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Sere Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City ALL DILG ATTACHED AGENCIES, PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, _CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS AND. OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : GUIDELINES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUHAY DATE INGATAN, DROGA'Y AYAWAN (BIDA) PROGRAM FEB 10 2023 BACKGROUND Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6975, otherwise known as the “Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990", the Department is mandated to Promote peace and order, ensure public safety, and strengthen local governance aimed towards the effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry. Wherefore. the Department has formulated pians, programs, and policies to reinforce this mandate. In line with the priorities of the current administration to continue the campaign against illegal drugs “within the framework of law and with respect for human rights and with focus on rehabilitation and socio-economic development,” this Department, with the Regional Offices and local government units, shall impiemen the Buhay Ingatan, Droga'y Ayawan (BIDA) Program. To officially apprise stakeholders of their involvement in the BIDA program, the Department held a soft launching last October 8, 2022, at the Rizal Park Hotel where all concerned offices and agencies pledged their commitment to the Program's implementation through a Memorandum of Undertaking. Further to this a simultaneous grand launching was held in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao las: November 26, 2022, to amplify the call to support and inform the general public 0” the program's kick-off. Relative to this, this policy cites the guidelines for the participation of local government units in the BIDA program, ‘Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan”” (02) 8876-3454 local 4201 DESCRIPTION Guided by the Philippine Anti-lliegal Drug Strategy (PADS), BIDA is the DILG's medium- to long-term program in the national campaign against illegal drugs. The BIDA Program is a holistic approach in countering the proliferation of illegal and dangerous drugs. It strengthens supply and demand reduction efforis by galvanizing the support of the community, duty-bearers, and other stakeholders in drug use prevention, law enforcement, and rehabilitation. Ultimately, BIDA seeks to improve quality of life and safeguard the Filipino people from criminality and the ill effects of drugs, in a manner that is within the framework of jaw and with respect for human rights. BIDA focuses on the pillars of (1) prevention; (2) law enforcement, prosecution, and correction; and (3) rehabilitation, wellness, and reintegration. It calls for the active ‘support of partner-NGAs, LGUs, law enforcement agencies, civil society and faith- based organizations, and other stakeholders in advocating for drug supply and demand reduction. PURPOSE The program aims to reduce drug demand and supply by empowering communities, enjoining them in anti-llegal drugs activities, and raising public awareness of the ill effects of the use of illegal drugs. The BIDA Program envisions to create a lasting impact towards the reduction of drug proliferation among communities, encouraging people to stay away from drugs, and destigmatizing drug dependence and addiction by providing access to recovery and rehabilitation. Specifically, it aims to: 3.1. Raise awareness on the ill effects of dangerous drugs through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC); 3.2. Promote health and wellness; 3.3. Strengthen institutions in the implementation of drug supply and demand reduction activities; and 3.4, Encourage multi-sectoral participation. Page 2 of 50 4. POLICY CONTENT AND GUIDELINES 4A. BIDA Program Framework POP 13: Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice Program Pils Dee) ee et] Pristieneces Law Enforcement pees Etucation Advocacy, and Strategic Communication Panning Policy Development Capacity Development Institution Strengthering and ding Regionalan iteratioal Cooperation Implementing ° ° ° ° ©. MatisetralParnasip ° ° ° ° Strategies: Community Hobiizationand Expansion Legjlatve Support Logistical Support Accountablty, Monitoring and Evaution(Key Performance ncators) Figure 1. BIDA Program Framework ‘As seen in Figure 1, the program shall be implemented as guided by the three (3) main pillars Pillar 1: revention and Health Promotion * Spearheading of activities which incorporate available principles and tools provided by prevention science and latest evidence-based treatment modalities. It aims to raise awareness on the ill effects of illegal drug use and strengthen partnerships with National Government Agencies, Civil Society Organizations and to solicit and engage the participation of the communities in the campaign against illegal drugs Enforcing existing anti-drug related laws and initiatives on drug supply reduction. This pillar focuses on scaling up the partnership and collaboration of law enforcement agencies to Page 3 of 50 prevent and eradicate the entry of illegal drugs in the country. It also put emphasis on the efforts on evidence management to support arrest and prosecution of individuals involved in illegal drugs Pillar 3: Penology, Rehabilitation and Reintegration Spearheading of various initiatives that promote health and wellness such as community-based support and reintegration services i.e. spirituality and moral recovery programs, individual, group, and family counseling, psychoeducation, and psychosocial support, family relationship _ restoration, community service, civic and preventive drug education, and aftercare interventions. This pillar also puts emphasis on the facilitation on the provision of programs on livelihood. skills development, and employment for Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUDs). To achieve the program's objectives, all three program pillars are implemented through the following implementation strategies: Education, Advocacy, and Strategic Communication Planning Policy Development Capacity Development Institution Strengthening and Building Regional and International Cooperation Multi-sectoral Partnership ‘Community Mobilization and Expansion Legislative Support Logistical Support Accountability, Monitoring, and Evaluation (Key Performance Indicators) 4.2 Activities to be Undertaken The following list of activities may be implemented by the local government units based on the perceived need of their locality, The local government units shall be given flexibility as to the execution of the activities mentioned in the succeeding sub-sections. Other programs, projects, and activities deemed necessary for the achievement of the program's objectives may also be implemented. Multisectoral meetings and conferences Declaration of drug-free status for LGUs Seminars, webinars, symposiums, and/or fora on drug prevention Fun runs, bike runs, caravans, sports fests, concerts/music festivals Presentation of graduates of CBDRP and Recovery Wellness Programs Showcase of products from rehabilitation facilities Showcase of NGA programs and services catered to recovering PWUDs and their families wereccece Page 4 of 50 ‘© Inauguration of Special Drug Education Centers (SDEC) and rehabilitation centers : © Youth-initiated or targeted activities and competitions (e.g., through schools, NYC, PNP-Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo, FBOs, etc.) © Other similar activities under the banner of BIDA. 4.3 Institutional Arrangements Figure 2. BIDA Institutional Framework Pursuant to Executive Order no. 66 series of 2018, the Philippine Antillegal Orugs Strategy is a whole-of-nation initiative that implements a two-pronged approach, namely, drug supply reduction and drug demand raduction that works in syneray with community engagement with CSO partners, NGA’s, the LGUs and the entire DILG. The blue portion of the diagram shown above represents the division of these approaches which is being utilized by the Department, other National Government Agencies, and local governmert units in their anti-drug campaign. Within the PADS strategy is the implementation of the DILG BIDA as represented by the red portion in the diagram, the LGU BIDA as represented by the green portion, and NGA BIDA as represented by the yellow portion. Within the DILG BIDA, the interior sector ‘of the DILG shall be in charge of supply reduction where PNP as our attached agency is the primary actor, while the local government sector shall be in charge mainly of the demand reduction initiatives where the rehabilitation and reintegration program, as well as drug preventive education and advocacy programs Provided by our DILG attached agencies, may come in synergy The orange portion represents the convergence of the LGU BIDA, NGA BIDA, and the DILG BIDA in conducting a Strategic communication plan in order to ensure that communications regarding the campaign at all levels follow a unified messaging. Page 5 of 50 Covering the PADS strategy is the community and CSO engagement as represented by the light blue portion as well as the regional and international partnership as represented by the light red which underscores the holistic approach that is being employed in the implementation of the BIDA. 4,3ADILG and Attached Agencies Roles and Responsibilities The Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) shall ‘® Formulate the policy and spearhead the overall implementation of the program; ® Coordinate and provide technical assistance to DILG Regional Offices and Focal Persons in the implementation of this Program; » Lead in the development of Strategic Communication Plan, IEC and other advocacy materials and collaterals pertinent to the implementation of the Program; and ‘Conduct monitoring, evaluation, information, & performance management The Public Affairs and Communications Service (PACS) shall: * Assist as contributor to the ICAD Advocacy Cluster Website; and © Co-develop Strategic Communication Plan, IEC and other advocacy materials and collaterals pertinent to the implementation of the Program The National Barangay Operations Office shall: Coordinate and provide technical assistance to DILG Regional Offices and Focal Persons in the implementation of this Program; ‘ Co-develop Strategic Communication Plan, IEC and other advocacy materials and collaterals pertinent to the implementation of the Program; * Conduct monitoring, evaluation, information, & performance management; and * Conduct capacity development training on Strengthening Institutional Capacities of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (SICAP BADAC) Aside from carrying out their mandates on anti-illegal drugs based on existing laws and issuances, all DILG Attached Agencies and Bureaus shall: * Work closely with this Department and local government units in overseeing the drug demand reduction activities; © Work closely with the Department in accrediting CSO partners that shall implement anti-ilegal drugs initiatives; © Support all drug-demand reduction activities; and © Provide technical assistance in the implementation of this Program The DILG Regional Offices shall: Disseminate this policy to the DILG Provincial and Field Offices; Coordinate with the DILG Provincial and HUC/ICC focal persons in the implementation of the Program; Page 6 of 50 © Oversee and ensure the successful implementation of the Program in the regions; and * Conduct regional monitoring, evaluation, information, & performance management on their implementation of the Program The DILG Provincial Offices shall: * Coordinate with the DILG Field Officers at the City and Municipal level in the implementation of the Program; and * Oversee and ensure the successful implementation of the Program in the provinces The DILG City/Municipality Offices shall * Ensure the implementation of the Program; and * Oversee the activities that will be implemented in the local government unit The following attached agencies shall perform the following duties: The Philippine National Police (PNP) shall: * Form a BIDA Secretariat that will monitor and consolidate reports from all PNP Regional Offices on their implementation of the BIDA Program: * Intensify the implementation of their existing drug supply reduction efforts; and * Support all local government units in their implementation of drug demand reduction initiatives, The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology shall: ® Intensify the implementation of their existing drug supply reduction efforts; and © Support and implement BIDA programs, specifically highlighting the legal assistance, rehabilitation and reintegration services provided for Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs). ‘The Bureau of Fire Protection, National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, National Police Commission, National Youth Commission Philippine Commission on Women, Philippine Public Safety College, and Local Government Academy shall: * Support and implement BIDA programs, projects, and activities. 4.3.2 Local Government Units (LGU) The LGUs are the frontline in the effort and are expected to implement a year- round, consistent, and sustained programs, projects and activities geared towards the operationalization and institutionalization of the BIDA Program Local Chief Executives, being the Chairperson of the ADAC, shall lead the implementation of the program and mobilize the support of the various departments and offices in the local government unit, the Anti-Drug Abuse Council, and other key stakeholders. Page 7 of 50 The P/C/M/B Anti-Drug Abuse Council shall: Lead the implementation of the Program; and Ensure that all plans, programs, and activities included in the Local Anti-Drug Plan of Action (LADPA) and POPS Plan are anchored with the BIDA framework; The Peace and Order Councils (POC) shall: ® Work closely with the local government unit in the implementation of the Program; Ensure that BIDA programs and activities are funded and indicated in the POPS Plan; and * Provide technical assistance and administrative support; 4.3.3 National Government Agencles (NGAs), Leagues, and Local Special Bodies (LSBs) Aside from carrying out their mandates based on existing laws and issuances, NGAs, pursuant to Executive Order no. 15, series of 2017, Leagues and LSBs, shel!: Work closely with this Department in overseeing the drug demand reduction activities * Support all drug-demand reduction activities; and Provide technical assistance in the implementation of this Program 4.3.4 Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and Fi (FBO) based Organizations ‘The CSOs and FBOs are the proactive partners in implementation of the drug demand reduction initiatives. CSOs and FBOs, through a Memorandum of Agreement or any binding document with the Department or local government units, shall: ® Assist the Department or local government units in the implementation of drug-demand reduction activities; and * Cohead advocacy and education campaigns in the community. FUNDING ‘To ensure that funding is secured for the activities under this program, the LGUs shall incorporate the activities in their Barangay Anti-Drug Plan of Action (BADPA), Local Anti-Drug Pian of Action (LADPA), Annual Investment Plan (AIP), and annual budget. Funds allotted for this program shall be disbursed in accordance with the usual accounting and auditing procedures. Page 8 of 50 6. MONITORING AND REPORTING Accomplishments under this program shalll be duly included in Reporting Forms 1 and 2 of the POPS Plan. Other reports shall be submitted, as may be necessary. All Regional Offices and National Government Agencies shall submit their quarterly quantitative and qualitative reports on the Program through the ICAD Advocacy Cluster Website and other identified mode of submission The PNP, through its BIDA secretariat shall also collate reports on PNP-led activities on BIDA and submit the same through the ICAD Advocacy Cluster Website. 7. REFERENCES 7.4.4. Republic Act No. 6975, otherwise known as the “Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990" 7.1.2. Executive Order No. 15 series of 2017, “Creation of an_Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD) and Anti-lilegal Drug Task Force to ‘Suppress the Drug Problem in the Country” 7.4.3. Department of Interior and Local Government and the Dangerous Drugs Board (DILG-DDB) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2018-01 Department of the Interior and Local Government Memorandum Circular No. 2022-118 TA 8. EFFECTIVITY This policy shall take effect immediately. 9. ANNEXES Annex A - BIDA National Framework (Page 10) Annex B - DILG BIDA Plan of Action (Page 11-50) 10. APPROVING AUTHORITY ATTY. BENJAMIN C. ABALOS, JR. Secret 11, FEEDBACK For other queries, you may contact the DILG PADS-PMO through Telephone No. (02) 8876-3454 loc. 4210 or e-mail at [email protected]. BLGS.2023.01-24.007 OSECIECAELGSIDTTPCMOIRmiMxiges/pkpAkmnr Page 9 of 50 ANNEX A Buhay ingatan Droga’y Ayawan (BiDA) Program Strategy Framework PDP 13: Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Admi tration of Justice t Program Pillars: Nee} eran nology, Rehabilitation and Do aren roy rhe Set Pome ea) Faas © Increase awareness on the i + Intensy inteligence gathering © Increase access to Objectives: effects of illegal drug use i oe cine peveginre rehabilitation and ‘© Strengthen partnerships with aieaawe reintegration programs NGAs, CSOs and engage ‘+ strengthen collaboration with ‘+ Facilitate provision of communities other aw enforcement agencies at livelihood and job ‘the loca regional national and International levels Heighten effort to provent and ‘opportunities to support rehabilitated and eracate the entry of legal drugs, reintegrated PWUDs in ras pughera conte ‘coordination with partner Precursors and Essential Chemicals pee ‘agencies and stakeholders e ¥ ¥ Education, Advocacy, and Strategic Communication Planning Policy Development Capacity Development Institution Strengthening and Building Regional and International Cooperation Mult-sectoral Partnership Community Mobilizetion and Expansion Legislative Support Logistical Support ‘Accountability, Monitoring, and Evaluation (Key Performance Indicators) Implementing Strategies: e000000000 | orkshon 5 sonication of PPRa por inpiomenting Svategy |Wrkshep Onjcve: To We proposed PPAS per sbaigy of tw BIDA Promo Joueme: Dog:Free Communities by 2028 [msionarung Ago Jeak 1: Provention, Heath Promotion (UAL OU PUTSIDELIVERABLES AND FUNDS oy ina 325 2026 Baar Er STRATEGY Pras Funds ana ards and Funds ane Funes ane ands and Funds and Output =! | coupe | Furies | ouput | Pun Output output | Fardeen | outpua | Funds an Heaton, Aavocaey, acd [Naina and Regional [76 Regional an Waionat s6 000030 |Srstoge Cormeen acing [RIDA Progam Duc sed Actvtes |PaDs lrglerantaery [SIDA Sea [Seog cmariaton —FS000.000 |Cemmuniaten Penning pan careopes [paps [Reianang of a 1CAD | Rtranad wat, cota No ond JAwvecaey Custer |maragomont set, and. 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Jparerang Corruty Monet ae expansion oct montaton Je x yout ond Nenper tS you a jth ereanaaions tended al chats land by Nv an [ne ator apodos IweeeD castor Jxcprte ransrora fous) Ponborot yaa Jryeut frzonatns [snes Iwas onanzod pane agers Pinos WwetDeD sant [ono a SF you Javonizstons stone oa! cies or BDA fh wae organize lone nda ror aperser oo rc ES Ponber at ft an tn laencerere [tendo at fore and er requ RomINDS Inceoeo [tows or fra anspor | fous) Pontorar se fy ane yun [sere beat fries or 108 |ratwas oreance| lorena nar sare anspoan lous) ora ve rd youn [eee lyases [utrerepeces Rares) hecoeo ea oe | Pate [me ac) | leone of Indes tor lston spear ne |ncotator Jorericascns Royale ure orgrtzaion natton earn (Yor) from aavseres wo Funos {ron maison NEEDED uo runos| JweeeD frome aston fkceoen Ino runos| Ineeoeo NoRP Adwearas horns], INeeoeD |S rate an Put arsansise wos se wou Jcontnaon wan cs, Ns, insert [esr an Jere tym na 2) MoU [cernaten war lis, Lous, Iwace uno, lec, rar, lane Jone lane lame fone fits fromataat ey Ia reg Ie att stra wey Insert rogers Jowssoc an ets Iogorang ine eosenance ftroxoatr 6 toosics Sipe [seostot Ippon vaugy [nat [Sertons Pens sects we [-Accourtacaty, entonrs, [Samer lane Evaunton ey JPercmrance msc —_[Reawte, Jamieson ot ee ccnp foros Jpn: Law Enorcemert, Prosecation, Penolony RRO a ma 225 228 a scareey Fara al por Fas na Fund and ouput nde a] outt wd | ovat [Pate vt | Fate 2m cup |e sours [ova sacaton ane Joveroess caponn ee org aaucan [PSHM IEC feroson long sng ot pew [Svar enig or Daa cera of [oun eaneor ears [boa waar os looms aos POL, pommel ans PCL. pang ipo POL = roma srs lexns tay JrcPOL,eympesimave|pans — JPAvEmsLaREPO. ean |remommslaneol Ipanema fenos |r PACS Fempenumvng [PADS |BIMP peeve erst fare ome susrresesorar [areca amar [ricstinn waren wae 1s Eascaton cacy. sete Cormariaton [Stank pn poate |rencabon sccm | ene Ista ee esone lesan ct lroteydewepment one [Emer or ar- ae [cose Supeot [secon ‘SenmoniMonshoouor suet orth oc [tiesto Pons [aramnocaneotor eanasior _ [esporeety ne [scanty omotpnet —_|SeriaraWatan Daegeran Ors " JopsiFcea/Summit |Boerdi0D8) |Canitcation Training See ent renee |Canification Train] atager Kagan st fersew au leew [ar ew Fe rw fermen lomererngrorurse! owe — [cumeonans fom fenrscurana Joa (ingsowease foam — |ongeamor awe — foureaorine far [ame few nin Blue inet Me lnc aorta ea anos Kniro'or Ju front soe su pons ee promo bere won Tiger lew oxy vn and fore ta lana erate formar lesoret ord) a react J aston svngtoney a range Pokey lsucna [ar [avo [oman nine Jeane [Orgcinmes lomaciern — ogy omgcmaoe —eang onacewet faynq four eas Trlemertaton [OW Oewd Fciion fans PSS PAs Jecites "AOS Facies "ADS Paces ans Ferttes pane [ewe Loupe fas aie eka tte Nor ke, Statens: nd Ine Ragen a tmatons [nator Coat Sager ansiaamatorsl \ocsreuten wt [aw atecamet [Pormership Community neg Jnooteston ane Expansion f>s¥o}ere on wit |ccordination with |Cooresnation with ~anorshal [Coordination with [score wan eas estou noe isxn tGun woos {esa toue Roce fein ene ous bs [;cus.neceiUnene, Jane — frunooc cee. [aun |undoc. cee, fave —funooe. icc, four |NGOUNORC. Inyo Jiewonc cae [ame jae exe 1S | mare foram oe fears) rc feta if [ton von [wane a one ha [ermcee Logatea upper mor phased Iw oeestone Pine here 7 rezourtau, Mentoona, tat Fee [amine [soe aout persone! len tgs [cen agains os "RIMUA OUTPUTSTDELIVERABLES AND FUNDS: ss = ous oe = = oot [emer] ome [oer | ome [amt] ome [Pamzert] ome [cua] ome [Pe yaar an Juror carga lesen ei froun ve pve ean [soc-Fanitesnd [atonr Charen ae ler errors (PACES) fwotneas campaign for let ar leretres [rj tarios foun education focontedatendos Jantcanpotn [ssuons on dg fecveryronoitason aa hoa rapes Jusony Peayanan- .Edscaon, Abvocacy, snd lemon lsuage Communicate [setorm'oraxater Jpennina report) ldots Yous |onaed aoc locoregenatitaton sa fsranay Nowy Ecce Onoels Jexco)-as an ltt 0" Nowy cod brargay lsantaton tft ose or ne Jee [porn pagrmon [ica Jetreaton feiatecoary ond Jerraton on |yetnase favs fcovorynnati| lon and weno lesance a PN Coste ler arvergscampan lowe Jcrstone Panto 2 Patcy Ocwsopnen one [equate Songer beascoe ot Tame-ooncse oon live ona ton Wwanalsce Psy fons Wrest om le Gupta Inenace Pac. [rostis bogcoinos [ricco lsreore te ten fre i 2 Iovate Wotgecs, in Rana Wooster ard Rogen Ofcon lonFiee Worse, [i sna earns ant [Regia tens les lous-tee lowa-tee |worcce, ae Ire, uP stor atona MNewdquenirs and |auur — |Reoayvatorsand [ene faegora oes Regena Once loue-ree apace. BM stars! easier and erat ores lone Free Worcs. BVP esq nd JRonona mess Joe Jove lamp-owoac-e3 we fon Caan er Bora Under AM, howe sc Joamayan na Komnod joc Jontcaton Tang or Ire rg emuralrs on roe! [Gear Yanna er row oy leaeretor IMP pecs lose [eaten Tria] \cenienon lores ro, [raring or ee Jsunesors ara foam feasts foun son [SF err [eerrearm rag rn lire or Ceison Tag er ew dn foun and hiner er RM psec law fone [Gomouctet ‘Ssranasonesept or [sSimmttorte# se ltien rae ene Por . capactyDovtgmert lconsetot ste [bs Eauaton setter (zpmineatomiprorta \Soocse SOC FACES Fecnvenronoiliesonte It fs tere Nan aming ache Jon drags easton lion [raining on Josrens scr as [reraeoue [Sent a ject Prat frou. Ketton atop ara ns lemmas lrcon Eston, sis loved, ToMP, jronina consuctes lsning concns fos {rainngcontutes lome jana conduc lame frente cndces Jame fra consutes renters - pron that nd wenes an sro incong |eorirg was fon |crrythati| Jmepaten and how me youn foods cn hp [ut parca in |ncmearee acne jours eanac jaar paca TST STG levatnena faring Progam Percontge of POL ne mind lame |. Percnine POL Jr eto lame | erage of PO jane | peconace of 0% wane ire poe Fercerige of Joona n eno rogue | orcontage of OL ‘rod eos lane four sions and remo! 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[LOLS PET g [ROOM fnmcisine ” [Ont sown fremecrtc eect nt vnc esc rowers la vavee accuse laccure jatouw J pena lug fame ton [BAS on Joronoy fLeurrerlonc culm mn Jononcu fant Box Jononsy | mrt eres lebces bene letra oornaet luaco eZ | tn caren 1 ex cman B legge ot crn oun’ ox cru genre loucene ao Jed nymeancot jou JPncu jou Jocbytheendof [AGU ju jcu a regen trea loBeanaacen Lars a 288 1 est lnsemmg _fouaco m= lecnrcnoe [es eonstneote comets] —|ueetne ox sents opera oc om ottetc Laan eter Boe seers eeseoor lsegena jomactors onc eral es na or fit Peers acne lesaucd fame | fe acest on emer? oncoo[SScoe mam [na m|snomo [Etereaion |ouom [eveecare|cosce |Ssanystame [aoa | er So oreo fe atic sox ot esto sa nm Jeeta 4 fatten |rumbor of ne tte number | pasmnente: jrurnber of oes eer the toa mambo of] lamosye unser saercare pane waar farang larger Prana | ioeee psn bese eam meas [cn lecumges| [eacew] (Sas taaw anita Pta'atee sion ates San Sone severe [onc co Jena co. 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[cracostoe. [tou [emails ace. leoamectre Imus | Cer sane esoocnalwomaint — 259g ponent lFesecea [romain armen |zsonaao|eomstetetLPaangon, erations! [eases foreanon f Bi fo ocak "fa fe tl [rosin Jncnoss frais joa ravens Jrmasrone ——_fopa aan lation a tien aia foes co- lemwacartrne [BUSS atk Faeonsonafaencacr een op Lom pee BO liomewe roman inom on Kora eae luce lesson fous remiss [oucca fesec amey lous co frcacelanag|on co’ fesecse snore fous co fcox gene! [OREO [ote cornonlancw teen Wea lates’ ncn fewert |caeeslanoct = fen Imeraoeeyspone MOAI ecrmat rane: [gwen |Pome- lgrmrenont Acs fern lower [ns jsOerdaonen [54008 mie fanaio romano, [atocae [egrets _[iceoasqmaeris [acnean, [Seramre oan [pone in frmomneats fio (pene masanifao” faumasteats [20° Veaetteam |e le [reco Kae i ese es nae fw fracatot—— [sergnng Hemant ims, [eter onom " leer ne ae Jena) fairs acoenonfonc — fecmateats fous fecrminits fons fecmainie Jou Jircomeits Jono ecrnatan fous —_fealRteion lye me feos em ae fovengarae fou freon ens) fous foo cre) lous —frarwiromy fous freon irons) fous —froonromy fous | car Ins esesec eneet | pew ease! jbl eae cory ceca | mee lan. eee Lae Poe las oe ee fo ua, femme, (oe Nowe ino ieee, x Seon, eee eee aa OF em ee ara [eStart a pore Fa 5 pees ae rs pie ae ere a) cee ||) laren’ | hy eemraaa ene ese | fovea ee Foetal Ma sore asi Foci at # int ea fe store Roa ieee See pease ecnacm, (Ses Sao ee eeceee ee, [wiDA Sucomect ee * one oe | = |oessominatan 0 cca acd er eae re E feta fome a ond ara aaa ee ae eae las laa laa Ize ae feu | ease” f= fetes ft mee ane ete nc, Jace fe |) Eeenrae Fasenmant» [20% [tomes [SEADS Kreeite [COPS atenracin COPA Leary [SO a ier ea ts i ee Sane cant) Fees iy ees [Lot emcee | cere ely Fear aca emma Ll) NT La RE hts ete ca | ren es ee ise ese i es Heazraccacy — leaunety rowatlogs le low Js lwo |e luc fe lowe Jos | Atragon aaGRaRe lakers: folio ea ba Faith aa uo fas ee eens eet fp. escaton, Ades, rt Jsrsene commoncation Penn lato Prope a ac |Pogmm ond lee jorcco lok Uyajan se [set ty Rao Jpowrem) JOR vin Pa sorts ao Froncrncn OA Jes ado Joonate BION [arma [ion wi fsa ae fpomcte BO owns wows eau to perm 10% ona Iwan laa aun ato frome sib8 [Sera ar os 1 tnt Youn [surreal [mara wn ree fw postal [ras Gtr ane lena on haa ons Poors tne Iton los ues Js ravers lesan. lsa.000.20 lous lesc000.0} fous: lsacoooo fous joes Jenisec on mating freon Or rents race peer Jaros, creD feaem Sioa fra pa BoA Sect kereans Your eee leant voutn era ve | ls ene Yo Lge pc err fone fear fou froma fous ftmiease ouc fawn fous (zeae laoconc famcoah leon [icemen feommos fami leoyos|eumcmtn (mos fmt Iams | is eres i honin e mc (oxi Sot. ‘Co leo fot. Shot fae “ sre cee ise. es pears scone ig cat rosea lag ae is om " [Making Contest pele feet one Ireneaon D4 remeron 804 ea cay (BSR lance remtinst BDA |iooaso JERS nlioocon [smote ooo | mo fareyereecer |1°°° le eyoun cece edn] 120000 you sc [BAI Reyom 100001 Tee yn ec! cede OH | Nea loxo lca leao lca law siren (a se" leer” ier eo Peete joan joomo sing |rooonco |, eae | ox onco), jooma], aoor000 losomoe) cay cera [Ou eS, bus Pas ee joe rot wai wo ce eran roc at re goat sit ps lnonvaertna|, (OSeeae afouscofeaiyans | frames la co-famm |... [aan careers Kemorato Premttem fico. [renee on oracalem age {28 [env [en 0000s te " lca eal once | ecg ae Iersor feasts capa ous {nes sre nea ceeonn Limmson srwson lumason Jom omen [orn lacs on lames feos Imad loneco: louoco- loucco, Kiron Premise [ac mre area aso, reco ec 5 frome mune_|2#03000 Pete ant |, 2030 lemma pal 3%. rat aan [89 [snce) Cometon | lcosterne ans [co toga ane oro ral gs ant fromcrgtree | (ern fee eo es ow os farm oAconte = lexuonaw 20 lowers | oen0 mm i Sampson [pwns ey) Tae at lkayean sean |sioneston 20.00.00 aw Jona 04 len ra Jaron la [etc Jr ot [curser usr jr nts esomaung [Sosen g [Get rom IO ctr Jr ot lesen sia fig nen onwmacng sya ain at ee Proce Jens ton forsee Jeaorae no lina staan seg coret Proskeson ot emer to \pernston late ts erst ot Jeane | Jing otis of Jr one ISeoo Matra Jomo tom SIDA [roan [sont or Picton ot [ster a Steers sion vou pret tn rin Postrmakig or} Fraicn ot [eae se ria test eres cman [sci ani |coestom S04) kan on fone nave Jous Lapin on - onageonscies aan on A lm corse b kaon on At fon rons lkainan on lowe carte | kit on at Jong entice fastonabity ra ra Woes cor ot ornaors Joona aba cers leon aed as ner oa oA Rent Femaces ba aco-|tommeornce!l aco. Jemeraceslonccolariiet, louaco-ltmatencte aucco fermi, loxaco-|ammrmclongco-| [BOA Resiorat (PS cop faReg amul)- Soiahing Ion coo, [gigi areal (ran (zon sami fy 00 erste (100000 fare |S 7 Se ited van pee P lreettoye [200 leccorpetar en aa en (are og jae bros ag ms, serra rs SFaROEOR TTR [Wemtos” ——|aapatng fous co lanier oem [Secon Kewrse,, fous foowmert, fons fronmare fou lemroatns RGA. 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