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Due to their already innate power, Godlings only gain two rolls
on the Hero’s Journey tables, but they may be from any table

GODLING except Cybernetics.

By: Ron Owen (Source: Savage Rifts, & Rifts Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse)
As the Godling grows in experience and power, their potential
grows even greater. Though not all Godlings begin with any
other Arcane Backgrounds outside of Psionics, they, like dragons,
are one of the only creatures known to have the capacity for both
magic and psionic abilities. Godlings begin with an enormous
pool of natural PPE, which only increases when they inevitably
take up a magical path of study.
Godlings are born with a certain set of abilities related to their
place in their Pantheon but can learn other abilities over time.
Godlings can acquire additional abilities as Advances, just like
taking a new Edge:
 Fast Regeneration: A Godling’s regenerative abilities can
improve over time, allowing them to make a natural healing
roll every round. They also gains +2 to recover from being
Shaken. This ability may not be taken until Veteran Rank.
 Power Advancement: A Godling may take the Power Points
Edge to gain 5 additional Super Power Points to increase their
existing Godling Powers. They may not gain new Godling


All Godlings begin with a powerful set of abilities but you must
choose a Pantheon and a divine theme. Choice affects your views
and outlooks, as well as many of your abilities and limitations.
“Allowing Godlings as player characters can be a challenge for  Arcane Background (Psionics): As a Minor Psionic, a Godling
players and the Game Master. For one, it means that at least one begins with three powers (from the Mind Melter list) and 10
pantheon will become somehow involved in the affairs of the ISP. They also have a beginning Psionic skill of d8.
party. The GM will have to determine what that involvement is,  Divine Attributes: Godlings begin with one Attribute of
and how deeply it will affect the campaign. The players also need choice at d12 and one other Attributes of choice at d10.
to do some work. If someone is playing a Godling, he will have to Neither of these Attributes have a maximum limit.
learn about the pantheon he is associated with and the traditions
 Divine Might: Godling can attacks with divinely powered
and customs of that pantheon. A Norse Godling, for instance,
kicks and punches (STR+2d6 AP 4, Mega Damage). This
should typically behave like a warrior/Viking (and not like the
power can also be stacked onto hand weapons they wield as
crazy, murderous Vikings of some movies, but like the Norsemen
of ancient times).
A Godling isn't just a super-powerful creature. He will  Divine Resistance: Godlings are resistant to Fire/Heat
probably feel arrogant and may be contemptuous of or (including plasma) and Cold. They gain a +4 bonus to resist
condescending to lesser beings. Others may be paternal and such effects and only take half damage from such effects.
overly protective towards mortals. The only beings most Additionally they are also immune to all but the most extreme
Godlings will treat like equals include dragons, demigods, background effects. They would be unaffected by lava or
intelligent mega-damage D-bees and powerful practitioners of walking around the North Pole naked, but not direct exposure
magic. Next in line for some degree of their respect are members to the sun or the void of space, for example.
of reputable  Divine Durability: Godlings skin is magically hardened,
ancient and long-lived races like the Atlanteans and Elves, as well granting +16 M.D.C. Armor and +6 Toughness.
as some mortals with superhuman abilities like the Star Child  Godling Powers: Most Godlings abilities are standard to all
from Rifts England. After them will be courageous mortal heroes Godlings, but their specific ethos powers are determined
and magicians, and below them will be the rest of humankind.” individually. Roll for or choose two powers from the Godling
Powers Table that represent your sphere of influence in your
 Inherently Magical: Godlings know no magic spells, but they Roll 1d% or Choose 2 options.
have a natural pool of 10 PPE and can use any Techno-Wizard 01-03 Animal Summoner: You gain the Animal Control super
devices. A Godling who takes an Arcane Background adds power at Rank 3 with the Summonable modifier.
this starting PPE to any gained from the Edge. Additionally, 04-06 Disabler: You have a talent for non-violent conflict
whenever they take the Power Points Edge, the gains +10 PPE resolution. You gain the Paralysis super power with the Strong
or ISP instead of +5. modifier as well as the Stun super power with the Area Effect
 Low-Light Vision: Godlings ignore penalties for bad lighting (Rank 1) and Selective modifiers.
in all but pitch darkness. 07-11 Divine Immunity: You increase your resistance to
 Nigh-Immortality: Unless killed through violence or other Fire/Heat and Cold to immunity to each. In addition, you gain
means, Godlings can live up to 50,000 years. They require only Resistance (Rank 1) to 2 new energy sources.
magical energy to sustain themselves, eating and drinking
12-14 Energy Aura: Chose one energy type. You can activate a
simply for pleasure. They are immune to normal poisons and
Selective Damage Field (as the super power) around yourself that
diseases, mind control and possession.
deals 2d6 AP 4 Mega Damage of that energy type.
 Slow Regeneration: Godlings can regenerate lost limbs over
15-18 Energy Blaster: Chose one energy type as an Attack,
time, making a natural healing roll once per day.
Ranged super power. Your blast deals 3d6 AP 4 Lethal Mega
Damage of your chosen energy type with a Range of 12/24/48.
GODLING COMPLICATIONS Energy Controller: Chose one energy type. You gain
Selective Energy Control (as the super power) for that energy type
For all of their power, like Dragon Hatchlings, Godlings carry a
up to a range of 24”.
great burden and live life with a number of limitations and
difficulties. Most Godlings consider themselves superior to 22-26 Flight: You have the ability to fly at 4x your Pace with
mortals and may have been raised by gods or in an alien place. Climb 4. Foes suffer a -1 penalty to hit you when you are in flight.
Consequently, they may not understand human customs, laws, 27-29 Force Controller: You gain the Force Control (Rank 3)
morality or modern technology. super power with the Force Field and Heavy Weapon modifiers.
 Born: Godlings are born not made. They do not choose a race. 30-33 Illusionist: You gain the Illusion (Rank 3) super power
 Cybernetics: Godlings cannot take Cybernetics at any point. with the Obscurement (Rank 2) and System Shock modifiers.
Their bodies reject such foreign implants.
34-36 Intangible: You can either become ghostly or take the
 Enemies: Godlings are illegal and reviled by the Coalition.
form of mist or even a swarm of insects. You gain the Intangibility
Any known Godling is immediately hunted with extreme
super power with the Phase modifier.
 Enemies: Hostile members of the Pantheon, rival pantheons 37-39 Invisibility: You gain the Invisibility (Rank2) super
supernatural beings in general, and, depending on the power (-4 penalties) as well as a +2 bonus to all Stealth rolls.
character's ethos and deeds, the forces of evil or good. 40-43 Large: You become a roughly 20 foot giant (you occupy
 Imperious: As most Godlings consider themselves superior to a 2” square). You gain the benefits of the Growth (Rank 4) super
mortals they suffer the Arrogant and Overconfident Hindrances. power (+4 Size, +4 Toughness, +4 Strength) with the Monster, Long
 Innate Attributes: A Godlings primary attributes are decided Stride and Big Fists (Rank 1) modifiers. However, this
by their divine mantle and there is little leeway around those automatically gives you the Distinctive D-Bee (Rank 2) and Non-
limitations, thus they begin with only 3 points to adjust their Standard Physiology Hindrances.
attributes. 44-48 Master Magician: You gain the Arcane Background
 Ruthless: Godlings are beings of focused will, and they will (Magic), Master of Magic and two New Power Edges as well as
do most anything to accomplish their goals short of true harm gaining Spellcasting skill at d6 with which you also gain a +1
to anyone except those who directly oppose them. bonus to all Spellcasting rolls.
 Outsider: Godlings understand little of the mortal world and
49-53 Master Psionic: You become a more power psi. You gain
inevitably cause socially awkward situations wherever they
the Major Psionic, Master Psionic, Power Points (+10 ISP) and New
go. All Godlings have the Outsider, All Thumbs and Clueless
Power Edges as well as the Mental Resistance (Mind Melter) ability.
54-56 Matter Controller: Choose one form of matter. You gain
the Matter Control (Rank 4) super power over that matter form
GODLING GEAR with the Constructs and Requires Material modifiers. Additionally
you begin with the Knowledge (Science) skill at d6.
Huntsman Lightweight Personal Armor, Vibro Knife, NG-S2
Survival Pack, 4d6 × 100 credits. 57-59 Mind Controller: You have a mystical power over the
minds of others. You gain the Mind Control super power with the


Memory Alteration (Rank 2) modifier. Additionally you begin with
the Persuasion skill at d6.
60-63 Mind Reader: You have a talent for delving the minds of
others. You gain the Mind Reading super power with the Memory DEMIGOD
Mastery and Mind Rider modifiers. Additionally you begin with By: Ron Owen (Source: Savage Rifts, & Rifts Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse)
the Knowledge (Language) skill at d6 for a second language. “Demigods are more
64-66 Restrainer: You have an ability to restrain and bind human since they are
targets in some sort of binding material like vines, ropes, frequently part human and
webbing, electrical net, etc. You gain the Ensnaring super power usually have been raised
with the Area Effect (Rank 2) and Very Strong modifiers. within human (or D-bee)
Additionally you begin with the Fighting skill at d6. society as a normal
67-70 Precognitive: You get brief glimpses of the future when human. The character may
danger is near. You gain the Danger Sense and Uncanny Reflexes not know what god
(Rank 2) super powers. fathered them or what
pantheon the god was
71-74 Protector: You can generate a shield against incoming
from. The demigod
ranged attacks that protects you or others. You gain the Deflection
character may not even
(Rank 8) super power (-8 penalty). You can divide you ranks
know that they were sired
between yourself and all adjacent characters as a free action.
by a god and may consider
75-78 Shapeshifter: You are a true shapeshifter. You gain the themselves a mutant or superhero. In this case, what the character
Shape Change (8 points) super power (Size +4) with the Speech OR doesn't know might hurt them, because they may have
Swarm (Rank 1) modifier. supernatural rivals and enemies they are unaware of. An attack
79-81 Speedster: You are fast. You gain the Speed super by monsters or gods or a quest to discover a demigod's origins
power and can move at 4x your Pace, foes are at a -1 to attack you could start a whole campaign.”
when you’re moving and you gain the Blinding Reflexes modifiers.
 Cybernetics: Demigods cannot take Cybernetics at any point.
Additionally, you gain the Extra Action (Rank 1) super power.
Their bodies reject such foreign implants.
82-84 Storm Controller: You gain the Storm super power with
 Divine Resistance: Demigods are resistant to Fire/Heat
the Downpour, Gale Force, and Lightning Strike modifiers. You also
(including plasma) and Cold. They gain a +4 bonus to resist
gain the Whirlwind super power.
such effects and +4 Toughness against damage of those types.
85-87 Super Sight: You gain the Awareness (Rank 2) super Additionally they are generally immune to all but the most
power as well as the following Heightened Senses super powers: intense background effects. They would run into a burning
Infravision, Perception, Super Vision and Spatial Sense. building or take a polar swim at no risk, but would burn in
88-90 Telepath: You gain the Telepathy super power with the lava or suffer hypothermia from walking around the North
Broadcast (Rank 2), Mind Rider and Switchboard modifiers. Pole naked.
91-93 Teleporter: You can dimensionally shift short distances.  Enemies: Hostile members of any Pantheon, supernatural
You gain the Teleport super power with the Range (Rank 2) and beings in general, and, depending on the character's ethos and
Rapid Teleport modifiers. deeds, the forces of evil or good.
 Enemies: Demigods are illegal and reviled by the Coalition.
94-96 Trickster: You are a master of illusionary appearance,
Any known Demigods are immediately hunted with extreme
gaining the Chameleon super power with the Inanimate Object and
Voice modifiers. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on all
Persuasion rolls.  Godling Powers: Demigods inherit one power of the divine
parent. Roll for or choose one power from the Godling
97-00 Ultra-Durability: You increase your Divine Durability
Powers Table.
to +20 Armor, +10 Toughness and if you’re Shaken, additional
 Imperious: As most Demigods consider themselves superior
Shaken results have no effect. Additionally, Called Shots do no
to mortals they suffer the Arrogant and Overconfident
extra Damage to you.
 Nigh-Immortality: Unless killed through violence or other
means, Demigods can live up to 4,000 years.
 Slow Regeneration: Demigods can regenerate lost limbs over
time, making a natural healing roll once per day.

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