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1.) A gas is enclosed in a 10.0 L tank at 1200 mmHg pressure.

Which of the following is a

reasonable value for the pressure when the gas is pumped into a 5.00 L vessel?

o 2400 mmHg
o 600 mmHg
o 0.042 mmHg
o 24 mmHg

2.) A sample of gas in a closed container at a temperature of 76°C and a pressure of 5.0 atm is
heated to 399°C. What pressure does the gas exert at the higher temperature?

o 2.6 atm 
o 9.6 atm
o 0.95 atm
o 26 atm

3.) A flask containing 163 cm3 of hydrogen was collected under a pressure of 26.7 kPa. What
pressure would have been required for the volume of the gas to have been 68 cm3, assuming the
temperature is held constant?

o 64.0 kPa
o 32.0 kPa
o 78.2 kPa
o 11.1 kPa

4.) A sample of nitrogen gas is contained in a piston with a freely moving cylinder. At 0°C, the
volume of the gas is 371 mL. To what temperature must the gas be heated to occupy a volume of
557 mL?
o -91.2°C
o 137°C
o 484°C
o 212°C

5.) A 5.00 L sample of a gas exerts a pressure of 1040 torr at 50.0°C. In what volume would the
same sample exert a pressure of 1.00 atm at 50.0°C?

o 10.5 L
o 0.581 L
o 3.33 L
o 6.84 L

6.) What mass of O2 is required to produce 14.5 g of CO2 if the reaction has a 65.0% yield?

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)   CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

o 21.1 g
o 16.2 g
o 32.4 g
o 13.7 g

7.) Consider the following reaction:

2Al + 6HCl   2AlCl3 + 3H2

This reaction has a yield of 82.5%. How many moles of HCl are needed to produce 14.0 L of
H2 at 351 K and 1.11 atm?

o 0.890 mol
o 0.540 mol
o 1.08 mol
o 1.31 mol
8.) The reaction below has a percent yield of 45.0%.

H2(g) + Cl2(g)   2HCl(g)

How many moles of HCl gas are produced if 15.5 L of Cl2 at STP and excess H2 are reacted?

o 0.769 mol
o 0.346 mol
o 0.623 mol
o 0.156 mol

9.) If you have 44.8 L of nitrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure, how much will it

o 56 g
o 44.8 g
o 28 g
o 28 kg

10.) At 80.0°C and 12.0 torr, the density of camphor vapor is 0.0829 g/L. What is the molar mass
of camphor?

o 152 g/mol
o 243 g/mol
o 3490 g/mol
o 34.5 g/mol

11.) What is the density of nitrogen gas at STP?

Correct answer: 
o 1.25 g/L
o 2.50 g/L
o 0.625 g/L
o 4.00 g/L

12.) A chemist has synthesized a greenish-yellow gaseous compound that contains only chlorine
and oxygen and has a density of 7.71 g/L at 36.0°C and 2188.8 mmHg. What is the molar mass
of the compound?

o 86.9 g/mol
o 67.9 g/mol
o 51.5 g/mol
o 25.8 g/mol

13.) How many moles of gaseous carbon dioxide are there in 15 L at STP?

o 3.0 moles
o 0.52 moles
o moles
o 0.67 moles

14.) Consider the following reaction:

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)   CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

What is the final volume if 10 L of methane (CH4) reacts completely with 20 L of oxygen?

o It cannot be determined without knowing the temperature at which this reaction takes
o 10 L
o 15 L
o 30 L
o 20 L

15.) Calculate the volume of methane (CH4) produced by the bacterial breakdown of 3.87 kg of
sugar (C6H12O6) at 258 K and 726 torr.

C6H12O6(aq)   3CH4(g) + 3CO2(g)

o 1450 L
o 858 L
o 2610 L
o 1430 L

16.) Consider the following reaction:

N2(g) + 3H2(g)   2NH3(g)

If the reaction is carried out at constant temperature and pressure, how much H2 is required to
react with 9.8 L of N2?

o 29.4 L
o 39.2 L
o 14.7 L
o 19.6 L

17.) What volume of pure oxygen gas (O2) measured at 546 K and 1.00 atm is formed by
complete dissociation of 0.5 mol of Ag2O?

2Ag2O(s)   4Ag(s) + O2(g)

o 11.2 L
o 33.6 L
o 16.8 L
o 5.60 L
18.) If the volume of a gaseous system is increased by a factor of 3 and the temperature is raised
by a factor of 6, then the pressure of the system will __________ by a factor of _________
o increase, 0.5
o increase, 2
o decrease, 18
o decrease, 2
o increase, 18
o decrease, 0.5

19.) You have a sample of H2 gas and Ar gas at the same temperature and pressure, but the
H2 gas has twice the volume of the Ar gas. Assuming the gases behave ideally, which gas has the
larger NUMBER DENSITY (gas particles per volume)?

o the Ar gas
o It depends on the value of the temperature and the pressure.
o they are the same
o the H2 gas

20.) Which has the higher mass density (g/L): a sample of O2 with a volume of 10 L, or a sample
of Cl2 with a volume of 3 L? Both samples are at the same temperature and pressure.

o It depends on the value of the temperature and pressure.

o they are the same
o the Cl2
o the O2

21.) What is the mass of oxygen gas in a 16.6 L container at 34.0°C and 6.22 atm?

o 1180 g
o 131 g
o 432 g
o 4.10 g
22.) One method of estimating the temperature of the center of the sun is based on the
assumption that the center consists of gases that have an average molar mass of 2.00 g/mol. If the
density of the center of the sun is 1.40 g/cm3 at a pressure of 1.30 x 109 atm, calculate the

o 2.26 x 1010 °C
o 2.26 x 107 °C
o 700°C
o 2.26 x 1013 °C

23.) What is the molar mass of a gas if 0.473 g of the gas occupies a volume of 376 mL at
23.0°C and 1.90 atm?

o 0.0161 g/mol
o 1.25 g/mol
o 13.2 g/mol
o 16.1 g/mol

24.) Consider the following reaction:

2HCl + Na2CO3   2NaCl + H2O + CO2

For this reaction, 179.2 L of CO2 is collected at STP. How many moles of NaCl are also formed?

o 12.5 moles
o 32.0 moles
o 16.0 moles
o 8.00 moles
25.) The analysis of a hydrocarbon revealed that it was 85.6281% C and 14.3719% H by mass.
When 3.22 g of the gas was stored in a 1.2 L flask at -190.842°C, it exerted a pressure of 491
torr. What is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon?

o C4H10
o C3H8
o C2H4
o C4H6
1.) Two gases are contained in gas bulbs connected by a valve. Gas A is present in a 1 liter bulb
at a pressure of 818 torr. Gas B exerts a pressure of 328 torr in a 1 liter bulb. The valve is opened
and the two gases come to equilibrium. What is the partial pressure of gas A expressed after

o 656 torr
o 1640 torr
o 164 torr
o 409 torr

2.) A mixture of oxygen and helium is 92.3% by mass oxygen. It is collected at atmospheric
pressure (745 torr). What is the partial pressure oxygen in this mixture? Hint: partial pressures
are calculated from the total pressure via MOLE FRACTIONS.

o 688 torr
o 333 torr
o 412 torr
o 447 torr

3.) If the average speed of a water molecule at 25°C is 640 m/s, what is the average speed at

o 716 m/s
o 1280 m/s
o 320 m/s
o 572 m/s

4.) Air bags in automobiles contain crystals of sodium azide (NaN3) which, during a collision,
decompose rapidly to give nitrogen gas and sodium metal. (Potassium nitrate and silicon dioxide
are added to remove the sodium metal by converting it into a harmless material.) The nitrogen
gas liberated behaves as an ideal gas and any solid produced has a negligible volume (its volume
can be ignored). Calculate the mass of sodium azide required to generate enough nitrogen gas to
fill a 57.0 L air bag at 1.04 atm and 16°C.
o 108 g
o 2.50 g
o 163 g
o 1960 g

5.) What is the root mean square speed of the nitrogen gas molecules generated in question 4?

o 50.4 m/s
o 16.0 m/s
o 507 m/s
o 1.59 m/s

6.) Which of the following statements about Kinetic-Molecular Theory of gases is FALSE?

o Gases consist of molecules in continuous random motion.

o Collisions between molecules are elastic.
o The distance between molecules is much larger than the diameter of each molecule.
o The average kinetic energy of gas molecules in a sample of gas is independent of

7.) A plot of the Maxwell distribution of speeds for the same sample of gas at different
temperatures shows that...

o at high temperatures, most molecules have speeds close to their average speed.
o as the temperature decreases, a high proportion of molecules have very high speeds.
o as the temperature increases, a high proportion of molecules have very slow speeds.
o as the temperature decreases, the distribution of speeds widens.
o at low temperatures, most molecules have speeds close to their average speed.
8.) Consider the gases H2, Ne, O2, and Ar. Put them in order of their DECREASING rate of

9.) Calculate the ratio of the rate of effusion of CO2 to that of He.

o 3.3 : 1
o 0.30 : 1
o 0.090 : 1
o 11 : 1
o 12 : 1

10.) A sample of He gas and O2 have the same temperature, pressure, and volume. Which gas has
a greater number of collisions of gas molecules with the walls of the container?

o The He gas because it is less massive and moving with a higher average velocity.
o They are the same since the pressure is the same.
o The O2, since it has a higher average momentum as it is more massive.
o The O2 gas since it has a higher average kinetic energy because it is more massive.

11.) Nitric acid is produced commercially by the Ostwald process. In the first step, ammonia is
oxidized to nitric oxide via the following reaction equation:

4NH3(g) + 5O2(g)   4NO(g) +6H2O(g)

A sample of NH3 gas in a 2.00 L container exerts a pressure of 0.500 atm. A sample of O2 gas in
a 1.00 L container exerts a pressure of 1.50 atm. If these two gasses are pumped into a 3.00 L
container and allowed to react with one another (with proper catalysts), calculate the partial
pressure of NO after the reaction is complete. Assume 100% yield for the reaction at a constant
o 0.333 atm
o 0.400 atm
o 1.50 atm
o 0.250 atm

12.) A 5.0 L flask containing O2 at 2.00 atm is connected to a 3.0 L flask containing H2 at 4.00
atm and the gases are allowed to mix. What is the mole fraction of H2?

o 0.55
o 0.25
o 0.33
o 0.67

13.) A gas mixture being used to simulate the atmosphere of another planet at 23°C consists of
337 mg of methane, 148 mg of argon, and 210 mg of nitrogen. The partial pressure of nitrogen at
296 K is 19.0 kPa. Calculate the total pressure of the mixture.

o 29.1 kPa
o 81.6 kPa
o 109 kPa
o 165 kPa

14.) Calculate the volume of the mixture described in question 13.

o 9.58 mL
o 0.971 L
o 0.226 L
o 0.902 L

15.) When heated, solid mercury oxide (HgO) will decompose into mercury and oxygen gas
according to following equation:

2HgO(s)   2Hg(g) + O2(g)

16.) Starting with a container that has only solid HgO in it, the temperature is raised to 700 K
and all of the solid decomposes. The total pressure in the container is 0.75 bar. What is the
partial pressure of oxygen?

o 0.25 bar
o 0.75 bar
o 0.50 bar
o 0.125 bar

17.) All gases exhibit ideal behavior in low pressure situations because when the pressure is very
low, the gas particles are...

o undergoing only elastic collisions.

o far apart and rarely interacting.
o slightly attracted to one another.
o experiencing a balance of kinetic and potential energy.
o moving very slowly.

18.) A 1 mole sample of He gas at 1000 K and 500 bar has a volume of 0.176 L. Estimate the
value of the constant 'b' in the hard sphere model for He.

o 0.00732 L/mol
o 0.0166 L/mol
o 0.0238 L/mol
o 0.00972 L/mol

19.) The ideal gas equation models the gas behavior observed in the world...

o very well under all conditions for most gases.

o perfectly for some gases, but not for others.
o perfectly for pressures under 20 atm.
o very well under some conditions, but shows large errors in others.
o perfectly for temperatures under 1000 K.

20.) Which of the following gases would you predict to have the largest value of the van der
Waals coefficient, 'b?'

o C2FCl5
o Cl2
o CO2
o C2F6
o C2F2Cl4

21.) Consider the following van der Waals coefficients:

Gas  a (L2·atm·mol-2)  b (L·mol-1)
ammonia 4.17 0.0371
chlorine 6.49 0.0562
helium 0.034 0.0237
neon 0.211 0.0171
water 5.46 0.0305
Which of the following gases has the largest attractive forces?

o helium
o water
o ammonia
o neon
o Chlorine

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