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Answer Sheet for Hotel Familiarization and Seminar/Workshop

Log what you think is most valuable to you about this activity.
You may add in emojis, icons to further express your feelings. Please do not alter the
format of this page.
Be concise! Write your reflections in each table in 300 words only.

Activity Title Hotel Familiarization in Kingsford Hotel Manila

Name of Student Lomocso, Honeyvie S.

Course, Yr. – Sc. BSHM 1-1

1. What do you like least and love most about this activity?
I love how exciting it is. When the time I decide to join in hotel familiarization I was
curious on what are we going to do in that place. I am very happy to express my gratitude
to Kingsford Hotel Manila for the opportunity they give to the student of PUP Paranaque. I
entered some hotels with my family before but this experience was different. I learn by
doing a hotel tour. Exploring the area was so amazing, discovering things how the things
they do or handle with it. I really love Ms. Karina the manager of Front Office Department,
aside of her beautiful face at lovely smile she is very good in answering our questions.
You can see in her that she really loves her work that its her passion. She is a type of
person who’s encouraging us to be a good and do our best to aim high, just like Ms. Mila
Joy did on us. Also during seminar, the speaker is very informative to give us the idea
about front desk and fnb. They also give tips that we can use in doing activity or in our
future work. The place is so amazing its very eye catching its so much beautiful. Addition,
the food served is so good, I really enjoy it.
I want t share an experience of mine in that day. I was I was stepped on my foot so it
was injured and bleeding. I can’t even clean it because of my stocking. It lasts for almost
2hrs and a half. During our tour Mam Jhoanna noticed it, after out hotel familiarization she
approach me if I need a medical assistance but I refuse, I just requested a alcohol and
band aid, but suddenly a nurse showed up and check my condition. I feel embarrassed
that time because I feel that I distract other because of what happened. I just share this
experienced because they are very hands on in their respective duties. I am amaze to all
of them and I feel inspired by looking at them and aiming that someday I will be good just
like them.

2. What have you gained in the following areas of the activity?

Kingsford Hotel Manila

Hotel Familiarization Seminar
I am so happy to experienced and learned in our The first topic in seminar is the front office
short tour in Kingsford Hotel. The First thing we do I department. This is the face of the hotel. Person that
we go to hotel’s lobby. In ground floor you can see assigned in front desk creates the ideal guest
the front desk area where they can talk their guest for experience. They are the creation and maintenance of
the accommodation. A lobby that has a waiting area guest records and information. Take a look to
for the guest that going to check-in or check-out. revenue and finance. Also, complaint handling and
Also have an area for VIP guest. You can also see the resolution, handle VIP. Ms. Karina discus also the
“Easy to go’, Zabana Bar and The Kingsford automated reservation flow. First, guest makes a

restaurant/ Café. Next stop is the laundry area. There reservation online to opera exchange interface (OXI)
is big machine technology that use to wash white big next is to guest reservation in the hotel PMS. Discuss
blankets, towels, comforters, pillow case, and a bed the guest cycle, pre- arrival, departure and stay. The
sheets. It can carry a 60-70kl per max wash machine duty manager is the oversee and coordinate the daily
technology. There is also a dryer machine that can activities of the hotel, ensuring a safe, clean and
contain 100kl for towels. Also, a flat work iron series positive environment and complaint handling and
for easy dry and fold. Tagging for pants, double seam resolution. The health club have a registration of
for fabric polyester, hot head checker for fiber and guest, monitor activities, provide daily care and
fur finisher. The soup they use is Luxx 200 a cleaning of equipment and provide first aid. The
hypoallergenic soap. Doing wash clothes has assigned majesty center is the one who answering
different process on how dirty it is. And if there is a inbound calls, evaluating problems and complaints,
guest’s laundry they should check if it is hand wash providing proper solutions, selling and giving
or washing wash. Their operation time in laundry information on the products or services. Processing
area is ^am to 10pm. Discuss by Sir Jomar, head of orders, forms and application and routing the calls to
operation in laundry area. After that we go in the another department. There concierge is arranging
kitchen. The first thing we do is wear the hairnet they events, excursions, transportation and luggage
give. They show us the cold storing area. Butchery/ handling. Also, siri/alexa is available in the hotel for
cool storing, chiller is in 5⁰c, Freezer is below 0⁰c. easy access.
dishwashing area for plate and spoon are separated in The next seminar is talked about FnB department.
pot washing. The ala cart, banquet meals, and storage Discuss by Sir Emmanuel. He discusses the service
for hot food. Next to old kitchen that contain salad, sequence that have 12 of it. The things I like is
sandwiches, canapes, they are separated from other welcome your guest with smile and have a
food. There are assigned people in are, 4 cook and 2 welcoming presence. Always have an eye contact.
in pastry. They also said that they accept Welcoming a guest, you should put right hand on top
undergraduate at least have experience. All food in of your heart to express honesty and sincerity. Smile
menu must be available and last part in kitchen area and always be warm to the guest. This seminar gives
is the hot kitchen where they cook heavy foods and us knowledge that will help us in our future career.
they are separated from the sandwiches.
The dining area, every month they change the theme
of food and design. Friday and Saturday are the
schedule of their buffet, it is separated charge. 1,588
per head in evening and 900+ per head in the buffet
morning. There is where Kingsford Café located
beside the dinning area. Second to the last area is we
go to health club. There is a gym but before us use it
you must register first but its all free, because all the
amenities of Kingsford Hotel are free for their guest.
In front you can see the pool area and behind the
gym you will find the CR, inside of it is located the
sauna. All amenities are free to use in restricted time.
6am-6pm every day.
Our last destination is the guest rooms. Ms. Karina
tour us and let us experience the comfortable beds.
We go to Junior suite, its accessible room (PWD –
Friendly), Deluxe Queen Room, Deluxe Twin Room,
and Executive Suite. It was nice and comfy. Upon
booking rate, it changes depending on the occupancy.
11 years old below is free. And booking for corporate
room is basically have a discount as group. If they
are fully booked, they offer the guest to their sister
company that is credited in Department of Tourism
(DOT) and if the sister company is also fully booked,
they suggest to guest the neighbor hotel. Addition,
upon cleaning the room if cleaner found an item it
must be listed t lost and found, if the item not
revoked it can be kept by the cleaner after 6 months,
finder’s keeper. Bulk food is not allowed. So, this
experience is so nice and enjoyable. I learn many
things in this activity.

3. Should every student have to engage in this kind of activity? Why or why not?

Yes, being a student, it will help us to expand our knowledge, it gives us idea
to the things that possible to encounter in work when we are in the position. Also,
during this activity, they further discuss the things that must know even when you
are a guest in a hotel. This activity has also additional knowledge and excellent
experience. It was a good opportunity that should our seniors experience it too.

4. Should the Department of Hospitality Management continue to conduct activities

like this? Why or why not?

Yes, conducting this kind of activity has a huge positivity that encourage to
student to study smart until we reach on what we aiming in life. It is a path that we
will step on to grow from our small beginnings in life. Its just a fresh start for us 1st
yr student in Hospitality Management.

5. Do you have recommendations/suggestions to make the activity even more

impactful to the students?

I suggest that student must do also the tour in one(1) star hotel, two(2) star
hotel, three(3) star hotel. To familiarize also of their management. In addition, it
would be more enjoyable to explore different hotels and learn from their expertise.
Also conduct this kind of activity to all HM students because it’s a huge opportunity
to know more that path that we’re studying on.

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