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Shae JUL 34 2023 THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS = COURT OF IMPEACHMENT PLERK OF THE COURT IN THE MATTER OF WARREN KENNETH PAXTON, JR ATTORNEY GENERAL WARREN KENNETH PAXTON, JR.'S. MOTION TO DISMISS ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT (I-VI, IX-XX) Impeachment invokes the Legislature's awesome power to override the will of the people. In his writings on the United States Constitution, Justice Samuel Freeman Miller of the U.S. Supreme Court described impeachment as “the heaviest piece of artillery in the Congressional arsenal.” Samuel Freeman Millet, Lectures on the Constitution of the United States 217 (1891) (citing | James Bryce, The American Commonwealth 190 (1888). “It like a hundred-ton gun, Which needs complex machinery to bring it into position, an enormous charge of powder to fie it. and a large mark to aim at.” Id. at 217. Unfortunately, in the impeachment of Attorney General Paxton, “the great State of Texas is pointing her heaviest artillery at something that does not even reach the magnitude of a snowbird.” State of Tex. Senate, Proc. of the High Ct. of Impeachment on the Trial of W.L. McGaughey, Land Comm’r, S. 23, Reg. Sess. at (1893). ‘The “wiser” course of action is to let the people decide whether to “effect the removal” of an officer at the voting booth. Miller, Lectures on the Constitution of the United States at 203. That is what occurred here: throughout the 2022 election season, both in the primary and general election, voters were subject to tens of millions of dollars in broadcast advertisements, dozens of newspaper articles, and countless speeches or appearances accusing Attorney General Paxton of the alleged misconduct underlying the Articles of Impeachment. In November 2022, Texas voters rendered their judgment by reelecting Attorney General Paxton to serve a third consecutive term. As a matter of both common sense and Texas law, that should be the end of the matter. Unable to defeat the Attorney General at the polls, the House quickly filed Articles of Impeachment relying on misconduct that occurred, if at all, years before the Attorney General's most recent election. Indeed, with only a single exception, the Articles allege nothing that Texas voters have not heard from the Attorney General's political opponents for years. See Exhibit A. This Court has never convicted an impeached official based solely on House allegations that ‘occurred before an elected official’s most recent election when they were publicly known at that time, This rule, known as the “prior-term doctrine,” is firmly rooted in Texas law, Texas Supreme Court decisions, and Texas impeachment precedents. The alleged acts underlying nineteen of the Articles took place before the Attorney General’s most recent election and were highly publicized. Under the priorterm doct , they therefore cannot factually or legally form the basis for the Attorney General’s removal. And by the House’s admission, they did not. Se H.R. Comm, on Gen. Investigating, Memorandum (May 26, 2023). Articles | through VII and IX through XX violate Texas’s prior-term doctrine and must be dismissed. Pursuant to Texas law and Senate Rules 5(b), 15(b), 16, and 26, this Court has the sole discretion to approve the dismissal of these Articles pretrial. See S. Journal, 88th Cong., Ist Sess. at 40-52 (2023). Article VIII, which regards a mediated settlement agreement in Brickman v. Office of the Attorney General in February 2023, is the only Article anchored in post-election facts, and it fails for separate reasons to be addressed elsewhere. THE PRIOR-TERM DOCTRINE APPLIES TO THIS IMPEACHMENT. Under the Texas Constitution, the House may impeach an elected State officer, and the Senate may convict him with a two-thirds vote. See Tex. Const. art. XV, §§ 1 & 2. The prior-term doctrine prevents conviction or removal of an impeached official when the facts underlying the House’s allegations turn on conduct that occurred, if at all, before the officer's most recent election. and those allegations were public before voters cast their ballots. See Matter of Carrillo, $42 $.W.2d 105, 110 (Tex. 1976) (citing fn re Brown, 512 S.W.2d 317 (1974)). Chapter 665 of the ‘Texas Government Code expressly provides that “[a]n officer in this [State may not be removed from office for an act the officer may have committed before the officer’s election to office.” Tex. Gov't Code § 665.081. This provision contains no limiting clause, and it creates an unambiguous and self-imposed limitation to the Legislature's power to remove an officer through impeachment. As section 665.081°s plain text and prior practice both indicate, the prior-term doctrine applies to all acts before any officer’s most recent election—not merely certain officers, and not merely his first. This Court illustrated that point when it applied the prior-term doctrine in 1887 in the removal proceedings of Judge Frank Willis. See State of Tex. Senate, Spec. Comm., App’x Ree. of the Investigation of Frank Willis, Judge, S. 20, Reg. Sess. at 4-6 (1887). During Judge Willis's Senate trial, his counsel argued that the charges should be dismissed because “if any such matters and things ever occurred . . . they were of date anterior to his said reelection,” and the public knowingly reelected the judge despite the pending allegations. Jd, at 6. Counsel explained: [T]hese people (his peers), the sovereigns of his district, with full knowledge of the same, have passed upon said charges at the polls, approved the conduct of respondent and vindicated his official character, and said reelection is in law and in fact a condonation and verdict of not guilty, and to remove [Judge Willis] from office for actions that occurred prior to his said reelection would be to deprive the people of his district of their choice in franchise and of their constitutional right to elect their own officers. Id. The voters rejected the House's claims at the ballot box just six months prior, when Judge Willis had been most recently reelected. And after applying the prior-term doctrine, this Court acquitted ‘See . Journal, 20th Cong., Reg. Sess. at 684 (1887). As Senator MacManus explained his vote to acquit, the “respondent had been reelected before any prosecution against him for the alleged offenses had been commenced, and he now holds office by virtue of an election and under a different commission from those under which he acted at the date of the alleged offenses.” Id, Nor, contrary to the out-of-court asser ns of several House Managers.' is the doctrine limited to removals outside the constitutional impeachment process. This Court has consistently applied the prior-term doctrine to constitutional officials impeached using constitutional processes. During the 1893 peachment of Land Commissioner Colonel W.L. McGaughey. this Court expressly held that “[bJecause it affirmatively appearfed] on the face” of the articles that certain allegations occurred on “a day and time prior to the commencement of [Commissioner McGaughey’s} present term of office . . . they constitute no grounds for his impeachment and removal from the office he now holds.” State of Tex. Senate, Rec. of the High Ct. of Impeachment on the Trial of W.L. McGaughey, Land Commr, S. 23, Reg. Sess. at 9 (1893). The Court sustained Commissioner MeGaughey’s demurrers, with ten of twenty-seven Senators—enough to have prevented convietion—signing a statement that they voted to sustain “for the reason that under our view of the law the respondent can not be impeached under these [prior-term] charges.” Id. Nineteen Senators voted to acquit on every article. /d. at 169-78, During his 1917 impeachment, Governor James E. Ferguson unsuccessfully raised the prior-term doctrine in response to four of the twenty-one articles of impeachment, See State of Tex. Senate, Rec. of Proc. of the High Ct. of Impeachment on the Trial of Hon. James E. Ferguson, Governor, S. 35, 2nd & 3rd Sess. at 17, 27 (1917). His defense failed, but for reasons not at issue here. First, those four articles addressed the Govemnor’s ongoing misuse of public funds, continued failure to repay his indebtedness to the State, and personal profit from misappropriated State money during both his prior and then-current terms. See id. at 767-69, 779-81. Second, the House committee appointed to investigate the charges against the Governor expressly indicated it made ' See. e.g., @BriscoeCain, Twitter (July 25, 2023, 10:17 PM), 11297075202. “no finding as to whether these facts were unknown or concealed from the public at the time James E, Ferguson was elected Governor in 1914 and 1916, because no evidence was introduced upon that question.” Id. at 695 (emphasis added). And finally, the House Managers argued that the Governor knowingly and continuously concealed the source of the financial transactions even throughout his impeachment proceedings. Jd. at 704, None of these circumstances exist here: nineteen of the Articles occurred, if at all, entirely before the Attorney General's most recent election; counsel has introduced extensive evidence showing the allegations were known to the public beforehand, see Exhibit A; and the House does not charge Attomey General Paxton with continuing to conceal any ongoing misconduct. Most significantly, however, neither the Managers ;peachment suggested that the prior-term doctrine did not apply by virtue of the Governor's status as a constitutional officer, or because the Legislature had invoked the constitutional impeachment process. The Court explained the prior-term doctrine’s mechanics in 1931, during Judge J.B. Price’s impeachment. Judge Price’s counsel argued that the House’s claims failed because they “refer{red] to action by him prior to his election as district judge for the term for which he now holds, and cannot therefore be the subject matter of impeachment.” $. Journal Supp., 42nd Cong., 2nd Sess. at 283-89, 290, 335 (1931). As counsel recognized, “t]he proceedings in the address for the removal of [Judge Willis] establishe[d] the precedent in this State that an officer will not be removed by address or impeachment for offenses committed prior to his election for the term which he is serving at the time the articles of impeachment are preferred or the address is presented.” Jd. at 335. Likewise, the “precedent in the impeachment proceedings” of Commissioner McGaughey proved “the proposition that an officer is not subject to impeachment for offenses committed prior to the term of office he is serving at the time his removal is sought for such prior offenses.” Jd. The Court agreed with counsel and sustained demurrers to multiple articles covering Judge Price’s public conduct prior to his re-election, dismissing those charges outright. /d. at 429-31. As this Court has explained it, the prior-term doctrine is clear: if articles of impeachment rely on “offenses committed prior to his election for the term which he is serving at the time the articles of impeachment are preferred,” id. at 335, the doctrine bars prosecution or removal of the impeached officer. By 1975, when Judge O.P. Carrillo faced concurrent impeachment and removal proceedings by Congress and the Texas Supreme Court, the prior-term doctrine was a well- established part of Texas impeachment precedent. See State of Tex. Senate, Rec. of Proc. Of the High Ct, of Impeachment on the Trial of O.P. Carrillo, Judge. S. 64, Reg. Sess. (1975) (“Carrillo Impeachment Proceedings”); Matter of Carrillo, 542 $.W.2d 105 (Tex. 1976). Before the Senate, Judge Carrillo’s counsel argued that alleged acts forming the basis of the articles of impeachment “occurred prior to the Respondent's election to office,” and were therefore statutorily inadequate grounds for removal. Carrillo Impeachment Proceedings at 160. Counsel offered a continuing objection to “any inquiry preceding [the judge’s election)” because those allegations “would be inrelevant and immaterial under the prior term doctrine.” id. at 473. As counsel explained, the “rationale for the [prior-term] statute is that the public is the ultimate arbiter of what constitutes improper conduct by state officials.” /d. at 160. While evaluating Judge Carrillo’s concurrent removal, the Texas Supreme Court explained that the “spirit” of the statutory prior-term language applies so long as the alleged misconduct is “a matter of public record or otherwise known to the electors” before the most recent election. Carrillo, 542 8.W.2d at 110 (citing Jn re Laughlin, 265 S.W.2d 805, 808 (1954)); see also Reeves ¥, State, 267 S.W. 666 (1924). Echoing this Court’s “sound rationale” for the doctrine, the Supreme Court explained “that the publi as the ultimate judge and jury in a democratic so ty." ean choose to elect their preferred candidate despite allegations of misconduct. “if the public knows about such misconduct prior to the election.” Carrillo, S42 S.W.2d at 110 (citing In re Brown, 512 S.W.2d 317 (1974)). The public must know enough “to cast publie discredit” upon the office or institution, Id. In Judge Carrillo’s case, there was “no evidence whatever that the misconduct of Judge Carrillo ‘was known to the public prior to his election.” Carrillo, 542 8.W.2d at 111. But here, there is no question whether the allegations were publicly known, see Exhibit A, and the Articles are barred both by a textualist reading of section 665.081 and the Texas Supreme Court's application of it Consistent with Texas law, Texas Supreme Court decisions, and this Court’s precedents, the prior-term doctrine squarely applies to this proceeding. Attorney General Paxton is an elected State officer subject to House impeachment and Senate conviction and removal under the Texas Constitution. His impeachment is statutorily controlled by Chapter 665, which includes section 665.081°s prior-term preclusions. The alleged facts underlying Articles I through VII and IX through XX occurred, if at all, prior to his election, and the allegations against him were highly publicized not only at that time, but for years prior. See Exhibit A. Indeed, the factual underpinnings for the Articles have been reported on for years and even served as the focal point of his opponents’ media campaigns during his most recent primary and general elections. See id. ‘Texas voters elected Attomey General Paxton despite those public allegations—so they have the last word, and the prior-term doctrine bars the Attomey General’s removal I. BECAUSE THE PRIOR-TERM DOCTRINE APPLIES, ARTICLES 1 THROUGH VII AND IX THROUGH XX MUST BE DISMISSED. It is undisputed that Articles I through VII and IX through XX, all preferred during the Attomey General’s term that began in January 2023, rely on allegations that occurred, if at all, prior to his current term. And, to the extent the Supreme Court's n seach e requirement app! allegation was ighly publicized to the electorate before voting. See generally, Exhibit A. Article I concems OAG's ongoing role investigating the Mitte Foundation, which has been a public matter since at least 2009 when then-Attomney General Abbott first investigated the Foundation for alleged illegal conduct. Attorney General Paxton’s involvement in the most recent investigation was well publicized in OAG’s 2020 litigation fii Article II states the Attorney General directed OAG employees to prepare a legal opinion regarding impending foreclosure sales on August |, 2020, giving the public notice of the guidance at that time. Similarly, Articles II] and IV claim Attomey General Paxton directed OAG employees to issue a decision related to public records requests made in late 2019, March 2020, and May 2020, and that the Attorney General allegedly improperly obtained access to information held by his office that had not been publicly disclosed from the March 2020 request. OAG ultimately concluded that the FBI report was subject to disclosure in July 2020, Article V alleges Attorney General Paxton misused his authority by retaining an outside counsel, Brandon Cammack, in late August 2020. Article VI alleges the Attorney General wrongfillly terminated employees who reported various internal agency decisions to law enforcement authorities. The employees separated in fall of 2020, and a small number of those employees filed a lawsuit around that time. Related Articles VII and XV allege Attorney General Paxton requested an internal agency investigation and report that contains false or misleading statements related to various events regarding Nate Paul's litigation referrals occurring between 2019 and 2020. Articles IX and X allege the Attorney General received a bribe from Nate Paul, who allegedly employed Laura Olson at one of his corporate holdings in 2019 and assisted with renovations to the Attorney General's home in 2020, Article XI alleges the Attorney General caused undue delay in a state securities case tiated in Collin County in July 2015, the relevant alleged delays oceu 12 years before the 2022 election. Similarly, A le XII claims the Attorney General benefited from a lawsuit filed by one of his campaign donors at the same time as his then-pending securities case. Article XIII alleges Attorney General Paxton made false statements to the State Securities Board in connection with a 2012 temporary lapse in his investment advisor registration. Similarly. Article XIV alleges the Attorney General failed to fully disclose his financial interests in his personal financial statements filed with the Texas Ethics Commissioi these alleged lapses occurred between 2003 and 2011. Articles XVI through XX are general, catchall provisions that allege Attorney General Paxton conspired—or attempted to conspire—to commit “acts described in one or more articles” and that he misused his office in various ways, each of which relate to alleged conduct discussed in earlier Articles that occurred, if at all, prior to 2020 and were known to the public at that time. Aside from Article VIII, every Article must be dismissed under the prior-term doctrine. ‘The allegations contained in each Article predate Attorney General Paxton’s most recent election. and none of the alleged conduct was hidden or concealed from voters before that election. See Exhibit A. Indeed, every single Article has been the subject of a news story or political hit piece that Attorney General Paxton’s opponents have spent years circulating for their own gain. See id. For this reason, the Court should dismiss Articles | through VII and IX through XX. II DISMISSAL PRESERVES THE PEOPLE’S WILL AND PREVENTS POLTICIAL ABUSE OF THE LEGISLATURE’S IMPEACHMENT POWER. ‘The priorterm doctrine provides a necessary safeguard to the Legislature’s awesome impeachment power by affirming the authority of “the public, as the ultimate judge and jury” to elect their preferred candidates. Carrillo, 542 SW.2d at 110 (citing Jn re Brown, 512 $.W.24 317 (1974)). Without this guiding principle, impeachment becomes a tool for political retaliation and abuse. The current proceeding reaffirms this age-old truth. After Judge Willis was acquitted in 1887, it was widely reported that his impeachment was not about the underlying allegations but ‘was “instituted through jealousy and spite” and “prosecuted, not by law but by prejudice” of contemporary poli ians. J. Evetts Haley, The Grass Lease Fight and Attempted Impeachment of the First Panhandle Judge, 38 Southwestern Historical Quarterly 1, 20-21 (Iuly 1934). And when Commissioner McGaughey was acquitted in 1893, his impeachment came to be “viewed as political persecution.” Cortez A. M. Ewing, The Impeachment of Colonel W.L. McGaughey (1893). 15 Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 52, 62 (June 1934). Such behavior should not be rewarded, Texas voters elected Attorney General Paxton to office three consecutive times—most recently mere months before the House secretly began crafting these Articles of Impeachment. By dismissing Articles | through VII and IX through XX, this Court can reaffirm its commitment to the rule of law and precedent and its respect for the sovereign will of Texas’s voters. IV. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, this Court should dismiss Articles I through VII and [X through XX. Respectfully submitted. és/.Judd B. Stone It Judd E. Stone Il Christopher D. Hilton Allison M. Collins Amy S. Hilton Kateland R. Jackson Joseph N. Mazzara ‘STONE|HILTON PLLC 1115 W. Slaughter Ln, Austin, TX 78748 (737) 465-7248, [email protected] christopher hilton{ amy.s.hilton“@’ kateland,[email protected] joseph.mazzara86ia Tony Buzbee The Buzbee Law Firm IP Morgan Chase Tower 600 Travis Street, Suite 7500, Houston, Texas 77002 Thushee' Dan Cogdell Cogdell Law Firm 1000 Main St., Suite 2300 Houston, TX 77002 dan Counsel for the Attorney General CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This motion was served via email on the House Board of Managers” counsel, to wit: Rusty Hardin, [email protected], and Dick DeGuerin, deguerin, on July 31, 2023. (s/ Judd E. Stone I Judd E. Stone I EXHIBIT A contains a chronological list of published articles and news stories reflecting the highly publicized nature of the allegations underlying each of the House’s twenty Articles of Impeachment before the Attorney General's recent election. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Christy Hoppe, “Travis County DA passes on taking action against Atty Gen Ken Paxton,” Ihe Dallas Morning News, Jan, 29, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “AG Paxton won't face securities case charges,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30, 2015. Chuck Lindell and Jazmine Ulloa, “No charges for attorney general,” stustin Ameri Jan. 30, 2015. Statesman, Lauren McGaughy, “Travis DA ends Paxton inquiry ;Case referred elsewhere due to lack of venues” Pine Houston Chronicle, Jan, 30, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Travis DA refers AG probe elsewhere,” Se Antonin Express-News, Jan. 30, 2015. “Huh? Who says the AG isn't political?” San Jintonia Express-News, Feb, 1, 2015. Ken Herman, “For these three, 'P' stands for persistent,” slusiin smuricast-Statesmun, Feb. 6, 2015. “Why Ken Paxton is tying up a dead woman's estate.” Cornus Christi Culler-Times. Feb. 20, 2015, ‘Tom Whitehurst Jr., “Making Texas safe for the GOP,” Corpus Christ Caller-Tinies, March 22, 2015. Lauren McGaughy and Lise Olsen, “Watchdog wants stalled AG probe pursued; Case referred to Collin County DA, who says complaint must be refiled,” Ye Housion Chronicle. March 31,2015. Lauren McGaughy and Lise Olsen, “Watchdog demands action on AG," Sai Antonin Express News, March 31, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “Group to refile AG case,” The Dullus Morning News, April 1,2015. “Independent Prosecutor,” Pie Dullus Mornin News, April 3, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Public Integrity Unit's fate up for debate; Inaction in Paxton case gives fodder 10 foes of bill that would send cases to officials’ home-area prosecutors,” Vhe Houston Chronicle, April 4, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Case shines light on SB 10's dilemma,” Suis inionio Express-News, April 5, 2015. Mike Ward, “Compromise could get ethics bill moving again.” The Housion Chronicle. April 8, 2015. Michael E. Young, “Collin County DA asks Texas Rangers to investigate Texas AG Ken Paxton,” The Dallas Morning News, April 9, 2015. Mike Ward, “Senate OKs bill to move integrity unit; Measure would strip Travis DA's office of status as watchdog,” Phe Houston Chronicle, April 9. 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Grand jury looking into Paxton case,” Phe Houston Chronicle, April 9, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton probe files are sought,” Sur intonio Express-News, April 9, 2015, Gromer Jefferies Jr. and News, April 10, 2015: ele E. Young, “DA deflects Paxton case,” Il Dallas Ao Chuck Lindell, “Texas Rangers to probe Paxton.” ustin -American-Staresman, April 10,2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton case to get review: Collin County DA asks Rangers to conduct probe into violations,” Zhe Houston Chronicle, April 10, 2015, Todd Roberson, “The big stall in Collin County on criminal probe of Attorney General Paxton.” The Dallas Morning News, April 10,2015. “CITY | STATE; Rangers are asked to review Paxton’s violations,” 10, 2015 ‘he Housion Chronicle, April “Questions loom in Paxton ethies case,” Austin Americun-Siaismess, April 11, 2015, “Collin County,” The Dallas Morning News, April 12, 2015. “It's a wrap: Editorials for the week of April 5-11," lust Imverican Statesman, April 12,2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Fire put out by AG smolders again,” Pte Dallay Morning News. April 14, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton's assets put into trust,” / ullas Morning News, April 15, 2015. “Stepping up on the soapbox,” Te Dallas Morning News. April 19, 2015. Marty Schladen, “Texas house votes to move corrupt investigations to DPS,” 20, 2015. Paso Times, April Robert T. Garrett, “House favors yanking corruption probes from Travis, adds provision affecting Paxton’s case,” The Dallas Morning News, April 20, 2015. Robert T. Garrett, “Collin DA Willis recuses himself from Paxton securities-license probe,” Tite Dallas Morning News, April 21, 2015. Robert T. Garrett, “Corruption cases move to counties,” He Dullas Morning News. April 21,2015. David Saleh Rauf, “House votes to dilute ethics watchdog's power.” Dy [onsion ¢ 21, 2015, vicle, April David Saleh Rauf, “House OKs bill on grafi,” San Anonio Luyess-Nows, April 21, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Two Houston attorneys appointed to Paxton case after Collin DA's recusal,” The Dallas Morning News. April 22, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “2 named to oversee AG's case,” The Dallas Morning News, April 23, 2015. ‘Tod Robberson, “Special prosecutors should add credibility to tainted investigation of Paxton.” The Dallas Morning News, April 23, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “2 appointed special prosecutors in Paxton probe: Houston pair vow an impartial review in attorney general's security law case,” The Houston Chronicle, April 23, 2013. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Allen Briefs,” The Dallas Morning News. April 24, 2015. “Hits and Misses,” The Dallas Morning News. April 25, 2015. “Collin County,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, April 26, 2015. “Join Our Blog Debate,” Zhe Dullas Morning News, April 27,2015. EVA-MARIE AYALA, “Tough ethies bills may hit too close to home.” The Dallas Morning News, April 28, 2015, Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Attorney General Ken Paxton says little about Texas Rangers probe into securities violations,” Phe Duallas Morning News, May 6, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton says he hasn't spoken with Rangers about case,” Jv Dallas Morning News, May 7, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “Paxton referrals detailed,” The Dallas Morning News, May 17,2015, Christy Hoppe, “State reviews Mowery deals,” Zhe Dullas Morning News, May 17, 2015. Angela Chronic . “Austin; Records: Paxton earned thousands from referrals,” Denion Record May 18, 2015 Christy Hoppe, “Paxton didn't disclose fee earned for referral,” Th Houston Chronicle, May 18, 2015. “Detailing Paxton’s Deal,” Zie Dallas Morning News, May 21, 2015, Marty Schladen, “Texas Legislature passes controversial corruption measure.” £1 Pause Times May 30, 2015. Tod Robberson, “Clock is ticking for possible indictment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.” ie ing News, June 1, 2015. Judy B. Beeman, “Letters to the Editor,” fori ifarth Siur=Feleerum. June 2, 2015. Lauren McGaughy and Mike Ward, “State judge expands Paxton investigation; Special prosecutors looking into attorney general's case say they are ‘going where the evidence took us." The Housion Chr June 3, 2015. Lauren McGaughy and Mike Ward, “Probe of AG's actions expands; More possible offenses investigated,” Sut Antonio Express-News, June 5, 2015 lation,” Tie Houston Chronicle, June 5.2015. “EDITORIAL: Texas should keep Public Integrity Unit,” The Beaumont Enterprise, June 14, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Investigation of Texas AG Ken Paxton ready for grand jury review.” Dallas Morning News, June 18, 2015. Mike Ward, “Abbott signs bill to revise grand jury system,” He Houswwn Chronic 2015. June 20, Gromer Jeffers Jr, “BRIEFS,” Phe Dutlay Morning News. June 26, 2015. Tanya Eiserer, “Legal woes deepen for AG Paxton,” Hort jHorth Swur-Telegram. July 1.2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton calls the investigation against him a ‘political hit-job.”” The Dallas Morsine News, July 2, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Prosecutor expects Paxton’s indictment; Attorney cites ‘substantial evidence,” Sass Antonio Express-News, July 2.2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Prosecutor: Paxton evidence strong; Fraud case against attorney general will be presented to grand jury soon,” Ihe Housion Chronicle, July 2, 2015. “Texans deserve to know about Paxton,” Fart Worth Stur~Telegram, July 2, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton may be indicted,” Th Dullus Morning News, July 2, 2015, Tod Robberson, “Prosecuting Paxton: Dallas Morning, July 2, 2015 ime for attorney general to face, not flout, the law,” hu Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton may be indicted,” Tie J lla Morning News, July 2, 2015. Lance Murray, “Special prosecutor to seek felony charge against Texas AG Paxton in securities case,” Dallas Business Journal, July 2, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Grand jury will hear Paxton case,” Austin muerivan-Staresman, July 3, 2015. “AG decries case as ‘political hit job,’” Zhe Dallas Morning News, July 3, 2015. Chuek Lindell, “Grand jury will hear Paxton case,” dustin American-Staressian, July 3, 2015. “AG decties case as ‘political hit job," Lhe Dallas Morning News, July 3, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Aide: Paxton case a ‘hit job,” Phu Dallas Jorning News, July 3, 2015. Patrick Svitek, “Paxton aide says A\ July 3, 2015. a target of a ‘political hit job,” 1 Worth Star-Telegram, Sophia Bollag, “Democratic lawyers pursuing legal action against Paxto Telegram, July 3, 2015. ‘ort Worthy Sta “Austin; AG spokesman says case is ‘political hit-job,” Demon Recor hronicle, July 3, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton aide alleges ‘political hit’; Spokesman assails prosecutors over effort to indict attomey general,” The Houston Chronicle, July 3, 2015. “Hits and Misses,” Zw Dallas Morning News. July 4,2015. J. David MeSwane, “Politics fills top jobs at AG office - Correction Appended,” us Statesmen. July 5, 2015. “EDITORIAL: Attomey general's shenanigans embarrass Texas,” The Beannon Fxverprise, July 7, 2015. “What to do about mistaken choice of AG,” Corpus Christi Culler-Times, July 7,2015, Lauren McGaughy, “Texas AG is tied to firm that the feds probed.” Suit snionio Express-News, July 8, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton linked to firm in probe; AG is an investor in company under SEC investigation,” Tie Houston Chronicle, July 8, 2015. “A nonpolitical appeal to reason,” Corpus Christi Caller-Fimes, July 9, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton’s ties grew to 28 from two; AG doesn't cut business interests,” Sun Antonio Express-News, July 9, 2015, Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton grows business ties despite vow," Tie Houston Chronicle, July 9, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Grand jurors mistakenly ID'd,” Zhe Dullas Mornine News, July 10,2015. “Have you heard? 5 STORIES FROM AROUND THE AREA.” Ziie Dutllay 1 10, 2015, Worning News, July “Collin County,” The Datlos Morning News, July 12, 2015 Kevin Cummings, “Collin County grand jury likely to hear Paxton ease,” [uno Siar Courier. July 13, 2015. J. David MeSwane and Chuck Lindell, “Board held off Paxton charges,” lusiin sAmericwn. Statesman, July 14, 2015. ‘Tod Robberson, “As Paxton's legal problems mount, he must keep AG's office out of it,” Jie Dallas Morning News, July 15, 2015. Julieta Chiquillo, “Tech firm in inquiry got city aid,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, July 16,2015. “Abbott should call on attorney general to vacate position,” Sun -Inyelo Standard 2015. mes, July 16, ‘Tom Benning, “Paxton reports healthy $2.5M campaign balance despite legal issues,” The Dallas Morning News, July 17,2015. “MeKinney Briefs,” hv Dallas Mfornine News, July 17, 2015 “BRIEFS,” The Dallas Morning News, July 17,2015. “Paxton displays a lawless disrespect,” Moun: Pleasant Daily Tribune, July 17, 2015, Julieta Chiquillo, “ ‘ollin County,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, July 19, 2015. Tod Robberson, “JOIN OUR BLOG DEBATE,” ite Dullus Marnie News. July 20, 2015, ‘ounding Off,” The Dallas Mornine News. July 24, 2015. “MCKINNEY BRIEFS,” The Dallas Morning News, July 24, 2015. David Saleh Rauf, “No blind trust for gov's investments,” Sun Ani 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton decision looming,” The Dullus Morning News. July 26, 2015, Express-News, July 24, Jeff Mater, “Jeff Mater: Paxton isn't the one on a ‘swamp adventure, 2015. Paso es, July 27, David Saleh Rauf, “Abbott has no blind trust,” hw Houston C/ ‘onicle, July 27, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Paxton team is upping its spin game,” The Dallas Morning News, July 28, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Paxton case lands before grand jury. rhe Houston ronicle, July 29, 2015. Ken Herman, “Paxton’s proxy speaks ill of probe,” Austin America-Siarevmay, July 29, 2015, Lauren McGaughy, “Attorney general's case is before a Collin County grand jury.” Sun stnonio Express-News, July 29, 2015. Pamela Colloff, “Time and Punishment,” Texus Month/v, August 2015, “Reports: Texas AG indicted on multiple charges,” Fort Wurth Star-Telegram, Aug. 1, 2015. “TRIVIA TEXAS The Texas Observer, August 2015. Bruce Tomaso, “Ted Cruz once hailed Ken Paxton as 'my good friend.” Pine Dallas Morning News, Aug. 2, 2015. Bobby Blanchard, “18 other Texas officials who have been indicted, besides Ken Paxton,” Ze Dallas Morning News, Aug. 2, 2015, “Before Ken Paxton, 10 Texas official 2015. indicted since 1917," Austin ston jatesman, Aug. 2, Brandi Grissom, “Paxton indicted,” Jie Dullus Morning News, Aug. 2,2015. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton indicted, reports say,” Austin American-Siaresman, Aug. 2, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Multiple felony charges hit AG: Indicted Paxton expected to turn self in on Monday,” San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 2, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “Paxton team withholding comments about indictment,” The Dullas Morning ‘Aug. 2, 2015. Tod Robberson, “If only Ken Paxton did as Ken Paxton says,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Brandi Grissom, “Support, derision for AG Ken Paxton after release of indictment,” Wie Dullas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Lance Murray, “Texas AG Ken Paxton reportedly indicted on securities fraud charges,” Dulux Business Journal, Aug. 3, 2015. Anna M. Tinsley, “Texas AG Ken Paxton indictment: Witch hunt or justified charges?” Hors Worth Star-Telegram, Aug. 3, 2015. “Todd J. Gillman, “Updated: Ted Cruz keeps distance on Ken Paxton indictment: Castro sees “cancer of corruption” in Texas government,” Fhe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Mike Drago, “Why it matters that Ken Paxton didn't wear a towel in his booking mug,” Wie Du Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. ills Hetheock, “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton booked in Collin County on felony charges,” Dallas Bus wal, Aug. 3, 2015. Brandon Formby, “Paxton will plead not guilty, ask for jury trial,” The Dallas Morning News Aug. 3, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “Paxton’s career and more at stake,” Nhe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. “Paxton wants to expla 015. $0 hear him out,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Aug. 3 Julieta Chiquillo, “Judge cited Paxton's ‘high profile’ case as reason to discard towel for mugshot,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Julieta Chiquillo, “Court lets Paxton ditch the towel for mugshot,” The Dallay Morning News. ‘Aug. 3, 2015. Ed Sterling, “Panel hears testimony in wake of jail deat 2015. Stephenville Empive-Tribume, Aug. 3, “Pive things you need to know today. Aug. 3,” Odessa American, Aug. 3, 2015 Mike Ward, “GOP leaders silent on Paxton; Attorney general's indictment gets no response from top state officials,” Fie Houston Chronicle, Aug. 3, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton expected to surrender Monda; 2015. Justin American-Statesman, Aug. 3, Christy Hoppe, “Investor faces $60K fine for deal that launched Paxton probe.” Me Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Mower Mound Leader, ‘Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Mesyuite Vows. Aug, 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Mano Siar Courier, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton tums self in after securities fraud indictment,” Lewisville Leader, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton tums self in after securities fraud indictment,” fhe Colo Couric Leader, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton tums self in after securities fraud indictment,” 2015. ‘lin corel, Aug. 3, Conner Hammett, “Paxton tums self in after securities fraud indicument,” Hrisco Enterprise. Aug, 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Coppell Gazeue, Aug, 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Allen American, Aug. 3. 2015. “Paxton, Abbott change the subject,” Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Currulizon Leader, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” McKinney Courier. Gazeste, Aug. 3, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton turns self in after securities fraud indictment,” Rowlett Times, Aug. 3, 2015, weshore Mike Ward and Lauren MeGaughy. “GOP saying little on Paxton; Attorney general may tum self in today.” Sun Antonio Express-News, Aug. 3, 2015. Bobby Blanchard, “Long list of Texas politicos have faced criminal cases,” The Dullus Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. “CORRECTION,” Zhe Houston Chronicle, Aug. 3, 2015, “Paxton dragging down state,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Ken Paxton arrested, faces 3 felony counts,” 2015. ism for embattled AG," 7 Brandi Grissom, “Support, eri jews, Aug. 4, 2015 Todd J. Gillman, “Fallout from Paxton case could tarnish Cruz,” The Dallas Mor 4, 2015. cus, Aug, Robert T. Garrett, “Stickland, Sullivan defend Paxton, cl liberal’ Straus ally,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 4, 2015. AG's indictments orchestrated by Julieta Chiquillo, “Judge lets Paxton throw out the towel for mugshot,” Zhe Dallas Morning News Aug. 4, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton surrenders on fraud charges; INDICTMENT: Accusations are laid out in felony securities case,” The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 4, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Paxton case less political than Perry's,” Abilene Reporter-News, Aug. 4, 2015, Matthew Waller, “Paxton case less pol 2015. al than Perry's,” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Aug. 4, “Prosecuting Paxton,” fiw Dallas Murniny News. Aug. 4, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Paxton case less political than Perry's,” Timey rd News, Aug. 4, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Paxton case less px 2015. al than Perry's,” Sun Angelo Standurd-Times. Aug. 4, Brandon Formby, Wendy Hundley and Jeff Mosier, “Paxton: I'll fight,” The Dallas Morning News ‘Aug. 4, 2015. “It's hard for Paxton to fight facts,” Phe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 4, 2015 Lauren McGaughy, “Indictments spell out case against Paxton; AG released on bail; aims for jury trial,” San Anionio Express-News. Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” Carrollton Leader, Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case.” Coppell Gazette. Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to high profile nature’ of case.” Celina Record, Aug. 4, 2013. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to high profile nature’ of case,” Flower Mound Leader, Aug. 4, 2015, Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case.” cette, Aug. 4, 2015. “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” ides, Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case.” Frisco Enterprise, Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel i Mesquite News, Aug. 4, 2015. Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case.” Little Elm Journal. Aug. 4,2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” Plano Star Courier, Aug. 4,2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” {ile American, Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case.” Rowlett Lakeshore Times, Aug. 4, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Judge ordered no towel in Paxton mugshot due to ‘high profile nature’ of case,” The Colony Conrier-Lwader, Aug. 4, 2015, Mike Drago, “Judge: The terrible towel could've cost Paxton a fair trial,” Zhe Dallas Mor News, Aug. 4, 2015. Ken Herman, “Party line voters’ reward: Paxton,” slus/in Americun-Sra mun, Aug. 4, 2015, Mike Ward, “Indictments spell out case against Paxton; Tenure in office could prove difficult,” San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 4, 2015. “EDITORIAL; We all knew; Paxton’s indictment was a matter of time, Aug. 4, 2015. The Houston Chronicl. Danielle Abril, “Servergy: The story behind the McKinney tech firm identified in the Paxton investigation,” Dallas Business Journal, Aug. 4, 2015. Christy Hoppe, “Ex-partner's fine connected to Paxton deal,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 4, 2015. Mike Ward, “Paxton surrenders on fraud charges; Impact: Attorney general's ability to do job effectively at stake,” The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 4, 2015. “LETTERS TO THE EDITOR,” She Dulles Morning News. Aug. 4, 2015, Todd J. Gillman, “Paxton's fallout may taint Cruz,” Jie Dallas Morning News, Aug. 5.2015. Danielle Abril, “Servergy responds to Paxton indictment: It’s disappointing, but we're headed a new direction,” Dallas Business Jounal, Aug. 5, 2015. “AG Paxton gets pass on towel for mugshot,” Mv Dulluy Morning News, Aug. 5.2015, “Voters are both victims, perps in Paxton case,” Corpus Chris/i Caller-Times, Aug. 5.2015. Lauren MoGaughy and Mike Ward, “AG Paxton says he expects to be cleared of fraud,” Sun Antonio Express-News, Aug. 5, 2015. Julieta Chiquillo, Robert T. Garrett and Brandon Formby, “In ruling out towel, judge cited high Profile, faimess,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 5, 2015. Ed Sterling, “Panel hears testimony in wake of jail death; Capital Highlights,” Llc Journal. Aug. 5, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy and Mike Ward, “Paxton tells supporters: I expect t0 be vindicated,” ite Housion Chronicle, Aug. 5, 2015. Ed Sterling, “Panel hears testimony in wake of jail death; Capital Highlights,” Burner Bulletin, ‘Aug. 5, 2015. James Ragland, “Without towel for Paxton, Collin's policy gets soaked,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 5, 2015. Ken Herman, “Paxton getting only tepid GOP support,” Austin danerican-Sinesinan, Aug. 5,2015. Lisa Falkenberg, “Commentary; Paxton dodges the ‘great equalizer’ of towels in booking photo.” The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 5, 2015. “EDITORIAL: Attorney general's indictment is embarrassing,” Jie Beawnon! Enterprise, Aug. 5, 2015. Sharon Grigsby, “Attorney General Paxton’s very bad week ~ and it's only Wednesday,” he Dallus Morning News, Aug. 5, 2015. “Paxton defenders are tepid bunch,” sthilene Reporter-News, Aug. 5, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Lawyers: Paxton case hinges on betrayal of trust.” Aug. 5, 2015. ustin Americun-Sparesms. Tod Robberson, “The emerging Paxton Doctrine: Abide only by the laws you agree with. Dallas Morning News, Aug. 6, 2015. “Texas AG indicted: Viet vets remembered; UTA legal aid,” 2015. rt Worth Siar-Telewram, Aug. 6, Ross Ramsey, “Paxton’s career rests on scales of justice,” Su Angelo Siandard-Fimes, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” AfeKinney Courier-Cazee, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt, Lewisvil cader. Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” illen American, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” Frisco Enterprise, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” Coppell Gazesie, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, : Making mud and kicking dirt,” The Colon Cou Leader, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dir.” Celina Record, Aug. 6, 2015, Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dit Rowlett Lakeshore Times, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” Carroflion Leuder, Aug. 6, 2015. Litsle El Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dis Jounal, Aug. 6, 2015. Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” \fesguiie News, Aug. 6, 2015, Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” Mower Mound Leader, Aug. 6, 2015, Ken Byler, “Column: Making mud and kicking dirt,” Plano Sian Comrier, Aug. 6, 2015. Terri Langford, “Tarrant judge has key role in Paxton case.” Jor Worth Sior-Telegram, Aug. 6, 2015. “LETTERS; City secretary vindicated,” Ie Housion Chronicle, Aug. 6, 2015. “Cronyism as usual,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 6, 2015, Julieta Chiquillo, “Judge lets AG Ken Paxton off towel hook in photo,” Hiv Dullay Morning News, ‘Aug. 7, 2015. i “We believe Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton should resign,” Denton Record-Chroniele. Aug. 7, 2015. “No Towel Treatment,” Phe Dallus Morning News, Aug. 7, 2015. “Paxton in an awkward position,” Corus Chrivi Caller-Limes, Aug. 7, 2015. Matt Peterson, “First court appearance set for Attomey General Paxton on securities fraud charges,” The Dallas Morning News. Aug. 7, 2015. Matt Peterson, “Sounding Off” he Dallas Morning News, Aug. 7, 2015. “Hearing’s intended prey fights back,” Abilene Reporier-News. Aug. 7, 2015. “LETTERS; Cleanup roadblocks.” Thu Housion Chronicle. Aug. 7.2015. “LETTERS TO THE EDITOR,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 7, 2015. “Should Paxton throw in the towel?” Phe Dallas Morving News, Aug. 8, 2015. “Ups and downs; The heat isn't the only thing that has us boiling; elected officials have our ire, too.” The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 8, 2015. “Paxton indictment: Though the choice remains his, AG should resign,” Ye Duily Texan, August 8, 2015. “KEN PAXTON,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 9, 2015. “It's time for Ken Paxton to step down,” Austin American-Stasesman, Aug. 9, 2015, Lance Murray, “Week in Review: A fight for a tortilla tycoon's estate, Ken Paxton’s indictment and a giant ranch make the news,” Dallas Business Journal, Aug. 9, 2015, “EDITOR'S NOTE: We are unveiling a new feature on today's editorial page,” Denon Recor Chronicle, Aug. 9, 2015. James Osborne, “History of hype at firm,” Zhe Dullus Morning News, Aug. 9, 2015, Brandi Grissom, “AG Ken Paxton seeks to quash order to appear in contempt case,” She Dallas Morning News, Aug. 10, 2015. “Paxton’s problems evident pre-election,” Zimes Record News, Aug. 10, 2015, “Paxton’s problems were evident before election,” Sur Angel Siundarel-Times, Aug. 10, 2015. Peggy Fikac, “OPINION COLUMNIST; Watchdog makes big waves with small resources,” Sun tugclo Standard-Times. Aug. 10, 2015. _ Peggy Fikac, “Watchdog holds Texas’ top dogs accountable.” 2015. nicle, Aug. 10, “Your Turn,” San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 12,2015, “Paxton’s investors circle wagons,” Cornus Christi Calter-Times, Aug. 12, 2015. “Paxton’s investors circle wagons in light of trouble.” Sun singe/u Stundursl-Times, Aug. 13,2015. Forrest Milburn, “Praying for Paxton,” Plano Siur Cowrier, Aug. 13, 2015. Forrest Milburn, “Praying for Paxton,” isco Enierprive, Aug. 13, 2015 Forrest Milburn, “Praying for Paxton,” McKinney: Courier-Cazeme, Aug. 13,2015. Forrest Milburn, “Praying for Paxton, fun Americun. Aug. 13,2015. Forrest Milburn, “Your Turn,” Se nionio Express-News, Aug. 13,2015. “Sounding Off,” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 14, 2015. “Letters,” For! Warth Star-Telegram, Aug. 14, 2015. Ross Ramsey, “Some murmur of Paxton successor.” Corpus Christi Caller-Limes, Aug. 14, 2015 Bobby Blanchard, “Texas AG Ken Paxton received 7 emails of support after news of his indictment,” The Dallay Morning News, Aug. 18, 2015 Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Prosecutors re-indict Texas AG Ken Paxton, but charges remain the same,” ‘Dre Dallas Morning News, Aug. 18, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Paxton's role called a pattern; Board challenges ruling on investor.” Sun Aioni Express-News, Aug. 18, 2015, Todd J. Gillman, “Perry rejects calls for indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton to resign.” he Dallas Morning News, Aug. 19, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., 2015. Indictments against Paxton reissued,” The Dullas Morning News, Aug. 19, Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton re-indicted to clarify accusations,” Fie /Tousion Chronicle. Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” The Colony Con 2015. cuuler, Aug. 19, Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County.” isco Enterprise, Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Rowlett Lakeshore Times, Aug. 19,2015, Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Allen stmericun. Aug. 19,2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin Count esquite News, Aug, 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Pun Stur Courier Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Mower Mound Leuder, Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” McKinney Courier-Cuzette, Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Lewisville Leader, Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, ‘axton re-indicted in Collin County,” Little Elm Journal, Aug. 19, 2015, Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Coppel! Gazesw, Aug, 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Culinu Record, Aug. 19, 2015. Conner Hammett, “Paxton re-indicted in Collin County,” Carrollton Leader, Aug. 19, 2015. RIEFS,” San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 19, 2015, Todd J. Gillman, “Paxton OK to stay, Perry says.” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 20,2015. Chuck Lindell, “Redone charges clarify Paxton case,” dusiin dmericas-Siatesman, Aug. 20,2015. “Your Turn,” San Anionio Express-News, Aug. 20,2015. David Saleh Rauf, “Paxton battling supporter over ethics probe; Attorney General's Office backing agency investigating Empower Texans’ use of money in political campaigns.” ie Houston Chronicle, Aug. 20, 2015, “LETTER! the Houston Chronicle, Aug. 22, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Defense of faith defines Paxton.” slustin Ameri “Collin County,” The Dullus Morning News, Aug. 23, 2015, esmant, Aug. 23,2015 “It's a wrap: Editorials for the week,” Austin Americun-Statesman, Aug. 23, 2015. Lise Olsen and Lauren MeGaughy, heirs; AG defends work,” axton role in Hunt case faulted: Questions raised on deal for 1¢ Houston Chronicle, Aug. 23, 2015. Lise Olsen and Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton probate role examined; Experts frown at his moves in Hunt case,” Sav Amonia Express-News, Aug. 23, 2015, Bobby Blanchard, “Report: Ken Paxton’s ethics, actions in probate case raise ques Dallas Morning News, Aug. 24, 2015. ns,” The Brandi Grissom, “Gov. Greg Abbott: AG Ken Paxton is innocent until proven guilty.” The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 24, 2015. Peggy Fikac, “Poll: Republicans not backing Paxtor he Howson Chronicle, Aug. 24, 2015, Peggy Fikac, “Most in GOP poll say Paxton should resign; Over half of tea party voters agree.” San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 24,2015. Peggy Fikac, “Gov on Paxton: Let legal process work; Abbott says he hasn't seen poll.” Sai Antonio, News, Aug. 25, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Funds for prosecutor fees cut,” The Dallas Mor News, Aug. 25, 2015. Peggy Fikac, “GOP says Paxton presumed innocent; Officials agree AG should not resign unless proven guilty,” The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 25, 2015. Brandi Grissom, “Abbott: Calls for AG's resignation premature,” Ji Dallas Morning News, Aug. 25,2015. “EDITORIAL: Texans deserve attomey general free of felony charges,” Ihe Beaumont Enterprise. ‘Aug. 26, 2015. “Wait and see on Paxton,” ori Worth Slar-Telegram, Aug. 26, 2015, Bill Hethcock, “Attorey General Ken Paxton pleads not guilty to defrauding investors, his Valerie Wigglesworth, “Attorney General Ken Paxton seeks new attorney on securities fraud charges,” Dallas Business lournul, Aug. 27, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Ken Paxton's rough day in court shows his legal, political teams aren't ready for fight ahead,” The Dallas Morning News. Aug. 27, 2015. Dave McNeely, “Paxton is a democratic piflata,” Ahilene Repurter-News, Aug. 27,2015. Dave MeNeely, “Paxton is the Democrats’ piftata,” Corpus Christi Cafler-Times, Aug. 27, 2015. Paul J. Weber, “Texas attorney general Paxton pleads not guilty to fraud,” £4/ aso Times, Aug, 27, 2015 Anna M. Tinsley, “Texas attorney general pleads not guilty, seeks new attomey,” Mor Mort Stars Telegram, Aug. 27,2015. “LETTERS; Arabic language lessons,” Tie Houston Chronicle, Aug. 27, 2015. Dave McNeely, “Paxton just a Democratic pifiata,” Seu Angelo Standurd-Tines. Aug. 28,2015, Valerie Wigglesworth, “Paxton's attorney quits case, citing differences,” Te Dullos Morning News, Aug. 28, 2015. Tod Robberson, “Paxton's lawyer switcheroo suggests the stakes are higher than he acknowledges,” Thy Dallas Morning News, Aug. 28, 2015. Mark Greene, “Judicial vacancies; Iran deal; Paxton unknown; The Donald; Bears and Frogs; Letters,” ort Worth Star-Telegram, Aug. 28, 2015. Mark Greene, “BRIEFS,” Zine Duilay Morning News, Aug. 28, 2015. “Keep cameras in courtroom for Paxton trial,” Fort Hurth Star-Telegram, Aug. 28, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “AG is in need of solid team,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, Aug. 28, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Securities case to hang over Paxton; Attorney general pleads not guilty to 3 felonies as lead counsel resigns.” The Housion Chronicle. Aug. 28, 2015. Ken Herman, “Paxton case on TV? It's your right,” lustin American-Stutesman, Aug. 28, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton pleads not guilty in court,” dusiin AmericanStutesman, Aug. 28, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton loses his lead lawyer; AG enters not guilty plea,” Sur ant Express-News, Aug. 28, 2015. “Bell Helicopter opens new manufacturing plant in Louisiana, 28, 2015, ‘ort Worth Star-Telegram, Aug. Brian M. Rosenthal, “3 prosecutors now are working on the Paxton case: More people were needed to study evidence,” San Anionio Express-News. Aug. 29,2015. Brian M. Rosenthal, “Lawyer added in case against Paxton; Prosecutors say help was needed to process the volume of files,” Hie Houston Chronicle, Aug. 29, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Negative Paxton poll draws scrutiny,” Sun Angelo Sundavdl-Times, Aug. 30, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Negative Paxton poll draws scrutiny,” thilene Reporier-News, Aug. 30,2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Collin County.” The Dallay Morning News, Aug. 30, 2015, “Conflict of interest must be av led.” Sew Antonio Express-News, Aug. 31,2015. Denise Marks, “LETTERS, Houston Chronicle, Aug. 31, 2015, “Attorney General Paxton pleads not guilty to charges,” Stephenville Empire-Trihune, Aug. 31, 2015. “Poor, Poor Ken Paxton,” The Texas Observer. Sept. 1, 2015. Matthew Waller, “Negative poll draws scrutiny,” Corpus Cihristi Culler=Times, Sept. 1, 2015 Christopher Hooks, “That Sinking Feeling,” Lhe Texus Ohserver, Sept. 1, 2015. ‘Noah M. Horwitz, “Recent failures of politicians reflect ineptitude of candidates and voters.” Fhe Duily Texan, Sept. 1, 2015. “CAPITAL HIGHLIGHTS: Attorney General Paxton pleads not guilty to charges.” Glen Rose Reporter, Sept. 1, 2015. Ed Sterling, “Attorney General Paxton pleads not guilty to charges.” The Highlander. Sept. 1, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “County officials must hold DA accountable,” Fe Dallas Morning News, Sept. 1, 2015. “JOIN OUR BLOG DEBATE,” Zhe Dallas Morning News, Sept. 1, 2015. Ross Ramsey, “The luxury of I-party immunity,” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Sept. 2, 2015. “LETTERS; A decade after Kat The Houston Chronicle, Sept. 2, 2015. “Abbott, Paxton don’t own the government,” Corpus Christi Culler-Times, Sept. 3, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “AG Ken Paxton gets extension to choose his defense team,” Lhe Dullos Morning News, Sept. 3, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton gets a week extra to find lawyer,” dusty Americun-Statexman, Sept. 4, 2015. “BRIEFS,” The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 4, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Paxton gets an extra week to find legal representation, Chronicle, Sept. 4, 2015. the Houston Tod Robberson, “More reasons to question Ken Paxton's integrity?” Hite Dullus Morning News. Sept. 9, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, 2015. axton prosecution cost cap is pushed,” Sur Antonio Express-News, Sept. 9, Lauren McGaughy, “Collin County seeks to cap Paxton case costs; Officials question whether taxpayer money can pay for prosecution,” The Houston Chronicle, Sept. 9, 2015. Chris Tomlinson, “Commentary; States have role watching trading,” The Houston Chronich 9, 2015. «. Sept. “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's case gets even messier,” Furi Wiovih Star-Telegram, Sept. 10, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Fees for Paxton case up in air.” The Dull ws Morning News, Sept. 10, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Officials ask fee cut for Paxton's prosecutors.” 10, 2015, Justin American-Stulesmumn, Sept. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Texas AG Ken Paxton hires Terri Moore, Dan Cogdell to lead defense team,” The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 10,2015. Chuck Lindell, “Veteran white-collar-case attorney to lead Paxton's defense,” Austin Ame: Statesman, Sept. 11, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr., “2 hire on to defend Paxton,” The Dulas Morning News, Sept. 11, 2015 “State's lawyer should have more scruples,” Corpus Christi Caller-Fimes, Sept. 11, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Two top-flight attorneys now working for Paxton; Both known for ability to gain juries' rust: AG faces 3 counts.” Sun sintoni Express-News, Sept. 11, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton selects defense lawyers,” Ie Houston Chronicle, Sept. 11, 2015. “Texas Attorney General,” Phe Dallas Morning News, Sept. 11, 2015. “Ups and downs; Oil prices, Swift impacts parking and Kyle Field reopens,” The fouyon Chronicle, Sept. 12, 2015. “Collin County,” The Dallos Morning News, Sept. 13, 2015 “No Headline In Original,” Abilene Reporter-News. Sept, 13, 2015. “Perry has time to focus on indictment,” Fort Worth Siar-Tulegramn, Sept. 14, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Coli without guidance from judge. County budgets for special prosecutors in AG Ken Paxton case The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 15, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Collin County budgets $100,000 for Paxton,” Jie Houston Chronicle, Sept. 15, 2015. Gromer Jeffers Jr, “Cruz is positioned well even in midst of Trump frenzy.” The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 15, 2015. “Latest Paxton news could help or hurt legal woes,” Mort Horrh Stur-Felouram, Sept. 18, 2015. “MCKINNEY BRIEFS,” Hiv Dullax Morainy News, Sept. 18, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton conflict-of-interest questions raised in new filing.” lusiin Americ Statesman, Sept. 18, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “New questions raised on Paxton, witness.” Sui nium Express-News, Sept. 18, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “CEO: Paxton paid as political adviser; Credibility of key witness in doubt, attomeys say,” The Houston Chronicle, Sept. 18, 2015. Bobby Blanchard, “Report: Ken Paxton paid $100,000 in company shares to provide political advice.” Tw Dallas Morning News. Semi. 18, 2015. “Paxton should have more scruples,” Denton Recurd!-U'hronicle, Sept. 20, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Three more lawyers added to AG Ken Paxton’s defense team,” fv Dallas Morning News, Sept. 24, 2015. Chuck Lindell, “Ken Paxton adds 3 lawyers to defense,” Austin Americun-Statesmun, Sept. 25, 2015, Valerie Wigglesworth, “Paxton adds 3 attorneys to defense team,” fiw Dallas Morning News Sept. 25, 2015. “DIALOGUE,” The Texus Observer, Ootober 2015. Erica Grieder, “Stinging Indictment,” fexas Monthly. October 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Paxton team seeking details” he allay Morning News, Oct. 2, 2015. Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton's attorneys subpoena grand jury's selection data.” Hie Housion Chronicle, Oct. 3, 2015. “Around the area,” The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 3, 2015, Valerie Wigglesworth, “Special prosecutors seek to quash subpoenas from Paxton's defense team,” The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 8, 2015. Lauren MeGaughy, “Prosecutors: Paxton subpoenas ‘desperat 2015. The Houston Chi Lauren McGaughy, “Paxton's subpoenas targeted; Prosecutors call legal challenges fishing expedition,” San Antonio Express-News, Oct. 8, 2015. Charles Kuffner, “Not so fast with those subpoenas,” ¢ Kuff, Oct. 10, 2015. “Let state officials live outside Austin,” San tmonio Express-News, Oct. 10, 2015. ‘Tom Whitehurst Jr., “The polities b 2015. trust in God,” Corpus Christi Culler-inws. Oct. 11, Gromer Jeffers Jr. Ken Paxton pol }OP presidential contender Rick Santorum says indictment against Texas AG lly motivated,” The Dallas Morning News, Oet. 12, 2015. Peggy Fikac, “Paxton 'more proactive’ after legal difficulties,” The Houston Chrunicle, Oct. 12, 2015. Peggy Fikac, “OPINION COLUMNIST; Through religion, Paxton protects himself,” Sun nionio Express-News, Oct. 12,2015. Zach Montellaro, “Santorum Defends Texas Attorney General,” National Journal, Oct. 13, 2015, Gromer Jeffers Jr., “Santorum calls Paxton case politically motivated.” Phe Dallas Morning News, Oct. 13, 2015. Zach Montellaro, “Santorum Defends Texas Attorney General.” National Journal, Oct. 13, 2015. Zach Montellaro, “Santorum Defends Texas Attorney General,” Zhe Horline. Oct. 13, 2015. “Santorum defends Paxton against ‘political prosecution,™ Zhe Dallas Morning News, Oct. 14, 2015. Anna M. Tinsley, “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's Fort Worth hearin Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 16, 2015. canceled,” Fort Valerie motions, gglesworth, “Paxton hearing on Friday canceled; judge to issue written ruling on The Dallas Morning News. Oct. 16, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Paxton’s defense team gets Collin County records on grand jury selection,” ‘ning News, Oct. 16, 2015. Valerie Wigglesworth, “Collin County,” The Dullus Morning News, Oct. 16, 2015. VALERIE WIGGLESWORTH, “Grand jury records released,” 7H! DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Oct. 17, 2015. J. David McSwane, “Ken Paxton supporter sues to block payments to prosecutors in AG's securities fraud case,” The Dallas Morning News. Dee. 30, 2015. Philip Jankowski, “Police chief on leave during probe,” -tustin American 2016. vatesman, March 17, Ross Ramsey, “Effort to silence whistleblower fails.” Sait Angelo Standurd-Times June 12,2016. “EDITORIAL: Paxton donation shows need for tighter laws,” Zhe Beaunon Enterprise, Aug. 1, 2016. Lisa Dreher, “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to be tried twice for securities fraud,” Ire Duil Texan. Feb. 20, 2017. “Paxton facing bribery inquiry.” The Houston Chr Oct. 7, 2017. Andrea Zelinski, “AG Paxton backs $2M loan to wife's campaign for state Senate,” Sun dniontio Express News, Feb, 11,2018. “EDITORIAL: AG Paxton must respond to aide’s remarks,” Tie Beaumont Enterprise, Feb. 12, 2018. LAUREN MCGAUGHY, “Rival wishes Paxton “Happy birthday’ to his criminal charges,” The Dallas Morning News. Aug. 3, 2018. Andrea Zelinski, Paxton case is in limbo after ruling; Special prosecutors can't get promised big fees, court says San Antonio Express News, Nov. 22,2018. Patrick Svitek & Emma Platoff, “Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rules against prosecutors in AG Paxton payment case,” Sine Houston Chronicle, Nov. 27. 2018. Andrea Zelinski, “Lawyers want Paxton ruling revisted,” The Housi Dec. 5, 2018. Cheaniel Emma Platoff, “Wife's bill would let Paxton waive securities rules.” usiin slmerican-Sluresmau. Feb. 18, 2019. “Around the State,” The Houston Chronicte, Feb, 20, 2019. Andrea Zelinski, “Paxton's wife defends bill empowering him.” The Houston Chri 2019. “Show of arrogance; A bill written by Paxton's state senator wife could help the attorney general skirt charges,” Die /louston Chronicle, Feb. 22, 2019. “Roadblock to justice in Paxton case indefensible,” Sau Amonio Express News, July 8, 2019. Taylor Goldenstein, “Judge weighs moving Paxton’s case, again; Decision by end of January may push case to trial in 2015 securities fraud allegations,” he Housion Chronicle, Dec. 18, 2019. Emma Platoff, “Criminal case against Texas Attomey General Ken Paxton will return to his native Collin County, judge rules,” Hort Harrh Business Press, June 26, 2020, Emma Platoff, “Texas AG Ken Paxton's criminal case likely to face further delays as attorneys revive fights over venue, prosecutor pay,” Longview’ News-Journat, July 19, 2019. Taylor Goldenstein, “Texas AG Paxton's trial further delayed,” Sun stnioniv Express News, July 28, 2020. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton criminal case, now 5 years old, delayed ag: Sietesman, July 28, 2020. 2 dustin American. Chuck Lindell, “State appeals court in Houston delays Paxton criminal case, now 5 years old,” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, July 31,2020, Emma Platoff, “Judge won't be removed from criminal case against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton,” The Panola Watchman, Aug, 26, 2020. Mark Curriden, “Texas AG Ken Paxton says he will not resign; claims ‘rogue employees' made ‘false allegations,” Dullay Business Journal. Oct. 5, 2020. Paul Thompson, “World Class’ Nate Paul at center of allegations against Texas' attorney general, reports say; Developer enveloped by bankruptey cases,” Justin Business lournal, Oct. 5, 2020. Mark Curriden, “Who is Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general accused of bribery and abuse of office?” Kort Worsh Business Press, Oct. 6, 2020, Bob Sechler and Shonda Novak, “Nate Paul known for real estate empire, legal woes; Austin businessman now tied to eriminal complaint against Ken Paxton,” usin Statesmen, ct. 6, 2020. “Texas Attomey General Ken Paxton says he won't resign after accusations of criminal activity by top aides,” Fort Worrh Business Press, Oct, 6, 2020, “Who is Nate Paul, the real estate investor linked to abuse-of-office allegations against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton?” Mort Worth Business Press, Oct. 7, 2020. Emma Platoff and Shannon Najmabadi, “In new email, senior aides say Ken Paxton used power of his office to benefit political donor Nate Paul,” Longview NewssJournal, Oct. 8, 2020. ‘Shonda Novak, awyer suspected ‘something fishy’ in AG's office; He says Ken Paxton pushed nonprofit to accept “pennies on the dollar’ in case against Nate Paul,” Justin line Statesman, Oct. 8, 2020. “Travis County district attorney's office disputes part of Ken Paxton's defense of bribery allegations,” Fort Worth Business Press, Oct. 9, 2020, Chuck Lindell, “Rushed legal opinion raised some red flags,” slustitn Anverican-Statesman, Oct. 9, 2020. Bob Sechler, “Foreclosure sales were canceled after Paxton legal opinion, Statesmun, Oct. 10, 2020. ‘Nate Paul, attorney sanctioned as lawsuit against foundation dismissed; Judge: bad faith and for the purpose of harassment,” -lusfin Business Journal, Oct. Paul Thompson, Suit was ‘brought 12, 2020. “Paxton fought $300 hourly rate for attorneys prosecuting him, but OKs it for "rookie" lawyer in donor's case,” The Brownsville Herald, Oct. 12, 2020. Chuck Lindell, “Prosecutors in the long-running criminal case against Texas,” Journal, Oct. 21, 2020. Busine “Second whistleblower fired from Texas attorney general's office after accusing Ken Paxton of bribery,” Fort Worth Business Press. Oct. 23, 2020. Chuck Lindell, “Judge: Paxton case should return to Collin County,” Oct. 24, 2020. Vin Americun-Stetesman, Emma Platoff, “The attorney general's office has sidelined four of the seven whistleblowers who reported Ken Paxton to law enforcement,” Te Panola Watchman, Oct. 25, 2020. Bob Sechler and Shonda Novak, “Paxton investigation looked into Paul *s conspiracy allegations,” LAUREN McGAUGHY, “Paxton trial move on hold for now.” PHI! DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Oct. 30, 2020. Taylor Goldenstein, “Paxton trial move on hold - for now,” Jie Houston Chronicle, Oct. 30,2020. ‘Court documents show friendly relationship between Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Nate Paul, donor at the center of new criminal allegations,” Longview Newy-Journul, Nov. 6, 2020. Chuck Lindell, “Paxton deputies complain of retaliation,” Austin Amvricun-Sienesman, Nov. 6, 2020. “2 say Paul staffer, Paxton linked,” The Dullus Mornin News, Nov. 7, 2020. “Ken Paxton Must Resign Now,” 7ike Dallas Morning News, Nov. 8, 2020, “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton must resign now,” Lumgview New'sJournul, Nov. 10, 2020. “Paxton back in hot water. He's escaped before,” Sasi tnvelo Standar

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