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Their Path Their Path

Some see the forest for its trees. The Archer has Independent and mysterious, rogues seek the
the sight to see the leaves on those trees. As they excitement of deciphering a good riddle, the
practice with their bows they discipline their challenge of cutting your coin pouch from your belt,
minds to gain clarity and patience. They can judge or gaining someone’s confidence. They may be
distances and know the right time to lose their sneaky tricksters who find comfort in shadow and
arrows. With keen sight they are able to focus on the favor the use of cloak and dagger. They may also
details of a target and take aim, losing powerful or be intelligent spies gathering information through
accurate shots that knock back their enemies or slip conversation. Rogues are able to insert themselves
through the cracks of shield walls. into situations while remaining unnoticed. They are
the face in the crowd that you’d swear was there just
Their Range a moment ago.
The range is their training space, when not in battle
or actively raiding, it is here that they find the Their Charm
balance of solitude and silence. This could be a few Rogues have a certain charm that aids them in
scattered targets along a trail in the forest or simply a being mischievous, inquisitive and resourceful,
shield against a tree. or unexpected and unseen. This charm can be
represented in a soothing voice and good looks, a
Their Gear simple demeanor hiding a deep intellect, or nimble
They begin with a +1 bow. They also begin with a fingers. These charms are used to gain confidence,
quiver of arrows, leather armour (2 uses), a short acquire secrets, and pilfer coin purses.
blade, gloves, arm braces, and a waterskin.
Their Gear
Questions They begin with a charm that grants them a +1 in
• What clothing do they wear? What do they dress either Dexterity, Influence, Intellect, or Stealth. This
in for battle? can be a physical characteristic or an item used to
• Who trained them in the ways of archery? charm. They also begin with a short blade, a cloak,
• Where is your range located? leather pouches, gloves, a wineskin, and something
• How did they obtain their bow? Was a gift, of value to someone else.
found, or the spoils of a raid?
• Does the fletching on their arrows have Questions
significance? What birds are the feathers from? • What clothing do they wear? What do they dress
• Do they prefer powerful or accurate shots? in for battle?
• Are they a spy, a charlatan, or a thief?
• What do they have that is valuable to another?
• Who are they really, behind the charm?
Their Path Their Path
Only a few know how to survive off the land. They Strangers from unknown lands and or different
have learned through experience or have been cultures, that have been accepted into a clan. They
guided to recognize and respect nature’s bounty. possess knowledge of what lies beyond the horizon
They are able to discern which plants are edible, and their insight could prove valuable, possibly
medicinal, or poisonous. They only take what meaning the difference between success and failure
they need and always offer something in return. on a raid. They have a culture and perspective
They have a connection with nature that draws on that others find intriguing but may still feel like an
something old and primal from within themselves. outsider in the clan, constantly needing to prove
Their Grounds
Near their settlement, is a forest glen or tidal pool Their Past
that they know by heart. It is here where they They are strangers, whether to the North Sea or just
cultivate and gather their edible and medicinal plants to the ways of their adopted clan. They have a past
that support their clan. When on journeys the forests that may be hard for them to discuss. exiled from
and fields have secrets that only they can find. another clan, from a different region,or a different
They see the herbage in pine cones and clover, the culture altogether.
possibilities of roots and flowers, the trees for their
fruit. Their Gear
They begin with a weapon of choice either from
Their Gear their homeland or from their newly adopted clan
They begin with a custom runic almanac or rune (bow and quiver of arrows, longsword, or a pair of
staff that grants them a +1 on Survival rolls related axes). They also begin with a short blade, leather
to foraging. They also begin with a short blade or armour (2 uses), a cloak, and a waterskin.
hand scythe, waterskin, arm bracelets, and a leather
satchel with various edible plants and seeds. Questions
• What clothing do they wear? What do they dress
Questions in for battle?
• What clothing do they wear? What do they dress • If an outsider, where are they from and what sets
in for battle? them apart, betraying them as an outlander?
• How did they learn to forage? Did they have a • What did they do to get accepted into a clan?
mentor? • What is it they will not talk about?
• What weed, plant, or flower is their favorite? • Does something from their past haunt or linger
• Where are their grounds? Are they big or small? with them? What or who is it?
• When they forage, what do they give back to
Their Path Their Path
With a dedicated eye the cartographer is able to Most know how to hunt. Knowing which quarry
accurately represent the sea voyages and inland is to be hunted, where to pick up its trail, and the
exploration of their clan. They detail terrain and practices to preserve the spoils are secrets known
roads, and the more abstract divisions of clan lands, to huntsmen. They know how to find animal lairs
monsters, and coastlines. They put the world in the and dens. They know how to take down an animal
palm of their jarl’s hands, often placing themselves so it falls where it is hit, preventing it from running
in the position of an advisor. away. They have the ability to stalk and capture prey,
unseen and unheard. They provide meat, pelts, and
Their Maps furs; most valuable resources for their clan.
They have gathered the stories of raids and
references of the land and navigational texts into a Their Traps
portfolio of maps. These maps represent a record of Huntsman have proficiency with a variety of snares
the clans inland and seaborne travels and range from and traps. They have placed several around their
quick sketches on animal hide or wood, to detailed settlement and can often be found checking and
drawings on paper. Among these is a map that details resetting them. These snares and traps can be
a hidden pass, secret route, or sea lane that is not as simple as a loop of string and bent twig to a
cataloged elsewhere. delicately concealed pitfall. Some traps may even
prove useful in battle.
Their Gear
They begin with a portfolio of maps (includes Their Gear
scrolls, charcoal and chalk, clues of a secret route) They begin with trappers gear (snares, traps, and the
+1 to navigation checks. They also begin with a materials to bait them with). They also begin play
shortblade, a cloak of Fine quality, and a wineskin. with their preferred hunting weapon (bow with a
quiver of arrows, hunting spear, or sling), a short
Questions blade, leather armour (2 uses), gloves, waterskin,
• What clothing do they wear? What do they dress and a small hunting charm (antler point, rabbits foot,
in for battle? etc.).
• Do they mostly draw sea or land maps?
• How far has their clan explored? Was it inland or Questions
by sea? • What clothing do they wear on the hunt?
• Where does the secret route lead? • When was their first hunt?
• What is their favorite prey?
• What prey are they most hesitant to hunt?
• Do they like to stalk or lie in wait for their prey?
• Do they have a preferred hunting ground?
Their Path Their Path
Acting as a vanguard, the Outrider ventures Certain people are born with wanderlust, a deep
outwards from a clans settlement, not on foot but desire to travel the world. They cannot wait for a
on horseback. They know how to ride and care raid or an exploration party to take them away from
for horses. They scout the surrounding terrain for their settlement. They are curious about the world
hazards, both from the gods and enemy clans. They around them and venture out on their own whenever
serve as eyes and ears of their clan, escorting and possible. Unfortunate events like a raid on their
protecting their settlement and its people. settlement or mistreatment may force some to this
life out of necessity, while others seek it out on their
Their Mount own
Not everyone in the clan has horses or if they do,
they cannot use it to the effect an Outrider can. An Their Wanderlust
Outrider and their horse have created a mutual bond Described to others as a calling, a desire, a search
of respect between them, that when riding they are for answers; the simple truth is they often wander
one. just to wander. Drawn to the sights and sounds of
different places and peoples, they often return from
Their Gear their wandering having acquired portions of a new
They begin play with a horse, while riding they language, a friendship, or rare trade goods. Whatever
gain a +1 to defending against attacks and moving they come back with, they often don’t reveal it until
swiftly. They also begin with an axe or spear, a short a good opportunity presents itself.
blade, shield, waterskin, a bag of feed and brush for
their horse. Their Gear
They begin with 3 mementos of their travels (bits of
Questions a new language, a friendship, and a rare trade good
• What clothing do they wear? What do they dress not found in this region). These items do not have to
in for battle? be written down, and are presented when the player
• How old were they when they first learned to sees a good opportunity to fit the story and may
ride? provide a +1 to relevant Influence or Insight actions.
• What is their horse’s name and what sets them
apart from other horses? Questions
• How did they create the bond with their horse? • What clothing do they wear?
• How far have you traveled?
• When was the last time you were home?
• What memento holds the most meaning?
• What makes you most restless, causing your
wanderlust to stir?

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