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Department of Professional Studies


Master of Science
(Strategic Management)

Christ (Deemed to be University)

Bangalore Central Campus
Karnataka, India
MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Curriculum Document: Master of Science (Strategic Management) 2021-22 prepared by the

Department of Professional Studies and approved by the Academic Council, Christ (Deemed to
be University), Bangalore, India.

Published by the Centre for Publications, Christ (Deemed to be University), Hosur Road,
Bangalore - 560 029, India.

[email protected]


MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22



1. Department Overview 3
2. Department Vision and Mission 3
3. Introduction to the Programme 3
4. Programme Overview 4
5. Programme Structure 6
6. Trimester wise Course Syllabus

I Trimester 8
II Trimester 14
III Trimester 20
IV Trimester 27
V Trimester 33
VI Trimester 40
7. Programme Pedagogy 44
8. Evaluation Pattern 44

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Department of Professional Studies

Department of Professional Studies (DPS) offers some of the most unique and inter-disciplinary
courses in the field of commerce and management. It was established in the year 2002 as Centre
for Career Advancement (CCA), and later upgraded to Department of Professional Studies in
2007. The Department aims at offering professional training to aspiring and achievement
oriented young individuals for wider career opportunities. This is achieved through uniquely
designed value enhancement programmes (Add-on courses and programmes) along with
academic degrees to equip the students with the required skill sets. The Department has a blend
of top-quality academicians and highly qualified practicing professionals.

Soft Skills and Activity Sessions (SSA) are a compulsory component of every program of the
Department and these sessions are intended to help students excel in soft skills, team work,
communication, public speaking, debates, general knowledge etc. By the end of third year of UG
and second year of PG, each student is expected to conduct at least two training sessions as a
professional trainer in other departments of the university or in other institutions.

Vision - To become a centre of excellence in education, training and research in the field of
commerce and management

Mission - To impart holistic education through state-of-the-art technology with the aim of
producing professionals in the field of commerce and management, and also to launch new
programs to bridge the gap between academia and the corporate sector by meeting stakeholder

Aim and Purpose - To develop professionals with a global perspective and innovative mind-set
and social concern

About the Program

The Department introduced the two-year MSc Strategic Management program in 2015-16 with
the objective of offering a program designed to develop higher level managerial competencies,
with special focus on Strategic thinking, management and leadership. The program covers a
detailed overview of What, Why and How of business strategy, including Corporate, Business
unit and functional level strategies. The program follows interdisciplinary approach and a
practical orientation.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Program Overview

Moving up the management scale in any organization requires candidates to become more
strategic in outlook, and to have an awareness of the wider issues at play. The MSc Strategic
Management degree is an excellent alternative to an MBA to help you develop your strategic,
analytical and management skills.

The program is designed to develop business leadership and managerial skills, ensuring a critical
appreciation of various theories, tools and techniques of contemporary business and management
practices. The program would enable one to lead more effectively and initiate dynamic changes
in organizations, utilizing effectively the resources through strategic decision making.

The students will also be trained in key transferable skills, such as design-thinking, strategic
decision-making, Negotiation and Persuasion capabilities, Numeracy and Quantitative skills,
Teamwork, Leadership, personal efficacy and effective use of ICT.


Any undergraduate degree with 50% aggregate marks and, preferably, a work experience of 1

Selection Process

Selection of the candidates would be based on a personal interview and statement of purpose.

Course Duration and Structure

This is a six trimester inter-disciplinary post-graduate degree program, with flexibility of

completing the program in 2 – 4 years.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Programme Structure
MSc (Strategic Management) – 2021-22 – June 2021 Onwards

Type of No.
Course Core/
Title of the Course the of Credits Marks
Code Elective
Course Hrs
Trimester I
MSM131 Core 1
Management and Organizational Theory Core 60 4 100
MSM132 Core 2
Theory Core 60 4 100
Managerial Economics
MSM133 Core 3
Accounting for Business Theory Core 60 4 100
Trimester II
MSM231 Core 4
Theory Core 60 4 100
Financial Management
MSM232 Core 5
Theory Core 60 4 100
Marketing Management
MSM233 Elective 1
Theory Elective 60 4 100
Human Resource Management
Trimester III
MSM331 Core 6
Theory Core 60 4 100
Strategic Management
MSM332 Core 7
Quantitative Techniques for Theory Core 60 4 100
MSM333 Elective 2
Theory Elective 60 4 100
Legal Aspects of Business
Trimester IV
MSM431 Core 8
Mergers, Acquisition and Theory Core 60 4 100
Corporate Restructuring
MSM432 Core 9
International Business and Global Theory Core 60 4 100
MSM433 Elective 3
Corporate Ethics, Governance and Theory Elective 60 4 100
Social Responsibility
Trimester V
MSM531 Core 10
Managing Technology and
Theory Core 60 4 100
Innovation for Competitive

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Type of No.
Course Core/
Title of the Course the of Credits Marks
Code Elective
Course Hrs
MSM532 Core 11
Strategic Leadership and Theory Core 60 4 100
MSM533 Elective 4
Business Analytics and Data Theory Elective 60 4 100
Trimester VI
MSM631 Core 12
Theory Core 60 4 100
MSM632 Elective 5
Organizational Development and Theory Elective 60 4 100
Change Management
MSM633 Elective 6
Entrepreneurship and Venture Theory Elective 60 4 100

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Management and Organizational Behavior Course Code: MSM131


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: The field of organizational behavior is about understanding how people
and groups in organizations behave, react, and interpret events. Because an organization‟s
people are responsible for gaining and keeping a competitive advantage, understanding how to
mobilize and motivate employees is critical to organizational performance.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. To understand some of the main theories of Organizational Behavior

2. To apply theories to practical problems in organizations

Unit 1: Introduction to Management Hours:15

Introduction to Management – Schools of Management Thought - Fundamentals of Planning,

Organising Staffing, Leading, and Controlling – Decision Making

Unit 2: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Hours: 10

Foundations of Individual Behaviour - Personality Theories and Personal Effectiveness –

Perceptual Process – Learning Process and Theories – Values and Attitudes

Unit 3: Motivation Process and Theories Hours: 10

Managing Motivation at Work – Effective Groups and Teams – Leadership Theories and
Styles – Conflict Management – Sources, Types and Management Styles of Conflict –
Resolving Conflict through Negotiation, Organizational Stress management & techniques, role
of emotional intelligence in managing stress among employees at workplace

Unit 4: Organisational Culture and Climate Hours: 15

Organisational Culture and Climate – Organisational Ethos – Functionality and

Dysfunctionality of Culture – Power and Politics – Organisational Change – Process and
Implementation of Change – Managing Resistance to Change

Unit 5: Organisational Development Hours: 10

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Organisational Development – Phases and Interventions of OD – Coping with Frustration,

Stress, and Burnout – Transactional Analyses and Managerial Interpersonal Styles –
Communication in Organisations.

Essential References:

1. Stephen P. Robins, Organizational Behavior, PHI Learning / Pearson Education

2. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behavior, McGraw Hill

Recommended References:

1. Mc Shane & Von Glinov, Organizational Behaviour, Tata Mc Graw Hill

2. Nelson, Quick, Khandelwal. ORGB – An innovative approach to learning and teaching.
Cengage Learning.
3. Ivancevich, Konopaske & Maheson, Organizational Behaviour & Management, Tata
McGraw Hill
4. Udai Pareek, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford Higher Education.
5. Jerald Greenberg, Behaviour in Organization, PHI Learning.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Managerial Economics Course Code: MSM132


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course is designed to impart knowledge of the concepts and
principles of Managerial Economics, which govern the functioning of a firm/organization under
different market conditions. It further aims at enhancing the understanding capabilities of
students about macro-economic principles and decision making by business and government.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. To equip the students with time tested tools and techniques of managerial economics to
enable them to appreciate its relevance in decision making.
2. Recognize key issues in micro and macroeconomic aspects of business and understand its
relevance to business strategy;
3. Develop a perspective that is supported with relevant information and integrative thinking.

Unit 1: Introduction Hours: 4

Introduction Definitions, Nature & Scope, Definitions, Importance, Managerial Decision-

Making Fundamental concepts of Managerial Economics (scarcity, opportunity cost,
marginal/incremental principle, equilibrium, Time value of money).

Unit 2: Consumption Analysis Hours: 7

Approaches to the study of consumer behavior-cardinal approach – Law of Diminishing

Marginal Utility - Law of Equi-marginal utility, Indifference curve analysis - Consumer surplus
– meaning-analysis.

Unit 3: Demand and Supply Analysis Hours: 12

Demand (Determinants, Demand function) - Law of Demand – Variations in demand. Supply

(Determinants, Supply function) – Law of Supply –Variations in Supply. Market equilibrium
and changes in equilibrium - Elasticity of Demand - Price, Income, Cross - Promotional
elasticity of demand – its measurement and its application in business decisions, Elasticity of
Supply, Demand forecasting: Survey and statistical methods

Unit 4: Production Analysis Hours: 10

Production Analysis: Production – Firm and Industry – Production function – Production runs

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

or Periods (short run and long run) – Production in the short run – Law of variable proportions
– Production in the long run – Returns to scale (increasing, constant and decreasing returns to
scale) – Isoquant Analysis.

Unit 5: Cost & Revenue Analysis Hours: 4

Cost - Cost concepts (Absolute cost and opportunity cost, Accounting cost and Economic cost)
– Fixed and Variable cost – TC, AC & MC, Cost-output relationship in the short run - Cost-
output relationship in the long run - Economies of scale and Diseconomies of scale - Revenue –
TR, AR & MR - Revenue with no change in price – Revenue with change in price.

Unit 6: Market Analysis Hours: 10

Introduction, Markets Types– Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Monopoly and

Oligopoly – Collusive and Non-Collusive Oligopoly Models (including Game Theory Models)

Unit 7: Macro Economics Hours: 13

Macroeconomy – Meaning - Concepts of National Income, Measurement of National Income -

Methods and Problems, Price Indexes - Macroeconomic objectives, Aggregate Demand &
Aggregate Supply Framework, Macroeconomic problems – Business Cycles/ Unemployment /
Inflation, Macroeconomic policies – Fiscal policy & Monetary policy, Balance of Trade and
Payments, Classical and Keynesian Theory of Unemployment

Essential References:

1. Managerial Economics, Dwivedi, D.N. Vikas Publication

2. Micro Economics, Pindyk C K, Rubinfeld and Mehta, Pearson

Recommended References:

1. Managerial Economics, Damodaran Suma, Oxford University Press

2. Managerial Economics, Geethika, Ghosh and Choudary, McGraw Hill
3. Managerial Economics, Atmanand, Excel Books
4. Managerial Economics. Craig Petersen & W. Cris Lewis, Pearson Education

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Accounting for Business Decisions Course Code: MSM133


Total Number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course captures the fundamental aspects of Financial accounting, Cost
accounting and Management accounting. The purpose is to expose the students to basic
accounting systems that are needed for business decision making.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Better understanding of accounting concepts, difference between different types of accounting

2. Prepare trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet.
3. Learn about the analysis and interpretation of financial statements
4. Understand the basic concept of cost accounting and its uses for business decisions.
5. Understand the cost control methods and techniques.
6. Understand the decision-making tools

Unit 1: Basic Concepts Hours: 8

Meaning of Business decisions and importance of business decisions - Meaning of accounting,

basic concepts, terms used in business accounting. Types of accounts, Accounting equations and
users of accounting information. Accounting concepts and conventions. Difference between
financial, cost accounting and management accounting.

Unit 2: Accounting Process Hours: 12

Documents and Books of accounts - journal, ledger and trial balance, Preparation of Profit and
Loss Account and Balance-Sheet. Accounting in Computerized Environment.

Unit 3: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Hours: 10

Financial Statement Analysis - Meaning and Types of Financial Statements, Objectives of

financial statements analysis, Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis, Making financial
decisions on the basis of financial statements

Unit 4: Cost Accounting Hours: 10

Basic concepts of cost accounting. Objectives of Cost Accounting, Classification and analysis of
costs, Relevant and irrelevant costs, differential costs, sunk cost - Preparation of Simple Cost

Unit 5: Cost Control Hours: 10

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Material cost control, Procurement, Pricing of issues, Inventory control techniques, Fixation of
various levels, Economic order quantity, material losses, Labour cost control, time keeping and
time booking, Overheads, Collection, Classifications, allocation and apportionment of overheads.

Unit 6: Decision Making Tools Hours: 10

Marginal Costing – Meaning, Break-even point, Cost Volume Profit analysis, optimizing product
mix, Pricing decisions, Make or Buy; Budgeting - Cash and Flexible budgets only, Standard
costing – Material and Labour Variances only.

Essential References:

1. S N Maheshwari, Suneel K. Maheshwari, Sharad K. Maheshwari, “A Text book of

Accounting for Management”, Third Edition, Vikas Publishing House; Third edition, ISBN-
10: 9325956195, ISBN-13: 978-9325956193, January 2012

2. Dr. Mahesh Kulkarni and Dr. Suhas Mahajan, “Accounting for Business Decisions”, 2nd
Edition, Nirali Prakashan, ISBN-10: 9383525657, October 2016

3. H.V. Shankaranarayana and H.R. Ramanath, “Financial Accounting for Management”, 2nd
ed, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, ISBN-10: 9788131524817, November 2014.

4. M.N. Arora, “Accounting for Management”, 4th Revised Edition, Himalaya publishing
house, ISBN-10: 9353676770, ISBN-13: 978-9353676773, January 2019.

5. M.Y.Khan and P.K.Jain, “Management Accounting and Financial Analysis”, Tata McGraw
Hill, ISBN-10 : 0070611807, ISBN-13: 978-0070611801, January 2006

Recommended References:

1. Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura, and S. Mark Young,
“Management Accounting: Information for Decision Making and Strategy Execution”, 6th
Edition, Pearson Education India, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-702497-1, January 2014

2. P Periasamy, “A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting”, Himalaya

Publishing House, ISBN-10: 8183182151, October 2011,

3. H.V.Jhamb, “Fundamentals of Management Accounting”, ANE Books, ISBN-10:

9380156456, December 2009,

4. Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S., M.P. Gupta, “Cost Accounting: Texts and Problems”, Revised
Edition, S Chand & Company, ISBN-10: 8121919630.

5. Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney, “Financial Accounting for Decision Makers”, 8th Edition,
Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-1292099040, Published on 23 March 2016

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Financial Management Course Code: MSM231

Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course deals with theoretical and practical aspects of financial
management. Students are trained to assess the optimality the firm's investment, financing and
dividend decisions to maximize shareholder's wealth.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Understand various concepts related to financial management.

2. Study in detail, various tools and techniques in the area of finance.
3. Develop the analytical skills this would facilitate the decision making in business situations.

Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management Hours:10

Introduction of Business Finance - Meaning, Definition of Financial Management, Goals of

Financial Management (Profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization approaches to
Financial Management) – Finance and other related disciplines, Functions of finance manager,
Key strategies of financial management, Financial Planning – Principles and Steps in Financial

Unit 2: Cost of Capital and Capital Structure Hours: 14

Concept and measurement of cost of capital, measurement of specific costs, WACC - Capital
Structure - Meaning, Factors affecting capital structure, Capital structure designing in practice
– EBIT- EPS Analysis, Different Sources of Finance and its Types.

Unit 3: Capital Budgeting and Risk Analysis Hours: 12

Concepts of capital budgeting, Appraisal criteria for capital budgeting decisions - Payback
period, Net present value, Profitability Index, Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting- Approaches
to risk absorption- Expected Net Present Value (ENPV) - Risk-Adjusted Discount rate - Risk
Analysis of Project Portfolios.

Unit 4: Working Capital Management Hours: 12

Nature and Scope, Components of working capital, operating cycle, types of working capital,
Sources of Working Capital Financing, Factors affecting working capital, estimation of

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

working capital requirement (Problems).

Unit 5: Dividend Decisions Hours: 12

Meaning and forms of dividends. Walter, Gordon and MM models (Numerical Problems),
Taxation of dividends and capital gains - Buy back of shares.

Essential References:

1. Khan M.Y.& Jain P.K, “Financial Management, Text Problems and Cases”, 8th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, ISBN - 13: 978-93-5316-218-4, 2019.
2. Prasanna Chandra, “Financial Management, Theory and Practice”, 10th Edition, McGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Ltd, ISBN - 13: 978-93-5316-652-6, 2019.
3. Shashi K Gupta, RK Sharma, “Financial Management Theory and Practice”, 9th Edition,
Kalyani Publishers, ISBN - 13: 9789327289718, 2018.
4. Dr S N Maheshwari, “Financial Management Principles & Practice”, 15th Edition Sultan
Chand & Sons, ISBN - 13: 978-9351611424, 2019.
5. F Brigham and Joel F Houston, “Fundamentals of Financial Management”, 14th Edition,
Cengage Learning, ISBN - 13: 978-1285867977, 2016.

Recommended References:

1. I M Pandey, “Financial Management”, 11th Edition, Vikas Publishing House Ltd, ISBN -
13: 978-9325982291, 2016.
2. G Sudarsana Reddy, “Financial Management Principles and Practice”, 4th Edition,
Himalaya Publishing House, ISBN -13: 978-93-5299-688-9, 2019.
3. Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo and Ashok Thampy, “Financial Management”, Adapted
Edition, Pearson, ISBN 978-81-317-2787-4, 2010.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Marketing Management Course Code: MSM232


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course is aimed at making students understand segmentation, target
marketing, positioning and strategies in developing a marketing mix - product, promotion,
pricing, place, people, process and physical evidence.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

Identify and analyze marketing problems; develop creative solutions to address them and
articulate reasons for choosing various alternatives.

Unit 1: Introduction Hours: 12

Concept, nature, scope and importance of marketing; Marketing concept and its evolution;
Marketing Mix – Strategic marketing planning – an overview.

Unit 2: Market Analysis, Segmentation and Selection Hours: 12

Marketing environment – macro and micro components and their impact on marketing
decisions; STP - Market Segmentation, targeting and positioning; Buyer behavior; consumer
versus organizational buyers; Consumer decision making process.

Unit 3: Product and Pricing Decisions Hours: 12

Product Decisions: Concept of a product; Classification of products; Major product decisions;

Product line and product mix; Branding; Packaging and labeling; Product life cycle – strategic
implications; New product development and consumer adoption process. BCG, Ansoff Matrix.
Pricing Decisions: Factors affecting price determination; Pricing policies and strategies;
Discounts and rebates.

Unit 4: Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions Hours: 12

Nature, functions, and types of distribution channels; Distribution channel intermediaries;

Channel management decisions; Retailing and wholesaling. Distribution challenges faced by
online portals.

Promotion Decisions: Communication Process; Promotion mix – advertising, personal selling,

sales promotion, publicity and public relations; Determining advertising budget; Copy

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

designing and testing; Media selection; Advertising effectiveness; Sales promotion – tools and
techniques, Digital promotional Strategy.

Unit 5: Marketing Research and MIS Hours: 12

Marketing Research: Meaning and scope of marketing research; Marketing research process,
steps involved in marketing research- areas of marketing research. Big Data - Marketing
Information System (MIS): Need, Importance - Elements of good MIS - components of MIS.

Experiential Marketing, Post-modern Marketing, Big data Analytics and its use in Marketing
process, Marketing sustainability and ethics.

Essential References:

1. Marketing Management, Philip Koter, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy and
Mithileshwar Jha, Pearson Education, Latest Edition

Recommended References:

1. Principles of Marketing – Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Agnihotri

2. Marketing, Cengage Learning- Lamb/Hair/Sharma
3. Marketing Management- Text and Cases, Tapan K Panda, 2nd Edition, Excel

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Human Resource Management Course Code: MSM233


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: The people factor in Business and Management is the most important
aspect. Human resources are viewed by most experts as the most important asset of any
organization. Managing an organization‟s people is often the most challenging and complex
task required of a manager.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Gain the skills required for recruiting, evaluating performance, structuring teams, coaching
and mentoring people.

Unit 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management Hours: 5

Nature of HRM, Scope, functions and importance of HRM, Evolution of HRM, Role of HRM -
the People Factor in Business and Management, Difference with HRD, Contemporary issues
and practices in HRM, Employee Lifecycle, International HRM.

Unit 2: Human Resource Planning and Staffing Hours: 12

Human Resource Planning, Nature of job Analysis, job design, Job evaluation, Demand
forecasting, HR supply forecasting, need for and factors influencing HRP, Career planning,
Promotion, transfer, demotion and separation; Employee hiring- Nature of Recruitment,
Sources of recruitment-internal and external, Recruitment Life cycle, Employee selection,
process of employee selection, New recruitment practices: Job portals, employee reference,
campus recruitment etc. Employer Branding, Talent Planning and Acquisition.

Unit 3: Employee Training and Development Hours: 8

Nature and importance of Training, Methods of Training, TNA, Nature of HRD program,
Methods of management development and Executive development programs, Development
beyond training.

Unit 4: Compensation, Benefits and Reward Management Hours: 12

Compensation Administration, Superannuation, ESOPS, Incentives and Employee benefits,

Managing Performance, Nature and Importance of performance appraisal and PMS, Methods
and models, Design and Implementation, Difference with Performance Appraisal, Future of

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

performance management system.

Unit 5: Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations Hours: 12

Employee Welfare, ESI, PF, Workman Compensation, New Pension Scheme, Health, Safety,
Social Security, Employee Grievances and Discipline.
Introduction – Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Industrial dispute prevention and resolution
mechanism in India

Unit 6: Strategic HRM Hours: 11

Introduction, characteristics and scope of SHRM, SHRM Vs Conventional HRM, Barriers to

strategic HRM, Linking HR strategy with business strategy, SHRM and business performance.
Human Capital Management, HR Accounting, HRIS.

Essential References:

• Human Resource Management by Narayanappa, Scitech Publication

• Personnel/ Human Resource Management by David DeCenzo, Stephen Robbins, Prentice Hall
of India,2008, 3rd Edition
• Human Resource Management, J. John Bernardin, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 4th Edition

Recommended References:

• Human Resource Management, A case study approach, Muller Camen, Croucher Leigh, Jaico
Publishing House
• HRM Ethics &Employment Ashly Pinnnington, Rob Macklin, Tom Campbell, 2nd Edition
• Human Resources Management by Gary Dessler
• Managing Human Resources by R.S. Dwiwedi
• Human Resources Management by Arun Monappa
• Human Resources Management by Mirza & Zaiyadin
• Human Resources Management by L.M.Prasad
• Human Resources Management by Ashwathappa

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Strategic Management Course Code: MSM331


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course aims to expose participants to various perspectives and
concepts in the field of Strategic Management.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Understand and uses methods of doing business environment analysis

2. Learn and apply alternative frameworks of business/ corporate strategy for attaining and
sustaining competitive advantage.
3. Develop ability to make quality, reasoned strategic business decisions.

Unit 1:Understanding Strategy Hours:12

Concept of strategy, Corporate, Business and Functional Levels of Strategy. Introduction to

Strategic Management: Meaning and Characteristics of strategic management, strategic
management Vs. operational management. Four Phases in Strategic Management Process:
Stakeholders in business and their roles in strategic management. Hierarchy of Strategic Intent:
Meaning & attributes of strategic intent.

Meaning of Vision, Process of envisioning, Meaning of Mission, difference between vision &
mission, characteristics of good mission statements, Business definition using Abell‟s three
dimensions, objectives and goals, Linking objectives to mission & vision. Critical success
factors (CSF), Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Result Areas (KRA).

Analyzing Company‟s External Environment: Environmental appraisal Scenario planning –

Preparing an Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP). Analyzing Industry
Environment: Industry Analysis - Porter‟s Five Forces Model of competition, Entry & Exit
Barriers, Strategic Group analysis.

Unit 2: Analyzing Company’s Internal Environment Hours: 12

Resource based view of a firm, meaning, types & sources of competitive advantage, analyzing
Company‟s Resources and Competitive Position, VRIO Framework, competitive advantage,
competitive parity & competitive disadvantage, Core Competence, characteristics of core
competencies, Distinctive competitiveness, Benchmarking as a method of comparative

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

analysis. Value Chain Analysis Using Porter‟s Model: primary & secondary activities.

Organizational Capability Profile: Strategic Advantage Profile, Concepts of stretch, leverage &
fit, ways of resource leveraging –concentrating, accumulating, complementing, conserving,

Portfolio Analysis: Business Portfolio Analysis - BCG Matrix – GE 9 Cell Model.

Unit 3: Generic Competitive Strategies Hours: 12

Meaning of generic competitive strategies, Low cost, Differentiation, Focus – when to use
which strategy?

Grand Strategies: Stability, Growth (Diversification Strategies, Vertical Integration Strategies,

Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies, Strategic Alliances & Collaborative Partnerships),
Retrenchment – Turnaround, Divestment, Liquidation, Outsourcing Strategies.

Unit 4: Strategy Implementation Hours: 12

Components of a strategic plan, barriers to implementation of strategy, Mintzberg‟s 5 Ps –

Deliberate & Emergent Strategies, McKinsey‟s 7s Framework.

Organization Structures for Strategy Implementation: entrepreneurial, functional, divisional,

SBU, Matrix, Network structures, Cellular/ Modular organization, matching structure to
strategy, organizational design for stable Vs. turbulent environment.

Changing Structures & Processes: Reengineering & strategy implementation – Principles of

Reengineering, Six Sigma – Process consisting of defining, measuring, analyzing, improving
& establishing steps, Lean Six Sigma (Concepts only).

Corporate Culture: Building Learning organizations, promoting participation through

technique of Management by Objectives (MBO), Total Quality Management (TQM).

Strategy Evaluation: Operations Control and Strategic Control - Symptoms of malfunctioning

of strategy – Use of Balanced Scorecard for strategy evaluation.

Unit 5: Blue Ocean Strategy Hours: 12

Difference between blue & red ocean strategies, principles of blue ocean strategy, Strategy
Canvass & Value Curves, Four Action framework.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Business Models: Meaning & components of business models, new business models for
Internet Economy– E-Commerce Business Models and Strategies – Internet Strategies for
Traditional Business –Virtual Value Chain.
Sustainability & Strategic Management: Threats to sustainability, Integrating Social &
environmental sustainability issues in strategic management, meaning of triple bottom line,

Essential References:

1. Contemporary Strategic Management, Robert M. Grant, 6th Edition, Wiley India India
2. Contemporary Strategic Management Case Studies, Robert M. Grant, Publisher: Wiley

Recommended References:

1. Strategic Management, Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, Indian Edition, Cengage Learning, 2008
2. Crafting and Executing Strategy - The Quest for Competitive Advantage, Thompson,
Strickland, Gamble & Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill, 16th Edition
3. Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy, Thomas L. Wheelen & J. David
Hunger, Pearson, 12th ed.
4. Strategic Management, Dr. Yogeshwari L. Giri

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Quantitative Techniques for Managers Course Code: MSM332


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: The objective of this course is to understand business decision making
using statistical methodology to make better decisions. The students will learn to make sense of
data along with the basics of statistical inference and hands-on implementation. Students will
develop critical and integrative thinking to communicate the results of the analysis clearly in the
context of business research.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Describe and discuss the key terminology, concepts, tools and techniques used in business
statistical analysis
2. Use of quantitative methods in effective management decision making process.
3. Utilize computer based statistical software to perform statistical calculations.
4. Offer a critical knowledge of statistical practices in the various functional areas of business
(accounting, finance, management and marketing)

Unit 1: Introduction and Descriptive Statistics Hours: 15

Meaning, Application of Statistics in Business and Limitations of Statistics. Data – Data

Sources, Data Classification and Data Presentation (Tables and Graphs).

Data Analysis – Descriptive Statistics - Introduction, Objectives of statistical average,

Requisites of a Good Average, Statistical Averages - Appropriate Situations for the use of
various Averages, Dispersion – Range - Quartile deviations, Mean deviation, Standard
Deviation -Properties of standard deviation Coefficient of Variance. Skewness and Kurtosis.

Unit 2:Correlation and Regression Hours: 10

Correlation Analysis – Meaning, Types of Correlation, Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson and
Spearman Rank Correlation., Coefficient of Determination.

Regression Analysis – Meaning, Regression Coefficients and properties, Simple and Multiple

Unit 3: Time Series Analysis Hours: 6

Introduction to time series, Components of time series, Trend Analysis-method of least squares,
exponential smoothing

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Unit 4: Probability and Distributions Hours: 10

Introduction to probability, Definition - Rules of probability, Bayes Rule, marginal, joint and
conditional probabilities, Random variables – Probability distribution – Discrete & Continuous,
Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Sampling and sampling distributions

Unit 5: Inferential Statistics Hours: 14

Introduction to hypothesis testing, meaning, steps, Type I and Type II Errors, parametric tests:
hypothesis testing for single mean, proportion, difference of means and proportion using known
and unknown s.d. Analysis of variance and designs of experiments, one way and two-way

Non parametric tests: Analysis of Categorical data, run test, Mann-whitney U test, Wilcoxon,
kruskal wallis, spearmans rank correlation.

Unit 6: Statistical Software Hours: 5

Using Statistical Software – Microsoft Excel and SPSS

Essential References:

1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor

2. Richard I. Levin & David S. Rubin: Statistics for Management, Pearson

Recommended References:

1. Glyn Davis & Branko Pecar: Business Statistics Using Excel, Oxford
2. David Whigham: Business Data Analysis Using Excel, Oxford
3. David M. Levine et al: Business Statistics, A First Course, Pearson Education
4. S.P. Gupta & M.P. Gupta: Business Statistics, Sultan Chand
5. Beri, G.C: Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Legal Aspects of Business Course Code: MSM333


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course introduces the key legal concepts in business.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

Recognize the different legal provisions in running a business enterprise.

Unit 1: The Indian Contract Act, 1871 Hours:12

Essential elements of valid contract - Performance and discharge of contract - Breach of

contract - meaning and remedies

Contracts of indemnity - meaning, nature-right of indemnity holder and indemnifier - Contract

of guarantee – meaning, nature and features – types of guarantee – provisions relating to
various types of guarantee.

Surety and co-surety – rights and liabilities – discharge of surety

Agency – agent and principal, creation of agency – classification of agents – relationship

between principal and agent – agent‟s authority – revocation and renunciation – rights duties
and liabilities of agents and principal – termination of agency.

Unit 2: Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Hours: 4

Contract of sale of goods – meaning – essentials of contract of sale – formalities of contract of

sale - Conditions and warranties - Transfer of property or ownership- Performance of contract
of sale Rights of unpaid seller – rules as to delivery of goods.

Unit 3: Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Hours: 12

Negotiable Instruments – meaning – characteristics – types – parties – holder and holder in due
course - Negotiation and types of endorsements - Dishonor of negotiable instruments - noting
and protesting - Liability of parties on Negotiable Instruments

Unit 4: The Companies Act, 2015 Hours: 12

Definition & meaning of One Person Company, Private Company, Small Company and
Dormant Company - Incorporation of a Company and One-Person Company, Memorandum of
association (MoA), Articles of Association (AoA), Prospectus & Public Offer.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Share Capital & Debentures, Acceptance of Deposits, Appointment of Director including

Woman Director.

Unit 5: Other Laws Hours: 12

Consumer Protection Act 1986 – definitions of consumer, consumer dispute- complaint – goods
– service – unfair trade practice – consumer dispute redressal agencies - Information
Technology Act – Digital Signature – Electronic Governance Intellectual Property Laws –
Understanding of concepts of patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs.

Essential References:

1. Mercantile Law - Avatar Singh

2. Elements of Mercantile Law – N.D.Kapoor
3. Industrial Law -P.L. Malik
4. Relevant Bare Acts

Recommended References:

1. Legal Aspects of Business: Akhileshwar Pathak, Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd
2. Economic and Commercial Laws: (CS exe program)
3. Sangeet Kedia, Pooja Law Publishing House

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Mergers, Acquisitions & Corporate Course Code: MSM431


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: It covers the various aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate
Restructuring methods.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

Build analytical and decision-making skills in the area of M&A and Valuation

Unit 1: Mergers and Acquisitions Hours: 8

Meaning and difference - Mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations. types of merger – motives
behind mergers – theories of mergers – operating, financial and managerial synergy of mergers
– value creation in horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers – internal and external change
forces contributing to M & A activities

Unit 2: Strategic perspective of M & A Hours: 7

A strategic perspective on M & A - industry life cycle and product life cycle analysis in M&A
decision, strategic approaches to M&A- SWOT analysis, BCG matrix, Porter‟s Five forces

Unit 3: Corporate Restructuring Hours: 7

Different methods of restructuring – joint ventures – sell off and spin off –divestitures – equity
carve out – leveraged buy outs (LBO) – management buy outs – master limited partnerships –
employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)

Unit 4: Merger Process Hours: 10

Dynamics of M&A process- identification of targets-negotiation-closing the deal. Five-stage

model – due diligence (detailed discussion). Process of merger integration – organizational and
human aspects – managerial challenges of M & A

Unit 5: Valuation Hours: 9

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Valuation approaches – discounted cash flow valuation – relative valuation – valuing operating
and financial synergy – valuing corporate control – valuing of LBO Methods of financing
mergers – cash offer, share exchange ratio – mergers as a capital budgeting decision

Unit 6: Accounting for Amalgamation Hours: 10

Pooling of interest method, purchase method – procedure laid down under Indian Companies

Unit 7: Takeovers Hours: 9

Takeover types, hostile takeover approaches, Take-over defenses – financial defensive

measures – Coercive offers and defense – anti-takeover amendments – poison pill defense

Essential References:

1. Ramaiya: Guide to Companies Act, LexisNexis Butterworths, Wadhwa, Nagpur

2. M.C. Bhandari: Guide to Company Law Procedures, LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa
3. ICSI: Handbook on Mergers Amalgamations and takeovers.

Recommended References:

1. K. R. Sampath: Mergers/Amalgamations, Takeovers, Joint Ventures, LLPs and Corporate

Restructure, Snow White Publications
2. S. Ramanujan: Mergers et al, LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur
3. Ray: Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy, Valuation and Integration, PHI

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: International Business and Global Strategy Course Code: MSM432

Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: It covers the various functional areas of International Business such as
trade, finance, law, management, and marketing.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Gain an understanding of the international dimensions of business functions.

2. Understand how the acquired theoretical knowledge can be put into practice.

Unit 1: Introduction to International Business Hours:10

Meaning & nature of international business, importance of International Business, stages of

internationalization, EPRG approaches to international business, theories of international
business – Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, Factor Endowment,
PLC, National Competitive Advantage.

Unit 2: International Business Environment Hours: 10

Meaning and importance – environmental analysis - Political, Economic, Social-Cultural &

technological environment of international business. Trade Policy – Free trade & Protection,
Balance of Payments - Current items, Capital Items, Disequilibrium of balance of payments

Unit 3: International Business Strategies Hours: 10

International business analysis- modes of entry- exporting, turnkey projects, licensing,

franchising, Joint ventures- Wholly owned subsidiaries - Comparison of different modes of
entry - Global Operational Strategies – International strategy, Multi-domestic strategy,
Localization strategy & Transnational strategy

Unit 4: Globalization Hours: 10

Meaning and Features - Globalization, factors driving Globalization - Advantages and

Disadvantages, Socio - Cultural, Political &Legal and Economic Implications, Role of WTO,
Globalization and India.

Unit 5: MNCs and International Business Hours: 10

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Definition. MNCs & TNCs, features, factors, merits and demerits, MNC s and India, Indian
MNCs, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Unit 6: International Finance Hours: 10

International financial system, IMF and International Monetary system. Exchange Rate
Systems, Exchange rate determination – PPP theory – Interest rate parity theory – Balance of
Payments theory – Monetary and Portfolio theories – foreign exchange market – functions –
participants – currency convertibility – Global capital flows - FDI & FII, Accessing Global
Finance – ADR/GDR/ECBs/FCBs.

Essential References:

1. Daniel and Radebaugh International Business, Pearson Education, 10th Edition

2. Rakesh Mohan Joshi International Business, Oxford University Press

Recommended References:

1. Charles W L Hill Global Business Today, 6th Edition, TMH

2. Charles W L Hill International Business, Tata McGraw hill Publication, 10th Edition
3. Ministry of Commerce by Government of India, Handbook of Import-Export Procedures
4. Subba Rao P International Business, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Sumati Varma International Business, Pearson

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Corporate Ethics, Governance and Social Course Code: MSM433

Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: Leaders who lead ethically are role models, communicating the
importance of ethical standards, holding their employees accountable to those standards. Ethical
leadership is leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the
dignity and rights of others.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. To familiarize the students with the knowledge of ethics, emerging trends in good
governance practices and corporate social responsibility in the global and Indian context.
2. Build Leadership traits that hinges on Ethical Leadership.

Unit 1: Business Ethics Hours:10

The concept of ethics; „ethics‟ and related connotations; business values and ethics; concept of
business ethics; various approaches to business ethics; ethical theories; ethical governance;
social responsibility - an extension of business ethics; the concept of corporate ethics; benefits
of adopting ethics in business; ethics programme; code of ethics; ethics committee.

Unit 2: Conceptual framework of Corporate Governance Hours: 10

Evolution of corporate governance; developments in India; regulatory framework of corporate

governance in India; SEBI guidelines and clause 49; reforms in the Companies Act; Recent
developments in India, National Foundation for Corporate Governance. Corporate
Governance Award.

Unit 3: Corporate Management Hours: 10

Management vs. Governance; internal constituents of the corporate governance; key managerial
personnel (KMP); chairman- qualities of a chairman, powers, responsibilities and duties of a
chairman; chief executive officer (CEO), role and responsibilities of the CEO; separation of
roles of chairman and CEO; CFO; manager; company secretary; auditor.

Unit 4: Role and Functions of Board Committees Hours: 10

Standing committees, ad-hoc committees, task force committees, advisory committees;

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

powers, functions and duties of board committees; limitations of board committees; statutory
committees of board- audit committee, remuneration committee, nomination committee,
compliance committee, shareholders grievance committee, investors relation committee,
investment committee, risk management committee, other committees.

Unit 5: Corporate Governance code and Whistle-blowers: Hours: 10

The Concept of Whistle-Blowing; Types of Whistle-blowers; Whistle-blower Policy; the

Whistle-Blower Legislation across Countries; developments in India. Whistle Blowers
Protection Act, 2011 (Amendment 2015).

Unit 6: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Hours: 10

Meaning, Corporate philanthropy; CSR-an overlapping concept; corporate sustainability

reporting; CSR through triple bottom line; CSR and business ethics; CSR and corporate
governance; environmental aspect of CSR; CSR models; drivers of CSR; global reporting
initiatives; major codes on CSR; initiatives in India. CSR and Companies Act, 2013. Stages of
CSR Maturity, ISO 26000 standard and guidelines, Corporate Sustainability, The Corporate
Responsibility and Sustainability Capability Maturity Model, Environmental Reporting,
Corporate Social Reporting.

Essential References:

1. Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance, Mandal S.K, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Corporate Responsibility, Blowfield, Michael, and Alan Murray, Oxford University Press

Recommended References:

1. Mallin, Christine A., Corporate Governance (Indian Edition), Oxford University Press,
2. Sharma, J.P., Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & CSR, Ane Books Pvt Ltd,
3. Sharma, J.P., Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility of Business, Ane Books Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Managing Technology and Innovation for Course Code: MSM531
Competitive Advantage

Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: To equip the students with the basic understanding of issues related to
management of technology and innovation for competitive advantage.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Develop a broad perspective on the key issues involved in the effective management of
technology and innovation, including market, technological, and organizational factors, in
today‟s fast-changing, competitive, global environment

2. Understand technology‟s crucial role in creating wealth and achieving competitiveness

3. Understand technology - product life cycle linkages.

Unit 1: Introduction to Technology Management Hours: 12

Definition and Characteristics of Technology, Levels of Development of Technology.

Technology & Society, Technology as Socially Constructed. Relation of Knowledge and
Technology, Technology and Business. Levels of technology Development – Ideas, Theories,
Perspectives, Tacit Knowledge, Physical embodiment in products, services of procedures.
Management of Technology (MOT), MOT at the level of the firm, National and Government
Level. Need for MOT in the present Global context. Firm as a Value Chain, Industries as
Competitive Domain, Value Creation and Competitive Advantage. Market Based views and
Resource Based views in Management. General Manager‟s Perspective on Managing

Unit 2: Technology and Wealth Creation Hours: 12

Role of Technology in wealth creation, Historical perspective, Creation of wealth, Long Wave
Cycle, Evolution of Production Technology, Product Technology, Technology & the National

Unit 3: Critical Factors in Managing Technology Hours: 12

Creativity – Invention – Innovation. Link between Science and Technology. Types of

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Innovation. Creativity & Innovation. Bringing Innovation to Market. Technology – Price

Relationship. The Timing Factor. The Vision to Change Strategy. Productivity, Effectiveness
and Competitiveness. Leaders versus Followers.

Unit 4: Management of Technology Hours: 12

The New Paradigms: Technology Trends, Resources and the Business Environment, The
Structure and Management of Organizations, Project Planning & Management, Management of
Human Resources, MOT guiding principles for Managing Enterprises, Changes in the Business
Environment – Communication, Integration, Collaboration, Strategic Directions of the Industry,
Changes in Organizational forms and structures, Financial Sector Structure.

Unit 5: Management of Technology and Competitiveness Hours: 12

Definitions and Indicators of Competitiveness, Investment, Productivity, Trade, Standard of

Living, Management of Technology & Global Competitiveness, Case of Japan, Singapore,
Various Indices on Competitiveness - Standard of Living Indexes, Trade Indexes, Productivity
Indexes, Investment Indexes, Patents Index.

Emergence of the Tigers, Competitiveness – The Game of Nations, Competitiveness of Firms –

The Micro Level. Competitiveness of India and China – a comparative analysis.

Essential References:

1. Management of Technology – The Key to Competitiveness and Wealth Creation, Tarek

Khalil and Ravi Shankar, TMGH, New Delhi, 2nd Edition.

Recommended References:

1. Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage, V K Narayanan, Pearson

Education, 2009 Edition.

2. Strategic Management of Technology & Innovation, Robert A Burgelman, Modesto A

Maidique, Steven C Wheelwright, MGH International Edition.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Strategic Leadership and Communication Course Code: MSM532


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy
leadership, strategy formulation and execution.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

 Analyze the main structural features of an industry and develop strategies that position the
firm most favorably in relation to competition and influence industry structure to enhance
industry attractiveness.
 Recognize the different stages of industry evolution and recommend strategies appropriate to
each stage.

Unit 1: Introduction Hours: 10

Survey of Leadership Theories, Strategy and Strategic Leadership, Leadership qualities and
skills, Leadership as envisioning transformations and facilitating change processes.
Unit 2: Personal Leadership Hours: 10

Personal Leadership: Fundamental Individual Issues and Frameworks for Personal Growth,
Self-assessment: MBTI, Type Talk, Other Assessments
Leading a Relationship: Individual Issues and Interpersonal Dynamics; Transactional Analysis,
Games, and Authenticity; The Twelve Behavioral Choices as Indicators for Types of

Unit 3: Team Leadership Hours: 10

Team Leadership: Interpersonal Underworld and Group Emotional Processes, Task

Interdependence and Types of Business Processes; Organizational and Technological

Unit 4: Strategic Leadership Hours: 10

Strategic Leadership at Organizational Level: Understanding Organizations and Business,

Frameworks to conceptualize organizational strategies, Framing Issues of Organizational

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Unit 5: Communication Hours: 10

Nature of Communication: Define Communication, Process of Communication, Types of

Communication (verbal & Non-Verbal), Importance of Communication, Different forms of

Barriers to Communication: Linguistic Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Interpersonal Barriers,

Cultural Barriers, Physical Barriers, Organizational Barriers – Means of overcoming barriers to

Unit 6: Communication Framework Hours: 10

Introduction, Organizational Communication structure – formal and informal, Inter-cultural

Organizational Communication, Communication Network of the Organization; Process of
Communication, Leadership Communication, Decision Making & Decision Communication,
Presentation techniques, Crisis Communication. Transactional Analysis in Communication.

Essential References:

1. Leadership: A communication perspective (4th ed.). Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C. E.

(2004), Long Grove, IL: Waveland.
2. A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership.
Jackson, B., & Parry, K. (2008). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Recommended References:

1. Communication Skills, Sanjay Kumar & Pushp Lata, Oxford University Press
2. Business Communication Today, Courtland L. Bovee, John. V. Thill,
3. Business Communication, Raymond V Lesikar, Marie, E, Flatley, Kathryn Rentz,
Neerja Pande. Mcgraw Hill

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Business Analytics and Data Governance Course Code: MSM533

Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: The course is designed to develop of understanding of the uses of

Business analytics tools and techniques in decision making and operations.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Understand the concept of data science and its components

2. Learn about the fundamentals of business analytics and database
3. Learn about the different types and applications of business analytics
4. Understand the various workings of business analytics tools such as Tableau
5. Understand the uses of statistical tools and its application in business analytics
6. Practical knowledge of dataset and testing in statistical package
7. Understand data visualization concepts in business analytics package
8. Learn about the concepts of Data Governance

Unit 1: Introduction to Data Science and Business Analytics Hours:13

Data Science overview - Data science components - data visualization, data modelling, data
preparation, communication and presentation.

Unit 2: Business Analytics Fundamentals Hours: 4

Business Analytics Fundamentals - descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics - Types of

Digital Data and Data Management - Business Intelligence, system architecture, OLTP and
OLAP systems, OLAP operations, Database, Data Warehouse

Unit 3: Business Analytics Solutions Hours: 7

Customer Analytics, Market Analytics, People Analytics, Application in Finance and


Unit 4: Data Visualization in Tableau Hours: 10

Tableau Fundamentals - Design Views and Analyse Data (working with different data sets,
charts, maps, dashboards) - Communication and Presentation of Work - Publish workbooks to
Tableau public - Data Mining basics.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Unit 5: Statistics Fundamentals Hours: 8

Descriptive and predictive statistics fundamental - Hypothesis testing (z-test, t-test, ANOVA),
Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression

Unit 6: Data Modeling and Introduction to SPSS Hours: 10

Model building using relevant datasets, Assessing your model – Type of Scale of
Measurements, Choosing appropriate scale and measurement to the data, Preparing codebook-
Getting to Know SPSS: Starting SPSS, Working with data file, SPSS windows, Menus,
Dialogue boxes; Preparing the Data file: Creating data file and entering data, Defining the
variables, Entering data, modifying data file, import file - Screening and cleaning data,
Manipulation of data

Unit 7: Data Analysis and Visualization with R Hours: 8

Simple data processing with R, Data Visualization with R

Unit 8: Data Governance Hours: 8

Data Governance - Policies, Standards, Processes, People, and Technology used to managing
critical data, compliance and risk management.

Essential References:

1. Efraim Turban, Ramesh E Sharda, Dursun Delen, “Decision Support and Business
Intelligence Systems”, 9th edition, ISBN-13: 9780136107293, Pearson

2. Business Intelligence Success Factors Tools for aligning your business in the global
economy by Olivia Parr Rud, John Wiley and sons, 2009

3. Winston Wayne L, “Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modelling”, 1st
Edition, 978-0-7356-6913-0, Published 1/15/2014,

4. Hands-On Programming with R - Write Your Own Functions and Simulations, Shroff
Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 9789351107286, 9789351107286

5. Sabine Landau and Brian S. Everitt, “A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SPSS”, 1st
edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC, ISBN-10: 1584883693, ISBN-13: 978-1584883692,
Published on 24 November 2003.

Recommended References:

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

1. Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel, Wayne L. Winston

2. Business Intelligence: Practices, Technologies, and Management- Rajiv Sabherwal, Irma


3. The Profit impact of Business Intelligence by Steve Williams and Nancy Williams, Morgan
Kauffman Publishers/ Elsevier, 2007

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22


Course Name: Organizational Development and Change Course Code: MSM632


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course defines sequential process, role and dynamics to
organizational change. It further highlights ways of dealing with it. It focuses on need, phases
and conditions for successful organizational development. Different organizational
development interventions are also incorporated.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Gain the skills required for managing growth and change.

Unit 1: Introduction to organizational Change Hours: 6

Systematic Organizational change, Areas and parties involved, Lewin‟s Models of Change,
Planned and Unplanned Change.

Unit 2: Introduction to Organizational Development Hours: 12

Concept, Values, Process and assumptions, Characteristics, Traditional and Modern OD

Techniques, Six-Box Model.

Unit 3: Organizational Problems and their Diagnosis Hours: 8

Symptoms & Sources of Organizational Problem and their Diagnosis, Diagnostic models,
Collecting and Analyzing diagnostic information

Unit 4: OD Interventions Hours: 12

Individual, Interpersonal, Group, Team Intervention, Third Party & Structural intervention.
Role Analysis Technique (RAT), Interdependency, Role Negotiation Technique (RNT),
Principled Negotiations.

Unit 5:Factors influencing OD Hours: 12

Concept and Role of Power, Politics and Culture. Power and Influence Tactics, Key
Capabilities of Constructive Politics, Impact and Functions of Culture and Manifestations of

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Organizational culture.

Unit 6: Organization Transformation Hours: 10

Cultural Intervention, Strategic Changes, Learning Organization, High Performance Work


Essential References:

1. Organizational Change and Development, Kavita Singh, Excel Books.

2. Organizational Change-Themes & Issues, Jim Grieves, Oxford.

Recommended References:

1. Essentials of Organizational Development, Dr. Mrs. Anjali Ghanekar, Everest Publishing

2. Organizational Development, Joan V. Gallos, Jossey Bass, Wiley Imprint

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Course Name: Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation Course Code: MSM633


Total number of Hours: 60 Credits: 4

Course Description: This course introduces entrepreneurship and venture creation.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

• Writing a business plan.

Unit 1: Introduction Hours: 10

Entrepreneurship, Qualities, nature, types, traits, culture, Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur.

Unit 2: Opportunity recognition and Entry strategies Hours: 15

Choosing a Direction, New product, Franchising, Partial Momentum, Sponsorship and

Acquisition, The Strategic Window of Opportunity: Scanning, Positioning and Analysing,
Intellectual Property: Creation and Protection.

Unit 3: Setting up of the Venture Hours: 15

Steps for starting a small business / industry – case study approach, selection of types of
organization - International entrepreneurship opportunities.

Unit 4: Business Planning Process Hours: 15

The business plan as an entrepreneurial tool Elements of Business Plan, Objectives, Market
Analysis, Development of product / idea, Marketing, Finance, Organisation & Management,
Ownership, Critical risk contingencies of the proposal, Scheduling and milestones. Financial
Projections: how to do them the right way, Debt, Venture Capital and other forms of
Financing, Sources of External Support.

Unit 5: Managing and growing the venture Hours: 5

Preparing for the new venture launch -early management decisions Managing early growth of
the new venture- new venture expansion strategies and issues - Going public.

Essential References:

1. Harold L Taylor, Project Management for Entrepreneurs

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

2. Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management by Scott Berkun

Recommended References:

1. Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation by David H. Holt

2. Entrepreneurship Development New Venture Creation by Satish Taneja, S.L.Gupta
3. Project management by K. Nagarajan.
4. Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources by Marc J. Dollinger
5. The Culture of Entrepreneurship by Brigitte Berger.
6. Entrepreneurship by Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, Dean A. Shepherd
7. Entrepreneurship as Strategy by G. Dale Meyer, Kurt A. Heppard
8. New Vistas of Entrepreneurship: Challenges & Opportunities by A. Sahay, M.S.Chhikara

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Program Pedagogy:

Regular classroom lectures shall be accompanied by any other method instructors find suitable to
deliver better learning. Some suggested methods are;
Case Studies
Seminars and Presentations
Simulation Exercises
Current Affairs Sessions relevant to the topic etc.

Evaluation Methods:
Trimester Exam
Continued Internal Assessment
Field study reports
Periodic Tests
Assessment of Class Participation in case studies and discussions
Any other appropriate method identified by the instructor that would ensure objective
assessment of the student performance.

Evaluation Pattern:

Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous
internal assessments. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:

End Trimester Examination (TSE) 30%

Continuous Internal Assessment (Minimum 2 CIAs) 70%
Total 100%

 Written Examinations consists of:

 End Trimester Exam – 50 Marks (2 hours duration)
 A student should secure a minimum of 40% Marks in the TSE to pass in that paper.
 In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 Marks out
of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper.

MSc (Strategic Management) 2021-22

Grading Pattern:

Grading pattern will be the same as approved by the University for UG Courses as detailed
herein below:

Percentage Grade Interpretation Class
First Class with
80 and Above A+ 4.00 Outstanding
73-79 A 3.67 Excellent First Class
66-72 A- 3.33 Very Good First Class
60-65 B+ 3.00 Good First Class
55-59 B 2.67 Average Second Class
50-54 C+ 2.33 Satisfactory Second Class
45-49 C 2.00 Pass Pass Class
40-44 D 1.00 Pass Pass Class
39 and Below F 0 Fail Fail


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