School of enjoy their stay in England, one which is
English are well-equipped with interactive sure to be full of fond memories.
whiteboards, computer and internet
access, and the learning environment is Junior Programs are specially designed to
friendly and fun. A variety of up-to-date meet the specific needs of diverse groups
teaching methods and materials are
and the individual student.
used to ensure that students reach their
potential. Cavendish School of English | 13
Junior Spring, Summer, Autumn
Our Junior Camps
Cavendish junior camps are We make sure to provide their evening entertainment and
available as 1-10 week courses. maximum convenience and drop them off for a good night’s
Students stay in Bournemouth and safety for our Cavendish sleep.
can also choose in certain places to students.
Depending on the age, 2 - 4
be accommodated in homestay in
experienced leaders per coach will
twin rooms or residential single Up to 6 excursions and 9 look after the students for the whole
rooms. activities per fortnight day. All of our excursions are fully
Older students 15+ will be Each day is packed with fun-filled guided.
supplied with public transport activities: excursions, sports, All excursions, day and evening
tickets to get to and from their evening entertainment and, of entertainment and extra services
home stay accommodation. course, English lessons. Lessons are included in the price. Only VR,
Younger students of up to 14 can be held in the morning as well Splashdown, LaserQuest and
years of age however, will be as the afternoon. bowling incur a small charge if
picked up and dropped off from Nearly all of our excursions are students wish to go. All the above
their home stay accompanied by a fully qualified extras can also be bought in a
accommodation up to 4 times tour guide. discounted pack.
daily including a pick up after
After dinner, our coaches come Please contact us for an up-to-date
dinner to take students to
back to pick-up the students for copy of our course dates and fees.
their evening entertainment and
then a drop off afterwards ready
for a good night's sleep.

14 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

& Winter camps
Standard and Premium
Junior Camps

AGE (Residence): 10 - 17
AGE (Homestay): 8 - 17
(Age can be lower if accompanied by a family member. Min age 8)

LENGTH OF STAY: 1 - 10 weeks

20 lessons (13.33 hours) per week

15 (can be 16 in very rare circumstances)


6 excursions per fortnight
9 daytime and evening activities
Home stay or Residential (summer only)



• London every week • Portsmouth

• Bournemouth • Portland
• Weymouth • Lulworth Cove
• Sandbanks Beach • Southampton
• Salisbury
• Stonehenge (outside of summer)
• Winchester
• New Forest or Christchurch
(weather depending)
• Poole

Splashdown*, LaserQuest*, VR Centre*, Cinema*
and bowling*, karaoke disco, several beach
visits, Poole Quay (Dream Machines, fireworks),
2-3 times a week to visit our Cavendish Club
(Professional entertainment & disco), and a
great farewell party in our Cavendish night
club with all our groups together.

London excursions
Airport transfers**, daytime sports
entertainment program, town maps,
participation certificate, 24-hour hotline, App

every week
*All Inclusive option - includes all entrance fees for optional activities in
one money-saving cost.
**A scheduled transfer service is available on weekends between
London Heathrow Airport and Cavendish School of English for a low
charge per person per way. Alternatively, students will need to book a
private transfer service, which can be arranged by us.

Cavendish School of English | 15

Splashdown*, LaserQuest*, VR Centre*,

55 lessons (36.7 hours) per stay
Cinema*and bowling*, karaoke disco,
several beach visits, Poole Quay (Dream

Machines, fireworks), Bournemouth Pier
CLASS SIZE: entertainment, twice a week to visit our
15 (can be 16 in very rare Cavendish Club
circumstances) (professional entertainment & disco),
This course is an intensive great farewell party in our Cavendish
summer course for advanced PLACE OF LESSONS: night club with all our groups together.
Cavendish Road and/or Southbourne
students only. It contains EXCURSIONS & ACTIVITIES Airport transfers**, daytime sports
slightly less activities and has PER STAY: entertainment program, town maps,
Activities per stay: 5 Excursions, participation certificate, 24-hour
more lessons instead. 6 evening activities. hotline, App access.

EXCURSIONS: *All Inclusive option - includes all entrance fees for

London, Bournemouth, Portland, optional activities in one money-saving cost.

Weymouth, Lulworth Cove, Portsmouth, **A scheduled transfer service is available on weekends
between London Heathrow Airport and Cavendish School
Stonehenge (outside of summer), Salisbury, of English for a low charge per person per way.
Alternatively, students will need to book a private transfer
Winchester, New Forset / Christchurch service, which can be arranged by us.
and Poole.
16 | Cavendish School of English prospectus
Gold Edition Summer Centres
Premium junior summer courses at the very best
locations in Britain!
What does ‘Gold Edition’ mean?
We have titled our most spectacular and Gold Edition is included in the price, e.g.
superb language school places ‘Gold any admissions. Only extra training, which
Edition’. These are located in special has nothing to do with a language course,
places, have a lot to offer and are very high for example a tennis course, is optionally
quality in all aspects, e.g. as for the leisure bookable.
facilities, the food and accommodation.
Gold Edition language courses have more
Thus, for example, all students are to offer than any other centre in the UK. You
accommodated in boarding houses on the will have more excursions, more high quality
school or university campus. Also absolutely activities, smaller classes and more lessons
everything in our school locations of the than in any other language school in England.

Cavendish School of English | 17

Embley Park School

0 2 3
in 2
Embley Park Not Embley Park is privileged to be based in such a beautiful
surroundings. The school, located in Wellow (near Romsey,
near Southampton Hampshire) is steeped in history. Much of the main building
was originally constructed in the 16th and 17th centuries. It
was also the family home of Florence Nightingale from 1825
PREMIUM SUMMER CAMP to 1910. Over the past half century, the internal arrangements
have changed in order for the main building to be used as a
AGE: 9 - 17 school and boarding house.
LENGTH OF STAY: 1 - 5 weeks Embley Park offers access to extraordinary facilities: a nine-
hole golf course, 6 tennis courts, full-size astroturf pitch
TUITION: (for Hockey or Football), indoor sports hall (for badminton,
24 lessons (16 hours) per week basketball, cricket and football), a small gym and indoor
CLASS SIZE: swimming pool.
10 - 12 Our programme is full of excursions and activities in order
PLACE OF LESSONS: to immerse our students in the English culture. The English
Embley Park School lessons are a mix of tradition methodology and modern
technology. All the classrooms have interactive smartboards,
EXCURSIONS: controlled with Ipads, and are all linked via Apple TV. There
6 excursions per 2-week-stay is free WiFi across the campus.
(3 full day + 3 half day), including;
• London every week
• Winchester
Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio
• Bournemouth
• Salisbury and Stonehenge


• A welcome party
• An optional visit to the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio
• Orienteering
• Mini-Olympics
• Tennis, Football, Golf and Swimming
• Disco, Karaoke, Film and Quiz nights
• A farewell party

An Airport transfer service is available between Heathrow
Airport and the school for £39 per student per way.

18 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Thornton College

Oxford-Thornton The beautiful location of Thornton College is a safe, self-

contained and leafy campus that looks like an English fairy-tale
/ Harry Potter style school, but benefits from modern facilities
PREMIUM SUMMER CAMP and high-tech teaching rooms. The College is surrounded
by forests and meadows whilst a river runs through the 25
AGE: 9 - 17 acre estate. The classrooms feature cutting-edge technology.
Classes, accommodation and dining hall are in close proximity.
LENGTH OF STAY: 1 - 6 weeks
Oxford is famed for its Universities and ‘dreaming spires’,
TUITION: and students will take regular visits to this fantastic historical
24 lessons (16 hours) per week city. Thornton is ideally situated for trips to Shakespeare’s
birthplace, Stratford-Upon-Avon, as well as London, Cambridge
CLASS SIZE: and Royal Windsor.
10 maximum
Facilities at Oxford-Thornton include an outdoor heated
PLACE OF LESSONS: swimming pool (ideal for summer barbecues), a sports hall,
Thornton College theatre, library and computer room. There are grass and
Astroturf football fields, tennis courts, an athletics track,
EXCURSIONS: cricket pitch and other sports fields. Students enjoy spacious
6 excursions per 2-week-stay common rooms and WiFi is available throughout the campus.
(3 full day + 3 half day), including; Three hot meals are provided daily, each meal providing
• London a number of options including vegetarian. Packed lunch is
• Windsor provided for full-day excursions. Visit Oxford-Thornton to
• Bath explore the magic of the traditional English boarding school.
• Stratford-Upon-Avon


• A welcome party
• A River Thames boat trip
• Orienteering
• Tennis, Football and Cricket
• Mini-Olympics/swimming competition
• Talent shows, Disco, Karaoke, Film and Quiz nights
• A farewell party

An Airport transfer service is available between Heathrow
Airport and the school for £39 per student per way.

Cavendish School of English | 19

Football Camp
AGE: Age: 11-17 years
40 English lessons (26.6 hours)
Lessons are always held in the
15 (can be 16 in very rare

Cavendish Road and/or
6 excursions, 7 training sessions +
1 football tournament, 8 evening
London (including a visit to a
Premier League Stadium)
• Bournemouth
• Stonehenge (outside of summer)
• Salisbury
Our football camps are 2 week The students will be provided with a
• Sandbanks
combined courses that include 40 complete football kit (shirt, shorts
• Poole
• Cruise and speedboat run English lessons and over 26 hours and socks) and 3 additional training
of football training with qualified
T-Shirts are also included in the price.
EVENING ENTERTAINMENT: and certified FA-Coaches from the
• Splashdown traditional football club of Poole Town Goalkeepers will be supplied with a
• Laser Quest* FC. goalkeeper’s outfit instead. During
• Bowling* their London trip our footballers
• Cinema, Beach visit The football training is divided into
7 days of 3 hours training and one will visit a Premier League Stadium
Poole Quay (Dream Machines,
fireworks) national game against an English (Emirates Stadium, Arsenal or
Bournemouth Pier entertainment team at the end of the course. Wembley).
Great farewell party in Cavendish
Club with all our groups
• Airport transfers**
Football kit + 3 t-shirts or,
Goalkeeper Kit + 3 t-shirts
• All drinks during training
• Town maps,
• Participation certificate
• 24 hour hotline
*All Inclusive option - includes all entrance fees for
optional activities in one money-saving cost.
**A scheduled transfer service is available on weekends
between London Heathrow Airport and Cavendish School
of English for £25 per person per way. Alternatively,
students will need to book a private transfer service,
which can be done by us.

20 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Social Programmes

Social Programmes Junior Social Programmes Fun sports and activities

In addition to the superb leisure and For young students, Cavendish School Cavendish School of English employs
entertainment facilities available in Poole of English organises a complete program its own activity organisers that provide
and Bournemouth, Cavendish School
of activities to ensure that they have sports and fun activities on a daily basis
of English offers its own comprehensive
plenty of fun and are fully supervised at throughout the summer. These activities
and interesting range of full and half day
excursions to places of interest at very all times. include football tournaments, beach
reasonable prices. volleyball, rollerblade tours, golf, table
Activities take place almost every day
This is possible as Cavendish School throughout the summer. As well as the tennis, bicycle tours through The New
of English, unlike its competitors, runs sports activities mentioned below, which Forest as well as fun games.
a large fleet of coaches and buses.
include LaserQuest, SplashDown, bowling
The social programmes are designed
and virtual reality centre, there are also
to provide Cavendish students with an
insight into the culture, customs and cinema visits, karaoke and disco evenings
history of Britain. in our Cavendish Club.

Typical excursions for juniors and adults include:

• Visits to famous cities & places such as London, Oxford, Winchester,
Salisbury, Stonehenge (outside of summer), Southampton,
Portsmouth, Bath, Beaulieu, the New Forest and many, many more.
• Famous castles and stately homes such as Windsor, Blenheim Palace,
Corfe Castle and Hampton Court.
• Shopping in London and visits to London’s attractions such as
Madame Tussaud’s, the Tower of London and Kensington Palace.
• International Sporting events.
• Individual tour programs can be arranged for special groups for an
additional fee.
• Prices for half day excursions start from £8 and for full day excursions
start from £16*.
* All excursions and activities are included in the price of holiday camps.

Cavendish School of English | 21


We make you feel at home: As an adult you have the option of

Students have the Our welcoming and friendly home

stay hosts are carefully selected
choosing between standard and
executive hosts.

additional support
and will help you gain a deeper Executive hosts have the added
understanding of the local culture benefits of a large en-suite room,
and customs
of several Officers
WiFi access, TV and a glass of
The school has various wine in the evening.
experienced Accommodation
who look after their
Hosts match students’ needs.
Officers who are always available Students can choose between
to help students with any query or single or twin rooms. Breakfast
wellbeing problem. When students are away
from home, small problems may
and evening meals are provided
Monday to Friday.
arise from time to time. These can
(who speak several languages usually be resolved quickly and
Breakfast, a light lunch and an
evening meal are provided on
like German, Russian, Chinese, easily. Students have the additional
Saturday and Sunday.
support of Officers who look after
Turkish, etc.) their wellbeing and speak several Students on the Junior Programs
languages (German, Russian, have 3 meals a day and will always
Italian, Turkish, etc.) and offer a be accommodated in twin rooms.
complete and confidential service. There will be a maximum of 4
students in the homestay house.
Accommodation is arranged with
caring English homes and many Residence accommodation:
have hosted Cavendish students Residential accommodation is
for a number of years. There is available nearby, please contact us
a 24 hour hotline available for for details.
all Cavendish students and their Rooms have either an ensuite
parents abroad. shower or bath and toilet, TV,
Home Stay Accommodation: heating and telephone. Breakfast
Hosts are carefully selected and and dinner are included on request.
closely monitored to ensure high Food is included in the course
standards are maintained. price and is provided 3 times daily
in our school canteen or a local
22 | Cavendish School of English prospectus
Your first day

Your host will make sure that you know Educational Facilities:
the way to your new language school • Ring binder file
on your first morning. • Welcome pack
• All teaching materials (your own
All courses commence on Monday,
unless there is a national holiday on course book is included in the
Monday, in which case your first day enrolment fee)
will be the Tuesday. • Use of textbooks
• Free internet access and guidance in
Students on our premium summer online studying
camps will be picked up by our • Our educational advisory service
coaches from their home. • Course Certificate on completion of
On arrival at Cavendish School of your English language course.
English, you will be greeted and Administrative Services:
introduced to the teaching and office
• Enrolment
staff. As a new Cavendish student you
• Student identity card (with discounts
will be given a tour of the language
on local facilities)
school and made aware of health and
• Home stay accommodation
safety regulations.
• Help in any personal matters
Then you will take a short, informal • Arrangement of emergency medical
test (if you haven’t already done so and dental treatment as provided by
online), to make sure you are placed the National Health Service (NHS).
at the correct level of English. The Accommodation fees include:
Have the time of your English test only lasts 30 minutes and
afterwards, all students will have the
• S ingle room from Sunday before
your language course starts to the
life with your new friends opportunity to speak personally to
their teachers about their expectations
Saturday after its completion.

from around the world…

• Breakfast and evening meal, Monday
and objectives for the language to Friday, and all meals on Saturdays
course. After that, you will join other and Sundays unless you have
students that match your level of booked full board which includes 3
meals per day. (Please note: junior
Adult students will receive the following course students always have full
when welcomed to the school: board accommodation).

Cavendish School of English | 23


Getting to the school/host We advise you to bring any essential Nearest airports
medication with you. Please also ensure • B
 ournemouth International Airport:
How do I get to the school or host?
that you have a dental and medical 15 minutes away (driving time).
If you have made your own
check-up before coming.
arrangements to get to the UK, • S
 outhampton airport: approximately
Cavendish School of English can If you are likely to arrive at your host 45 minutes away (driving time).
arrange transportation for you from after 9 pm, please let us know before
• L
 ondon, Heathrow and Gatwick
any UK airport or port of arrival. We you start your journey. There isn’t any airports: less than 2 hours
can arrange a convenient transfer need to do this if Cavendish School (Heathrow), 2 hours 30 minutes
service from any UK airport to your of English has made your transfer (Gatwick) away (driving time).
accommodation either by bus/coach arrangements.
or greeting and transfer by chauffeur-
Intercity rail network gives direct
driven car, or if you prefer, we can give
access to all parts of the country. The
you easy instructions for you to make
journey takes 1 hr 50 min from London
your own way. (Waterloo) to Bournemouth. Please visit
Please ask us for up-to-date prices for detailed
when you enrol. information.

Before you come to Bournemouth to Coach

begin your English language course: Only 90 National Express is a coach service
that provides coach transfers to all
We will send you confirmation of
your course as well as course & minutes from parts of the country and is good value
for money. National Express will take 2
accommodation details. You should
keep the letter with these details when London hrs 35 approximately from any London
airport. For more details, visit
you come to the school.

24 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Located in the heart of the capital city,
Valletta. Valletta is a UNESCO world
heritage city built by the knights of Malta
in the 15th century.

Cavendish School of English | 25

Cavendish School in Malta

Area our students. Escape the crowd and courses start every Monday and are
The school is located in the heart of study in a relaxed environment in a minimum of one week long. Finally
the capital city Valletta. Valletta is a beautiful Valletta with its many shops and most importantly, although there
UNESCO world heritage city built by and restaurants. And if you wish to is a maximum of 12 students per class,
the knights of Malta in the 15th century experience a great nightlife, buzzing most of the time classes are much
and has been listed within the top 20 of Sliema and St Julian’s Bay are only a smaller (3-8 students).
UNESCO world heritage sites to visit. few minutes away by ferry or bus.
Because we offer classes for small
The central bus station is only about In our school you will find: groups, teachers can pay more
3-4 walking minutes away from the attention to each student.
• A
 ir conditioned comfort with natural
school. Also the ferry connections to
light all year round.
Sliema are quick and easy to catch
(2 min walk to the ferry, 5 min actual • A
 typical modern Maltese
ferry ride). Our direct neighbour is the establishment.
French Embassy and one block away
• Audio-visual equipment.
you will find the huge pedestrian zone,
• Stationery and workshop.
with various shops and restaurants.
We are one of
The school • Internet café & Wi-Fi.
The house in Valletta, where our school only three schools
• Lift to all floors.
is situated, was built in the 1900’s. It was
the home of a wealthy businessman • Cosy cafeteria and lounge area.
whose licence
and is today, after complete
• A
 n apartment with roof –top terrace
has been granted
renovation, even more elegant and
inviting than before. Amongst the 40
(for our English language students to operate from
bookable as holiday home).
language schools in Malta, we are one
of only three schools whose licence Our language courses
has been granted to operate from Our courses will be, depending on the
Valletta. This is a huge advantage for level of study, of mixed nationality. The

26 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Why learn English in Malta?

Teaching English

Cavendish School of English.

English is one of the two official Valletta is just beautiful. It was built by beaches of Malta after your lessons.
languages of Malta – a heritage of 164 the knights of Malta in 1573. You can The journey on the bus to every part of
years of British colonialism. still see this today, because most of the the island is short and inexpensive. For
original architecture is well-preserved. example you could visit Sliema, where
What better place could you combine
There are high walls surrounding the you can find many stylish stores and
your holidays with the intensive
peninsula with various buildings in cafes. It can be reached by foot in 15-
improvement of the English language, 20 minutes or by bus or ferry within 5
baroque style, which were not only for
than Malta? minutes. You could also visit St. Julians,
protection against attacks but also a
This south European island in the life supply for the knights. which is illuminated by night; it takes 25
Mediterranean Sea, located to the minutes to get there by bus.
Valletta is the smallest capital within
south of Italy, became an ideal study the EU. One huge advantage is that
site for language schools in recent everything can be easily reached on
decades. This is because of the long- foot. The charming capital is a vivid,
time occupation by the British, so cultural and economic centre. There is
almost every Maltese inhabitant speaks a multitude of little pubs, cafes, stores
English. In addition, because of the and restaurants which will please you
ideal conditions, Malta is a popular in your free time. In addition you will
tourist destination. find cinemas and theatres, one of which
It has a typical Mediterranean climate is the oldest used baroque theatre in
Europe. By the way, Valletta is running
with warm seawater and a well-
for the Cultural Capital of Europe 2018.
developed hotel and gastronomic
Preparations are already underway.
From Valletta you can easily get to the To summarise: Valletta, the island’s
As such, Valletta, where our school is
other parts of Malta: The coach station capital, is a beautiful and attractive
located, is like an open-air museum of
is only a 3-4 minute walk away from destination for language learning and
exceptional beauty.
our school. It is very easy to visit the travelling too.
Why a language school in Valletta? medieval city of Mdina or the sandy

Cavendish School of English | 27



General courses you for the IELTS exams which can be Special courses
General English programmes are the taken at the end of the course. IELTS Students who are interested in an English
most popular courses and are especially is a widely recognised language level course for professional purposes (e.g.
suitable for adult participants (aged 16 system in which you can score up to 9 English for medical or legal parlance,
and older), who want to make maximum points. Universities around the globe
banking and accountancy, as well as
progress in a short time. It is ideal for expect students to have an IELTS score of
for Cambridge Certificates) must tell us
anyone, who doesn’t want to improve between 5.5 and 8.5 depending on each
at least four weeks in advance. This will
their English for a specific professional university.
ensure that teachers are available at the
purpose (ESP), since the focus is on the
One-to-One tuition start of the course. Students may bring
development of the communication skills For the maximum learning experience
in daily situations. their own books for these courses.
choose a course where there will be a
The general English programmes are dedicated teacher just for you. Or you Individual lessons and specialised
divided into the following levels – from could share the costs with a friend and courses
Beginners to Advanced learners, based have a one-to-two language course. The Lessons don’t have to take place in a
on the Common European Framework teacher will teach you according to your classroom. Alternative possibilities can be
of Reference for Languages (A1 to C2). wishes. Please let us know if you have arranged with the school office.
The lesson materials have been created special wishes so that we can make sure
by the University of Cambridge and the teacher is prepared accordingly. Malta Family programmes
guarantee that students have fun while Our family programmes allow adult and
learning. The aim of our course is to young learner students to be on the
develop quickly students’ self-confidence same timetable and explore the beautiful
and English language. Each student will area in and around Valletta after
learn in a relaxed teaching atmosphere. studying. Malta is the perfect holiday
IELTS examination preparation destination for families, and has lots to
courses offer to both adults and children of all
We offer IELTS courses for a duration of ages. Join our school in Malta and see for
4-12 weeks. These courses will prepare yourself!

28 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Junior Courses
Standard and Premium
AGE: 10 - 17


54 lessons (36 hours) per 15 day stay
15 max.

Valletta, Malta

Homestay or Malta University Residence


• Hop-on/hop-off Tour of Malta
Full Day Trips • Comino/Blue Lagoon
(+ St. Paul's Bay in spring & autumn)
• Blue Grotto boats tour + Popeye Village (PREMIUM)


• Guided tour of Valletta
• Visit to Golden Bay Beach
• 5D Cinema (summer)
• Mdina Treasure Hunt
• Visit to Mellieha Beach
• Guided tour of Marsaxlokk
• Tour of Fort St. Elmo (spring-for everybody &
summer-standard only)
• Valletta Treasure Hunt (standard only)
• Visit to Sliema
• Grand Harbour cruise (PREMIUM)
• Splash and Fun Waterpark
(summer PREMIUM)
• 5D Cinema (spring & autumn PREMIUM)

• 3 visits to International Student Parties (summer)
• Student party (spring & autumn)
• Welcome boat party (summer)
Half Day Trips
• Karaoke night
• DVD night
• Pizza on the beach (spring & summer)
• Quiz night
• Relaxing beach party
• Go-Kart racing (PREMIUM)
• Cinema (PREMIUM)
• Lasermaxx laser tag games (PREMIUM)

• Minibus pickup and drop-off service between
accommodation and school (up to 4 times per day)
• Return airport transfer service
• Entrance fees and transport included
• Town maps
• Participation certificate
• 24-hour hotline
Cavendish School offers both Standard and Premium courses.
Premium courses include all excursions and activities that
Standard courses include plus the highlighted PREMIUM
Evening Activities options.
Cavendish School of English | 29
Malta has a lot to offer in your
free time

One of Malta’s many festivals

The mild climate makes the island The museums are open all year, as are nd of September: “Notte Bianca” –
• E
attractive for outdoor activities, both in the pubs, nightclubs and restaurants, a kind of “Night of museums” where
winter and in summer. which offer dishes from all around the there are also celebrations in the
world. streets
During the winter months, golf, visiting
historical places and going for a walk The importance of Christianity • J
anuary: “Valletta Baroque Festival”
are very popular. is represented by the church - a celebration for lovers of baroque
consecration festivals (Festas) in the music
On the other hand, aquatics and other
beach activities are very popular too. villages and from June to September Aquatics
The Mediterranean Sea is ideal for no week goes by, without there being Aquatics is the most popular free time
diving and windsurfing and depending a Festa somewhere in Malta or Gozo. activity in Malta. The bathing season
on the season, special courses of During these festivals the village lasts from May to November, but in
different levels can be booked. and the church are decorated with winter the water temperature usually
thousands of lights and the community will not be less than 15°. People who
Valletta has a cinema with eight halls worships their patron saint by way of a enjoy aquatics will find good conditions
and every film is shown in English. musical pilgrimage through the village. all year round. The sea is always close:
Concerts by international artists, The highlight of every Festa are the 190 km of coast is always reachable in
theatre and art exhibitions take place fireworks. a short time.
almost all year round (September to Maltese beaches are excellently
Tips for Valletta:
June). maintained. Surfboards, motorboats,
St. John’s Co-Cathedral (gorgeous
There are also open-air events, like baroque church) small sailing boats, canoes or pedaloes
traditional productions of Shakespeare or diving equipment can all be rented.
Multivision show “Malta Experience” –
in the gardens of the presidential Diving
7000 years of Malta’s history
palace and the annual festival of jazz The clear, deep blue water around
at the quay of the Grand Harbour (July) • 
Jazz sessions during the summer Malta, as well as the various cliff coasts
or the annual fireworks festival around months every Friday on the steps of are famous amongst diving fans. With a
the island. St. Ursula Street clear view underwater, often more

30 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

Watersports are a real ‘must’ in Malta!

than 40 meters, the extraordinary Food and entertainment

world of coral reefs, caves, grottos In the main streets of Valletta as well
and cracks is perfect for divers and as on the shore there are various
underwater photographers. Because restaurants, which offer very good
of the diversity of species, the very food. The variety is so superb, that
good water quality and the excellent you will never have to visit the same
view of the rocky sea bed, the diving restaurant twice. Also in other parts of
areas around Malta are said to be one
of the best in the world. What’s more,
whatever your ability is, this underwater
experience is open to all.
Golf and walking
Malta’s golf course is located close
to Valletta and welcomes its guests
all year round. Golf equipment can
be rented and you can also book golf
classes if you like. The school is happy
to find out prices for you.
In and around Valletta is a lot of Maltese cuisine.
development, but along the cliff line
on the west of the island, in the north
and on Gozo there is still beautiful
Malta and on Gozo there are a variety
countryside, to take longer walks
of pubs, wine bars, night clubs and
and go on excursions. Tours can be
restaurants, which offer local cuisine as
organized by yourself or the staff
A perspective on Valletta. well as food from all over the world.
of our school– all you need are
sturdy shoes and sun block – also
during winter months.

Cavendish School of English | 31

the coach station. This B&B is 5 minutes
away from numerous stores, restaurants
and cafes & about 10 minutes away from
Our penthouse terrace school and the coach station.
Bonheur Guesthouse
• Familiar atmosphere
• Shared toilet
• Only about 2 minutes from school.
Important! Please book the Guesthouse
well in advance, because it gets quickly
booked up, especially in the summer
Balco Symphony in Gzira
• Single room with own bathroom
• Self-catering
• Two fully equipped kitchens
There is a wide range of accommodation The hosts take special care of the needs • Internet available
• Two minutes from Valletta by bus
in Malta, from 5 star Hotels to family- of adult students:
operated B&B. In addition to this, host Balco Harmony in Gzira
• Y
ou might live together with other
accommodation is provided by English • Double and shared rooms available
students in single or double rooms. • 
The facilities are similar to those of the
speaking Maltese families. If you wish, we
From Monday to Friday there will be Balco Symphony
can book accommodation close to the
breakfast and dinner included.
school, along the main bus route. Hotel
Saturdays and Sundays you will get a
Bayview Hotel
Roof terraced apartment lunch box as well.
• 3star Hotel with an excellent location
The roof terraced apartment is in the Malta University Residence on the Sliema seafront
building of our school on the top floor. Not Accommodation is available in 7 / 8 • 
Outdoor pool with children’s section &
only is the journey to school eliminated if bedroom town houses. Each House is indoor pool
you stay here, you can also enjoy absolute equipped with 5 bathrooms, kitchen and • Fitness room & sauna
relaxation after lessons. You can rent one dining facilities. Bedrooms all have a • Hairdresser & Nail Technician
room or the whole apartment. It has two wash hand basin with hot and cold water. • 
Indian à la carte restaurant, Chinese
bedrooms (1x double bed, 2x single beds Each of the bedrooms can be shared à la carte restaurant and continental
with balcony), an eat-in kitchen (electric by two persons or contracted on single buffet restaurant
stove, microwave/oven, sink, couch, TV) room occupancy. • 
Children’s play area, games room, bar
as well as a bathroom with a shower and a & internet cafe open 24-hrs a day
B&B • 
Bus stop within a few meters away that
washing machine. If you only rent one room
Bed & Breakfast in Valletta drives you around the Maltese island
you might have to share the living, eating
• 20-25 minutes from school by bus
and bathroom area with the guest of the Palazzo Sant Ursula
Grand Excelsior
other bedroom. The two big roof terraces Palazzo Sant Ursula is a renovated,
• 5 star hotel located in Valletta
(existing patio furniture) are by far the spacious 17th century building close to
Amazing views of Marsamxett harbour
highlight of the apartment. Here you can the Grand Harbour in Valletta. The house
and Manoel Island
relax and look at the lovely view over the has a roof terrace, where you can relax
• Unforgettable dining experience
on sunny days and warm summer nights.
roofs of Valletta. • Beautiful furnishing and decor
Wi-Fi is available and there is a kitchen
Its central position allows for easy
Home stay accommodation for self-catering.
travel to all parts of the Maltese
Accommodation with private hosts Location: Very good housing area, good islands
is the ideal way of really getting to connections to other parts of Malta from • Only 10 minutes on foot from school
know the Maltese culture and local
life. It also ensures students keep on
speaking English language outside of
lessons. Following main criteria are Malta University Residence
guaranteed: private accommodation
is carefully chosen and is checked
regularly by Cavendish School and the
EFL Monitoring Board. Hosts in Malta are
required to get a licence before they can
take students.

32 | Cavendish School of English prospectus

The Local area

Bournemouth, UK Cavendish School of English

Bournemouth Town Centre


Valletta, Malta

Sliema Ferry

Cavendish School of English

Bus Terminal

If you have any queries, you can contact

us on: 63 Cavendish Road 124 Melita Street
T: +44 (0) 1202- 77 00 70 Bournemouth Valletta
F: +44 (0) 1202- 63 89 18 Dorset VLT 1123
E: [email protected]
BH1 1RA Malta
 CavendishSchoolofEnglish
 CavendishBournemouth
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For the most up-to-date information on our courses and prices, please see our website at




England School: 63 Cavendish Road • Bournemouth • Dorset • BH1 1RA • England

Malta School: 124 Melita Street • Valletta • VLT 1123 • Malta

+44 (0)1202 770070 • • [email protected]

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