7 Things GOD Hates

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What GOD Says He Hates

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This message is entitled What GOD Says He Hates In todays society you hear the word hate used a lot, when children are fighting they usually end up saying I hate you! Even thought they really do not mean it at all. Even adults say these same words but they are not serious. However GOD does not carelessly use words, so when He says He hates something He both means it and is very serious. For just a few minutes I want to look at what GOD says He hates. Look with me in Proverbs 6:16 19 (Read) We are going to look at these individually, they are all sins, and we know with GOD sin is sin, It is not put in categories, We would say small sin or little sin, GOD says sin is sin, However these sins he in Proverbs are bad enough that GOD says He hates them. Lets look at them #1 A PROUD LOOK Conceitedness of ourselves and contempt of others. The first thing GOD hates is Pride maybe because it is involved in a lot of sins. GOD sees pride in our hearts and hates it, but when it gets to the point where pride rises so high that we over value ourselves and under value others, GOD especially hates it. Romans 12:3 says for I say through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself, more highly than he ought to think. A Proud look GOD hates but what else #2 A LYING TONGUE Next to a proud look nothing is more of an abomination to GOD than a lying tongue. Nothing is more sacred than the truth, again we put in categories a little white lie GOD says a lie is a lie when we speak, when we speak, we must speak the truth, we need our testimony believable, if people know as one who is not always truthful, they may not believe you when you are telling the truth. Rev 21:8 says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone. GOD hates a lying tongue. What else. #3 Hands that Shed Innocent Blood Murders The Bible says the devil was from the begging a liar and a murder. You say I have not killed anyone, but in 1 John 3:15 says Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.

Page 2 #4 A Heart That Deviseth Wicked Imaginations. Thats were it begins in the heart, and then the head joins in to carry it out. You never know what is on someones heart, but GOD does and He hates a heart that is full of schemes and plans, revenge. Today society says I do not blame you get revenge the news is full of killings beatings, robberies all in the name of revenge. GOD says REVENGE IS MINE Saith the LORD. I will repay evil for evil., But we think we are so smart that we can take care of it ourselves. We do not need GODS help, What we should do is let GOD handle these situations and make sure our own hearts are not full of wicked plans and imaginations, there is no place for this in a Christians heart if you have a heart where GOD dwells. #5 Feet That Be Swift in Running to Mischeif Some folks always want to be in the middle of all the trouble; in fact they prefer to control the trouble to make sure it goes their way. If trouble breaks out dont put your Nikes on and run and dive into the middle as though youve been left out of something good. Stay as far from it as you can, if someone tries to get you involved, stay as far from them as you can, Trouble (Mischief) is bad alone but GOD says He hates when we cannot wait to get involved. #6 A False Witness that Speakth Lies GOD says there are 7 things He hates and 2 of them involve lying. Speaking falsely against someone why do people lie on each other? Maybe to make themselves look or feel better, maybe their jealous, maybe they do not want anyone to like that person, what ever the reason GOD hates it. Satan is the father of lies GOD is the father of truth so when you spread false testimony against someone, which father are you serving? #7 Discord Among Brethren We could stop right here, you know what this means, GOD hates discord and in GODs house we should be in one accord, with one purpose - one goal we should not have separate agendas. A quote from Matthew Henry says Those that be talebearing and slandering, by caring ill natured stories and aggravating everything that is said and done, may be blowing the coals of contention, but are only preparing for themselves a fire of the same nature. You say I never do this, sow discord, but do you encourage others who do? Are you quick to support those who are sowing discord? If so then you are sowing discord yourself. What does GOD say He hates 1? A Prod Look, #2 A Lying Tongue, #3 Hands that Shed Innocent Blood # 4 A Heart that Deviseth wickedness #5 Feet that be Swift in running to Mischief #6 A False Witness That Speakth Lies #7 Discord Among Brethren.

Page 3 I pray today that we will examine our hearts, ask GOD am I doing these things that you hate? If so GOD help me not to. Who will say GOD I do not want to do these things that you hate- raise your hands, Can anyone say GOD I am sorry you hate these things but I kind of enjoy them, raise your hand, of course no one raised there hand so lets get serious, lets be in one accord, lets do what GOD wants and not what HE hates.

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