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Killer Facebook Ads Cheat Sheet

These strategies work in any market, for any product or service, even if
you’re a newbie copywriter who has never ever written a single headline.

The ONLY job of the headline is to get the reader to stop and read the body
copy. It doesn’t have to tell the whole story… don’t overcomplicate it.

You have to SELL the reader on reading your sales message.

Killer Facebook Ad Formula

Pattern Interrupt + Unique Hook with Burning Intrigue² x

Specific Big Benefit = Killer Ad

Use ads with burning-intrigue (clickbait) plus make them targeted. This is
the secret to killer ads that crush the competition.

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Step 1.​ Imagine you are the prospect
Step 2.​ Browse deeper wants
Step 3.​ What are the deeper primal desires this product satisfies?
Step 4. ​Is there something strange/different about this product?
Step 5. ​Read 50 headlines to get the juices flowing (NewYork Post,
Buzzfeed, National Enquirer, 1500 winning headlines cheat sheet etc.)
Step 6. ​Write 20 headlines

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AIDA​: Attention Interest Desire Action

Story Selling
● Attention (Pattern interrupt)
● Identity (Who you are)
● Struggle (What you struggled with)
● Discovery (What you discovered)
● Value (Teach them something)
● Result (What happened because of that discovery)
● Action (Take action CTA)

● Image sentiment analysis tool
● Text sentiment analysis tool
● Headline analyser tool
● Facebook ad mockup tool
● Character counter tool​ (For optimising headline character length)

List of the most negative words

Terrorist, suicide, rape, terrorism, murder, death, cancer, killed, kill, died,
torture, raped, deaths, arrested, killing, die, terror, jail, kills, war, murdered,
killings, fatal, tortured, abused, sickness, failed, cry, cruel, violence,
sadness, diseases, abuse, wars, evil, earthquake, depressing, poison, fail,
disaster, bomb, tumors, poverty, headache, depression, criminal,
punishment, killers, illness, disease, dead, slavery, sick, motherfucker,
rejection, injury, destroyed, crying, violent, tragedy, slaves, slave, prison,
hates, failure, fails, bankruptcy, virus, suffer, robbery, rejected, racist, dies,
worst, pain, funeral, dying, heartbreak, unhappy, unemployment, sorrow,
painful, hurts, hated, crimes, corruption, pollution, homeless, drowned,
agony, tsunami, robbed, hurt, divorced, depressed, loser, crime, cried,
suffering, injured.

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List of the most positive words

Laughter, happiness, love, happy, laughed, laugh, laughing, excellent,

laughs, joy, successful, win, rainbow, smile, won, pleasure, smiled,
rainbows, winning, celebration, enjoyed, healthy, music, celebrating,
congratulations, weekend, celebrate, comedy, jokes, rich, victory,
Christmas, free, friendship, fun, holidays, loved, loves, loving, beach,
hahaha, kissing, sunshine, delicious, friends, funny, outstanding, paradise,
sweetest, vacation, butterflies, freedom, flower, great, sunlight, sweetheart,
sweetness, award, chocolate, hahahaha, heaven, peace, splendid,
success, enjoying, kissed, attraction, celebrated, hero, hugs, positive, sun,
birthday, blessed, fantastic, winner, delight, beauty, butterfly,
entertainment, funniest, honesty, sky, smiles, succeed, wonderful, glorious,
kisses, promotion, family, gift, humour, romantic, cupcakes, festival,
hahahahaha, honour, relax, weekends, angel, b-day, bonus, brilliant,
diamonds, holiday, lucky, mother, super, amazing, angels, enjoy, friend,
friendly, mother’s, profit, finest, bday, champion, grandmother, haha, kiss,
kitten, miracle, mom, sweet, blessings, bright, cutest, entertaining, excited,
excitement, joke, millionaire, prize, succeeded, successfully, winners,
shines, awesome, genius, achievement, cake, cheers, exciting, goodness,
hug, income, party, puppy, smiling, song, succeeding, tasty, victories,
achieved, billion, cakes, easier, flowers, gifts, gold, merry, families,
handsome, lovers, affection, candy, cute, diamond, earnings, interesting,
peacefully, praise, relaxing, roses, Saturdays, faithful, heavens, cherish,
comfort, congrats, cupcake, earn, extraordinary, glory, hilarious, moonlight,
optimistic, peaceful, romance, feast, attractive, glad, grandma, internet,
pleasant, profits, smart.

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