OSE Extended A5 - Spells v005

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1st LEVEL SPELLS Pass Undead

SPELLS Duration: 1 turn per level

Aid Range: The caster or a creature touched
A variety of spells to expand the caster’s spell list. Duration: 6 turns ------------------------------------------------
Range: The caster or a creature touched The subject is rendered completely
▶ Adding: The spells below may be added normally at the spells available to arcane and divine spell
------------------------------------------------ undetectable to undead.
caster or be acquired through Magical Research.
A living subject touched gains bonus hit
▶ Origins: The majority of spells listed are from the first editions of Dungeons & Dragons with some ▶ Detection: Undead with 6 or more HD may
adaptations. save versus spells to detect anyone
▶ Original spells: New spells crafted are specified with a ※ at the right side of the spell name. ▶ Bonus hit points: Subject gains a protected by this spell. Undead with 9 or
▶ Reversed spells: Reversible spells are specified with a ↶ at the left side of the spell name. number of bonus hit points equal to 1d6+1. more HD are never deceived by the spell.
▶ Abbreviations: C: Cleric, D: Druid, I: Illusionist, MU: Magic-User ▶ Any damage suffered: Is subtracted first ▶ Hostile actions: Taking hostile action
from the bonus hit points. against undead (e.g. attacking, casting
CLERIC SPELLS ▶ When the duration ends: If any of the offensive spells) reveals the subject’s
bonus hit points remain, they disappear. presence, but only to the individuals which
▶ Higher level casters: May give more were attacked.
1st LEVEL SPELLS 2nd LEVEL SPELLS 3rd LEVEL SPELLS bonus hit points: an additional 1d6+1 per five
Aid Chant Animate Dead experience levels the caster has gained (i.e. Resist Acid
Command Death Recall ※ Cure Blindness 2d6+2 at 6th–10th level, 3d6+3 at 11th–15th Duration: 6 turns
Humble Pebbles ※ Drag from Death’s Door ↶ Blindness level, etc.). Range: 30’
Pass Undead Healing Splash ※ Death Ward ------------------------------------------------
Resist Acid Resist Lightning Dispel Magic Command All creatures within range are protected from
Sanctuary Reveal Charm Feign Death Duration: 1 round cold, as follows:
Slow Poison Glyph of Warding Range: 10’
▶ Normal acid: Unharmed by non-magical
Strength Prayer ------------------------------------------------
Translate Reflect Coat ※ The caster issues a command of a single word
▶ Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all saving
Speak with Dead to a single human, demihuman, or
throws versus acid-based magical or breath
Tongues human-like monster, as follows:
▶ Commands: If they share a language, the ▶ Acid-based damage: Is reduced by 1 point
4th LEVEL SPELLS 5th LEVEL SPELLS caster may give a command like "flee", "stop",
Blessed Guard ※ Cureall per damage die rolled. (Each die inflicts a
etc, which they will obey. minimum of 1 hit point damage.)
↶ Blighted Guard Cure Critical Wounds
▶ Suicidal commands: Causes the creature
Detect Lie ↶ Cause Critical Wounds
to faint for the spell duration. Sanctuary
Divination Heal
▶ INT 13+ and/or 6+ HD: May save versus Duration: 2 rounds +1 round per level
Exorcise Heavenly Grace Shield ※
spells to avoid command. Range: The caster or a creature touched
Flame Strike Part Water
Restrictions: Undead are not affected. ------------------------------------------------
Lower Water Plane Shift
The caster or another creature cannot be
Restore Regenerate
Humble Pebbles directly attacked:
↶ Energy Drain Truesight Duration: Permanent
Sacrificial Resurrection ▶ Attackers: Must save versus spells to
Range: Touch
Sunburst become able to attack the protected creature.
▶ Area attacks: Can still affect the target.
Consecrate 1d6 sling stones to be used
▶ Protected creature: If the subject attacks
against a certain type of creature (e.g.
or casts a harmful spell, the protection is
goblins, kobolds, undead).
broken, ending the spell.
▶ Against the chosen creature: Gains the
following if used by the caster:
a. +1 on missile attack roll.
b. +3 on damage roll.
c. Considered as a magical attack.
▶ Loses effectiveness: After 1 day.
2nd LEVEL SPELLS Healing Splash Slow Poison 3rd LEVEL SPELLS
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 hour per level
Chant Range: Holy water throwing Range: The caster or a creature touched Animate Dead
Duration: Concentration ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Duration: Permanent
Range: 30' Launches a vial of holy water over an ally to Poisons affecting the subject are dramatically Range: 60’
------------------------------------------------ heal it. slowed, giving the caster time to effect a full ------------------------------------------------
This spell grants the caster to influence other cure. Causes corpses or skeletons to rise as undead
▶ Missile attack roll: Is not required if the
living creatures. Skeletons or Zombies.
target is willing to be hit. ▶ Poison effects: As long as the subject has
▶ Allies: Gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage, ▶ Heals: 1d4+1 hit points of damage in one more than 1 hit point, the slowed poison ▶ Obedient: Created undead obey the
saving throws. living subject for two rounds, as the liquid inflicts 1hp of damage per turn. If the subject caster’s commands.
▶ Foes: Suffer a -1 penalty to attack, drips off. is at 1hp, the poison inflicts no further ▶ Special abilities: They are unable to use
damage, saving throws. damage. any special abilities (including spell casting)
▶ Concentration: The Chant persists as long Resist Lightning ▶ Characters killed by poison: Can be that they possessed in life.
as the caster concentrates on the spell and Duration: 2 turns revived by this spell. Death must have ▶ Duration: The reanimating magic remains
does not move. Range: 30’ occurred within one turn per level of the active until dispelled or until the undead are
------------------------------------------------ caster. slain.
Death Recall A single creature is bestowed with Number: The spell animates up to 1 Hit Die
▶ Natural poisons: If the subject was
Duration: 1 turn supernatural resistance to lightning, as poisoned by a natural plant or animal, the of zombies or skeletons per level of the
Range: Corpse touched follows: caster has a 10% chance per level of knowing caster:
▶ Normal heat: Unharmed by non-magical a herbal antidote that will fully neutralise the ▶ Skeletons: Have AC 7 [12] and HD equal
Upon casting this spell and touching the body
lightning or electricity. poison. In the wilderness, gathering the herbs to those the creature had in life.
of a creature which has died within the last 24
▶ Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all saving for the antidote takes one turn. In a ▶ Zombies: Have AC 8 [11] and HD one
hours, the caster experiences a vision of the
throws versus lightning-based magical or settlement, the herbs may be available for greater than the creature had in life.
last 10 minutes of the creature’s life, ending
breath attacks purchase from a herbalist. ▶ Classed characters: If a PC or NPC with
with its demise:
▶ Lightning-based damage: Is reduced by 1 ▶ When the duration ends: The full effects levels in a class is reanimated by this spell,
▶ Trance: While witnessing the deceased point per damage die rolled. (Each die inflicts of the poison occur. If the subject was revived the levels are not counted as HD. For
creature’s last moments of life, the caster is in a minimum of 1 hit point damage.) from death by this spell, they die once more. example, the reanimated corpse of a 5th level
a trance state, unable to move or perceive
fighter would have 2 HD (1 HD as a normal
their surroundings. Reveal Charm Strength human, +1 for being reanimated as a zombie).
Duration: 1 turn Duration: 6 turns per level
Drag From Death’s Door Range: 30’ Range: Touch Cure Blindness
Duration: Instant ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Duration: Instant
Range: Creature touched Up to 10 creatures within range are caused to Confers a temporary STR bonus, which varies Range: Touch
------------------------------------------------ glow, to determine if they are under the depending on the affected creature’s class. ------------------------------------------------
A subject killed by damage (i.e. not by poison, influence of a charm spell. Cure a subject of any forms of blindness.
▶ +1d4: Non-martial classes.
disintegration, etc.) within the last 3 rounds
▶ +1d6: Semi-martial classes.
is dragged back from the brink of death. ↶ Blindness
▶ +1d8: Martial classes.
▶ Weakness: Returning from death is an Causes permanent blindness upon a creature,
Character’s STR: Cannot go above 18.
ordeal. Until the subject gets two full weeks if it fails a save versus spells.
of bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at half Translate
the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items, Duration: 3 turns
and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other Range: The caster
class abilities. This period of weakness may ------------------------------------------------
not be shortened by any magical healing. The caster gains the ability to understand
▶ Bargain: In return for cheating death, the written information in any language, except
cleric suffers 1d6 damage and the subject coded messages or symbols (e.g. on treasure
suffers a permanent loss of one point from a maps). No ability to speak unknown
random ability score (if using the optional languages is conferred.
rule for returning from death).
Death Ward Feign Death Prayer Speak with Dead
Duration: 1 turn per level Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Duration: 1 round per level Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 60’ Range: The caster or a creature touched Range: 60' Range: 10’
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
A living subject is warded such that they do A willing subject falls into a cataleptic state, This spell grants the caster to influence other The caster may ask questions of a deceased
not die when reduced to 0 hit points, instead indistinguishable from death. living creatures. person, the spirit’s voice echoing out from
being able to survive and continue to act ▶ Hit Dice limit: The subject may not have ▶ Allies: Gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage, beyond the grave.
normally until they reach –10 hit points.. higher HD than the caster’s level. saving throws. ▶ Remains: Some remnant of the person’s
▶ Death saves: The subject also gains a +2 ▶ Senses: The subject retains their senses of ▶ Foes: Suffer a -1 penalty to attack, physical body (e.g. bones) must be within
bonus to saving throws versus death or hearing and smell, but cannot see or feel. damage, saving throws. range.
poison. ▶ Damage: Any damage inflicted on the ▶ Caster: May cast other spells, attack, or ▶ Time since death: It is only possible to
▶ Healing: Healing magic functions subject is halved. take other actions while Prayer is active. awaken the spirit of a person who died within
normally for a character under this ward. For ▶ Immunities: The subject is unaffected by a certain time frame, dependent on the
example, a character could be reduced to paralysis and energy drain. Reflect Coat caster’s level (see table below).
–8hp, then receive a healing spell taking ▶ Poison: The effects of any poison in the Duration: 6 turns +1 per level ▶ Questions: The number which can be
them up to –2hp, then drink a potion of subject’s system are suspended while the Range: The caster or a creature touched asked depends on the caster’s level (see table
healing taking them up to 3hp. spell lasts. Once the duration ends, poison ------------------------------------------------ below). The spirit answers truthfully but
▶ Expiration: Once the spell expires, if the has its normal effect once more. Magic and energy attacks against the briefly, and only possesses knowledge it had
subject has 0 or less hit points, they die ▶ Ending: The caster can end the spell at any protected creature has a 1-in-6 chance of during life.
immediately. time. The subject requires 1 round to awaken. being reflected back at its origin. ▶ Speech: The spirit speaks with tongues it
▶ Break: After 2 spells or attacks are knew in life.
Dispel Magic Glyph of Warding reflected, the spell ends.
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent (until triggered) ▶ Touch: Cannot be reflected. Speak With Dead Limitations
Range: 120’ Range: Touch ▶ Polishment: At 9th level, the chance of
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level Time Since Questions
reflection becomes a 2-in-6 chance. Death
Dispel Magic ends spell effects within a 20’ Inscribes a glyph to protect an area or object.
cube area. ▶ Area: Up to 5' square per caster level. 6 or lower 7 days 2
▶ Caster levels: Effects created by lower ▶ Password: Any creature entering the area
level casters are automatically dispelled. without first speaking the password, triggers 7-8 7 months 3
Effects created by higher level casters have a the glyph.
5% chance per level difference of not being ▶ Glyph: Is invisible and loses power after 9-10 7 years 4
dispelled. triggered and has two usages:
▶ Magic items: Are unaffected. a. Blast Glyph: Inflicts 2 points of damage 11-12 70 years 5
(fire or electricity) per caster level (save
versus spells for half damage). 13+ Unlimited 6
b. Spell Glyph: Causes blindness, paralysis,
or energy drain on a creature (save versus
spells to avoid). Tongues
Duration: 2 turns
Range: The caster
The caster becomes able to speak the
language of any creature within a 15’ radius
4th LEVEL SPELLS Exorcise Restore Sunburst
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Blessed Guard Range: 5’ Range: Touch Range: 120’
Duration: 6 turns ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Range: 60’ Caster can remove foreign influences from a This spell restores one experience level (or Caster conjures a momentary flash of blazing
------------------------------------------------ being (e.g., Magic Jar, charm spells, Hit Die) of a character. golden light rays, emanating from a point
May be used in one of two situations: possession and similar effects). within 120’.
▶ Limit: Only one lost experience level may
1. Battle: Allies within a 10’ square area who ▶ Success Probability: Referee rolls d100 to be restored per character until its former level ▶ Creatures viewing the flash: Must save
are not yet in melee gain a +1 bonus to AC determine success probability per turn of the is achieved again. versus spells or be blinded for 2d6 rounds.
and saving throws, and damage is reduced by exorcism. Probability is adjusted by a 1% for ▶ The cleric: Loses one experience level, as ▶ Undead creatures: Within the flash suffer
1 point per damage die rolled. (Each die each level difference between the caster and if hit by a wight. The loss is not permanent. 1d6 damage per level of the caster, with a
inflicts a minimum of 1 hit point damage.) opposing entity/caster. ▶ Rest for: 2d10 days to regain the lost successful save versus spells indicating half
2. Ritual: Casting Blessed Guard may also ▶ Caster level: Higher level increases experience level. damage.
form part of rituals of warding or probability, lower level decreases probability.
consecration, at the referee’s discretion. ▶ Ritual: Casting Exorcise may also form ↶ Energy Drain
part of rituals of purification or consecration, A successfully hit target permanently loses
↶ Blighted Guard at the referee’s discretion. one experience level (or Hit Die). This incurs
Incurs a -1 penalty to AC and saving throws, a loss of one Hit Die of hit points, as well as
and damage is increased by 1 point per Flame Strike all other benefits due to the drained level (e.g.
damage die rolled (Each die inflicts a Duration: Instant spells, saving throws, etc.). Causes no
minimum of 2 hit points damage.) on Range: 60’ experience level loss to the caster, but it is a
enemies within a 10’ square area. A save ------------------------------------------------ chaotic act, avoided by lawful clerics.
versus spells is allowed to resist the Blighted A vertical column of divine fire 30' high and
Guard. 10' in diameter that roars downward on a Sacrificial Resurrection
target. Duration: Instant
Detect Lie Range: 120’
▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the column
Duration: 1 round per level ------------------------------------------------
suffer 6d6 hit points of damage, with a
Range: 30’ By making a bargain with the powers of
successful save versus spells indicating half
------------------------------------------------ netherrealm, the caster can exchange one
Grants the ability to distinguish truth from soul for another, bringing a dead creature
lies in words heard. Lower Water back to life in return for a sacrifice of equal
Duration: Instant1o turns magnitude.
Divination Range: 240’ ▶ Time limit: The caster can raise a person
Duration: 1 turn ------------------------------------------------ that has been dead for no longer than four
Range: Caster This spell reduces the depth of a body of days per level of the caster above 6th. For
------------------------------------------------ water by half for the duration. An area of up example, a 9th level caster can revive a
Caster gathers information about a location. to 10,000 square feet may be affected. character that has been dead for twelve days
▶ Reveals: Strength of creatures, treasure (three levels above 6th × four days).
quantity, resistances, etc. ▶ Ritual sacrifice: The spell is cast as a
▶ Chance for correct divination: 60% + 1% ritual lasting 1 turn, during which a number
per caster level. of intelligent beings must be sacrificed,
▶ Incorrect divination: May reveal false whose total Hit Dice equal that of the
information, at referee's description. creature to be resurrected.
▶ Weakness: Returning from death is an
ordeal. Until the subject gets two full weeks
of bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at half
the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items,
and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other
class abilities. This period of weakness may
not be shortened by any magical healing.
5th LEVEL SPELLS Heavenly Grace Shield Regeneration
Duration: 6 turns Duration: Permanent
Cureall Range: The caster or a creature touched Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Range: Touch This spell summons 1d6+1 guardians from Body parts, bones, and organs grow back.
------------------------------------------------ the heavenly realm. The guardians are faintly ▶ Time to regenerate:
A powerful restoration spell against any kind visible, whirling around a creature, forming a
of harm: a. 1 round: Severed limbs to rettach.
protective shield against magic.
b. 2d4 turns: If a body part must be grown
▶ Panacea: Resolves effects like curses, ▶ Spell reflection: When the protected from scratch.
poisoning, blindness, petrification, creature is targeted by a spell, one of the
polymorph, feeblemind, etc. guardians negates that spell. The guardian ↶ Decay
▶ Limit: Only one harmful effect may be perishes. A body part or organ shrivels in 1 round,
resolved per spell use. ▶ Expiration: Once all guardians have becoming useless. It withers, falls, and
negated a spell, Heavenly Grace Shield ends. crumbles into dust in 2d4 turns. In combat, a
Cure Critical Wounds
Duration: Instant melee attack roll is required. Some kinds of
Part Water magic (e.g. Cure Disease or Remove Curse)
Range: The caster or a creature touched Duration: 6 turns
------------------------------------------------ stops decaying.
Range: 120’
The caster’s touch heals 3d6+3 hit points of ------------------------------------------------ Truesight
damage in one living subject. This cannot A body of water parts, revealing a pathway Duration: 1 turn +1 round per level
raise the subject’s hit points above their across the bottom. Range: The caster
normal maximum.
▶ Size: The path is 10’ wide and up to 120’ ------------------------------------------------
long. The subject sees all things within 120’ as they
↶ Cause Critical Wounds
▶ Dismissing: The caster may end the spell truly are.
Inflicts 3d6+3 hit points of damage to a
touched creature. In combat, a melee attack any time they wish. ▶ Secret doors: Are revealed.
roll is required. ▶ Alignments: Are revealed.
Plane Shift ▶ Invisibility: Invisible objects and creatures
Duration: Permanent are perceived.
Duration: Instant Range: Touch ▶ Illusions: Are seen through.
Range: The caster or a creature touched ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Enchantments: Enchanted objects and
------------------------------------------------ Allows caster to transport itself or another creatures are made apparent.
The caster’s touch heals 1d6+1 × 10 hit creature to another plane or alternate
points of damage in one living subject. This dimension.
cannot raise the subject’s hit points above ▶ Willing subjects: Up to eight individuals
their normal maximum. can be affected when linking hands in a circle.
▶ Usage limit: Heal may only be cast once ▶ Unwilling subjects: May save versus
per day. spells to prevent the plane shifting.

1st LEVEL SPELLS 2nd LEVEL SPELLS 3rd LEVEL SPELLS Detect Magic Booby Trap
Humble Pebbles ※ Booby Trap Climate Blade ※ Duration: 2 turns Duration: Permanent (until triggered)
Detect Magic Charm Person or Mammal Cure Disease Range: 60’ Range: Touch
Purify Water Feign Death ↶ Cause Disease ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
↶ Contaminate Water Goodberry Drag from Death’s Door Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures are Affects any closable item (book, box, bottle,
Shillelagh Transmute Metal to Wood Fire Mantle ※ caused to glow. Both permanent and chest, door, etc) to become a bomb that burst
Insect Swarm temporary enchantments are revealed. in a magical explosion when triggered.
▶ Do not work: On an item already affected
Neutralise Poison Humble Pebbles
with Hold Portal or Wizard Lock spells (the
Thunder Mantle ※ Duration: Permanent
same spells do not affect an item already
Range: Touch
affected with a Booby Trap Spell).
▶ Triggering: Any other creature than the
Consecrate 1d6 sling stones to be used
caster touching the affected item, causing a
4th LEVEL SPELLS 5th LEVEL SPELLS against a certain type of creature (e.g.
magical explosion in a 5' radius sphere.
Conjure Fire Elemental Conjure Earth Elemental goblins, kobolds, undead).
▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the magical
Hallucinatory Forest Cure Critical Wounds ▶ Against the chosen creature: Gains the explosion suffer 1d6 damage per level of the
Hold Plant ↶ Cause Critical Wounds following if used by the caster: caster, with a successful save versus spells
Repel Vermin Gaea’s Regeneration ※ a. +1 on missile attack roll. indicating half damage.
Sticks to Snakes ↶ Gaea’s Decayment ※ b. +3 on damage roll. ▶ Enchanted item: Is not harmed by the
Insect Plague c. Considered as a magical attack. magical explosion.
Return to Nature ※
▶ Loses effectiveness: After 1 day. ▶ Detection and removal: There is a 50%
Sacrificial Resurrection
chance of being detected by any means.
Purify Water Failing to remove it triggers the Booby Trap.
Duration: Permanent
Knock spell: Opens the item, but triggers the
Range: 10’
Poisoned, spoiled, or contaminated water is
purified. .
▶ Drink: 6 quarts.

↶ Contaminate Water
Causes a 6 quarts of drink to be spoiled, or

Duration: 6 rounds +1 per level
Range: Touch
The caster's club or staff is enchanted:
▶ Weapon: Treated as a magical:
1. Mace +2: Against human-sized or smaller
2. Club or staff +1: Against greater than
human-sized creatures.
Charm Person or Mammal Goodberry 3rd LEVEL SPELLS Drag From Death’s Door
Duration: One or more days (see below) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
Range: 80’ Duration: 1 day +l per level Climate Blade Range: Creature touched
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Duration: 3 turns ------------------------------------------------
A single person or mammal must save versus Caster enchants 8 berries, where 2d4 of them Range: 60’ A subject killed by damage (i.e. not by poison,
spells or be charmed, as follows: have magical effects when eaten: ------------------------------------------------ disintegration, etc.) within the last 3 rounds
This spell wards the caster and all allies is dragged back from the brink of death.
▶ Friendship: The subject regards the caster 1. Nourishment: Provides enough sustain for
within 10’ in an aura of fire:
as a close friend and will come to the caster’s a person for that day (no need to eat). ▶ Weakness: Returning from death is an
defence. 2. Healing: Restores 1 hit point of damage. ▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus ordeal. Until the subject gets two full weeks
▶ Commands: If they share a language, the to saving throws against fire. of bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at half
▶ Identifying: Divine spell casters with
caster may give the charmed creature ▶ Barkskin: When the spell is active, the the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items,
access to druidic magic can identify the
commands, which they will obey. subject gains a +1 bonus to AC. and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other
berries. A Detect Magic spell may also be
▶ Subject’s nature: The subject may resist ▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within class abilities. This period of weakness may
used to identify the berries.
commands that contradict their habits or 10': Suffer 2d6 damage. not be shortened by any magical healing.
▶ Frequency: A creature can eat up to 8
alignment. ▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10': ▶ Bargain: In return for cheating death, the
magical berries within a day.
▶ Suicidal commands: Are always refused. Suffer 1d6 damage. cleric suffers 1d6 damage and the subject
Restrictions: Undead and monsters of ↶ Badberry (Reverse) suffers a permanent loss of one point from a
Cure Disease
greater than 4+1 HD are not affected. Contaminates 8 berries. If ingested, poisons a random ability score (if using the optional
Duration: Instant
creature, inflicting 1 point of damage per rule for returning from death).
Duration: The charm lasts indefinitely, but Range: 30’
the subject is allowed to make further saves berry eaten (no saving throw is required). ------------------------------------------------ Fire Mantle
versus spells at intervals, depending on their This spell has two usages: Duration: 1 turn +1 per level
Transmute Metal to Wood
INT score. If one of these saves succeeds, the 1. Cure a subject of any disease: Including Range: 10’ around the caster
Duration: Permanent
spell ends. those of magical origin. ------------------------------------------------
Range: 120’
INT 3–8: New save once every month. ------------------------------------------------ 2. Kill Green slime: This monster is killed This spell wards the caster and all allies
INT 9–12: New save each week. This spell turns a metal object into wood. instantly. within 10’ in an aura of fire:
INT 13–18: New save once every day. ▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus
▶ Transmutes: Up to 80 coins of weight per
↶ Cause Disease to saving throws against fire.
level of the caster.
Feign Death The victim must save versus spells or be ▶ Barkskin: When the spell is active, the
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level ▶ Magic items: Have a 10% chance to be
afflicted with a horrid disease of withering: subject gains a +1 bonus to AC.
Range: The caster or a creature touched affected by this spell.
▶ Death: Within 2d12 days. ▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Attack penalty: -2 to attack rolls. 10': Suffer 2d6 damage.
A willing subject falls into a cataleptic state, ▶ Natural healing: Takes twice the usual ▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10':
indistinguishable from death. amount of time. Suffer 1d6 damage.
▶ Hit Dice limit: The subject may not have ▶ Magical healing: Is utterly ineffective.
higher HD than the caster’s level. ▶ Curing: This disease can be cured with a Insect Swarm
▶ Senses: The subject retains their senses of casting of Cure Disease. Duration: 1 round per level
hearing and smell, but cannot see or feel. Range: 30’
▶ Damage: Any damage inflicted on the ------------------------------------------------
subject is halved. Engulfs a victim with biting, pinching, and
▶ Immunities: The subject is unaffected by stinging insects.
paralysis and energy drain. ▶ 50% chance: Of a flying or crawling swarm
▶ Poison: The effects of any poison in the that inflicts 2 points of damage per round.
subject’s system are suspended while the ▶ Victim: Can only try to get rid of the
spell lasts. Once the duration ends, poison swarm.
has its normal effect once more. ▶ Caster: Can direct the swarm to attack
▶ Ending: The caster can end the spell at any different opponents. Insects take one round
time. The subject requires 1 round to awaken. to disengage and move to another opponent.
▶ Movement: Flying insects move at 180'
(60') and crawling insects move at 120' (40').
Neutralise Poison 4th LEVEL SPELLS Hold Plant 5th LEVEL SPELLS
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 10’ around the caster Conjure Fire Elemental Range: 180’ Conjure Earth Elemental
------------------------------------------------ Duration: Permanent (until dismissal or ------------------------------------------------ Duration: Permanent (until dismissal or
This spell wards the caster and all allies slain) This spell causes one or more plants to be slain)
within 10’ in an aura of lightning: Range: 240’ paralysed if they fail a saving throw versus Range: 240’
------------------------------------------------ spells. ------------------------------------------------
1. Characters: Neutralise the effects of
A 16 Hit Dice Fire Rlemental—a being formed A 16 Hit Dice Earth Rlemental—a being
poison on a character. A character who has ▶ Number of targets: Up to 1 Hit Die of
of pure elemental matter—is summoned from formed of pure elemental matter—is
died from poisoning can be revived, if plants per level of the caster may be targeted.
fire elemental plane to do the caster’s summoned from earth elemental plane to do
Neutralise Poison is cast within ten rounds. ▶ Affects: Normal or magical plants, fungi.
bidding. the caster’s bidding.
2. Items: Remove poison from an item. Plant and fungi-based creatures that are
▶ Materials: The summons requires a large fantastical, or magically conjured, controlled, ▶ Materials: The summons requires a large
Litoform volume of the appropriate element. or summoned are also affected. volume of the appropriate element.
Duration: Permanent ▶ Concentration: Is required to command ▶ Concentration: Is required to command
Range: Touch an elemental. Repel Vermin an elemental.
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Dismissing: While control over the Duration: 1 turn per level ▶ Dismissing: While control over the
Up to 1000 cubic feet of stone is rearranged as elemental is maintained, the caster may Range: 10' radius around the caster elemental is maintained, the caster may
the caster wishes. dismiss it at any time, sending it back to its ------------------------------------------------ dismiss it at any time, sending it back to its
plane of origin. Prevent all ordinary insects, rats, spiders, etc. plane of origin.
▶ Stone size: Up to a 5’ cube area.
▶ Disruption: If the caster moves at more from approaching. ▶ Disruption: If the caster moves at more
▶ Examples of uses: Caster can make
than half speed or their concentration is than half speed or their concentration is
weapons, doors, sculptures out of stone. ▶ Vermins with 2 or more HD: Must save
disturbed, the command over the elemental disturbed, the command over the elemental
versus spells to approach, but suffer 1d6
Thunder Mantle ends. It is, henceforth, a free-willed entity ends. It is, henceforth, a free-willed entity
Duration: 1 turn +1 per level and will immediately try to kill the caster and and will immediately try to kill the caster and
any who get in its way. Restriction: Intelligent vermins are not
Range: 10’ around the caster any who get in its way.
▶ Dispelling: A conjured elemental may be affected.
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Dispelling: A conjured elemental may be
This spell wards the caster and all allies dispelled by Dispel Magic or Dispel Evil. dispelled by Dispel Magic or Dispel Evil.
Sticks to Snakes
within 10’ in an aura of lightning: Restrictions: The caster may summon at Duration: 6 turns Restrictions: The caster may summon at
▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus to most one fire elemental in a single day. Range: 120’ most one earth elemental in a single day.
saving throws against lightning. ------------------------------------------------
▶ Barkskin: When the spell is active, the Hallucinatory Forest 2d8 normal sticks are miraculously Cure Critical Wounds
subject gains a +1 bonus to AC. Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
transformed into snakes that follow the
▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within Range: 240’ Range: The caster or a creature touched
caster’s orders.
10': Suffer 2d6 damage. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Hallucinatory Forest conjures an illusory ▶ Reversion: The snakes become sticks once The caster’s touch heals 3d6+3 hit points of
▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10': more if killed or when the duration ends.
Suffer 1d6 damage. forest feature (e.g. a thicket, wood, a grove, damage in one living subject. This cannot
etc.) to hide an existing terrain feature. raise the subject’s hit points above their
Conjured Snakes
▶ Area: The illusion must fit completely normal maximum.
within the spell’s range.
AC 6 [13], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × bite (1d4),
▶ Perceiving: Druids, rangers and creatures ↶ Cause Critical Wounds
THAC0 19 [0], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 Inflicts 3d6+3 hit points of damage to a
of Sylvan forests (e.g. dryads, green dragons,
B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 10 (13 if touched creature. In combat, a melee attack
pixies, treants) are the only ones able to
poisonous) roll is required.
perceive the illusion.
▶ Poison: There is a 50% chance of the
snakes being poisonous.
▶ When killed: Revert back to sticks.
Gaea’s Regeneration Return to Nature ILLUSIONIST SPELLS
Duration: 1 turn Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch Range: 120’ 1st LEVEL SPELLS 2nd LEVEL SPELLS 3rd LEVEL SPELLS
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Analyse ESP Haste
Potentializes the healing of a living being. Artificial items and structures pointed by the Beast of Burden Knock ↶ Slow
caster in a 30’ radius area crumble in rust and Message Levitate Clairvoyance
▶ Rate: Regains 1 hit point per round. Wizard Hand Ray of Enfeeblement
▶ Severed limbs: Can be reattached if moss, with branches, mushrooms and leaves
blooming through it. Wizard Lock
severed in less than 1 hour. Takes 1 turn to
reattach and heal. ▶ Magic items: Have a 75% chance to be 4th LEVEL SPELLS 5th LEVEL SPELLS
▶ Fire or acid damage: Cannot be affected by this spell. Wizard Eye Faithful Hound
regenerated. ▶ Non-magical armours and weapons: Are Feeblemind
utterly ruined. Telekinesis
↶ Gaea’s Decayment ▶ On constructs and metallic creatures: Teleport
Creature loses 1 hit point per round and loses Suffer 1d6 damage per level of the caster,
body parts for every 6 hit points lost this way. with a successful save versus spells
In combat, a melee attack roll is required. indicating half damage.
Some kinds of magic (e.g. Cure Disease or
Remove Curse) stops decaying. Sacrificial Resurrection
Duration: Instant
Insect Plague Range: 120’
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 day) ------------------------------------------------
Range: 480’ By making a bargain with the powers of
------------------------------------------------ netherrealm, the caster can exchange one
Cast above ground, this spell conjures a 60’ soul for another, bringing a dead creature
diameter swarm of flying insects (Insect back to life in return for a sacrifice of equal
Swarm) with the following properties: magnitude.
▶ Movement: 20’ per round. While the ▶ Time limit: The caster can raise a person
swarm is within range, the caster is able to that has been dead for no longer than four
direct its movements. days per level of the caster above 6th. For
▶ Vision: Within the area of the swarm is example, a 7th. For example, a 10th level
obscured. caster can revive a character that has been
● Creatures of 2 HD or less: Are driven dead for twelve days (three levels above 7th ×
away, if caught within the swarm. four days).
● Concentration: If the caster moves or loses ▶ Ritual sacrifice: The spell is cast as a
concentration, the swarm dissipates, ending ritual lasting 1 turn, during which a number
the spell. of intelligent beings must be sacrificed,
Restrictions: The spell has no effect if cast whose total Hit Dice equal that of the
underground. creature to be resurrected.
▶ Weakness: Returning from death is an
ordeal. Until the subject gets two full weeks
of bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at half
the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items,
and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other
class abilities. This period of weakness may
not be shortened by any magical healing.
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
Analyse ESP Range: The caster Clairvoyance
Duration: 1 round Duration: 12 turns ------------------------------------------------ Duration: 12 turns
Range: Touch Range: 60’ This enchantment allows the caster to move Range: 60’
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ up and down through the air: ------------------------------------------------
The caster can handle an item to understand This spell grants the caster the ability to The caster gains the ability to see through the
▶ Vertical: Vertical movement as desired, at
the enchantment on it. perceive and understand the thoughts of eyes of other living creatures.
up to 20’ per round.
▶ Handling: Caster suffers consequences if other living creatures. ▶ Focus for 1 turn: To establish a
▶ Horizontal: The caster can move laterally
the item is cursed or boobytrapped. ▶ Focus for 1 turn: To pick up thoughts, the by pushing against solid objects. connection with a creature, the caster must
▶ Chance of success: 15% +5% per caster caster must focus their concentration in one ▶ Weight: A normal amount of weight can focus their concentration in one particular
level to determine the magical characteristic direction for one turn. be carried while levitating. direction for one turn.
of the item. ▶ After this turn: The thoughts of all ▶ After this turn: The visual perceptions of
▶ Uncertainty: About exact information of creatures within range in that direction can Ray of Enfeeblement one creature within range in that direction
the item, but knowing the number of pluses be perceived. Duration: 30' are relayed to the caster.
and an estimate of charges an item has. ▶ Multiple creatures: If multiple creatures Range: 1 round per level ▶ Switching: Once a connection is
are within range in the direction being ------------------------------------------------ established, the caster may choose to
Wizard Hand focused on, the caster perceives an Reduces the strength of a single creature. maintain it or to change to another subject.
Duration: 6 turns incomprehensible mix of all their thoughts. If ▶ Obstructions: Clairvoyance is obstructed
▶ Enfeeblement: Creature making an attack
Range: 30’ the caster focuses for an additional turn, they by a thin layer of lead or by rock of 2’ thick or
gets a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
------------------------------------------------ can filter out and understand a single greater.
The victim may save versus spells to negate.
A floating hand to help its conjurer. creature’s thoughts.
▶ Useful: The magical hand can perform ▶ Meaning: The caster can magically Haste
Wizard Lock
various tasks (e.g. hold a torch, open a door). understand thoughts in languages they do Duration: 3 turns
Duration: Permanent
▶ Can’t: Attack, use magic items or hold not speak. Range: 240’
Range: 10’
more than 100 coins of weight. ▶ Obstructions: ESP' is obstructed by a thin ------------------------------------------------
▶ Within a day: The hand can be convoked layer of lead or by rock of 2’ thick or greater. Up to 24 creatures in a 30’ radius area are
A Wizard Lock spell magically locks a door,
and dismissed at will, but when its duration enchanted to be able to move and act twice as
gate, similar portal, or any item that has a
ends, it needs to be casted again. Knock quickly as normal:
lock. The magical lock is permanent but may
Duration: 1 round ▶ Movement: Subjects’ maximum
be bypassed as follows:
Range: 60’ movement rates are doubled.
------------------------------------------------ ▶ The caster: Can freely pass through any
▶ Attacks: Subjects may make double the
Causes locked, barred, secured, or stuck portals locked by their own spell.
normal number of attacks per round.
doors, gates, chests, and so forth to open. ▶ A Knock spell: Allows passage.
▶ Spells: The number of spells a subject may
▶ Higher level casters: Magic-using
▶ Magically held doors: Are affected (e.g. cast per round is not doubled.
characters 3 or more levels higher than the
Hold Portal, Wizard Lock). ▶ Magical devices: The use of devices such
caster of wizard lock may pass.
▶ Secret doors: May be opened, but they as wands is also not doubled.
▶ Temporary: Bypassing does not destroy a
must be known to the caster.
Wizard Lock.
↶ Reversed: Slow
Can dispel an active Haste spell. Creatures
affected moves at half speed or attacks each
round. Spellcasting and use of magical
devices are not affected. The victim may save
versus spells to resist. Initiative always loses
(no roll).
4th LEVEL SPELLS 5th LEVEL SPELLS Teleport ▶ Scant: A location that the caster has
Duration: Instant visited once or twice, has seen by magical
Wizard Eye Faithful Hound Range: 10’ scrying, or has heard of from descriptions.
Duration: 6 turns Duration: 2 rounds +1 per level ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Moderate: A location that the caster has
Range: 240’ Range: 5’ The caster or a chosen creature vanishes and visited often or has studied via scrying for
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ reappears at a location of the caster’s several weeks.
An invisible, magical eye is conjured that Summons a phantom hound to serve as a choosing. ▶ Exact: A location that the caster has made
allows the caster to see at a distance. watchdog to guard a passage, room, door, or
▶ Gear: The subject is teleported with all its a detailed study of, in person.
similar space or portal designated by the
▶ Movement: The eye can be directed to gear, up to its maximum load.
move within range at up to 120’ per turn. ▶ Unwilling subjects: May save versus
▶ Seeing through the eye: By ▶ Unseen: The hound is invisible to any spells to prevent the teleportation.
concentrating, the caster can see through the other than its master. Cannot be attacked. ▶ Destination: May be at any distance, but
eye. ▶ Detects: Invisible, ethereal, concealed or must be known to the caster. The destination
▶ Types of vision: The magical eye grants any similar hard to find creature. must be an open space at ground level. (It is
infravision to 60’ as well as normal vision. ▶ Barks if: Any suspect creature approaches not possible to intentionally teleport the
▶ Barriers: Though invisible, the eye is its guarded place. subject into mid-air or into solid matter.)
tangible and cannot pass through solid ▶ Bites: Any intruders who enter its range, ▶ Risk: There is a risk, when teleporting, of
barriers. dealing 3d6 damage. The bite is considered a accidentally arriving above or below ground
▶ Size: The eye is as big as a normal human magical melee attack with THAC0 11 [+8]. level. The chance of a successful teleportation
eye. ▶ Dispelling: The hound may be dispelled by depends on the caster’s knowledge of the
Dispel Magic or if the caster is more than 5' destination (see below). Roll d% and consult
away from the hound's guarded place. the table below.

Duration: Permanent Teleport Result
Range: 240’
------------------------------------------------ Knowledge Ground Too Too
An arcane spell caster within range must save of Dest. Level High Low
versus spells (at a -4 penalty) or become an
imbecile, unable to think clearly or cast Scant 01–50 51–75 76–00
Moderate 01–80 81–90 91–00
Duration: Concentration (up to 6 rounds) Exact 01–95 96–99 00
Range: 120’
------------------------------------------------ Ground level: The subject appears at the
By concentrating, the caster is able to move intended destination.
objects or creatures by the power of thought. Too high: The subject appears 1d10×10’
▶ Weight: Up to 200 coins of weight per level above the intended destination. If this causes
of the caster may be targeted. the subject to appear inside solid matter, they
▶ Movement: The target may be moved up die instantly. Otherwise, the subject falls
to 20’ per round, in whatever direction the from a height.
caster wishes (including vertically). Too low: The subject appears below the
▶ Save: If a creature is targeted, it may save surface of the ground and dies instantly.
versus spells to resist the spell. Knowledge of destination: The caster’s
▶ Concentration: If the caster’s knowledge of the destination is rated as
concentration is broken, the target will fall. follows:
1st LEVEL SPELLS Dancing Lights
Duration: 1 turn
Analyse Range: 40’ + 10’ per level
Duration: 1 round ------------------------------------------------
MAGIC-USER SPELLS Range: Touch Lights under the caster’s control are conjured
------------------------------------------------ and may be directed to move anywhere within
1st LEVEL SPELLS 2nd LEVEL SPELLS 3rd LEVEL SPELLS The caster can handle an item to understand range. The caster may choose to conjure one
Analyse Amnesia Blink the enchantment on it. of the following types of light:
Beast of Burden Electric Shield ※ Booby Trap ▶ Handling: Caster suffers consequences if 1. Torches: 1–4 lights that resemble torches
Burning Hands Ice Shield ※ Clairaudience the item is cursed or boobytrapped. or lanterns, casting the appropriate volume of
Cold Scrunch ※ Fake Trap Cone of Cold ▶ Chance of success: 15% +5% per caster light.
Ember Flick ※ Fire Shield Explosive Runes level to determine the magical characteristic 2. Spheres: 1–4 glowing spheres, resembling
Erase Flame Lash ※ Feign Death of the item. will-o-the-wisps.
Feather Fall Frost Lash ※ Gust of Wind ▶ Uncertainty: About exact information of 3. Humanoid: A single, glowing, humanoid
Frost Fingers Magic Mouth Fool’s Gold the item, but knowing the number of pluses form.
Jump Minor Repairing Haste and an estimate of charges an item has.
Mending Phantom Sword ↶ Slow Ember Flick
Message Ray of Enfeeblement Suggestion Beast of Burden Duration: Instant
Scribe Rope Trick Summon Monster: Lv1 Duration: 2 hours per level Range: 60’
Shocking Grasp Shatter Tiny Hut Range: 30' ------------------------------------------------
Spark Crackle ※ Shock Lash ※ ------------------------------------------------ Casts blazing energy in a 10’ radius sphere.
Spider Climb Spellblade ※ Partially lightens weight placed upon a single
▶ Damage: Creatures caught suffer 1d4
Summon Familiar Strength mount.
damage per four experience levels the caster
Unseen Servant Tongues
▶ Mount's encumbrance and load of coins: has gained (5th, 9th,13th levels) with a
Wizard Hand ※
Are doubled. successful save versus spells indicating half
▶ Overloaded mount: At end of duration of damage.
the spell, cannot move and have a 50%
Arcane Window Faithful Hound Globe of Invulnerability
chance to fall and suffer 1d6 points of Erase
Blazestorm Litoform Summon Monster: Lv4
damage. Duration: Permanent
Dig Summon Monster: Lv3
Range: 30’
Fear Burning Hands ------------------------------------------------
Fire Charm Duration: Instant Removes magical or mundane writings from a
Frost Charm ※ Range: Touch scroll, one or two pages of paper, parchment,
Fumble ------------------------------------------------ or similar surfaces.
Hailstorm Unleashes blazing energy when touching a
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability ▶ Cannot remove: Explosive Runes or Glyph
Spark Charm ※ of Warding.
▶ Damage: 1d6+1 point of damage per level ▶ Success Probability:
Summon Monster: Lv2
of the caster (no saving throw). 1. For magical writings: 50% chance +2%
Thunderstorm ※
per level of the caster.
Cold Scrunch
2. For non-magical writings: 50% chance
Duration: Instant
+4% per level of the caster.
Range: 60’
------------------------------------------------ ▶ In hold: If the writing is in the hands of a
Casts freezing energy in a 10’ radius sphere. creature, the creature may also save versus
spells the effects of Erase spell.
▶ Damage: Creatures caught suffer 1d4
damage per four experience levels the caster
has gained (5th, 9th,13th levels) with a
successful save versus spells indicating half
Feather Fall Message Shocking Grasp Summon Familiar
Duration: 1 round per level Range: 60’ +10' per level Duration: Instant Duration: Up to 24 hours (at referee’s
Range: 10’ per level Duration: 1 round Range: Touch description)
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Range: 10’ per level
A creature or object falls slowly like a feather. Caster can whisper a message to a pointed Unleashes electric energy when touching a ------------------------------------------------
▶ Falling damage: 1 point of damage per 50’ target creature. creature. Allows the caster to obtain a familiar with an
fallen. ▶ Message travels: In a straight line. ▶ Damage: 1d6+1 point of damage per level AC 7 [12] and 2d4 hp.
▶ Messages shorter than 10 seconds: The of the caster (no saving throw). ▶ Cost: Rare herbs and materials worth
Frost Fingers target creature may use the remaining time to 100gp, consumed during a ritual.
Duration: Instant answer the caster. Spark Crackle ▶ Summon: Referee determines the
Range: Touch ▶ Obstruction: Between the caster and the Duration: Instant probability of a creature responding to the
------------------------------------------------ target creature cancels the spell (e.g. pillar, Range: 60’ spell and the type of creature summoned.
Unleashes freezing energy when touching a lead). ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Familiar Abilities: Caster can sense
creature. Casts electric energy in a 10’ radius sphere. through its familiar and can communicate
▶ Damage: 1d6+1 point of damage per level Run ▶ Damage: Creatures caught suffer 1d4 with it.
of the caster (no saving throw). Range: The caster or a creature touched damage per four experience levels the caster ▶ Behaviour: Familiar is loyal and follows
Duration: 6 hours has gained (5th, 9th,13th levels) with a orders until death.
Jump ------------------------------------------------ successful save versus spells indicating half ▶ Intelligence: Higher than ordinary
Range: The caster or a creature touched A humanoid creature can move at twice its damage. animals.
Duration: 1 turn movement rate. ▶ HP: Familiar grants additional hit points to
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Rest: Afterwards, the creature must rest Spider Climb the caster when within 120’. If the familiar is
This enchantment allows a creature to make for 1d6 hours. Duration: The caster or a creature touched slain, the caster loses the familiar's maximum
an improved jump. ▶ Higher level casters: May affect more Range: 1 round +1 per level hit points from their own current hit points.
▶ Leap: Up to 10’ high and 30’ horizontally. creatures: One additional creature per three ------------------------------------------------
▶ Higher level casters: One more leap on experience levels the caster has gained (i.e. This enchantment allows a creature to move
like a giant spider: Familiars table
4th level, two on 7th level, three on 10th two creatures at 3rd–4th level, three
level and four on 13th level. creatures at 5th–6th level, etc.). ▶ Climb: Can walk on walls and ceilings d8 Familiar Improved senses
surfaces: 120’ (40’).
Mending Scribe ▶ Sticky fingers: The subject must have bare 1 Bat Hearing
Duration: Instant Range: The caster’s spell book hands and feet and cannot hold anything in
Range: The object touched Duration: 6 turns per level its hands while climbing. 2 Cat Hearing and
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Spell casting: Not possible while climbing. infravision
This spell has two usages: Allows the caster to copy spells into their
1. Fix: An adventure gear item or another spell book for the spell duration, regardless of 3 Hawk Distance vision
common object that’s broken. level or intelligence restrictions.
2. Polish: Cleans and makes an adventure ▶ Scribing: Takes 1 hour per spell level of 4 Lizard Smell
gear item or another common object looks the spell. Caster must save versus spells to
like new. copy a spell with success. In a failed save, 5 Owl Hearing and
suffers 1d4 damage per level of the spell. infravision
▶ Higher level spells: Caster suffers a -1
6 Raven Vision
penalty for each spell level higher than
7 Toad 180’ vision
▶ Caster: Will always be surprised during
8 Weasel Hearing, smell

Restriction: A new familiar cannot be

summoned for one year.
Unseen Servant 2nd LEVEL SPELLS Fake Trap Frost Lash
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Duration: Permanent (until triggered) Duration: Instant
Range: 30’ Amnesia Range: Touch Range: 70’
------------------------------------------------ Duration: Permanent ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
This spell temporarily summons a non-visible Range: 30’ Sets an inoffensive trap to deceive certain Creates and wields two ice chain whips that
humanoid to do the caster’s bidding.. ------------------------------------------------ foes. flail up to 6 creatures within range.
This spell erases the memory of opponents.
▶ Obedient: The servant obeys the caster’s ▶ Deceives: Classes, abilities and items able ▶ Damage: Creatures flailed by frost lash
commands. ▶ Erased memories: 1 round memories, to detect traps and dangers to believe that it’s suffer 1d8 damage for each level multiple of
▶ Servant cannot: Fight or hold more than with an additional round for every level of the a real trap. three (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th levels), with a
200 coins weight. caster. ▶ Chance of Detection: A 1-in-10 chance. successful save versus spells indicating half
▶ Affect: Up to 4 beings within range. ▶ Removal: If the removal of a Fake Trap damage.
Servant ▶ Scope: Affect only the target's memory and fails, a hyena laugh bursts from the trap, but ▶ Deep in flesh: 8 on a damage dice result
------------------------------------------------ does not alter actual events or nullify other do not harm anyone. gives a -1 penalty to a creature’s AC for 1
AC 9 [10], HD ½* (2hp), Att None, THAC0 20 spell effects. turn.
[-1], MV 120' (40'), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 ▶ Saving Throw: Targeted beings have a Fire Shield
(NH). ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 6, NA 1 (1), TT save versus spells with a penalty to avoid Duration: 1 turn +1 per level Ice Shield
None memory erasing: Range: 10’ around the caster Duration: 12 turns +1 per level
------------------------------------------------ a. -2 penalty: if only one creature is targeted. ------------------------------------------------ Range: 10’ around the caster
▶ Invisible: Naturally invisible; cannot be b. -1 penalty: If 2 creatures are targeted. This spell wards the caster and all allies ------------------------------------------------
attacked in the first round; in subsequent c. No penalty: If 3 or 4 creatures are within 10’ in an aura of fire: This spell wards the caster and all allies
rounds, may be attacked at a –2 penalty to targeted. within 10’ in an aura of cold:
▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus
hit (locatable by faint shadows and air ▶ Restoration: If a victim realises their to saving throws against fire. ▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus
movement). memory has been altered, the spells Cureall ▶ Shield: When the spell is active, caster to saving throws against cold.
or Restore can restore the memory. gains a +1 bonus to AC. ▶ Shield: When the spell is active, caster
Wizard Hand
Duration: 6 turns ▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within gains a +1 bonus to AC.
Electric Shield
Range: 30’ 10': Suffer 2d6 damage. ▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within
Duration: 1 turn +1 per level
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10': 10': Suffer 2d6 damage.
Range: 10’ around the caster
A floating hand to help its conjurer. Suffer 1d6 damage. ▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10':
Suffer 1d6 damage.
▶ Useful: The magical hand can perform This spell wards the caster and all allies Flame Lash
various tasks (e.g. hold a torch, open a door). within 10’ in an aura of lightning: Duration: Instant
▶ Can’t: Attack, use magic items or hold ▶ Bonuses: Those warded gain a +1 bonus Range: 70’
more than 100 coins of weight. to saving throws against lightning. ------------------------------------------------
▶ Within a day: The hand can be convoked ▶ Shield: When the spell is active, caster Creates and wields two fire chain whips that
and dismissed at will, but when its duration gains a +1 bonus to AC. flail up to 6 creatures within range.
ends, it needs to be casted again. ▶ Monsters with fewer than 4 HD within ▶ Damage: Creatures flailed by flame lash
10': Suffer 2d6 damage. suffer 1d8 damage for each level multiple of
▶ Monsters with 4 or more HD within 10': three (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th levels), with a
Suffer 1d6 damage. successful save versus spells indicating half
▶ Deep in flesh: 8 on a damage dice result
gives a -1 penalty to a creature’s AC for 1
Magic Mouth [MU] Phantom Sword Rope Trick Shock Lash
Duration: Permanent until triggered Duration: 3 rounds per level Duration: 2 turns per level Duration: Instant
Range: Touch Range: 80’ Range: Touch Range: 70’
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
The caster imbues an inanimate object with a Caster summons a normal sword +1 to be A rope is enchanted to rise up into the air, Creates and wields two lightning chain whips
message that is to be spoken out loud by a wielded by a mysterious force. enabling the caster and others to climb it and that flail up to 6 creatures within range.
magical mouth when a certain trigger ▶ Concentration: Required to make the disappear into an imaginary space. ▶ Damage: Creatures flailed by shock lash
condition occurs. sword attack something within its range. If ▶ The rope: Rises up to its full length (or at suffer 1d8 damage for each level multiple of
▶ The message: Must be in a language the broken, the sword stops. most 30’) and hangs stiffly in the air, three (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th levels), with a
caster speaks and may consist of up to 25 ▶ Attacks: Twice per round, using the magically tethered at the upper end. successful save versus spells indicating half
words. caster’s THAC0. ▶ Climbing the rope: The rope may be damage.
▶ The trigger condition: May be as broad or ▶ Cannot: Move more than 80’ away from its climbed normally. ▶ Deep in flesh: 8 on a damage dice result
as specific as the caster wishes. It may include caster or stop attacking (but can be wielded ▶ Imaginary space: Human-sized (or gives a -1 penalty to a creature’s AC for 1
conditions on the enchanted object being by an ally). smaller) creatures that climb to the top of the turn.
touched or on the presence of creatures ▶ Within a day: The sword can be convoked rope disappear into the imaginary space
within 30’ of the object. The trigger condition and dismissed at will, but when its duration beyond. Spellblade
may only take visual appearances into ends, it needs to be casted again. ▶ Capacity: The imaginary space can hold up Duration: 3 turns
account (e.g. it cannot discern the alignment, ▶ Dispelling: The magical sword may be to six individuals. Range: 60’
class, level, etc. of creatures who pass by). dispelled by Dispel Magic or Dispel Evil. ▶ Hidden: Creatures inside the imaginary ------------------------------------------------
▶ Once triggered: The mouth appears, space cannot be perceived or affected in any Calls for the forces of frost, flame and
animates, and speaks the predetermined Ray of Enfeeblement way by those on the outside, in real space. lightning to empower a bladed weapon.
message. The enchantment then ends. Duration: 30' ▶ Pulling up the rope: The rope may be ▶ Wild magic: Roll 1d6 to know the property
▶ Casting spells: The triggered message Range: 1 round per level pulled up into the imaginary space, also (1-2: Cold, 3-4: Fire, 5-6: Lightning)
cannot cast spells. ------------------------------------------------ disappearing. ▶ Damage in melee: Bladed weapon deals
Reduces the strength of a single creature. ▶ Malleability: The caster may command. an additional 1d4 damage per odd level of the
Minor Repairing ▶ Enfeeblement: Creature making an attack When the spell’s duration ends: The rope wielder (save versus spells for half).
Duration: Instant gets a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. ▶ Bladed weapon: It is considered as a
falls slack, the imaginary space disappears,
Range: Object or creature touched The victim may save versus spells to negate. magical weapon while empowered.
and anyone inside the imaginary space
reappears in mid air.
This spell has two usages: Strength
1. Healing a construct subject: Restores Shatter Duration: 6 turns per level
1d6+1 hit points of damage. This cannot raise Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
the subject’s hit points above their normal Range: 60’ ------------------------------------------------
maximum. ------------------------------------------------ Confers a temporary STR bonus, which varies
2. Repair vehicles and objects: Repairs one A magical crushing blow to destroy a depending on the affected creature’s class.
hull point or 5hp of objects. non-magical and non-metallic object (crystal, ▶ +1d4: Non-martial classes.
cloth, jugs, windows, etc) into pieces and ▶ +1d6: Semi-martial classes.
shreds. ▶ +1d8: Martial classes.
▶ Limit: 200 coins of weight objects. Character’s STR: Cannot go above 18.
▶ Wielding: If the object is in the hands of a
creature, the creature may also save versus Tongues
spells to prevent the object being destroyed. Duration: 1 round per level
Range: The caster
The caster becomes able to speak the
language of any creature within a 15’ radius
3rd LEVEL SPELLS Clairaudience Explosive Runes Fool’s Gold
Duration: 12 turns Duration: Permanent Duration: 6 turns per level
Blink Range: 60’ Range: Touch Range: 10’
Duration: 1 round per level ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Range: The caster The caster gains the ability to hear through Caster traces mystic runes on a written object This spell has two usages:
------------------------------------------------ the ears of other living creatures. (book, map, scroll, etc.) that detonate when 1. Copper, silver and electrum coins: Turns
Enables caster to blink in and out of read.
▶ Focus for 1 turn: To establish a into gold pieces.
connection with a creature, the caster must ▶ Damage: Detonation deals 6d6+6 points of 2. Low-value metals: Turns into solid gold.
▶ Blink: Caster reappears 10’ from its focus their concentration in one particular damage in a 10' radius. Reader suffers full ▶ Inspection: Creatures inspecting the gold
original location, in a random direction direction for one turn. damage without a saving throw and others in must save versus spells to detect if the gold
relative to the direction he is facing. ▶ After this turn: The auditory perceptions the area must save versus spells for half is real. Creatures with average or lower
▶ Roll 1d8 for direction: 1-forward, of one creature within range in that direction damage. intelligence get a -2 penalty in the saving
2-forward right, 3-right, 4-backward right, are relayed to the caster. ▶ Object bearing the runes: Is obliterated, throw.
5-backward, 6-backward left, 7-left, ▶ Switching: Once a connection is unless if cannot be harmed by fire. ▶ Shock: If the gold is struck hard by an iron
8-forward left. established, the caster may choose to ▶ Caster and specified beings: Can read the object, there is a 10% chance it will revert to
▶ Obstruction: If the caster's original maintain it or to change to another subject. writing without triggering the runes. its natural state.
location is blocked, the caster is shifted ▶ Obstructions: Clairaudience is obstructed ▶ Removal: Caster can remove the runes at
randomly within 10’ away. ▶ Restrictions: Arcane and divine spell
by a thin layer of lead or by rock of 2’ thick or will. Another creature can remove them with
▶ Opponents: Cannot attack the caster when casters 9th level or higher are not affected by
greater. a successful Dispel Magic spell.
it has initiative, but area effect attacks affect this spell.
▶ Detection: Magic-users have a 5% chance
the caster if they occupy both locations. Cone of Cold per level to detect the runes and thieves have
Gust of Wind
▶ Combat: Caster can blink and attack with Duration: Instant a flat 5% chance.
Duration: 1 round
hand weapons from the second round. Other Range: 60’ long cone, 30’ wide at end
Feign Death Range: 10’ long and wide, +10’ long per
actions have a 15-in-20 chance of failure. ------------------------------------------------
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level level
A cone of freezing energy from a point within
Booby Trap Range: The caster or a creature touched ------------------------------------------------
Duration: Permanent (until triggered) ------------------------------------------------ Casts a severe blast of air originating from the
▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the Cone of caster that affects all creatures in its path.
Range: Touch A willing subject falls into a cataleptic state,
Cold suffer 1d6 damage per level of the caster,
------------------------------------------------ indistinguishable from death. ▶ Creatures caught in the blast of air:
with a successful save versus spells
Affects any closable item (book, box, bottle, ▶ Hit Dice limit: The subject may not have a. Smaller flying creatures: Are blown 1d6 ×
indicating half damage.
chest, door, etc) to become a bomb that higher HD than the caster’s level. 10’ away.
bursts in a magical explosion when triggered. ▶ Senses: The subject retains their senses of b. Human-sized creatures: Cannot move
▶ Do not work: On an item already affected hearing and smell, but cannot see or feel. forward against the force of the wind.
with Hold Portal or Wizard Lock spells (the ▶ Damage: Any damage inflicted on the c. Larger flying creatures: Have half their
same spells do not affect an item already subject is halved. movement speed.
affected with a Booby Trap Spell). ▶ Immunities: The subject is unaffected by ▶ Unprotected flames (e.g. torches): Are
▶ Triggering: Any other creature than the paralysis and energy drain. automatically extinguished.
caster touching the affected item, causing a ▶ Poison: The effects of any poison in the ▶ Protected flames (e.g. lanterns): Are
magical explosion in a 10' radius. subject’s system are suspended while the caused to dance wildly, with a 5% chance per
▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the blast spell lasts. Once the duration ends, poison caster level to be extinguished.
suffer 1d4 damage per level of the caster, with has its normal effect once more.
a successful save versus spells indicating ▶ Ending: The caster can end the spell at any
half damage. time. The subject requires 1 round to awaken.
▶ Enchanted item: Is not harmed by the
magical explosion.
▶ Detection and removal: There is a 50%
chance of being detected by any means.
Failing to remove it triggers the Booby Trap.
Knock spell: Opens the item, but triggers the
Haste Summon Monster: Level 1 4th LEVEL SPELLS Dig
Duration: 3 turns Duration: 1 round +1 per level (until Duration: 1 round +1 per level
Range: 240’ dismissed or slain) Arcane Window Range: 30'
------------------------------------------------ Range: 5’ Duration: 1 round per level ------------------------------------------------
Up to 24 creatures in a 30’ radius area are ------------------------------------------------ Range: Touch Enables the caster to excavate 125 cubic feet
enchanted to be able to move and act twice as Summons monsters to do the caster’s ------------------------------------------------ of earth, sand, or mud per round.
quickly as normal: bidding: Grants the ability to see through walls as if a
▶ Pit size: A 5’ cube area.
3 square window is present.
▶ Movement: Subjects’ maximum ▶ 1st level monsters: Summons 2d4 1st ▶ Digging waste: Scatters around the pit.
movement rates are doubled. level monsters. ▶ Wall Transition: Caster can see through ▶ Digging beyond 5’: There's a chance that
▶ Attacks: Subjects may make double the ▶ Type of monsters: The referee should multiple walls, but switching between walls the pit will collapse in:
normal number of attacks per round. randomly determine the type of monsters takes one round. a. Earth: 10%
▶ Spells: The number of spells a subject may which are summoned, for example using ▶ Visibility Option: Caster can choose to b. Sand: 30%
cast per round is not doubled. dungeon wandering monster tables. make the window visible to other creatures, c. Mud: 55%
▶ Magical devices: The use of devices such ▶ Arrival time: Summoned monsters arrive limited to one wall at a time.
▶ Other creatures at the edge of the pit:
as wands is also not doubled. at the character’s location in 1d4 rounds. ▶ One-Way Vision: Window allows vision
Must save versus spells or will fall into the
▶ Commanding: Monsters will attack only from the caster's side.
↶ Reversed: Slow enemies as directed or, if the character can ▶ Material Penetration: Spell can penetrate
Can dispel an active Haste spell. Creatures communicate with them, be given other walls of different materials:
affected moves at half speed or attacks each tasks. 1. Up to 20 inches thick wood.
Duration: Instant
round. Spellcasting and use of magical ▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss it at 2. Up to 6 inches thick stone.
Range: 60’ cone, 30’ wide at end
devices are not affected. The victim may save any time, sending it back to its plane of 3. Up to 4 inches thick metal.
versus spells to resist. Initiative always loses origin. ▶ Obstructions: Arcane Window is Conjures a cone of magical energy that
(no roll). obstructed by a thin layer of lead or by terrifies those within it.
Tiny Hut platinum or gold.
Suggestion [MU] ▶ Effect: Creatures in the cone are struck
Duration: 6 turns per level
Duration: 4 turns +4 per level with terror and will flee from the caster at
Range: 5’ Blazestorm
Range: 30’ maximum speed for one round per level of
------------------------------------------------ Duration: Instant
------------------------------------------------ the caster. (A save versus spells negates the
Creates an unmoving, opaque 10' diameter Range: 120’
The caster utters a suggestion to influence effect).
sphere of force as a hut. ------------------------------------------------
the behaviour of a selected subject. ▶ Dropping items: Affected creatures have a
▶ Capacity: Up to 6 human-sized creatures Masses of fire that violently punishes any in a
60% chance of immediately dropping
▶ Wording: The suggestion must take the can be inside the hut with the caster. 30’ cube.
anything in their hands. The chance is
form of a short phrase (at most one or two ▶ Access: Occupants can freely enter and ▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the decreased by 5% for each level or Hit Die
sentences) suggesting a course of action to exit the hut, but the spell ends if the caster Blazestorm suffer 1d8 damage per level of the above 1.
the subject. leaves. caster, with a successful save versus spells
▶ Comprehension: A language that is ▶ Interior temperature: 70°F. indicating half damage.
understood by the subject must be used. ▶ Protection: Provides shelter against rain, ▶ Cold-based creatures: Have a -4 penalty
▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggestions that dust, and sandstorms. Withstands wind up to on the saving throw.
are obviously harmful to the subject cause the 50 mph; stronger force destroys it. ▶ Fire-based creatures: Have a +2 bonus
spell to automatically fail. ▶ Transparency: Opaque outside, on the saving throw and suffer half damage.
▶ Saving throw: A save versus spells is transparent inside. Occupants remain unseen
allowed to resist the suggestion. If the save from outside.
fails, the subject will follow the caster’s ▶ Missiles weapons and most spells: Pass
suggestion for up to the duration. through without affecting the hut.
▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion
that is worded in a way to make it sound very
reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the saving
Restrictions: Undead are unaffected.
Fire Charm Hailstorm Summon Monster: Level 2 Wizard Eye
Duration: 2 rounds per level Duration: Instant Duration: 1 round +1 per level (until Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30' Range: 120’ dismissed or slain) Range: 240’
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Range: 5’ ------------------------------------------------
A blazing charm appears, exerting fascination Solid ice crystals that violently punishes any ------------------------------------------------ An invisible, magical eye is conjured that
on those who gaze it. in a 30’ cube. Summons monsters to do the caster’s allows the caster to see at a distance.
▶ Charm: Any 90' near creatures looking it ▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the bidding: ▶ Movement: The eye can be directed to
must save versus spell or cannot make any Hailstorm suffer 1d8 damage per level of the ▶ 2nd level monsters: Summons 1d6 2nd move within range at up to 120’ per turn.
actions, gazing with obsession while the caster, with a successful save versus spells level monsters. ▶ Seeing through the eye: By
charm is active. indicating half damage. ▶ Type of monsters: The referee should concentrating, the caster can see through the
▶ Charmed creatures: Suffers a -2 penalty ▶ Fire-based creatures: Have a -4 penalty randomly determine the type of monsters eye.
on saving throws against mind-affecting on the saving throw. which are summoned, for example using ▶ Types of vision: The magical eye grants
spells. ▶ Cold-based creatures: Have a +2 bonus dungeon wandering monster tables. infravision to 60’ as well as normal vision.
▶ Charm break: If the blazing charm is on the saving throw. ▶ Arrival time: Summoned monsters arrive ▶ Barriers: Though invisible, the eye is
destroyed or if something obstructs the at the character’s location in 1d4 rounds. tangible and cannot pass through solid
charmed creature's vision. Lesser Globe of Invulnerability ▶ Commanding: Monsters will attack barriers.
▶ Attacking the charm: AC 7 [12], 1hp. If Duration: 1 round per level enemies as directed or, if the character can ▶ Size: The eye is as big as a normal human
reduced to 0hp, the charm ceases to function. Range: Globe communicate with them, be given other eye.
------------------------------------------------ tasks.
Frost Charm Creates an immobile magical sphere with a ▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss it at
Duration: 2 rounds per level 10' diameter around the caster that nullifies any time, sending it back to its plane of
Range: 30' any spell effects of 3rd level or lower from origin.
------------------------------------------------ entering the sphere.
A freezing charm appears, exerting ▶ Spells already in effect: Are unaffected. Thunderstorm
fascination on those who gaze it. Duration: Instant
▶ The caster: Can cast spells through the
Range: 120’
▶ Charm: Any 90' near creatures looking it globe.
must save versus spell or cannot make any ▶ Area or effect: Of affected spells does not
Thunderbolts clashes that violently punishes
actions, gazing with obsession while the include the area of the globe.
any in a 30’ cube.
charm is active. ▶ Dispel Magic: Can dispel the globe.
▶ Charmed creatures: Suffers a -2 penalty ▶ Damage: Creatures caught in the
on saving throws against mind-affecting Spark Charm Thunderstorm suffer 1d8 damage per level of
spells. Duration: 2 rounds per level the caster, with a successful save versus
▶ Charm break: If the freezing charm is Range: 30' spells indicating half damage.
destroyed or if something obstructs the ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Aquatic and flying creatures: Have a -4
charmed creature's vision. An electric charm appears, exerting penalty on the saving throw.
▶ Attacking the charm: AC 7 [12], 1hp. If fascination on those who gaze it. ▶ Burrowing and petrifying creatures:
reduced to 0hp, the charm ceases to function. ▶ Charm: Any 90' near creatures looking it Have a +2 bonus on the saving throw.
must save versus spell or cannot make any
Fumble actions, gazing with obsession while the
Duration: 1 round per level charm is active.
Range: 10' per level ▶ Charmed creatures: Suffers a -2 penalty
------------------------------------------------ on saving throws against mind-affecting
Up to 6 creatures suddenly become clumsy. spells.
▶ Moving creatures: After moving, must ▶ Charm break: If the electric charm is
save versus spells or will trip and fall to the destroyed or if something obstructs the
ground, with a 50% chance of dropping held charmed creature's vision.
items. ▶ Attacking the charm: AC 7 [12], 1hp. If
▶ Break: Fallen creatures suffer 1 point of reduced to 0hp, the charm ceases to function.
damage and dropped held items with hp
suffer 1d3 damage.
5th LEVEL SPELLS Summon Monster: Level 3 6th LEVEL SPELLS
Duration: 1 round +1 per level (until
Faithful Hound dismissed or slain) Globe of Invulnerability
Duration: 2 rounds +1 per level Range: 5’ Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 5’ ------------------------------------------------ Range: Globe
------------------------------------------------ Summons monsters to do the caster’s ------------------------------------------------
Summons a phantom hound to serve as a bidding: Creates an immobile magical sphere with a
watchdog to guard a passage, room, door, or 10' diameter around the caster that nullifies
▶ 3rd level monsters: Summons 1d4 3rd
similar space or portal designated by the any spell effects of 4th level or lower from
level monsters.
caster: entering the sphere.
▶ Type of monsters: The referee should
▶ Unseen: The hound is invisible to any randomly determine the type of monsters ▶ Spells already in effect: Are unaffected.
other than its master. Cannot be attacked. which are summoned, for example using ▶ The caster: Can cast spells through the
▶ Detects: Invisible, ethereal, concealed or dungeon wandering monster tables. globe.
any similar hard to find creature. ▶ Arrival time: Summoned monsters arrive ▶ Area or effect: Of affected spells does not
▶ Barks if: Any suspect creature approaches at the character’s location in 1d4 rounds. include the area of the globe.
its guarded place. ▶ Commanding: Monsters will attack ▶ Dispel Magic: Can dispel the globe.
▶ Bites: Any intruders who enter its range, enemies as directed or, if the character can
Summon Monster: Level 4
dealing 3d6 damage. The bite is considered a communicate with them, be given other
Duration: 1 round +1 per level (until
magical melee attack with THAC0 11 [+8]. tasks.
dismissed or slain)
▶ Dispelling: The hound may be dispelled by ▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss it at
Range: 5’
Dispel Magic or if the caster is more than 5' any time, sending it back to its plane of
away from the hound's guarded place. origin.
Summons monsters to do the caster’s
Litoform bidding:
Duration: Permanent ▶ 4th level monsters: Summons 1d3 4th
Range: Touch level monsters.
------------------------------------------------ ▶ Type of monsters: The referee should
Up to 1000 cubic feet of stone is rearranged as randomly determine the type of monsters
the caster wishes. which are summoned, for example using
▶ Stone size: Up to a 10’ cube area. dungeon wandering monster tables.
▶ Examples of uses: Caster can make ▶ Arrival time: Summoned monsters arrive
weapons, doors, sculptures out of stone. at the character’s location in 1d4 rounds.
▶ Commanding: Monsters will attack
enemies as directed or, if the character can
communicate with them, be given other
▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss it at
any time, sending it back to its plane of

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