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Tunisian Simple Stitch.................................... 8 Clove Stitch............................................... 28
Tunisian Knit Stitch........................................ 8 Little Bobbles in a Row................................ 29
Tunisian Purl Stitch......................................... 9 Feather & Fan Ripple................................... 30
Tunisian Reverse Stitch................................. 10 Alternating Cross-Stitch................................ 31
Extended Tunisian Simple Stitch..................... 10 Tricolor Tweed........................................... 31
Tunisian Double Stitch.................................. 11 Tricolor Stripe............................................. 32
Tunisian Full Stitch....................................... 12 Hopscotch................................................ 33
Tunisian Twisted Stitch................................. 12 Trinity....................................................... 34
Drop Stitch................................................ 13 Blocks...................................................... 35
Offset Star Stitch........................................ 13 Simple Slips.............................................. 36
Star Stitch................................................. 14 Waves..................................................... 36
Braided Stitch............................................ 15 Houndstooth.............................................. 37
Shells & Vertical Lines.................................. 15 Quotes..................................................... 38
Smocked Stitch.......................................... 16 Fans........................................................ 39
Diagonal Lattice Stitch................................. 16 Bricks....................................................... 39
Encircled Stitches........................................ 17 Carats...................................................... 40
Comma Stitch............................................ 18 Flecks & Pebbles........................................ 41
Muscovite or Pebble Stitch........................... 18 Net Overlay.............................................. 42
Diagonal Eyelet Stitch.................................. 19
Basket Weave........................................... 20 PROJECTS
Seed Stitch................................................ 21 Keyhole Scarf............................................ 43
Cross-Stitch............................................... 21 Tunisian Roll Brim Hat.................................. 47
Shells & Horizontal Lines.............................. 22 Tunisian Reader’s Wrap............................... 50
Lacy Shells................................................ 22 Tunisian Moebius Shawl.............................. 53
Chained Cable.......................................... 23
Eyelets & Columns...................................... 24 METRIC CONVERSION CHARTS 55
Satin Stitches & Vs...................................... 25 STITCH GUIDE 56
Slender Shells............................................ 26
Chevron Ripple.......................................... 26
Eyelet Stitch............................................... 27
Columns................................................... 27
Honeycomb Stitch aka Moss Stitch................ 28

Tunisian Basic Information

The origins of Tunisian crochet are unknown. drape, simply use a Tunisian hook several sizes
Patterns for projects using the technique began larger or use a lighter weight yarn.
appearing in the mid-19th century in publica-
tions such as Weldon’s Practical Needlework. Tunisian crochet is usually worked with the same
Often referred to as tricot stitch in those early side facing you at all times. This is usually con-
publications, it is also unknown where the term sidered the right side, although in some stitch
“Tunisian crochet” originated. patterns both sides are equally attractive.

Somewhat of a cross between knitting and cro- Most people find holding the Tunisian hook with
chet, Tunisian crochet is worked on a long hook their hand above the hook, resting lightly over
with a knob on one end. Some people believe the stitches, with their index finger extended
it represents a missing link between knitting the most comfortable position and provides the
and crochet. There are knit and purl stitches in best control.
Tunisian crochet that lend some credibility to
that theory. Each row consists of 2 actions: the forward
motion where you pick up the loops (stitches)
HOOKS and hold them on the hook, followed by the
A few years ago, Tunisian hooks were difficult return motion where you work the loops off
to find in any material other than aluminum the hook until only one loop remains. The loop
unless they were custom made by a woodwork- that remains on the hook after completing the
er. Lengths were limited to around 14 inches, return motion counts as the first stitch of the
and sizes ranged from around 4mm to 6.5mm. next row. If you are right-handed, you will be
working the pick-up or forward pass of the row
With the recent resurgence of interest in from right to left and the return portion from
Tunisian crochet has come a variety of new left to right. A row is considered completed
hooks from many different companies. when you are back to the right-hand edge of the
Straight hooks are now available in a variety work with one loop left on the hook.
of lengths, materials and sizes. Hooks with a
cable and button end in various sizes are par- The pick-up portion of a row results in vertical
ticularly helpful when working a large project bars which always come in pairs—one strand
as they allow the weight of the project to rest to the front of the work and one strand to the
in your lap instead of on the hook, thus allow- back. The return pass of the row creates a line
ing you to avoid shoulder and arm strain. Most of horizontal “chains” that runs between the
recently, interchangeable hook sets have hit vertical bars. (see Photo A)
the marketplace. These allow you to select the
cord length most appropriate for the number
of stitches you are working with.
Top horizontal bar of chain
It is possible to create either a firm, dense fabric
or a light and lacy fabric with Tunisian crochet.
The finished fabric is influenced by the diam-
eter of the hook, the weight of the yarn and the Back
Tunisian stitch pattern. Bottom horizontal bar of chain vertical vertical
bar bar
For instance, Tunisian simple stitch creates a
firm, thick fabric if worked with the same size
hook you would ordinarily use for standard An endless variety of stitches can be created
crochet. To produce a softer fabric with more based on where you pick up stitches for the next

row as well as how many stitches you work off

at a time during the return pass.

The first row is often referred to as the foundation
row and is usually, although not always, worked
in the same manner: Using either the Tunisian
hook or a standard length hook, chain the
desired number of stitches. If using a standard
hook, transfer the final loop on the hook to the Because the loop remaining on your hook is the
Tunisian hook. Gently roll the chain toward you first stitch of the next row, unless instructed
to expose the bumps on the back of the chain, otherwise, you will skip the first vertical bar
insert the hook under the second bump from (the one directly below the loop on your
the hook, bring the yarn over the hook from hook) as you begin to pick up stitches for the
back to front and draw it through the bump, next row. (see Photo E)
forming a loop on the hook. Continue in the
same manner, picking up a stitch in each bump
on the chain. At the end, you should have the
same number of stitches on the hook as were in
the starting chain. (see Photo B)

Skip first
PH OTO E vertical bar

No matter what stitch you work in subsequent

rows, the final stitch of each row requires spe-
cial attention. Because the first stitch of the row
(the one on your hook after the return) never
varies, you want to match this stitch at the
end of the row. Insert the hook under both the
front and back vertical bars, yarn over and draw
To work the stitches off the hook: Bring the yarn through. This creates a nice firm edge. This is
over the hook from back to front and draw basically the same as the Tunisian knit stitch,
through the first lp (see Photo C), *yo, draw but when worked as the last stitch of the row,
through the next 2 lps (see Photo D), rep from * it is usually written as “Tunisian simple stitch
until 1 lp rem on the hook. This is the method under both strands.” (see Photo F)
most often, although not always, used to work
the stitches off the hook and is sometimes
referred to as a “standard return.”



Once you understand how to create stitches, you
can work on the little things that can have a big
impact on the appearance of your work.

Working Tension: You want to work with a Remove this loop from hook. Place loop that is on stitch
smooth, even tension on both the pick up and marker onto hook. Replace this loop back on hook.
return portions of the row. When picking up Yarn over and draw through final 2 lps on hook.
stitches, be sure to bring the loop up to the
full height of the row. In other words, the
hook should rest above the previous row, not
on top of it.

Practice the return portion until the stitches are

even. If you work the return too tightly, you
will restrict the width of your piece and the ver-
tical bars may look crowded. Work the return
too loosely and you will see untidy little loops
of excess yarn appearing. Left Edge: Success on this edge depends on
ensuring that you are inserting the hook under
I find the overall appearance to be most appeal- both loops of the final stitch. From my years
ing when all four edges have an even chain-link of teaching, I know this can be hard to see for
appearance. beginners because the first horizontal stitch
from the previous return often lies over and
Bottom Edge: Picking up in the bump on the mimics the vertical edge stitch. I developed
wrong side achieves the chain-link appearance. the following method to help students become
If the foundation row is too tight, your piece accustomed to seeing where to insert the hook
will draw in at the bottom. One way to correct for the final stitch of the next row. After picking
this is to crochet the beginning chain with a up all stitches in the row, place a locking stitch
hook one size larger and then switch to the marker around the final stitch on the hook and
desired size as you pick up stitches. the working yarn. (see Photo I) Work the stan-
dard return as normal.
Right Edge: Since the loop at the beginning of
the row is always on the hook, this edge can The location to insert the hook for the final
become too loose. There are a couple of options stitch of the next row is now clearly marked.
to correct this problem. The first method is (see Photo J)
during the forward pass when you have two
loops on the hook, stop and pull up on the
second loop, which causes the end stitch to
tighten, and then readjust the working yarn to
tighten the second stitch and continue on. For
the second method, at the end of the return
portion when only one loop remains on the
hook, remove that loop and place it on a lock-
ing stitch marker. Continue to pick up loops as
indicated in the pattern. (see Photo G) On the
return portion of the row, remember to replace
the marked stitch on the hook and work it off in
the normal fashion. (see Photo H)


Top Edge: After the return portion of the final

row, the work will look a bit open and

unfinished. The final step is referred to as the CHANGING COLORS

bind-off. It is most often worked using a slip You will notice a much different look depending
stitch but can be worked using single crochet or upon where additional colors are introduced
other stitches as instructed. in Tunisian crochet. Changing color at the
beginning of the return portion of a row (in
CURL & BIAS other words, the left edge) results in a woven
Some Tunisian stitches will cause your work to or tweed effect. In order to create a stable left
curl. This is just their nature. Tunisian simple edge, the color being dropped must be “locked
and knit stitches do have this tendency. But in.” When picking up a previously dropped
don’t despair—there are ways to deal with color, always pick it up from underneath the
the curl. Using a larger hook helps relax the current color. (see Photos K, L and M)
fabric. You can start and end your project with
Tunisian stitches that do not have a tendency Dropped Color A
to curl, such as purl stitch or reverse stitch. 1st lp
Color B
Working a border of standard crochet stitches
will counterbalance the curl. Blocking will help
reduce the curl. I have also found that yarns
with a high nylon content do not curl as readily.

Or you may decide to use the curl to your advan-

tage as a design feature as I have done in the
roll-brim hat on page 47.
Dropped B
Some stitches have a tendency to bias, slanting Dropped A 1st lp
to either the right or the left. If only one edge Color C
is developing a diagonal slant, you will want to
check that you are not either losing or adding
a stitch at the beginning or end of the rows. If
both edges are slanting equally, it may just be a
characteristic of that particular pattern stitch.
This tendency is not always easy to predict. In
general, if a small swatch is biasing, the bias
will be more obvious when worked in a full-
scale project. Sometimes it can be corrected by Dropped B
blocking. At other times, such as in a scarf or Dropped C 1st lp
shawl, it can become a design feature. Or you Color A
may decide to just live with it; a throw in the
shape of a parallelogram can be just as warm
and cozy as a rectangle.


Changing color at the beginning of the forward

pass of a row (in other words, the right edge)
results in solid stripes. Because first stitch of
a row actually happens with the last action of
the return pass, that is where you will change
colors. Carry the unused color(s) neatly along
the right edge in order to avoid long floats.
When picking up a previously dropped color,
always pick it up from underneath the current Dropped A
color. (see Photos N, O, P and Q ) 1st vertical bar
PH OTO O will be skipped
Before working any of the patterns using more
than one color, we urge you to work through
the Tricolor Tweed and Tricolor Stripe patterns
in order to gain valuable knowledge on how to
carry the unused colors neatly along the side. ■



Dropped B

Dropped A

1st vertical bar

PH OTO Q will be skipped

Tunisian on hook, rep from * across, picking up under

both strands of final st.

Simple Stitch (tss) Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■

Knit Stitch (tks)

Multiple of any number

This is the most basic Tunisian stitch. It forms an
even grid and has often been used as the base
for intricate cross-stitch patterns. Also called
afghan stitch, this stitch has a tendency to curl.

INSTRUCTIONS Multiple of any number

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in PATTERN NOTES
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across, This stitch looks like stockinette stitch in
leaving all lps on hook. knitting; however, it is denser than stockinette.
Like stockinette stitch, it has a tendency
to curl.

Back Bar of Chain Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up lp in 2nd
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, ch from hook and in each rem ch across, leaving
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * all lps on hook.
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Insert hook from right to left under next

vertical bar, yo and draw through, keeping lp
Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, often used as a border stitch to control the
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * tendency of other stitches to curl. It is also used
until 1 lp rem on hook. in combination with other stitches to create
contrasting textures. Unlike most Tunisian
Row 2: *Insert hook from front to back between stitches in which the yarn remains to the back
strands of next vertical bar, yo and draw of the work, for purl, the yarn must come to the
through, keeping lp on hook, rep from * across, front first. The easiest way to do this is to flick
picking up under both strands of last st. it to the front with your hook. When you move
the yarn across the stitch and to the back, a
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return. horizontal bar is created at the base of the verti-
cal bar. It is helpful to anchor this bar with your
Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st as if thumb as you complete the stitch.
to tks. ■
This stitch can form a gap at the left edge if a
standard return is worked. For this reason I

Tunisian begin the return with yarn over, draw through

2 loops. This results in the last 2 vertical bars
at the left edge being connected at the top.
Purl Stitch (tps) Technically, this is a decrease so it is important
to remember to pick up a loop in each of the
stitches unless you intend to decrease.

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: *Yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,

rep from * until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *With yarn to front, insert hook under

next vertical bar as if to work tss (see page 8),
bring yarn across front of vertical bar and
to back, yo and draw through, keeping lp on
Multiple of any number hook, rep from * across, picking up under both
strands of last st with yarn staying to back.
This stitch features a horizontal bar on the right Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
side of the work, reminiscent of the purl bump
in knitting. This stitch does not curl and is Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■

Tunisian Row 2: *Insert hook under back strand of next

vertical bar, yo and draw through, keeping lp
on hook, rep from * across, picking up under

Reverse Stitch (trs) both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■

Extended Tunisian
Simple Stitch (extss)

Multiple of any number

This stitch looks similar to Tunisian purl stitch
(see page 9), but the mechanics of working it are
different. If you prefer working this stitch, it
can often be successfully substituted for purl in
a pattern. It is another stitch that can be used to
counterbalance the curl.

Like Tunisian purl stitch, this stitch can form a Multiple of any number
gap at the left edge if a standard return is used.
INSTRUCTIONS The extra height of this stitch seems to counter-
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back balance the curl; it also tends to have a “softer”
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in hand than Tunisian simple stitch.
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook. You can also work this stitch by inserting the
hook as if to work Tunisian knit stitch (see
page 8) followed by a chain 1. This would be an
extended Tunisian knit stitch (extks).

Back Bar of Chain INSTRUCTIONS

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
Row 1 return: *Yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up lp in 2nd
rep from * until 1 lp rem on hook.

ch from hook and in each rem ch across, leaving Multiple of any number
all lps on hook.
Essentially, this is like working a double crochet
without pulling through the last 2 loops of
the stitch.
Back Bar of Chain
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * bump (see illustration) of chs, yo, pick up lp in
until 1 lp rem on hook. 3rd ch from hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on
hook, *yo, pick up lp in next bump, yo, draw
Row 2: Ch 1, *insert hook from right to left through 2 lps, rep from * across, leaving all lps
under next vertical bar, yo and draw through, on hook.
ch 1, keeping lp on hook, rep from * across,
picking up under both strands of last st, ch 1.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Back Bar of Chain
Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *

Tunisian Double until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Ch 1, *yo, pick up lp under next vertical

Stitch (tds) bar, yo and draw through 2 lps, keeping lp

on hook; rep from * across until 1 st rem, yo,
pick up under both strands of last st, yo, draw
through 2 lps.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■


Tunisian Full Stitch Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 3: Sk first sp, *pick up lp in next sp, rep
from *, ending tss (see page 8) under both
strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off

in pattern. ■

Tunisian Twisted
Stitch (ttws)

Multiple of any number

These stitches are picked up between vertical
bars, working under the horizontal connecting
stitches. In order to keep work from biasing, you
must alternate placement of first stitch of row.

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in Multiple of any number
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook. INSTRUCTIONS
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. Back Bar of Chain

Row 2: Pick up lp in sp before next st, *pick up lp Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
in next sp, rep from * across. *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Using notched area of hook, snag front Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
vertical bar of next st from left to right, twist
hook down and around, forming a twist in bar, Row 3: Ch 1, *yo, tks in next st, rep from * across
yo and pull up lp, rep from * across until 1 st until 1 st rem, yo, tss (see page 8) under both
rem, tss (see page 8) under both strands of last st. strands of last st. (number of sts on hook should
be twice number of beg chs minus 1)
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
Row 3 return: Ch 2, *carefully remove lp from
Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off. ■ left end of hook, allow yo to drop off left end of
hook, place lp back on hook, yo, draw through
2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem

Drop Stitch on hook.

Row 4: Rep row 2, working last tss in 2nd ch of

beg 2 chs of previous row return.

Row 5: Rep row 2.

Rep rows 2–5 for desired length. Bind off in sc as

if to tks.

Block to even out elongated dropped sts. ■

Offset Star Stitch

Multiple of any number

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, Multiple of 6 + 5

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. PATTERN NOTE
When picking up loop in spaces, insert hook
Row 2: Tks (see page 8) in each st across, until 1 under horizontal connecting stitches as in
st rem, tss under both strands of last st. Tunisian full stitch (see page 12).

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
Star Stitch
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Ch 1, tds (see page 11) in each of next

2 sts, *3 tss, 3 tds, rep from * across until 2 sts
rem, tss (see page 8), tss under both strands of
last st.

Row 2 return: Ch 1, yo, draw through 3 lps on

hook, *ch 2, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,
ch 2, yo, draw through 6 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 3 lps rem, ch 2, [yo, draw through Multiple of 3 + 2
2 lps on hook] twice.
Row 3: Tss, *pick up lp in sp before next cluster, Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
3 tds in top of next cluster, pick up lp in sp after bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
cluster, tss, rep from * across until 1 partial 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
cluster rem, pick up lp in sp before last partial leaving all lps on hook.
cluster, 2 tds in top of last partial cluster.

Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*ch 2, yo, draw through 6 lps on hook, ch 2, yo,
draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across Back Bar of Chain
until 5 lps rem, ch 2, yo, draw through 4 lps on
hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook. Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
ch 1, *yo, draw through 4 lps on hook, ch 1, rep
Row 4: Ch 1, 2 tds in top of partial cluster, pick from * across to last 2 lps, yo draw through last
up lp in sp after partial cluster, *tss, pick up lp 2 lps.
in sp before next cluster, 3 tds in top of next
cluster, pick up lp in sp after cluster, rep from * Row 2: Ch 1, 3 tds (see page 11) in top of each
across until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of cluster across until 1 st rem, extss (see page 10)
last st. under both strands of last st.

Row 4 return: Rep row 2 return. Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
Rep rows 3 and 4 for desired length. Work last across until 1 lp rem on hook.
return as for row 1 return. Bind off in sl st. ■
Row 3: Tks (see page 8) in each st across until
1 st rem, tss (see page 8) under both strands of
last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return. Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st. ■
sl st as if to trs. ■

Braided Stitch Shells &

Vertical Lines

Multiple of 3 + 2
Multiple of 5 + 3
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back INSTRUCTIONS
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across, bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
leaving all lps on hook. 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Back Bar of Chain
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp, yo, draw
until 1 lp rem on hook. through 2 lps, *ch 2, yo, draw through 5 lps,
ch 2, yo, draw through 2 lps, rep from * across,
Row 2: *Sk next 2 sts, tss (see page 8), tss in 2nd ending with yo, draw through 2 lps.
sk st, tss in first sk st, rep from * across until 1 st
rem, tss under both strands of last st. Row 2: *Tss (see page 8) in next st, pick up lp in
each of next 2 chs, sk next shell, pick up lp in
each of next 2 chs, rep from * until 2 sts rem, tss
in next st, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in pattern. ■

Back Bar of Chain

Smocked Stitch Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Tps dec (see Special Stitch), *yo from

front to back, tps dec, rep from * until 1 st rem,
yo from back to front, tss (see page 8) under
both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 3: Sk next st, *yo from front to back, tps

dec (this will include one st from each of 2 clusters
from previous row), rep from * until 2 sts rem,
yo from front to back, tps (see Pattern Notes) in
next st, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in

sl st. ■

Multiple of any even number

When yarning over from front to back before
Diagonal Lattice
doing Tunisian purl stitch (see page 9), yarn
must be brought back to front. This adds
a stitch on the hook to compensate for the
decrease when you worked Tunisian purl stitch
2 stitches together.

The stitch count remains the same at end of

each row.

Tunisian purl stitch decrease (tps dec): Tps (see
page 9) under next 2 vertical bars as one.

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Multiple of any odd number

Encircled Stitches
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Tss (see page 8) under next 2 vertical

bars as 1, tss under first of these 2 bars, rep
from * until 2 sts rem, tss under next st, tss
under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Multiple of any even number
Row 3: Tss under next st, *tss under next
2 vertical bars as 1, tss under first of these INSTRUCTIONS
2 bars, rep from * across, picking up under Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
both strands of last st. bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return. leaving all lps on hook.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in

pattern. ■

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Yo, 2 tks (see page 8), draw last 2 lps on

hook through yo as a group, *yo, 2 tks, draw
last 2 lps on hook through yo as a group, rep
from * until 1 st rem, tss (see page 8) under both
strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st as if

to tss. ■

Comma Stitch Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 3: *Tss, pick up lp under top strand of next

horizontal st, sk next st (this is the st that looks
diagonal), rep from * across until 2 sts rem, tss,
tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in

sl st. ■

Muscovite or
Pebble Stitch

Multiple of any odd number

Stitches created by yarn overs will look diagonal
rather than vertical on following row.

Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Multiple of 4

Back Bar of Chain The pebbles are created by the additional chains
worked during the return portion. Larger
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, pebbles may be created using more chains.
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. Placement of pebbles can be altered as desired.
However, this may alter the pattern repeat.
Row 2: *Tss dec (see Special Stitch), yo, rep from
* until 2 sts rem, tss, tss under both strands of INSTRUCTIONS
last st. Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in

2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,

leaving all lps on hook. Diagonal Eyelet
Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Tss (see page 8) in each st across, working

last tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

[yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] 3 times, *ch 3,
[yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] 4 times, rep
from * until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 3: Keeping ch-3 lps to front of work, tss

in each st across, working last tss under both
strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, *ch 3, [yo,
draw through 2 lps on hook] 4 times, rep from * Multiple of 7 + 5
across, ending with ch 3, [yo, draw through
2 lps on hook] twice. SPECIAL STITCH
Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending after page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.
row 2 return. Bind off in sc. ■
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *3 tss, [yo, tss dec (see Special Stitch),

ch 1] twice, rep from * across until 4 sts rem,
3 tss, tss under both strands of last st.
Basket Weave
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 3: Tss, *3 tss, [yo, tss dec, ch 1] twice, rep

from * across until 3 sts rem, 2 tss, tss under
both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 4: Yo, tss dec, ch 1, *3 tss, [yo, tss dec, ch 1]

twice, rep from * across until 2 sts rem, tss, tss
under both strands of last st.

Row 4 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 5: Tss, yo, tss dec, ch 1, *3 tss, [yo, tss dec,

ch 1] twice, rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss
under both strands of last st.

Row 5 return: Rep row 1 return.

Multiple of odd number divisible by 5 + 2
Row 6: [Yo, tss dec, ch 1] twice, *3 tss, [yo, tss
dec, ch 1] twice, rep from * across until 7 sts INSTRUCTIONS
rem, 3 tss, yo, tss dec, ch 1, tss, tss under both Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
strands of last st. bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 6 return: Rep row 1 return. leaving all lps on hook.

Row 7: Tss, [yo, tss dec, ch 1] twice, *3 tss, [yo,

tss dec, ch 1] twice, rep from * across until 6
sts rem, 3 tss, yo, tss dec, ch 1, tss under both
strands of last st. Back Bar of Chain

Row 7 return: Rep row 1 return. Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
Row 8: 2 tss, [yo, tss dec, ch 1] twice, *3 tss, [yo, until 1 lp rem on hook.
tss dec, ch 1] twice, rep from * across until 5 sts
rem, 4 tss, tss under both strands of last st. Row 2: Tps (see page 9) in each of next 5 sts, *tks
(see page 8) in each of next 5 sts, tps in each of
Row 8 return: Rep row 1 return. next 5 sts, rep from * until 1 st rem, tss (see page
8) under both strands of last st.
Rep rows 2–8 for desired length. Bind off in sl st
as if to tss. ■ Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rows 3–5: Rep row 2.

Row 6: Tks in each of next 5 sts, *tps in each of

next 5 sts, tks in each of next 5 sts, rep from *
until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 6 return: Rep row 1 return. Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rows 7–9: Rep row 6. Row 3: *Tps in next st, tks in next st, rep from *
across until 2 sts rem, tps in next st, tss under
Rep rows 2–9 for desired length, ending with both strands of last st.
row 5. Bind off in sl st. ■
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Seed Stitch Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off
in pattern. ■


Multiple of any odd number

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in Multiple of any number
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook. INSTRUCTIONS
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up lp in 2nd
ch from hook and in each rem ch across, leaving
all lps on hook.
Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. Back Bar of Chain

Row 2: *Tks (see page 8) in next st, tps in next st, Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
rep from * across until 2 sts rem, tks in next st, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
tss (see page 8) under both strands of last st. until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Sk next st, tss (see page 8) in next st, Row 2: Pick up lp in each of next 2 chs, pick
tss in sk st, rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss up lp in top of next shell, pick up lp in each of
under both strands of last st. next 4 chs, rep from * across, ending pick up lp
in each of last 2 chs, tss (see page 8) under both
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return. strands of last st.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st in Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
pattern. ■ *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem.

Shells & Row 3: Tss in each st across, picking up under

both strands of last st.

Horizontal Lines Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with

row 2 return. Bind off in sl st. ■

Lacy Shells

Multiple of 5 + 2

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Multiple of 5 + 2 sts

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
Back Bar of Chain bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp, ch 2, yo, leaving all lps on hook.
draw through 6 lps, *ch 4, yo, draw through 6
lps, rep from * until 2 lps rem on hook, ch 2, yo,
draw through last 2 lps on hook.

Multiple of 6 + minimum of 2 for edge sts (exact

number will depend on how many sts on each
side of cable)
Back Bar of Chain
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp, ch 2, yo, Shown here against a background of Tunisian
draw through 6 lps on hook, *ch 4, yo, draw purl stitch (see page 9), the cables may also be
through 6 lps on hook, rep from * until 2 lps worked on Tunisian simple stitch or Tunisian
rem on hook, ch 2, yo, draw through last 2 lps knit stitch background.
on hook.
Row 2: Pick up lp in each of next 2 chs, *pick Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
up lp in top of next shell, pick up lp in each of bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
next 4 chs, rep from * across, ending pick up lp 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
in each of last 2 chs, tss (see page 8) under both leaving all lps on hook.
strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st. ■ Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: *Yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,

Chained Cable rep from * until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Tps (see page 9) in next st, rep from *

until you reach point where first leg of cable is
desired, ch 7, remove lp from hook, insert hook
through last tps worked, place lp back on hook
and draw through, tps in each of next 4 sts, ch
7, remove lp from hook, insert hook through
last tps worked, place lp back on hook and draw
through, rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss
(see page 8) under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return, keeping ch-7

lps to front of work.

Row 3: Tps in each st across until 1 st rem, tss

under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rows 4 and 5: Rep rows 2 and 3.

Row 6: Tps in each st until 1 st past first leg of

cable, ch 7, remove lp from hook, insert hook
through last tps worked, place lp back on hook
and draw through, 2 tps, ch 7, remove lp from
hook, insert hook through last tps worked,
place lp back on hook and draw through, tps
until 1 st rem, tss under both lps of last st.

Row 6 return: Rep row 1 return, making sure

ch-7 lps stay to front of work. Eyelets & Columns
Row 7: Rep row 3.

Row 8: Tps in each st until 2 sts past original

first leg of cable, ch 7, remove lp from hook,
insert hook through last tps worked, place lp
back on hook and draw through, tps until 1 st
rem, tss under both lps of last st.

Row 8 return: Rep row 1 return, making sure

ch-7 lp stays to front of work.

Row 9: Rep row 3.

Row 10: Rep row 6.

Row 11: Rep row 3.

Rows 12–15: Rep rows 2–5.

Rows 16 & 17: Rep rows 2 and 3.

Multiple of 6 + 3
Rows 18–21: Rep rows 8–11.
Rows 22 & 23: Rep rows 8 and 9. Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
Rows 24 & 25: Rep rows 2 and 3. 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Rep rows 4–25 until 1 row before desired length.

Interlace ch lps, drawing each successive ch lp

through ch lp below it, at point where there is
only 1 ch lp, pull ch lp through both of previous Back Bar of Chain
ch lps at same time, then pull both of ch lps
above through same lp and continue. After Row 1 return: *Yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,
lacing all ch lps, place last 2 ch lps on locking rep from * until 1 lp rem on hook.
stitch markers.
Row 2: 2 tps (see page 9), *yo from back to front,
Next row: *Tps in each st across until ch lp is sk next st, tks (see page 8), yo from front to
reached, insert hook through ch lp, yo and draw back, sk next st, 3 tps, rep from * across, ending
through lp and 1 lp on hook, securing ch lp, rep last rep with 2 tps, tss (see page 8) under both
from * across, working tss under both strands strands of last st.
of last st.
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
Next row return: Rep row 1 return. Bind off in
sl st. ■ Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st as if
to tss. ■

Satin Stitches & Vs Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Tss dec (see Special Stitch), yo, rep from

* across until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of
last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 3: Tss, *(tss, yo, tss) in next st, tss, rep from
* across until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of
last st. ([original number minus 1] x 2)

Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook

*yo, draw through 4 lps on hook, yo, draw
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
2 lps rem on hook, yo, draw through last 2 lps.

Row 4: *Tss, pick up lp under horizontal bar at

top of next cluster, rep from * across until 1 st
rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Multiple of any even number Row 4 return: Rep row 1 return.

PATTERN NOTES Row 5: Rep row 2.

Stitches created by yarn overs will look diagonal,
rather than vertical, on following row. Row 6: *Tss, tks (see page 8), rep from * across
until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.
Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see Row 6 return: Rep row 1 return.
page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as one.
Row 7: *Yo, tss dec, rep from * across until 1 st
INSTRUCTIONS rem, tss under both strands of last st.
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in Row 7 return: Rep row 1 return.
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook. Row 8: *Tks, tss, rep from * across until 1 st rem,
tss under both strands of last st.

Row 8 return: Rep row 1 return.

Back Bar of Chain Rep rows 2–8 for desired length. Bind-off in sl st
as if to tss. ■

Slender Shells Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 3: Extss (see page 10) in each st across until

1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with

row 2 return. Bind off in sl st. ■

Chevron Ripple

Multiple of any even number

Stitches created by yarn overs will look diagonal,
rather than vertical, on following row. They
can be a bit difficult to spot, particularly when
there is a double yarn over.

Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
page 8) under next 3 vertical bars as 1.

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, ch 1, *pick up lp Multiple of 16 + 2
in next ch, ch 1, rep from * across, leaving all lps
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. Back Bar of Chain

Row 2: *Yo, tss dec (see Special Stitch), yo, rep

from * until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of
last st.

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 3 lps, *[yo, 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
draw through 2 lps on hook] 6 times, ch 2, [yo, leaving all lps on hook.
draw through 2 lps on hook] 6 times, yo, draw
through 5 lps on hook, rep from * across, ending
last rep with yo, draw through 4 lps on hook.

Row 2: Ch 1, *sk next cluster, 6 extss (see page Back Bar of Chain
10), [pick up lp in next ch-2 sp, ch 1] 4 times,
6 extss, rep from * across until 1 cluster rem, Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
pick up lp in top of last cluster, ch 1. *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
Row 2: *Yo, sk next st, tss (see page 8), rep from *
Rep row 2 for desired length. across, ending tss under both strands of last st.

Bind off row: Ch 1, *sk next cluster, [extss, draw Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
through lp on hook] 6 times, [pick up lp in next
ch-2 sp, ch 1, draw through lp on hook] 4 times, Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st as if
[extss, draw through lp on hook] 6 times, rep to tss. ■
from * across, ending pick up lp in top of last
cluster, draw through lp on hook. ■

Eyelet Stitch

Multiple of 5

Multiple of any odd number INSTRUCTIONS

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
INSTRUCTIONS bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook. until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Tss (see page 8), tps (see page 9), tss, Row 2: *Tss (see page 8) in next st, tps (see page
2 tks (see page 8), rep from * across until 4 9) in next st, rep from * until 2 sts rem, tss in
sts rem, tss, tps, tss, tss under both strands next st, tss under both strands of last st.
of last st.
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.
Row 3: *Tps in next st, tss in next st, rep from
Rep row 2 for desired length. Bind off in sl st. ■ * until 2 sts rem, tps in next st, tss under both
strands of last st.

Honeycomb Stitch Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

(aka Moss Stitch)

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off
in pattern. ■

Clove Stitch

Multiple of any odd number

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back Multiple of any odd number
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across, PATTERN NOTE
leaving all lps on hook. When picking up lp to left of diagonal strand

(yarn over stitch from previous row), insert hook

in space. In other words, insert hook under
horizontal connecting stitches as when working
Little Bobbles
Tunisian full stitch (see page 12).

in a Row
Row 1: Ch desired number, yo, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook, yo and draw through 3 lps
on hook, *yo, sk next ch, pick up lp in next ch,
yo, pick up lp in same ch, yo and draw through
3 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 ch rem,
yo, pick up lp in last ch, ch 1. (same number of
sts as beg ch)

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: *Yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,

rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: Ch 1, *yo, pick up lp in sp to left of next

diagonal strand, yo, pick up lp in same sp, yo,
draw through 3 lps on hook, rep from * across
until 1 st rem, tss (see page 8) under both Multiple of any odd number
strands of last st, ch 1. (original number of sts +
1 lp on hook) INSTRUCTIONS
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return. bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 3: Ch 1, yo, pick up lp in sp to left of leaving all lps on hook.
first diagonal strand, yo, draw through 3 lps
on hook, *yo, pick up lp in sp to left of next
diagonal strand, yo, pick up lp in same sp, yo
draw through 3 lps on hook, rep from * across
until 1 st rem, yo, tss under both strands of last Back Bar of Chain
st, ch 1. (same number of sts as beg ch)
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return. *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.
Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in
sl st. ■ Row 2: Ch 3, *(tss—see page 8, yo, tss) in next
st, yo, draw through 3 lps on hook, ch 1, sk next
st, rep from * across until 2 sts rem, (tss, yo,
tss) in next st, yo, draw through 3 lps, ch 1, tss
under both strands of last st, ch 2. (Number of
lps on hook will be original ch minus 1 divided by
2 plus 2)

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, Multiple of 11 + 2

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, ch 1, rep from
* across until 3 lps rem, [yo, draw through SPECIAL STITCHES
2 lps] twice. Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.
Row 3: *Tss in next st, pick up lp under top
strand of next ch, rep from * across until 2 sts Slip stitch decrease (sl st dec): Sl st in next 2 sts at
rem, tss, tss under both strands of last ch at end same time.
of previous row. (Number of lps on hook will be
original number of chs) INSTRUCTIONS
Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return. bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with leaving all lps on hook.
row 2 return. Bind off in sc, working in each st
and ch across. ■

Feather & Fan Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

Ripple *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *

until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *[Tss dec—see Special Stitches] twice,

[yo, tks—see page 8] 3 times, yo, [tss dec]
twice, rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss under
both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep row 2 for desired length.

Bind-off row: *[Sl st dec (see Special Stitches) as

if to tss] twice, [ch 1, sl st as if to tks] 3 times,
ch 1, [sl st dec as if to tss] twice, rep from *
across, ending with sl st as if to tss under both
strands of last st. ■

Alternating Row 3: Tss, *sk next st, tss in next st, tss in sk st,
rep from * across until 2 sts rem, tss, tss under
both strands of last st.

Cross-Stitch Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length. Bind off in

sl st in pattern. ■

Tricolor Tweed

Multiple of any number

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Multiple of any number

You will notice a much different look depending
upon where additional colors are introduced
Back Bar of Chain
in Tunisian crochet. Changing color at the
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, beginning of a return portion of a row (in other
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * words, the left edge) results in a woven or tweed
until 1 lp rem on hook. effect. In order to create a stable left edge, the
color being dropped must be “locked in.” The
Row 2: *Sk next st, tss (see page 8) in next st, following instructions will guide you through
tss in sk st, rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss how to do that and how to carry unused color(s)
under both strands of last st. neatly along the left edge. When picking up a
previously dropped color, always pick it up from
Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return. underneath current color.

Tunisian simple stitch (see page 8) was used for

this swatch, but any stitch could be used.

Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
Tricolor Stripe
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Drape A over hook from front

to back to left of sts, draw B through first lp
on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook (this
locks dropped color in place), *yo, draw through
2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem
on hook.

Row 2: Tss (see page 8) in each st across until 1 st

rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Drape A and B over hook from

front to back to left of sts, draw C through first Multiple of any number
lp on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook (this
locks dropped color in place), *yo, draw through PATTERN NOTES
2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem You will notice a much different look depending
on hook. upon where you introduce additional colors
in Tunisian crochet. Changing color at the
Row 3: Tss in each st across until 1 st rem, tss beginning of the forward pass of a row (in other
under both strands of last st. words, the right edge) results in solid stripes.
Because the first stitch of the row actually hap-
Row 3 return: Drape B and C over hook from pens with the last action of return pass, that is
front to back to left of sts, pick up A from where you will change colors. The following
underneath C, yo, draw through first lp on instructions will guide you through how to do
hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep that and how to carry the unused color(s) neat-
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. ly along the right edge in order to avoid long
floats. When picking up a previously dropped
Rep row 3, working A, B and C in sequence and color, always pick it up from underneath the
carrying unused colors up left edge. Bind off in current color.
sl st. ■
Tunisian simple stitch (see page 8) was used for
this swatch, but any stitch could be used.

Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through
last 2 lps.

Row 2: Before beg, lock dropped color in place

by bringing it up from WS and lay it across
working yarn below hook to left of lp on hook,
tss (see page 8) in each st across until 1 st rem,
tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem on hook, with C, yo, draw
through last 2 lps.

Row 3: Before beg, lock dropped colors in place Multiple of 3 + 1

by bringing both colors up from wrong side and
lay them across working yarn below hook to PATTERN NOTE
left of lp on hook, tss in each st across until 1 st For most post stitches, if instructions don’t
rem, tss under both strands of last st. specify, you can work either front vertical bar
as if to Tunisian simple stitch (see page 8) or
Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, around the entire stitch, as if working a front
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * post stitch in classic crochet. Be sure to be
across until 2 lps rem, with A, yo, draw through consistent within project.
last 2 lps.
Rep row 3, working A, B and C in sequence and Front post Tunisian double stitch (fptds): Yo, insert
carrying unused colors up right edge. Bind off hook in designated st, yo, draw up a lp, yo, draw
in sl st. ■ through 2 lps on hook, drawing lp rem on hook
up to height of current row. On current row, sk
st directly behind fptds.

Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain


Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 1 lp rem on hook.
Row 2: Tss (see page 8) in each st across, working
last tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem on hook, with B, yo, draw
through last 2 lps.

Row 3: With B, *2 tss, fptds (see Special Stitch)

around both strands of st 2 rows below, rep
from * across until 3 sts rem, 2 tss, tss under
both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 4: Tss in each st across, working last tss

under both strands of last st.

Row 4 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * Multiple of 3 + 2
across until 2 lps rem on hook, with A, yo, draw
through last 2 lps. SPECIAL STITCH
Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
Row 5: With A, rep row 3. page 8) under next 3 vertical bars as one.

Rep Rows 2–5 for desired length, ending with INSTRUCTIONS

row 2 return, but do not change color. With A, Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
bind off in sl st as if to tss. ■ back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through
last 2 lps.

Row 2: With B, *tss dec (see Special Stitch), yo,

tss dec in same 3 sts, rep from * across until 1 st
rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: With B, rep row 1 return,

changing to A with the last 2 lps.

Row 3: *With A, tss, sk next st, tss, tfs (see page Be sure to be consistent within the project. In
12), rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss under photograph, post st was worked under front
both strands of last st. vertical bar as if to tss.

Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, SPECIAL STITCH

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * Front post extended Tunisian double stitch
until 1 lp rem on hook. (fpextds): Yo, insert hook in designated st, yo,
draw up a lp, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo,
Row 4: With A, tps (see page 9) in each st across draw through 2 lps on hook, drawing lp rem on
until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st. hook up to height of current row. On current
row, sk st directly behind fpextds.
Row 4 return: Rep row 3 return.
Row 5: With A, tss in each st across until 1 st Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
rem, tss under both strands of last st. back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 5 return: Rep row 1 return. leaving all lps on hook.

Rep rows 2–5 for desired length, ending with row

3 return. With A, bind off in sl st as if to tss. ■

Back Bar of Chain

Blocks Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through last
2 lps.

Row 2: Tss in each st across, working last tss

under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 3: Tps (see page 9) in each st across until 1

st rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return, changing to

A with the last 2 lps.

Row 4: 2 tss, *fpextdc (see Special Stitch) in

next st 3 rows below (row of same color), 3 tss,
rep from * across, working last tss under both
strands of last st.
Multiple of 4 + 3
Row 4 return: Rep row 1 return.
For most post sts, if instructions don’t specify, Rep rows 2–4 for desired length, ending with row
you can work either front vertical bar as if to 4 return, but do not change color.
tss (see page 8) or around the entire st, as if
working a front post stitch in classic crochet. With A, bind off in sl st as if to tss. ■

Simple Slips Row 2 return: With B, rep row 1 return,

changing to A with last 2 lps.

Row 3: *With A, pick up lp in horizontal bar at

top and slightly behind next st, sl 1 wow, rep
from * across until 1 st rem, tss under both
strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending

with row 2 return. With A, bind off in pattern
with sc. ■


Multiple of any odd number

Slip 1 without working (sl 1 wow): Insert hook
under next vertical bar, keeping this strand on
hook continue. (This is an easy way to have 2
colors, appear in a row while working with 1 color
at a time.)

Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Multiple of 10

Back Bar of Chain Slip 2 without working (sl 2 wow): [Insert hook
under next vertical bar, keeping this strand
Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, on hook] twice. (This is an easy way to have
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from 2 colors appear in a row while working with
* until 2 lps rem on hook, with B, yo, draw 1 color at a time.)
through last 2 lps.
Row 2: *Sl 1 wow (see Special Stitch), with B, Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
pick up lp in horizontal bar at top and slightly back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
behind next st, rep from * across until 1 st rem, in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
tss (see page 8) under both strands of last st. leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from
* until 2 lps rem on hook, with B, yo, draw
through last 2 lps.

Row 2: With B, *2 tss (see page 8), 4 tds (see page

11), 2 tss, sl 2 wow (see Special Stitch), rep from
* across until 3 sts rem, 2 tss, tss under both
strands of last st.

Row 2 return: With B, rep row 1 return,

changing to A with last 2 lps.

Row 3: With A, tss in each st across until 1 st

rem, tss under both strands of last st.
Multiple of 4 + 1
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.
Row 4: With B, ch 1, tds, *2 tss, sl 2 wow, 2 tss, Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
4 tds, rep from * across, ending last rep with back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
tds, tds under both strands of last st. in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.
Row 4 return: With B, rep row 1 return,
changing to A with last 2 lps.

Row 5: Rep row 3.

Back Bar of Chain
Rep Rows 2–5 for desired length, ending with
row 3 return, but do not change color. With A, Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
bind off in sl st as if to tss. ■ *ch 1, yo, draw through 4 lps on hook, ch 1,
yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem on hook, with B, yo, draw
through last 2 lps.

Row 2: With B, *tfs (see page 12), pick up lp in

top of next cluster, tfs, tps, rep from * across
until 1 cluster rem, tfs, pick up lp in top of
cluster, tfs, tss (see page 8) under both strands
of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

[yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] twice, *ch 1,
yo, draw through 4 lps on hook, ch 1, yo, draw
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
3 lps rem on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on
hook, with A, yo, draw through last 2 lps.

Row 3: With A, 2 tss, *tfs, pick up lp in top

of next cluster, tfs, tps (see page 9), rep from
* across until 2 sts rem, tss, tss under both
strands of last st. Back Bar of Chain

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return. Row 1 return: Draw B through first lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with across until 1 lp rem on hook.
row 3 return, but do not change color. With A,
bind off in sl st in pattern. ■ Row 2: *Sl 2 wow (see Special Stitch), 2 ttws
(see page 12), rep from * across until 3 sts rem,

Quotes sl 2 wow, tss (see page 8) under both strands of

last st.

Row 2 return: With A, rep row 1 return.

Row 3: *2 tss, sl 2 wow, rep from * across until 3

sts rem, 2 tss, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 4: *2 tss, 2 ttws, rep from * across until 3 sts

rem, 2 tss, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 4 return: With B, yo draw through 1 lp

on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 5: *2 ttws, sl 2 wow, rep from * across

until 3 sts rem, 2 ttws, tss under both strands
of last st.

Multiple of 4 Row 5 return: With A, yo, draw through 1 lp

on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
SPECIAL STITCH from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
Slip 2 without working (sl 2 wow): [Insert hook
under next vertical bar, keeping this strand Row 6: *Sl 2 wow, 2 tss, rep from * across until
on hook] twice. (This is an easy way to have 2 3 sts rem, sl 2 wow, tss under both strands of
colors appear in a row while working with 1 color last st.
at a time.)
Row 6 return: Rep row 3 return.
Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in Row 7: *2 ttws, 2 tss, rep from * across until 3 sts
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp rem, 2 ttws, tss under both strands of last st.
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook. Row 7 return: Rep row 4 return.

Rep rows 2–7 for desired length, ending with row

3 return. With A, bind off in sl st. ■

Fans Row 3 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

* yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 4: Rep row 3.

Row 4 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 5: With B, 4 tds as if to tks in next st, sk

next 3 sts, *3 tps, sk next 3 sts, 7 tds as if to tks
in next st, sk next 3 sts, rep from * across until
2 sts rem, 4 tds as if to tks in next st, tss under
both strands of last st.

Row 5 return: Rep row 1 return, changing to

A at end.

Rows 6 & 7: Rep rows 3 and 4.

Rep rows 2–7 for desired length, ending after

either row 3 or row 6 return. With A, bind off in
sl st. ■

Multiple of 10 + 3

Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through
last 2 lps.

Row 2: With B, tps (see page 9), *sk next 3 sts, 7

tds (see page 11) as if to tks (see page 8) in next
st, sk next 3 sts, 3 tps, rep from * across until
1 st rem, tss (see page 8) under both strands of
last st.

Row 2 return: Rep row 1 return, changing to Multiple of 4 + 3

A at end.
Row 3: With A, tss across until 1 st rem, tss For most post stitches, if instructions don’t
under both strands of last st. specify, you can work either front vertical bar

as if to Tunisian simple stitch (see page 8), Row 4 return: Rep row 1 return.
or you can work around the entire stitch as if
working a front post stitch in classic crochet. Rows 5 & 6: Rep rows 2 and 3.
Be sure to be consistent within the project. As
shown in photo, post stitch was worked around Row 7: 2 tss, *fpextds in next st 3 rows below
entire stitch. (row of same color), 3 tss, rep from * across until
1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.
Front post extended tunisian double stitch Row 7 return: Rep row 1 return.
(fpextds): Yo, insert hook in designated st, yo,
draw up a lp, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, Rep rows 2–7 for desired length, ending with row
draw through 2 lps on hook, drawing lp rem on 4 return, but do not change color. With A, bind
hook up to height of current row. On current off in sl st as if to tss. ■
row, sk st directly behind fpextds.

Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
leaving all lps on hook.

Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through last
2 lps.

Row 2: Tss (see page 8) in each st across, working

last tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 1 lp rem on hook. Multiple of any even number

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, SPECIAL STITCH

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
across until 1 lp rem on hook. page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.

Row 3: Tps (see page 9) in each st across until 1 INSTRUCTIONS

st rem, tss under both strands of last st. Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return, changing to A in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
with last 2 lps. leaving all lps on hook.

Row 4: *Fpextds (see Special Stitch) in next st 3

rows below (row of same color), 3 tss, rep from *
across, until 2 sts rem, fpextds in next st 3 rows
below, tss under both strands of last st. Back Bar of Chain

Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, SPECIAL STITCHES

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
until 1 lp rem on hook. page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.

Row 2: *Tss dec (see Special Stitch), rep from * Slip 1 without working (sl 1 wow): Insert hook
across until 1 st rem, tss under both strands under next vertical bar, keeping this strand on
of last st. (number of sts on hook is 1/2 original hook, continue. (This is an easy way to have 2
number + 1) colors appear in a row while working with 1 color
at a time.)
Row 2 return: Draw B through first lp on hook,
*ch 1, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from INSTRUCTIONS
* across until 3 lps rem, ch 1, [yo, draw through Row 1: With A, ch desired number, working in
2 lps on hook] twice. back bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp
in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 3: *Tss, pick up lp in next ch-1 sp, rep from leaving all lps on hook.
* across until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of
last st. (number of sts on hook is original number)

Row 3 return: With A, yo, draw through 1 lp

on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
Back Bar of Chain
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
row 2 forward pass, work return with A. With *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
A, bind off in sc following pattern for row 3. ■ until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 2: *Tss dec (see Special Stitches), ch 5, pick

Flecks & Pebbles up lp in 5th ch from hook, rep from * across

until 1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,

*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
across until 2 lps rem, with B, yo, draw through
last 2 lps.

Row 3: *Ttws (see page 12), sl 1 wow (see Special

Stitches), rep from * across until 1 st rem, tss
under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: Rep row 1 return.

Row 4: *Tss, ttws, rep from * across until 1 st

rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 4 return: Rep row 2 return, changing to A.

Row 5: Tss, *tss dec, ch 5, pick up lp in 5th ch

from hook, rep from * across until 2 sts rem, tss,
Multiple of any even number tss under both strands of last st.

PATTERN NOTE Row 5 return: Rep row 2 return.

Keep chain-5 pebbles to front of work.

Row 6: Tss, *ttws, sl 1 wow, rep from * across INSTRUCTIONS

until 2 sts rem, tss, tss under both strands of Row 1: Ch desired number, working in back
last st. bump (see illustration) of chs, pick up a lp in
2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across,
Row 6 return: Rep row 1 return. leaving all lps on hook.

Row 7: 2 tss, *ttws, tss, rep from * across until

1 st rem, tss under both strands of last st.

Row 7 return: Rep row 4 return.

Back Bar of Chain
Rep rows 2–7 for desired length, ending after row
2 or 5 return, but do not change color. Row 1 return: Yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
Bind-off row: With A, *ttws, drawing through until 1 lp rem on hook.
lp already on hook, rep from * across until 1 st
rem, tss under both strands of last st, drawing Row 2: Tss in each st across until 1 st rem, tss
through lp already on hook. ■ under both strands of last st.

Row 2 return: Draw B through first lp on hook,

Net Overlay *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *

across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 3: *Working 2 rows below, tss dec (see

Special Stitch), ch 1, sk next st on current row,
pick up lp under horizontal strand above next st
on current row, rep from * across until 1 st rem,
tss under both strands of last st.

Row 3 return: With A, yo, draw through 1 lp

on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Rep rows 2 and 3 for desired length, ending with

row 2 forward pass, work return with A. With
A, bind off by *working 2 rows below, tss dec,
ch 1 and draw through lp on hook, sk next st on
current row, sl st under horizontal strand above
next st on current row, rep from * across until
1 st rem, sl st under both strands of last st as if
to tss. ■

Multiple of any even number

Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Tss (see
page 8) under next 2 vertical bars as 1.

SKILL LEVEL Tunisian simple stitch (tss): Insert hook from right
to left under next vertical bar or both lps of last
st, yo and draw through, keeping lp on hook.

FINISHED SIZE Tunisian chain loop (tchlp): Ch 7, remove lp from

One size fits most hook, insert hook through front bar of last
Tunisian st worked, place lp back on hook and
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS draw through, forming ch-7 into a lp.
43/4 inches wide at widest point x 36 inches long
Tunisian simple stitch decrease (tss dec): Insert
MATERIALS hook under next 2 vertical bars, yo and draw
■ Deborah Norville Everyday Soft through both bars.
medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn
(4 oz/203 yds/113g per skein): SCARF
1 skein #1022 bittersweet Note: Before beginning work, wind approximately
■ Size L/11/8mm afghan crochet hook or size 10 yds of yarn into a small ball.
needed to obtain gauge
■ Tapestry needle BODY
■ 2 locking stitch markers Row 1 (RS): Ch 19, working in back bar of ch
(see illustration), pick up lp in 2nd ch from hook
GAUGE and in each rem ch across (19 lps on hook),
With afghan hook: 14 tss = 4 inches; 12 rows = return: *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
4 inches from * across until 1 lp rem.

Tunisian crochet rows consist of 2 passes per
row: a pick-up row and a work off or return
pass. The right side of work is always facing.
Back Bar of Chain
In this pattern the return is not worked in
standard way. Be sure to follow instructions Row 2: Tps (see Special Stitches) in each st across
carefully. to last st, tss (see Special Stitches) under both
lps of last st (19 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw
First vertical bar of row is skipped as that stitch is through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
already on hook. This stitch is not referenced in 1 lp rem.
Row 3: Tps in each of next 7 sts, tchlp (see Special
SPECIAL STITCHES Stitches), tps in each of next 4 sts, tchlp, tps in
Tunisian purl stitch (tps): With yarn to front, insert each of next 6 sts, tss under both lps of last st
hook under next vertical bar, bring yarn across (19 lps on hook, 2 tchlps), return: keeping ch
front of vertical bar and to back, yo and draw lps to front of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on
through, keeping lp on hook. hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 4: 2 tps, 13 tss, 2 tps, tss under both lps of through 1 lp on hook, keeping ch lp in front
last st (19 lps on hook), return: keeping ch lps to of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
front of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
Row 28: 2 tps, 2 tss, tss dec, tss under both lps of
Row 5: 2 tps, 5 tss, tchlp; 4 tss, tchlp, 4 tss, 2 tps, last st (7 lps on hook), return: yo, draw through
tss under both lps of last st (19 lps on hook, 1 lp on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,
2 tchlps), return: keeping ch lps to front of rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. Row 29: 2 tps, 3 tss, tchlp, tss under both lps of
last st (7 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return: yo, draw
Row 6: Rep row 4. through 1 lp on hook, keeping ch lp in front
of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
Row 7: 2 tps, 6 tss, tchlp, 2 tss, tchlp, 5 tss, 2 tps from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
2, tss under both lps of last st (19 lps on hook,
2 tchlps), return: keeping ch lps to front of Row 30: 2 tps, 3 tss, tss under both lps of last st
work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep (7 lps on hook), return: yo, draw through 1 lp
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. Place lp
Row 8: Rep row 4. on locking st marker.

Row 9: 2 tps, 7 tss, tchlp, 6 tss, 2 tps, tss under 2ND HALF OF KEYHOLE
both lps of last st (19 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), Row 25: Sk first unworked st on row 24 from
return: keeping ch lp to front of work, *yo, draw First Half of Keyhole, with yarn from small ball
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until in next st, tss, tchlp, 5 tss, 2 tps, tss under both
1 lp rem. lps of last st (9 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return: *yo,
draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across
Row 10: Rep row 4. until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 11: Rep row 7. Row 26: Tss dec, 3 tss, 2 tps, tss under both
lps of last st (8 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw
Rows 12 & 13: Rep rows 4 and 5. through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
1 lp rem on hook
Row 14: Rep row 4.
Row 27: Tchlp, 4 tss, 2 tps, tss through both
Rows 15–24: Rep rows 5–14. lps of last st (8 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return:
keeping ch lp in front of work, *yo, draw
FIRST HALF OF KEYHOLE through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
Row 25: 2 tps, 5 tss, tchlp, tss, leave rem sts 1 lp rem on hook.
unworked (9 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return: yo,
draw through 1 lp on hook, keeping ch lp in Row 28: Tss dec, 2 tss, 2 tps, tss under both
front of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, lps of last st (7 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw
rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
1 lp rem on hook.
Row 26: 2 tps, 3 tss, tss dec (see Special Stitches),
tss under both lps of last st (8 lps on hook), Row 29: Tchlp, 3 tss, 2 tps, tss under both lps of
return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo, last st (7 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return: keeping ch
draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across lp in front of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on
until 1 lp rem on hook. hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 27: 2 tps, 4 tss, tchlp, tss under both lps of Row 30: 3 tss, 2 tps, tss through both lps of last
last st (8 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), return: yo, draw st (7 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw through

2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp Rows 44–83: [Rep rows 34–43 consecutively]
rem on hook. Place lp on locking st marker. 4 times.
Fasten off.
Rows 84–87: Rep rows 34–37.
Row 31: Place first marked lp back on hook, 2 Row 88: 2 tps, 2 tss, pick up lp under top strand
tps, 3 tss, tchlp, tss, place 2nd marked lp back of next horizontal st, 5 tss, pick up lp under
on hook, tss, tchlp, 3 tss, 2 tps, tss under both top strand of next horizontal st, 2 tss, 2 tps, tss
lps of last st (15 lps on hook, 2 tchlps), return: under both lps of last st (17 lps on hook), return:
keeping ch lps in front of work, *yo, draw *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from *
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until across until 1 lp rem on hook.
1 lp rem on hook.
Row 89: 2 tps, 3 tss, tchlp, 5 tss, tchlp, 3 tss,
Row 32: 2 tps, 9 tss, 2 tps, tss under both lps 2 tps, tss under both lps of last st (17 lps on
of last st (15 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw hook, 2 tchlps), return: keeping ch lps to front
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
1 lp rem on hook. from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 33: 2 tps, 5 tss, tchlp, 4 tss, 2 tps, tss under Row 90: 2 tps, 3 tss, pick up lp under top strand
both lps of last st (15 lps on hook, 1 tchlp), of next horizontal st, 5 tss, pick up lp under
return: keeping ch lp to front of work, *yo, draw top strand of next horizontal st, 3 tss, 2 tps,
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until tss through both lps of last st (19 lps on hook),
1 lp rem on hook. return: *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
Row 34: Rep row 32.
Rows 91–110: [Rep rows 5–14 consecutively]
Row 35: 2 tps, 4 tss, tchlp, 2 tss, tchlp, 3 tss, twice.
2 tps, tss under both lps of last st (15 lps on
hook, 2 tchlps), return: keeping ch lps to front Rows 111 & 112: Rep rows 5 and 6.
of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. Beg at row 3 and using photo as a guide, interlace
ch lps, drawing each successive lp through lp
Row 36: Rep row 32. below, at point where there is just 1 lp, pull lp
through both of previous ch lps at same time,
Row 37: 2 tps, 3 tss, tchlp, 4 tss, tchlp, 2 tss, then pull both lps above through same lp and
2 tps, tss under both lps of last st (15 lps on continue as before. After lacing, place ch lps in
hook, 2 tchlps), return: keeping ch lps to front locking st markers.
of work, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem. Row 113: 6 tps, insert hook through next ch lp,
remove marker, tps, securing ch lp in place,
Row 38: Rep row 32. 3 tps, insert hook through next ch lp, remove
marker, tps, securing ch lp in place, 6 tps, tss
Row 39: Rep row 37. through both lps of last st (19 lps on hook),
return: *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
Row 40: Rep row 32. from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Row 41: Rep row 35. Row 114: Rep row 2.

Row 42: Rep row 32. Row 115: Working sl sts as if to tps, sl st in each
vertical bar across. Fasten off. ■
Row 43: Rep row 33.

Tunisian Roll
Brim Hat
SKILL LEVEL To change color, yo and draw through last 2
lps with new color, dropping unused color to
wrong side and fasten off.


One size fits most Tunisian simple stitch (tss): Insert hook from right
to left under next vertical bar, yo and draw
FINISHED MEASUREMENT through keeping lp on hook.
24 inches in circumference
■ Deborah Norville Everyday Soft FIRST WEDGE
medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn Row 1 (RS): With bittersweet and leaving an
(4 oz/203 yds/113g per skein): 8-inch tail, ch 16, working in back bar of ch
1 skein each #1022 bittersweet and #1021 (see illustration), pick up lp in 2nd ch from
magenta hook, leave rem chs unworked (2 lps on hook),
■ Size K/101/2/6.5mm 22-inch cabled afghan
crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
■ Tapestry needle

Note: Cabled afghan hook is required for ease of

working body of Hat as sts wrap around top.

With afghan hook: 16 tss = 4 inches; 12 rows =
4 inches

Tunisian crochet rows consist of 2 passes per
row: a pick-up row and a work off or return
pass. The right side of work is always facing.

First vertical bar of row is skipped as that stitch

is already on hook. This stitch is not referenced
in instructions.

Top of Hat is worked first in short row wedges

to create a circle. Stitches are then picked up
around circle and body of Hat is worked in
rows, with a seam at center back.

Brim will naturally roll due to properties of tss.


return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, draw BODY

through 2 lps on hook. Row 1: With RS facing and beg at Top seam
with bittersweet, [pick up 1 st under front lp
of each of next 15 sts, yo] 5 times, pick up 1 st
under front lp of each of next 15 sts, pick up 1 st
in same place as first st of rnd (96 lps on hook),
Back Bar of Chain return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo,
draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across
Row 2: Tss (see Special Stitch) in next st, working until 1 lp rem on hook.
in back bump, pick up lp in next ch. (3 lps on
hook), return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook,* Row 2: Tss in each of next 7 sts, *yo, tss in each
yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * of next 16 sts, rep from * across to last 8 sts,
across until 1 lp rem on hook. yo, tss in each st, working last tss under both
strands of last st (102 lps on hook), return: yo,
Rows 3–15: Tss in each st across, working in draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo, draw through
back bump, pick up lp in next ch (16 lps on hook 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem
at end of row 15), return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook.
on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. Row 3: Tss in each st, working last tss under
both strands of last st (102 lps on hook), return:
2ND WEDGE yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo, draw
Row 1: Tss in next st of last row of previous through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until
wedge, leave rem sts unworked (2 lps on hook), 1 lp rem on hook.
return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, draw
through 2 lps on hook. Rows 4–9: Rep row 3. At end of row 9, change
color (see Pattern Notes) to magenta when
Rows 2–15: Rep rows 2–15 of First Wedge, working off last 2 lps.
working tss in next st of last row of previous
wedge instead of foundation ch. Rows 10–12: Rep row 3, changing to A when
working off last 2 lps of row 12.
Work same as 2nd Wedge. Row 13: Rep row 3.

6TH WEDGE Row 14: Tss in each of next 8 sts, *yo, tss in each
Rows 1–15: Rep rows 1–15 of 2nd Wedge. of next 17 sts, rep from * across to last 8 sts, yo,
tss in each rem st, working last tss under both
Bind-off row: Sl st in each vertical bar across. strands of last st (108 lps on hook), return: yo,
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo, draw through
2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem
ASSEMBLY on hook.
With tapestry needle
and long tail, Row 15: Rep row 3.
whipstitch (see
illustration) last Row 16: Tss in each of next 4 sts, *yo, tss in each
Wedge to First of next 9 lps, rep from * across to last 4 sts, yo,
Wedge. With beg tss in each rem st, working last tss under both
tail, gather small strands of last st (120 lps on hook), return: yo,
opening at center draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo, draw through
and secure end. 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem.
Whipstitch Edges

Row 17: Rep row 3.


Row 18: Tss in each of next 9 sts, *yo, tss in Row 21: Rep row 3.
each of next 20 sts, rep from * across to last
10 sts, yo, tss in each rem st, working last tss Row 22: Sl st in each vertical bar across. Fasten
under both strands of final st (126 lps on hook), off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo,
draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across FINISHING
until 1 lp rem on hook. With tapestry needle, sew center back seam using
Invisible Seam (see illustration). Block over wig
Row 19: Rep row 3. form or bowl of appropriate size if desired. ■

Row 20: Tss in each of next 5 sts, *yo, tss in each

of next 10 sts, yo, tss in each of next 11 sts, rep
from * across to last 5 sts, yo, tss in each rem
st, working last tss under both strands of last st
(138 lps on hook), return: yo, draw through 1 lp
on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
Invisible Seam

Reader’s Wrap
SKILL LEVEL In this pattern, the return is not worked in
standard way. Be sure to follow instructions

FINISHED SIZES First vertical bar of row is skipped as stitch is

Instructions written for small/medium; changes already on hook. This stitch is not referenced
for large/X-large are in [ ]. in instructions.


19 [24] inches wide x 62 [68] inches long Tunisian simple stitch (tss): Insert hook from right
to left under next vertical bar, yo and draw
MATERIALS through, keeping lp on hook.
■ Deborah Norville Everyday Soft
medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn Tunisian purl stitch (tps): With yarn to front, insert
(4 oz/203 yds/113g per skein): hook under next vertical bar, bring yarn across
7 [8] skeins #1039 bright violet front of vertical bar and to back, yo and draw
■ Size M/13/9mm 14-inch afghan crochet through, keeping lp on hook.
hook or size needed to obtain gauge
■ Tapestry needle Tunisian knit stitch (tks): Insert hook from front to
■ Sewing needle back between strands of next vertical bar, yo
■ La petite #1056 hook closure by Blumenthal and draw through, keeping lp on hook.
Lansing (optional)
■ Matching sewing thread WR AP
Row 1 (RS): Ch 76 [91], working in back bar of
GAUGE ch (see illustration), pick up lp in 2nd ch from
With afghan hook in stitch pattern as for pocket: hook and in each rem ch across (76 [91] lps on
29 sts = 8 inches; 12 rows = 4 inches hook), return: *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,
rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
To adjust overall width, maintain same width
for neck edge border and adjust width of main
pattern by either adding or deleting chains in
groups of 5. Each group of 5 chains will adjust
width by about 1 inch. To adjust length, simply Back Bar of Chain
work more or fewer rows before working last 5
rows of Tunisian purl stitch. If size is adjusted, Row 2: [Tss (see Special Stitches), tps (see Special
remember that more or less yarn than listed Stitches)] 5 times, 2 tss, *tps, rep from * across
may be needed. to last st, tss under both strands of last st (76
[91] lps on hook), return: *yo, draw through
Tunisian crochet rows consist of 2 passes per 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 lp rem
row: a pick-up row and a work off or return on hook.
pass. The right side of work is always facing.

Shells & Clusters

continued from page 2

Burgundy & White Cross

continued from page 51

Row 3: [Tps, tss] 5 times, tps, tss, *tps, rep from Row 2: *Tss, tps, rep from * across to last 2 sts,
* across to last st, tss under both strands of tss, tss under both strands of last st (31 lps on
last st (76 [91] lps on hook), return: *yo, draw hook), return: *yo, draw through 2 lps, rep from
through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across until 1 * across until 1 lp rem on hook.
lp rem on hook.
Row 3: *Tps, tss, rep from * across to last 2 sts,
Rows 4 & 5: Rep rows 2 and 3. tps, tss under both strands of last st (31 lps on
hook), return: *yo, draw through 2 lps, rep from
Row 6: [Tss, tps] 5 times, tss, *tss, tps, tss, 2 tks * across until 1 lp rem.
(see Special Stitches), rep from * across to last 4
sts, tss, tps, tss, tss under both strands of last st Rows 4–25: [Rep rows 2 and 3 alternately]
(76 [91] lps on hook), return: yo, draw through 11 times.
1 lp on hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook,
rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook. Rows 26–29: Tps across to last st, tss under
both strands of last st (31 lps on hook), return:
Row 7: [Tps, tss] 5 times, tps, *tss, tps, tss, 2 *yo, draw through 2 lps, rep from * across until
tks, rep from * across to last 4 sts, tss, tps, tss, 1 lp rem on hook.
tss under both strands of last st (76 [91] lps on
hook), return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, Row 30: Working sl sts as if to tps, sl st in each
*yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * vertical bar across. Fasten off, leaving long tail
across until 1 lp rem on hook. for sewing.

Rows 8–197 [8–213]: [Rep rows 6 and 7 FINISHING

alternately] 95 [103] times. Block Wrap and Pockets.

Rows 198 [214]: Rep row 6. Hold 1 Pocket with bound off edge at top and WS
facing RS of Wrap, center Pocket directly above
Rows 199–202 [215–218]: [Rep rows 2 and 3 row 5 of Wrap or as desired. With tapestry
alternately] twice. needle and long tail, sew sides and bottom edge
of Pocket to Wrap. Repeat with 2nd Pocket on
Bind off in sl st in pattern. opposite end.

POCKET If desired, using sewing thread, sew closure to

Make 2. front of Wrap approximately 21 inches above
lower edge. ■
Row 1: Ch 31, working in back bump, pick up a
lp in 2nd ch from hook and each rem ch across
(31 lps on hook), return: *yo, draw through 2
lps, rep from * across until 1 lp rem on hook.

Moebius Shawl
Rnd 1 (RS): Leaving 8-inch tail, ch 150 [156,
162, 168], working in back bar of ch (see
illustration), pick up lp in 2nd ch from hook
FINISHED SIZES and in each rem ch across (150 [156, 162, 168]
Instructions given fit size small; changes for lps on hook), return: yo, draw through 1 lp on
medium, large and X-large are in [ ]. hook, *yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, rep
from * across until 1 lp rem on hook, ch 1, to
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS join rnd, carefully remove lp from hook, fold
181/2 [193/4, 21, 231/2] inches deep x 48 [50, 52, row in half with WS touching, place a full twist
54] inches in circumference in row, insert hook under both strands of st to
right (first lp worked off hook), place removed
MATERIALS lp back on hook, yo, draw through lp and both
■ Deborah Norville Everyday Soft strands of st just placed on hook. (1 lp on hook)
medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn
(4 oz/203 yds/113g per skein): Note: Use beginning tail and tapestry needle to close
3 [3, 3, 4] skeins #1043 wild blue small gap at base of row.
■ Size L/11/8mm 22–40-inch cabled afghan
crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
■ Size K/101/2/6.5mm crochet hook
■ Tapestry needle

Back Bar of Chain

Note: Cabled afghan hook is required for large
number of stitches. Rnd 2: *Yo, sk next st, ext tss (see Special
Stitches), rep from * across to last st, yo, sk last
GAUGE st, insert hook in base of st to left (first st of
With afghan hook in ext tss pattern: 13 sts = rnd), yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through
4 inches; 6 rows = 4 inches 2 lps on hook (150 [156, 162, 168] lps on hook),
return: yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, *yo,
PATTERN NOTES draw through 2 lps on hook, rep from * across
Tunisian crochet rows consist of 2 passes per until 1 lp rem on hook, ch 1; to join, carefully
row: a pick-up row and a work off or return remove lp from hook, insert hook under both
pass. The right side of work is always facing. strands of st to right (first lp worked off hook),
place removed lp back on hook, yo, draw
Stitch created by a yarn over will look diagonal through lp and both strands of st just placed on
rather than vertical on following row. hook. (1 lp on hook)

SPECIAL STITCH Rnds 3–28 [3–30, 3–32, 3–36]: Rep rnd 2.

Extended Tunisian simple stitch (ext tss): Insert
hook from right to left under next vertical bar, Rnd 29 [31, 33, 37]: Sl st in each vertical
yo and draw through, ch 1, keeping lp on hook. bar across.

Note: Place last lp on hook on regular crochet hook. lps on opposite side of foundation ch, join yarn
in same st where foundation ch was joined, sc
TOP EDGING in each ch around. Do not join.
Rnd 1: Sc in each st around. Do not join.
Rnd 2: Rep rnd 2 of Top Edging.
Rnd 2: *Sc in each of next 3 sc, ch 2, sl st in last
sc made, rep from * around, join with sl st in FINISHING
beg sc. Fasten off. There will be a diagonal line where rnds were
joined. Move moebius twist around until
BOTTOM EDGING diagonal line is concealed within twist. ■
Rnd 1: With RS facing and working in unused


inches mm cm inches cm inches cm inches cm

1/8 3 0 .3 5 12.5 21 53.5 38 96.5
1/4 6 0 .6 5 1/2 14 22 56 39 99
3/8 10 1 6 15 23 58.5 40 101.5

1/2 13 1.3 7 18 24 61 41 104
5/8 15 1.5 8 20.5 25 63.5 42 106.5
3/4 20 2 9 23 26 66 43 109

7/8 22 2.2 10 25.5 27 68.5 44 112
1 25 2.5 11 28 28 71 45 114.5
1 1/4 32 3.2 12 30.5 29 73.5 46 117
1 1/2 38 3.8 13 33 30 76 47 119.5
1 3/4 45 4.5 14 35.5 31 79 48 122
METRIC 2 50 5 15 38 32 81.5 49 124.5
CONVERSIONS 2 1/2 65 6.5 16 40.5 33 84 50 127
yards x .9144 = metres (m) 3 75 7.5 17 43 34 86.5
3 1/2 90 9 18 46 35 89
yards x 91.44 = centimetres (cm)
4 100 10 19 48.5 36 91.5
inches x 2.54 = centimetres (cm) 4 1/2 115 11 .5 20 51 37 94
inches x 25.40 = millimetres (mm)
inches x .0254 = metres (m)
Canada/U.S. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 101/2 11 13 15
Metric (mm) 2 21/4 23/4 31/4 31/2 33/4 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 61/2 8 9 10

centimetres x .3937 = inches CROCHET HOOKS CONVERSION CHART

Canada/U.S. 1/B 2/C 3/D 4/E 5/F 6/G 8/H 9/I 10/J 10½/K N
metres x 1.0936 = yards
Metric (mm) 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.5 3.75 4.25 5 5.5 6 6.5 9.0

50 Tunisian Stitches is published by Annie’s, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711. Printed in USA. Copyright © 2013 Annie’s. All rights reserved.
This publication may not be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher.
RETAIL STORES: If you would like to carry this pattern book or any other Annie’s publication, visit
Every effort has been made to ensure that the instructions in this pattern book are complete and accurate. We cannot, however, take responsibility for human
error, typographical mistakes or variations in individual work. Please visit to check for pattern updates.

ISBN: 978-1-59635-931-4
S t i tc h G u i d e S t i t C h A B B R e v i At i o n S
For more complete inFormation,
visit AnnieSCAtAlog.CoM/StitChguide
Reverse single crochet (reverse
beg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . begin/begins/beginning sc): ch 1, sk first st, working from
bpdc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back post double crochet left to right, insert hook in next st
bpsc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .back post single crochet from front to back, draw up lp on
bptr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .back post treble crochet hook, yo and draw through both
CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . contrasting color lps on hook .
ch(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .chain(s)
ch- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . refers to chain or space
previously made (i .e ., ch-1 space) Chain (ch): Yo, pull Front loop (front lp) Slip stitch (sl st): insert
ch sp(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chain space(s) through lp on hook . Back loop (back lp) hook in st, pull through
cl(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cluster(s)
cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . centimeter(s)
Front loop Back loop both lps on hook .
dc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . double crochet (singular/plural)
dc dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . double crochet 2 or more
stitches together, as indicated
dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . decrease/decreases/decreasing
dtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . double treble crochet
ext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .extended Single crochet (sc):
fpdc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front post double crochet insert hook in st, yo, Front post stitch (fp):
fpsc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front post single crochet pull through st, yo, Back post stitch (bp): Chain color change
fptr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front post treble crochet pull through both When working post st, (ch color change)
g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gram(s) lps on hook . insert hook from right Yo with new color,
hdc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . half double crochet to left around post of st draw through last lp
hdc dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . half double crochet 2 or more on previous row . on hook .
stitches together, as indicated Back Front
inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . increase/increases/increasing
lp(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .loop(s)
MC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .main color of
mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .millimeter(s) stitch
oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ounce(s)
pc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . popcorn(s) double crochet
rem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remain/remains/remaining half double crochet color change
rep(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .repeat(s) (hdc): Yo, insert hook (dc color change)
rnd(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . round(s) in st, yo, pull through
RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right side
Drop first color, yo
st, yo, pull through all 3 with new color, draw
sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . single crochet (singular/plural)
lps on hook . through last 2 lps of st .
sc dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .single crochet 2 or more
stitches together, as indicated
sk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .skip/skipped/skipping
sl st(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . slip stitch(es)
sp(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . space(s)/spaced double crochet (dc):
st(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stitch(es) Yo, insert hook in st,
tog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .together yo, pull through st,
tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . treble crochet [yo, pull through 2 lps]
trtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .triple treble twice .
WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wrong side treble crochet (tr):
yd(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yard(s) Yo twice, insert hook
yo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yarn over in st, yo, pull through
st, [yo, pull through 2
YA R n C o n v e R S i o n
lps] 3 times .
ounCeS to gRAMS gRAMS to ounCeS
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 .4 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/8 double treble
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 .7 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/3 crochet (dtr): Yo 3
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 .0 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13/4
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 .4 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31/2 times, insert hook in
st, yo, pull through st,
u n i t e d S t At e S united KingdoM
[yo, pull through 2 lps]
4 times .
sl st (slip stitch) = sc (single crochet)
sc (single crochet) = dc (double crochet)
hdc (half double crochet) = htr (half treble crochet)
dc (double crochet) = tr (treble crochet)
tr (treble crochet) = dtr (double treble crochet)
dtr (double treble crochet) = ttr (triple treble crochet)
skip = miss

Single crochet half double crochet double crochet

decrease (sc dec): decrease (hdc dec): decrease (dc dec): (Yo, treble crochet
(insert hook, yo, draw lp (Yo, insert hook, yo, insert hook, yo, draw lp decrease (tr dec): Hold-
through) in each of the draw lp through) through, yo, draw through ing back last lp of each
sts indicated, yo, draw in each of the sts 2 lps on hook) in each of st, tr in each of the sts in-
through all lps on hook . indicated, yo, draw the sts indicated, yo, draw dicated, yo, pull through
through all lps on hook . through all lps on hook . all lps on hook .

example of 2-sc dec example of 2-hdc dec example of 2-dc dec example of 2-tr dec

ables 11

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